reallyrandomrayne · 1 year
Don’t be late to class.
She’ll steal your seat. And your girl.
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lilslilword · 1 month
A little scared to post this, but it has been sitting in my draft for years. Okay, so I am not used to doing fanfiction and I’m awfully embarrassed by it, but here it is— fanfiction of First Kill but with an age progression so the main characters are well into college almost Grad School, the families know about the relationships and are more than cordial. Any other details that would make this problematic, let’s assume have been solved. This is about the characters and their relationship and has nothing to do with the actual people/actors that portray them. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of blood, sex, periods, sex on periods possibly, pain, etc…
so Part 1 I guess.
“Good Morning gorgeous.”
I walked into the kitchen to be greeted by the smell of waffles, eggs, and bacon and my girlfriend, leaning over the counter sipping blood out of a Starbucks cup.
“Hi, thanks for making me breakfast.”
I come around and kiss her gently on the cheek which makes her give off a sad whine.
“You know our rule. You have to brush your teeth first.” I smirk knowing that the rule is in play just so I can get her to make her little, cute sad face.
Juliette looked at me laughing before pulling me in for a kiss. It was equal parts rough and gentle and it made me want to pick her up and take her back to bed right now. But forever being the responsible one, she wouldn’t let me as she broke off the kiss and pointed towards the food.
“No, you need to eat food first and we have classes today.”
“Get out of my head ma’am.” I yelled with mock offense, but if she stays in there then she will see some things.
Still, knowing that she was right I picked up my fork and started on my food. Not actually upset by the bloody kiss which actually made me want her more. It’s weird, like, who’s the vampire anyways?
Juliette looked me up and down, shaking her head as our eyes met.
“If it wasn’t your mind, then it’s going to be your face. So either way I know exactly what you are thinking and speaking of, please stop thinking of fucking me during your classes or giving me fuck me eyes while we are in class! We’re in college to learn, not to rip each other’s clothes off. Ooh, if only Ms. Talia knew what you were up to!”
My head shot up from the plate after she said something about my Mom.
“I know you wouldn’t.” I gave her a glare looking deep into her soul.
“I know my Mom is accepting, but chill out with that Jules.” I tried to find something else to say, but couldn’t give the same threat as Mrs. Fairmount would be overjoyed at her child showing any form of aggression. She often jokes that I might be more of a vampire seeing that Jules loves to heal her hickies slowly because she loves looking at the marks.
She gave me those cold blue eyes and I tried not to show how bothered I was by her statement, knowing that my Mom, if not big on monster hunting, has always been huge on education. Also, that reminded me that I needed to call her, see where the fam is right now and tell them to stop sending Tess to look after me. Last time we had to help her clumsy, drunk ass out of the bushes of a nearby sorority house.
I rolled my eyes taking another bite of this waffle. If you didn’t want to get fucked then stop looking so good all the time.
“You always think I look good, I could be wearing anything and you’d want to fuck me, but anyways, your period is about to start. So I’m going to go because you become a horny demon at first and then a sweet baby, like a Sour Patch kid.” Juliette smirked looking at me from her cup before adding, “and smelling your blood has…actually I don’t want to talk about it.”
Hmm, no matter how beautiful she’s grown to be, she’s still that shy girl that I met in high school and when she blushes it is the cutest thing.
“Babe, can you try to stay with me this time? I know you can’t resist me, but I need you here. You always leave, and the gifts, food, etc that you send me are nice, but it doesn’t beat having my girlfriend here with me.”
I walked around the counter, putting my dishes in the sink before coming to hug her from behind while kissing on her neck.
“Please.” I turn her around, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, okay, but I need you to put a pad on and take this medicine right now. I guess you’re going to see why I leave.”
She sighed while giving me a soft smile before going with me to get dressed.
About an hour, a shower, teeth brushing, getting fully dressed, and one attitude later.
“So you couldn’t tell me that I started when we were in the kitchen?” I yelled from behind her.
She was checking herself in the mirror and getting the keys when she chuckled and gave me a wicked little grin. “I’m sorry baby, I tried to hint at it and if I would’ve told you outright then you wouldn’t have eaten your breakfast.”
She pulled me in, kissing me on the cheek while pulling us both closer to the door.
“You have medicine and water in your bag, but I also packed some extra for you in mine. If it becomes too painful we’re leaving and either going to the hospital or coming back home okay?”
I kept walking, not really paying too much attention to what was going on and why this was so serious. She stopped walking and held my face gently, concern evident as she looked me in the eyes.
