#gold invest company berlin
Momentum Gold: Eine Finanzinnovation von Gold Invest Edelmetalle
Momentum Gold verstehen
Momentum Gold bietet eine flexible Option für Personen, die Edelmetalle besitzen oder ihre Goldinvestitionen aufschieben und sich dabei einen sofortigen Cashflow sichern möchten. Der Prozess beinhaltet den Verkauf Ihres Goldes an Gold Invest Edelmetalle und die gleichzeitige Vereinbarung eines Rückkaufvertrags für einen zukünftigen Termin, in der Regel innerhalb von 12 Monaten.
Dieses innovative Programm ist ideal für Personen, die vorübergehend finanzielle Probleme haben, sei es aufgrund von Unternehmensinvestitionen, persönlichen Käufen oder unerwarteten Ausgaben.
Mit dieser Methode können Sie Ihren aktuellen finanziellen Bedarf decken und haben gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit, Ihr Gold später zu einem vorab vereinbarten Preis zurückzufordern.
Gold Invest Edelmetalle stellt Momentum Gold vor , eine einzigartige Finanzlösung, die kurzfristige Liquidität ohne herkömmliche Bankkredite oder hochverzinsliche Pfandleihdienste bietet.
So funktioniert das Momentum Gold-Programm
Bewertung : Gold Invest Edelmetalle bewertet Ihr Gold und ermittelt den aktuellen Marktwert.
Verkauf und Bezahlung : Sie verkaufen Ihr Gold an Gold Invest Edelmetalle und erhalten sofort Barzahlung abzüglich einer Anzahlung für den späteren Rückkauf.
Preisfestsetzung : Der Rückkaufpreis wird zum Zeitpunkt des Verkaufs festgelegt, sodass Sie eine klare Finanzplanung ohne das Risiko von Marktschwankungen haben.
Rückkauf : Nach Ablauf der vereinbarten Frist können Sie Ihr Gold zum vorher festgelegten Preis abzüglich der Anzahlung zurückkaufen.
Vorteile von Momentum Gold
Keine Bonitätsprüfung : Das Programm erfordert keine Einkommensüberprüfung, keine Bonitätsprüfung und keine Offenlegung gegenüber Kreditauskunfteien, wodurch Ihre finanzielle Privatsphäre geschützt ist.
Keine Zinsen oder Gebühren : Anders als bei Krediten oder Pfandleihdiensten fallen keine Zinsen oder versteckten Gebühren an. Der Rückkaufpreis wird zum Zeitpunkt des Verkaufs festgelegt, was die Finanzplanung vereinfacht.
Marktpartizipation : Steigt der Goldpreis während der Vertragslaufzeit, profitieren Sie ohne Zusatzkosten vom Marktgewinn.
Flexibilität : Die durch den Verkauf erzielten Mittel können für beliebige Zwecke verwendet werden, sei es für geschäftliche Zwecke, für persönliche Investitionen oder zur Deckung unvorhergesehener Ausgaben.
Praktische Anwendungen
Gold Invest Edelmetalle hat verschiedene Szenarien erlebt, in denen sich Momentum Gold als vorteilhaft erweist:
Geschäftserweiterung: Unternehmer, die Liquidität für die Geschäftserweiterung oder zum Überbrücken von Lücken aufgrund verspäteter Kundenzahlungen benötigen, können diesen Service nutzen, ohne sich auf komplexe Kreditprozesse einlassen zu müssen.
Persönlicher Bedarf: Privatpersonen, die größere Anschaffungen tätigen müssen, wie etwa den Kauf eines Autos für einen neuen Job, können ihre Goldbestände als Sicherheit nutzen, ohne auf hochverzinste Kredite zurückgreifen zu müssen.
Unerwartete Ausgaben: Bei Rechtsstreitigkeiten oder dringenden Reparaturen am Haus bietet Momentum Gold eine schnelle und effiziente Möglichkeit, auf Geld zuzugreifen, ohne die Kreditwürdigkeit oder den finanziellen Ruf zu beeinträchtigen.
Momentum Gold von Gold Invest Edelmetalle ist eine zuverlässige und diskrete Lösung für kurzfristige Finanzbedürfnisse, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihr Goldvermögen effektiv zu nutzen und gleichzeitig die Option zu wahren, es in Zukunft zurückzufordern. Weitere Informationen dazu, wie Sie Momentum Gold nutzen können, finden Sie unter Gold Invest Edelmetalle
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AV installation
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AV installation is the art of using technology to enhance information delivery in spaces like conference rooms, classrooms, and offices.
A state-of-the-art audiovisual system is a must have for any corporate office or academic institution to ensure a functional and engaging environment for its employees, students, and visitors. Whether you are looking for a video wall for your boardroom or digital signage for your lobby, NCS has the expertise to design, install, and support all of the components of the modern audiovisual experience.
The audiovisual industry has been in the news lately with the emergence of new products and technologies. The latest and greatest include: augmented reality, digital signage, mobile video walls, kiosks and more.
Providing high-quality visuals and audio is no easy task. Choosing this experienced smarthomes gold coast audio visual company is essential to the success of any project.
The top notch audio visual company will have an in-house design team, expert installers and quality control staff. Having a single point of contact will save time, money and headaches.
In addition to supplying the best visuals, they will also handle any necessary maintenance and repairs as well.
Lastly, their service will be accompanied by a comprehensive warranty and a dedicated project manager to ensure your investment in audiovisual technologies pays off. You can view more here about the top quality audio visual systems.
The audiovisual industry has been in the news for quite some time and has been highlighted by numerous awards and accolades, including but not limited to: a TEDx conference; an award for innovation at the World Congress of Science in Berlin; an international competition for digital signage and a WTO ministerial conference in Hong Kong. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_audio.
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merriammusicinc · 2 years
W Hoffmann P162 Professional Series | Baby Grand Piano Review
C Bechstein’s W Hoffmann brand offers an undeniably intriguing set of pianos. Consisting of three different lines of different quality, the W. Hoffmann is a fully European handmade alternative to a German piano for a fraction of the price.
In this article and review video we’ll be looking at the entry point to the Professional line - the top W. Hoffmann line - with the W Hoffmann P162 baby grand. We’ll do a rundown of the piano action and piano sound, as well as some other cool design/aesthetic tidbits.
W Hoffmann P162 - Playing Experience
Of all the instruments in the showroom right now, it's worth mentioning that this one has really managed to grab our company President and resident piano reviewer Stu’s attention and inspire some very creative moments.
Anyone who spends a lot of time around pianos will know what Stu’s referring to here - “it's very unusual for me to sit down in front of a piano that is less than $90,000 or $100,000 and have it genuinely take my breath away and cause me to play differently than I would normally. “ Stu opined.
He continued, “To me, that's one of the most interesting effects that a great instrument can have.”
Read on for our in-depth review of the W. Hoffmann P162 baby grand piano!
Baby Grand Piano Background
The C. Bechstein Europe’s P162, produced under the W. Hoffmann Professional brand is a baby grand with a massive musical range, a clear precise tone, fluid, and expertly-prepared action, and an attractive and unique silver color scheme.
Professional Series vs Tradition Series
The W. Hoffmann Professional series along with their Tradition series are both highly regarded all-European grand pianos that offer a high-value alternative to more expensive German pianos. The Professional series differs from the Tradition series in subtle ways, but nonetheless important to mention.
Both pianos use a different hammer and voicing style, different plates (and therefore also slightly different scale designs) as well as different bridge designs. The result is that the Professional series produces a more bell-like attack with long-sustaining trebles, as opposed to the darker and warmer tone of the Tradition series.
Made in the Czech Republic
The W Hoffmann P162 is made in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic at the old Bohemia piano factory which Bechstein acquired in 2006. Bechstein made a considerable investment in modernizing the factory with new CNC machinery and modern technology while maintaining much of the experienced workforce.
We generally don't spend too much time discussing specific piano factories in our reviews, but in this case, we're behooved to highlight Bechstein's Czech factory. This is a factory that's currently at its maximum possible output with the staff working day and night to try and fill back-orders.
Between the workforce, equipment and the substantial investment Bechstein has made, the result has been a stable of incredible instruments that more than compete against high-end Japanese options from Kawai and Yamaha. The Professional Series W. Hoffmann pianos are right at the top of the heap when it comes to what that Czech factory is putting out for Bechstein.
Alternative to the C. Bechstein Academy A160
The P162 is essentially a sister product to the Bechstein Academy A160. If you are ever fortunate enough to be able to sit down in front of an A160 and a P162 side by side, you're going to quickly notice that the scales designs and cabinets are virtually the same.
It's quite clear that Bechstein have exported some of the designs and a lot of the expertise out of their Berlin factory down the road two hours to the Czech factory and are producing a very similar product to the Academy, for about 20-30% less money.
Let’s jump over to some specifics regarding the action.
Baby Grand Piano Action Bechstein’s Silver Line Action
The P162 uses Bechstein’s “Silver Line” action. This action features essentially the same geometry as the top-end “Gold Line” Action, but with lesser quality materials on certain parts, while also receiving less voicing and regulation.
As is the case with virtually all Bechstein pianos, this action is very fast, and nicely straddles the fine line between power and dynamic control.
The keybed is not as deep as a Japanese action, so it gives the player the perception of being a little bit lighter. When weighing the action it turns out it’s pretty much down the middle, but that shallower keybed definitely makes it feel lighter. We love this action and think it will be more than satisfying even for high-level playing.
Baby Grand Piano Sound Nuanced Timbre
The sound of the P162 could aptly be described as both nuanced and delicate. The balance across the entire range is striking, and probably unmatched in this price and size range.
They have definitely achieved a real bell-like tone here, with characteristic mid and upper-mid-range Bechstein bloom.
The treble maintains the sense of delicacy while also boasting a remarkable sustain, and the ever-maligned ‘break’ area is very well executed.
Overall, the tone is more complex than the Tradition series, while also being brighter and clearer.
Design Features & Cabinet
The bridge on the P162 has some interesting contouring, which is accented with black paint and impossible to miss. It also has the duplex scale, capped maple bridges, beech/maple rims, solid Austrian white spruce soundboard, and a distinctive silver plate and nickel accents. The instrument is ONLY available in Ebony Polish and silver tones, it can’t be ordered in brass or in any other wood finish.
The W. Hoffmann Professional Series is one of the best-kept secrets of the piano world. In an industry that seems positioned between enormously expensive high-quality pianos, and hard-to-research lower-quality pianos from Asia, the Professional series might be entirely unique.
Designed entirely by C. Bechstein’s famous R&D team in Berlin, the Professional series shares many of the same materials and designs as the Bechstein Premium line of the same size.  And the pianos are hand-made entirely in Europe. All at a fraction of the price of what you normally pay for European-built and designed pianos.
