toriowlfluff · 1 year
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I’ve been so damn sleepy lately- but omg Origins SMP revival?? in this day and age?? Don’t mind if I do~
I’ve watched the Rats SMP Crossovers aswell and it has totally rekindled my love for O!Sneeg and O!Philza. They are two broken half of one whole and I love how their friendship has just impacted both of their life’s so much ahhh
Don’t mind me drawing some sleeby bois to cope with my sleepiness
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i-am-beckyu · 10 months
Just out of Reach, but Never out of Sight
AWWWWW YEAH! HERE SHE IS BOIS!!! THE LOOOONG AWAITED CHAPTER 3!!!! I have reread and changed this so many times but finally I’m happy with it and ready to move onto the next part!!! (there are so many bits I’ve written and cut and pasted into different parts for future chaps it’s not funny lol) As always, thank you to @a-xyz-s for beta reading and your feedback! (love you!/p)  And thanks to Brick and Squishy for help on some earlier chapter issues! Thanks besties ❤️ Anyways, ENJOY!
Chapter 3
chapter 1, chapter 2 cw: general fear, panic and anxiety, fear of death, child abuse/neglect, comfort and allllll the fluff!!!! word count: 3692
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
Phil smiled fondly from his place in the bedroom doorway, as he watched his eldest give Tommy the small cow plushie. 
How could one little boy be so endearing? 
He thought back to that afternoon when he’d first found the young boy. It had been a simple day at the office. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual paperwork and filing he couldn’t do at home. It should’ve been a simple walk home too, but when the sound of heavy breathing had caught his ear, he hadn’t expected to turn and see a kid with messy blonde hair running straight towards a street light. “Hey kid, slow down!” He had tried to warn, but the kid seemed too lost in thought and charged forward anyways. “Hey wait, stop!! You’re going to hit the-“ 
He didn’t even get to finish the sentence before a loud thunk echoed into the air, as the kid crashed into the pole, causing them to backpedal from the impact, and down to the ground. He rushed forward crouching down to be eye level with the kid and quickly began to look them over.
“Are you alright mate?”
The kid's head snapped up, blue eyes meeting his own, widening at the acknowledgment of his presence. 
 “Ah, mate? You with me?”
As if a switch was flicked, the kid frantically scrambled back with a loud scream, a look of pure terror painted across their face. 
Phil’s heart ached at the sight.
 “Hey, hey it’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” He said, hands up placatingly so the kid could see he meant no harm. 
The kid curled in on themselves as their breathing began to grow irregular and shallow.
“Shhhh shhh it’s okay! I need you to take deep, slow breaths for me. Can you do that?” Phil asked, coming closer. 
 The kid took a few sharp breaths in, presumably trying to do as he had asked.
“In for 3, out for 3.” he instructed, as he began to rub the kids back up and down to help time their breathing.
The kid flinched at the initial contact, but didn’t shy away.
“There you go. You’re doing so well mate.”
 Slowly, the kids' breathing began to even out and as they focused on regulating their breathing.
“My name’s Philza, but you can call me Phil. What’s your name?”
 The kid tensed slightly at the question, but immediately melted back into Phil’s touch as he continued to rub their back. How adorable.
“T-Tommy.” The kid –Tommy said shakily.
It took a few minutes to fully calm Tommy down, but eventually he settled enough to find out why he had been so focused on running. That had been a mission in itself to get them to open up about it, but he had managed to find out that Tommy was lost and was concerned about losing something important. 
 What that thing was, Tommy wouldn’t say and had started to hyperventilate at the mention. He had quickly reassured him that he was okay and that he just wanted to help, inviting him to come back to his place where he could better do so. 
 It was slightly worrying how quickly the kid had agreed to coming home with him though... 
 Tommy even almost seemed eager to go when Phil mentioned that he lived only a street over from where they were. From terrified to willingly to follow a stranger was uh, interesting to say the least. 
 And the way they acted coming home; staring at objects with so much wonder and intrigue while adorable was concerning.
 Who knew where this kid had come from to act like that? 
 He would have to worry about contacting Tommy’s guardians if he had any later. Kid had been through enough and needed the rest. He smiled as Wilbur closed the door quietly to the Guest room, noticing the fondness in his gaze as he turned and made his way back to his own room. In the morning, he’d introduce Technoblade to Tommy and hopefully get him to open up some more. Then they’d be able to get a better run down on the kid and what the best course of action would be.
At least that’s what he thought they’d do…
 Tommy felt different when he woke up. 
 The last thing he remembered was falling asleep on something really soft, holding something really fluffy.
 Huh, Strange. 
 He doesn’t remember his bed being this nice.
 Slowly, he peaked an eye open to find himself in what appeared to be a plush cave. 
 Well this was the weirdest dream he’d ever had.
 Figuring it was a dream (because what else would this be), Tommy began to search for an exit. Might as well explore whatever dreamworld he was in while it lasted. 
 It took a bit, but eventually he spotted a sliver of light creeping in from a crevice above and made his way across the weird, uneven surface. It was far too soft to try and walk across properly, as his feets just kept sinking down with his weight. Not to say he didn’t like it, it was just strange to be on so much uneven ground.
 Geez dreams are weird. 
When Tommy reached the crevice, he began to climb up finding the side wall was actually some kind of nice fabric. Pity he couldn’t have fabric like this in reality. A bed made from this would be heaven! 
 But upon breaching the surface, it was only then that he realised where he was.
 He glanced around at the ‘not cave’, realisation hitting him with the sight of the light green bedding from the guest room bed. But what really grabbed his attention was the cow plushie resting in the middle of the messed up pile of sheets. All the memories of the day prior came rushing back full force.
So that part hadn’t been a dream. He really had talked to the Human Beans. 
But then that would mean…..
Tommy patted himself over, up and down, even pinching himself to check that he was in fact awake. 
 He was back to his normal size. 
3 whole glorious inches of pure normal TommyInnit.
But how? 
 He was sure that he was going to be stuck Bean size forever, but here he was. 
 Tommy’s head spun with a million questions. 
 What if growing in size was a dream and I’m just waking up? But I have the cow plush which means I was given it. But maybe I did succeed in getting it, and I just left it in the guest room? But the bed sheets are messed up so clearly someone has slept in here so why would I be here now?
 Trying to shake the growing list of questions in his head, Tommy tried to focus on the things at hand. He would worry about what had happened later. Right now he needed to get back home.
 He made his way to the side of the bed closest to the wall, and stared down. 
 Hidden in the corner behind the bed leg, was a tunnel entrance. The tunnel itself led to his home, just tucked within the corner wall of Wilbur’s bedroom right next door. It would be difficult without his equipment, but he could get down in mostly one piece. 
 Maybe… Steeling himself, he turned around and began to slowly descend down the side of the bed, before momentarily stopping and climbing back up. 
 Well he couldn’t just leave the cow plush behind! Not after all the trouble it had caused from his maybe real-not real dream. 
 It really needs a name. Henry sounds nice. 
 After ‘gently’ dropping Henry down to the floor, Tommy was about to resume his descent down before suddenly the sound of someone approaching made their way to the guest room door. 
 Tommy knew those pretentious footsteps anywhere.
“Tommy, are you up? Dad’s made breakfast.” The muffled voice of Wilbur drifted through the closed doorway.
Well that answered it then. 
 Definitely NOT a dream.
“Tommy? Are you awake?”
Tommys’ heart pounded against his chest. 
Oh Prime. They knew he existed. They actually knew!!!
“Tommy?” Wilbur knocked again, concern lacing their voice.
They can’t know. You’re dead if they know.
“Tommy? You okay in there?”
Get back to the walls.
Run Tommy. He’s going to enter and then he’ll see what you are. 
“Tommy, I’m going to come in on the count of 3 okay?”
 Tommy dropped to the floor behind the bed leg just as the door opened, his heart pounding in his chest as he gripped his shirt to try and ground himself.
 “Tommy? Tommy where- Tommy are you in here?” 
 With bated breath, Tommy slowly peaked his head out to get a better look at his situation. Of course all he could see was Wilbur's stupid fancy shoes (seriously? It’s like 9am and he’s wearing those pretentious shoes at home?) but more importantly, he could hear the panic rising in Wilbur’s voice at his sudden disappearance.
 “Dad- Dad, the kid’s gone!” 
 Tommy watched as Wilbur frantically ran out of the room to find Phil. 
Oh Prime he’d made him worried. He’d F***** made Wilbur worried about him…
No. No this was for the best. 
 He needed to leave while he still could. Especially now that he’s small again. Him staying would be nothing but more trouble for the Crafts. 
 “What do you mean he’s gone?” Phil’s voice trailed to Tommy from the kitchen. 
 “He can’t have just disappeared.”
Oh f***. Now he’d made Phil worried too.
“Wilbur, did you check all the rooms? He couldn’t have just left?”
The panicked footsteps of Wilbur returned and Tommy watched with guilt rising from his gut as Phil’s green slippers walked past with Wilbur's shoes by the guest room door.
 “But what if he left during the night Dad? It’s not like he can’t unlock the window with the keys still in the lock?”
 “I doubt we would have slept through that mate. If not us, definitely not Techno.” The concern in Phil’s voice seemed to increase with every word.
 He- he was, making them more worried. 
 Like really REALLY worried about him. 
 But, they just met? They shouldn’t care like that? 
 Not for him anyways… right? 
 He’s just some dirty street kid in their eyes, which isn’t entirely wrong but surely Beans don’t just care for people like that? Well maybe they would for other Beans but for Tommy? He’s not even the right size for that to be even slightly true right now. 
 If they found him in his weak, small helpless Borrower form, he’d be done for!
And if things couldn’t get worse for the Borrower, that's when Tommy felt it. His entire body began to tingle with an unfamiliar sensation and suddenly, he felt himself growing. 
“S***, S***, S***!” 
 Tommy was sprinting to get out from under the bed as he felt himself growing in the cramped up space. He’d barely stumbled forward before hitting his head with a thump beneath the bed's wooden frame. 
 “What was that?” 
 Tommy’s blood froze as the set of footsteps thundered down the hallway towards him. He scrambled back as far as he could, cupping his hands over his mouth to muffle any unwanted noises escaping himself as the green slippers reappeared in his vision; exasperated breathing filling the eerie silence. 
 He remained completely still, as Phil presumably scanned the room before the elder let out a sigh and moved towards the door. 
 Tommy let out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding, as he watched the retreating shoes leave. 
 That had been close. 
 Too close…
 ‘It’s okay, Phil didn’t find you. I’ll just stay here and wait till they all leave and work out how to shrink again and then-’
“Hi mate.”
Tommy shrieked in surprise, hitting his head on the bed frame in the process. 
 Phil was down on the floor looking straight at him with concerned bright blue eyes, a hand up in surrender and an amused smile. 
How had he not noticed him get down on the floor?! 
 He’d just watched him leave for Primes sake!
 “Woah woah, it's alright Tommy just breathe.” 
 Tommy scrambled back as far as he could. Even though it was cramped, he was still small enough Bean size to put a little distance between them. 
 “Stay away from me.” He growled, trying to mask his fear in attempts to make the blonde leave. 
 Even though he had meant to leave, in the Beans' eyes, it had appeared like he’d tried to run away. If he came out now, he’d probably be punished for trying to pull such a stunt. He didn’t want that…
Not from Phil.
“Tommy shh, shh. It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” Phil tried to soothe, crawling ever so slightly closer.
 “Stay back.” Tommy spat, pushing further against the wall. 
He could feel where Henry was squashed against him and his enlarged limbs with the wall. He felt bad for the little plushie, but that was far from his concerns right now.
  “Why didn’t you respond when we were calling for you? We were so worried you’d left.”
Worried, he’d left? Really?
“Normally when you help someone out, they respond when someone knocks to let them know breakfast is ready. Not have the host worry about their guests' whereabouts and find them hiding beneath the bed.”
 Tommy kept pushing himself further into the corner and his wall entrance. 
 He knew it. 
 He’d f***** up. 
 Phil shouldn’t have even found him! He didn’t mean to grow again, he just wanted to get back in the walls. But then they’d have been worried anyway and now Phil was pissed at him for not responding and being under the bed and now-
“Tommy- Tommy breathe. It’s alright. You’re not in trouble.”
 The confused look on Tommy’s face must have said it all, because Phil explained.
 “Tommy, it's okay. You’re not in trouble for doing any of that. I was just worried, okay? Wil and I both were. We thought something might have happened to you and we wanted to check you were okay.”
 Tommy took a shaky breath in and stared at Phil. There was a chance he was lying, but it was hard to believe from the gentle smile the older man was pointing his way.
“Would you mind if I join you?” Phil asked timidly. “I can stay here if you prefer, I’d just like to talk.”
 “Dad! Dad! Dad! He’s not anywhere in the house he’s- uh… why are you on the floor?” 
Wilbur. Right. 
 He’d managed to worry him too hadn’t he? 
“Wilbur, could I get you to wait outside for me? Kinda in the middle of something here.” The man said, turning his head awkwardly to presumably look at his son. 
 “Is he - under the bed?” 
 Tommy could only imagine Wilbur was pointing down at him from where he stood with a stupid look of confusion on his face. He rolled his eyes at the thought.
 “Yeah he’s fine. Just, can you give us a minute?”
 Without another word, Tommy watched as the obnoxious brown shoes retreated from the guest room, the door slowly closing after with a soft click. 
“So about joining you under the bed?” 
Tommy drew his attention back to Phil. 
 Phil really didn’t seem like he was going to grab him and pull him out and punish him or hurt him if he came under. Not that it mattered even if he didn’t. 
He wouldn’t be escaping any time soon as it was in his current state…
  With a timid nod, Phil’s smile brightened ever so slightly and he crawled his way under the bed. There certainly wasn’t enough space for the grown man to do so, but regardless he stuffed himself under, joining the boy in the cramped space.
“You know, Wilbur and Techno used to play hide and seek in here all the time.” Phil said as he tried to get situated.
 “This used to be one of their favourite hiding spaces until they got too big to hide under here. I’m surprised I actually made it under here at all.” he said with a chuckle.
 Tommy bit his lip. 
 The sight of Phil was rather funny. If anyone were to look at the scene from beyond the bed, it would be a rather silly sight to see the grown man attempting to fit, but Tommy couldn’t help but linger on the thought of the twins playing hide and seek. 
 He’d never been allowed to join in such games with the other Borrower children. Or when they had let him, he’d always hide, but never be found. It got to a point where he wouldn’t even try to hide to just have someone find him.
 It became pretty clear they had no intentions to do so.
“You alright?” Phil said, breaking his thoughts. “Something you want to talk about?”
 “Uh no no I’m fine. Just thinking about something unimportant.” 
Me, he thought bitterly.
“Okay well I was coming to invite you to breakfast but if you’d prefer to stay here we can. I’d just like to get a better idea of helping you get home and find that thing you were after is all.” 
 Phil watched how Tommy’s face perked up at the mention of food but deflated when it came to home or talking about what he was after. Maybe he’d run away from home, trying to get away from a bad situation? But then again he was after something, so that could mean anything. 
At least food seemed like an in with Tommy.
“How about we start with where your parents are, yeah? I’m sure they’re worried about you.” 
 “Ain’t got any.” Tommy stated flatly. 
 “They abandoned me when I was a baby.”
Phil didn’t miss how blank Tommy’s face was at the statement.
“Are you staying with anyone else at the moment?” 
Surely someone had been looking after this child? 
“I had some people looking after me for a while, but they kicked me out when I was 13. Been looking after myself ever since.” Tommy finished with a shrug, as if the information shouldn’t be surprising. 
 But judging by the horrified look on Phil’s face, that clearly hadn’t been the answer he’d been after so he was quick to add,
 “I don’t need anyone! I’m a Big man and waaay more capable than you can imagine Big Man. Been looking after myself for the past 3 years, easy peasy.”
“You’re 16?” 
 Tommy shifted nervously under Phil's disbelieving gaze.
3 years. 
For 3 years this child had been on his own. Tommy didn’t look anywhere close to 16 years old. He knew he was skinny and malnourished based on appearance alone, but for 16 he was way worse than what he first thought. Maybe he was lying about his age? He looked like he could be 13, maybe 14 at most now, but clearly he had not been doing okay if he could see his ribs poking through his shirt. Perhaps not eating stunted his growth?
“Do you- have you had somewhere to stay?” Phil asked hesitantly. He didn’t want Tommy to run off if the reason he was on his own was because of past potential abuse.
 “I do. I’ve switched houses a few times and I’m currently in this nice place at the moment.”
 Tommy paused, looking away almost shamefully before continuing.
 “Though I’m not sure y- um my, uh- neighbours will want me around when I go back. They probably think I’m a pest like you do right now; wasting your time under the bed.”
 “Oh no no Tommy! I don’t think that at all!” Phil was quick to reassure. 
 “You’re not a pest! Who the f*** ever told you you were?”
 Tommy looks away in shame.
 “Tommy look, you just got spooked waking up in an unfamiliar setting right? We didn’t mean to frighten you. We just got concerned when you didn’t respond. I don’t mind being under the bed if you feel safer here.”
 Phil watched as Tommy took what he said in, the gears turning in the blonde boy's head. Phil had to suspect that something had to have happened to him more than just getting kicked out of home if his first instinct was to hide.
 “You’re not mad that I hid?” Tommy asked timidly.
 “No, not at all. We just want to help you get back home and find that thing you were trying to find yesterday.”
 Tommy relaxed a little at this but not completely. There was still some uncertainty in his gaze but Phil didn’t want to overstep.
Baby steps Phil. Baby steps.
“I’m sure whatever it is we can help you find it. Maybe if we call your neighbours they could come-”
“NO.” the boy snapped, eyes wide, but just as quickly reeled back as he realised his outburst, instead reiterating himself.
“Uh I mean, no. No, there's no point calling them. I don't have their uh- names to call.”
Phill blinked at him.
“...sure mate, it’s fine.”
“Besides,” Tommy continued.
 “I know my way back to them once I get to um the- the park.” 
“Oh that’s not far from here. We can take you back there after breakfast if you like?” Phil offered with a small smile and something sad behind his gaze. Not that Tommy noticed as he mentally slapped himself. 
“Oh um, thank you.” 
Did Tommy feel bad about lying through his teeth? 
 Yes. Yes he did. 
 But he couldn’t exactly tell Phil that he lived in his walls and that he, Wilbur and Techno were his neighbours. But lying and saying he can get home once he’s taken to the park? 
Now he’s going to be taken to the park, AWAY from his actual home! That’s exactly what he doesn't want to happen!!!
“Well how do you feel about some breakfast then? I made waffles.” 
 “That would be nice, thanks.”
How does he keep getting into these situations?
ANNNNNNNNNND! THAT’S A WRAP ON CH 3!!! LETS GOOOO Thanks for reading to the end if you did. I really appreciate it and hope you enjoyed <3 I used so many italics..... but even though this took ages to get out, I’m really happy I took the extra time to get it just right. No idea when I will update it next but keep your eyes peeled for meme snippets. This is now going to be a thing thanks to @rosewriting-ao3 (I’m stealing your idea ❤️❤️❤️)
TAGLIST: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @colossal-red  @giant-tinygoodtimes 
Tag list post here if you want to be tagged for future updates <3
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nobodywritingao3 · 4 months
Your Love (Deja Vu) [ch 5]
Phil is panicking. He can't find the boys anywhere.
"Technoblade?!" He yells. He agonizingly waits for an answer before calling out to Wilbur and Tommy as well. The cold silence greets him.
They're not here. They're not here, where the fuck did they go?!
Phil inhales sharply and forces his brain to turn its gears.
Wilbur told him over breakfast that he was going to spend the day practicing guitar in his room. Techno had said at lunch that he was taking a nap. And Tommy had just shrugged a little when Phil asked what he was - andohshitfuckfuck, they tricked him.
He leans against the wall of the bedroom hallway and takes another breath.
He's less scared now. There had been images in his head of soldiers sneaking into his home and abducting his children, dragging them kicking and screaming from their bedrooms while he obliviously worked away in the garden. But the soldiers hadn't returned. If they had, he would have smelled them.
No. His boys just ran away. He ignores the pang in his chest.
Had their trip been that bad?
He pushes the thought from his mind. No, no, it had been fine. He's not the problem. He isn't.
Oh, what are they thinking? Scaring him like this... He shoves his guilt away.
He has to bring them home. It's not safe in the woods, especially at night, and especially for three human children.