“If it gets too painful, we are leaving.” She repeated.
“Okay, but I can tolerate the pain. This isn’t anything new to me.”
She shook her head agreeing with me. “I know…and you’re always really strong about it, but I don’t like it when you’re in pain. I can’t stand it actually.”
I pushed her hair back and held her face in my hand. “I’ll be fine. I’m taking pain medicine, it won’t be too bad I promise.” I kissed her cheek knowing that I was lying, but we kept walking and she didn’t question anything .
“I hear you, but you don’t understand.” She walked a little faster trying to out pace me, but I caught up taking her by the hand.
“Then tell me, so I will.”
She gave a quick blush, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. Seeing her hair go up made me a little sad, but that’s besides the point.
“It’s embarrassing, also don’t do that, you can always take it down later.”
She gave me a flirty grin before using her speed to run ahead. I was going to run after her when a cramp stopped me in my tracks making me double over in pain.
She ran back towards me, holding me up so I wouldn’t fall over.
“Nope, we’re going back to the dorm. No class today, I’ll send emails.”
I grit my teeth together trying to pull off a smile while standing back up. “I’m fine, I promise, just get the pain medicine out of my bag please.”
She reached for my bag, but another cramp came that had me about to throw up.
“Nope, we both know that you already took it too late or forgot completely. We’re going home.”
She looked around before picking me up in a wedding carry and speeding back to the outside of the apartment.
“Here, two and you’re going to sleep.”
I took the pills and water from her giving up. “Okay.” I know I said that I wanted her to stay, but if she gets so upset seeing me in a little pain then I don’t know how she’ll react being with me right now.
We made it to our room and I ran straight into the bathroom throwing up the breakfast she made. While I was dying, she made the bed, got my heating pad, and sat watching me slowly walk to the bed to lay down.
“You looking at me like that is giving major creep vibes.” I knew she was only doing it because she was worried, but I couldn’t let her be too worried without joking on her a little.
Instead of continuing to give off creep, she stood up and paced the room. I guess she must’ve been very nervous because I could hear her thoughts, something that had never happened before.
It’s okay. She’s going to be okay. She’s not dying. She’s just in pain, which I hate. I hate it. I hate it. Okay, what can I do to help? Okay, she has her heating pad, medicine, I’ll make a warm bath when she is feeling better and wants to get up, does she want cuddles, oh my God she smells so good. Fuck, I need to leave before I eat her. Well, there is some research that an orgasm helps with cramps, but I don’t want her to think that I’m horny. Eating her out right now does sound good, I wouldn’t let a single drop fall. No. No. No. I’m being a horrible girlfriend right now. She’s in pain, I’m going to go cuddle her. Fuck I need to eat. Fuck, she smells sooo good.
I opened my eyes to feel her under the covers in between my legs.
Her eyes had turned and her fangs were out.
“Babe! Baby!”
She finally came to and went beside me.
“I’m sorry I don’t know what got into me.”
She looked worried, scared, and I could hear her thoughts going a mile a minute. But only one stood out.
She’s going to break up with me.
“Baby, come here.”
I held my arms out, waiting for her to fill the space between them. She took my heating pad, restarting the time and heat on it before slowly coming to lie just above the heating pad. I played in her hair finally taking the ponytail down. A win is a win.
“I’m not going to break up with you. Not now, not ever. You even thinking that breaks my heart, okay?”
She nodded looking down. I could feel her shaking as her tears fell to her arm.
“Aww baby.” I lifted her up, wiping her face.
“Okay…but I have to tell you something that’s a little creepy and embarrassing. I should’ve told you earlier when I brought it up, but ever since I bit you I can feel what you feel. I try to ignore it and block it out if I can, but the bigger the feeling the harder it is to block. So when you started cramping I could feel how much pain you were in, it terrified me. And I am never here when you’re on your period because your blood is intoxicating and me loving you makes me want to umm relieve your pain any way possible, also your blood can make me a little tipsy to say the least. I don’t want to talk about it, but I leave because I’m trying to protect you from me, the monster.”
She hung her head down and it’s like I could feel her heart cracking and it hurt so much. I never knew she was going through all of this or even that me calling her a monster so long ago still affected her. I could feel the pain radiating off of her when she said it and although I have questions about her being able to feel what I feel, I think I’m starting to understand her a lot more.
I pushed her hair back and we laid together like that until I fell asleep. When I woke up, she had some more pain medicine, fruit, and water in her hands.
