#feat sarah reaves
ferinehuntress · 2 months
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◈  ⇢  @jynxd  ⋯  Closed Starter
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 ⊰ ⸻ ⊱ It had been a clear day at sea, and making port had proved far easier than she expected. The seas had granted her an easy day, and one she thanked the spirits for. With the winds and water, the sea was a fickle mistress and one never to mistake for gentle. It had been her life, her freedom, each day upon the washing waves that lapped against the hull of the ship, giving passage through the oceans with little to worry over. But, they had to make port. She had heard of one of her bounties taking refuge in the city of iron and glass, but they needed to also resupply. "Alright boys," Sarah jumped up on top of a wooden crate, grabbing one of the ropes around the center mast. "Let's try not to cause too much trouble, and if you do well.... don't get caught," Miss Fortune grinned, as she grabbed her hand and dropped it onto the crate.
"Mr. Reaves, I'm leaving you in charge while I take off. I'm gonna get a drink, see what provisions we can pick up," She said, as she tapped her first mate's shoulder and squeezed it. "Keep things tidy around here, k laddie? And if any shit comes up, you know what to do. I'll be back later this evening, I'm guessing we'll be docked for the next two to three days," With a quick aye aye captain, Sarah bounced her feet onto the end of the shipping platform and made her way into the city of Piltover.
She had been here many a time, it wasn't uncommon for a bounty to be found in Zaun, very few seem to linger in Piltover though. No where really to hide in the sunlight and the enforcers weren't ones to play with. A few times she had to truffle with them, though they never managed to cuff her. But... she would behave... the best she could.
Red bangs fluttered in the wing as she pushed the long braid over her shoulder. A beige shirt rested on her shoulders, puffed out sleeves that cuffed around her wrist. Bangles of gold lined each wrist, along with a brilliant gold necklace and a single emerald in the center of it. A gift from an old friend. Her leather brown vest wrapped over her shoulders and held tight by a large brown belt, and her pistols rested on either hip. Tight leather black pants adored her legs, with a set of calf-high boots. She did not attempt to even hide, even though she didn't fit into this society; but would they say no to a gold coin? Highly doubtful in her opinion, gold ruled this world no matter where she went. It was a universal language, a gold coin could buy a drink, a room to sleep, food, it could buy services, and more. It proved an easy feat to sway man with something shiny.
the sign Marble's Rest swung lightly overhead as she pushed it open and stepped inside. "Eh," She muttered under her breath. What kind of bar was this? The counter shined, freshly cleaned, and wiped down, with just a couple of customers at the end of it. Tables were around the walls and some in the center, metal with chairs or booths depending on the location. The walls were painted white, lined with gold and blue, and Sarah believed it was far too clean to be called a bar. A couple of blue uniforms sat to the right of her, as she glanced in their direction and then saw what looked to be a bunch of scientists celebrating something to the left of her. "What's a girl going to do to liven this place up a little bit," She muttered under her breath as she moved over to sit down.
The barkeep walked over and she put down a couple of coins. "Give me your best shit on the house," She grinned, leaning against the counter with her left arm and the man scrutinized her for her language, but gave a shrug. As she knew it; gold was gold, no matter where she went. The refined glass was placed on the counter, a few clanks of ice cups, and then filled with a golden amber drink. "Thanks, handsome," She grinned, grabbing the glass and tipping it toward him. She lifted it to her lips, tasting the spice and sharp tang down her throat. Still not as strong as some she had in Bilgewater, but it wasn't bad.
A ding of the bell, caused Sarah's eyes to glance sideways, and while she seemed lighthearted, she never took her guard down. that's when she noticed the red-pink hair of another woman, sitting down at the bar as she took another sip of her drink. Now she didn't quite look like she fit in with the other Fancy Schmancy men in here, and she noticed there were no women as of yet. No doubt, to early to be drinking in the first place, besides the few who were around.
" 'Bout time I saw another lady round these parts. What is it, these people don't know how to have a good time?" Miss Fortune asked the one next to her, as her finger brushed along the top of her glass.
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
Battling Anxiety: Day 116
"I just want to be close to Your heart. This is where my healing finds its start. Here is where I find my peace, where my soul is finally free."
Tagging @jonirobinson64 @snowbellewells
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notesonartistry · 3 years
pick your fave 3 for the 3 song ask!
20. 3 songs that remind me of the person sending this
False God
Cut to the Feeling by Carly Rae Jepsen
11. 3 songs from movie/tv soundtracks
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor (Rocky IV)
Count Me In by Early Winters (The Lucky One)
Full of Grace by Sarah McLachlan (Buffy)
3. 3 songs I was recently obsessed with
renegade by BRM (feat Taylor Swift)
Never Was by Reaves
Love Him I Don't by Maisie Peters
3 song asks
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