#fatel attraction
2 more days till my first batch of trolls books come
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huzzatullah · 4 years
Be alert about corona virus
Corona virus are large family of viruses which can be cause of illness or death of animals and humans. Covit -19(corona virus desease 2019) is a new type of corona virus which originated in wuhan of china .wuhan is a city in china and there is a seafood market in this city. This covet-19 has originated from this seafood market. Since then,this fatel and contagions virus has started to in fact from one person to another person.Through the drolets of sneez and cough.The virus is so much dangerous of human life. It take away to death of human life. We get red of the virus by using mux ,we wash our hand with zed powder or while pouder. If we use this item, then the virus are die as soon as possible.We eat vitamin c. We stay from fare to fare one people to another people.We always stay at our home. We ,do not go out every where and stay home always. We must obey our government rules ans regulation.than if possible we get red of the virus.At this time I am telling about my countrys condition,is so many people attracted by corona virus.The illiterate people don,t obey the government rules. They don,t use mux, wash their hands, wash their clothes and they don,t oby the rull far to far from people. They don,t believe it. As a result they are attracted quickly and they died.so government should action to  this illiterate people.so be alert . Corona virus are large family of viruses which can be cause of illness or death of animals and humans. Covit -19(corona virus desease 2019) is a new type of corona virus which originated in wuhan of china .wuhan is a city in china and there is a seafood market in this city. This covet-19 has originated from this seafood market. Since then,this fatel and contagions virus has started to in fact from one person to another person.Through the drolets of sneez and cough.The virus is so much dangerous of human life. It take away to death of human life. We get red of the virus by using mux ,we wash our hand with zed powder or while pouder. If we use this item, then the virus are die as soon as possible.We eat vitamin c. We stay from fare to fare one people to another people.We always stay at our home. We ,do not go out every where and stay home always. We must obey our government rules ans regulation.than if possible we get red of the virus.At this time I am telling about my countrys condition,is so many people attracted by corona virus.The illiterate people don,t obey the government rules. They don,t use mux, wash their hands, wash their clothes and they don,t oby the rull far to far from people. They don,t believe it. As a result they are attracted quickly and they died.so government should action to  this illiterate people.so be alert
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ask-joyce-byers · 5 years
Anon request: Random fic request (this is crazy but I'm in a major alternative universe mood) Joyce is an evil master mind and Hopper has to stop her. Of course she wins him over easily (bonus points if she's a full on femme fatel with the leather gloves, dress and high heels or boots as well) thank you
{So sorry, in my infinite idiocy I wrote this whole thing and accidentally deleted it. So I rewrote it and hopefully its still okay! Full story below the cut, I gave it a bit of a twist...}
Tell me, is it the custom here for handsome men to show up unaccompanied?”
“Only when they’re truly lonely.” His eyes lifted to mine, and the vulnerability in them brought out a side of me that had to be quickly quashed. This was a not a job to be accomplished through sympathy, but through wiles. I lifted a hand and skimmed it down his jaw, saw him shudder.
“So easily swayed. Do you have no morals at all?”
“I feel silly,” I began, willing my heartrate to slow. I could feel it pulsing behind my eyes, and it was not the feeling one should have when attempting to rekindle their love life, even if that love life had barely existed before. I checked my appearance in the mirror and fought the nerves fluttering in my stomach. I was wearing a slightly off-white silk nightshirt that showed too much leg, and stockings that I had been embarrassed to buy at the mall. They came all the way up my thighs, and I'd donned some boots with a bit of a heel that I never thought I'd wear again. High heels and to-do-lists didn't usually go together, but I supposed that just for today, they were fitting.
“I look silly,” I added, and just then Hop came out of the bathroom, looking more dressed up than I had seen him since our high-school graduation. His shirt, if not starched, was at least ironed, and his trousers were snug, from earlier days, something which didn't bother me one bit. I felt a blush suffuse my cheeks, and when he caught me staring, his grin was wolfish, triumphant.
“You like this?”
“I don't know yet,” I groused, lifting a hand – clad in gloves, which I'd forgotten – to scrub at my cheeks as if that would help banish the blush. The thought sparked a new thought, and I went to my jewelry box. “Lipstick.”
“Lipstick?” He perked up. “I didn't know you even owned lipstick.”