The post W Hoffmann P162 Professional Series | Baby Grand Piano Review first appeared on Merriam Pianos
2359 Bristol Cir #200, Oakville, ON L6H 6P8
(905) 829–2020
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Eine effektive Methode zur Erkennung von gefälschtem Gold: Gold Invest Edelmetalle
Angesichts der wachsenden Besorgnis über gefälschte Edelmetalle auf dem Markt wird Ihnen dieser Artikel dabei helfen, die Echtheit Ihrer Goldanlagen sicherzustellen.
Warum singt echtes Gold?
Gold, ein dichtes und formbares Metall, besitzt einzigartige akustische Eigenschaften, die zur Echtheitsprüfung genutzt werden können. Wenn man es sanft anschlägt, erzeugt echtes Gold einen klaren, resonanten Klang — eine Eigenschaft, die gefälschte Metalle, die oft aus unedlen Metallen oder anderen Legierungen bestehen, nicht reproduzieren können. Dieser charakteristische „singende“ Klang ist auf die inhärenten physikalischen Eigenschaften von Gold zurückzuführen und macht es zu einem effektiven, nichtinvasiven Test für schnelle vorläufige Beurteilungen.
Den Gesangstest verstehen
Um den Gesangstest durchzuführen, befolgen Sie diese einfachen Schritte:
Sanft zuschlagen : Schlagen Sie mit einem nicht beschädigenden Gegenstand sanft auf den Goldgegenstand.
Hören Sie genau hin : Achten Sie genau auf den Ton, der erzeugt wird. Echtes Gold hat einen langanhaltenden, hohen Klang.
Vergleichen Sie mit bekannten Proben : Vergleichen Sie den Klang, wenn möglich, mit dem eines geprüften Goldstücks, um die subtilen Unterschiede zu erkennen.
Obwohl der Gesangstest eine nützliche vorläufige Methode darstellt, empfiehlt es sich, ihn zur umfassenden Absicherung durch andere Verifizierungstechniken zu ergänzen.
Zusätzliche Überprüfungsmethoden
Neben der Singprüfung empfiehlt Gold Invest Edelmetalle den Einsatz folgender Methoden zur Echtheitsbestimmung von Gold:
Magnettest : Gold ist nicht magnetisch. Wenn der Gegenstand von einem Magneten angezogen wird, handelt es sich wahrscheinlich um eine Fälschung.
Dichtetest : Die hohe Dichte von Gold (19,3 g/cm³) kann mithilfe von Wasserverdrängungsmethoden überprüft werden.
Säuretest : Mit speziellen Säuren lässt sich die Karatzahl von Gold durch Beobachtung der Reaktion bestimmen.
Professionelle Bewertung: Um absolute Sicherheit zu erreichen, lassen Sie den Goldgegenstand von einem zertifizierten Fachmann bewerten oder nutzen Sie eine Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse (XRF).
Bedeutung der Authentizität
Die Echtheit von Gold sicherzustellen, ist für Anleger und Sammler gleichermaßen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Gefälschtes Gold führt nicht nur zu finanziellen Verlusten, sondern untergräbt auch die Integrität des Edelmetallmarktes. Gold Invest Edelmetalle hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, das Wissen und die Werkzeuge bereitzustellen, die zum Schutz von Investitionen erforderlich sind.
Über Gold Invest Edelmetalle
Gold Invest Edelmetalle ist ein führender Anbieter von Edelmetallen in Österreich. Mit langjähriger Branchenerfahrung bietet das Unternehmen hochwertige Gold- und Silberprodukte sowie kompetente Beratung und Dienstleistungen an. Gold Invest Edelmetalle möchte seinen Kunden die Informationen und Tools zur Verfügung stellen, die sie benötigen, um fundierte Entscheidungen bei ihren Edelmetallinvestitionen zu treffen .
Auf einem Markt, auf dem das Risiko von gefälschtem Gold allgegenwärtig ist, bietet der Singtest eine einfache und dennoch effektive Möglichkeit, echtes Gold von Fälschung zu unterscheiden. Gold Invest Edelmetalle empfiehlt allen Anlegern und Sammlern, diese Methode neben anderen Überprüfungstechniken zu verwenden, um ihre Investitionen zu schützen und die Reinheit ihrer Edelmetalle sicherzustellen.
Weitere Informationen zum Erkennen von Falschgold und zum Singtest erhalten Sie bei Gold Invest Edelmetalle .
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Stress, Picard Prequel & E-Scooters
Here we come, washing over the net, getting happiest looks from everyone we know. Hey hey it’s the Nerds! We are back once again with a brand new episode for your entertainment pleasure. This week we have another fun filled episode for you, and we promise not to sing. First up the Professor continues his series on Game Developers with a lot of information on some funding support that is available. We also look at the negative side of crowd funding with the keyboard warriors and trolls being their useless selves. So if you are interested in becoming a games developer and have been listening in on the rest of the series you are sure to find this helpful and interesting.
Next up we urge you to grab yourselves a cup of Earl Grey, hot, and prepare for some awesome news from the Star Trek universe. There is news that some Picard prequel comics and novels are on the way. At present we aren’t expecting to see a young Picard running around the vineyards in France breaking hearts with the wind blowing through his hair. That sounded like bad fan fiction, sorry. Anyway we are certainly looking forward to this fabulous news material.
Buck has word that e-scooters are not as green friendly as is first suggested. That’s right, Buck is unhappy with the misperception of those zippy little shared e-scooters littering up the city. Apparently a study has shown some data that questions their usage, let alone the materials used in the manufacture of the various components. Then there is the issue of the scooters ending up in water ways. That’s right, some idiots are throwing e-scooters into rivers, creeks, lakes and other various waterways. Some people are seriously troubling in the level of stupid they present to the world.
Next as usual we have the various shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, events of interest and the games we are currently playing, minus one host who was abducted. Was it by aliens, the CIA or someone else we may have insulted? You will have to listen to find out who; then we think we will see who comes up with the most interesting answer. Let us know what you think. As always, stay safe, take care, look out for each other and stay hydrated.
The Stress of funding - https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1157298020691644416?s=09
Picard prequel comics and novels revealed – https://www.empireonline.com/movies/news/star-trek-picard-prequel-novel-and-comics-on-the-way/
Shared E-scooters - https://phys.org/news/2019-08-e-scooters-green-options.html
Games currently playing
– Company of heroes 2 - https://store.steampowered.com/app/231430/Company_of_Heroes_2/
– They Are Billions - https://store.steampowered.com/app/644930/They_Are_Billions/
– DOTA 2 - https://store.steampowered.com/app/570/Dota_2/
Other topics discussed
Epic Games Store exclusivity helps Phoenix Point achieve 191% return
- https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/1999-11-30-epic-games-store-exclusivity-helps-phoenix-point-achieve-191-percent-return
Epic Games will fund the cost of Kickstarter refunds for Epic-exclusives
- https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-07-03-epic-games-will-fund-the-cost-of-kickstarter-refunds-for-epic-exclusives
Video games blamed for shootings
- https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/05/sports/trump-violent-video-games-studies.html
International Game Developers Association defend industry following President Trump's accusations against "gruesome and grisly video games"
- https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-08-06-igda-igdaf-issues-statement-on-weekend-shootings-in-the-us
Ooblets dev received thousands of "hateful, threatening messages"
- https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-08-05-ooblets-dev-received-thousands-of-hateful-threatening-messages-over-epic-exclusivity
Steam takes down Devotion
- https://www.theverge.com/2019/2/25/18239937/taiwanese-horror-game-devotion-gone-steam-removed-winnie-the-pooh-meme-china
Screen Queensland Announces Successful Recipients of the 2018-19 Game Development and Marketing Investment Program
- https://screenqueensland.com.au/news/on-screen/screen-queensland-announces-successful-recipients-of-the-2018-19-game-development-and-marketing-investment-program/
Applications now open for the Game Development and Marketing Investment Program 2019
- https://screenqueensland.com.au/news/on-screen/applications-now-open-for-the-game-development-and-marketing-investment-program-2019/
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- https://screenqueensland.com.au/news/apply-now/applications-open-finance-for-games/?utm_source=Social%20Media&utm_medium=Organic&utm_campaign=GamesFinance19Rd2
Brisbane International Game Developers Association (brIGDA)
- http://www.igdabrisbane.org/
Una Mcormack (British-Irish academic and novelist)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Una_McCormack
Star Trek's Jeri Ryan Had A Hard Time Finding Seven's Voice for Picard
- https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2019/08/star-treks-jeri-ryan-had-a-hard-time-finding-sevens-voice-for-picard/
Jeri Ryan in Seven of Nine costume
- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0a/SevenofNine.jpg
Star Trek: Voyager (1995 Star Trek series)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Voyager
Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek character)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathryn_Janeway
Star Trek: Nemesis (2003 film)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Nemesis
Lead–crime hypothesis (proposed link between elevated blood lead levels in children and increased rates of crime)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead–crime_hypothesis
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- https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/the-hills/teens-risk-death-huffing-cans-of-deodorant/news-story/595989e970947a6f6d33537c56b1d653
Submerged Share Scooters Out of The Water
- https://www.pedestrian.tv/tech/share-scooters-water/
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- https://www.picclickimg.com/d/l400/pict/183700245006_/Lime-Scooter-Helmet-NEW-Size-XL-EXTRA-LARGE.jpg
Elvis Lives (TNC podcast)
- https://thatsnotcanon.com/elvislivespodcast
5 Aug 1914 – In Cleveland, Ohio, the first electric traffic light is installed. - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-electric-traffic-signal-installed
5 Aug 1966 - Beatles release single "Yellow Submarine" with "Eleanor Rigby" in UK - https://www.beatlesbible.com/1966/08/05/uk-single-eleanor-rigby-yellow-submarine/
5 Aug 1936 - American athlete Jesse Owens wins 200m in world record time (20.7), his 3rd gold medal of the Berlin Olympics - https://www.olympic.org/news/jesse-owens-completes-the-hat-trick-with-200m-win
5 Aug 2010 - Copiapó mining accident, also known then as the "Chilean mining accident", began with a cave-in at the San José copper–gold mine, located in the Atacama Desert 45 kilometres north of the regional capital of Copiapó, in northern Chile. Thirty-three men, trapped 700 meters underground and 5 kilometres from the mine's entrance via spiralling underground ramps, were rescued after 69 days. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Copiapó_mining_accident
4/5 Aug 1962 - Marilyn Monroe, American actress, model, and singer. Famous for playing comic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and early 1960s and was emblematic of the era's changing attitudes towards sexuality. Although she was a top-billed actress for only a decade, her films grossed $200 million (equivalent to $2 billion in 2018). More than half a century later, she continues to be a major popular culture icon. Monroe's troubled private life received much attention. She struggled with substance abuse, depression, and anxiety. Her second and third marriages, to retired baseball star Joe DiMaggio and playwright Arthur Miller, were highly publicized and both ended in divorce. She died from overdose of barbiturates at the age of 36 in Los Angeles, California. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe
4 Aug 2019 - Stu Rosen, American voice director and voice actor. Rosen voice directed many cartoons and commercials for television, including Fraggle Rock, the first episodes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series), Biker Mice from Mars and many more. Other such shows soon followed: Batman: The Animated Series, X-Men,Spiderman: The Animated Series and Superman: The Animated Series directed by Andrea Romano and Phantom 2040 also directed by Rosen. He died from cancer at the age of 80 in Los Alamitos, California. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stu_Rosen