Phil storms into Techno's room. For the first time since searching through, he takes note of the opened window. Wilbur's is opened too, but Tommy's is closed. He notes that they didn't bring much with them. Nearly all of their belongings are still in their rooms, and he almost lets himself hope that they plan to come back, that this has been a silly misunderstanding. But Wilbur took his guitar with him and he instinctively knows that unless he brings them back, they won't return on their own.
He exits the home and takes a look at Techno's window from the outside. He opens his mouth slightly, tasting the air. Tommy and Techno faintly hang in the breeze, and when he follows their trail across the perimeter of the house, he reaches Wilbur's window. All three scents intermingle, and though it's fast disappearing, he knows he can follow.
He frowns in thought. His human senses are dull and if he was able to survey the forest from his natural height, he'd surely find them sooner. But then they'd know he's looking for them and they might give way to chase. He'd still catch them but retrieval has to be a delicate process. He normally doesn't care about whether his prey is afraid or not, but these are his kids, not his food.
Their fear of him is restrictive, (and hurtful and heartbreaking and so, so shameful,) but he's willing to work with it. Work around it. He is their father.
With a sigh, he starts to follow the scent trail into the forest.
"No!" Tommy howls, kicking at Techno's back. "I don't want to go with you!"
"Toms, sunshine," Wilbur pleads, "we can't leave you there by yourself, you know that - "
"I wouldn't be by myself," he sobs, "I would be with dad!"
Techno bites down frustration. "Tommy! What did I say about calling it that - !"
"Fuck you!" Tommy spits out.
Wilbur readies to retort, but Technoblade shoots him a look. "Leave it be. We can discuss all that after we reach town."
Tommy wails inconsolably but his brothers pay no mind. Night is starting to fall and they'll need to find somewhere safe to spend the night before they start again in the morning.
They left Phil in the garden. For as long as they'd known him, he adored that garden to the point of tunnel vision. He would spend hours outside and usually only realized how much time had passed when the sun was starting to set and visibility became limited. Techno kept trying to explain that they had sundown before it was worth getting antsy, but Wilbur had been clearly terrified the whole time.
"We should find somewhere to camp tonight. Now, Tech." Wilbur fidgets restlessly with the straps on his guitar case.
Techno pauses and adjusts his grip on a still sniffling Tommy. "You've been saying that for the past three hours."
"Night is falling. I'd rather be safe than sorry and find somewhere now, before it realizes. Do you want to test how fast it can find us?"
He pauses and looks at the sky. It's starting to darken. Maybe Wil has a point. He gently sets Tommy down on the ground and combs his hair with his fingers.
"I have a cave in mind we can go to."
Wilbur frowns. "Won't a cave be more danger than it's worth? Monsters will start spawning soon too."
An edge of dread started to forms in his heart. They hadn't brought any weapons with them. He thought they would have reached town by now, but they still have a quarter of the trip to make.
Regardless, he knows somewhere they can stay. Techno points out the exposed side of a mountain, somewhere far off. "When the giant first took us, I scoped out the forest for months in case we needed to run away." He ignores the surprised look from Wilbur. "I know a few good caves. Trust me, we'll be safe."
He takes Wilbur's guitar and hands him Tommy, who is still distraught.
"The mountains are a little far, Tech. Do you think we can make it before mobs start spawning?"
He shoots him an unimpressed look. "Well if you'd said something sooner - "
"You mean the whole time?"
" - then we could have gotten there on time."
Wilbur rolls his eyes but the two start towards the hills anyway.
They walk for fifteen minutes and are almost there when the sun finally sets. Mobs spawn in the distance.
"Tech?" Wilbur looks solidly freaked out. "Are you sure there won't be anything in the cave? Which one even is it?"
"It's the glowing one, Wilbur. I set up torches there when I was eight, do you think I'm daft?"
Wilbur laughs nervously. "Of course not. I'm just - what the fuck, man? Can we appreciate how fucked this situation is?"
Tech sighs and doesn't say anything.
They continue walking in silence. Tommy's fallen asleep.
Wil swallows. "Did you ever think this was going to work out?"
He's quiet for a moment. "What do you mean?"
"Months looking for an escape route. And you hardly seem surprised that we're here. Did you ever think he could have been home? Or did you doubt the whole time?"
"I thought that... I though he was too good to be true."
Wilbur sighs. "Tech - "
An arrow lodges itself into a tree next to his head. He widens his eyes and ducks down just as another one is fired right where his eyes had been.
Tommy wakes up with a cry.
They start running for the cave.
The further they run, the more mobs seemed to appear. From behind trees, from a pond, from the dark. Somewhere to Wilbur's left, a creeper explodes and decimates a few trees. Techno hears Tommy screaming ahead of him. He hears his heart pounding in his chest.
"It's never been this bad before!"
"I fucking know!"
They dive into the cave. Most of the mobs have lost interest but a few zombies still drag themselves forward.
Techno curls his lip in disgust at the sight and pushes Tommy towards Wilbur.
"You want to go at it, hm?" He murmurs. "I've had the most shit week. Give me an excuse. Give me a fucking excuse."
Wilbur leans against a wall and slides down the side, clutching at Tommy. He closes his eyes and wills his heart to slow. At least the cave is well lit.
Tommy is still sobbing. He hugs him close. "Shh... I know. I know, we've had a really bad time, huh?" He can feel his jacket start to dampen with warm tears. He dully watches as Technoblade beats a zombie to its second death with a rock, screaming obscenities and threatening to do unspeakable acts to its family. He kisses Tommy's hair.
After about twenty minutes, Techno finishes and stomps back into the cave. He curls up roughly against his brother.
"How are you doing?" he asks after a moment.
Wilbur bursts into tears.
Tech sighs. "I'm sorry dad ate us."
But that just makes him cry harder.
They doze off like that, on the hard cave floor.
It's been two hours since Phil started his search, and he still doesn't have his boys.
The night has fallen. He's torn through hundreds of mobs.
He screams and smashes a spider's skull open, a lot harder than necessary. He rakes his hands through his hair.
It's been too long. The boys' trail heads directly for town. If they started at noon, when he first headed into the garden, then they'll still be an hour out, but God knows they don't know that, or else they would have planned more carefully. And none of his weapons were missing.
Fuck. Fuck.
He presses his palms into his eyes. The odds of them being alive are slim. So fucking slim.
A horrible mix of disbelief, grief, and panic overwhelms him.
It's his fault. If he hadn't scared them off, if hadn't been absorbed in the garden, if he had just looked for them as a giant instead of a human then -
He starts to cry. God. He's fucked up. He's such a fuck up.
He can feel his subhuman instincts start to cloud his mind. He sniffles and lets it happen. If his boys are alive, then he wants them back. Now. He doesn't care if he scares them anymore. And if they aren't -
If they aren't, then he at least wants something to bury.
As the changes take over, he can feel his emotions start to fade at the edges as his mind starts to soften and become something else.
He opens his eyes and looks down. He frowns and steps on a creeper.
His boys. Where are his boys? The coil of fear in his gut hasn't lessened, but the grief has subsided enough for him to think.
The trees come to his knees. He idly crushes a zombie in his fist and eats its broken body.
Like this, his sense of smell is strong. He can smell them so clearly like this. He can smell Tommy's sadness, and Technoblade's fearful rage, and Wilbur's resignation. He can smell how recently they were here - only two hours before him. He presses forward and scans the area, looking for some kind of sign.
There's a glow in the distance. A fiery glow, but not the kind that comes from a forest fire out of control or a pool of lava in the dirt. No. Torch glow.
"Oh, Techno." A glimmer of hope ignites in his heart. "Sweetheart. You wonderful little genius."
With renewed energy, he moves forward.
Wilbur wakes up to a booming noise outside.
"Tech. Techno!"
His brother wakes up with a jolt and gasp, sitting up like someone's dumped ice water on him. His attention snaps to the cave entrance. A giant silhouette in the moonlight creeps closer.
Tommy sits up excitedly. "Dad - !" Technoblade clamps a hand over his mouth but it's too late.
The giant hears. Its footsteps quicken.
Neither of them are thinking as they scramble up. Technoblade destroys the torches and shoves them into his inventory, where they won't make any light. The cave bends in a U formation and Wilbur runs deeper inside, clutching Tommy to his chest in spite of his violent wiggling. He curls up in fetal position as the cave goes dark, and just a moment later, Tech is there next to him, pulling Tommy into his chest and shaking like a leaf.
The footsteps stop outside the cave entrance.
Can the giant hear his heart?
Techno clamps a hand over Tommy's mouth.
They hear the giant speak. "Kids?" Its voice is raspy and soft. "Are you okay? Please come out of there, it's not safe."
Tommy wiggles harder and Techno can feel his brother's hot tears on his hand. He can feel his own tears too.
"Guys, please. It's just me."
That's the fucking problem.
WIlbur presses into him, sandwiching Tommy. "I thought we got away..." His voice is broken.
Techno suppresses a sob. He's the only thing standing between his brothers and Phil. He's supposed to be the oldest, supposed to keep them safe.
They can't see him from where they are, only faint moonlight being cast through the cave entrance. But suddenly the light is totally obscured.
Phil speaks again, his voice pained. "Please just come to me." It's practically a beg. "I know you're there, I can smell you. Let me take you home." He takes a sweeter tone. "We can put on a movie, or have some cocoa. Isn't it chilly out here? I can get you all warmed up."
Wilbur has no doubt that he can. Being inside his stomach had been -
He trembles.
None of them respond.
"You're scared. I know you are, but you have nothing to be scared of. My babies - I love you so much. Let me take care of you." They can hear him shifting around outside, preparing to do something. What's he doing?
They don't have to wonder for long.
Wilbur's heart stops as fingers start to curl around the edge of a wall. They're long. Taller than any of them by a lot, and they're feeling around and creeping closer. An index finger brushes against his guitar case where it leans against the cave, and it falls over with a soft thump. The fingers freeze and then they gently curl around the little instrument and drag it outside.
His shoulders shake in silent sobs.
There's a small exhale from outside. "Your guitar? Oh, honey... I'll hold onto this for you, okay? Just come out."
The fingers enter the cave again, more excited than before. "Are you hurt in there? Is that why you won't move? I can bring you out. I'll you get the three of you taken care of." His voice grows eager. "I can eat you up and take you home."
Wilbur bites back a whimper. Even Tommy stills in their arms.
There's nothing they can do.
When the finger brushes against Wilbur's back, he knows it's over. He harshly shoves Tommy into Techno's arms and prays that his little brother will stay silent.
The finger curls around his midsection and there's a relieved grunt from outside the cave.
Techno sniffles but doesn't do anything, knowing what's happening and knowing that there's nothing he can do. He presses himself further into the cave. He's failed as a big brother. Again.
As Wilbur is pulled into the light, he closes his eyes. The cool night air greets him and curls tighter into a ball, silently shaking from sobs and fear.
"Oh Wil, sweetie," Phil coos around him. The hand is almost pleasantly warm underneath him. A thumb starts to stroke his head. "Are you hurt? You have to tell me if you're hurt."
He hides his face in his hands and prays to the stars.
"Are your brothers hurt?"
The giant waits for a response that won't come. It keeps stroking along his back in a move that's supposed to be comforting.
"That's okay. We can talk about it at home." The giant adjusts his hold on him. "Let me eat you up, dear. That sounds nice, innit? We'll get you warmed up and safe from the world."
He's petrified but shaking. Against his will, a sob tumbles from his mouth.
The giant starts to coo again. He's raised to its mouth. He waits for the inevitable, but the giant just plants a soft kiss to his face. "What's wrong? Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Wilbur shakes his head. All of this is wrong. Phil is supposed to be his dad. He shouldn't get to act like a dad, say things that dads say, and comfort him like a dad, all while threatening to eat him. He doesn't get to threaten to eat him in the most dadlike way. It's wrong. It's cruel.
He can't help the sobbing fit that overtakes him. It isn't fair. 
The giant keeps whispering sweet nothings to him.
He hates that it works. He hates how it comforts him.
"I'm going to get your brothers out now. I'll get the three of you together, and then we can go home, okay? And I have your guitar in my pocket."
Wilbur is hardly paying attention.
When the giant finds Techno and Tommy, Wilbur knows because of the screaming. To his credit, Tech is putting up a fight. And he can hear Tommy wailing. Maybe it's sick of him, but he's glad they'll be together again. He was so scared alone.
The giant holds the three of them in its hands and whispers assurances, rubbing their backs soothingly with his fingers and occasionally kissing them.
Wilbur feels defeated. What can he do? He almost wishes Techno would stop fighting it. He's so tired of fighting it.
He settles into the warm skin and lets his body relax as the tears start to dry on his face. If he's going to die, is it so wrong of him to enjoy his last moments?
The giant sighs above them, noticing how he gives in. "There you go, dear. Settle down. Settle down."
Techno is brokenly sobbing beside him and Tommy just stays quiet and still, save for shakes in his little body and his eyes squeezed shut. Wilbur reaches out and pulls him into his warmth.
The giant coos above them.
"I'm going to eat you now," it says sweetly. "You'll feel better, I promise."
Techno screams even louder but the energy in Wilbur's body only seems to drain even further with that remark.
The fingers around them freeze, the whole hand seeming to tense up.
Techno doesn't seem to notice.
"I..." The giant sounds uncertain above them. "What's wrong?"
It doesn't sound comforting anymore, just confused. Deeply confused.
"Do - do you not want me to eat you?" There's almost a note of hurt in its voice.
Wilbur feels a faint spark of hysteria in his chest. Techno is still screaming. Tommy just huddles closer.
The giant doesn't speak and doesn't move to touch them. "Is that why you're upset?" And then softer, "Is that why you're upset with me?"
No one really responds.
"Oh. Oh. I'm sorry." It sounds sincere enough to hurt.
Wil can feel the giant stand up.
"I won't eat you then. Not tonight at least." Its voice sounds odd, a little strangled. "Let's go home, okay? You had a long day today, didn't you? Let's go home."
Wilbur is too tired for this. He falls asleep to the giant's swaying footsteps and the sound of his crying brothers.
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cyncerity · 1 year
alien terrarium au!!
here it is! i said it’d be today, so it’s done! 1 min before it becomes tomorrow!
minor thing, tho: this is extremely unedited. like, there are a lot of things i post that aren’t edited fully, but i didn’t even fully read this one in one sitting. but i’m not free again until this tuesday or wednesday, so i’m not gonna make you guys wait that long lol
basically it’s midnight and i’m way too fucking busy so i’m gonna post it and edit it when i have time to later in the week. if you wanna wait for the fully edited version, ignore this until i specify that I edited it. if you don’t care, i hope you enjoy! this has been an on again off again thing for a few weeks and i’m so glad to finally have it like 95% done :)
tw: soft safe vore, unconventional vore ig?
“We have to cut our losses here. We don’t have enough to fund this any longer, and there’s no one we can reach out to for more money. We can’t risk this getting out.” “Fine, I- I know, it’s just…this is a breakthrough. We can’t afford to give up now.” “We won’t. We just need some time to get back on our feet is all. Besides, he knows what to do now…” the scientists turned their heads to the one way mirror they stood behind. A little boy, barely a teenager, sat behind it on his bed, his eyes glassy and unblinking, turned a glossy pearlescent white. Their project, practically their life’s work. Well, the container for it, anyway.
Wilbur heard the three scientists come into the room, and somehow registered one of them motion vaguely with their hand despite his eyes being effectively turned off, which meant they wanted him back in their world. Ugh. Still, he cut off his thoughts with his practically other half, eyes beginning to function again and the scientists approaching him as they saw his eyes shift back to the colors they were supposed to be.
“Wilbur, what we’re going to tell you is very, very important, so you have to listen carefully. It’s your life at stake if this goes wrong. And his.” The one in blue said, gesturing to Wilbur’s torso. Well, that was certainly a way to get his attention. Wilbur didn’t say a word, though; the green one didn’t like it when he ‘sassed them,’ so he instead scooted back and placed both arms protectively around himself and his…what did they call him once, ‘cargo’? He was sure he heard Green call him a ‘parasite’ once, which was rude. Still, they must have noticed his panic, cause the orange one responded immediately. “It’ll all be ok, things will just have to change for a minute here. You’re…youre not going to be able to stay here for a while.” “What?!” Wilbur said, unable to restrain himself. The green one went to speak up but was silenced by blue, who just whispered something about him being ‘scared’ and how this was ‘probably a lot to handle.’ Yeah, no shit it was!
“I get this is a huge change, I do, but it’s necessary for now. We don’t have the necessary resources to keep taking care of you here. We need to find a way to keep you safe and healthy, both of you. You’ll be staying somewhere secure while we find somewhere more reclusive to hide you. We don’t want anyone finding out anything and putting the two of you in danger.” Orange said, sitting next to Wilbur and rubbing a thumb across his knuckles. Right. Right, he had a purpose. And if part of his purpose was to survive without his caretakers for a short while, he could do it. If it meant safety for his stowaway, he could do it.
“You doin ok, bud?” Orange asked, and Wilbur nodded slightly. Orange was his favorite of the main three. He was always nice, and even gave him extra treats when he was behaving! “When do you think you can be ready to leave, Wil?” Green asked, crouching to be at level with where he sat. “Whenever you need me to be, sir.” Green smiled and ruffled his hair. Wil always tried to be extra good for Green. It’s not like he didn’t like him, it’s just that Green was more likely to yell at him if he messed up. “Good kid. We’ll leave tomorrow morning and introduce you to who you’ll be staying with. Try to get some rest.” He said, smiling before leaving and leading the other two out with him.
“Sam! Hey buddy!” Dream said, jumping out of the side of his van and running over to his old friend. “Dream! How’ve you been?” “Pretty good, you?” “Doin pretty good myself.” Sam replied, pulling Dream in for a hug. “So, who’s this kid you found?” “Calls himself Wilbur. We found him a few months ago, but we’re a bit short on money right now and can’t handle another mouth to feed. He won’t stay here for long, promise, just till we find a more stable income.” Dream hated to lie to an old friend, but he couldn’t afford his secret to be leaked. “I’m always lookin to help out, especially for a friend. Anything I need to know about him?”
“Yeah, he’s a bit of an odd one, but that’s what we love about him.” Dream chuckled, hoping his friend was still oblivious. “He disassociates a lot. Like, constantly, and tends to get really upset if people try to mess with him when he’s like that. He also doesn’t do a lot of physical activity. Bruises take longer to heal for him, he gets sore easily, and his immune system doesn’t handle cuts well. He’s not very talkative, and he’s got some weird scars all over him. We think the two are connected, but we don’t know what this kid has been through.” Dream finished, and Sam nodded solemnly. Great, he was taking the bait. He was less likely to ask questions if he thought he was prying into the past of an abused child.
meanwhile, in the van…
“We found you abandoned. You’re just staying here until we get more stable jobs and can afford to feed you again. If he ever asks you about where you came from, you look away or change the subject as quickly as possible. You don’t know why you disassociate. You don’t know where the scars came from. Never do any of your caretaker necessities for him in front of Sam. He can’t know. Got it?” “Got it. He’ll never know.” Blue nodded back. Orange had just kind of been pacing in the van as Blue gave him the rundown again. Green came back to the van with a hand out towards Wilbur, giving him a reassuring smile.
Wilbur was about to take the hand before his arm got tugged and he was pulled into a hug from behind. A gentle one, obviously no one wanted to risk damaging what was inside of him, but a hug all the same. He didn’t get many of those. When the person pulled away he saw it was Orange, who was smiling proudly. “You’re gonna be fine kid. We believe in you. I’ll miss you, ok?” Wilbur just smiled back and nodded. “I’ll miss you, too. We both will.” He said before taking Dreams hand and walking outside with him.
It had been an…odd week with Wilbur in Sam’s opinion. Firstly, he’d been way more interested in things like trees and grass than any normal child would be, but refused to touch them. He also spent 95% of his time in the guest bedroom with the door locked, never making a sound. Who knows, maybe the kid just liked to sleep. He refused to play any sort of physical game, like Dream had warned him, but he seemed overly cautious of anything that could hurt him. But he wouldn’t pry, that wasn’t his job. His job was to take care of the kid until Dream, George, and Sapnap could take him back. Right?
That’s what he was supposed to do, but somehow, against all logic…he knew this kid. The giant brown eyes, the curly brown hair, his face shape, it was all so familiar. But why?
Until it hit him.
He’d woken up in a cold sweat, immediately racing to his computer to see if he was right. And his suspicions were confirmed, against all odds. There, on his friends facebook page, was a photo of him and his young son. His young son who was Wilbur’s age. His young son who used to have an identical twin brother who went missing when he was just a few years old.
Sam knew Wilbur’s face because Wil wasn’t the only person he knew with that face.
