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Us Pennsylvania Dutch have a plethora of superstitions about the month of May. This month held many positive and negative intonations. It's a common held belief that collecting the first rain of May and washing your hair with this water would make your hair grow extremely fast and long. There's an entire ritual concerning the morning dew on May 1st, see my last post The month of May was considered an unlucky month particularly for getting married. "Marry in May and you'll rue the day" "Maid or widow married this month must expect ill luck" ~Being born in May was thought to produce a sickly child. ~Never buy a broom in May "Buy a broom in the month of May, sweep a family member away" ~Never wash blankets in May. "Wash a blanket in May, wash a dear one away" ~Cats born in May will bring snakes into the home. ~Taking baths in May is considered unlucky and even thought to bring death to the home. "Those who bathe in May will soon be laid in clay" ~ Any Hares (rabbits) seen on May morning are witches in disguise #primitiverootsconjure #primitiveroots #padutch #pennsylvaniadutch #pagerman #pennsylvaniagermans #pennsylvaniawitches #powwow #powwower #hexerei #fraktur #frakturart #roots #appalachianfolkmagic #appalachiantraditions #appalachianwitch #mountainwitch #traditions #yayinikki #munumidnight https://www.instagram.com/p/COTpsXVH3vn/?igshid=7is51nla754x
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May 1st is by no means an official holiday among the Pennsylvania Dutch, but a number of significant folk-cultural traditions take place on this day. As the point between the equinox and the summer solstice, May 1st coincided with the increase of daylight and the blooming of the earth. So its no wonder that the day was associated with fertility and youth. A wide range of ritual traditions made use of the morning dew on May 1st. The dew was thought to be particularly effective in treating a broad spectrum of skin ailments, everything from removing blemishes, birthmarks, pimples to warts. Even freckles, which were once considered undesirable, were thought to be "cured" by the dew on May 1st. Even if you didn't have any blemishes, one's complexion was thought to be improved by an application of the dew. The typical ritual involved going out alone before the sunrise, gathering the dew in ones hands or on a cloth, and applying the dew to ones skin without being seen. The individual was to return to their home without speaking about it, or the ritual wouldn't work. Many times this was done 3 times for 3 successive days. Many variations of this ritual have been reported throughout the region, suggesting that one must apply the dew while fasting before breakfast, or in some cases the dew must be applied while wearing no clothing. This latter aspect has led to some embarrassing narratives of people being spotted, much to their dismay, naked and alone in the yard in the early morning hours on May 1st. These cautionary tales concerning the May dew also include accounts of those individuals who hurriedly applied an uneven distribution of dew and only removed a portion of their freckles. Many Pa Dutch believed that this dew must not be disturbed in fields and pastures lest the fertility of the land be stolen. This belief held that dubious neighbors would walk through the fields dragging a scarf or rope to steal the blessings of others. #primitiverootsconjure #primitiveroots #padutch #pennsylvaniadutch #pagerman #pennsylvaniagermans #pennsylvaniawitches #powwow #powwower #hexerei #fraktur #frakturart #roots #appalachianfolkmagic #appalachiantraditions #appalachianwitch https://www.instagram.com/p/COTpkVBnORq/?igshid=zdh7wd68cvs0
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This is the Pennsylvanian German or PA Dutch flag and each symbol has a meaning.... Colors - red, white and blue - are a reminder that, in spite of the Pennsylvania Germans' background, they are first and foremost loyal and devoted Americans. - Sailing ship Concord - commemorates the journey from Krefeld to Germantown PA in 1683, the start of a great migration of German-speaking people in search of greater religious freedom and better social and economic conditions in a new area of the world. - Keystone - the symbol of Pennsylvania, the principal and permanent settlement for the majority of immigrants. - Dialect expression - "Liewer Gott im Himmel drin, Loss uns Deitsche was mir sin" is translated: "Dear God in heaven, leave us Germans what we are" - implying "let us keep our traditional ways." - Church - indicative of the devoutness of Pennsylvania Germans whose religious convictions were a strong motivating force in their daily lives. Plow - symbolizing probably the predominant Pennsylvania German profession, farming, and the Pennsylvania German farm as a source of food for state and nation. - Heart and tulip - represents the great skills and contributions of the Pennsylvania German in arts and crafts. - Conestoga wagon - standing for the Pennsylvania German contribution to the need for transportation. This "ship of inland commerce," as it became known, played an important role in the Revolutionary War under the guidance of Pennsylvania German teamsters. It also played a tremendous role in America's westward expansion. #primitiverootsconjure #primitiveroots #padutch #pennsylvaniadutch #pagerman #pennsylvaniagermans #pennsylvaniawitches #powwow #powwower #hexerei #fraktur #frakturart #roots #appalachianfolkmagic #appalachiantraditions #appalachianwitch #mountainwitch #traditions #yayinikki #munumidnight https://www.instagram.com/p/CNbHHNaH6F6/?igshid=patony6bhwgc
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What are the chances... i just happened upon this vintage Pennsylvania Dutch table cloth on a pile of linens at a flea market in Mississippi. Unfortunately there was a rather large section which was tattered and had large holes. So i made some new cabinet curtains for my ancestors altar and managed to have enough left to make myself some masks 😊❤❤❤ #primitiveroots #Primitiverootsconjure #pennsylvaniadutch #padutch #fraktur #frakturart #appalachianwitch #appalachianfolkmagic #yayinikki #munumidnight #folkmagic #braucherei #hexerei #hexsign #hex #cunningfolk #witches #ancestory #foundation #ancestors #ancestral #traditional #heritage #traditions #mountainmagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8TlhTH8E9/?igshid=ehrm0xoeqxuy
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Picked up this milk can at the antique shop today. But it needed a little something so i painted a fraktur, now its perfect! #fraktur #padutch #pennsylvaniadutch #frakturart #folkmagic #cunningfolk #ancestors #frakturflowers #hex #hexerei #hexe #hexsign #protection #powwower #powwow #roots #rootwork #traditional #heritage #code #hidden #thedeadspeak #german https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-QfaZHb02/?igshid=1rbr8zqqv0mh3
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Finally finished painting our fireplace hearth. This is traditional Pennsylvania Dutch fraktur art with some hex thrown in for good measure. I absolutely LOVE it!! And i know my ancestors are smiling #fraktur #padutch #pennsylvaniadutch #frakturart #pennsylvaniadutch #folkmagic #cunningfolk #ancestors #frakturflowers #hex #hexerei #hexe #hexsign #protection #powwower #powwow #roots #rootwork #traditional #heritage #code #hidden #thedeadspeak #german https://www.instagram.com/p/CD0fCn9H6_m/?igshid=10fsorl869yux
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