villainartist · 1 year
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but wait, there’s more! i also did some colors and lining for the ultimate valentines collab!!
i went a little ham on the colors..... can you tell purple and pink are my favs
credits under the cut!
tenmiu: sketch - twinklelitchii lines - hotwheels-kin
tenkangie: sketch - trillmunch lines - spittyfishy
saioumota: sketch - solarskips lines - caeboa
tenmiko sketch: foldable-mattress
gontakiyo sketch: metal-queer-rex
shinsai sketch: punk-pitcher
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Another piece to the Gonta x Reader x Korekiyo bondage series! This one was super fun to work with, there's a sort of damsel in distress/capture scene going on, I hope you guys enjoy! Under the cut for length!
Movie nights had become a standard thing for the three of you. Every week or two, you would come to Korekiyo’s for something that wasn't just sex, something fun and relaxing all at once. And it felt nice, just snuggling up between Gonta and Korekiyo while a movie played in the background. You were watching closely, subconsciously biting your lip as the story's main character was captured by a villain and tied up, blindfolded to hide her surroundings. 
Your thighs squeezed together tightly while the villain toyed with her, threatening her and reminding her that she was all alone, with no one to save her. Korekiyo glanced over at you, noticing the concentration on your face as you stared. He said nothing, though, just quietly noting your interest until the movie came to a close. Usually now, the three of you would get up and either stay the night or go home. But Korekiyo made no move to stand, instead turning to face you.
 “So, I take it by your eager reactions you enjoyed the movie?” Gonta looked between the two of you with a confused expression as you went a little pink. 
“It was a good movie.” You said softly, knowing Korekiyo saw right through you. 
“I'm sure it was, but it seemed that something piqued your interest a bit more than just the plot.” You huffed a little and played with your hands, leaning back against Gonta. 
“There might have been a scene I liked… more than the others, I guess.” 
“What scene did (Y/N) like? Gonta liked all of them!” You smiled and hung your head, embarrassed. 
“I liked that scene where… the girl got caught and tied up, the damsel in distress thing, you know? Being at the mercy of a villain, not knowing what's going to happen next, it gets me all worked up.” Korekiyo smirked and you recognized the glint in his eyes, your heart skipping a beat in your chest. 
“Gonta, how would you feel about also being caught by a villain and tied up?” It finally clicked for him just what you were referring to and he made a soft noise in the back of his throat. 
“Gonta wouldn't… mind that, if Kiyo was the villain who caught him.” Korekiyo nodded, finally standing. 
“Glad we’re on the same page, then. Normally I would invite the two of you to stay the night, but I have some research to do. Are you alright with that?” You nodded a little too eagerly, staunchly ignoring the way your knees wobbled when you got up. You took Gonta’s hand and were out the door in seconds, almost too worked up to drive. You managed to keep it together long enough to go to sleep, although it took all of your willpower to not get off before you did. You knew the wait would be worth it and, two days later you got a call. You nearly dropped your phone when you saw that it was Korekiyo, a faint blush already dusting your cheeks. 
“Ah, someone sounds quite excited today. Would the two of you care to come over? I have the scene ready for you.” You confirmed with him eagerly and sped over, already needing to press your thighs together tightly. Korekiyo smirked a little when he opened the door and you came inside, biting your lip. 
“I'm sure you're more than eager to get started, but I wanted to go over a few things first.” You nodded, sitting on the very edge of the couch with Gonta beside you. 
“I'd like to go a bit further in this session than is our standard. Nothing too severe, but i'd like to experiment a bit with your pain tolerance. Of course, if you aren't comfortable with that then I'll refrain, but I felt it fit nicely with the scene.” Gonta was the first to speak up, fidgeting. 
“Gonta isn't sure how much pain he would like, even from Kiyo.” 
“I promise, I won't be doing anything extraordinary, just a bit more intense than usual. As always, your more than welcome to use your safeword at any time if you need it.” Gonta nodded and relaxed, Korekiyo running a hand through his hair gently and tugging at the ends. 
“Another thing I need to make clear is that, while I am playing the villain, my threats to your life will not be real. I want you two to have the utmost trust in me and know that some of the things I will say are for the sake of the scene and nothing more.” You nodded and shivered a little, wondering just how dark Korekiyo’s persona was going to be. 
“We trust you, we know you would never do anything horrible to us that we weren't okay with.” Korekiyo smiled and stood, holding out both hands. You and Gonta each took one, letting him lead you to a room you had been to more than enough times to find on your own, yet you never minded being shown the way. It didn't look much different from usual, several toys laid out on the bed as well as restraints. 