Sam wasted no time calling. He must’ve called 12 times before someone answered, which was fair given the ungodly hour, but this was urgent. “What the fuck, Sam…” and groggy voice answered. “Mate, it’s, like, 4 in the morning, what could possibly be this important-”
“Phil, I think I found your son.”
Breakfast was different the next morning. Wilbur walked downstairs only to see two strangers sitting at Sam’s table, one an adult and one a child around his age. The adult looked about as old as Sam, which was to say a bit older than his scientists. He had blonde hair and kind blue eyes, and was wearing a dark green sweater jacket over a white button up. The other had long pick hair pulled back into a loose messy braid and glasses almost reminding Wil of his own except square instead of circular. He wore a simple pink hoodie and dirtied jeans and surprisingly clean white sneakers, but he must have been staring, cause soon the kid looked over to him and-
Wilbur’s breath froze.
Why…why did this kid have his face?
At this point, the man had looked over to, and immediately shot up from where he was sitting, knocking over the chair he was sitting on in the process and making Wilbur flinch. “Orpheus?” Wilbur stared blankly for a few moments before the man rushed him, barely giving him time to react before he was pulled into a hug.
Not a gentle one like Orange knew to give. Not one given by someone that knew why so few people were even allowed to touch him. A lung crushing, tight hug that was unbelievably painful after so much time with such infrequent gentle touching. He rarely found his mind drifting back to his the feeling of cargo in him, given that he’d lived most of his life with him and had gotten used to the odd sensations, but now it was impossible to ignore. Everything in him, everything that had been worked on so diligently, everything that had been removed and replaced and rearranged to make him perfect for his purpose, and his stowaway inside were being crushed. His purpose, the thing he’d been raised to protect, his only true constant in his life, was being crushed. It was the most horrifying downpour of fear he’d ever felt.
Wilbur screamed.
He screamed bloody murder as the adult let go and backed away, eyes wide. Wilbur vaguely noticed that both the strangers were crying, but he didn’t care. Wilbur only stopped screaming once his air was gone and now replaced by jagged breathing and spasms in his lungs. He felt like he was about to collapse as his vision darkened and his limbs began shaking. He needed to know if he was ok. If he wasn’t, Wilbur would never forgive himself. He needed to know.
“Kiddo, I need you to take deep breaths, ok, I think you’re having a panic a-“ “Stay the hell away from me! All of you!!” Wilbur screamed, voice hoarse as he smacked Sam’s hand away and ran up to his guest room and locked the door. He sat on the bed with a thud and tried to stop his shaking, but couldn’t spare much time for that since he had to make sure his cargo was still ok. He needed him to be ok. God, he was still just a kid, even younger than Wilbur. He can’t have let him get hurt.
He tried to take deep breaths and reached his mind out to some foreign instinct he knew. He wasn’t sure what it was, or how it came so easily, but it was such a central part of his brain that he could find it with ease. The second he got close to it, his whole body relaxed involuntarily. He hadn’t done that, which only meant…
“Oh, Tommy, thank god.” Wilbur sighed out loud, though the rest was said just to Tommy in the special way only they could communicate. He felt Tommy slow his heart rate more as he felt like he was being sucked away from his body into a void that words couldn’t possibly describe. “Wilbur!” a voiced called out. It hadn’t come from anywhere, just everywhere, like Wilbur’s did when he was here. Wherever ‘here’ was. He didn’t really know. It wasn’t like a darkness or white area, it was just…nothing. Not a nothingness that couldn’t be seen, but felt. Devoid of anything that could make it describable. Wilbur liked to joke that it was the emptiness in Tommy’s brain. “What was all that outside? You know i’ve got se-“ “Sensitive hearing, I know. I was being loud. Sorry.”
Wilbur could basically see Tommy huff and roll his eyes, despite the fact that he’d never seen Tommy at all. He knew every detail of his little brother friend, and Tommy knew every detail of Wilbur. Despite neither of them being able to see in their respective nothings, somehow they could sense every “move” (aka the movement they imagined themselves making since they didn’t have bodies in the nothingness) the other made in the void. Also Tommy can sometimes see through Wil’s eyes to look at reflections, but he rarely does that. Green doesn’t like when he does that.
Still though, he knew Tommy. He may not know what he looks like perfectly, but he knew Tommy. In an odd sense, he knew his details, but never what he truly looked like. He could list the facts of how Tommy was, but he had a feeling of deja vu whenever he tried to imagine a face or any detailed image of his body. He never could, he just knew the facts, like he’d seen Tommy but the detailed image in his brain had been removed and blurred beyond recognition. It seemed kind of unfair to him, given that Tommy knew exactly what he looked like because of the shared vision things and mirrors existing.
Still, though, he knew the pale white-blue of his skin the bright blonde of his hair and otherworldly accents. The shining, almost glowing iridescence of his eyes and the strange markings found on his body. He was mostly humanoid, which had initially shocked Wilbur and the scientists. Orange had warned him once that since they had no idea what Tommy was, something inhuman and vicious could easily rip through him. It scared him a little, but at that point he’d seen Tommy’s egg once and had grown monumentally attached, lethal beast creature or not. But Tommy was humanoid, except for one thing; he didn’t have legs. Rather, he had a long predominately red scaly tail like a snake.
When Wilbur was first getting used to Tommy’s being in there, the hardest thing to deal with was one: the odd feeling of scales against his sensitive organs and two: Tommy was almost always cold. How he could stay shockingly chilly in almost 100° Wilbur didn’t know, but that’s probably a big factor on why Tommy couldn’t be in open air; he’d freeze to death. Or his aversion to any form of light (maybe that was an understatement: a dim lamp 2 rooms over could kill him). But besides that, his unnatural colors, and a few other random snake-like features, Tommy was far from the horrific deep space lovecraftian monster he or the scientists were expecting. He was more just a little person who also happened to be a snake from space. No biggie.
“I- I don’t know what happened down there. There’s…there’s these two people, and one looks exactly like me and the other called me the wrong name and rushed to hug me and I panicked cause I thought he hurt you. You’re not hurt, are you?” “I’m right as rain, mr. human man. I’m sturdier than you think. Er, well, you’re sturdy and I’m in here so yeah I’m good.” Tommy responded, letting out an unearthly mix of a rumble and a hiss as he did. Wilbur liked Tommy’s weird alien noises, it comforted him. He sighed. “Still, I should’ve been more careful-“
“No you shouldn’t have! Stop bein a..a uh…” he paused for a minute to mumble a series of his weird Tommy noises before starting again. “what’s the english word for someone who takes blame for no reason and thinks that they need to solve every problem ever cause somehow everything is their fault?” “I think you’re talking about a martyr complex.” “Stop have’n a martyn complex!” Tommy yelled back, making Wilbur laugh. He pressed a hand against where he felt Tommy within himself, in one of the open areas that had been cleared just for him. Tommy pressed back and started to purr, a common reflex for him when he was happy, excited, or just needed to comfort Wilbur.
Even if Wilbur’s and Tommy’s consciouses were in the nothingness, they could still feel their body’s and move a little bit, even if it was more difficult than when they were awake. Wilbur liked to think of it as the same type of gesture that his scientists would do when they rubbed his hair or gave him a side hug, something he would love to try but could never do with Tommy. He thought Tommy deserved to have his hair played with or to be hugged, but it could never happen. But the pressing in, the only amount of intentional contact they’ve ever had and could ever have, worked just fine as a replacement. Something comforting and quick to show he cared. Of course, Tommy knew he cared, they’ve lived together (well, one within the other, but same difference) for most of Wilbur’s life and all of Tommy’s.
“Still, though…i don’t know what to do. Sam hasn’t had anyone else over, i don’t know what they’re doing here.” “I’d say good old fashion spying, then. See if you can get closer and make out what they’re saying.” “Good idea-“ Wilbur said, beginning to break off the connection before Tommy shouted out. “Wait! Aren’t you gonna let me see?” Wilbur rolled his eyes and somehow, in a way he couldnt describe, let Tommy’s weird telekinetic force into his mind. He opened his eyes and he was back in his room, the nothingness vanished and his body back in his full control. He looked to his mirror and sure enough, the shiny white gloss that overtook his eyes when talking to Tommy had confined itself to just Wilbur’s pupils. He’d given Tommy access.
“There, is that better?” Wilbur asked quietly, unable to respond telepathically when not in his weird zoned out state. The lack of that void didn’t seem to pose an issue for Tommy, though, as Wilbur heard an enthusiastic “Yup!” mixed with a few alien chirps echo through his mind as a response. Wil nodded to his reflection (and Tommy by proxy) and went to the stairs. He probably didn’t need to go down, he just needed to be able to hear them.
Ok that was, in hindsight, a bad decision.
“‘Dad?!’ I have a dad!? And a brother!?!” Wilbur whisper yelled, pacing back and forth across his room. With Sam and the now-not-so-much-strangers still talking in their kitchen, he figured it’d be safe to talk outside of the mind void. Tommy, meanwhile, laid himself against the front of Wilbur’s storage, rubbing circles into the walls to try and calm him down. “Maybe that’s not so horrible! I mean, you’re not an orphan! That’s normally a good thing, right?” Tommy said skeptically.
“Maybe it would have been 9 years ago! But now I have you!” Wilbur said, stopping to sit on his bed and pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “I don’t know them. I don’t remember them at all; you’d think if they were a good family to me I’d at least recall that they existed. But I don’t. How could I ever trust them with knowing about you?” “I…I don’t know. But…you have a dad, Wil! And a brother! That’s not something you can just ignore! Neither of us know what it’s really like to have a family, maybe…you could learn for the both of us?”
Wilbur sighed. He knew Tommy was right. And they’d both wondered where their families were; if they missed their sons, if they even wanted to give them up in the first place, what ever happened to them. Wilbur always felt awful because Tommy would likely never know. The odds that his parents were even still alive were slim, and it’s not like he ended up on earth with very specific instructions on how to take care of him by accident. But Wilbur had never thought his family could show up, either, yet here they were.
“What do we do about the trio?” “You know how I feel about them. Let’s see if those two are any better.” To be fair, Wil did know how Tommy felt about them; he didn’t like them at all. Tom didn’t like the tests they ran on him, he didn’t like what they put Wil through in order to do tests on him, he didn’t like how they treated his big brother caretaker as the less important one in their experiments, and he didn’t like how damn nosy they were. That part even bugged Wilbur. How the hell did they expect Tommy to be able to explain so much about what he was? He’d never met anyone like himself either, he’d been hatched on earth!
“Well, at least we know them. They’re predictable, and we know they have our best intentions at heart. Our. They know how to help the both of us and I- I don’t know if I can do all this alone.” “Wilbur you haven’t been alone since the day I was born. You’re not gonna start now.”
“What if something happens to you and I don’t know how to fix it? It’s my job to make sure nothing bad happens to you. I couldn’t live with myself if I let myself get caught up in some familial adventure and you ended up getting hurt because of it.” “I get it but don’t you think that’s unfair?” Wilbur paused. “Wh..what do you mean ‘unfair’?” “We’re kids. You’re a kid. It sucks for you that I’m your responsibility, it’s unfair that you gave up your childhood to keep me safe. But you can get it back, some of it, at least. Just…see if this can work out. If not for you, then for me. I hate seeing you put yourself on the back burner like this, Wil, I hate it. I can’t stand that i’m the reason you can’t have friends or play or be a kid. But this could change that. If it can’t, we’ll go to whatever lab the trio puts us in next. I’m sure they’ll be sooo thrilled that you’ve met your family.”
“Tommy don’t say those things about yourself.” Wilbur said, hugging his arms around himself. “I chose to take care of you, and I’ve never regretted it. Not for a second. You’re worth everything I willingly gave up, ok?” He heard a disgruntled noise in response. “Fine, we’ll come back to this conversation later. For now…ok. I’ll..I’ll give them a shot-” He heard Tommy cheer with a mix of wooing and trilling that he made when he was excited “-but Sam obviously knows the trio, so i’m sure he’ll tell them about my family at some point if he hasn’t already.” “I figured, but what are they gonna do? They can’t take you if you want to stay.” “Emphasis on if I want to stay, remember?” “Got it, bossman.”
“Wilbur?” He heard a voice outside call while knocking before the door opened a crack. “Were you…talking to someone..?” Sam said, poking his head in through the gap a bit. “Uh, no, I just..uh..kinda talk to myself sometimes. But I’m, uh, I’m sorry.” Wilbur said, trying to move past his previous conversation as quickly as possible. The less Sam questioned why he was talking to an empty room, the better. “I shouldn’t have freaked out like that, I just…don’t like being touched.” Not exactly true, but if it would keep the blonde guy and his clone from touching him it could be the truth for a while. Sam just solemnly nodded. “I’m sorry, I told him about you and how you were just kinda found with no memories, but…I don’t think he believed that your amnesia was as bad as I told him it was. I don’t think it hit him that you really didn’t know him until you ran off…Wil, he’s-” “He’s my dad, apparently. I was eavesdropping, i heard you talking downstairs.” Sam stared wide eyed for a second before he nodded solemnly.
“I know this must be a lot. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by calling them here, you obviously didn’t expect to meet your long lost family while you stayed for the month. But…I’ve been friends with Phil for a while. That’s the blonde guy, by the way. He…he didn’t take losing you well. I was there for him when he and Techno were grieving and it..it was horrible. They were so broken.” Sam said, eyes beginning to shine from unshed tears. “I can ask them to leave if you want, I understand if-“ “I don’t want them to go.” Wilbur interrupted, almost mad at himself that he’d let Tommy talk him into this. “I want to meet them. I want to see what they’re like again.“
“Really? I mean, you can, but I just thought-“ “I’ve made up my mind. Can I meet them again?” “Y-yeah, yeah, absolutely.” Sam said, leading Wilbur out the doors down the stairs. He heard Tommy make a few more excited chirps before he started purring again. Like always, it put Wilbur at ease a bit. He followed close behind Sam down the stairs and back to the kitchen, where he saw the pink haired boy leaned over the blonde guy, who was sitting at the table with his head on his folded arms. The pink haired boy’s head snapped up from where he’d been comforting his father as Sam and Wilbur re-entered the room, eyes narrowing at Wilbur like he was a rabid animal. In the awkward silence, Phil looked up, and it almost pained Wilbur too see his red cheeks and puffy eyes. He really hadn’t meant to hurt the guys feelings, he just panicked. They all stared at each other for a moment before Wilbur realized that they were probably waiting for him to speak up. Great.
“Uh…I’m sorry for screaming at you, Mr. Phil. I don’t do well with…surprise contact. You just scared me, is all.” The man just continued to stare back at Wilbur for a moment. “You…you really don’t remember me, do you, Orpheus?” Wilbur looked back and took a deep breath. This may have been for Tommy, but he had to stand his ground here. “I’m going to say this once, and only once cause I don’t think you can handle hearing it a second time, ok? You think you can handle this?” Phil looked a bit confused at the annoyed tone but nodded, prompting Wil to continue. “Good, cause here it is: I don’t know who Orpheus is. I don’t know who he was. All I know is he’s not me. Maybe he was, but not anymore. So maybe your grieving wasn’t in vain: because he is in fact very much dead.”
Wilbur paused as Phil’s face fell and tears started to run down his face again. Even the pink haired boy had started crying. He tried to ignore it. “My name is Wilbur. If you want to know me, not Orpheus, me, I…I’m willing to try to connect with you again. I don’t mean to be heartless but I need you to understand that if you want me back, there will be no prior standards for me. I won’t try to change how I am now to be the person I used to be for your amusement, because frankly? I couldn’t give less of a shit about what you want, because I don’t know fuck all about either of you. If you came here to find the son you lost, I’d suggest leaving. Any questions?”
Shocked silence filled the room. Phil stood silent and still as tears poured down his face, his clone even started to cry when he saw Phil crying, and Sam looked like he’d just watched a bomb go off. Wilbur just stood at the center waiting for something to change. For Sam to send him to his room, for Phil to break down even worse or for him and his son to deem Wilbur too different and abandon him (again), but nothing was happening. ‘Way to sugarcoat it, Wil.’ quietly played in his head, as if Tommy was afraid he’d somehow interrupt the group despite them not being able to hear him. He’d elbow himself in the gut later, that’d probably look really weird if he did it now.
“…Do you want to come home with us?” Phil said after a few minutes, shocking Wilbur. “Do you want me to?” Phil just nodded and wiped a few more tears from
his face. “Even if you don’t remember us, you’re still my son. You always will be. I’ve missed you so, so much Wilbur.” He said, kneeling to be at eye level. Wilbur just sighed. “Ok, then…let’s go home, I guess. I didn’t come here with much, I can just go with you now?” “Really?” Phil said, surprised but seemingly excited. “Oh, o-ok then! I thought you’d want a few days but, uh, sure! As long as Sam is ok with that?”
“Oh yeah, Sam!” Wilbur interrupted, turning to face the man who’d just kind of been standing silently, clearly unsure of what to do in the situation. “I need you to tell my guardians what happened. They’ll
probably understand, but they’ll also want to meet my long lost family
since they raised me and all.” ‘More like interrogate them and possibly file a restraining order so they can never take us again, but same difference I guess.’ Tommy chimed in unhelpfully. Wilbur ignored him. “Give them Phil’s address asap so they know where to find me. Also give me their phone numbers, i don’t remember them.” “Wait, guardians?” Phil chimed in, lightly tapping Wilbur on the shoulder with a concerned look. “You have legal guardians?”
“Three college aged guys, yeah. But I wouldn’t say legal,” Wilbur explained, “they just kind of took me in when I was lost without my memories. They tried to find you for a few years but gave up after a while. I couldn’t really give them any info to go off of.” “Oh…do they treat you well?” “Yes.” ‘No.’ Wilbur and Tommy said at the same time, though obviously only one was heard. “That’s…that’s good, i guess.” Phil said quietly, then it was back to the awkward silence. Godammit, Wilbur hated silence. Was it gonna be like this all the time with Phil?
“Well then, let’s get a move on.” Said the pink haired boy who Wilbur had only remembered was in the room when he spoke up. He’d been pretty silent, but at least his tears had dried. That was better than Phil was doing. “And you are?” Wilbur asked. “Technoblade, but most people call me Techno.” he said, holding a hand out. Wilbur just stared trying to figure out why he was doing that. Was it a high five? Sometimes orange would give him a high five when he did a good job testing, but why was he doing it sideways?
Wilbur smacked his hand quickly and pulled away, smiling awkwardly. Techno just lowered his hand and stared. Shit, he was wrong about the high five, wasn’t he?“Ok…” Techno said, “we’re gonna have to re-teach you some stuff, aren’t we?” “Uuuhhh…maybe.” Wilbur said quietly as he heard Tommy laugh at him. Asshole.
Wilbur made his way to their car after grabbing his bag and saying goodbye to Sam. The packed into the car, and Wilbur was met with the silence again. Phil seemed…weary of him, to put it best. Like he was dam one bad storm away from breaking. Techno seemed more disinterested in him, just playing on a phone as Phil started to drive, never looking up at him. Well, he wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence this time. He didn’t want to talk to them anyway.
Instead, he let himself fall into his nothingness, connecting with Tommy on the other side. “Well that went great!” Tommy said sarcastically. “I stood my ground.” Wilbur shot back. “I don’t want to be treated like some lost broken kid. I’m 13. I know what I’m doing.” “Well, I like them. They seem nice!” Wilbur wasn’t sure how to respond. Sure, Phil seemed like he wanted to care about him. Techno seemed…willing, at least, even if he was a bit nonchalant. But could he trust these people? They were the people who abandoned him and left him to almost starve to death in the woods as a toddler. That wasn’t exactly something a loving family would do, but they seemed happy to see him alive. Was it a mistake? How could they have fucked up badly enough that he got amnesia and almost died at the ripe age of 4?
But Tommy seemed so excited. As much as the scientists always tried to make sure it didn’t happen, Wilbur loved Tommy. He really was like a little brother, they’d grown up together. They’d both always been told that it would be for the best that they didn’t make that kind of connection in case something where to go wrong, but who else did they have? Tommy was family to him, and damn if he wouldn’t do anything to make the little boy happy. He sighed. “Yeah, well…let’s hope so.”
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colossal-red · 2 months
Endless Sleep
Tw: death mention, grieving.
Tommy’s sleep was restless, it had been several weeks since the incident, as those dumbass therapists called it… he hated that word now. Ever since that day, it had been hard to close his eyes.
He missed those mofos so much.
In his sleep, in the very same room on a significantly bigger bed than the one he rested in on a nightstand, Philza would awaken, and sit up with a groggy look about him, wiping some sleep from his eyes he would turn to look at Tommy… a sigh coming from his lips.
