#he also makes fun of miles edgeworth daily
venomouschocolate · 1 year
remembering my "stoner kristoph au" (apollo justice roleswap au) in which kristoph's first words are "what the fuck?" and he wears platforms he stole from klavier and he unironically googles whether smoking weed will help with broken ribs
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wowowwild · 1 year
Ok so I've played through all of the first game now so I'm just going to ramble on for a bit. I was previously familiar with all but the last case.
Tbh if you don't go in a wrightworth shipper you aren't very likely to come out as one. The first game has it's moments, but I'm hoping the following games are more concrete bc I wouldn't want wrightworth to be athing at this juncture. Miles has too much personal development going on, he's not ready for that. Also, different than I was expecting: Miles seems more into Phoenix than vice versa and I thought it would be the other way around. Phoenix has that undying optimism for Miles (which may be hurting their case actually), but it's not convincing as romantic interest for me. Not that I would say it's impossible he's interested, it just hasn't developed much yet.
I like the overall theme/lens to view through of leaving, being left, and choosing to stay (my personal interpretation, and I am in now way writing a complete thesis paper here).
The first instance is in Mia's death. You could argue Phoenix's choosing to stay starts with Larry, but I think Mia's death is where it really takes off. Mia's death is a consequence of her choosing to stay (she chose her patch and stuck to it), and the consequence of her death is leaving. Phoenix and Mays are the most notable of those left behind. Phoenix is the one with the power in this situation and he chooses to stay (with Maya). He consistently chooses to stay with Miles, his belief unwavering.
We learn that Miles left and is choosing at first to stay leaving. In the Powers case he seems to be beginning to be choosing to stay and makes the decision more thoroughly during his own trials. His decision to stay with Phoenix and his morals. At the end (we all know what happens next) he chooses to stay by leaving.
At the end of Miles' cases, Maya leaves, but her leaving is really more about staying. She is leaving now so she can stay later, more staying by leaving.
Ema and Lana have the benefit of doing the leaving staying arc over the course of a single case. Lana left her morals and subsequently her sister but Ema chose to stay and so Lana had a place to come back to. Ema assures her during the trial that no matter what they'll still be sisters and showing once again she is staying. Had Ema chose to leave, Lana would be in jail and their relationship would never recover. Had Lana chosen to stay leaving the result would be much the same.
Rip to Gummy in RFtA. Phoenix is constantly roasting him, the guy (temporarily) loses his job, he has the worst timing imaginable. Love my boy.
I really like Angel Starr and Jake Marshall. They're such compelling characters and their gimmicks are fun. I feel like no one talks about them but at some point in the future expect many reblogs featuring them (idk when anything will pop out of my queue, it's got close to 500 in it so i keep having to up how many it posts daily)
Phoenix really sets up the 'Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death' with his 'you can either let what happened kill the prosecutor in you or let it grow' paraphrasing obviously bc I cannot be bothered to find the exact words but I knew as soon as I saw it.
I need someone to get Larry some help. idk if anyone can help him, but someone ought to try.
Not actually related to my playthrough but I got a 'let the parrot take the stand' shirt and it's my nee favorite article of clothing.
I don't have any other thoughts off the top of my head so that's it for now, but my other statements i started live blogging are under (#game posting) and I have decided I will continue to live blog as I go through JFA
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heliological · 4 months
end of 2023 fanworks recs
Inspired by @inimitablereel, here are some fanworks posted this year that I liked. They're a wild mix of fandoms and not in any order, enjoy
[fic] Well I hate to say it, Edgeworth, but this could have been an email by I_Met_A_Girl (Ace Attorney, 1.6k) strong contender for best fanfic title 2k23. I love it when timeskip narumitsu is awkward and terrible <3 miles edgeworth is uncomfortable to be around <3
[vid] I got mine by inimitablereel (DMBJ) PANGZI VID. VID OF ALL TIME TO ME. I can't be coherent about it bc I am just overcome with love for pangzi whenever I see it!!! he's a badass…he cooks dinner…iron triangle bumping their heads together…what more could you need
[animatic] Partizan anime fanvid by fanyeline (FatT) I have watched this on loop an unreal number of times. i love gur's spooky ghost spider robot eyes and the "my baby's got a gun" section (balence...)
