#grimby bitty
bittyuniverse · 4 years
We’re open!
I noticed no one was particularly doing the original bitties in matchups, rps, or just adoption scenarios in general, so I figured I’d lend a hand in those wanting to adopt the og bitties! Ask box is open! feel free to inbox even while the blog is under construction!
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abittyhomecafe · 5 years
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Hello! I’m Mae, the owner of A Bitty Home Cafe, a place for bitties and their caretakers to come relax and enjoy themselves! Or well, once we officially open anyway.
We’re all still working very hard on a few things before we can, but I thought it would be a good idea to get started making ourselves known online! As such, introductions are in order.
You already know me, but there are also my bitties: Mellow (Poppy), Books (Soft Bones), Buster (Baby Blue), Beep (Meek), Nico (Grillbitty Ray), Creek (Grillbitty Curly), Jingle (Punny) and Holly (Teacup)!
There’s also my sister Rose and her bitties, Petals (Soft Bones) and End (Spoopster)!
And finally, her friend Belle and his bitties Excalibur (Boss), Amber (Grillbitty Grimby), Bean (Cherry/Runt), Titan (King lamia), Lane (Chain lamia) and Diem (Cherry Coral Lamia)!
We would all be very happy to answer any questions you may have about us or our establishment! <3
(Do keep in mind that any questions that are invasive or harmful to any of us will be let off with a warning only once, and thereafter ignored.)
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dotchi13 · 5 years
i was wondering if i could have a Tori bitty with special abilities, because she would be a Hybrid of a Tori and a Sansy. (i like to be a adoption center that has a few hybrid bitties in it. And i have already two bitties as staff members. who are already hybrids ( a edgy bitty who has a grimby as a parent and has fire magic, and a lil bro with a boss as a dad who has a similiar power level and temper) they are guard and negotiator respectivly and i still need a caretaker
*The request is taken in with thoughtfulness as the shop’s Toriel looks to you* 
Toriel: We do have who you want, though her father isn’t exactly a pure Sansy she should still be very helpful. 
*You are taken to the Toriel room, a room filled with warmth, the smell of books and pies as you are taken to the fireplace where napping against it is what looks to be a Toriel-type until Toriel gently knocked above the snoozing bitty’s head.
Eyes opened to show empty sockets before lights flickered there of both red and the left one ringed in blue, those the only thing to show the cross-breeding of a Toriel and a Murder bitty within the shop. 
Murders have a much bigger power reserve and strength than regular Sansy bitties and it was combined with a Toriel’s powers as she stood and it was noticed that her outfit was a little different, there being a hood attached to the dress and pockets as she patted herself down and gave a smile.*
Murder-Toriel: Hello there my child!
*Toriel explained the situation to the hybrid whom seemed to get very excited at the prospect of taking care of and being around hybrids such as herself*
Why I would love to help out as a caretaker for your shop and meet the other two! 
*The hybrid then teleported onto your shoulder as she stuffed her paws in her pockets and flashed a toothier grin than Toriels usually would, her eyelights blazing in absolute thrill to be asked for and thus adopted to such an amazing place*
Ready when you are!
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Adopted and a Gift!
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I Have Adopted G! 
G (Undertale) 👓Likes to help 👓Friendly and soft spoken 👓Modest 👓Fair 👓Protective
And I’m gifting Grimby to @sfw-imagines-headcannons2 (PAYBACK!)
Grimby (underfell) 🔥Sets fire to things when he’s mad 🔥Bad Temper 🔥Bites 🔥Needs lots of training 🔥Needs patience and love 🔥Gets jealous 🔥Teases other Bitties
@bittybones-au (sfw) and @fucken-crybaby (Nsfw) are the creators of Bitty-bones Au. (the picture is the types of GrillBittys there are.)