He himself had troubles too, but he had to be there for Tommy; It was all that kept him going, losing two of his three sons would do that to you… need something to keep you going. He’d rise to his feet, and gently stroke Tommy’s small hair with a finger, feeling his soft movements, despite the sad nature of his distressed motions, it was the most active he’d seen him in a while.
“Shhh…” He whispered softly, stroking his blond hair until he calmed. The larger avian would look out a window, gazing at the night sky, the stars shining brightly. He wished he could see them just one last time.
On the nightstand, close to where Tommy slept was a photo of the once happy family, but now half of them were gone. Techno, gone much too soon and Wil, taken most recently.
It was heart shattering.
Memories flashed through Phil’s mind, as soundless tears dripped from his face, times of love, times of laughter; God he’d give anything to have those times back.
One memory in particular appeared, a day like any other, except all four of them were tired as shit hehe… Phil nearly crashed the car that day, picking them all up from their work or school in Tom’s case.
Tubbo had called them all sleepy boy’s when he came to visit, and the name kind of stuck, it became an inside joke, Sleepy Boi’s Incorporated, they called themselves.
They tried their best to stay awake and have some family bonding time together but… when Wil face-planted into a pie that Tommy had moved in front of him, Phil would send them off to bed.
Everyone learned a lesson from that to not stay up too late hehe…
Suddenly, lost in his thought, something would perch on Phil’s shoulder, and nuzzle his neck. “Tommy…?”
“Phil.” Tommy replied simply, wings held close to his body as he stayed there on the Bean’s shoulder.
“Did I wake you?”
“Nah, if your snores can’t wake me up old man I doubt anything could.“
That caused a laugh from Phil, Tommy staying perched on despite the shakes, Phil was still crying a bit, but the laughter felt nice. The smaller avian smiled, burrowing into Phil’s neck as he reached up and placed a hand on Tommy to almost hug him, a sniffle coming from Tom.
“You okay mate?”
“Yeah,it’s just… I wish they were here with us.”
“Me too Tom, me too.” Phil replied, sighing again as he sat down, softly stroking Tom’s hair.
“It’ll be okay mate. They’d- they’d want us to carry on…”
“Yeah, Wil would’ve cracked a joke here I think. Techno would maybe have laughed in his usual way, patting your back…” Tom mumbled to himself, just staying as close to Phil as he could.
“Yeah, probably.” Phil said with a sad smile.
“I think… I’ll be okay… won’t we Dadza..?”
“Yea… yea mate,”
“We’ll be okay.”
Hey y’all, Red here.
Regarding the Wilbur Soot allegations…
Wilbur Soot is gone; As far as I'm concerned, the Wilbur Soot we knew is dead now... the one we knew and loved would never do the things he's done, all that's left is this, terrible abuser who I can’t even recognize. :,]
I believe… we can still make fics about the one we knew and loved, our Real Wilbur, not this- disgrace.
Separating the one we knew and loved from the disgrace that emerged from the ashes;
And so I had this fic idea… a smol Fic Idea: A tribute to the SBI, Phil and Tommy-centric with the two in grieving over the deaths of Wil and Techno, but after some bonding and comfort- g/t, the short fic would end with the simple words... "It'll be okay" to celebrate the life of Techno, as we are getting close to that time of the year again… when we lost the legend… and to celebrate the Wilbur Soot we knew and loved, but abhor what he has become.
Just to be clear: I 100% support Shelby, she’s a good person, who didn’t deserve any of what happened to her… or anyone else affected by Will…
This fic, and any subsequent ones released after this by me… are not in support of Will, they are a tribute to the happy memories the Wilbur we knew and loved gave us, and mourning of the loss of the one that gave us hope, and inspired us…
I miss him, and after that ‘apology’
In the words of Soldier Boy…
“You’re such a f^cking disappointment.”
Here’s a hug for everyone in need :,] I’m still on hiatus, just to be clear… but when I get the chance to truly come back I will, I love all of you/p
And I hope y’all have an excellent day… (When I come back I’ll also clear out my inbox- thanks for the asks <3/p)
See y’all… when I see you. ❤️/p
P.S. I do apologize if people look at this fic in bad taste, I wrote this for myself majorly, in mourning of the man who was “Everything I wanted to be” as quoted from Spider-Man Ps4.
@kayla-crazy-stuffs @brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @poprockpanda @a-tiny-frog-girl @local-squishmallow
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dragonkween13 · 2 years
So I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for a couple of days now and need to share.
Borrower AU. I'm centering it around SBI cuz found family is my jam and they're my faves for that.
Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy are all borrowers living in a house that's been on the housing market for a while. (Idk why but needs to be vacant for a hot minute for plot) They've got a system for mini-farming and stuff so food isn't a problem but their stealth skills begin to lack w/ the lack of humans. Enter Phil and Kristen, buying their first home that's ridiculously cheap but has remained vacant for who knows why. Borrowers kinda go "meh whatever" with the new humans but only do minor changes to routine because they've survived this long without being caught they're too good for these noobs.
Phil immediately notices them.
Phil sees one of them out the corner of his eye getting food one day, sits there in awe for a second, then shrugs, thinks "ain't hurting anyone" and continues life. He tells Kristen and they just.... Let the boys be. They live their life and the Crafts live theirs.
Eventually Phil and Kristen learn stuff about the borrowers as the weeks turn into months. Stuff like names, general age (like Tommy is the youngest and Techno and Will are twins but Will is the older twin), and that they're brothers. Phil being Phil just unknowingly (to them) just adopts them into the family without ever having any sort of communication with them.
Then someone comes to visit.
Idk who but they're....not kind to "inferiors" to humans. They spot and easily catch one of the boys (I think Tommy would fit best but it really doesn't matter) and Phil walks into the room to see them holding the tiny roughly.
Phil. Looses. His. Shit.
Grabs (gently but firmly (don't want to hurt tiny son but need to get message across)) the child and starts berating visitor. Visitor doesn't seemed phased.
"Get out of my house and never talk to me, my wife or our sons ever again."
Everyone but Phil is confused.
Visitor leaves, tiny is still being held by Phil when Phil notices the other two cowering behind something on the counter. The three borrowers all hug and look at Phil in fear and confusion but don't run (yet).
"are you alright mate?"
Tiny mods and Phil smiles, "good, sorry about them. Won't ever happen again", then walks away so the boys can recuperate and go about their business. Boys go back into the wall and discuss leaving their home but decide they want answers first and confront the humans.
Everyone talks it out and yay! Borrowers are now aware they have giant parents!!!
Honestly dont know where to go from there but Yee! I thought it could be a fun little one shot or mini series but I have no motivation to write currently so.....
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aslitheryprinx · 1 year
(man, I'm out of practice with Actual Posts. I used to know what to say in this section.)
I probably won't continue this, but have a little twinsduo oneshot, featuring naga content!
"Wilbur! Stop running ahead!" 
"Stop falling behind!" Wilbur shouted to his twin, grinning as he walked just slightly faster. He could just barely hear the annoyed huff Techno let out, but it was enough to make him snicker. 
Wilbur held the firm belief that any activity could be improved by annoying Technoblade. And Wilbur was an expert in annoying his older (-only by two minutes!-) brother. 
Hiking was no exception. It was almost too easy to annoy Techno on a hike; all Wilbur had to do was walk just slightly faster than Tech liked to. Sure, Wilbur would tire himself out quicker like this, but it was worth it for the sweet hour or so of Technoblade annoyance before he couldn't keep up the speed anymore. 
"I hate you, you know," Techno called as Wilbur pulled ahead. 
"Love you too, brother dear," Wilbur said. He turned to stick his tongue out at Techno. 
He couldn't have picked a worse time to look back. Just as he turned to mock his brother, the path in front of him turned, dipping sharply. Wilbur's foot hit the edge of the path, and his leg buckled beneath him. 
Wilbur let out an undignified squeak as he crumpled like a puppet with its strings cut. He slid down the surprisingly steep hill, rolling a couple of times before he came to a stop. 
"Wil?" Techno called, his voice a perfect balance between concern and amusement. "Are you alive down there?" 
Wilbur let out a groan, throwing his hand over his face with all the dramatics the situation required. He heard the sound of gravel skidding and glanced up. Techno was sliding down the side of the hill, far more gracefully than he had managed. Though that wasn't hard to accomplish; all Techno had to do was stay on his feet. 
"Are you hurt?" Techno asked when he made it down the hill. 
"Only my pride," said Wilbur. He frowned a little. "And maybe my face. And my back. And-" 
"Heh?" Techno said under his breath, cutting Wilbur off. Wilbur watched, a little offended, as Techno started to walk off. 
"You're just going to leave me on the ground?" He complained, pushing himself to a seated position. Techno barely seemed to hear him. "I could be dying!" 
"Wilbur come look at this," his twin interrupted, completely uninterested in Wilbur's suffering. 
"Yes, yes, I'm coming," Wilbur grumbled. 
He got to his feet, brushing himself off. Techno was already several steps ahead, trudging deeper into the woods. 
"Tech- wait up!" Wilbur hissed after him, ignoring the irony of the situation. Techno didn't respond, but he stopped so suddenly Wilbur almost ran into him. 
"Look," his twin said in a hushed voice before Wilbur could question him. He was pointing to something just past the treeline. Wilbur followed the gesture, and his eyes went wide. 
Half buried in the dirt, yet still sparkling in the sun, was a large, iridescent green… something. Wilbur exchanged a wide-eyed look with his twin, and they both edged towards the mysterious object. 
"What is it?" Wilbur breathed, tilting his head as if a different angle might make him understand what he was seeing. 
"Dunno," answered Techno. "I just saw something sparklin' and followed the light. This thing is… weird." 
Wilbur nodded absently, crouching down to get a better look at the strange object. He brushed away some of the dirt. Techno knelt on the other side to help, and within a few minutes, they had excavated the strange object. 
It was big, almost as big as a car door. It was also surprisingly thin and light, and was a symmetrical shape that wasn't quite a diamond. Wilbur had thought it might be metal of some kind, but it wasn't nearly heavy enough. But if it wasn't metal, Wilbur had no clue what it could be. 
Suddenly, Techno went stiff. Wilbur watched with a frown as his twin stood, cautiously scanning the area. 
"Tech?" He asked softly. "What's wrong?" 
"I think I know what it is," Techno replied. 
Wilbur jumped as the trees on the other side of the clearing began rustling. The color drained from Techno's face, and he grabbed Wilbur's arm, pulling him back to the opposite treeline. 
"What? What is it?" Wilbur asked, trying to pull his arm out of Techno's iron grip. His twin didn't answer or relax his hold on Wilbur until they were both in the cover of the trees. 
"It's a scale," Techno finally said, voice hushed. 
A chill went down Wilbur's spine. It… it made sense. The texture, the shape, even the coloring all fit the description of a scale perfectly. And the only creature that could have a scale that large… 
The trees rustled again, closer this time. Wilbur clutched his twin's hand, and they backed away, trying not to make a sound. 
The only creature that could have a scale that large was… 
With another loud rustle, something broke through the trees. Wilbur's heart leapt to his throat. Techno's hand gripped painfully tight on his own; he was sure he was squeezing just as hard. 
The only creature that could have a scale that large was a naga. 
Blonde hair was the first thing Wilbur noticed. The naga had blonde hair that brushed the top of his shoulders. Wilbur didn't look too closely at his face, scared that he would make eye contact, but from the waist up, the naga looked like a normal guy… if normal guys were as tall as buildings. 
Then, the rest of the naga slipped through the trees, and there was no mistaking who the scale belonged to. From the waist down were the powerful coils of a snake. The naga's tail was a mosaic of shimmering green and glimmering black. From a distance, the tail looked like any other snake tail; up close, Wilbur was sure the scale they had found would be one of the smallest ones. 
Wilbur had seen a snake once. It was under an old bucket he was clearing out, and he'd thrown his phone across the ground on reflex. That scare paled in comparison to this. Wilbur didn't think he'd ever been this scared. 
Were it not for Techno slowly tugging him back, away from the terrifying creature, Wilbur probably would have frozen in place. There was something about seeing a being so massive that made his breath stall in his chest and his limbs lock up. 
They were doing so well; each step took them farther away from danger. Soon, they would be completely out of the naga's line of sight.
But, like walking on a tightrope, a single misstep can be the end. One mistake can be their doom. 
The sharp snap of dry wood broke the silence. Wilbur's head shot to the source of the noise- Techno had stepped on a stick. 
The twins locked eyes, identical looks of horror on their faces. 
Stomach curdling with dread, Wilbur looked past the trees. His heart skipped a beat as he met the sharp blue eyes of the naga. 
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cr0g-0 · 2 years
A long awaited post from us since it’s been waaaaaaay to long since a post!! I do hope you enjoy part 1 of many
P.s-This fic will be uploaded part by part but as of now it’s being written all on the same doc so if the beginnings seem a bit abrupt that is why!
Tw-Accidental Dehumanization, Safe Noms, Talk of Death, Talks of Fatal noms(Doesn’t happen)
Total word count: 3021
A Great Divide Between You and Me (When did you become so cruel) [I]
Tommy was…well…apprehensive about this whole idea. Don’t get him wrong-he’d do it if Wilbur was a hundred percent sure but still…he wasn’t too sure about this whole…pretending to actually eat Wilbur.
“C’mon Tommy! You said you wanted to do a prank that would shock and scare the hell out of everyone and this couldn’t be a better prank!” The borrower exclaimed. Wilbur was excited by the prospect of scaring his friends on April fools. Every other year Tommy and he had either made them laugh till they couldn’t stand or they ticked them off a little. 
Wilbur wanted to see what scaring them would be like. Mix it up and such.
“I know I know…it’s just…you think they might take it the wrong way?” Wilbur shook his head. 
“Tommy-Toms-no one will think you legitimately decided to eat me.” 
“I mean-I guess if you're sure then…ok fine-I’ll do it. But you owe me a fuck ton of ice cream and shit. I’m doing this for you after all.” Tommy stubbornly crossed his arms, huffing. Wilbur just let out a bubbly laugh. 
“Alright alright fine I’ll buy you some ice cream tomorrow if you can effectively pull the wool over their eyes and convince them you did the deed successfully.”
Tommy let out what sounded like a whine and a groan, nodding slowly and dramatically as Tommy usually did. “If I fail can I still get a single tub of ice cream?”
The brunet hummed, closing his eyes and tapping his finger on his chin in thought. Tommy blinked at Wilbur with a deadpan look. “I swear to prime I will legitimately eat you regardless of this stupid prank if you don’t buy me ice cream-“
Wilbur paused and for a split second, Tommy swore he saw fear but if Wilbur had been afraid? Well, he wasn’t showing it anymore because the borrower was doubled over in a fit of laughs and Tommy felt his worry melt away. “Ok ok no need to threaten me child-I’ll buy you a single tub if you fail ok?”
Tommy grumbled, pretending to be pissed off about it but he was grinning wide. “Yeah, that's fair big man. Makes sense to me but make sure it’s mint chip or you're dead-“ He jokingly growled, poking the other gently. 
Wilbur stumbled back slightly and lightly swatted at Tommy’s finger. “Mhm-ok sure Toms. Like you would ever kill your favorite brother-”
“Nope Techno is actually my favorite brother-Sorry Wilby.” Tommy shrugged and Wilbur snorted, rolling his eyes disbelievingly.
“Oh please child-you gave me the nickname Wilby. Are you seriously gonna sit here and tell me, out of both me and Techno, he’s the favorite?” “Well-I-oh just shut up Wil-” The blond spluttered out, his face having turned a bright red in embarrassment. Curse Wilbur for always being right-
Getting back on track, Tommy scooped Wilbur up, holding him gently in cupped hands. Wilbur settled quickly, getting comfortable and preparing mentally. 
“Alright well let’s get this prank on the road hmm? I have some morons to scare!” The brunet laughed before nodding his head. 
“Let us get on with it. I have a nap I need to take-“ He joked as Tommy brought Wilbur closer to his face and more specifically, towards his mouth.
Wilbur tensed up just a little, part of his mind still screaming his life was in danger just like it had the first time he had been found…and by all accounts he had been in danger that first time but after all the bonding and movie nights they had really become a family for him…
But of course he was still somewhat frightened of the whole thing.
And he wouldn’t lie but some of the things his friends said to him made him…immensely uncomfortable…not that he’d say anything on the subject. He didn’t want them to think he couldn’t handle what was obviously a joke…
But hey-he wouldn’t be seeing any of them till dinner tonight. First up, Tommy would go and kind of discreetly hint before outright admitting that he had ‘eaten’ Wilbur to Phil, Techno. Then it was on to Tubbo and Ranboo if Tommy was able to get a hold of them. They were always busy trying to prank each other the day after so one of them was usually shopping for prank supplies  depending on the year. Then, if they couldn’t get a hold of either of them they went to meet up at Dream’s before going back home for dinner where Tommy would reveal that everything was fine.
Wilbur was particularly interested to hear what Skeppy thought of the whole thing considering he was also a borrower like him. 
Skeppy was one of, if not thee, best at deciphering he and Tommy’s pranks. One year, they had pretended not to know each other and most everyone was actually convinced Tommy and him had amnesia or something. The two always made sure the lead up to a prank was flawless so it actually felt and seemed real. The month before the amnesia prank they had both been ‘having issues remembering where things were’ and ‘remembering Wilbur was a borrower or that Tommy was human.’ 
The other borrower was by far the most unconvinced and saw through Tommy and Wilbur’s facades so quickly that the two ended up admitting it was a prank before they had gotten to dinner that day. 
Would Skeppy be worried or totally knowing as he usually was? Wilbur was going with the second one surprisingly. As much as it would suck for another prank not to last till dinner, it wouldn’t be a shock.
He had always been asked by either Skeppy or Bad if he felt alright or if he was uncomfortable after hearing an off handed remark about just wanting to eat Wilbur because he was a nuisance. 
“Uh-Wilbur…you know it’s ok to tell them if they say anything that upsets you right? I mean-usually they're joking but still. If it makes you uncomfortable you should say something alright man?” The blue clad borrower had put his hands on Wilbur’s shoulders. Quackity had…made a very unnerving comment about how easy he could just eat Wilbur and no one would stop him and unsurprisingly, Bad and Skeppy quickly brought Wilbur to another room to just calm him down. He hadn’t noticed it till he left the room but he had been shaking more than he had thought. Bad had dropped them both off and had gone to call Phil to pick him up, making up some nonsense about Wilbur feeling ill and needing rest.
“I-I can handle a joke though…obviously it was just a joke…” Wilbur had mumbled quietly and Skeppy had just let out an exasperated sigh. 
“I know it sucks to think but-imagine if it wasn’t a joke. You have every single right to feel uncomfortable, upset and downright afraid if someone says that; because if you don’t speak up then they’ll think it’s ok to keep saying or-in a worst case scenario-they’ll think they can go and e-eat you.” Skeppy could barely keep the tremors that came from his voice
Wilbur hadn’t hidden the shiver and chill that made its way through his whole body. He shakily nodded his head though, The other was right after all…if he never voiced his thoughts they’d go unheard.
“Alright. I’ll try to be more vocal about my feelings and opinions.”
The older brown haired borrower looked like he had wanted to talk more about the subject when the doorbell rang and Bad returned, offering the two his hand. They appeared to be just the slightest stressed out looking about this whole thing. The borrowers hopped onto his hands and he held them up to his chest. “I am so very sorry Wilbur-I’ll make sure to have a very…strongly worded conversation with everyone ok?” Skeppy had let out a small giggle, already grinning a bit and having returned to his mood from earlier in the day. “Ooo is Bad gonna finally cuss Quackity out?” Wilbur could tell that he had been trying to lighten the mood and he…he had appreciated it.Bad seemed to appreciate this much less.“I-Skeppy you muffinhead! I meant-Oh you know what I meant-!” He had spluttered out, his face having gotten a dusting of pink and red before he tried to calm down, returning his focus to the original, albeit sore, subject. 
“All jokes aside I’ll g-“
“N-No you don’t need to! Seriously-It’s fine. You don’t need to tell anyone anything. It’s not like I live here so they shouldn’t have to change the things they say.”
Bad had looked hesitant but nodded, dropping the conversation. Skeppy seemed frustrated at that but he hadn’t said anything on the subject.
“Wilbur are you alright? You’ve been just kinda staring in a bit of a daze. Helloooooo?” Tommy poked Wilbur gently with a finger and his brother barely moved.
“Willllll-“ The human whined, bringing Wilbur much closer before licking him to just try and get the borrower back into focus.
That got Wilbur’s attention seeing as the borrower nearly jumped out of his hand. “T-Tommy?”