[fic] Ready for Love by idiopathicsmile (Singin' in the Rain, 13k) If you're reading this post and you haven't already read this fic, what are you doing? who doesn't need Singin' in the Rain ot3 in their life
[fic? ttrpg] Poisonous Pilfering - A Qi Ye TTRPG by deepestbluesky (Qi Ye, 1.2k) Always a big fan of ttrpgs as a fan work. this is a very cute and silly one where you play as Wu Xi's sable and possibly other animals
[vid] brave as a noun and stabbed to death outside san juan by antediluvianapocalypse (RGU) antediluvianapocalypse makes utena amvs at a absolutely wild pace and they also cater deeply to my personal music taste with their song choices. love what they are bringing to the table. these two (about shiori and saionji respectively) stuck with me
[vid] Puberty is….Weird by keiichiface (Mob Psycho 100) Cheekface vid!!!! big year for people making vids to obscure artists I like. this one's a delight though, great tonal match with mp100 and incorporating dogs from other anime is a super funny solution to the problem of how many of the lyrics are about dogs
[fic] this diary belongs to Clementine Kesh by meowclops (FatT, 1.2k) god's greatest mistake and a very special girl writes a diary very sporadically throughout her childhood (relatable.) The edited images/handwriting/little kid drawings add so much to this, it's really fun
[vid] 4:00am (lord give me one more chance) by mimikyuno utena and pmmm is always a good combo and this amv found so many neat visual parallels. super pretty, sometimes u just gotta be a teen lesbian and destroy the world
[vid] You Belong With Me by Lil' Apple (The Untamed) moving. powerful.
(vaguely ghost trick spoilers idk maybe) I feel like fanart doesn't normally doesn't make it into these types of lists bc it tends to be a little more ephemeral but I do also want to shout out this ghost trick art by tumblr user timestables bc I think about it daily
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monimolimnion · 1 year
⭐ for kindred!!
Ask is from the ⭐director's cut ask meme! tysm astri i had so much fun yammering about this \o/ ♡
some general tidbits:
Pess Edgeworth as she is in Kindred has an entire google doc explaining her genotype and phenotype, for what she looks like in the fic, because i am an Insufferable Nerd. here it is you're welcome
Kindred's writing and planning was actually split into 2 google docs; since I had such a big hiatus in the middle, and I have weird feelings about editing a doc if it's sat untouched for a long time (no idea why???) I started another one for [redacted] planning and post-hiatus writing come ch8.
I also had an entire spreadsheet for date and time math because otherwise i could not hold it all in my tiny peanut brain
Here's the story of why I made Kindred a casefic ;)
I had the Vibes for Kindred, and the eventual endpoint, in my head very early on. I knew I wanted a slow, soft, slow-burn, very character-focused and driven fic where I could zoom right in on what adopting a dog is actually like, and how that would interplay with Miles' brain and his past, and inflict some character development on him whether he liked it or not. That was beginning and midplot sorted. But the climax and ending worried me - I had a very certain feeling I couldn't do the Whole fic with just Pess' adoption as the inciting incident. This proved true when writing ch7 got very difficult - I was nearing a change in structure but I also sort of just ran out of things to talk about that fell in line with the daily format and mood of the fic. (Besides the Maya call. that's still one of my favourite parts of the entire thing) I couldn't keep going without zooming the fic out in time from day-to-day to likely the whole rest of the disbarment, bc lbr it'd take that long for Mies' adjustment in behaviour to bleed out from his relationship with Pess to his other relationships. And I knew that allowing the action to peter out in this way would probably make the bottom fall out of the end of the fic, when it should really be ratcheting tighter (which is something I'm VERY proud of in how Kindred turned out. plot tension is not something ive been excellent at in the past but I really got the effect I was going for in the end I think). I also had a dangling question I hadn't solved - where did Pess come from? Borzois are hardly common in America OR Japan, let alone Japanifornia, and it's highly unlikely to just trip over one in a shelter. There had to be something else - she'd been put there for a reason, and not by chance. (You can see where this is going).
The turning point: a cricket game.
I am not someone who enjoys Sports. but unfortunately i am Australian, and we are batshit for cricket, so it was on against my will in the background as i noodled on my brainstorming doc. all of a sudden I hear one of the umpires referred to by the commentators and sit bolt upright. "Is his name fucking Rifle?" I ask my dad with pure incredulity. "Yeah," he says, mildly annoyed and not at all realising why that is the coolest shit in the world and I am losing my mind. Turns out the guy has been around forever, actually used to play on the international team, and that's probably old news to anyone who actually follows cricket, but his name is Paul Reiffel and that was the funniest shit in the world to me. I immediately thought ...someone has to write a casefic using that name. ...what if it was me. ......what if kindred turned into a casefic. UH OH
Was scared shitless and not certain on actually doing that but I started planning it anyway, even if a casefic is the opposite of things in writing that I'm actually good at. (Remembering exact details and arranging a crime scene and alibis? amazed i made it through with only a 1 year hiatus. it should have taken me an entire lifetime) Pess being actually involved in the case (spoilers) wasn't in the works from the very start, but it did come into play very early because using that as a way to resolve All the plot threads was just a no-brainer.
extract of the exact moment my brain exploded about that:
Tumblr media
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
Hey, so, it's the horrible nerd anon who sent you the overlong Klavier and Edgeworth brainvomit - would you like to talk about Pess? BC boy do I have "Miles the cat-shaped human who's actually a dog person" headcanon shit. Dogs (and other tactile and loving companion animals) are good for human noggins, just like tea is, and it really does makes sense that a Miles who's rebuilding himself as a person after putting DL-6 in the past and Manfred on death row would get a dog. (cont., sorry!)