5 Aug 2000 - Alec Guinness, English actor. He is known for his six collaborations with David Lean: Herbert Pocket in Great Expectations, Fagin in Oliver Twist, Col. Nicholson in The Bridge on the River Kwai, Prince Faisal in Lawrence of Arabia, General Yevgraf Zhivago in Doctor Zhivago, and Professor Godbole in A Passage to India. He is also known for his portrayal of Obi-Wan Kenobi in George Lucas's original Star Wars trilogy; for the original film, he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 50th Academy Awards. Guinness won an Academy Award, a BAFTA, a Golden Globe and a Tony Award. In 1959, he was knighted by Elizabeth II for services to the arts. He received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1960, the Academy Honorary Award for lifetime achievement in 1980 and the BAFTA Academy Fellowship Award in 1989. He died from liver cancer at the age of 86 in Midhurst,West Sussex - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alec_Guinness
Famous birthdays
5 Aug 1862 - Joseph Merrick, was an English man with severe deformities. He was first exhibited at a freak show as the "Elephant Man", and then went to live at the London Hospital after he met Frederick Treves, subsequently becoming well known in London society. He was born in Leicester - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Merrick
5 Aug 1930 - Neil Armstrong, American astronaut and aeronautical engineer who was the first person to walk on the Moon. He was also anaval aviator, test pilot, and university professor. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM) pilot Buzz Aldrin became the first people to land on the Moon, and the next day they spent two and a half hours outside the spacecraft while Michael Collins remained in lunar orbit in the mission's command module (CM). When Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface, he famously said: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." Along with Collins and Aldrin, Armstrong was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Richard Nixon. President Jimmy Carter presented Armstrong with the Congressional Space Medal of Honor in 1978, and Armstrong and his former crewmates received a Congressional Gold Medal in 2009. He was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Armstrong
5 Aug 1889 - Conrad Aiken, American writer, whose work includes poetry,short stories,novels, a play, and an autobiography. Aiken wrote or edited more than 51 books, the first of which was published in 1914, two years after his graduation from Harvard. His work includes novels, short stories (The Collected Short Stories appeared in 1961), criticism, autobiography, and poetry. He was born in Savannah, Georgia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conrad_Aiken
Events of Interest
5 Aug 1888 – Bertha Benz was the first person to drive an automobile over a long distance, rigorously field testing the patent Motorwagen, inventing brake pads and solving several engineering issues during the 65 mile trip. That trip occurred in early August 1888, as the entrepreneurial lady took her sons Eugen and Richard, fifteen and fourteen years old, respectively, on a ride from Mannheim through Heidelberg, and Wiesloch, to her maternal hometown of Pforzheim. As well as being the driver, Benz acted as mechanic on the drive, cleaning the carburettor with her hat pin and using a garter to insulate wire. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benz_Patent-Motorwagen
5 Aug 1926 – Harry Houdini performs his greatest feat, spending 91 minutes underwater in a sealed tank before escaping. - https://www.historychannel.com.au/this-day-in-history/houdinis-last-stunt/
5 Aug 1930 – S. A. Andrée’s balloon polar expedition of 1897 was aimed to cross over the North Pole in 43 hours in a hydrogen balloon then journey on to land thanks to the financial support of the Swedish King Oscar II and Alfred Nobel. Andrée’s balloon lost much of its steering capabilities just after launch when a number of drag ropes fell from the craft and ballast sand was thrown overboard. The remaining ropes could be seen trailing in the water till the balloon vanished out of sight. And that was the last anyone heard or saw of the trio for more than 30 years. Discovery came on the 5th August 1930 when the Norwegian Bratvaag expedition found remains on White Island, on the Svalbard archipelago, of a headless body, disturbed by polar bears propped up against a rock. Further investigations by a journalist revealed the bodies of both his companions and diaries detailing much of their ordeal. A camera was also found, and 93 eerie negatives developed of their tragic journey. The remains of the expedition were brought home to Stockholm to a grand procession, where they were feted as national heroes. - https://www.onthisday.com/articles/strange-story-of-the-balloon-expedition-to-the-north-pole
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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Hello People. Laboratory is the bed rock on which an Educational Institute, Medical Facility or an Industry that thrives on technology. And a good Laboratory needs good equipment. For good equipment please refer to our website www.japson.com
 We are masters for Scientific School Laboratory Equipment for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology Laboratory
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  About JAPSON
Jambu Pershad & Sons with its registered Brand Name of “JAPSON” is a Manufacturing Export House of Laboratory and Scientific Instruments. Our primary specialization lies in the area of Educational Equipments and Instrumentation for Primary & Secondary Schools, Polytechnics, College / University Level Laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics Departments. With growing experience, capable manufacturing facilities and long standing partnerships with quality Indian partners we have gained knowledge and added Product Ranges in Medical, Dairy, Veterinary, Industrial and other Applied or Research Laboratories to meet demands of our existing partners across the globe.
Origin and Early Years:
Established in 1946, JAPSON as a company celebrated its Platinum Jubilee recently. Started from humble setup by 2 Brothers Late Sh. Gian Chand Jain and Late Sh. Nem Chand Jain, the company learning from ecosystem of scientific industries and army cantonment in Ambala served needs of Indian schools. With the hard work, enterprise and passion of its founders the company grew rapidly, becoming a major player in Indian Sub-Continent market. In Early 70s the Company shifted from Indian Market to Worldwide Exports with now 100% focus on Exports outside India.
JAPSON is the home of science products - equipment, instruments, customized kits, novelties, and teaching resources - designed to amaze as well as educate one and all. JAPSON is a sought-after partner for schools, colleges, universities, private institutes, museums and research establishments worldwide. With over 5000 product listings and capabilities to develop custom made products, our unique and extensive product range covers all your laboratory and school science needs.
JAPSON operates from the Science City of Ambala Cantt about 200 Km from the National Capital New Delhi and 50 Km from State Capital (with International Air Port) of Chandigarh. The Corporate Office is situated in the heart of the City while manufacturing facilities are spread all over the district. Heart of our Operations is our Assembly cum Fulfilment Centre – JAPSON 99 spread in area of 7500 sq. Yards on the outskirts of the city. JAPSON operates production facilities of all major Product Lines like Metal, Glassware, Plasticware, Optics, Wooden, Fibre, Electronics Laboratory Products. In addition, JAPSON supports various micro manufacturing units working exclusively with us for labour intensive products. Lastly, we have long standing relationships with specialized manufacturers of raw materials, parts and finished equipment all over India. Following multi-layered manufacturing and fulfillment setup helps us to provide our customers with Quality Products incorporating Customizations at an Effective Price.
We are a Family owned and managed company with required professionalism to operate in this global environment. Top Management at JAPSON is an ideal mix of Experience and Youth. Elder generation consists of Brothers Mr. Naveen Jain, Mr. Lalit Jain and Mr.Neeraj Jain. They have Combined experience of almost 100 years in Exporting Scientific Equipment across the Globe. Their understanding and experience guides the company through regular and tough situations with ease and experience paves the way forward. Younger generation consists of Mr. Vivek Jain and Mr. Aditya Jain, both joined the family business after completing formal education in Engineering and Management in 2009 and 2011 respectively. They have spearheaded the company's growth in last 10 years.
JAPSON has a slew of Associated Specialists, Engineers, Technicians, Foreman, Packing Supervisors and Ground Level Staff to deliver Quality Products as per Customer’s Requirements. JAPSON derives its research capabilities from its Sister Concern which is a leader in field of test and measuring instruments and operates an research laboratory compliant to ISO 17025 standards
Accreditations and Honours:
JAPSON has its quality standards according to guidelines laid by ISO 9001:2015 Certification Accredited by QS Zurich AG Switzerland, Vide Certificate No. 2205. Each supply goes through the quality check process where it is checked physically and functionally in proper laboratory to ensure proper working and satisfaction of End-Consumer.
JAPSON has been certified by Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt. Ltd. vide D &B D-U-N-S Number : 65-033-5685 for financial adequacy. Thus our new partners can deal with us with confidence.
JAPSON has been awarded trophies by State and Central Government for its best Export Performance. It has also been awarded Gold Medal by Trans World Trade Fare Services.
 JAPSON holds the distinction of Biggest ever Single Contract served from India from the domain of School Laboratory Products. JAPSON with its Partner successfully supplied and fulfilled contractual obligations of 155 container load of goods for Secondary Education Sector Investment Program (SISEP), Ministry of Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh for 9949 School Kits
Our Business Models:
Currently JAPSON has direct Exports to over 40 Countries. Our Brand is synonymous with Quality Lab Equipment in many parts of Africa. Also, we are serving our Dealers in various parts of the World including Middle-East, Asia and Other Parts of the Worlds.
JAPSON is proud to be OEM manufacturers for many reputed companies from EU and Americas to take JAPSON Product to parts of Globe not served by us before.
JAPSON is a force to reckon with in International Tenders in the domain of Education and Laboratory Products. Working with its Partners, JAPSON has an impeccable record of winning and successfully completing International Tenders in global bidding fielded by UN, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, various Ministry of Education and other International Institutions.
Please visit our Page: How to Buy From Us?
Guiding Principles:
For our company the "End User" and "Our Customer" jointly comes first. All the equipment we supply should deliver required performance in the Laboratory and our dealer / partner / tender body should have the worth of the money paid and make profit.
In the changing times, Service and effective Communication are an integral part of any goods industry like ours. Thus, we have implemented adequate Management Information Systems and Direct Line of Communications with Top Management to help our customers with their service needs.
Our competence, quality and reliability have enabled us to become one of the world's leading developers, producers and suppliers of training and educational equipment and systems for Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Applied Sciences. People at JAPSON work together in an open and friendly way, helping to a swift interchange of information. Clear management guidelines, goals and values on the one hand and a participating style of leadership in implementing daily business on the other hand help staff identify with the company goals to be achieved, thus contributing to high motivation of staff. Customers rely on our team of trained and experienced application specialists for help in selecting the right product for their application, troubleshooting existing equipment, and solving regulatory compliance issues
Please visit our Page: Why Buy From Us?