“Bigman you kinda just-stopped looking alive for a bit. You ok?”
Wilbur nodded. “I-I’m ok Toms.”
“Are you sure? If you don’t want to do this now that’s ok w-“ 
“No, we're doing it. I said we were and we are so just get on it.” Wilbur snapped and Tommy seemed apprehensive as he pushed Wilbur into his mouth, his mouth already watering at the delightful flavor of milk chocolate coming from his mouth.
The blond's pupils dilated a little as he began to coat Wilbur in saliva, purring softly.
Maybe he shouldn’t have opposed this idea so much…
He continued to lick at the borrower, noting that he was squirming around a little now and he began to push him towards the back of his throat. 
Normally he’d probably bite a borrower, their blood tasted heavenly after all-but the more awake side of him told him that this was his brother.
Which of course meant he couldn’t hurt him because if he did he might not even see him again and he for sure knew normal him would be so very upset with himself. So, with that in mind he opted to continue licking him, pressing him up against his teeth and gently nibbling on his tail.
The nibbling was…very short lived as he felt a sharp jab at his tongue and he let out an animalistic whine. “Tommy no tail nibbling! You know how sensitive it is-”
Letting out an annoyed huff, he moved the borrower back to his tongue , pressing them below his tongue, purring quietly as he swallowed the building saliva in his mouth.
Wilbur squirmed around a little, grumbling in annoyance as he shoved the tongue that continued to coat him in thick and sticky saliva.
“Ok Tommy I think you got me covered enough-“ He forced a chuckle though he wasn’t sure why he felt a pit of anxiety and nervousness pooling in his stomach. It wasn’t like he was in danger. This was Tommy after all.
The blond hummed, reluctantly moving them back to the center of his tongue before tilting his head back, swallowing them gently. A hand went up to his throat as he rubbed and massaged his throat to get the borrower down.
Wilbur squirmed around the tight, squishy throat as he was tugged down the slimy throat, his tail flitting about as he tried to keep his calm. His stupid instincts screamed that he was in danger but he knew he wasn’t…
There was another tug and he passed the teenagers collarbone. He heard the steady, resonating purrs and the beating of his heart. The noises calmed his fears. He was probably fine. He slipped into a more spacious pouch and tensed before forcing his body to relax. He brought his tail to his chest and ran his hands through the saliva soaked fur.
Tommy softly smiled, rubbing at his storage as he continued to purr, the fog in his head starting to clear slightly.
What had he been doing again? Right-he had a prank to pull off. He poked his storage a little. “How’s my favorite snack doing?” Tommy teased, smirking to himself as he felt the borrower inside tense and squirm a little.
“Prime, give me some warning when you do that Tommy-And don’t call me a snack either.”
“Oh whatever snack-“ Tommy poked his storage again, once more teasing his brother before going towards the door of his room. He assumed Wilbur was just joking as well.
Wilbur had been dead serious when he said he didn’t want to be called a snack. It…It rubbed him the wrong way…
It reminded him of his first meeting with Tommy. That meeting had been a disaster and he had thought he’d die a horribly painful death.
Oddly enough, Tommy had taken what he had thought was pity upon him and helped him get better after a particularly dilapidating fall.
And then…well the unofficial and undocumented adoption had quickly followed.
But that had been around the last time Tommy had ever called him a snack till now and he wasn’t sure how he should feel about all this. He laid back though for now, getting comfortable as he focused on listening to Tommy and the conversation that would follow.
Tommy hummed, as he walked down the stairs to see Techno and Phil in the living room. April fools day always had them very attentive and he found it hilarious.
“Good morning!”
“…Morning Tommy…….”  Techno hesitantly greeted.
“Hey Toms. Where’s your brother?” Tommy bit back a grin. Perfect, Phil had fallen right into his trap and he was sure Phil wouldn’t know. 
Tommy nonchalantly shrugged. “Uh-right here duh-“
“Tommy, I think he meant Wilbur.” 
He scoffed as if even saying Wilbur’s name offended him deeply.. “Oh. Yeah. I don’t know.”
Phil frowned but he forced his smile back on his face, shrugging. “He might just be sleeping in. I wouldn’t worry.”
Techno looked at Phil as if he had three heads and the other groaned. “Phil it is April fools day those to menaces to society are always up to something and especially today-“
Tommy rolled his eyes a little but Phil just sighed.
“Ok well are we all ready for breakfast? Aside from Wilbur obviously because he isn’t here right now.” Tommy held back another wide smile. They were hitting every beat he needed them to hit for this to work.
“I already had a little snack so I’m already full.”
“…Didn’t Phil confiscate all your snacks?”
The blond shrugged. “Well I got myself some milk chocolate and it really tasted delicious.”
“…….I….I tossed all the milk chocolate mate…”
Tommy let his grin finally appear. “He really tasted as good as he smelt~”
The silence was satisfying…the tension was less satisfying but he had gotten to the first step of today's elaborate joke.
Techno looked dumbfounded, shock obvious in his eyes as he stared at Tommy, mouth agape. Tommy barely noticed the pinkettes hands clenching into fist.
Phil looked shellshocked for a moment before he seemed to grow hurt and confused. “You’re surely joking-tell us your joking-“
Tommy laughed. “Of course I’m not joking! I was going to eat him eventually-just wanted to taste his betrayal. I just pretended to care about him.”
He felt a small amount of squirming within him. He ignored it.
He felt all eyes on him and he was about to start talking again when Techno spoke up.
“How could you say that!? He-He was your brother!! That-That brotherly love always looked real-surely it was real!!! You wouldn’t have waited three fucking years to eat him!!!” Techno looked on the verge of tears, his voice raised unusually high. Tommy wasn’t gonna back out though. Wilbur would be disappointed if he didn’t follow through with the whole prank.
The teen shrugged, seemingly uncaring of the whole situation. As if this had been expected though it was really far from it…well it was far from it in the sense that it was just a joke.
“I don’t see the problem. I was just disposing of a pest. A nuisance that was overstaying its welcome.”
A silence hit the room. It was heavy, thick with tension. 
And then there was a blur of pink headed straight toward Tommy. Techno’s fist made contact with Tommy’s nose and a crack seemingly echoed through the room. Before Techno could land another blow Phil raced over, grabbing Techno into a hug so he couldn’t hit Tommy again.
Techno clawed and flailed about, trying to break free of Phil’s hug that was more like a wall keeping him from Tommy who was currently nursing his nose, some blood getting on his hands.
“Spit him out-Do it right here, right now or else I’m never going to talk to you ever.” Techno hissed out, eyes seemingly shimmering with rage, hate and above all-
Tears. Tears of grief. Tears for the brother that he believed was dead.
Phil’s voice came out crackly. “T-Techno…mate give it a rest….Wilbur…Wilbur is…”
Dead. The word didn’t need to be said. It was already what they were all thinking.
Techno looked to the ground. “Why don’t we all get breakfast hmm? You’ll both feel a lot better I’m sure.” Tommy suggested, already trying to get his family more…upset though it didn’t seem very smart now that he was looking at it but oh well-neither his brother nor father reacted, silently heading into the kitchen. He followed after them and sat down. “Uhm…I think we’ll just have some cereal today.” He wiped at his nose. He should get a bandage to cover that up before he went to Quackity’s.
Techno remained despondent, clearly glaring at the ground but Tommy could tell he was crying. It felt a little bad but he was overreacting. Borrower tasted great-he didn’t even need to kill him to enjoy the flavor! This was such an overreaction.
Phil got the cereal and handed it to the two. Everyone ate in total silence.
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sbisbeloved2 · 1 year
I took a prompt from @beckyu hehehe and to spice things up, Tommy's also a baby siren
"Tommy, stay." Tommy looked at his parents in confusion. Although calling them parents was an overstatement. "Why?" "Because Tommy, the river is no place for such a tiny fish. Now stay." He stared at the deep trench in front of him. "Will you be back?" Tommy saw the way the different members of his pod flinched. "Sure Tommy. Just stay here and don't go into that trench." Tommy nodded happily. He waved bye as the other mers left him. They would come back!
It's been a few years since the great Tommy Danger Kraken Innit was left on the sea cliff. And he was surely alive! Albeit he had run out of things to eat yesterday, and was seriously debating on eating the sand until that was gone too. He really didn't have a place to sleep, opting to just lay on the sand instead. Although he certainly wasn't the naive child he was back then, and accepted the fact that his pod wouldn't come to get him again. But he didn't care, and he definitely wasn't lonely. Nope. Instead he busied himself with the sand, throwing it in the air and digging his tail in it. The sand had a funny texture that always cheered Tommy up. The sun beat down on his back as he decided to take a nap to ignore the warning his stomach gave with the painful growl he felt. So he slept.
He didn’t know how long he slept for, but he didn’t feel refreshed. He stretched his fins and limbs, groaning as his back popped. He floated back down onto the sand, staring out at the now empty clearing. There was seaweed before, but Tommy had scared away any of the fish he could’ve used for food, so he ate the plants instead. Something cold brushed his shoulder, and he popped up, eyes targeting the body of a fish, somehow freshly killed. He reached out and grabbed it, looking it over. Didn’t look terrible, Tommy could probably get away with eating it. So he did. The fish tasted like pure sugar to Tommy as he munched happily. There wasn’t blood when he woke up, so he assumed that the poor unlucky fish had hit the edge of the trench and was pushed his way with the current. Tommy didn’t care, he was just happy to have something to eat! He decided to go for a swim as the activity for the day, so he looked around as he swam. Nothing new sadly, just sad and an occasional piece of coral. He was sad now, he wanted to see something new, but nothing was there. He went back to his spot in the sand. At this point, any mer–or fish for that matter– would have the common sense to swim away, but he didn’t. Tommy didn’t know why either, was his mind still hoping that his pod would come back for him? Or maybe he just didn’t feel that lucky. Whatever the reason, the pure loneliness of the boy was sinking in, and he felt hopeless.
Tommy woke up again, although he didn’t remember going to sleep. Oh well. He stretched yet again, his tail sore from his adventure yesterday. His gaze was caught as something on the ground shimmered in the sunlight. It got his attention as he swam towards it. He pulled it out of the sand, and held it up. A shiny shell! But it wasn’t here yesterday, had it been covered in sand before? He didn’t care, because now he had a treasure! He swam back to his nest in the sand, putting the shell down next to his sleeping area. Then something else shine caught his attention. Another dead fish? More food! He floated over, picking it up. Must’ve hit the trench like yesterday’s fish. Was there a school nearby that was stupid or something? Eh, he wasn’t going to complain, free food! He bit it again, although this fish tasted different this time. It was even sweeter! That meant it was fresher than the last one from yesterday. Tommy was too excited now. Maybe he wouldn’t starve! He finished the fish, and got curious, so he peaked out from over the edge of the trench. He stared down at the pitch black abyss below with curiosity, gasping as he saw little dots of light. They were all green and white, so maybe it was a large pack of that type of glowing jellyfish that his pod had talked about once. There were two larger jellyfish, glowing a stunning green. Tommy eventually got bored, so he swam back to his nest. He grabbed the shell he found earlier, hugging it tightly as he fell asleep again.
The sun felt so good as Tommy awoke. He stretched again, no longer feeling tired or sore now that he had good food. There was another shiny thing in the sand again, so he swam over. It was in the exact same spot that the other shell was, so he wondered why he hadn’t seen it. He didn’t know what that meant, but he picked it up. No sand on it again. This didn’t seem right, normally he would have to brush away the sand. He looked around cautiously, before turning and swimming back to his nest. He noticed another fish, further than the others, and on the edge of the trench. He set his new shell down carefully, and slowly swam to the fish. He looked it over, suddenly noticing the way the fish was looking. Almost like it had been squeezed to death. He looked around, wondering just what could’ve done this. He sniffed it, and took a bite, deciding that it wasn’t poisoned. That’s okay, right? He didn’t finish it as quickly, constantly looking around to see if something was going to attack him. When he was done, he swam upwards, trying to find any currents nearby that he could swim in to escape, but there was nothing. He surfaced, looking for any signs of humans. Also nothing. So what was messing with him?
He woke up early today, seeing no shell in the sand ahead. Maybe it’s a good thing- Water brushed over him in a massive current from above, so he looked up. What the f***. A massive arm was reaching over him, placing a shell that was way too small for it to hold in the sand ahead. Where the other two had been. He used the currents the hand created as it moved back to turn himself around, and he watched as the hand lowered into the trench behind him. Tommy was frightened now, something massive was in the trench, and it was here for him. The hand returned, this time leaving a fish out in the open sea, just above the trench. He didn’t dare move. Something was here for him. It had been a few minutes, and the only thing the hand had done was bop the fish back up into Tommy’s line of sight. He inched forward slowly, not even going to get the shell. He reached the edge of the trench, and felt the current move, assuming that the hand was escaping back into the abyss below. He took a deep breath, and raced for the fish. He grabbed it, looking around for any signs of the hand–or worse, the mer it was attached to–returning. Suddenly a massive school of fish swam into and around Tommy, knocking the fish out of his hands, scaring and surprising him with what was happening to think of the consequences. And soon enough, a rope net had brushed up uncomfortably with Tommy’s back as many more fish swam into him as he was pulled upwards.
He was pulled out of the water, gasping for air. There were humans there, who hadn’t made a sound since they pulled up the net. “Wilbur you b**** that’s a f***ing mer! I warned you not to fish out here!” “Oh don’t pin this on me you p****, you were just as excited to come out here as I was!” The sound of waves rang through the air, as Tommy turned his attention to the massive hand that had surfaced next to the boat. The hand formed a fist as it got higher, the humans panicking and racing to the other side of the boat. The fist fell, slamming into the side of the boat and causing it to sink. Tommy was thrown back into the water with the rest of the humans catch, taking in the air that he lacked. The humans fell too, sinking a bit further away from him. The hand wrapped itself around Tommy, a second hand shooting up from the trench to grab the humans, with seaweed in their hand. Tommy gasped as a massive mer swam up from the depths of the trench, focusing on the humans. The mer opened the hand with the humans, frowning as the seaweed started floating away. The hand around Tommy loosened, and Tommy was able to move again. “Little mer, could you feed the humans the seaweed?” The soft but commanding voice of the larger spoke. Tommy nodded, swimming over to the humans, and grabbing the seaweed. He tore it up a bit, opening their mouths and placing it inside. The humans swallowed instinctively, their legs morphing into tails, and gills forming on their necks. The two gasped, breathing in the air as they looked around. “Holy f***!” The brown haired human shouted as he spotted not only Tommy, but the giant mer in front of them. The pink haired mer locked eyes with Tommy. “Now then.” The giant mer spoke softly, aware of the smaller beings around him. “Why did you humans catch Tommy.” How did the mer know his name? “Tommy?” The new mers looked around, staring at Tommy. “That mer?” The giant mer nodded. “We didn’t mean to, we were just trying to get enough fish to sell at the market and feed ourselves, and he probably got caught.” Tommy nodded in agreement. “I see. Well, if you want, you can stay here with us, and you wouldn’t have to worry about food anymore.” The giant mer offered. Tommy just stared at them. “I-I guess we could.” Tommy got excited and swam back to his bed in the sand. He scooped up all three of his shiny shells, and rushed back, all eyes on him. He gave each of them the shells. “Tommy, I was hoping you’d stay too.” Tommy looked at him. “I’ve been watching over you all these years Tommy, and I was waiting for the chance that you’d join me.” Tommy stared at the giant mer for a little bit. “Me?” The giant mer nodded. Tommy nodded happily, swimming up and hugging the giant mer’s face. The other two joined him, although doing so slowly. “Do you have a name?” “I’m Philza, but please, call me Phil, or Dad if you so desire.” Tommy nodded. “And what about you two?” Tommy looked around, staring at the other two mers, smiling as Phil pressed a hand against them as a make-shift hug. “I’m Wilbur and he’s Technoblade.” The brown haired one announced. “Wilbur, Technoblade, and Dad.” Tommy muttered with a smile. “Family.”
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justme315 · 10 months
Gt july 6
! Warning !
Foster care, being scared, trauma
T!Tommy, T!Wilbur, T!Techno, G!Phil
Tommy, Wilbur and Techno were brothers. Or rather, that's what they wanted to be called. They were abandoned children (or more likely teenagers) from their town. They had no families, so they just had each other.
Of course, it's hard for children their age to cope, especially when people on the street harass you so much, going as far as... No, we don't want to talk about it.
The boys tried their best to cope. Really. They did everything to protect each other, but when a guard chased them for stealing food (which they needed because they hadn't eaten for several days) they ran into the forest. This forest was known for dark stories about monsters, but it was their only escape route.
They were very surprised when they did not encounter bloodthirsty monsters in this forest, but a nice man who (not behaving too suspiciously for a freak living with beasts) invited them to his house and took care of them.
It was Phil. Or rather, their new dad.
Everything was going great, Phil took care of the boys and their lives become peaceful and safe until one day when...
A forest fire caused Phil to reveal his terrible secret to save his sons' lives.
Phil turned out to be a... giant.
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@mcyt-gt-events @navigating-through-gray
Happy secret Santa!
Here was the prompt I chose:
Ranboo has two lives, one he lives in summer, and the other in winter. He seeks out the goddess of death to remove his other side, but... her idea of a solution is to give him a tiny hybrid?
(Also sorry it's so close to the deadline, school and finals were kind of kicking my ass.)
Cut You a Piece
tw mentioned temporary character death, terminal illness, calling someone it in a dehumanizing way (not maliciously or for long, dw) fear of death, fear play (accidental and intentional), threats of vore (very off hand and only mentioned once) and fear of death.
Tell me if I should tag anything else!
Title from "Cut You a Piece" from 35mm! (Even though it was based on Hadestown lmao)
Ranboo knew he was Ranboo. That- that part he knew. He knew it was cold. And he knew it was- that it COULD BE warm, but he never got to experience that part.
Not anymore.
Ranboo knew he was cursed, he knew that as well. He remembered it well, the veil over the witch's face and his green robes. The way his magic particles looked like feathers. His scary body guard forcing him off the premises before Ranboo could realize what happened.
He was cursed seven years ago, when he was ten for trying to sneak a cure for his friend's illness. The witch laughed and laughed when he caught him, and cursed him so he'd never see his friend again.
This all fell out in December. And Tubbo died in January.
It was a long two months for Ranboo. Sitting in his house, studying magic and necromancy and curses and healing spells. Tubbo was cursed to die, for the illness wouldn't have killed him if Ranboo hadn't met that witch.
This death was a curse, and if Ranboo was any magic user at all, he could lift it.
No, Tubbo was in pain, suffering, but he wouldn't have died. He would have turned into a beast, a horned monster that would ravage and burn towns if Ranboo didn't heal it.
And well, being the only person with healing magic in the village, even at ten years old, it was all on him.
But at the end of it, Tubbo was no longer a patient. But Ranboo's only friend.
Ranboo remembers the first time it happened.
He went to sleep in one March day, tomorrow the Spring Solstice. And he woke up in September.
He ran into town, asking frantically what had happened. He ran into Niki's bakery, feeling like just yesterday she was putting away her winter stock. And now she was taking it out again.
"Ranboo!" Niki smiled. "Thank you for helping me with those boxes yesterday, flour can be SO heavy."
Ranbo blinked at her. He... doesn't remember doing that. "I'm sorry Niki I... don't think I did help you. Maybe it was someone else?"
Niki laughed. "Of course it was you! What other ten year old do I know that's nearly six feet tall-"
She cut herself off as she turned around, blanching. "Oh shit! You look half starved to death! Sit down sit down!"
"Niki," Ranboo's gears were turning. "How could I have helped with the boxes?! I can barely lift five potions at once!"
"I don't know," Niki shrugged, putting down in front of him a warm loaf of bread and some juice. "You've been helping me all throughout Summer. I guess it is weird... how could you help me? And you looked fine yesterday! Why are you so... scrawny now?"
"That witch..." Ranboo put together the pieces. "Niki, do you remember what I was wearing yesterday?"
Niki thought for a moment. "That checkered brown jacket you always- wait... you don't have a checkered brown jacket... Tubbo did but he's-"
"Gone." Ranboo gulped. He stuffed the rest of the bread in his mouth and hopped up towards the door. "Thank you Niki!"
And it had been going like that ever since. And when Ranboo was awake, everyone thought Tubbo was dead, and that whatever Tubbo had done was Ranboo. The other way around must be true as well.
The witch had done his job. He would never see Tubbo again. Not in this half and half state.
So Ranboo was traveling to the underworld. He started his journey when he woke up for the winter at seventeen. And now in a week's time (he silently thanked Tubbo for understanding his goal, keeping him on track), Ranboo would fall asleep for the spring.