“I'm going to get you two set up, alright?” You nodded and stripped down to your underwear, letting Korekiyo guide you so that you were more or less in Gonta’s lap, your arms around him and tied together tightly with a length fabric. Gonta’s arms were tied around you in the same way, forcing the two of you to embrace. You couldn't stop yourself from kissing Gonta sweetly as Korekiyo finished tying him up, humming softly against his lips. 
“How do you feel? Comfortable?” You tested your bonds, finding them solid. 
“I feel good, I'm ready. Gonta?” 
“Gonta is excited, he likes this a lot so far.” Korekiyo nodded and smiled, a hand lingering on Gonta’s shoulder. Then, he added the final touch, silk blindfolds that completely cut off your vision. 
“I'm going to return in a moment, and when I do, you two will be my captured prisoners, understood?” You nodded eagerly and wiggled in Gonta’s lap as Korekiyo left the room. Your breath hitched when the door closed and a tense silence set in, the anticipation building in your chest. A wave of arousal made you shudder as the door opened once again, Korekiyo walking in almost silently. You couldn't know for sure where he was, barely able to follow his quiet steps. 
"Look at the two of you, bound together so closely. Makes for quite a picture, id say." You heard the shutter of a camera and tried to turn around quickly, nearly smacking your head into Gonta's. It wouldn't have helped regardless, your vision dark behind the blindfold. It only made your heartbeat quicker, trying to look around and find where the sound emanated from. 
"W-what are you…" 
"Blackmail, of course. That is, if I decide to let you live, otherwise, they will be nothing more than fond reminders of you." You swallowed thickly, feeling Gonta pull you in closer protectively. 
"Please… don't kill (Y/N) or Gonta!" Korekiyo hummed, walking in a slow circle around you. 
"That all depends on just how well you behave for me. Are you going to do as your told?" You nodded quickly, jumping when Korekiyo's fingers started running through your hair. 
"Y-yes! We'll do anything you want, please, just let us go!" You cried, biting your lip when long fingers traced your lips from behind.
"You shouldn't say things like that, see. I could ask you to do anything I liked and you would have to hold to your word. Are you prepared for that?" You nodded, struggling a bit when something foreign slipped between you and Gonta. You shivered when the large head of what you guessed to be a vibrator settled at the front of your panties. Even off it was enough to make your cheeks heat up, doing your best to keep still. You were about to speak up when Korekiyo pressed a button and the toy buzzed to life, stealing the air from your lungs. It was strong, probably one of the strongest vibrators you had ever had the joy to experience. Korekiyo held it firmly to the front of your panties as you squirmed and moaned, Gonta fidgeting in front of you nervously. Fingers traced your throat gingerly as you bucked your hips against the toy, choking on anything you could have hoped to say. 
"You said anything, did you not? Then come." You were helpless against his demand, sobbing into Gonta's shoulder as your body shuddered with the force of your orgasm. Korekiyo kept the toy on you until you were whining and oversensitive, Gonta gasping moments after it disappeared. He fell over the edge quickly, crying out your name as he squirmed. Finally, the room fell silent save for your labored breathing, face burning with embarrassment. 
"Now, was that so hard? All you have to do is anything I ask of you, understood?" You nodded and went to reply, only to have a finger shush you. 
"No talking. No noise at all, actually, I much prefer silence to your whining and begging for now. In fact, if you make any sound, I'm going to have to punish you, and you wouldn't like that, hmm?" You wanted to challenge him but kept your mouth shut, biting your lip roughly when two fingers slipped into the front of your sticky panties. 
"Can you keep quiet even when I do this?" You forced yourself to breathe, ignoring the little sparks of oversensitive pleasure that were shooting up your spine. 
"So well behaved, I almost wish I could see you fight back. Perhaps seeing Gonta will put a little fire in you?" You didn't even have time to blink, your heartbeat shooting up as you looked around, the sudden light making you squint. 
"No noises, from either of you. If I hear even a whine, you'll be learning just why I'm so good at what I do." Those fingers traced your neck again, curling around it before pulling back. You almost couldn't breathe with fear, knowing you couldn't make a sound. It was so hard to be quiet when Korekiyo slipped his fingers inside you, fucking you slowly while his thumb rubbed your clit in torturous circles. You could feel yourself getting far too close to making noise and, in your desperation, shoved your lips against Gonta’s. He nearly yelped in surprise but didn't pull back, returning your kiss in hopes of keeping you quiet. It was just enough to muffle your moans as Korekiyo played with you in the worst way. He knew exactly how to work you up, what spots to focus on to make you shudder.