“I know you don’t eat much the first two days, but you need to eat something and I thought something light like this might help.” She put the bowl of fruit on the bedside table before giving me her signature shy grin while holding the meds and bottle out for me to take.
“Thank you my love.” I took the medicine and drunk water from the bottle before eating a couple pieces of fruit. “Do you want to cuddle again?” She just stood there frozen and I could sense the fear.
“ You aren’t going to hurt me.” I reached out for her and she took my hand kissing it before cuddling me and restarting the heating pad which I hadn’t realized had gone out.
With her arms wrapped around me my mind started wondering to earlier. I know she was talking about period pain, but now it just makes me wonder if she can feel how much she turns me on, when she makes me cum, and other things like that? Wait, can she feel when I masturbate? Is there a way that I can feel what she feels? If yes, then that would explain why she’s so sensitive when it’s my turn to please her and I think I kind of already feel what she feels. Well, at least I can feel the sadness.
She had the biggest blush on her face as she turned away from me in bed .
“To answer your questions, yes. Now stop thinking before you start something.”
Stop thinking? Maybe I want to start something.
“No you don’t. We’ve never had sex while you’re on your period and some of the lore about it is real. Very real.”
She turned back around snuggling closer into me, her head now on my chest. Before I could ask about the lore, she started back talking.
“You’ve always relaxed me, from the first time I saw you back when I was hurting myself trying not to kill someone. You’d come into the room and I couldn’t feel any of the pain. Even right now listening to your heartbeat, how it gets a little faster when we kiss or when I touch you like this.” She gently traced her fingers down my spine while looking into my eyes. This girl. “Or just hearing your thoughts can help put me at ease. Well, not right now, you horny freak, but usually.” She looked into my eyes and pulled me into a kiss.
At this point I grabbed her so she was on top of me.
I sat up so our faces were inches apart and brought her into a kiss before drifting to her neck.
“If you weren’t blocking them, could I hear your thoughts and feel what you feel?” I asked her in between kissing the sweet spots on her neck and rubbing her hotspots.
“Uhh…fu-fuck yesss.” I could see the lust in her eyes as she was trying her best to restrain herself.
“Let me in.” I ordered licking her neck before sucking and biting trying to leave hickies.
Her head tilted back and I could feel her hips grinding into mine, just trying to get any friction that she could. A low moan came from her lips and I could see her fangs. I could feel her ragged breathing by my ear, then she pulled away. I kept hold of her waist so she couldn’t go too far.
“Baby, we can’t. If we do, a lot will happen and I don’t know if we’re ready for those changes.”
She looked at me sadly while pulling my hair away from my face.
“Tell me what happens and we can decide together.”
She tried to get off of my lap, but I kept a stronghold looking her up and down with a straight face. She sighed, making herself more comfortable.
“There’s old lore about the powers of period blood as in someone eating or consuming another person’s links them. The lore is true, but for vampire couples it is a lot extra. In essence I’d become addicted to you in a way, as if, I could become anymore enamored by you. But that’s the lore and since we are in love, apparently it gives some powers to both parties if the vampire has the sexual acts reciprocated.”
She blushed looking away.
“As if I’d ever leave you hanging, but is this, this lore part of the reason why you usually aren’t around?”
She shook her head signaling yes.
“And it doesn’t matter,because that’s not happening. Not right now at least, I mean some things can happen, but just not the reciprocation right now.”
She rambled nervously as a blush crept onto her face. I pulled her back in, kissing her again. Bringing her hair back I stared into her eyes.
“I’m not opposed to it, but we don’t have to either. I don’t want to do anything you aren’t ready to do , but can you take the boundary down and fully let me in? I know it’s your last defense, but I’m your girlfriend and I’m not going anywhere, understood?”
She shook her head agreeing before I kissed her passionately once again. She slowly started grinding onto me again.
“Okay baby, I’m ready.” She moaned and like a flood I could feel how much she wanted, no needed this.
“Fuck, shit.” I gasped as I could feel how wet she was and her clit throbbing as if it were my own. I could feel my touch on her and how it felt like electricity was going throughout me.
I trailed my hand to her waist and pulled her panties aside before slowly putting a finger inside of her. Our eyes locked, we moaned together as I could feel the pleasure she was getting.
She needed my touch, was craving it, so badly. Trying to keep her composure, to not fuck me senseless. I could feel all of it, her back arching from my touch, my tongue on her neck, fingers exploring her insides, her shaking, the need for more.
“Baby, if you needed me this much you should’ve said something.”
She let off a breathy giggle. “I didn’t know how? Ugh fuck me please.” She pleaded needing more than just my one finger to get her off.
