cafexoho · 6 years
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Treat yourself, honey. Gluten free fudge doesn’t have any bad calories ~🍰~
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I am seriously the worst at making 2 things: bone broth and meatloaf. 🤣 Even with a recipe in hand, it's just one of those things that just never turns out right! Except for tonight!!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 I have successfully made my first batch of bone broth and thoroughly enjoyed a warm cup during dinner ☕️ #digestivehealth #healthytummy #crazyhealthy #crazyhealthymeals #glutenfreeeats #whole30 #glutenfreefollowme #glutenfreedom #glutenfreelunch #gfreelife #noglutennoproblem #dairyfreefood #dairyfreelifestyle #whole30homies #realfood #realfoods #healthyrecipes #eatgoodfeelgood #foods4thought #eatrealfood #feelgoodfoodie #wholefoodie #healthymeal #nourishyourbody #organicfoodie #healthyfoodshare #wellness #eatingclean
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cfareaway · 7 years
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Sometimes all you need is a breakfast sandwich, some hash browns, and good company to get you through the day 🍳🥓🍽 #gfreelife #latergram #brunch (at Scrambled Southern Diner)
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
What’s the Deal with Gluten Free Cheerios
I can’t deny the little bit of excitement I felt when I first heard the whisperings of gluten free Cheerios.
I never miss breakfast, especially now that I’m growing a baby inside me, and eating cereal is not something I do on the regular. I usually opt for something a little more nutritional and higher in protein like eggs and avocado or my favorite 5 ingredient protein packed pancake.
But when “The one and only (gluten free) Cheerios” were finally released last year, I took the plunge and bought a box (family sized…don’t judge).
Even with the dreaded risk of cross contamination that typically comes with these sort of product releases I found it hard to resist a throwback classic from my childhood.
Shortly after, General Mills released an apology to the gluten free community for the contamination of a production facility in Lodi, California facility lead to the recall of certain Cheerios products.
Luckily, I got my cereal fix and remained unscathed and even though I’ve traded in the 1% milk from my childhood for an unsweetened almond/coconut blend, I was not let down by the lightly sweetened flavor of my giant bowl of Gluten Free Honey Nut Cheerios.
I’ll end this post by saying that I appreciate the transparency and communication offered by General Mills but honestly I have not been willing to take the risk again…even though it was very satisfying.
This content was originally published at http://boxofwildthings.com/2015/08/01/whats-deal-gluten-free-cheerios/
For more info on gluten free living visit www.boxofwildthings.com
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quicksnack · 8 years
Fish Egg Sandwich
Didn't think this would taste good but we were so wrong. Amazing! Tuna, relish, and egg salad on a sandwich topped with sweet onion slices, lettuce, slice of sharp cheddar, a spread of Dijon mustard on one side, and a pickle. Yum.
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
15 Places Gluten May Be Lurking
Gluten free living can feel a lot like living with constant paranoia- I’m always reading and re-reading labels, skeptically asking a million questions even developing conspiracy theories of cross contamination.
Luckily, over the years I’ve learned a lot about where gluten might be lurking, waiting to strike fear in the hearts of glutards everywhere. Check out this list of 15 unexpected places to find gluten:
Frozen preformed hamburger patties, sausages, meatballs may contain wheat based fillers.
Imitation crab meat – often used in sushi, i.e. California rolls.
Veggie burgers-may contain wheat flour or breadcrumbs as combining agents.
Sauces & Gravy – often times the thickening agent used in a sauce or gravy is wheat flour, also most creamy sauces are made with a roux.
Salad Dressing- You should be safe with olive oil and vinegar (as long as it’s not malt vinegar) at home but what about all the wonderful options in the dressings aisle or restaurant menu? Some dressings are pre-made with gluten to thicken them up.  Beware.  Read the label and continue to reread the labels every time you buy to make sure ingredients didn’t change.
Marinades –  many marinades are soy sauce based which can contain gluten, not to mention seasonings that may contain gluten. The easiest thing to do is make your own!
BBQ Sauce – the basic ingredients may be gluten free but always read the packaging.
Chips – some flavor seasonings contain malt vinegar or wheat starch
Soy sauce – Most brands are made with wheat, look for gluten-free soy sauce or naturally gluten-free tamari
Deli meats and cheese – processed meats may contain gluten, I recommend Board’s Head Brand for quality and reliability.
Eggs (when served at a restaurant) – some food establishments like IHOP actually put buttermilk pancake batter in their eggs/ omelets to make them fluffier.
Communion wafers – we’re not even safe in church!
Rice mixes – though rice itself is gluten free, packaged rice mixes can contain seasonings with ingredients that contain gluten like barley malt.
Salad toppings like candied nuts  – the sugary candy coating can contain gluten
French fries – cross contamination can occur from the frier or they may be covered in a flour coating to increase crispiness.
This content was originally posted at http://boxofwildthings.com/2016/05/26/15-places-gluten-may-hiding/ 
For more helpful tips and guides on gluten free living visit www.boxofwildthings.com 
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boxofwildthings · 8 years
In my not so gluten free dreams
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