#hanul lui manuc
"Noi, cei care formăm obștea de acum, sub povățuirea Părintelui Iustin, ne-am străduit să-i adăugăm o dimensiune mărturisitoare, aceea de a trăi în mijlocul unui oraș tot mai golit de spiritualitate, urmând rânduiala monahală dintotdeauna și, în același timp, deschiși către timpul de acum, înțelegându-i și primindu-i pe cei care vin spre noi” (www.basilica.ro)
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lorinbraticevici · 2 years
Hanul lui Manuc: istorie, legende si curiozitati
Am descoperit unele detalii interesante despre Hanul lui Manuc si trebuie sa ti le relatez. Am cativa prieteni straini. Unii au fost deja in Bucuresti, iar altii inca nu au fost. Mereu insa ma intrebam ce locuri cool si traditionale sa le recomand. Pana acum 2 ani daca imi cereai o recomandare de restaurant romanesc, nu stiam sincer ce sa iti spun. Dar, desigur, acum stiu. Nu am descoperit eu…
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zvetenze · 1 year
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Hanul lui Manuc (Inn of Manuc), courtyard view with cerdac
Bucharest (Bucureşti), Romania
The Hanul lui Manuc, in Romania's capital, was constructed in 1808 by Manuc-bei (Emanuel Mărzaian), a Romanian-Armenian merchant. One enters the han through a gate to a courtyard onto which rooms face. The ground level rooms were for storage of goods and animals. The upper levels have open galleries and rooms for living and sleeping. A few bays enlarge the galleries to form a chardak (cerdac), or sitting area. Wooden stairways provide access to the uppermost level at these bays. The inn had numerous restorations and renovations but remains a hotel for travelers. (photo 2000)
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thefudge · 10 months
Hello! I believe you are Romanian?? Do you have any recommandations on what to see/do in Bucharest? (if you ever visited there??)
i am! and i have visited the capital quite a few times. i'm not an expert on Bucharest, since it's so big and there's so much to explore (i still have so much to see myself), but depending on how much time you have on your hands, here are some recs (and even a non-rec, you'll see lol):
the "Old Town", also known as "Centrul Vechi", there's some lovely belle epoque architecture, mixed in with some byzantine elements, west meets east kind of thing, really narrow detours and zig-zaggy alleys (you'll see this mixture throughout Bucharest: try the big, pretty boulevards like Calea Victoriei and Lipscani)
the Atheneum is also very pretty (near the Roman Square - "Piața Romană") and i'd also recommend the "Suțu Palace" (Palatul Suțu).
the "Village Museum" (Muzeul Satului), this really cool open-air museum all about traditional village life throughout the centuries in Romania, it's quite lovely
the National Art Museum (Muzeul Național De Artă) which is HUGE and wonderfully stocked, but you'll need like...almost a whole day to see all of it. the building is also really beautiful. if you have more time, you should also check out a smaller branch called "Muzeul Colecțiilor de Artă" (museum of art collections), where you'll find really interesting art donated by important Romanian families
definitely try to see the Stavropoleos Monastery, one of the oldest places in the city. it is a jewel. you'll love it there (and it's right next to the national history museum). if you visit Romania there will be no shortage of churches and monasteries to see. i'm def biased but we have some of the most beautiful monasteries in the world. you'll see a lot of cool churches/monasteries in Bucharest.
"Hanul Lui Manuc" (Manuc's Inn) is one of those big historical sites you should cover (and it's also a restaurant!); it's a very old inn going back to the beginning of the 19th century and some fascinating stuff went down between its walls (we were still under Ottoman rule when it was built, and it hosted an important peace treaty between the Ottomans and the Russians). i haven't dined there in ages, but i hear the food's still good!
you should check out some of the big parks like Cișmigiu and Herăstrau. there's also this tinier park i'm really fond of called IOR (also called Titan), but that's if you have more days to spare.
on that note, and because this is turning into an eclectic list, try to get to "Lacul Morii" if you can (literally the "mill lake"); it's this lovely and eerie lake that has this very 'abandoned Greek temple' feel to it, due to the architecture and the wilder vegetation on its one island/peninsula (called the island of angels). if you're into spooky/eerie vibes, i highly recommend it, since in order to engineer this lake, a church and a cemetery had to be demolished during the communist regime and uhhh, you definitely feel a vibe when you walk around that area.