It was just this side of painful, still so sensitive from your earlier orgasm, but Korekiyo was ruthless. Just when you felt like you were adjusting to Korekiyo’s touch, Gonta squeaked into your mouth. You looked up, seeing his face go red and the barest threat of tears in his eyes. You couldn't move, wondering if Korekiyo was going to get upset, but he didn't seem to take notice. You felt his other hand moving between you, the source of Gonta’s sudden noise. You did your best to keep the both of you quiet swallowing your moans and muffling Gonta’s as you messily made out, impossible to keep coordinated as Korekiyo stole any focus you had. His fingers were steady, working you over and over till you were close to the edge and tightening around the digits. You squeezed your eyes shut behind the blindfold, so close to your second orgasm when Korekiyo’s hand stilled, fingers slipping out of you. It was almost impossible to choke down the needy whine that rose in your throat, hips twitching in hope of finding that friction again. He must have pulled the same stunt on Gonta because you could feel him shaking, his breath hitching against your lips. 
“Awe, were the two of you close? I suppose that was a little rude of me, stopping so soon, but it's no fun if I make things easy for you. I have to say, you did do quite well so far. Let's see what it takes to break you.” You felt Korekiyo’s presence disappear from behind you, his footsteps silent as he moved around the room, keeping out of your sight. Just as you were getting uneasy, he returned, kneeling somewhere behind your back. 
“You won't be needing this, will you?” You jumped when you felt something chilled and metallic trace the swell of your breasts, something you quickly realized was the flat of a knife. You felt no pain or sharpness, just the cold steel against your skin. You didn't dare move an inch or breath, squeezing your eyes shut tight. When Korekiyo cut the straps of your bra in two fluid motions you gasped, feeling him unhook the back to take it off of you. Thankfully, the knife disappeared after that, leaving you wondering if he was planning to use it again. Lithe fingers teased and pinched your nipples, making you squirm and take in a breath. 
“What's wrong? Are you not enjoying this enough?” You kept silent, pulling back from Gonta to try and catch your breath. It was in vain when those damn fingers slipped back into your panties, circling your clit roughly. You were forced to kiss Gonta again, a blessing as he swallowed your moans and pulled you close. You closed your eyes and tried to relax as Korekiyo worked you up, fingers dipping inside of you for a moment before returning to your clit. Korekiyo was relentless, doing just enough to keep you on edge without pushing you to orgasm. His other hand left your chest to wind around your waist, Gonta leaning into you as Korekiyo started teasing his cock. The pleasure came and went, Korekiyo edging you over and over with only his fingers as his warm body pressed against your back. You choked out a sob as Korekiyo pulled back for the umpteenth time, leaving you desperate and shaking. All you wanted was to cum, any consequence was nothing in your mind. Korekiyo started up again, even slower as he circled and teased your clit. You pulled back from Gonta, tears burning your eyes as you threw caution to the wind. 
“Please!” You sobbed, pressing your forehead to Gonta’s shoulder. 
“Was wondering how long it would take you to crack, (Y/N). I have to commend you for holding out so long, most of my captives don't have the willpower. But, I can't simply let it go, no matter how nicely you beg for me.” Korekiyo started rubbing your clit faster than ever, your blood on fire as Korekiyo forced a second orgasm out of you like it was nothing. As you basked in your afterglow Korekiyo gave Gonta the same treatment, getting him off easily. You sobbed as your mind returned from the clouds, knowing just how badly you had messed up. 
“I was almost tempted to be lenient with the two of you. You’re by far my favorite captives so far, making such pretty noises for me, I couldn't ask for better prisoners. But a promise is a promise, I can't be going back on my word now.” You yelped as Korekiyo roughly undid the ties around both yours and Gonta’s wrists, pulling you up with more force than necessary and tugging you to the bed. You were shoved down unceremoniously, gasping in a ragged breath as tears burned at your eyes. You felt dirty and used, your panties clinging to you with your own mess. Korekiyo stood by the edge of the bed, pulling various toys out from beneath the comforter. A massive dildo with menacing spines, plugs, a few whips, and paddles, among other things.
“You going to take your punishment like a good girl?” Korekiyo asked. You glanced at Gonta, still on the floor and watching you nervously as Korekiyo mulled over his options. 
“Y-yes…” You swallowed thickly as Korekiyo picked up what looked like a frayed whip, testing its weight. He smiled, deciding it was his weapon of choice. He sat at the edge of the bed, tugging you over his lap roughly and making you whine. 
“Can't have you making all that noise again, you’re quite the loud one.” Korekiyo undid the button on his jeans and pulled his cock out, precum beading at the flushed tip. 