 JAPSON can serve you for your Laboratory needs in Afghanistan (Kabul), Albania (Tirane), Algeria (Algiers), Andorra (Andorra la Vella), Angola (Luanda), Antigua and Barbuda (Saint John's), Argentina (Buenos Aires), Armenia (Yerevan), Australia (Canberra, Melbourne & Adelaide), Austria (Vienna), Azerbaijan (Baku), Bahamas, Bahrain (Manama), Bangladesh (Dhaka), Barbados (Bridgetown), Belarus (Minsk), Belgium (Brussels & Antwerp), Belize (Belmopan), Benin (Porto-Novo), Bhutan (Thimphu), Bolivia (La Paz), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo), Botswana (Gaborone), Brazil (Brasilia & Rio de Janeiro), Brunei ( Bandar Seri Begawan), Bulgaria (Sofia), Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou), Burma/ Myanmar (Rangoon), Burundi (Bujumbura), Cambodia ( Phnom Penh), Cameroon (Yaounde), Canada (Toronto & Ottawa), Cape Verde (Praia), Central African Republic (Bangui), Chad (N'Djamena), Chile (Santiago), Colombia (Bogota), Comoros (Moroni), Congo, Costa Rica (San Jose), Cote d'Ivoire/Ivory Coast (Yamoussoukro), Croatia (Zagreb), Cuba (Havana), Cyprus (Nicosia), Czech Republic (Prague), Denmark (Copenhagen), Djibouti (Djibouti), Dominica(Roseau), Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo), East Timor (Dili), Ecuador (Quito), Egypt (Cairo), El Salvador (San Salvador), Equatorial Guinea (Malabo), Eritrea (Asmara), Estonia (Tallinn), Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), Fiji (Suva), Finland (Helsinki), France (Paris), Gabon (Libreville), Gambia, Georgia (Tbilisi), Germany (Berlin, Munich & Frankfurt), Ghana (Accra), Greece (Athens), Grenada (Saint George's), Guatemala, Guinea (Conakry), Guinea-Bissau (Bissau), Guyana (Georgetown), Haiti (Port-au-Prince), Honduras (Tegucigalpa), Hungary (Budapest), Iceland (Reykjavik), India (Ambala, Delhi, Mumabi, Bombay), Indonesia (Jakarta), Iran (Tehran), Iraq (Baghdad), Ireland (Dublin), Israel (Jerusalem), Italy (Rome), Jamaica (Kingston), Japan (Tokyo), Jordan (Amman), Kazakstan (Astana), Kenya (Nairobi, Kisum & Embu), Kiribati (Tarawa), Korea (Seoul), Kuwait (Kuwait City), Kyrgyzstan (Bishtek), Laos (Vientiane), Latvia (Riga), Lebanon (Beirut), Lesotho (Maseru), Liberia (Monrovia), Liechtenstein (Vaduz), Lithuania (Vilnius), Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Macedonia (Skopje), Madagascar (Antananarivo), Malawi (Lilongwe & Blantyre), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Maldives (Male), Mali (Bamako), Malta (Valletta), Marshall Islands (Majuro), Mauritania (Nouakchott), Mauritius (Port Louis), Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova (Chisinau), Monaco (Monaco), Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar), Montenegro, Morocco (Rabat), Mozambique (Maputo), Namibia (Windhoek), Nauru (Yaren District), Nepal (Kathmandu), Netherlands (Amsterdam), New Zealand (Wellington), Nicaragua (Managua), Niger (Niamey), Nigeria (Abuja & Lagos), Norway (Oslo), Oman (Muscat), Palau (Koror), Panama, Papua New Guinea (Port Moresby), Paraguay (Asuncion), Peru (Lima), Philippines (Manila), Poland (Warsaw), Portugal (Lisbon), Qatar (Doha), Romania (Bucharest), Russia (Moscow), Rwanda (Kigali), Saint Kitts and Nevis (Basseterre), Saint Lucia (Castries), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Kingstown), Samoa (Apia), San Marino (San Marino), Sao Tome and Principe (Sao Tome), Saudi Arabia (Riyadh), Senegal (Dakar), Serbia (Belgrade), Seychelles (Victoria), Sierra Leone (Freetown), Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands (Honiara), Somalia (Mogadishu) , South Africa (Pretoria), South Sudan, Spain (Madrid & Barcelona), Sri Lanka (Colombo), Sudan (Khartoum), Suriname (Paramaribo), Swaziland (Mbabana), Sweden (Stockholm), Switzerland (Bern), Syria (Damascus), Tajikistan (Dushanbe), Tanzania (Dar es Salaam), Thailand (Bangkok), Togo (Lome), Tonga (Nuku'alofa), Trinidad and Tobago (Port-of-Spain), Tunisia (Tunis), Turkey (Ankara), Turkmenistan (Ashgabat), Tuvalu (Funafuti), Uganda (Kampala), Ukraine (Kiev), United Arab Emirates (Dubai), United Kingdom UK (London), United States of America USA, Uruguay (Montevideo), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), Vanuatu (Port-Vila), Venezuela (Caracas), Vietnam(Hanoi), Yemen (Sanaa) , Zambia (Lusaka), Zimbabwe (Harare)
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almostdiplomatic · 5 years
Germany is known for many things. It is, after all, the home of high-quality products and big industries. People visiting the country or even living here as expats/diplomats often find themselves shopping and bringing home locally-made items that could last them for generations. Functional souvenirs, if you will. I was never one for keychains or magnets as they usually become clutter and accumulate dust. Beautiful, functional, and timeless pieces are a much better choice for some serious return of investment (ROI). For this, I often recommend pieces from Königliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin (KPM Berlin).
It’s true that porcelain costs way more than your average ‘I Love Berlin’ shirt. However, it’s a true work of art that you can actually use and can last lifetimes.
I was lucky enough to be given a tour of the facility along with one of my closest friends in Berlin, Ute (Forum Magazine). We were shown the rigorous process of how KPM makes their porcelain and how their porcelain artists create such exquisite pieces that go beyond tableware.
You can watch the video below for a more immersive experience but I suggest you also read on for more details on how the whole process goes.
What is porcelain?
Porcelain belongs to the ceramics family, made from clay mineral raw materials. It uses Kaolin, or white clay, which forms half of the ingredients, as well as feldspar and quartz that each make-up 25% of the whole mix. It’s not easy to make porcelain. One needs a great deal of knowledge and experience. It is, however, quite rewarding. Porcelain is valuable due to its chemical and physical properties.
A teacup handle
Once moulded, fired, and glossed, the seemingly simple mixture becomes hard enough to withstand high temperatures. It becomes waterproof and even resistant to chemical attack. It also doesn’t deteriorate with age.
Creating art in KPM Berlin
I won’t bore you too much with the jargon but the process actually takes some time. The mixture of kaolin, feldspar, and quartz are actually mixed together with water which is then taken out through a filter and press system. The mixture is then aged for a year before it could be moulded into different shapes.
Plaster moulds for teacup handles
Plaster moulds are used to help form the porcelain. These moulds are 16% bigger than the intended size as the clay tends to shrink while it is being fired at.
Before and after. Notice how the glazed and finished product is smaller than the same model on the right?
Cleaning up and smoothing out the edges
After the clay comes out of the mould, they are cut up and cleaned by hand. While teacup handles (above) seem easy enough, KPM has some baskets and even dessert plates that require filigree latticework that would require one of their artists to make three thousand precise cuts for each item.
Making sure the famous Halle vases are of excellent quality
Turning up the heat
After a couple of quality checks, the porcelain is fired up in their ovens at a temperature of 980 degrees centigrade. After which, the porcelain is dipped in blue pigment. This makes it easy for quality control to spot imperfections. After all, only faultless porcelain gets the blue KPM stamp.
Shiny, shiny glaze
Perfect porcelain pieces are then dipped in glaze. Some pieces that come with matte details get a coating of orange pigment that keeps the glaze off. This is applied by hand, right before the pieces are submerged in the glaze.
The protective pigment that keeps these plates’ edges matte
Smooth and shiny
The artwork on porcelain is made by hand. KPM’s painters take time – sometimes months – to complete paintings on bigger pieces.
Lots of fine details take a lot of time to do
I just love how their painting rooms feel so homey. Their artists have been with them for years and they’ve personalised their spaces to encourage their own creativity. A popular theme on KPM Berlin vases is nature and the artists surrounded themselves with plants as inspiration.
Homey workspaces for their painters
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A special project
The Halle vase’s 100 years of Bauhaus makeover
Taking the art home
The end of the tour brings you to the manufacturing site’s shop. A huge space that’s a mix of modern and traditional. I love how the 255-year-old company keeps up with the times. It’s like saying that porcelain is not just for old people and those who like antiques. They usually do collaborations with artists and they even have a special edition of the Halle vase for the 100th year of Bauhaus.
Both the modern and the traditional under one roof
At this point, I’ll be sharing some of my favourite pieces in their store.
Your next-level, luxe to-go cup. Ordering at Starbucks will never be the same.
Gold teacups, reflecting the design of their saucers. My absolute favourite.
24-k gold powder was used for gilding their porcelain.
Nothing beats a classic white
White and blue for a calming combo
The staff in the store are helpful and can guide you in picking up pieces for your home. There’s also a corner where you can customise your KPM Berlin porcelain.
Thanks for modelling, Ute!
I was absolutely smitten with the bar at the end of the store. They have some of the porcelain pieces on and behind it too. Classy.
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Looking for a steal?
They’re quite easy to spot.
If you’re looking for a bargain, they also have their sale items on display on the ground floor. Don’t say I never share the good details. 😉
With that said, I hope you enjoyed and learned a bit about porcelain through the video and this post! Please share with your friends if you did!
Got Pinterest? Do pin this post. 🙂
  KPM Berlin
Wegelystraße 1, 10623 Berlin Open from Monday to Saturday, 1000-1800 Call them at 030 39009215 Click here for their website
What are your favourite pieces from KPM Berlin? Let me know in the comments!
VIDEO: The Making of KPM Berlin Porcelain Germany is known for many things. It is, after all, the home of high-quality products and big industries.
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boldpreciousmetals · 2 years
Buy History Silver Coins & Bars Online | Bold Precious Metals
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BOLD is delighted to introduce the History Silver coins & bars with all the best deals on popular coins. Bold Precious Metals is the best place for all the investors, and collectors to buy Silver, Gold, and Platinum coins & bars.