speaking of communism, there will be plenty of museums and national houses that you can visit which will tell you about that era in Romanian history if you're interested, but err, you can see it as you walk around town; the eastern bloc soviet architecture is everywhere in the city planning and the grey apartment blocks. most towns in Romania have this overlapping architectural style and most of us have a hate/love relationship to it. since Bucharest is one of the safest capitals in Europe, you can explore neighborhoods and streets outside the big tourist centers, just to get a taste of that. you'll see really lavish streets, and then really industrial-looking, kinda grundgy areas and sometimes there will be combos of really old and really new, or really beautiful and really ugly. it has its own charm. don't stray too far tho
i'd recommend using the pretty good subway system to get to various places (buses and trams are usually super-packed and while there's not so much pickpocketing going on here as in, say, a much more touristy place like Rome, it helps to be vigilant). if you use the subway system, try to see the "Piața Romană" platform (in sector 1) because it's one of the strangest subway platforms in the world. it was basically built in secret during communism, because the dictator's wife didn't understand the purpose of that particular area having a subway line, and so the architects and engineers had to do a very hush-hush hatchet job, which resulted in a place with really narrow platforms and this unique look to it. it has those eerie/spooky vibes i love
DON'T, imo, waste your time on the Parliament Palace, infamously known as "Casa Poporului" (the people's house). you'll hear a lot about this building and how it's the second largest in the world, but it's an ugly behemoth that Ceaușescu had built out of mania and ego and the city and ppl suffered for it. it's the most ironic name you could give a parliament building. it's ugly and lame. skip it.
there are many other places to see, but last thing i'll mention here if you can swing it is the newly refurbished Marmorosch Blank Bank, which is now a hotel & restaurant. it's jaw-dropping, gorgeous kitsch and super bougie and expensive, but if you can look around it's worth it.
anyway, hope you have fun and that you get smth out of the experience! (don't worry about language hick-ups, btw, a lot of Romanians, especially younger ppl, know pretty good English)
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bestravelvideo · 2 months
Discover Hanul lui Manuc, a historical landmark that is more than a restaurant in Bucharest, Romania. Originally built in 1808, it was a caravanserai, offering shelter and amenities to travelers.
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semnebune · 3 months
Centrul nu se mai susține. Ceea ce ne desparte, Vasile Ernu, Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu
Scriam în 2015 pe Facebook despre volumul de corespondență Ceea ce ne desparte. Epistolarul de la Hanul lui Manuc, de Vasile Ernu și Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu: M-am trezit de la șapte și am terminat cartea aceasta – cred că e a treia care chiar mi-a plăcut, în decurs de vreo opt luni -, pe care vi-o recomand și insist să nu renunțați după primele nu-știu-câte pagini și să mergeți până la capăt. E…
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stireazileiuk · 2 years
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Povestea lui Manuc, unul dintre cei mai vestiţi moşieri din Balcani. Cum a devenit celebru hanul pe care l-a ridicat
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Bucuresti - Hanul lui Manuc, 1860
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atsoukalidis · 4 years
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Hanul lui Manuc
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laivinduroriginal · 4 years
Basarabia 1812. Cum a ajuns teritoriul dintre Prut şi Nistru sub stăpânire rusească.
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Basarabia a ajuns prima dată pe mâna ruşilor în anul 1812. Acest teritoriu făcea parte din Moldova românească şi a fost scos la mezat de stăpânii turci în hanul unui negustor bogat din Bucureşti. Imediat după ocuparea Basarabiei, a început rusificarea provinciei. Basarabia, astăzi Republica Moldovenească, a fost o parte a provinciei istorice româneşti, Moldova.
Iniţial întemeiată de voievozii…
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patfurstenberg · 5 years
Looking UP: Street Lamps from Bucharest, Romania #travel #pictures
Looking UP: Street Lamps from Bucharest, Romania. This past holiday I chose to look up, towards the sun, the sky and the buildings' roofs. I discovered surprising sights. With intricate designs, they border past and present. Which side will you choose?
This past holiday I chose to look up, towards the sun, the sky and the buildings’ roofs. I discovered some surprising sights that put a smile on my face and sparked my writer’s brain (or so I liked to imagine).