“Asking like that is a good way to start.” Heating pad and pain be damned, I’m going to fuck this girl senseless.
Both of us switched positions her back on the bed while I straddled on top of her. A bit of pain came back, but I couldn't care less at the moment which left one of us.
“Babe, no.” She gently placed me beside her and reset my heating pad on my stomach.
I could feel her need, how much she wanted me, but overpowering that was worry, her wanting me to feel better.
“But, I know how much you need this right now and I don’t want to leave you horny. A little pain won’t kill me.” I reached towards her only for her to pull back.
“It won’t kill you, but it’ll hurt me knowing that you’re hurting.”
“Okay, but you aren’t getting it.” I looked towards her.
“I’ll be fine, I’m right here, I’m not leaving.”
I pulled the finger out, licking it as I looked her in the eyes.
“I know how much you need this right now. You’re always putting yourself last and making sure that I’m okay, that I feel good, as your girlfriend it’s my job to put you first. So you’re going to lay down and you’re going to let me fuck you, then afterwards I’ll do whatever you want even if that is just cuddling and taking medicine. But right now, you’re wet, horny, and I can feel how much you want me to just take you, so let me.”
I looked into her eyes, rubbing up and down her thigh. I love her reactions, how sensitive she is with me. She shook her head eagerly before taking her clothes off.
“Okay.” She guided my hand back to her pussy. “But I’m doing to you whatever you do to me.”
I slid a finger inside curving it to hit her spot and was rewarded with a moan before she easily slid a finger into my folds, finding my spot just as easily.
On a regular day I’m super sensitive to her touch, but right now, I’m trying my hardest not to cum. I need to get her off first, I can’t let her make me cum first.
I slid another finger inside of her and found a rhythm curving it to hit her spot every time. I started pounding into her, her moans coming out like sweet music. I could feel her orgasm building, her shaking underneath me, and trying her best to keep her fangs at bay.
Her eyes were closed and she was running away from the pleasure. Her body slightly backing away from me everytime I thrust my fingers inside, slowly making her take less and less.
“Stop running and look at me when I’m making you cum. You’re such a sub for me.”
She hissed her fangs very much out and her eyes glowing with pleasure. I had her right how I wanted her, but somehow she flipped me over taking my clothes off while sliding a towel underneath me.
She had my legs opened and up so fast that I couldn’t think before her tongue made contact with my throbbing clit. She tore my underwear off before sticking two fingers inside of me fucking me like she hates me and now I’m the one running away, not able to look or speak to her. She was bringing me to the point of tears, fucking me while sneaking a meal. Her eyes glowed with a slight twinkle as she kept working to make me cum harder than I have before.
She was in my head saying all the right things to make me cum.
You’re such a good little slut, now come for Mommy. I want to taste you all over my tongue. You taste so good right now baby, give me more. Reward me for fucking your pussy like this. Oh my, you look so good, I’m cumming just looking at you. Fuck, you’re so beautiful, cum for me My Pretty Girl.
Between her being in my head and fucking the hell out of me I was panting, cumming at will, almost about to pass out.
She kissed me, pouring water into my mouth which I happily accepted before screaming as she continued to abuse my spots. My legs shaking as my eyes fluttered she kept fucking me hard.
Uhh it’s so nice seeing you turn into a little puddle like this for me. Such a good girl taking my fingers. You’re cumming so much baby.
And I was cumming hard, no words just sounds and I couldn’t even get my thoughts together. My mind went blank as the feeling got stronger.
I tried to keep in control of my body, but I could feel myself giving in to my more aggressive self. She’s only seen this side of me once or twice when I was a bit too over stimulated, which is why I try to keep it down, but I can't right now. If she wants to be a monster, then she’s about to meet her match.
“Baby, we f-fuck need to stop before. “ I choked out as I was shaking from another orgasm.
“I’m not stopping, bring it on baby. I can feel you about to switch, but I am too. Let’s see how this works out.”
“Fu-fuck, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I looked into Juliette’s eyes trying my hardest to chill, but it didn’t work, I was cumming undone.
“You did, but I’m going to enjoy this. “
I shook in the bed, cumming so hard that I couldn’t stop myself from moaning loudly. I could feel Juls tonging me through my orgasm leading me to another one.
“F-fuck.” My juices were spilling out of me and Juliette wasn’t missing a single drop. She came up with her mouth wet as her tongue licked around to get every drop. Her fingers still trapped inside of my pulsing pussy going in and out had me in a trance. I couldn’t take it anymore…
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