We have some amazing collectibles coins:
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2020 Niue Matrix Art Gustav Klimt Golden Tears 3 oz Silver Proof coin which displays digitally printed depiction of the Golden Tears painting, reimagined within the matrix of a digital framework.
2019 Niue Medusa 3D Amulet of Power High Relief 250g Silver coin which displays an incredible 3D design, featuring the grim head of Medusa, highlighted by the applied antique finish.
About Mint Of Poland:
The Mint of Poland (Polish: Mennica Polska) private personal company (Mennica Polska S.A.) that's the only body allowable to manufacture (mint) coins and investment products in Poland. it's settled in Warsaw. it's a company, with an inventory on the Warsaw exchange since April 7, 1998, that makes it the sole mint within the world that's publicly listed. On 10 February 1766, the mint reform was accomplished in Poland, the new mint organized in Warsaw at Bielanska Street coined the gold, silver, and copper items, further because of the medals and orders.
On February 5, 2009, at the planet cash truthful in Berlin, a precedent-setting international partnership was declared. The Polish Mint (Mennica Polska) and also the skilled Coin Grading Service (PCGS) started a program to grade the mint's new ceremonial coins as well and establish a submission center at the mint in Warsaw, Poland. The new program can facilitate the submissions of Polish and Japanese European collectors and dealers for each vintage and nowadays coins.
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sycriptouk · 3 years
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How Bitcoin Fixes A Growing Property Seizure Problem In Berlin https://bitcoinist.com/how-bitcoin-fixes-a-growing-property-seizure-problem-in-berlin/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-bitcoin-fixes-a-growing-property-seizure-problem-in-berlin
In 2020, after Bitcoin dropped briefly below $4,000, a massive price rally ensued. The benchmark cryptocurrency peak in February north of $60,000 before another crash sent the price back to its yearly open.
The rally was supported by the Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures imposed in most of the world, the subsequent monetary policy adopted by central banks to stimulate the economy, and the consequences of those policies for the fiat currencies, inflation.
Bitcoin grew on the back of a thesis, a new digital store of value to hedge against inflation and the control excerpted by central banks. In Germany, one of the largest economies in the world, that thesis seems poised to strengthen.
Per a report by the Financial Times, part of a series covering the impact of inflation in the global real state sector, German citizens are struggling due to the rise in their rents. This had led a group of people to organized and collect 350,000 signatures to ask the government to intervene.
Specifically, the petition will target “corporate landlord”, and entities where real state assets are “concentrated”. Thus, forcing landlords with over 3,000 apartments to sell part of their properties to the local government for a “fair” price.
This expropriation process started a political battle between the citizens demanding fair prices, landlords, and shareholders of the companies owning the assets. The campaign has its eyes on Deutsche Wohnen (DW), one of Germany’s biggest real state companies, and other giants in the sector.
A supporter of the campaign and one of DW’s tenants told the FT the following:
What does it mean that my flat is now a commodity on the stock market, where the goal is to draw as much profit as possible for shareholders? These questions are now resonating across Berlin, and beyond.
Could Bitcoin Benefit From Germany’s Real State Crisis?
To expropriate private property, many argued, would have the opposite effect than the one demanded by the supports of the campaign. It could disincentives the sector, and bureaucratize access to apartments, and houses.
Investors are drawn to the real state sector because similar to gold, it has historically proven to be a stable store of value and an efficient method to secure income, in some countries. Amidst the pandemic and the risk of inflation on major currencies, investors seek to generate yields in Bitcoin and other types of investments.
Data provided by the FT report, claims that this has become a growing trend in Europe where corporate landlords “hunt for the stable income which the rental business can provide”. This sector’s market cap has increased from $3.5 billion in 2006 to $85 billion in July 2021.
Conversely, the rental cost in the region has been on the rise, as the chart below shows. The majority of people in this market rent properties at market prices.
Source: European Commission
Many argued that Europe could deepen its social inequality levels, and if Germany acts on the proposal to expropriate a portion of its landlords’ property, the country could face a crisis.
Economist Peter St. Onge proposed a “Bitcoin fix this” scenario where these landlords could move their capital to BTC. The cryptocurrency was designed to be censorship-resistant, and virtually un-expropriable by any government.
Onge estimated that the global savings market cap stands at $300 trillion, a portion could quickly move into Bitcoin to protect its value. Institutional investors have already tasted the potential of the cryptocurrency since 2020.
Still, the campaign can’t force the government to comply with the citizens’ demands, but could be a preview of a scenario which Onge called “the standard inflation pattern”:
(…) After all, remember the standard inflation pattern: first the public ignores it, then they laugh, then they panic. If that panic sends a hunk of fiat’s $120 trillion in savings into Bitcoin instead of gold, it would be fairly epic.
At the time of writing, Bitcoin trades at $48,667 with sideways movement in the daily chart.
BTC moving sideways after a bullish push into the weekend in the daily chart. Source: BTCUSD Tradingview
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
General calls on Boris Johnson to set out new strategy to stop Afghanistan becoming terror base
General calls on Boris Johnson to set out new strategy to stop Afghanistan becoming terror base
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A former head of the UK armed forces has called on Boris Johnson to set out a new strategy for Afghanistan to prevent the country once more becoming a haven for international terror following the West’s “defeat”.
General Lord Richards said he was “fed up” with government silence over what comes next after the withdrawal of Western troops from the country, where he commanded the International Security Assistance Force between 2006 and 2007.
The pull-out represented the culmination of “a pretty sorry tale of Western failed geo-strategy over the last 20 years”, not only in Afghanistan but also in Iraq, Libya and Syria, he said.
And he warned that with European troops gone and US deployment set to follow within months, cities like Kandahar are likely to fall to the Taliban, creating “ungoverned space” which could provide a haven for the planning of future terrorist outrages like the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington in 2001.
Gen Richards, who served as chief of defence staff from 2010-13, said that he accepted a “share of the blame” for the failure to secure Afghanistan from eventual recapture by militant fighters. But he said Western politicians bore much of the responsibility because of a failure to pour in political and economic resources following the initial fall of the Taliban regime in 2001.
Gen Richards told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “We have invested – as a country, as the West and the United States particularly – 20 years of time and much money and many lives in Afghanistan.
“I’m getting a little bit fed up that I’ve not heard from our government – indeed from the prime minister – as to why we have reached this nadir.
“It’s really not good enough, and I would like to hear from the government – I think it’s a prime ministerial obligation now – as to why we’ve got into this position and what we are now going to do about it.”
The former army chief has been active in the campaign to allow Afghan military interpreters to resettle in the UK, but warned that this must not be allowed to deflect attention from the wider issues around the future of the region.
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Tanya and Evance Chanda from Mechanicsville look on as a statue of Confederate General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson is removed after years of a legal battle over the contentious monument, in Charlottesville, Virginia
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AFP via Getty
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In this photo released by authorities, rescuers search for bodies from the site where a Philippine military C-130 plane crashed in Patikul town, Sulu province, Philippines
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Twitter/Manuel Lopez San Martin
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USA TODAY Sports/Reuters
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eople celebrate after Israel’s parliament voted in a new coalition government, ending Benjamin Netanyahu’s 12-year hold on power, at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv, Israel
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An annular solar eclipse rises over the skyline of Toronto
The Canadian Press via AP
“It’s deflecting attention from our defeat,” said Gen Richards. “Added to what happened in Iraq, Libya, Syria, it’s a pretty sorry tale of Western failed geo-strategy over the last 20 years.
“And it’s time we had an explanation of why and what are we now going to do about it, to prevent it from happening in the way we all now fear might occur.”
Gen Richards said that the “light-touch” political and economic approach pursued by United Nations envoy Lakhdar Brahimi meant that the international community failed to consolidate the military gains of the 2001 campaign to oust the Taliban, allowing the militant group to return as a threat in 2006-07.
“As all soldiers will tell you, we know we can’t win these things by military means alone,” he said.
“What we hoped we were doing was providing an opportunity for governments, the whole of the West, to act in the way they needed, not just militarily but politically and economically.
“That didn’t happen… At the very moment, in 2002 to 2005, when the West should have poured in assets – and I’m talking primarily non-military by the way – we didn’t do so. The Taliban sensed an opportunity, they came back.”
Gen Richards said it was “inevitable” that Afghanistan’s second city Kandahar will fall to the Taliban forces unless circumstances change.
And he said the capture of the “totemic” city would pave the way for the whole of the south of the country to fall into the group’s hands.
“My biggest worry at the moment is, with the Western forces having pulled out with no adequate explanation of what is going to replace them, we are going to see a potential collapse in Afghan Armed Forces morale,” he said.
This “most certainly” raised the risk of a return of Islamist terror groups similar to Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida, which planned the 9/11 attacks as guests of the Taliban in Afghanistan, he said.
“There will be ungoverned space… and in that ungoverned space terrorist acts may yet again be planned and executed,” warned Gen Richards.
“I think we all forget too readily the scenes of 9/11, the Twin Towers and the attack in Washington.
“That is actually why we went into Afghanistan, and we’ve been spectacularly successful in achieving what we aimed to do. That is now being put at risk, along with all the wonderful gains in terms of education, health, and democracy, allowing people to hope for the future.
“All that is now, I’m afraid at great risk. We don’t have a substitute strategy and I want to hear what it should be.”
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ev3v4hn · 3 years
The Business Of Fashion
Our students are identified for producing the best caliber of work. Isabel Shopping Marant accused of plagiarizing Purépecha textilesThis is the second time the French designer has been accused of plagiarizing Mexican textile designs.
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The result is an uplifting array of work that recognises the past while reframing it for the current. Duct tape, a crude and at occasions violent software, has been reclaimed as an emblem of power and safety when tracing the physique of Clottey’s topics. His use of cork as a canvas additionally alludes to the usage of discover boards again in his hometown as a means of communication and conveyance. Another memorable facet of the portrait-based mostly collection is the use Fashion & Shopping of fashion as a aspect of identity. The historical past of fashion at UH stretches back greater than one hundred years and is intermingled with the history of fashion in the state. The first classes in textiles were provided in 1917, just 10 years after the school’s founding. Photo courtesy of Amanda StevensJade Young’s assortment, “Dazzling Affairs,” is impressed by a fantasy aesthetic and her favorite colour, pink.
Faucet Into The Power Of Style
But even though I had the funds to shop, I didn’t focus a lot on whether or not my purchases made sense in the long run. Now, with just a few years left until I enter my 30s, I’m beginning to notice the advantages of investing in those go-to staples early on and encourage all 20-somethings to begin doing the identical. “I want Fashion to struggle the notion that ‘fat’ individuals cannot be horny. You shouldn’t be told to stick to dark, secure colors. Wearing a larger size shouldn’t mean carrying boring, tasteless, shapeless clothes,” she provides.