The grass was grey, thats the first thing he noticed as he stepped through the portal filled with stars. That and the sky was black. No... the sky was dark. It was purple then grey then blue and it all just looked like sand being swirled up by the tide.
Ranboo continued his trek, stuffing his hands in his pockets. The air was so cold it hurt to breath, and the dusty and... just overal somber smell of the Underworld didn't help much.
He was in a forest. Maybe? They weren't quite trees, inky black against the dark sky, sprawled out awkwardly, bent into shapes they shouldn't grow in. They were packed tightly together.
"And who are you then?"
Ranboo sucked in a breath, whipping around, narrowly avoiding tripping and falling on the roots. "Who's there?!"
"You don't look like you're from around here... you're..." the voice was small and quiet, so much so Ranboo thought he was imagining it. It wasn't like the voice was whispering either, it sounded like it wanted to be heard. "A human! What the fuck are you doing in the Underworld? And what the fuck are you doing on the way to the castle..."
"Show yourself!" Ranboo yelped as there was a noise behind him, twirling around and reaching for his- did he not bring any weapons?! "I- I have magic! Don't mess with me!"
"Tch. HEALING magic, hardly a threat to ME. Behind you."
Ranboo probably twisted his back 180 degrees as he fell to the floor, looking up at the creature in from of him.
It was... very small, maybe pinky finger sized? Ranboo had read about soul fire before, and the thing was enveloped in it. Or no... it had wings made of soul fire, and the rest was a glowing blue.
"Who- what are you?" Ranboo managed to squeak out.
The thing- the fairy? He sighed, crossing his arms, fluttering in the air. He spoke about as fast as his wings were beating, so very rapid and basically impossible to keep up with. "Apparently I'm not s'posed to give my name out, but Tommy isn't my name so you can call me that. And I'm CLEARLY an Underworld sprite. I'm supposed to guide souls to where their proper place in the afterlife is but you're not a soul! Not yet, anyway. Oh yeah, and quick question-"
The sprite zipped right up into Ranboo's face, making him yelp and back up. "Why are there TWO SOULS on you?! And why are you down here in the first place? Unless you're trying to get rid of one of the souls-"
"Yes!" Ranboo cut in. "I need the goddess of death to break this curse, and if you guide sould could you guide me to her castle?"
"Hmm... maybe for a favor!" Tommy had a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You're a healer, I want you to heal someone for me."
Ranboo wrung out his hands nervously. "I don't know how well healing magic works on the dead-"
"It doesn't! Harms them, in fact-" Tommy stated matter of factly. "No no no, my friend. I need you to heal the human of these woods. He's got a curse and he can't see his wife until it's lifted and he's being all sad and depressed about it-"
"I... don't really have the best track record with curses..." Ranboo admitted. He could somehow feel himself starting to sweat through the cold. "Maybe you could- WOAH!"
Ranboo jumped back in fright as Tommy shifted size right next to him, human sized. He was still a good half a foot shorter than him, but Ranboo was still no match for the sprite's strength.
And even at human sized, Tommy was lightning fast. He zipped through the forest faster than he could blink, taking him to an old cabin. It looked about as dead as anything else in the underworld, the wood grey from time, splintered. Cracked windows, overgrown discolored grass, Ranboo would never want to go there in a million years.
But unfortunately, Tommy was still grasping his forearm, and darted inside.
"PHIIIIIIIL!!!" Tommy called out. A man was sitting on an arm chair, facing away from them both. "I got a human to heal you up!"
The man chuckled, Ranboo sucked in a breath. He knew who this guy was. "Tommy, I told you that only-"
The witch- Phil- turned around, frozen mid sentence when he saw Ranboo. "That only the kid I cursed can heal me."
Ranboo squeaked, stumbling backwards and falling over. He scrambled to his feet, making a run towards the door.
"Shit!" Phil said under his breath as he drew a symbol in the air. The door in front of Ranboo slammed shut, and felt like solid cement as he desperately tried to open it again.
He can't get cursed. Not again. Not when he was so close to curing the first-
Phil stared at him with frustration, closed off and proper posture. He was going to finish the job, he was going to kill him. And he would laugh while doing it. He laughed the first time he hurt Ranboo.
"Kid- kid." Phil put his hands up when he saw Ranboo pressed as hard as he could against the door, as far as he could be from the witch. "I'm- hrmmmm... I'm SORRY for cursing you all those years ago."
Ranboo blinked back, surprised. He stayed in his position though, ready to run. "What?"
Phil sighed. "I thought nothing of it but my wife... not a huge fan of the joke. I can only visit her in my other form, but she cursed me for cursing you and now I'm stuck like this. And the only way to BREAK the curse-"
"Is if I do it..." Ranboo finished his sentence, remembering Tommy's words from earlier. He squinted at the witch and the sprite. "Any why should I help the guy who took my only friend from me?"
"You're here for him, right?" Phil crossed his arms. "And the spring Solstice is in just two days I believe-"
Ranboo's eyes widened. He hadn't been in the underworld for THAT long, had he?! He still had a week left when he was on the surface...
"Which only gives you two days to find the goddess of death and get a deal with her," Phil shrugged. "Once my curse is lifted, I can get you to her much faster. And if you do decide to wait out the two days and your friend makes his appearence... his soul will have a very strange time getting used to being thrown into the underworld with no adjustment period like you got."
Ranboo froze. What the heck was that supposed to mean? Tubbo wouldn't... get hurt, right?
No, Ranboo wouldn't let either of them get hurt, not if he could do something about it.
Phil clicked his tongue. "Tick tock-"
"I'll do it." Ranboo glared.
Phil smiled, tilting his head. "Perfect."
You know, Ranboo should have expected this when Phil asked to be cured outside.
"Let go of me!" Ranboo struggled in the witch's now giant grasp, watching the trees grow smaller as they were lifted in the air.
What happened to Tubbo if Ranboo died?
Now they were squirming even harder. They didn't want to be the one to get the two of them killed. Why did they tempt the witch again? The very witch that cursed them in the first place?!
"Relax, mate," Phil gave a giant sigh. Ranboo could feel the vibrations extend all the way to his hands where they were being held. "Ranboo-"
Ranboo screamed as they were pulled closer to Phil's face. They kicked and punched their fists against his hand, eventually resorting to clawing at him with their nails.
"Stop- hey!" Phil snarled, shaking Ranboo violently. Their brain pounded in their skull when he finally stopped. Ranboo felt like they would throw up if they had eaten anything in the past few days. "Stop it, or I'll make you go the journey in my mouth."
Ranboo yelped, slapping a hand over their mouth. He wouldn't he WOULDNT-
... would he?! Phil had already cursed them basically at the drop of a hat, who's to say he won't-
"Phil!" Tommy shouted up, zipping onto the witch's shoulder. "Stop shaking them! Treat them like me! No threatening, no surprise picking up-"
"I would if they weren't trying to ESCAPE-" Phil glared back down at Ranboo. They sucked in a breath as his grasp tightened. "You want to see your friend, don't you?!"
Ranboo nodded frantically.
"Well, Tommy's not strong enough to carry you-"
"And you won't be able to keep up on foot." Phil tilted his hand and opened it, allowing Ranboo to stand up. "So let me hold you, or let your friend wake up confused and scared for his life on why he's in the underworld in the hands of a giant. You want me to carry you or not?"
Ranboo froze in indecision before slowly nodding their head.
Phil brought his other hand up, using both hands to cup Ranboo and make sure they didn't fall as they crossed the underworld.
And... it was beautiful.
Ranboo didn't really get to appreciate it from down below, but the view stunned them nearly as much as their fear of Phil did. The trees were caked in white... snow? And the sky was shone when Ranboo tilted their head, like an opal. The clouds swirled and shifted, dancing even though there was no wind.
And in the distance... a giant castle. It was dark, darker than the neutral grey of the rest of the underworld. But with that it also had the only colors in the land, purple fires dotted the sides, torches about two or three times Ranboo's size.
Ranboo looked up to see what Phil was thinking and... the giant witch was smiling fondly as they approached the gates. Why would he be... no.
Was Phil's wife... sure. Yep. Phil's wife was the goddess of death. Why not.
"Kristen!" Phil shouted, both Ranboo and Tommy flinching and covering their ears. Tommy shoved at his jaw in annoyance. "I'm home!"
The shadows casted by the large walls and the purple flames conjured together, before disputing and leaving yet another giant in their wake. She wore a large hat with a veil, covering her face and the upper half of her torso. Other than that, she wore a long black dress with long dark brown hair.
"I've missed you!" She laughed, walking forward to embrace her husband before noticing Ranboo. "And who is this? Wait! No way... you actually found them-"
"Well," Phil shrugged. "More they found me. And while they've cured me of my curse..."
Kristen crossed her arms. "They still need the cure YOU gave them lifted. Huh. Funny how those things come back to bite you, isn't it, Phil?"
Phil rolled his eyes. "Yes yes, I get it. No cursing random kids."
"So... can you do it?" Ranboo spoke up.
"Of course I can," Kristen said with an audible smile. Ranboo couldn't really tell if she was being sweet or bragging. She looked at one of Phil's shoulders. "Tommy, would you mind fetching me water from the moat of the castle? And Phil, I'll need-"
"Ow!" Phil yelped as Kristen plucked a hair from his head.
"Yes ma'am!" Tommy fluttered in the air for a second, saluting, before flying out of the gate. Phil followed Kristen into a side room, where there resided a giant cauldron.
Kristen got to work as Phil stood by her side. Tommy fluttered up to be by Ranboo as well, who had been placed on a shelf and was nervously wringing their hands.
They were going to see Tubbo again.
Kristen walked over with a ladle of inky black liquid, dotted with little white specks like stars.
"Ranboo," Kristen said slowly, not quite hitting the gentle mark. "You're going to drink this, and then you'll pass out. When you wake up, you'll be in the land of the living, with Tubbo. It will most definetly be painful, as we're essentially ripping apart your souls at the seams."
Ranboo looked at themselves in the reflection of the potion. "Will... is it going to be painful for Tubbo?"
Kristen shrugged, shaking her head. "You're the one with the body, I doubt he'll even realize what's happening until he's back."
Ranboo nodded gravely, cupping as much potion as they could in their hands. The world turned sideways. There was shouting? And then it all faded to black.
Ranboo wasn't expecting to wake up to be honest. If what Phil said was true, then the Spring Solstice was today, when they would fall asleep and Tubbo would wake up in their place.
But Ranboo woke up.
And Kristen was right. They did hurt like hell, all their nerves were on fire and their heart felt tight, but they were awake for sure.
They sat up in bed, not sure what to do now. In... their own bed, back home too. Ranboo hasn't been home since he was thirteen.
What if it didn't work? What if they were seperated but it didn't bring Tubbo back? Or if Tubbo was in the last place HE woke up? What if-
Ranboo yelped. It was a few years older, but they definetly recognized that voice.
They looked over at their nightstand, where a tiny figure was sitting on the desk, like he had just woken up too. Brown messy hair, jet black horns and wings, it was unmistakably Tubbo.
"Ranboo!" Tubbo yelped, falling backwards before scampering to his feet. "What's happening?! What's-"
"You have wings!" Ranboo gasped. "And- it worked! Wait, Kristen actually- ha HA!"
Ranboo leaned down over their night stand and hugged Tubbo close to their face. Tubbo screamed.
"Sorry!" Ranboo flinched back. Tubbo stood firmly on the nightstand, like he was ready for a fight. "I'm just... so happy to see you. And... wait, do the wings mean you're still cursed."
Tubbo flexed his wings in and out, flapping them a few times. "They don't feel cursed? Like I was bedridden and in pain before... everything happened obviously. And while we were... seperated I had no features at all, like the curse had gone away overnight. But now they're just sort of there? Even though this is the first time I've had them they just feel... natural."
"That's good," Ranboo thought for a moment. "We should probably-"
There were footsteps downstairs.
Tubbo clearly heard, snapping his neck over. "You didn't get a new roommate while we were apart, right?"
Ranboo shook their head, not able to say anything else before the door opened.
They blinked away the blue light invading their eyes, making their headache ever prominent. "Tommy?!"
"You're finally awake!" Tommy laughed. He was at human size, carrying two glasses of water. "Took you long enough! You both slept WELL through the solstice, it was SO boring!"
"Tommy, why are you here?!" Ranboo took the glass, slowly sipping on it. "WHY are you here?!"
"Well, Kristen sent me to look after you while you adjusted," Tommy shruggedlike he wasn't talking about the literal goddess of death. "And since you two have been passed out the entire time, I've sort of just been making sure you guys were alive, messing with the locals a bit- wait a minute!"
Tommy shrunk down to Tubbo's size and flew right up to him, hsnd outstretched. "I'm Tommy! And I already know you're Tubbo, don't worry."
"Ranboo," Tubbo backed up. "Who is this guy."
"Tommy is... an underworld sprite," Ranboo scratched the back of their head, not really knowing how to say that lightly. "He's here to help. I think? Did Kristen of Phil send you?"
"Kristen," Tommy landed on the nightstand. "She couldn't completely undo the curse, clearly, so she sent me to make sure neither of you do anything stupid. Can you fly?"
Tubbo blinked back before flapping his wings rapidly as hard as he could. Nothing. "I don't think so."
"Hm." Tommy lifted in the air again. "We'll have to get that taken care of. Meet me downstairs when you're ready, we've got LOTS to talk about!"
Tommy launched off the desk and returned to human sized, walking back downstairs.
"I'm..." Tubbo turned back to Ranboo. "You know what? Nope! Not even gonna ask."
Ranboo snickered. "I'm glad you're back."
Tubbo snorted. "I'm glad YOURE back! Haven't seen you in forever."
Ranboo extended their hand, Tubbo stepping onto it. "Come on, let's go figure this out."
And they did.
It was a lovely spring, the first spring Ranboo had had in years. He took his sweet time walking around outside, helping out around the town between healing and being with Tubbo.
And Tubbo was adjusting as well as someone could in this sort of situation. With Tommy there to help, giving pointers on how to navigate through giant sized terrains, as well as him teaching Ranboo how to properly handle the tiny, it was going well.
"Is it bad I'm still nervous for the solstice?" Ranboo asked. Him and Tubbo had been looking out the window, with Tubbo snuggled in the little pocket in his shirt, watching the first dnow of the year. Which was surprising, as the solstice was tomorrow.
"Meh." Tubbo shrugged. "I'm... definetly nervous. But you know, old habits die hard, right?"
Ranboo hummed, the two looked out the window the rest of the night. Until they went up to bed.
"Goodnight," Ranboo yawned pulling over his covers.
"Night!" Tubbo stretched before curling up. They had discovered that as a dragon, Tubbo liked sleeping on piles. Not just gold pulls, but everything. Like fabric.
He let his eyes fall closed, and drifted to sleep. The rest was short, as it was cut off early in the morning by a loud crashing sound.
"Ranboo?!" Tubbo said from the floor, rubbing his head. Why was Tubbo so big?! "Where are you?! I can't see-"
"I'm under the blankets!" Ranboo shouted. Tubbo lifted up the covers and-
Tubbo was a giant. Ranboo scrambled back, realizing how small he was. He felt like he was with Phil and Kristen again.
"Here, let me put you on the desk," Tubbo grabbed Ranboo a bit tightly and plopped him in the nightstand. Ranboo collapsed.
"Don't do that please..." Ranboo was shaking like a leaf.
"Oh crap sorry-" Tubbo cringed back. "I know that that isn't the greatest feeling."
"And we had just gotten used to living with you as a tiny..." Ranboo whined, sighing.
It was going to be another long six months.
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shushiyuii · 2 years
A G!Phil and T!Tommy nomf fluff?
Phil is high of instincts. So he locks himself in his room since he doesn't want to scare Tommy.
Tommy, not knowing that Phil is high of instincts, checks on him. He goes inside one of his travelling tunnels that leads inside of Phil's room.
Once he enters, he sees Phil sitting on his bed with his hands on his face.
Tommy calls out to Phil, once Phil looks up and locks eyes with Tommy, Tommy sees that Phil's eyes are dilated.
Phil grabs Tommy and starts sniffing him.
Tommy gets weirded out and calls out to Phil again and asking if he is okay.
Phil, now having his instincts taking control, gets Tommy closer to his mouth.
Tommy for some reason stays calm, already having knowledge that giants do this due to instincts (Because both Techno and Wilbur explained it to him), and so he let's Phil nom him.
As soon as Tommy is in Phil's mouth, his tounge starts to lick Tommy, you can either have Phil's tounge move Tommy around while licking him, or have it pin Tommy somewhere around Phil's mouth, or you can do both.
Once Phil deems that he is finished, he swallows Tommy into his safety storage.
When Tommy is in Phil's safety storage, Phil begins to purr, not only Phil can purr, but he purrs loud enough to let someone know that he has someone in his safety storage.
Phil then just goes under his blankets and sleeps, knowing that Tommy is safe in his storage.
Yep yep!
Warnings: Soft vore, mentions of death, hunting, angst. (If I forgot anything, just let me know!)
Words: 3,273
Never go to the surface.
That was what he’d been told as a young borrower, never to leave the safety of the undercity as only dangerous predators laid upon the surface. Anyone who even managed to step onto the surface would be deemed dead the second they left.
Staying in the undercity was the only place of safety, though the city itself was never safe. It wasn’t a proper colony by any means, it was rare that anyone ever stayed in the undercity, only for a couple of years minimum.
Niki, for example, was a kind young lady. She ran a small bakery around the corner to serve delicious baked goods. She’d give him leftovers sometimes. The undercity didn’t deserve her, and she ended up leaving for the surface, never to be seen again.
Now all that remained was the ghost of an abandoned bakery, he swore sometimes he could still smell the fresh goods. When she’d first arrived, she was the first to tell him about the wonders of the outside.
The clear skies with fluffy clouds that tasted like cotton candy, the bright sun that was like a gigantic lightbulb in the sky. Though, Niki said the outside around the undercity wasn’t like the others she had seen.
It was darker, musky and cloudy. It always looked as though it could rain at any moment, where water dripped down from the sky. She talked of the high mountains she’d like to climb, that went high above the clouds. 
She said it was meant to feel like you were flying up there. He had always wondered what it meant to fly.
Tommy himself was made to fly with the small avian wings on his back, though according to many others, he’d never be able to fly. His wings were stunted and would most likely only help him glide at most.
He never gave up trying though, after years of practice he could jump across rooftops and jump down safely from higher heights compared to many others. He grew up in the undercity, it was his home despite being on the streets.
Despite his reputation of being a thief, it wasn’t the worst as many knew him to be a kind young boy, arrogant but a kind soul. Normally, he’d only steal in need of survival or to help another borrower in similar circumstances.
That wasn’t the only thing he was known for though, he was known for his dream of leaving the undercity for the surface. Anyday Tommy could simply disappear as another who leaves for the surface to die.
There were many dangers on the surface, flowing waters that do nothing but drag you down into its depths, the uneven terrain that could cause you to slip and fall, or the most known were the harpies.
Harpies were gigantic creatures that roamed the skies, lurking over the undercity in hopes of picking up a borrower for dinner. They looked like humanoid birds, with clawed feet and wings that acted like arms. 
They say it happened to Niki, that she was taken by the harpies. He missed Niki a lot. She was one of many to treat him with kindness and guidance, like an older sister. The last time he had seen her was closing time, it was routine for Tommy to help close up the shop.
“So, Niki- I wanted to ask you something.”, Tommy asked in an awkward tone, sweeping the dusty floors from the customers' dirty shoes. Niki leaned over the counter, placing leftovers of the day into paper bags to give out to the scavengers of the undercity to eat.
Tommy was one of them. “What is it?”, she asked with a hum in her tone. She seemed excited for some strange reason, the small smile that hadn’t even left her face despite facing some rude customers that day, she was excited about something. He didn’t know what though.
“How come you want to go to the surface so badly? It’s dangerous-”, he tried to gesture the amount of danger with his hands, only to clumsily drop the broom in the process, causing dust to fly through the air and erase his progress. He only grumbled.
Niki giggled as Tommy went to start again with sweeping, and answered. “Well Tommy, the surface is my home. I lived there long before I came to the undercity. It might be dangerous, but there are many wonderful things out there.”.
Her smile grew even larger, reminiscing on the memories of the surface. Tommy didn’t blame her, he didn’t know much of the surface as she did. It was her home and she’d been out there long before Tommy was, so she’d be okay. 
And that was the last time he’d seen her before she left for the surface. He only hoped that she was safe and okay. Though, it also made him wonder. If Niki came from the surface, that other borrowers lived there. Couldn’t he do the same?