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icybeanheadcanons · 7 years
Yes protect them! *gentle embrace intensifies* Okay, OKAY, I'm gonna go start writing little drabbles because I'm trash lol. BUT FIRST I need to name one of each grillbitty... just in case. [Probably gonna have the Tale-style (G) and Fell-style (Grimby) in these drabbles, to start, but might add more.] And shoot, I didn't think of a ship name for me and not-bitty-Grillby. Hmm. Dragon Fire? HMM. I'm so bad at this OTZ
Grill Lover???? *snickers* I think Dragon Fire might be better who knows. I wish you luck on your drabbles too!!
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thatdragonsbitties · 5 years
After some time with Cyrus around the house, I was more comfortable with the thought of having a permanent companion around, especially one much smaller than me. I couldn't bring him with me everywhere, but when he couldn't I made sure he had everything he needed and a way to contact me. Magic is very useful, y'know. I enchanted some small gems from my hoard to act as “magical phones” in case of emergencies. It really helped make us feel more like friends, even family, instead of just two individuals living in proximity with each other.
I wasn't looking to add another to the mix, but lo and behold, I couldn't help being drawn to a bitty in need while going on a supply run to that same center, named Aiden. He had also been returned, being one of the “rougher” types called a “Grimby Grillbitty.” Seemed he had a habit of setting everything on fire, whether upset or just bored. Seeing others ignore him, bitties or patrons, made my heart ache for his sake. When I walked up and tried to converse to see if he had any adopters in the wings... he was less than receptive. Not that I could blame him, as this wasn't the first time he'd been brought back. Anyone would develop trust issues after that.
Like the first time, I couldn't stop thinking about it once I got home. Cyrus could tell something was on my mind, so I told him about what I'd seen. He didn't seem too thrilled about a bitty that destroyed things, but he didn't try to stop me from going back. The third time, he even came with, to meet the bitty himself. They didn't exactly get along, but either Cyrus' presence or my persistence seemed to get to Aiden. My next visit, he finally told me to either adopt him or stop coming by. So of course I brought him home.
It was a good thing I was prepared, because Aiden seemed almost to spite my attempts of kindness with his destructive habits. He burned curtains, melted some utensils, and left a few scorch marks on my blankets. But, I mean, I'm a dragon. A few burned things is nothing, and anything really important was fireproof. He also tried to tease Cyrus, but it only worked when he aimed the comments at me. Cyrus, the sweetheart, was quick to defend me from insults and accusations.
I don't know when exactly Aiden stopped trying to antagonize me and started actually opening up. But the major milestone was when, instead of sequestering himself away somewhere, he actually sat around in the kitchen as Cyrus and I made lunch... and told jokes. I hadn't taken him for a pun-lover, but he actually made me choke on laughter. I think what he really likes is having an audience, someone to give him attention and praise. He still likes to push buttons and boundaries, but, it's more lighthearted now. I guess something finally “sparked” his interest to be a part of the family.
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bittyuniverse · 4 years
Hello there! I’m not looking to adopt, but I was wondering if I could come offer hugs and loves to your bitties? I also have Hershey’s hugs for anyone who doesn’t like being touched by strangers.
The hugs are greatly appreciated. The bitties come out in droves to be hugged. Sans’, Papyrus’, and Grillbitties galore. All are hugged and loved and snuggled (and maybe pocketed a hug of another kind or two, those sneaky little Blues love their sweets).
The Meeks and Cherries are hugged under the very watchful eye of the Boss bitties, who accept your hugs with dignity when you tell them what great protectors they are. “Of course! Who better to look after them than such mighty bitties!” The Softbones sleep through the hug, though a few wake up long enough for a smooch on the nose. 
The Sansy, Blue, Papy, Teacup, and Punnys all clambor over you, looking for the snuggles. Wave after wave of snugglebuns (literally in the Punnys case) wash over you until you’re left with the more dignified and standoffish of the bitties. The Poppy and the Lil Bro accept the hugs with little fanfare, appreciative of the attention and then going back to looking after their respective charges. 