“Suck. And no teeth.” You did as you were told, taking the first inch or two into your mouth to suck on. You tried to focus on the taste, the heat of Korekiyo on your tongue as you slightly bobbed your head. But your focus was quickly broken when Korekiyo’s hand returned, spanking you roughly enough to push you forward onto his cock. You knew it was only a prelude to what was coming next, the whip looking thing he had so lovingly chosen. 
“There you go, just like that. See, not so bad, hmm?” Korekiyo looked pointedly at Gonta, motioning him over. 
“You can watch, for now, it’ll be your turn soon enough." You could see Gonta shudder, his cheeks red as he squirmed on the floor at Korekiyo’s feet. Another rough spank had you whining through your mouthful, tears threatening to drip down your cheeks. For a moment there was peace, Korekiyo letting you focus on sucking him off, slow and deep the way he liked it. But then, something different made contact with your skin. You cried out, the impact shoving you deeper on Korekiyo’s cock, enough to make you gag briefly. 
“Can't take a little flogging, pretty girl? If you can't even take this much pain, you're not going to like what I have in store for you later.” Tears burned hot tracks along your cheeks and you pulled back for a moment to breath, almost tempted to use your safeword. The flogger was more painful than anything Korekiyo had done with you before, and he must have noticed your uneasiness because he gave you a moment to rest before starting back up again. The noise was the worst part, though, the thick crack of the leather against your ass before the pain would register. Korekiyo's other hand rubbed you through your damp panties, taking the edge off the pain as the flogger connected again and you sobbed. 
"Three more. Three more and you can stop." You didn't respond, your mind too hazy with pain and muted pleasure as Korekiyo hit you again. Time moved too slowly, each second passing between hits dragging on for ages as anticipation made you stiff. Finally, Korekiyo yanked your head up by your hair, flogger tossed aside. You moved your sore jaw, trying to catch your breath in quick pants while Korekiyo pushed you to your feet. He turned you around, nails biting into your hip as he looked you over, admiring his work. 
"You look so beautiful like this, almost makes me want to keep the two of you around for a while longer. You respond well to pain, I like seeing you squirm and cry." He pushed you to the ground and you made no move to get up, exhausted and barely hanging on to linear thought. With the flogging over, the pain lingered on, your ass stinging as Gonta was pulled into the same position you had been in. It was almost harder to watch, knowing how much it had hurt as Gonta was spanked and whipped with the flogger. He could barely manage to get his mouth around Korekiyo, too distracted by the pain. Fearing he would be punished for not listening, you got on your knees and started sucking Korekiyo off for him. Gonta tried to help, your lips connecting around Korekiyo's length a few times, but he couldn't do much more than that. Each time the flogger connected he sobbed, fat tears slipping down his cheeks. You kissed them away when you needed to breathe, comforting Gonta silently as the crack of the flogger echoed around the room. Just as you started to worry Gonta couldn't take any more, Korekiyo stopped, running a hand through Gonta's hair as he struggled to catch his breath. 
"This is what happens when you don't listen. Disobey me again and you'll be in much worse shape afterwards. Understood?” You nodded quickly, looking over and seeing just how red Gonta’s ass was from his punishment. You felt bad, knowing it had been all your fault. You had been the one to break and beg, and Gonta had gotten flogged for it. You bit your lip and nudged your forehead against Gonta’s, cupping his cheek. 
“I'm sorry, so sorry.” You muttered, jumping when Korekiyo’s hand ran through your hair. 
“I couldn't pick favorites, now could I? One misbehaves, the other takes the punishment just as harshly. You’ll find that I can be quite nice if you earn it.” 
“I want… to earn it.” You said softly, perking your head up and squeezing your thighs together. As lost as you were in the moment, you were still turned on by Korekiyo’s forcefulness, his demands and threats. You wanted to please him, especially if it meant sparing Gonta from any punishment. 
“Oh? And how do you expect to do that, princess?” 
“I can… get you off. You can use me, do whatever you want with me, and I won't complain.” Korekiyo smirked, moving Gonta off of his lap and pulling you up by the hand so that you were straddling him. 
“You won't? Even if I have you going till you can't take it anymore?” You nodded, fighting down a whine when Korekiyo smoothly cuffed your hands behind your back. 
“Turn around, then, and make yourself useful. Don't think for a moment that you get to enjoy it, either. You did offer to take care of me, after all.” You awkwardly turned around so that your back was to Korekiyo, shuddering as he pulled your panties aside and lined you up with his length. But he made no move to push inside you, leaving all the work for you. You tried to tease, at first, rutting against his cock and letting the tip nudge your entrance, never quite going inside. It was enough to make Korekiyo yank at the chain connecting your wrists, a warning to hurry up, or else. You lowered yourself onto his cock, a breathless moan escaping you as he finally filled you properly. Another tug and you started to move, squeezing your eyes shut as you bounced slowly. 