I shot him a glance. “A femme fatale would never go anywhere without her lipstick.” I uncovered a bold red that hadn't seen the light of day in decades and applied it carefully, turning around at last and giving my hair a dramatic toss.
“Like hell I am. You look amazing.”
“We're playing dress-up, Hop.” My enthusiasm wilted ever so slightly. “Is this really what... people do?”
“It's what we're doing. You remember how it goes?”
“I am a very rich woman whose husband died under mysterious circumstances.” That part was clear. Whether or not my acting would hold up under such pressure was less crystal. “And you are -”
“A random traveler who is easily seduced, lacking a little in brains, but not in dapper clothing.” Hop waggled his eyebrows.
“You can't be too random or why am I seducing you.”
“I'm missing the part where you're not seducing me already.”
“You have something that I want.”
His pupils blew wide. “You're getting the hang of this.”
I took in a deep breath and pressed my eyes shut, letting the fabric of reality shift. When I opened my eyes, the room was dim, hazed with smoke, and I saw across the room the man I intended to target. Mustached, hair slicked back, in a shirt that proclaimed him a foreigner to these parts. An easy mission. I made my way towards him, heels clicking on the parquet floor of the exotic lounge.
“Come here often?” I began, stopping just out of reach, letting his eyes rove me. That's how these things worked. He was vulnerable, I could have him in seconds but patience was key. Missions like these didn't get accomplished in minutes.
“You're not from around here,” he began, eyes skimming me, as I cast my own down. My dubious accent could easily be explained by my vast and varied travels.
“Tell me, is it a custom here for handsome men to show up unaccompanied?”
“Only when they’re truly lonely.” His eyes lifted to mine, and the vulnerability in them brought out a side of me that had to be quickly quashed. This was a not a job to be accomplished through sympathy, but through wiles. I lifted a hand and skimmed it down his jaw, saw him shudder.
“So easily swayed. Do you have no morals at all?”
“None at all, madam.”
Danger hung in the air like smoke, and the metaphor gave me an idea.
“Spare a cigarette?” He handed one to me and I took my time lighting it, positioning it carefully between painted lips. Assuming a languid air, I did my best not to cough. Uncouth travelers and their unfiltered cigarettes. “Tell me,” I began, exhaling a swirl of smoke. “What brings you to these parts?”
“The same as you.” He had lit his own cigarette, puffing it slowly. “I know who you are.”
“Is that so.” I fingered a curled end of my hair. “I am lonely too, you know. A lonely soul searching the world for love.”
His eyes, holding mine, were keen, too keen for a random traveler. My cover was blown. I collared him, lips near his ear.
“What do you know?” I hissed.
“More than you,” he returned. “For example, if you are really are a lonely soul looking for love, then why do you have a gun strapped to your leg?”
My eyes widened. “Do I?”
“I think you do.”
“Do you want to check?”
“I think I'd better.” When he stood, his height dwarfed me, and I made an effort to stand tall in the heels, remind myself of the hold I had over this situation.
I caught his hand as it reached for me. “What do you say?”
His hand closed over my wrist, the grip like a vice. “That you're an evil mastermind, and that I'm not who you think I am either -”
“I was thinking something more like 'please'.”
He released me then, and the breathy request I elicited from his lips had a thrill running through me that was not the thrill of a job well-done.
The next half hour was a tangle of fine fabrics and slick skin, a blur of lipstick prints and nail marks and when at last we lay exhausted, sated in each other, I heard it begin to build, a low sound at first, and finally a full-fledged chuckle rising from his chest. I sat up and glared.
“You're good.”
“I don't know about that.”
“No, I mean, we're good.”
“Don't sing your own praises, it's not attractive.”
His grin was broad. “I think we could do better with practice.” He rolled over and flung his arm across my waist. “We could practice more now -”
Just then, I heard the sound of the front door banging open, and Will's voice called, “Mom! I'm home!”
“Time's up for today, chief,” I began, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and searching for my clothes.
He swallowed thickly. “Now that's an idea for next time. 'Chief'...”
“Stop.” I swatted him. “Macaroni's for dinner, are you staying or not?”
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offthehookcomedy · 5 years
Episode 302: Fatel Attraction!
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Wish me luck on my interview
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