#gideon gemstone fic
sidehowriting · 9 months
Here's a rough rough draft of something I'm working on. Since there's next to nothing with Gideon I figured I'd share and that gives me the motivation to keep writing lol. *also posted on my OG post as a reblog*
The sun was warm against your skin. The grass softer than you expected. Of course, that was on you for not thinking the Gemstone's kept their grass immaculate. Regardless, the sun and the grass and Gideon next to you made you feel relaxed and at ease.
"I can't tell you the last time I just… laid in the grass for fun!" You nearly giggled.
"Can you tell me the last time you were on Go Karts?" Gideon asked.
The breeze was gentle as it swept over you. Closing your eyes, you exhaled. Breathing in, well, everything.
"Y/N?" Gideon's voice brought you back.
"I'm glad you're here."
You peaked open your eyes, turning your head to the side to look at him. The brightness of the sun brought out his blue of his eyes. His hair looking even sandier. Every single freckle noticeable.
"I am too."
"I'm sorry it's under these circumstances."
You shrugged. "It's alright." It wasn't though. You knew it. He knew it. Everyone knew it. But at this particular moment, the how and why didn't matter. This moment was all that did. "I just missed you." You blinked nice and long. Mind running back to one of the last times you saw Gideon.
The after party was already in full swing when you arrived. You wanted to be fashionably late but maybe this was a bit too much. Brooke was already hammered when you found her.
"Hey, bitch!" She slurred, draping a long arm around you. "We've been doing shots!"
You laughed, putting your arm around her waist. "I can see that!"
"There's plenty more!" Her free arm held a red solo cup and you knew that that contained some incredibly strong mixed drink. You took the cup from her and took a sip. Yep. The rum and coke (mostly rum) burned in the best way.
You passed her back her drink. "Guess who's been asking about you?"
Your heart skipped a beat. "Gideon?"
"No." She stumbled as she lead you to where the shots were. "Randy."
That was more disappointing than Gideon not asking about you. "Oh," you mustered.
"He just can't take a hint."
"No, he cannot."
"How many times has he asked you out?"
"Like seven."
"Jesus fucking christ what a- oh! Shots"!
One of the other girls you worked with on the movie - Heather? Halle? Harlow? - had a full tray of shots she was carrying around.
"Brooke! Y/N! Here!" She thrusted the tray towards the two of you. You grabbed one, feeling bad she remembered your name and you didn't.
"Thanks!" You and Brooke both said. You raised the small glasses in the air, a cheers to another successful movie and to each other, before knocking them back. Ah, straight vodka.
Finding a flat, uninhabited surface, you placed the shot glass down. Heather/Halle/Harlow had already walked away with the tray. She was off in the distance, offering them to more party goers.
"Have you seen Gideon at all?" You asked, not yet feeling the buzz of the alcohol but you knew it was coming.
"Um," Brooke though, taking a sip of her drink. "Like when I first got here. Like an hour ago?"
"Was he with anyone?"
She shook her head, drinking more. "I don't think so."
You reached out towards her and she passed you her cup again. Now, there wasn't much left so you downed it. "I'm gonna find him."
"And tell him you're in loooooove?" She teased.
You shoved the now empty cup back at her, trying unsuccessfully to hide the smile from your face. "I don't love him," you said.
"I just, sorta, like him a lot."
"Fuck off, Brooke."
"Whatever," she said, laughing as she walked away. Leaving you alone to find Gideon Gemstone.
Thankfully, the alcohol started to do its job. The warmth was spreading through your body and you cared less and less about what you said to Gideon. Something about your feelings for him. Something before he runs off with Scotty. Fuck, you might just kiss him.
Unfortunately, that was not what Fate had intended. The room you found him in wasn't crowded and that seemed to be the intended goal. He was there with Heather/Halle/Harlow nestled in a corner. Their faces glued together and hands roaming everywhere on each other.
Well fuck. Goddammit. Son of a bitch.
You definitely needed more to drink.
Once again, Fate took that into its own hands. "Hey, Y/N." Randy approached you with two red solo cups in his hands. You tried to ignore him, the sadness eating away at your insides. Fuck, after months and months of working with Gideon, hanging out, growing closer, this happens. He's making out with Heather/Halle/Harlow.
"Y/N!" Randy persisted. "Care for a drink?"
Fuck it. Why not? What could go wrong?
"Missed you too," he said, bringing you from your memories.
Another comfortable silence fell between you two. As you turned your head back up to the sun, you stretched out your arms. Your hands running through the grass.
"You know," he said, looking at you again. "You can stay with us, with me, as long as you like."
Tiny tingles erupted from where his fingers now touched yours in the grass. Not quite holding hands, but not not holding hands. Enough to make your heart skip a beat.
"Thank you," you said, eyes connecting. "I really appreciate that."
This moment was nothing but Gideon Gemstone and you. Simply being. And that was enough for you.
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I was looking at the Gideon x singer headcanon/fic outline that I've had sitting in my drafts since the middle of last season and I'm kind of thinking about posting it as is
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grinchwrapsupreme · 8 months
nothing hits in a fic quite like a bi gideon mention
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bellamer · 3 months
where’s the Gemstones fic??👀
Here’s the thing, whenever I start writing fanfics for shows I like suddenly the new season and trailer is announced and then I have to worry about things like canon events or whatever because one thing I hate is when my fanfics go against canon.
So I’m still working on it though because there’s not enough gemstones fanfics. Plus I want to figure out who would overreact to Gideon dating an agnostic goth girl. I know Amber and Jesse would definitely pretend that they’re okay with it when they’re actually really not and i think Eli is at that point where he’s too old and doesn’t care. And I’m not sure how much Kelvin and Judy are involved in Gideon’s life or how much they really care but I know Jesse would try to avoid them finding out about Gideon’s girlfriend because they will use it against him.