You found a pace that seemed to keep Korekiyo happy, if his quiet groans were any indication. It kept you on edge, enough to make you shiver every time he bottomed out inside you, but not enough to get you off. You knew he had done that on purpose, making sure you didn't get to cum, no matter how much you wanted it. A few fingers were looped into the connecting link of your handcuffs, his other hand groping and squeezing your sore ass. It still stung, but that only wound up turning you on more, the little prickles of pain traveling up your spine. Gonta watched the two of you with wide eyes, unable to look away as you bounced in Korekiyo’s lap. 
“Care to make yourself useful?” Korekiyo asked, his voice dark as he smirked. “Clean up the mess she’s making, Gonta. Don't force my hand into punishing you again.” 
Gonta was quick to kneel between your legs, messily lapping at the spot where you and Korekiyo were joined. His tongue would graze your clit every so often and make you shiver, trying to ignore it as you got Korekiyo off. If you came now, who knew what he would do to you? You weren't keen to find out, squeezing around his length tightly when Korekiyo’s hand roughly grabbed your breast. 
“Just like that…” He muttered, clearly losing his composure as he reached his breaking point. You sobbed when his hips started meeting you movements, fucking you quick and deep while Gonta’s warm mouth was between your legs. His cock rubbed over your sweet spot, over and over till you were seeing stars and couldn't take it anymore. 
“P-please! Please, please let me cum, i-i’m gonna… no, no, p-please!” You begged, knowing you wouldn't be able to stop now, praying for Korekiyo’s permission. 
“Cum, then, my beautiful little whore.” Korekiyo groaned, and you lost it. Tears slipped down your cheeks as he forced a third orgasm out of you, still fucking you even when your legs gave out and you couldn't move. Distantly, you felt him spill inside you, warm and wet as you rode out the waves of pleasure running up your spine. Gonta didn't stop licking you and Korekiyo, doing as he was told and cleaning the two of you up. Korekiyo collected himself quickly and helped you off of him, getting Gonta to move you into a better position on the bed. You were weak and didn't fight it, still up in the clouds as the scene ended and Korekiyo started bringing you back to reality. It wasn't till the camera shutter clicked again that you came to your senses and sat up slowly. 
“How are doing, beautiful?” Korekiyo asked gently, setting the camera aside and added the picture to a stack beside it. 
“Sore… still fuzzy. I'm really tired too…” 
“I'm not surprised, I may have taken it a bit far with the two of you this session.” You shook your head, Gonta moving behind you and hugging you to his chest. He was still hard against you, having not gotten off when you and Korekiyo did. 
“Wait, Gonta…” “Gonta is fine, (Y/N) shouldn't worry! Gonta just wants her to relax now.” You felt a little bad that he hadn't come, but didn't have the energy for anything else. 
“It was really good, Kiyo. It was almost too much but I knew you wouldn't push me too far.” 
“Are you certain? I should have warned you about the flogger, or used something more gentle.” You smiled and yawned as Korekiyo wrapped a blanket around your naked form. 
“I liked it. I liked it a lot. You really do make a good villain, Kiyo. If I didn't know it was a scene I would have been terrified.” You laughed a little, squirming when you felt Korekiyo’s cum dripping out of you. 
“Gonta was pretty scared of Kiyo for a while, he wasn't sure if he was going to ever escape.” You smiled, letting your eyes close. 
“I would never let anything happen to the two of you, I want you to know that. As intense as things may get in this room, I would never let you be truly hurt. Go ahead and rest now, I'll bring you some food and have a bath ready in a short while. Do you need anything in the meantime?” You shook your head, turning over to face Gonta, who repeated the action. 
“Rest well, then, you deserve it. I'll wake you up before long.” You were already out by the time Korekiyo pressed a kiss to your sweaty forehead, making sure you were comfortable before starting to clean up the room. It was an easy clean up and by the time he was done, you and Gonta were sound asleep and cuddled close. Carefully, to not wake you, Korekiyo picked up the instant camera and snapped a few photos of the two of you. He wanted to capture it, the way you held each other so close, how evident your love was even in sleep. As much as this relationship was about scenes and punishment, Korekiyo still enjoyed the moments where things were quiet and sweet. 
He smiled at the slowly developing photos, picking up the pile of the others and bringing them with him as he left the room. Much as he would have liked to join you, he had things to do. Once the two of you were rested and fed, he was going to take care of every inch of bruised, sore skin he had left in his wake. It was the least he could do, since the two of you had been such lovely prisoners for him. 
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storyflight · 5 years
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