Okay, so perhaps he couldn’t handle himself on the surface. The day he decided to leave behind his home, all that he’d ever known for a dream of being able to see the shining sun was apparently the day he was also going to die.
He dreaded his mistakes, he should’ve known better. He was aware of the dangers yet that stupid sweet talk of Niki’s was enough to persuade him of otherwise. And he took the risk, and now all he wanted was to go back to being a scavenger, where his life was already a struggle.
Even if the undercity was dangerous, it was still home. On the surface, he knew nothing. He didn’t know any escape routes, anybody to call for help or anywhere to hide. He was all alone on the surface.
The moment he saw the harpy shadow, it felt like his heart had fallen out of his chest. He had stood there in shock for a moment before realizing his mistake and running as far as he could. 
It wasn’t like being chased by the market guy he’d steal some berries from, it was much more than that. Every bit of distance he gained was only tarnished by a flap of the harpy’s wings. It was just as fast as he was.
The long grassy blades didn’t help in his struggle, only blinding him as he swiped them out of his view, only for more to hit his face. He couldn’t see without much light, the shadow above him barely helped.
He turned around what he believed to be a tree, and the harpy followed. He was running blindly in the woods and at any second the harpy could swoop down and grab him with its sharp claws. He wasn’t safe.
He should’ve listened to the others, the undercity was his home. Never the surface, why did he believe in hope? He shouldn’t- He screamed, not by being grabbed by the hunter’s claws. But by falling.
His feet scrambled to find solid ground, then he only slipped more down the slope. He flapped his wings to try and guide him down, only for it to fail. He landed on his backside, feeling something snap as pain shot up through his spine.
He sat up in an instant, holding back his tears. Covering his mouth to muffle his cries despite wanting to scream in pain, he was sure that he’d broken his wing. He flapped his other wings to check their status. 
It was fine, but the second he moved his right wing. He had to muffle another cry, definitely broken. Fucking great. He looked up, attempting to spot the harpy that had been hunting him from the skies.
Only to be met with nothing, only the tree leaves that barely held themselves together. He let out a breath of relief as he had lost his hungry predator. And got up, ignoring his pain in favour of finding shelter for the night.
Tommy was doing just fine, at least for a while. His wing was still injured but he was able to find some food and a small shelter, it wasn’t much but enough for the time being. And he still hadn’t encountered the harpy that had hunted him down.
He wondered if he had imagined the entire thing, he feared clinging to him as he was completely fine despite his broken wing, he had even survived 2 whole days without even spotting a harpy. Perhaps he was safe.
That was what he wished he could believe before finding said harpy that day, right next to a ledge of a mountain. It wasn’t as high as the others he had seen, compared to the one that Niki had told him about.
But the second he looked down, it was higher than anything he had ever seen, even bigger than the slope that had broken his wing. He was dangerously close to falling, one more step and he’d fall.
The harpy only seemed to coo at him, dangerously looming over him with a look of hunger on his face. It pitied Tommy, inevitable of his fate. It had been 2 days since he’d seen the harpy, no doubt it’d be hungry.
Tommy only closed his eyes, he’d rather fall than become some demon’s food. He took a step back and the solid ground left from under his feet. His survival instincts kicked in, flaring open his wings in hopes of gliding softly to the ground.
It only caused panic as he let out a hoarse scream, unbearable pain as tears fled from his eyes, only to leave his face due to the gravity. It was only then Tommy realized what he’d done, sealing his fate. 
In fear, he attempted to cling onto anything nearby. It only failed, nothing to slow his fall. He looked up, only to see the harpy’s claw approaching him. There was no way of fleeing the creature now, he was as good as dead.
“Fuck off!”, he screamed. Despite it doing nothing to stop his fall nor the harpy’s attempt at grabbing him. He wondered how long it’d take him to hit the ground, anything to not be caught by the dangerous creature that had dove after him.
It felt like it was taking a million years, is this what had happened to Niki? He questioned as he closed his eyes, feeling something solid around him that stopped his fall. It wasn’t the ground as he felt a sharp nail dig into his back, it was the harpies claw.
It was then he realized how tired he was, black dots in his vision. He wanted to fight, squirm out of the harpy’s claws. He could only push against the grip before giving up. He swore he could’ve heard the harpy coo at him yet again.
And that was the story of how he had met his family! 
It turned out the harpy had been hunting him, trying to eat him. Was actually only trying to help him, but he had kept running. Like an fucking idiot.
After he had lost consciousness, the harpy had taken him back to its home or ‘nest’ as they said. The harpies consisted of 3, not including him. Wilbur was the youngest harpy, he and Tommy managed to get along well enough, to a point where they considered themselves brothers before Tommy had joined the family.
There was Techno, the intimidating one. Techno was known for his intimidation and lack of trust for others, but eventually, he opened up as Tommy joined the family. Then there was the one harpy who had hunted him down for days.
Phil, the one who had been worried about him for days after Phil had lost him. According to Wilbur, he panicked to all hell knowing there was a tiny fledgling roaming the dangerous woods. It was funny to think about now that he was familiar with everyone.
The family had taken him in and treated his wing, it took a while for Tommy to trust them. Sometimes they still scare him but he still considers them family, after all besides Niki, they were the only family he’d ever known.
Speaking of Niki, it turned out she was a friend of Wilbur's. Who assured him that she was just fine, that she had started a new bakery in a nearby colony and could visit anytime he wished, and it was wonderful to see his older sister again.
His wing was fully recovered as well, able to glide around like he used to. His family had even tried teaching him to fly; it worked a bit. He could fly a few inches above the ground before he was too heavy for his wings to handle.
The undercity used to be his home, but now he had a new one. One with people who cared about him took care of him and loved him. The first time he had gotten a hug from the entire family was a day he’d never forget.
He’d noticed something in particular lately though, something strange. Phil had been acting a bit off the past couple of days. Every time he’d look at Tommy, his eyes would dilate with a peculiar look on his face before shaking his head and replacing it with an uneasy smile.
He had asked Wilbur and Techno about the entire thing, they assured him that Phil would be fine and get over it, and told him not to worry about the entire thing but it didn’t do much to quell his worries.
He wanted to see for himself.
The door to Phil’s room had remained locked a majority of the time, but Tommy had learnt a couple of tricks when living with the harpies. He was able to make tools using clips and pins which helped a lot when exploring the house-cave thing.
Not only that but some tunnels were sprawled out all across the cave, meaning he could enter almost every room without needing to open a door. So, he could check up on Phil at any moment.
He traversed through the tunnels for a while before eventually stumbling upon Phil’s room. Inside lay Phil, sprawled on his bed, surrounded by all forms of comfortable bedding. Though, he didn’t appear comfortable.
He looked restless as he rolled back and forth, his hands covering his face rather tightly, his claws that almost looked to be digging into his face. Phil definitely wasn’t doing too good by Tommy’s means.
He wanted to help.
“Phil?”, he called out to his father. Phil had sat up in an instant, his eyes scanning for Tommy before landing on him. He sat there, eyes dilated for a moment. Before snapping himself off a trance, getting out of bed to stand up.
“Tommy, mate. You shouldn’t be in here, didn’t Wilbur or Techno tell you otherwise?”, he gently scooped up Tommy into one of his claws before turning the other to open the door. 
“Phil! Wait- I- I’m sorry- I was just worried. You’ve been acting strangely for days now and Wilbur or Techno won’t answer me when I ask, I had to check on you for myself.”, he held onto what he believed to be his father’s equivalent of a thumb.
Phil let out a coo, before bringing Tommy close to his face. He reached out for Phil’s nose like he usually did, a form of a hug due to the difference in size. He leaned in and nuzzled his father’s nose, hoping for comfort.
He received comfort, yet Phil had begun to sniff him. It wasn’t unusual for the harpy to do so but he seemed to be sniffing Tommy much more than he usually would’ve. He found it rather weird, deciding to question his father about it.
“Phil, you okay there buddy?”, he received no response from his father. Phil only pulled him away from his nose, confused Tommy attempted to question his father again, much louder than before.
Phil had brought him closer towards his mouth, which wasn’t that unusual either as his family would give him kisses goodnight at times. Though, it wasn’t a kiss. Phil was drooling, barely able to contain the saliva in his mouth.
He panicked for a second, thinking Phil had decided to eat him. Which wasn’t entirely incorrect but it wasn’t in the same way he’d believed it to be. Typically, Harpies had small pouches for transporting young or keeping them safe from danger.
It was also a thing that harpies could occasionally store young as forms of bonding, Wilbur had told him about it before. It was then he realized that Phil had been attempting to avoid his instincts.
After the whole incident in which the two met, the fear of being eaten. It wasn’t a light topic for a while until Wilbur had explained it to him, now understanding it was natural for a harpy to protect their young.
Phil had been attempting not to scare him as he did all that time ago, which only flooded him with guilt. The harpy had given him a light lick before pulling away, shock in his eyes as if he’d done something horrible.
“Oh lord prime- Toms- I’m so sorry”, he began to profusely apologize. He had gently wiped off the saliva as he apologized,  Tommy attempted to grab his attention and calm him but his father was far too panicked.
Phil had brought him back towards his face, where he seemed to be struggling to hold himself together at that point. Only then did he have his father’s attention, “Dad!- It’s fine! Really! Wilbur told me about this sort of thing! It’s fine!”.
His father had a questionable look on his face before turning to relief, after that he wasn't too keen on holding back on his instincts. He only let out a sigh of relief before his father licked him again.
It certainly felt strange being covered in saliva, but it wasn’t inheritably uncomfortable by any means. It was then Phil parted his jaws, sharp fangs on display that could easily chomp on him. But he only relaxed, allowing Phil to gently place him on his tongue.
He remained motionless, kind of shocked that he was indeed on his father’s tongue before relaxing, knowing he was safe. He relaxed on the tongue before Phil began to lick at him again. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh as it tickled him.
Now coated in saliva, Phil pinned him to the top of his mouth and swallowed the remaining saliva in his mouth. Tommy was unpinned from the top of Phil’s mouth as his father tilted back his head.
And swallowed.
His throat was tight, he was barely able to move as his wings were pinned against his back. As he descended, he felt an oncoming headache as he passed by the beating of his father’s heart. And eventually, he fell into a much more open space.
He stilled for a moment, before snapping out of his trance as the pouch had begun to push against him, hearing his father coo at him worriedly. “I’m okay! Don’t worry!”, he pressured eased slightly but remained as it turned to a rubbing motion against him.
He leaned into it as he realized his father was attempting to soothe him, only for the pouch to begin to vibrate. Hearing his father purr, he relaxed and leaned closer to his father's hand as he drifted off into sleep.
Phil’s purrs only continued as he went back to bed, covered in blankets as his hands laid protectively over his stomach for his small fledgeling.
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
Just out of Reach, but Never out of sight
Okay okay okay! This is gonna be my first ever multi chapter story so fingers crossed I actually keep up with this but I really hope you guys love it as much as I do! Thank you to @a-xyz-s for proof reading <3
Chapter 1
chapter 2 , chapter 3,
cw: abandonment (its touched on but nothing major I think), general fear, panic and anxiety (ya know standard terrified borrower), fear of death, word count: 2611
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
Alone. That seemed to be a common thing for the Great Tommyinnit. He was abandoned as a child when the colony found him, rejected by his peers when he lived there and now outcasted. So as stated before: alone. He knew why no one wanted him around, but it didn’t mean it didn’t sting any less. From the moment he was brought to the colony, he was always told there was something wrong with him. For one, he's a lot smaller than all the other borrowers and is the opposite of quiet, stealthy, and ya know: good at borrowing. But he tries his best to please everyone anyways.
A borrower is quiet; never heard and never seen and well, Tommys’ always had quite the larger than life personality. He practices to be a good borrower, helping out where possible, doing all the right things. But still, no one wants him around and more often than not shun him. He never knew his parents so he didn’t know what that ‘thing’ that made him different could be, just that whatever it was meant no one wanted him around. He tried to be a good Borrower, he really did, but more often than not, found himself surrounded by disaster. “You’re too little.” “Not strong enough.”,  “Annoying little shit”, “Wrong”, “Useless Child”, “A mistake”; things the colony told him every day despite everyone avoiding him at all costs. He was an orphan anyways so why should he hope that would change anything?
It never really surprised him that when he turned what they thought was 13, (since no one knew how old he actually was) he was given a hook, a bag and told to get lost. So Tommy did as told and left. He wandered the underground tunnels from the colony for a long time before coming upon a human town. That was 3 years ago, and since then, he has been through 7 different homes. All different reasons. 2 were infested with rats, 1 had young children that were just too risky to live with, another 3 had cats that always knew how to find him (stupid felines and they’re stupid good noses) and the last one had another borrower family living in it, and just like the borrower’s at the colony, told him to get out. That one had been the worst. Not only had it been the first interaction Tommy had had with anyone in years, it was also just another blow to remind him that no one wanted him. Which led to now. He’d been traveling for weeks looking for his forever home. He was sick and tired of having to pack up and leave after just settling. He didn’t care how long it would take, Tommy would find the perfect house and stay. Nothing was going to stop the Great Tommyinnit! He’s a big man, not some scrawny pipsqueak like everyone says. He’ll show the colony. He’d make it and be the best borrower ever!
Finally, after scouting the 5th house that week, Tommy found it. This house was inhabited by 3 Beans. The Crafts: as Tommy discovered from his reconnaissance. There was Phil, a tall Bean with blonde hair similar to his own and his two sons Wilbur and Technoblade. From the bit of bickering he’d heard from the two Beans, apparently they were twins, but Tommy found that hard to believe when Wilbur had soft looking curly brown hair, and Techno’s (as his family called him) was bright pink! Now how Techno was born with pink hair he didn’t know, but surely anyone with hair that was pink had to be a Wrong-in. The family were quite the rowdy bunch and while normally 3 humans such as these would be a no go house, but Tommy was drawn to them. It wasn’t the familial love he could feel radiating off the 3 or anything that drew him in. Nope! It was strictly that the walls were pest free, cat free and that all 3 Beans ticked all the boxes for simple borrowing. Definitely no other reasons. It had taken some time, but soon Tommy was set up within the Crafts walls. He’d chosen to settle near Wilbur’s room. Out of the 3 Beans, he was the messiest and easiest to borrow from without items being noticed as missing. He’d managed to borrow a really nice shiny red plastic thingy called a guitar pic for a crawl through door because of that, but also because Wilbur did something that very few Borrowers got to experience. He played music. Playing music was such a rarity in Borrower society. Too loud and too much risk of being caught, but here Tommy could listen as much as he liked. He didn’t know any of the songs Wilbur played, but he loved them all. Especially the ones when Wilbur used what was called a guitar. The man’s voice was just so soothing and often Tommy found himself falling asleep to the melodies. When he wasn’t listening to Wilbur, sometimes Tommy would be in Technos’ room. It was risky as Techno was the most observant of the 3 Beans Tommy had come to find out when he had been setting up his room. He had wanted the knife bit of this thing called ‘utility knife’ and almost had it if not for the man coming back and immediately coming over to inspect it as if he knew it had been touched. That had been a terrifying experience, but Tommy liked the man’s quiet demeanor. There was a spot on the bookshelf that Tommy could perch on and was able to read along with the books that Techno read whilst remaining hidden. It was hard at times with the font so small and looking down from up on the shelf, but when the books had pictures, Tommy would just stare for hours at a time or until Techno finished the book. And of course then there was Phil. Phil never did anything too over the top. Most of the time, he was just doing paperwork, but the man was kind and often Tommy would just hang out in his office while he worked on fixing equipment, enjoying the comfortable one sided silence. 
Yep the Crafts were perfect and Tommy loved that he had found a good house. But it still wasn’t quite right. He tried not to, but he envied what the Crafts had. They were a family. They ate together, watched movies together, went out together. They had each other for comfort and Tommy? Tommy had them from a distance. He could only watch. No matter how much he wanted to be a part of their family, it was impossible. Not only that, it was also terrifying. They were HUGE! Tommy had seen Beans before, most around Phil’s height, but Wilbur and Techno? Tommy was sure they were giants among Beans! No matter how badly he wanted to be a part of what they had, the overshadowing fear of what they could do to him if found outweighed his wants. It would be all too easy to squish his insignificant life out of existence. They could grab him, squeeze him, hurt him, experiment on him, make him a pet; the list goes on and on. And that’s just not a risk he’s willing to take. Even if he remained alone forever, at least he was alive…
It was supposed to be a routine borrowing trip. Tommy often borrowed during the night time hours of the early mornings to avoid the 3 Beans. They never seemed to go to sleep at a good time and someone was almost always at home during the day, but he managed. Tommy had just finished up a supply run to the kitchen when he spotted it. It shouldn’t have interested him as much as it did but on the counter was a brown and white looking stuffed animal keychain. A cow he vaguely thinks back to when he had been in a child’s nursery whilst scouting for a good house. The cow keychain was about an inch in size. The perfect size to cuddle with for a borrower such as himself. And it was right there. All he had to do was run straight across the counter, un-attach it from the keys and take it home. It wouldn’t take long… So leaving his previous borrowings of the trip from before and two hooks behind the safety of an electrical socket, Tommy crept out and over to the cow keychain. It was sticking out slightly from a bag lying on the counter filled with paperwork and many pockets, but Tommy paid it little mind as he set to work getting the cow. He had just about worked the plush off the chain when he heard it. The sound of a door creaking open as thundering footsteps began to make their way down the hall. No no no no. Not now! He almost had it off the chain! In a last chance effort, Tommy tugged at the cow to come loose. Thump, Thump, thump, the sound of footsteps getting closer. F***, F***, F***! Giving up on his prize, Tommy dove into an open pocket of the bag and shuffled his way inside. The sound of a light switch could be heard flicking on, as light flooded the opening of the bag. Tommy stayed deathly still. He couldn’t be caught, he just couldn’t! He heard a few more things turned on and moved about as the Bean began to get ready for the day. Phil, Tommys mind supplied with how the man sometimes had an early shift start. He didn’t know how long he stayed frozen for before the world suddenly lurched upwards, and he was flung to the bottom of the bag. He gripped on tightly to the pockets fabric as Phil began to walk, his eyes scrunched firmly shut. They walked for ages to what Tommy assumed was Phil’s work before the bag was eventually set down again, whilst Phil began his work shift. He didn’t know how long he was in the bag for, but it was a nightmare. If he didnt find a better place to hide soon, Phil would find him. But Tommy couldn’t will himself to leave the bag either. He was in the Beans world now and if he left, he may not make it back to the house! No, the best option was to try and blend in with the fabric and pray that Phil would finish work soon so he could get back in the walls. But there was a slight issue with that. At the bottom of the bag was a hole. Not a hole big enough to lose anything large like a phone, but big enough that if not careful, Tommy could slip through. Every time the bag was moved, Tommy gripped on for dear life. If he let go, he’d fall through. It was a miracle he hadn’t fallen out on the trip there in the first place.