The Grillbitties are next, shy and sweet. The Gs are first, as they have a lot of work left to do! The Rays are next, followed by the Curly’s. Those shy, cuddly elementals would have hugged at they same time, but they’re opposites and that would be an awkward time keeping them apart. The nice calm ending to the regular hugs leads you to your biggest challenges: the Edgy and the Grimby.
The Edgys are little tsunderes, daring you to just TRY to pick them up. Baring their teeth. You are untroubled. Instead of snatching them up and cuddling them despite their insistence otherwise, you calmly set you hands down, and deposit a bunch of hugs. No invading their space. No expectations. Just a small gift. They’re bombarded by the bitties, of course, no use in wasting chocolate. As you turn to leave, one of them stops you by teleporting to a nearby stool. Waving the tinfoil to catch your attention, when you set your hand down, he looks away for a moment before giving your thumb a quick squeeze. He teleports away before you can say anything.
The Grimbys. Oh, boy, the Grimbys. The moment they see you enter their enclosure, they shoot a few bits of fire. Not enough to hurt, but to shock you into stopping short. They’ve been teasing the other bitties all day about the hugs (as much as they can get away with, anyway. They are called ‘Boss’ bitties for a reason). You continue walking. They shoot more fire, they’re screaming for you to stop, that you can’t be serious. But unlike the Edgy bitties, they don’t seem to have any ‘heat’ behind it. The attacks fall short, the words are stuttered, the insults fall flat. You are unhindered. You stop by every single Grimby you see and hand him a hug. No biting retorts or screaming returned in kind. Just steadfast kindness and calmness.
When you leave the adoption center to the goodbyes of the other bitties, you see the Grimbys haven’t touched their chocolate.
But they haven’t let go of them either. 
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bittyuniverse · 4 years
Hey can I adopt a lil bro? He seems c h i l l
You walk into the Bitty Universe adoption center. There’s quite a ruckus going on. Seems all of the shop is still dealing with the aftermath of sugar rushs brought on by Valentine sweets. The more energetic Papys and Baby Blues are zooming around the shop at mach speeds. They try to be careful and not crash into anything, but accidents happen.
The Boss’ and Poppys are being run ragged trying to assist Peng XingYu with them, as she’s got her hands full with the Edgys and Grimbys. Despite all insistence to the contrary, the love sweets, and coming down from the sugar rush has left them grumpier than usual. She looks incredibly warn out as she informs you that she’ll be with you in just a moment and gestures for you to wait in one of the many nooks around the shop.
This suits you just fine. You’re glad to be out of the way of the more energetic bitties currently resembling a sugar-fueled hurricane tearing through the shop. “Are they always like this on sugar?” You question, mostly to yourself. You’re startled to hear a “sometimes they’re like that off sugar too. and i’m not sugar-coating it.”
A quick cursory glance proves unfruitful. “over here, kiddo.” You look at your armrest and there’s a Lil Bro bitty on your arm, seemingly at home there. He gives you a quick wink before going back to watching the chaos. You chat for a while, learning that he tends to stay away from all the drama and chaos and simply “be”, and you decide this laid-back, easy-going bitty is perfect for your home.
You ask him if he’d like some company ignoring chaos and he nods approvingly. “My place or yours?” he asks, laughing. Instead of answering, you wave the shopkeeper over from her bitty-chasing to sign adoption papers.
(Congrats on your pal! Might want get him a jacket! Cuz he’s chill to the bone!)
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bittyuniverse · 4 years
A medium tin of cookies filled to the brim is delivered. It says”Happy late Valentines day, these are for you.”
“....?!” Peng XingYu looks left and right to see who would leave such delicious-looking cookies for her tiny shop. She smiles gratefully and accepts the gift. She’ll be sure to share these with the bitties later. Even the grumpy Boss’, tsundere Edgys, and incorrigible Grimbys would love these tasty treats.
(Thank you! uwu)
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