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mehoymalloy · 8 months
Tag 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better!
No tags from me, but thanks for the tag, @foibles-fables!
Favorite color: I've been really loving orange for a while now.
Currently reading: Gideon the Ninth, slowly but surely!
Last song: "The Trial," from Stray Gods, specifically the green one.
Last series: Technically, Critical Role, but I've been watching The Righteous Gemstones on and off.
Last movie: The Barbie Movie!
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet > Savory > Spicy
Currently working on: Too much! Stray Gods drabbles for next week's event, a post-Prometheus Bound one-shot, a Grace/Athena fic outline, an Imogen/Otohan gift fic for a friend, the Imogen/Otohan strap fic, Relvin's Moon Moms fic, and the Let Me sequel; in that order!
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thinkatoryprocess · 10 months
Loving that it sounds like you intend to write fic for the righteous gemstones. The finale seems to have inspired people because there’s now about 20 more fics on ao3 but that’s still not nearly enough and anything you write will be great I’m sure. Also speaking of your other stuff I think the actor who plays Gideon could work as an older face claim for Shiv’s son.
I'm definitely considering it. I like the vibe between them so much. I need to give myself the freedom to write something fun and not super involved, though. Sometimes it can be hard to get myself to do that. I like keeping a good update pace.
I'm in the midst of writing something else right now, but maybe then? I have a feeling whatever I write for Kelvin/Keefe is gonna flow.
Love Skylar Gisondo as Logan Wambsgans, I'm sold. He has traits of both!
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stevie-baby · 2 years
Omg pleaseeee give us some gemstones fanfics… there is NOTHING on this site I swear
No literally we only have crumbs. And of the 8 righteous gemstones fics out there, most of them are Kelvin x Keefe which I am totally here for btw but I need variety!! Where are the fics about how Judy and BJ met? Where are the angsty Harmon fics?? Where's Gideon's first gig as a stuntman or anything about his time in California? WHERE IS GIDEON PROCESSING RELIGIOUS TRAUMA BECAUSE HE WAS BASICALLY RAISED IN A CULT???
me @ my writer friends:
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sidehowriting · 10 months
The feminine urge to write a fic for Gideon Gemstone.
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Worker’s Comp Doesn't Cover Everything
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Word count: 555 Summary: Gideon’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
Gideon was about a month into his first gig as an actual stuntman. He'd gotten jobs as an extra here and there, but he immediately took to doing stunts like a duck to water ("Nimble, like a beautiful little jockey" his agent liked to say). But something was off.
The long days on set were finally starting to wear him down. Everything hurt, he kept missing cues, maybe he was starting to get a cold too. Gideon just needed to push himself through his last scene of the day. Just one more scene. He was so focused on hyping himself up for the take that he had missed the director calling action. A thud reverberated through the set as Gideon took a roundhouse kick directly to the head. He still wasn’t sure what had happened as he was laid out.
“CUT CUT CUT” the boy heard through the ringing in his ears. From the ground, he saw his scene partner paralyzed with shock and the director and medics rushing to him. No broken bones or blood (thank god), but he did get his bell rung. "Kid, you're good for the day. I think it's a wrap for everyone." the director said from above him in an attempt to disperse the crowd that had formed around the poor kid. If he wasn’t as dazed, Gideon would’ve scoffed. He was not a kid. “I'm fine, really. I'm good for another take." The statement was immediately retracted when he stood and the ringing in his ears got so violent that he heaved into the nearest trash can. "No. No, you aren't. Go get checked out, try not to die, and talk to Linda in HR tomorrow about worker’s comp, okay?" Gideon was burning under the entire crew's pitiful stares. With a nod, he left to silently collect his belongings from the trailer and made his way back to his one-bedroom apartment. Alone. Just like every other day since he got here.
Gideon wanted his mom. The Gemstones could’ve afforded to hire nannies or au pairs when he was growing up, but Amber always took pride in caring for her boys. She attended every PTA meeting at her sons' private school, she had a cooler of capri suns and orange slices at every soccer game, and she’d immediately patch them up when they’d fall off their dirt bikes. She even went as far as to give her eldest son her shoebox of cash that she’d always kept tucked in the back of one of her massive closets “in case of emergency” when her husband could no longer look at their apostate son. In his concussed state, Gideon half-expected his mom to come in and nag him for not going to urgent care to get properly checked out.
He somehow made himself small in his closet-sized apartment, curled up in a ball on the floor of the bathroom, a white-knuckle grip on his phone. Gideon almost dialed her number when the screen went dim. He knew he’d put his foot in his mouth the night his parents disowned him. He wasn’t nearly as grown as he tried to convince them (and himself). Nineteen-year-old Gideon Elijah Gemstone was still a just kid and in that moment he needed his momma to tell him everything was going to be okay.
A/N: I finally finished after 6 months, but what a crazy 6 months it’s been!! My landlord sold my place, I moved to a whole different state, I fell down the stairs and broke my ankle while moving into my new place, I learned the truth about some big family secrets, and I dropped my phone in a sewer grate and had to get a new one. Anyway, sorry it is so short. My writing is rusty and I doubt I will be writing on the regular, but I still wanted to post this. It has been glaring at me in my drafts since March. It’s a bit funny. I started writing this as the finale of season 2 aired and now they’re filming season 3. The other day someone followed my main and liked all of my Gemstones posts so I knew that at least someone would still be interested. I still have a few other ideas I may work on but we’ll see if I finish them.
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stevie-baby · 2 years
Smoked some mugwort and kief last night and woke up with a righteous gemstones fanfic in my notes app
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