An old-style street light in Bucharest, on Lipscani Street, guarding the border between new and old – image by @PatFurstenberg
Also bordering past and present – which side would you…
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barsand · 4 years
Pacea de la Bucureşti
Pacea de la Bucureşti
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Hanul lui Manuc
S-a întâmplat în 16 mai 1812, 16/28: S-a semnat „Pacea de la Bucureşti” (care încheia războiul ruso-turc din anii 1806-1812), în urma căreia ţinutul dintre Prut şi Nistru (asupra căruia administraţia rusă a extins numele de Basarabia, dat anterior numai părţii de sud a acestui teritoriu) a fost anexat de Rusia.
Pacea dintre rusi si turci semnata la Bucuresti in luna mai…
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traveltourstrips · 4 years
New Post has been published on Lutars Turizm
New Post has been published on https://www.lutarsturizm.com/eski-kenti-ziyaret-bir-limonata-dahil.html
Eski Kenti Ziyaret - Bir Limonata Dahil
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Özel binaları ve tarihi anıtları arasında Bükreş’in eski merkezinde yürüyüş turu. Ünlü teraslardan birinde limonata tadını çıkarın.
Eski Kenti Ziyaret – Bir Limonata Dahil
Öne çıkanlar
Ünlü tarihi Manuc’s Inn’e ve önemli tarihi esere bakın
Lipscani Caddesi ve 1833’te inşa edilmiş etkileyici bir bina olan Linden Inn’i keşfedin
Eski Princely Sarayı ve Aziz Anton Kilisesi ile Eski Princely Mahkemesi’ni keşfedin
Tam açıklama
Tur, Eski Kent’teki en iyi turistik mekanları ziyaret etmeyi içerir. Manuc’s Inn (Hanul lui Manuc) – ünlü tarihi han, turun ilk turistik mekanıdır. Daha sonra, neoklasik ve neo-barok tarzda inşa edilmiş etkileyici tarihi binalara hayran kalacaksınız ve her biri hakkında detayları bulacaksınız. Yakınında Eski Princely Sarayı (Curtea Veche) ile Eski Princely Sarayı (Palatul Voievodal) – Vlad the Impaler’ın eski evi ve Bükreş’teki en eski kilise olan St. Anton Kilisesi (Biserica Sfantul Anton) bulunmaktadır. Burada 500 yıldan daha uzun bir süre önce inşa edilmiş bu eski yerin tarihi hakkında tüm sırları öğrenin.
Eski Kent birçok teras, kafe, restoran ve mağaza ile ünlüdür. Lipscani Caddesi’ne ulaştığınızda, 1833’te inşa edilmiş etkileyici bir bina olan Linden Inn’e (Hanul cu Tei) hayran olabilirsiniz. Rehberimiz hakkında bilgi alacağınız bir limonata molası için güzel teraslardan birinde duracaksınız. Bükreş’teki eğlence, kültür ve gastronomi hakkında şehrin gizli atraksiyonları.
Yürüyüş turu yaklaşık 300 yıl önce “Brancovenesc” tarzında inşa edilen Stavropoleos Kilisesi’ne (Biserica Stavropoleos) devam ediyor. Tur, Bükreş’in diğer önemli yerlerini bulacağınız Victory Caddesi’nde (Calea Victoriei) devam ediyor ve turu bitirmek için Manuc’s Inn’de döneceksiniz.
Neler dahil?
Bir limonata
Hariç olanlar
Giriş biletleri
Kişisel harcamalar (hediyelik eşya, yemek vb.)
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elftkgz · 5 years
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Guzel bir yemek bütün yorgunluğu alır derler 😊 (Hanul Lui Manuc) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-TtPPJhyV/?igshid=1adrforq4qxwj
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semnebune · 7 years
„Hanul lui Manuc” de Simona Antonescu [fragment]
„Hanul lui Manuc” de Simona Antonescu [fragment]
Al treilea roman al Simonei Antonescu ne poartă cu două veacuri în urmă, în Principatele Române. De data aceasta, remitizarea istoriei nu doar însufleţeşte destine individuale, ci dă viaţă şi tensiune unor evenimente cruciale de mult arhivate. Această călătorie de şase ani în perioada războiului ruso-turc, terminat cu pierderea Basarabiei, este o autentică evadare în trecut.
Pe moşiile Ţării…
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nicolacocina · 5 years
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#hanulluimanuc #bucarest (presso Hanul Lui Manuc) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx1-txNoc6x/?igshid=145hrcg0x5f4j
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