Finally, after what felt like lifetimes, Tommy heard Phil packing up for the day to head home. It was a miracle that he never seemed to need anything in the pocket Tommy was in. Maybe the Bean knew about the hole? The bag was suddenly opened once more and Tommy gripped the fabric tightly as his world was thrown about once again, and then just as quickly the bag was closed as Phil began to make the journey home. Just like the trip there, the walk back was an antagonizing long one. Tommy was sure his arms were just about to fall off from how tightly he had been clinging to the fabric, but he couldn’t let go. Surely it couldn’t be much further and he’d be able to escape back to the walls? But luck was not on Tommy’s side. His arms were burning from how long he’d had to use them for and he was exhausted. He wanted to curl up and fall asleep, adrenaline from his initial panic leaving him tired. His eyes felt heavy and slowly he found himself releasing his grip on the fabric, as his eyes fluttered open and close battling to stay awake. Suddenly, Tommy felt himself slipping down towards the hole. As his legs began slipping through the hole of the bag, he shocked himself awake as he tried to grasp back onto the fabric. At the last second, he clasped onto the few loose threads of fabric that he could reach, effectively managing to stop himself from plummeting to the ground below. Tommy’s eyes shot around wildly at his surroundings. He was in the open. Dangling out of the bag. Holding on for dear life. Desperate to get back inside, he tried to start climbing back inside. But without his hooks for climbing like normal, it was extremely difficult. Especially with the world constantly moving. He gripped the fabric’s edge like a lifeline, desperate to stay on, but his weight on the already frayed edges was not strong enough to support his weight and began to unravel further. It wasn’t long before the edges had frayed enough that Tommy was now dangling by a few single threads. Please! Just hold on a little longer! We’ve got to almost be there! Just a little more! Don’t break! Tommy pleaded internally. As if his thoughts had summoned it, the thread snapped, and Tommy was hurtling down towards the pavement. He landed roughly but was otherwise okay. He’d have a few bruises but that was the least of his worries. He snapped his head up, eyes searching desperately for the Bean. “No.” Tommy let out in disbelief. “No, no, no!” The borrower gathered himself up and started sprinting. Adrenaline coursed through him, panic and fear driving him as he raced after Phil who was getting further and further away. If he lost sight of Phil, he’d never get back home! He couldn’t lose him! If he did, he’d never see him or Wilbur or Techno ever again! Even if they didn’t know of his existence, even if he’d only watched them from afar, Tommy just couldn’t lose the life he’d built for himself! They were the closest thing he’d had to a family bond in his entire life!!! He ran after the Bean, not caring for being out in the open as his own thoughts plagued his mind. He screwed everything up back in the colony for being small, being weak. If only he was faster, stronger, bigger! Yes, that's it! If he was bigger he wouldn’t have slipped out of the bag! He’d be able to catch up! He wouldn’t have been seen as different, wouldn’t have been alone! If he was just bigger, he could catch up he could- Suddenly, Tommy slammed harshly into something causing him to back peddle and fall to the ground. He’d been so focused on keeping up with the Bean, he hadn’t been watching where he’d been going. Tommy touched his head and let out a groan of pain from the impact. “Are you alright mate?” Tommy snapped his head up to the familiar voice, eyes blowing wide at the sight before him. Phil was looking directly at him, a concerned look on his face. But that’s not what Tommy was shocked at. Oh no. Because instead of a giant Phil looming over him like he should be, he was eye level with the Bean crouched down before him. Tommy looked around wildly at his surroundings that had magically shrunk and then at himself; realization hitting him like a bullet train. The world hadn’t shrunk. He’d grown.
AHHHHHHH I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! This chapter was more of to establish the world building for Tommy’s life. Please if you have any questions about the au, hit me in my ask box!!! I can not wait to get the next part out!!!
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tinykween · 1 year
Ohoohoh fuck yeah guess who's got polls
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colossal-red · 2 years
Water deep as loneliness Chapter One: Boating trip
Tw: Fear, fearplay, dehumanization, swearing, Safe and Unwilling Noms, messin around with humans like their ants and or play-things, that's about it, read with discretion- WC: 1,585 words
Tommy stared out at the water. He wasn’t the biggest fan of being out in the ocean, but there wasn’t much reason to stay on land. He’d heard that this fisherman was taking people out into the ocean on his fairly big boat, and he wanted to get away from his orphanage, so this was the best option. They left Essempi and were expecting to dock at L’Manburg in a few hours. He sighed, this was the perfect opportunity to get away, he just had to make sure none of the suspicious passengers didn’t stop him and ask where he was going, why he was alone, or why he had a full backpack. He saw someone try to come over and talk to him but excused himself quickly. He didn’t really like talking to people, and people didn’t really like talking to him, so he usually stayed away. He hid in the back of the boat, in between crates holding XD knows what.
He was debating on crawling inside one and seeing where he ended up when a loud crash was heard. It was like a boulder had hit the side of the ship. “What the fuck!” He whisper-shouted as he peeked out from his small corner in between and under boxes, he could hear people shouting before being cut off with a splash. He could’ve sworn that he was scaled in the water as he peeked over the edge, staying close to the floor. Oh, shit, he’d heard the legends of Mers, but he didn’t think they’d actually be real! He quickly hid in one of the crates, practically jumping inside the only open one and sealing it with a lid. He heard a few more shouts, but he ignored them as he closed his eyes and plugged his ears with his fingers…
“Aww, this one’s dead too!” Tubbo informed Ranboo as he circled around the nearly broken ship. He looked over to Boo as he emerged on the other side of the ship, shaking his head. He groaned a bit, “It’s no fun to play with dead ones…” The two continued searching for humans, but they only found more that drowned. “Hm, maybe next time we shouldn’t splash ‘em into the water.” Ranboo nodded, “Well, we could always just sink the boat?” Boo asked, it wasn’t that much fun, but it was something. They turned back to the boat but it was already sinking. The two collectively groaned, “Well at least we could get some food out of these crates.”
Tommy could hear the Mer’s searching through the rubble of the boat. He was thrown around quite a bit as the boat sunk, and was now floating in said crate from earlier, only had one eye hole to peek through at many other crates, floating in the ocean. Oh shit, he was going to die. He could feel himself start to hyperventilate as he drifted. The Mer’s continued to tear apart crates, he even caught a flash of scales everyonce in a while out of the peephole. Then he watched as the water disappeared, getting farther and farther away as the crate he was in was lifted up. “Oooooh…” he made a few noises, oofs, and urgs, all the way.
“Hmm, I think there’s something alive in this one!” Tubbo shouted out to Ranboo as he picked up another crate. This one was slightly heavier than the rest, but it was still extremely light. Ranboo swam over, peering into Tubbo’s palm where the small crate rested, smaller shorter than his pinkie, but slightly bigger in length than it. He reached out, slicing at the crate with his claw, prying it open. “Got it!” He proclaimed as he busted it open. He unceremoniously dumped all of the contents out, it was mostly straw, but then out came a smol human in a red and white shirt. “Ahhh!” It shouted as it fell out onto the palm.
Tommy quickly got to his feet when he landed on the somewhat warm and scaly palm. Holy fucking shit they were big. He gazed up, up, even further up at the Mer, they were smiling a large toothy smile as they stared down at him. The Mer holding (fuck he hated thinking about that) him made a noise, kinda like a shrill gentle screech. The fingers adjusted slightly, pulling him into a grip. “No, no no no!” They curled around him as he was lifted up for inspection. Oh, shit, he really was gonna die, and in such a horrible way. He fully expected the Mer to just eat him. But, that didn’t appear to be the case. He tried to work up the courage to speak, but no words came. He could hear another Mer behind him, but he couldn’t turn his head. “P-p-please…” he lightly whispered. It wasn’t super loud, but it was a word at least.
It didn’t appear like they heard him, they just kept on chittering between the two of them. This was fucking terrifying. They started swimming just in a random direction away from land, so that definitely wasn’t good. They came to a tame spot of the ocean that seemed to have a Coral Reef down below the water. They chittered all the way, making strange noises all the way. Tommy wished he knew what they were gonna do with him, he was surprised that he hadn’t died yet, from everything he’d heard about the legends of the Mer’s, he thought they’d have killed him already. Then something, unexpected happened.
The one holding him, started, counting. It made a noise, waited for a second, made another one, then made a final one a second later. That was when he threw The Human a far distance away. “AHHHHHH!” He simply shouted as he hit the cold water. He stayed submerged there until he spotted both mer’s gunning for him, hands stretched out as they tried to grab at him. They appeared to be fighting each other over who would catch him. As they did this, Tommy desperately tried to get to the surface. Until one clawed hand wrapped around him, it was rough and knocked the air out of his lungs. He was lifted out of the water and took in the air. More chittering was heard. Before another noise was heard from the water.
“Boys! It’s time for Dinner!” Tubbo groaned at Phil’s voice. He really wished they’d been able to play with the human a little more. “What should we do with it?” He asked Ranboo who was holding the human in a tight grip. “You might wanna, loosen that a bit.” He informed him. “Oh, yea.” He shifted the human to rest in his open palms. “Land is a bit too far away, but we could always keep him for a bit.” Tubbo nodded, “Yea, you can store it for a bit, we could continue tomorrow.” Ranboo nodded somewhat eagerly, as Tubbo disappeared to go placate Phil for a sec.
Tommy was glad when he was shifted to rest in the creature's palms. He really didn’t want that to happen again, and he was building his voice back up, as he was lifted high up, close to this Pricks face. “OI BI-“ He tries to shout with all of his ‘annoying’ gusto, but he was unceremoniously shoved into the Mer’s mouth, where he landed on the soft muscle of the creature's tongue. Oh shit. He backed up with urgency, poking himself on one of the sharp teeth. Oh Prime, this was it. He shouted as the wet tongue pushed him around, lathering him in Saliva. This was so gross, but the Mer ended up swallowing thickly, pushing him toward the dark tunnel that lay at the end. He shouted and screeched as he tried to avoid the tunnel. But it was fruitless as his legs got sucked into the tube.
The throat dragged him down deep inside the mer, he tried to fight it with everything he had, but it was far too late. He was gonna die, and he hadn’t done shit with his life. He held back his tears and shouted with outrage as he tried to climb back up, but the muscles forced him further down until he finally landed in a slightly lit-up room. But this wasn’t a room, this was his demise. He lay in there, just in shock at what had happened. This wasn’t how he wanted today to go, nor how he wanted to die. "Oi Prick face!" He shouted as loud as he could, "You better let me out of here or I'll fuck your stomach up!" He tried to beat up the stomach from the inside, prime he hated that word, but it didn't do shit. He resigned to just cryin in the corner, how brave.
Tubbo sat on his ‘bed’, waiting for Ranboo to come so they could get some dinner. Finally, the Black and White Mer came down. "What took ya so long Boo?" He asked, only Semi-Concerned. "Um, well it put up a bit of a fight and it kinda-" He was cut off by Phil. "C'mon! Dinners ready guys!" Tubbo shouted back that they were coming, "C'mon, you can tell me later." Ranboo nodded his head, following Tubbo out. Afterward, they headed to bed, and Boo tried to tell Tubbo again. "Sorry, could you just tell me in the morning? I'm really tired right now..." He really was, Boo mumbled goodnight, and they headed to bed...
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Sunny Day Turned Cloudy
HEY @random-tinies GUESS WHAT? I WAS YOUR GIFT EXCHANGER AND I HAVE WRITTEN YOU STORY! I really do hope you enjoy it and I hope the rest of your day is awesome :3
Warning: safe vore, sassy Techno, fear of drowning
Techno snored quietly as he laid on the front dock of the boat he and his brother's had rented for their mini vacation and enjoying the warm sun shining down on him, he yelped as he suddenly fell out of the lawn chair looking around a bit confused. Techno quickly got to his feet and started walking over to the helm of the ship seeing both of his brothers arguing
"Wilbur, stop your going to make us cap size!" Eret yelled, holding on to the helm of the ship and trying to keep them steady as Wilbur tried pushing his brother to the side, the taller brunette looked frightened and desperate to take over the ship. Techno swiftly walked over grabbing Wilbur by the back of his shirt and pulling them away from Eret, once Eret got the ship to be stable again the two started questioning Wilbur just willing to understand why he was so panicked.
As Wilbur started trying to explain himself something hit the boat causing all three men to fall to the ground scrambling to get back up as the boat just continued shaking, Techno grabbed a piece of nearby rope time Eret and Wilbur together and got help from Eret to tie himself to her. Techno took Eret's hand and started leading their siblings towards the lifeboat, the three screamed as they fell to the ground again and felt the entire boat shaking.
Techno pulled Eret and Wilbur into a hug as a giant shadow loomed over them and he locked eyes with a red scaly creature that had vibrant blue eyes, Long messy blonde hair with seaweed tangled into it, and a very sharp and pointy mouth that smiled down at them. Suddenly all three found themselves thrown up into the air and landing into the water below their boat capsized, Techno quickly swimmed to the surface of the water looking around frantically for his brothers as the rope that tied them together had come undone.
Techno screened out their names noticing the creature from earlier was gone and became terrified it had taken his brother's to God now's here, he started swimming back towards the capsized boat hoping he might be able to save the radio and send out a distress signal. Techno was only a few feet away from the sinking boat when he felt something soft and squishy wrap around his leg and yank him underneath the water, he quickly took in a deep breath closing his eyes as whatever grabbed him dragged him deeper and deeper underwater.
Techno opened his eyes for a moment looking up towards the surface and seeing razor sharp teeth that closed behind him trapping him inside of a giant mouth, the water inside slowly drained out leaving him resting on top of a giant tongue that started licking at him. Techno kicked and punched at the tongue desperately climbing his way towards the front of the mouth, he tried prying the teeth apart but just cut his hands along the sharp jagged teeth.
The strawberry-haired piglin yelped as the tongue beneath him through him back towards the monster's throat and instantly felt his head get dragged into the tight muscles, Techno tried reaching forward to grab something but just got his hands covered in slime as he continued getting pulled down the monster's throat. Techno just hoped he wouldn't see his brothers anytime soon as he closed his eyes and passed out.
He didn't want to be awake for this next part.
It was dark and slimy….which just concerned Techno as he slowly started to wake up looking around his prison extremely confused but relieved considering he was all alone, the piglin slowly set up right wiping slime off his face and kicking the cramped stomach he was stuck in. This police was completely disgusting and Techno decided he had every right and convenience of this creature as much as possible so he started kicking and punching at the walls around him.
Techno smiled as he heard noises of pain and discomfort emanating from the best that ate him and continued punching and kicking away at their walls, he yelped as the walls caved in around him squeezing him and trapping his arms and legs in place. Techno growled out as he was slowly pushed up the creature's throat and found himself back in their mouth.
The pink haired piglin surprisingly found himself sped up onto a cold cave floor absolutely covered in slime, he started wiping all of it off completely ignoring the creature behind him that growled and hissed trying to get his attention. Techno slowly stood up and sat down in a different spot still facing away from the creature and still getting slime off himself.
"....You know it's kind of rude to ignore someone that saved your life mate" an unfamiliar voice echoed from behind Techno, he slowly turned around to face the giant mar seeing that they were resting there down on the cave floor to be closer to Techno. The piglin huffed and went back to cleaning the slime off his clothes.
"It's also rude to knock over someone's boat and then eat them." Techno pointed out in a monotone voice not even bothering to look at the green mark. There was silence between the two for a few moments until the green mer finally cleared his throat.
"I didn't realize a mer knocked over your boat, where did you get hurt at all?" Techno was a bit surprised at the mers concern and slowly turned around to face him, he started checking himself over thankfully finding no injury.
"No but I don't know where my brothers are…did you see them in the water?" The piglin asked hoping Eret and Wilbur were safe somewhere, Techno slowly lost that hope with how confused the green mer looked.
"No I only saw you, if I had seen them I would have sent them down to my storage with you." The mer explained "Did you see what the mer that knocked over your boat looked like? If they're anywhere they're probably with them."
Techno thought it over for a moment and shook his head "I only saw red vibrant scales and then I was in the water and lost sight of my brothers." He watched as the Giant mer thought over the detail and pinched the bridge of his nose grumbling.
"I know who has them…a young mer did this, I can take you to him but you'll have to go back into my storage for the trip." The green mer explained resting his clawed hand down next to Techno.
Techno just stared at the hand for a few moments letting out a deep sigh "First, before I let you eat me again, I think we should do some proper introduction. My name is Techno, who are you and how do you know the young mer?"
"My name is Philza, the lil shit that most likely knocked over your boat is my son." Philza explained smiling and showing off his sharp pointy teeth, Techno shivered a bit at that and slowly climbed on to the mers hand. The piglin yelped as the hand suddenly moved forward and lifted him up into the air in front of the row of sharp pointy teeth.
Techno watched as a tongue stuck out of the mouth and just stayed there, he slowly put two and two together and started crawling into Philza's mouth. He really hoped this wasn't going to be a long trip.
Philza quickly swam through the water looking for Tommy and really hoping the kid didn't get himself into any more trouble, he rubbed at his brooding pouch to make sure Techno was ok and smiled as he got a small kick back. The green mer quickly sped up as he spotted some shining red scales.
The giant whale shark mer quickly reached forward and grabbed the red mer by the tail before he could run off and pulled the child into his arms. Being careful of the small bump on the boy's belly, he started swimming back towards their home not listening to a single excuse that came out of Tommy's mouth. "You capsized a boat and kidnapped two humans! You're lucky there aren't any hunters out looking for you!"
Tommy just started crying primarily due to the pain in his brooding pouch and went completely limp in Philza's arms "I-Im sorry…t-the humans are ok- but they’re mean-"
"They’re not mean Tommy, they're scared, humans don't have brooding pouches like us so they get really scared when they're put in there." Philza glaring down at his son and feeling a bit bad for the young mer, he picked up the pace and started swimming a bit more quickly towards their home "Let's get the humans out of there and explain to them what happened, ok?"
Tommy sniffled and nodded his head swimming at the same Pace as his father "O-Ok."
It took a bit to actually get Eret and Wilbur out of the brooding pouch considering the young mer Tommy didn't know how to get a human out and considering his small size getting two humans out at once was extra hard on Tommy, Techno hugged his brother and sister clothes double checking to make sure they didn't get hurt well being brought up the mers throat and also helping the two calm down. The three humans still needed to get a proper apology from the young mer and that would be much easier if they weren't freaking out.
Wilbur was of course more pissed off than panicked so he definitely wasn't allowed to talk with the kid, Eret sadly had lost their glasses so she was more confused by the situation and obviously didn't want to get closer, and then there was Techno. Quite frankly Techno just wanted to go home and could care less for the apology but if the kid didn't properly understand what he did was wrong this could happen again.
The piglin side hesitantly walked over to the red mer who only had the top of his head sticking out of the water and watched Techno fearfully, he sat down at the edge of the pool and motioned for the kid to come closer. Tommy hesitantly did so and started shaking.
"Sooo you ate my brothers." Techno stated in a deadpan voice noticing the guilt instantly appearing on the kids face "Why did you capsize a boat and do that?"
Tommy hesitantly rose out of the water leaning his arms on the cave floor next Techno "I thought it was a piece of driftwood…I'm not used to being so big yet and I've never seen a human boat before", Techno did his best to hold back a snicker at the fact that the kids simply thought their boat was a piece of driftwood.
"How the hell does a boat look like driftwood!?" Wilbur yelled out causing the kid to flinch back and quickly dive under the water splashing Techno, Eret located where her twin was and proceeded to punch him in the arm.
"Why would you yell at him!? He's just a baby!" Eret proclaimed still punching Wilbur in the arm, Wilbur covered his head with his arms sitting on the floor and grumbling.
"He ate us! I'm not going to be nice to some punk that ate us!" Wilbur defended himself while looking over at Techno for help, the pink haired piglin shrugged his shoulders.
"It was kind of mean to yell at him." Wilbur took off his soaked and ruined coat, throwing it at Techno's face.
The three siblings all erupted into a big fight now, actually yelling and arguing with each other as Philza returned to the small cave watching the humans in confusion, he growled loudly, getting their attention immediately and crossing his arms. "I thought I told you four to talk things out, why are you three fighting while Tommy's hiding in the shallow end?"
"Wilbur started it." Eret started cutting both of her brothers off and earning a glare from Wilbur, the brunette crossed his arms grumbling.
"I did not! I was pointing at the obvious because you too are usually not to focus on the fact that they ate us!"
Techno shrugged his shoulders "The kid did let you guys out and you weren't harmed in any way so it's not that big of a deal."
The piglin stepped out of the way as a shoe was thrown at him and hite Philza arm that was resting on the stony floor of the cave, everyone gave Wilbur a deadpan stare glaring at him a bit.
"I did eat them…" Tommy peight in poking his head out of the water "And he does have a right to be mad, I'm sorry mister Wilbur- I should have known better and not eat you and your brother."
Wilbur stared down at the ground grumbling, Eret and Techno smacked their brother on the head making him say what he was mumbling out loud "I guess you're forgiven…child"
Philza sighed, pinching the brim of his nose, he looked over at Techno. "And since my son did ruin your day out on the sea, I would like to propose a trip to the beach."
"Well there are other humans there?" Techno asked, looking up at Philza instantly noticing the small smirk on his face.
"Nope. Humans never go to this beach because of how is mers visit it, so do you three want to go?" Philza rested his hands down in front of the three siblings patiently waiting for them to climb on.
Eret was the first to get up and carefully climb onto the giant hand with some help, Techno was the second to climb on and sat down next to Eret, and Wilbur on the other hand just sat there grumbly staring at his brothers like they were crazy. Thankfully a chaotic small mer scooped the grumpy brunette up into his hands holding the human close to his chest.
"Let's get going!" Tommy proclaimed as he shoved Wilbur into his mouth and quickly swallowed the human down to his brooding pouch diving underneath the water, Philza shook his head and opened his mouth wide letting these two humans climb in on their own. Techno helped Eret in and climbed in right after her.
Philza closed his mouth around the two, easily swallowing them down and then dove back into the water taking off after his son, wanting to make sure the mirror was actually going the right direction and not swimming into dangerous territory.
Thankfully once everyone is at the beach Techno happily napping in his lawn chair and enjoying the sun again.
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