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Best of all they match minimal apparel and equipment shops but additionally swimsuit any general-objective eCommerce niche. OhSevenDays was began by Australian-Canadian Megam Mummery to promote slow fashion and the ‘energy of circularity’. Based in Istanbul, the brand reclaims end-of-roll materials from the city’s garment factories and creates sharp, everyday womenswear that’s as wearable as it is ethical. Essentially, they make slow fashion from fast fashion’s leftovers! solely buying second hand, or from sustainable manufacturers like these below. Fashion Revolution Week, the place individuals everywhere in the world ask, “Who Made My Clothes?
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This is an rising pattern so the available info is much more restricted, however there was an increase in those manufacturers that are unisex, gender neutral, or non- binary. This is a subject the place articles in commerce literature and other information sources, mixed with different sources goes to be needed.
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A restricted quantity of a selected garment—this is an concept pioneered by Zara. With new stock arriving in retailer each few days, buyers know in the event that they don’t buy one thing they like, they’ll probably miss their probability. The Industrial Revolution launched new technology—like the stitching machine. Us Weekly has affiliate partnerships so we might obtain compensation for some hyperlinks to products and services. The former couple finalized their divorce in 2014, and the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model has had to “juggle plenty of balls” since then, she informed Redbook the following year. Klum known as herself “a mother and pop at the similar time” within the 2015 interview.
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It options reversible clothing with accents like bows, ruffles, vintage buttons, and loads of practical pockets. You can add dressmaker to Brooklyn Decker’s growing list of occupations. The model, actor, and entrepreneur simply launched her first fashion line with the net sustainability brand Buru. Meanwhile, Leni is already following in her fashionable footsteps, having made her modeling debut on the quilt of Vogue Germany final year alongside her mom. In January, she opened Berlin Fashion Week — marking her first time on the catwalk — and he or she’s since graced the quilt of Glamour Germany as properly. Unlock the biggest designer rental destination that offers you extra style, extra entry and more methods to hire than anyplace else.
Companies similar to Topshop and Fashion Nova are greatly involved with their backside line and are banking on the “ocean of clothing” they churn out for revenue. Yet, with this elevated fee of manufacturing, corners are inevitably reduce. Clothing is made in a rushed manner, and brands are promoting severely low-high quality merchandise.
The post The Business Of Fashion appeared first on dansealsforcongress.
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Mining for Gold? Don't Be Rushed into Fakes: 6 Tips to Spot What's Real and What's Not
Gold has always captivated humanity with its allure and value. Whether you’re an investor, a jewelry enthusiast, or simply curious about the precious metal, navigating the world of gold can be both thrilling and daunting. One of the biggest challenges? Spotting real gold from fakes. In this blog post, we’ll delve into seven essential tips to help you distinguish genuine gold from counterfeit impostors.
1. Know Your Karats
Real gold is measured in karats, denoted by “K” or “kt.” Pure gold is 24 karats, but it’s rarely used in jewelry due to its softness. Common karat values for jewelry include 18K, 14K, and 10K, indicating the percentage of pure gold in the alloy. Familiarize yourself with these karat values to gauge the authenticity of gold items.
2. Magnet Test
Gold is not magnetic, so if a piece of supposed gold jewelry sticks to a magnet, it’s likely a fake. Keep a small magnet handy when examining gold items to quickly rule out magnetic metals masquerading as gold.
3. Hallmarks and Stamps
Authentic gold items are often stamped or hallmarked to indicate their karatage and manufacturer. Look for these stamps, which can be found on clasps, chains, or inside ring bands. However, be aware that some counterfeiters may include fake stamps, so this should be just one part of your assessment.
4. Density Test
Gold is significantly denser than most other metals. You can perform a simple density test by carefully weighing the item and comparing its weight to its volume. A high density relative to its size suggests a higher likelihood of genuine gold.
5. Acid Test
Acid testing involves applying a testing solution to a small scratch on the gold item. Different karats of gold react differently to acid solutions, helping determine the purity of the metal. However, this test requires specialized acid testing kits and should be conducted with caution.
6. Buy from Trusted Company
Perhaps the most reliable way to ensure you’re getting genuine gold is to purchase from trusted and reputable sources. Established jewelers, bullion dealers, and reputable online platforms with positive reviews are more likely to offer authentic gold products.
While the allure of gold is undeniable, the prevalence of counterfeit items underscores the importance of being vigilant and informed. By familiarizing yourself with these tips and exercising caution, you can confidently navigate the world of gold, distinguishing between what’s real and what’s not. Happy hunting for authentic gold treasures!
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cashwithbob · 6 years
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trifeca · 4 years
HUF RIP - “California Gold Push” (2013)
Skating the Brooklyn Banks in his hometown NYC, then bombing hills in San Francisco, sporting that “helmet hair”, representing the Real crew (and Metropolitan!), and popping bigger Ollies than anyone else – Keith Hufnagel was easily one of the most impressive skaters of the nineties, and yet, he hasn’t slowed down since the dawn of the new millennium: What began with a series of Huf retail stores in SF soon turned into a streetwear empire, then into a proper footwear brand with its own distribution network, and just recently he added one of the sickest teams in the game (Austyn, Dylan etc.). We caught up with the LA-based brand owner and Real pro when the Huf x Thrasher Stoops Euro tour came to Berlin and found out what we should’ve known all along (watching his Ollie skills): He loves it when everything’s under control.
  I’ve always wondered how it must have felt to come to the West Coast in the nineties, especially since the whole approach and style seemed to be so different from what was happening back East?
 Yeah, I mean for us it was just about being able to skate new terrain, so we were excited about it. Coming from a different place, I had a different style of skating and I had a different style of clothing. We were just more driven from the music and the art that we were looking at, so we were taking that and bringing that out to the West Coast. I mean, there was no internet; there were only the magazines and VHS tapes. There was also MTV, where we probably got a lot of our stuff from, but that was it.  
 So for the first years, did you still feel like an East Coast skater – now doing stuff on hills, for a change?
 Yeah, we were extremely excited to skate hills, and to skate Embarcadero – it’s kind of like letting a kid go into a candy store: you’re just like “holy fuckin’ shit, this is amazing!” Pushed into this different kind of culture, we started picking up the styles that were happening over there, too, you know? Just seeing people like Mike Carroll and Rick Howard, all these people skating…
 Wasn’t Sheffey one of your heroes before that?
 Yeah, Sheffey, man. He was huge. I used to see him in New York as a kid. He was just out on the street, in front of a skateshop, doing Ollies and stuff, and I was always like that’s what I want to do. He was sick.
 What happened to him?
 He’s in San Diego. Actually he still skates, and he has a kid. I don’t know what he does, but he’s still, like, around.
 But so you didn’t miss the Brooklyn Banks, for example?
 Not at that point, no. There were so many things to explore, and then I also did go back for a while.
 For two years.  
 I basically went to SF in 1992 to go to school.
 To study what exactly?  
 I did art. And that’s about it. I just…
 Did you graduate?
 No, I didn’t. I turned pro six months into college, and they were like, “You have to start traveling,” so… well, actually I went back to New York for six months, to go to night school at The Fashion Institute, and then I just started not going to classes again, so I just was like: fuck it. Then I moved back, and that was also when I fully moved into SF. That was probably in 1993, and then I was there for the next three or four years.
 So nowadays you never go back to SF? Only LA?
 Yeah, we just go visit friends up there, but it’s not that I have to go up there all the time. There’s no business there for me, except visiting Deluxe and saying what’s up to everyone.
 How involved are you with Real these days? You’ve been on that team for such a long time!  
 Yeah, this is my 20-year anniversary. 20 years of having a board on Real. I talk to them a lot because I sponsor riders from Deluxe, and I just really want to see Deluxe do well. It’s really about helping each other out, basically. They somehow want to keep my board on there for a while, so that’s fine with me.
 Why “somehow”?
 Well, my skateboarding is not what it used to be, but I have no pressure. I say I’m retired so I’m just skating for myself, for fun…
 Having a board is not exactly retired, though.
 Yeah, but I don’t have to perform at that level. I can do what I do, and I’m not trying to kickflip into a grind and kickflip out or whatever. I just want to do Ollies and Lipslides and things that feel natural and easy – and push myself a little bit, but not try to kill myself.
 So doing those huge Ollies is still the most fun for you?
 Pretty much. Just going fast and doing some controlled tricks. And because I live in Downtown LA I still actually skate street, although I do have the privileges of going to places like The Berrics or going to peoples’ skateparks sometimes, which I also do.
 Let’s talk about business: What made you decide to open the first store – and why in SF?
 Well, I had been in LA before that, and things had turned pretty bad, like, Keenan had passed away, and so we were like, “Let’s get the fuck out of LA”. I think I was sort of getting bored with skating, the repetitiveness of it, I mean I was just looking for something different to do.
 At that point you were in your late twenties, right?
 Yeah, late twenties, so we were looking at everything, and I was married to this girl Anne at the time, and she wanted to open up a women’s clothing boutique. Eventually I was like, “There’s too many of those in SF,” and since I saw this culture in other places I was traveling to, LA, Tokyo, New York, and I said: “We should really look into this. It’s cool, and it exists in SF, but it doesn’t all exist under one roof.” So that was the point when we knew what we were going to do. Although I pretty much knew nothing, getting into it.
 That was going to be my next question: Who taught you the ropes?
 It was all asking people, and not being cocky.
 Asking skateboard retail people?
 Lots of different people. The guy from Stüssy, Frank Sinatra, he helped me out, although he was the one who actually told me not to do retail. He said that because of how much work it is. And I totally agree with him on that, but the vision was set at that point, and someone telling you not to do it is not going to stop you.
 Any major mishaps during the first years? Financial disasters?
 We actually did pretty well for the first couple of years.
 The first three shops opened in quick succession.
 Yeah, a shop a year, and they were all fine; everything was doing well. It was really just the 2008-2011 time when no one had money, so no one was spending any. We were still in a groove, especially with the big boys, they want you to buy-buy-buy-buy-buy, and when things slow down on the other end… that’s when you start restructuring your business. At that point we were also opening our own wholesale business, and we were putting a lot of our own money into this brand, making this clothing and doing all these things.
 What about the step from doing that to what’s happening now? Expanding your brand, with more products, for example, and with that awesome team?
 It feels good, it feels more controlled. It’s more hectic for sure, but I think I personally like the back-end building better than running the store. In the end it’s a true business, and it’s getting to the size that it will have problems, but it will be around forever after this point. Of course you always have to be prepared for all the little disasters that happen…
 And yet, this whole development was never your master plan, right?
 No, it was not planned out like that. There was no business plan outlining it all. It was just something that kept on changing with what was going on.
 Do you believe, like a lot of people seem to do, that in order to survive, things need to grow constantly? Because your brand’s story looks like that, but then again: don’t you think it might have been possible to just have those three stores going and to otherwise take it easy?
 Yes, you could totally do that. If you control it, and if you’ve found a pattern that you’re really happy with, you could totally make it work and that’s it. Problem is, of course, that you’re in a “trendy business”, so things change quite a lot.
 Don’t you ever get tired of this business, this world, this whole thing that is skateboarding and streetwear and everything around it?
 I not tired of it; I love it. For me, I love skateboarding so much that I just want to be part of this culture. I don’t want to go and sell stocks on the stock market. I am in a culture that I love, and all my friends are part of this culture. That’s awesome. I don’t go to work and hate it. Or, for example, look at what I’m doing right now: I am traveling with 13 dudes that are awesome, and I’m getting so much enjoyment just watching them skate. I sit back and I’m like, “Holy shit.”
 Yeah, they are incredible… how are your feelings about the other big players that have recently entered the skate footwear world?
 Well, the big guys have taken everything, but with the Huf company I really want to give back, and we really, really want to support skateboarding. We’re making shoes for skateboarding, from skateboarders, but we also want to be in fashion – so basically we don’t want to get stuck in being too core, but these are our roots. And we don’t want to stray from our roots either. For us, competing with Nike, I think it’s rad: It makes us step up our game, and the thing is: we can do it, and we are doing it. They are going to always have a bigger share of the market, but we just need a little bit – and we’re good. We’re also able to do things faster. And it’s just rad to make shoes for someone like Dylan. He came to me, wanting something totally different, and I’m like, “Yeah.” Of course we have to invest a lot of money to make that happen, but a lot of other companies wouldn’t give him what he wants.
 It’s about what he wants. Not what I want.
 These other players, they must have been talking to a guy like him as well.
 They did, they did, but he’s just not into the whole corporate thing. He doesn’t want to wear a big logo on his chest, he doesn’t want to do these things. He wants to be him, and does not want to be branded. He can be branded on the foot, but that’s his design that’s branded, and that’s what I’m giving him. Why not give skaters the option to be who they are?
 Yeah, I see. How important is this kind of self-expression in your life these days? Are you making any kind of art on the side?
 Not really, but I mess around a little bit sometimes. We have this creative zone in our warehouse where we drink beer and just do whatever, tag and stuff, but I think my main creative outlet right now is the direction of the brand. We have these brainstorming sessions where we all just go nuts, and this crazy shit comes out; and that’s me being creative.
 So those art studies where just something you picked because you needed an excuse?
 Yeah, my folks expected me to go to college.
 But then they probably weren’t so happy to see you bail out so early?
 Oh, not at all. I mean I was so addicted to skateboarding, that was all I wanted to do. I could’ve lived on the street, it didn’t matter, I just wanted to skate and live that life. They told me that going to school and working hard pays off. For them it’s like this: you go to school, you finish college, you go and do your Master’s, and then you go and get a good job, because the only way you’re going to have a good job in life is if you have all this paper work to back it up.
 And then you proved them wrong.
 Yeah, they loved it. They just didn’t know that these things existed.
 Funny. How about your family situation?
 All good, I just had a kid four and half months ago.
 Congratulations. So less traveling for you then, except from some big ones like this tour?
 Yeah, I also do some little things, trade shows…
 Cool, let’s wrap this up: what’s on the horizon for Huf?
 We have this Wu-Tang collaboration coming up later this fall, with the Wu-Tang brand. It’s cool, it’s the 20-year anniversary of their album this year, and so we just did the Snoop collaboration and now this one. Just think back, 20 years, 1993, that was the shit that I was listening to, and now, 20 years later, I’m able to do two collaborations with this shit that I was listening to.
 So you were totally into hip-hop back then?
 Oh yeah. Heavily.
 I see, maybe “Uptown Top Ranking” didn’t make it so obvious.
 I mean I have always listened to everything. I used to listen to so much reggae at one point; I was just digging the craziest stuff, trying to find all these one-hit wonders from Jamaica. There’s just so much good music. I mean I love it all. I grew up in a household where my dad would be playing Metallica, but also The Beatles – he would just buy random shit. And soon I was going out, buying Tribe Called Quest and Ice Cube.
 Interesting, and coming back to the coasts: So you were into rap from both the East and the West Coast?
 I think in the beginning I was very much into De La and Tribe, but I was also playing Ice Cube on my tape player too. I remember going to school, listening to him and thinking, “this shit’s cool.” I don’t know how I even picked it up, but it was there. And then we were listening to LL Cool J and punk as well, listening to what was in the skate videos.
 Sure. That’s how I came across “Uptown Top Ranking”, thanks to your part.
 Yeah, and I always wanted to have a hip-hop part, but I never found a song that I thought would qualify for a part.
 An instrumental?
 I think Gino had the best one, or maybe it was just Gino’s style with the music. It was fuckin’ proper.
 Are you guys working on a proper video?
 No. We are talking about it, but it’s different: in 2013, you can’t hold back your footage for such a long time, so the question is, can your skater do both? Do a rad commercial for your company, maybe even a 1-minute part, AND do an amazing 3-minute part. And do a tour, and do Street League. And do, fuckin’, some demo that they don’t want to do. And do something else.
 So, no video then.
 We’re doing a video for this tour, which is going to be rad, and I think I’m going to do solo parts with some of the guys. And I think Dylan and Austyn, even though they’re in Street League, they’re such street rats that they much rather go out and film an amazing part – and that’s where I come in.
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morningmeeting · 4 years
Your Daily News Brief, October 2, 2020
IonQ, a company that raised a total of $84M said it has built the most powerful quantum computer, with 32 perfect qubits with low gate errors and said its quantum volume is 4M, compared to 64 for the latest IBM quantum computer. The company said it managed to do this by achieving a very low rate of errors (99.9% accuracy). Depending on the application, customers will need somewhere between 80 and 150 very high-fidelity qubits and logic gates to see quantum advantage, according to IonQ. The company’s goal is to double or more the number of qubits each year. IonQ said it plans to make its product available via Amazon Braket and Microsoft Azure Quantum Cloud.
University of Cambridge said it will divest $4.5B of fossil fuels investments in its endowment by 2030.
The premier of German state Branderburg said there were no obstacles left for Tesla (Mcap $418B) to start car production near Berlin next year. Tesla’s shares rose 4% yesterday and are down 5% on pre market trading today.
Malaysia Air informed its creditors that an urgent restructuring is needed due to prolonged effects of the pandemic.
Tui (Mcap $2B), Europe’s largest tour operator said it will raise $1.8B once normal travel resumes.
H&M (Mcap $26B) said on Thursday it will close 250 of its 5K stores and said it could return to profit this quarter.
Playboy plans to return to public markets in a SPAC merger valuing it at $380M. The company is not printing its magazine anymore and is now a consumer products company. SPACs raised $40B ytd, 4 times the amount raised in the same period last year.
Roblox, an online game platform and game creation system that allows users to program games and play games created by other users said it plans to go public next year at an $8B valuation. The company raised $150M earlier this year when it had 115M MAU in a Series G round led by Andreessen Horowitz.
Google (Mcap $1T) will pay $1B for content to publishers to use in its new Google News product. Apple is promoting a similar product — Apple News.
Sophia Genetics, a AI powered company that provides genomic and radiomic analysis for hospitals raised $110M in a series F round led by aMoon and Hitachi.
S&P500 rose 0.5% on Thursday, Nasdaq rose 1.4%. Futures are down 1.6% and 2.3% respectively. Markets are worried that the US president tested positive for covid and that the chances of a stimulus package being approved before November elections are falling. US jobs numbers are expected today at 8.30 am ET.
EuroStoxx 600 and FTSE 100 closed flat on Thursday and are down 0.7% and 1% today.
CSI 300 is closed for holidays while Nikkei 225 fell 0.7% today.
EUR/USD is little changed at 1.1715, GBP/USD slightly lower at 1.2920.
Gold rose to $1910. WTI fell 6.6% to $36.90.
US Food and Drug Administration said it is widening its probe into adverse effects of the vaccine AstraZeneca (Mcap $144B) is developing with Oxford University.
Audio, Your Daily News Brief, October 2, 2020: https://www.patreon.com/posts/42280474
Your Daily News Brief, October 5, 2020: https://www.patreon.com/posts/your-daily-news-42400028
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homearama · 4 years
Top 10 Best Headphone Brands in The World
Excellent listening pleasure is a factor that can make any medium many times more beautiful. It doesn’t matter whether you beautify yourself with a radio play, music, a film, while gaming or wear headphones for work: hardly anything is more important than the quality of the sound. Whether playing video games in your own home, enjoying your favorite music on public transport, video chatting with loved ones or enjoying a relaxing podcast in the great outdoors: the mood always stands and falls with the listening pleasure.
The fact that many customers are therefore always looking for higher quality in order to perfect the auditory experience has of course not passed the market. And so audiophile connoisseurs are now offered an immensely wide range of headphones in all shapes, colors and versions. The electronics stores offer a huge spectrum in all conceivable price, quality and ratio classes both online and offline. From pimped up plastic scrap to underestimated products at low prices to the noble variants decorated with gold leaf, the same applies to this market: there is nothing that does not exist. And of course it is sometimes not that easy to keep track of things,
The following list should provide a little help when choosing headphones. The ten best headphone brands are presented in a loose list, with which the hearing can guarantee an excellent listening experience. Each brand receives a small profile with regard to its special features and its career. Of course, product recommendations should not be missing.
What is The Best Headphone Brands
Founded in 1964, the company has always been based in the US state of Massachusetts. Electronic products for audio, video, vehicle technology and even the military are diligently produced there and in various branches. From home cinemas and large sound systems to space shuttles, almost everything has already been provided with the excellent acoustics from Bose. The company takes its mandate to optimize the listening experience seriously in every respect. In addition to speakers and headphones, there are also excellent hearing aids and Sleep Buds from the Bose brand.
The headphones of the company from the American east coast occupy the top places in every discipline. As a result, you can’t go wrong with in-ear or over-ear products when investing in a Bose product. Athletes, musicians and even pilots swear by the flawless quality and ease of use of Bose headphones. One of the hottest products is the Bose Quiet Comfort 35 II. In the office, on the other hand, the Bose 700 Wireless Headphones are worth a warm recommendation.
When the Sony company was founded in Tokyo in 1946, the idea of ​​taking over the production of rice cookers from the predecessor company had just been abandoned. Instead, the focus should now be on entertainment electronics. Today there are probably only a few households left without a Sony product lying around. Apart from Playstation, cameras and mobile phones, an important step to success lies in the production of audio devices. The world’s first transistor radio Sony TR 55 is just one of the many milestones in this history. The Sony Walkman has also had a lasting impact on the culture of music consumption; just like the invention of the CD.
When it comes to headphones, Sony has a range that is second to none worldwide. The Japanese company has an offer for every asking price, quality margin and every conceivable specification; and of course in several versions. With or without a cable, Lite or Pro, Jog Proof or waterproof are just a few of the questions that can be answered before buying Sony headphones.
In addition, no other company in the global market does as well as Sony at eliminating noise from headphones. Undisturbed listening pleasure is written in capital letters here. With the help of the Headphones Connect app and a fabulous bass sound, models such as the versatile Sony WF 1000XM3 or the inexpensive Sony WI C310 Wireless are among the market leaders for good reasons.
Tip: Top 10 Best Sony Headphones Reviews in 2020
Even if the town of Wedemark-Wennebostel is probably only known to very few people, the Lower Saxony municipality is an important authority when it comes to headphones. Here Fritz Sennheiser founded his company shortly after the Second World War, which was dedicated to the research and production of microphones and headphones. The laboratory founded by Fritz Sennheiser has been working on the high-precision and optimal improvement of the sound experience since day one.
This strict accuracy was not without appreciation. Fritz Sennheiser received an Oscar at the Academy Awards in 1987 for his MKH 816 directional microphone, which was not only very popular in Hollywood. The Sennheiser company has also made a name for itself time and again with headphones. This includes the Sennheiser Orpheus product, which was released in 1990. These are the most expensive headphones of all time, which went into production in limited numbers.
Today the black S in the white rectangle is still known and loved all over the world. In recent years in particular, Sennheiser has undergone a very strong shift towards digitality. The latest generation of their headphones are mostly wireless Bluetooth models that can be ideally adapted to the needs of customers. The Sennheiser Smart Control App, which has a completely parametric equalizer, takes care of the latter. The Sennheiser Momentum Wireless headphones with their excellent sound quality are considered to be the company’s flagship. The Sennheiser HD 4.50 model is recommended for uncomplicated, comfortable and strip-free television enjoyment.
What began with turntables in Machida in the Japanese prefecture of Tokyo in 1962 is now one of the big names when it comes to audio quality. Fifteen years after the company was founded, Audio-Technica launched the AT 700 series and made a name for itself on the headphone market that will last. Nowadays the Machida company is an indispensable part of any sound amplification and reproduction field. The turntables, loudspeakers, microphones and headphones from Audio-Technica are popular and are sold and bought by various branches all over the world.
Whether for professional recordings in the studio, for telephone calls or video conferences, and of course for private enjoyment of music: the Audio-Technica brand has the right product in stock for all areas. A special feature of the headphones from Japan is their excellent ability to filter out noise and interfering noises. And to the delight of their customers, Audio-Technica products can also be purchased at affordable prices.
As all-round headphones with a stylish look, the wireless Blue Tooth model Audio-Technica ATH M50xBT is an absolute bestseller. Anyone who works in the production of music or spends a lot of time in the studio and is looking for high-quality headphones with a good price-performance ratio will also find what they are looking for: the Audio-Technica ATH M50x model is just right for this.
When the beyerdynamic company was founded in Berlin in 1924, nobody could have guessed that history would soon be made. Just 13 years later, Beyer produced the world’s first dynamic headphones, the DT 48 telephone, and the M 19 dynamic microphone produced two years later quickly became an ubiquitous standard product.
The company, now based in Heilbronn, still manufactures a large part of its products under its own roof. In addition, the German audio experts have blossomed into a global player and have a subsidiary in the United States of America as well as branches in Singapore and India.
Characteristic for beyerdynamic are the robust metal frames and the extremely comfortable velor cushions. The headphones are popular with musicians because of their crystal-clear sound, which can ideally present high tones and percussive elements. In addition, additional reinforcement in the bass is one of the features of the German brand. The most prominent models of beyerdynamic headphones are primarily the beyerdynamic 1990 PRO and the beyerdynamic 1770 PRO.
Behind the three letters stands one of the most famous global players in audio. The eponymous founder James Bullough Lansing laid the foundation for a global success story in Northridge, California, back in 1946. The many highlights of the glorious history of the JBL brand include the statement made by the guitar manufacturer Leo Fender, who named JBL as the ideal loudspeaker for his instruments.
With boxes for home use as well as for large crowds and, last but not least, monitor speakers for use in the music business, JBL has always moved between the upper middle class and the upper class. And the more modern markets such as headphones, wireless amplifiers and small boxes for everyday use were not missed either. Today, wearable devices from the Californian company can be seen and heard on every corner. Then as now, the focus is on the music on the one hand and on all-rounders at the time. JBL is the casual product that everyone knows and that is appreciated everywhere. Headphone models like the JBL Live 650 BTNC Wireless are not only one of the most popular products in the field of electronic music. You can’t go wrong with JBL when it comes to in-ear headphones.
Beats by Dr. Dre
Hardly anyone has shaped the American Hip Hop, G-Funk and R&B scene more than the Californian producer and rapper André Young – better known under the pseudonym Dr. Dre. His extensive knowledge of creating great sound experiences made Young another pillar of business in 2006 when he founded Beats Electronics. Since then, the little white b in the red circle has not only become a recurring gimmick in music videos by artists like Nicki Minaj, Eminem or David Guetta.
According to his musical background, Dr. Dre places particular emphasis on warm and bass-heavy tones when aligning its products. With its over-ear and in-ear headphones as well as wireless speakers, the company of the former NWA member has made a name for itself among music fans from all over the world. The customers of Apple products in particular like to use the Dres Company emblem on the headphones due to the problem-free compatibility. The Beats Solo Pro Wireless, which is characterized by its extraordinary isolation from background noise, is particularly popular. The Beats EP is one of the most popular goods among DJs and other people in the music business.
Anyone who likes to be driven by music in sports should not forego optimal quality. The Australian athlete Judd Armstrong said the same. Out of sheer disappointment at the lack of headphones that combine excellent listening pleasure with sporty wearability, Armstrong founded the Jaybird company in 2006.
Jaybird is now part of the Logitech Group and is manufactured in Salt Lake City, Utah. The basic principles of the sporting product are freedom from cables and optimal use of Bluetooth technology. So of course it is only natural that the company’s first product was called Freedom. From now on it went steeply uphill for Judd Armstrong and his headphones, with which he spoiled sports enthusiasts all over the world with ideal listening pleasure. The smart bracelet Reign appeared as a further product in 2014, with which one can find out about all important health data while exercising.
Together with the Jaybird MySound app and the integrated parametric equalizer, Jaybird products turn every workout into an acoustic experience in which neither cables nor bad sound get the chance to disturb. Athletes especially swear by the Jaybird Vista Truly Wireless. The Jaybird Tarah Pro is a popular all-rounder.
The company Jabra was born from the house of the GN Group and its more than 100-year-old tradition. Its headphones make the hearts of many office workers jump for joy. Jabra’s focus is primarily on business, office and other work-related areas. Jabra is also the only company in the world that combines the production of hearing aids, headsets and headphones under one name and one location. The Jabra logo is present everywhere, from call centers to important conferences, cell phones, video chat and technical support for human hearing.
The initially dotted and then solid line in the Jabra logo guarantees the best quality for conversations and recordings. The high definition headphones from Jabra have their place in the professional sector and are indispensable in every branch of the modern professional world. From the assistant in customer service to the management of international conferences via remote interviews, the brand from the GN Group can be found everywhere.
Wired or wireless, over-ear or in-ear: Jabra is highly professional. The latter naturally also applies to the microphones on the headsets. The Jabra Evolve 65t Truly Wireless is currently one of the best business headphones. Joggers, on the other hand, prefer to use the Jabra Elite Active 75t.
When Rick Alden founded the company Skullcandy in the US state of Utah in 2003, he had two goals in mind: unusual quality for deep bass and a relaxed, casual image. The casual look of the Skullcandy headphones fits like a glove with the outfit on the skate area, on the beach with bathing suits and surfboard, and of course with the casual street look. The products from Skullcandy enjoy great popularity in these areas and the skull on the side has become a symbol of quality in urban scenes.
Whether simple, brightly colored or in unusual styles, the Skullcandy headphones are always well received. Their interpretation, trimmed for bass, also goes very well with musical styles such as hip-hop or EDM. Even those who love funk or dubstep will be delighted by the listening experience. In addition, the Skullcandy brand is enjoying an ever-increasing clientele in the field of popular music, because here too a strong sound image with an urge for depth has not only recently been appreciated.
The brand from Utah convinces with or without a cable; also because of the fair relationship between price and performance. The most popular models include the Venue AC Wireless and the HESH 3 Wireless Over Ear.
The company Jabra was born from the house of the GN Group and its more than 100-year-old tradition. Its headphones make the hearts of many office workers jump for joy. Jabra’s focus is primarily on business, office and other work-related areas. Jabra is also the only company in the world that combines the production of hearing aids, headsets and headphones under one name and one location. The Jabra logo is present everywhere, from call centers to important conferences, cell phones, video chat and technical support for human hearing.
The initially dotted and then solid line in the Jabra logo guarantees the best quality for conversations and recordings. The high definition headphones from Jabra have their place in the professional sector and are indispensable in every branch of the modern professional world. From the assistant in customer service to the management of international conferences via remote interviews, the brand from the GN Group can be found everywhere.
Wired or wireless, over-ear or in-ear: Jabra is highly professional. The latter naturally also applies to the microphones on the headsets. The Jabra Evolve 65t Truly Wireless is currently one of the best business headphones. Joggers, on the other hand, prefer to use the Jabra Elite Active 75t.
Other headphone brands with good reputations include:
11. SteelSeries 12. Logitech 13. Plantronics 14. Bang & Olufson 15. HyperX 16. anchor 17. Bowers & Wilkins 18. Shure 19. AKG 20. Mpow
The brands and products listed provide a good overview of the current dimensions of the renowned and rightly popular headphones. The list also shows that the perfect product can be found even for the most specific individual needs. In addition to all-rounders and models for beginners, it is precisely the special models and companies that stand out. And that not only the big players who have been known for a long time find their place here, but also shows how dynamic and adapted the market is. While some still young companies are geared towards the explicit needs of athletes, for use in everyday professional life or for special styles of music, the all-rounders can often be found among the big names. The choice of the ideal headphones for your own needs has definitely changed. Companies, research institutions and the customers themselves play a big part in ensuring that there is the ideal product for every area. And those that don’t exist today could be invented tomorrow.
source https://homearama.tv/best-headphone-brands/
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