I imagine Pess as a collie, maybe short-haired for California? Super smart, affectionate, and also with serious intellectual and physical needs. Also beautiful, with soulful eyes and noble faces. This is a "as recommended by your therapist" breed (he's not getting a Lab, bc Miles's therapist actually does like him). Collies need exercise and attention, and Miles the workaholic needs someone/thing to break his routine and pace his days. External motivation works well for Edgeworth! (cont'd.)
So. Picture quiet-and-intense Miles Edgepants, with his pet collie who's also his service dog when they're both on the clock. Pess has a dog bed under his desk at the Office, and a hilarious collection of cool-weather shirts (incl. Christmas sweaters). Miles is not a morning person, but they go on a run every AM to burn off some of her energy + lunchtime & afternoon walks. Pess makes him create healthy non-work-focused routines and Get Out. And, y'know, companionship and fun. OK I'm done, sorry!
HELLO NOT-HORRIBLE NERD ANON there is absolutely no need for you to apologize!
I unfortunately do not know much about dogs but I do love Miles being a dog person which shocks everyone because he behaves like an angry kitty on a daily basis... but yes, Miles having an at least semi-official therapy dog who will force him to take breaks and keep a routine and take care of himself in the process is so great!! 
I feel like he would eventually morph into one of those “My Dog Is My Baby” people. Pess ends up as Miles’ favourite child... actually in a discord server I’m in, we were talking about a situation where people at the prosecutor’s office know that Miles has a daughter and also a dog, but mixes up Kay and Pess, because Miles will talk about Pess like “my sweet little angel passed her test with flying colours yesterday” (it’s a therapy dog training test or something) meanwhile talks about Kay like “I don’t know HOW but she managed to fall in some sort of mud puddle and then tracked it all over the house”
Either way the concept of Pess is one of the best things Shu Takumi ever did... even if only in an interview... 
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iturbide · 4 years
Ask memes are always fun. Can I please ask 18 and 30? Thank you.
Of course you can! ❤
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Oh gosh this is tough because honestly there are a lot of little things I’m proud of across my works but let’s start here because this never seems to get attention despite it being one of my favorite things about Future Built chapter 15:
“Where do you want me?”
The tactician whirled as Chrom shouldered his way through the crowd with sword in hand.  “I want you with the rest of the injured,” Robin hissed.
“I’m not leaving you to this fight alone,” the prince said.
“In your condition, going into battle is suicide.”
“The healers said I was free to move about camp--”
“There’s a difference between daily activities and a godsdamn war, Chrom.”
“I’m the captain--”
“And I’m your tactician, so listen to me when I say keep back.”
“Chrom, I swear on Grima’s bones if you don’t keep back in this fight I will drag you back and tie you down.”
The prince stared as the tactician struggled to rein in his emotions.  “Did you just threaten me?”
“Will it convince you to listen if I say yes?”
The captain raised an eyebrow.
Robin is normally a master of his own emotions, preferring to push them down so that he can think through things.  The whole incident in the Plegia Castle Courtyard had a big impact on him, though, and Chrom’s apparent disregard for his own health and safety isn’t helping his attempts at keeping his cool.  But the big thing is really his oath: despite growing up in Ferox, Robin was still raised Grimleal by his mother, and she didn’t shy away from swearing in heated moments (’for Grima’s sake’ was a favorite when she was exasperated).  To her, making an oath on Grima’s bones was an indelible promise, and something she did not use lightly; even before coming to Ylisse, Robin treated it with similar gravity, and after crossing the border he was especially careful to keep more suspect language like that to himself. 
In that moment, though?  He is dead serious about keeping Chrom out of further danger, and needs a way to express that.  So even though he’s keeping his voice low to avoid anyone else hearing, he makes that oath on Grima’s bones, clear proof that he’s not messing around here -- and Chrom, who has never heard Robin speak Grima’s name when they weren’t completely alone, recognizes the gravity of that choice and wisely backs down.
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future. 
I have too many AUs.  Also too many WiPs, which is a related issue.  There are a ton of longfics that I want to write at some point, but why not dig deep: for every fandom I engage in, I tend to have a single magnum opus that I pour a frankly absurd amount of love and care into.  They tend to be monsters -- Future Built is my Awakening opus, for example -- and bundle up a lot of things that I find important or meaningful.  One of my very first fandoms was actually Ace Attorney, and someday I intend to go back to that fandom and write my opus, since I’ve been sitting on the concept for literal years now but haven’t gotten all the necessary details hashed out like profiles, evidence, etc.  It was actually inspired by another fic I read and took issue with -- I wasn’t fond of how they portrayed Miles Edgeworth, for one, and the conceit of Phoenix getting tried for Edgeworth’s murder hinged on that (in my view flawed) characterization -- so I decided to write something in a similar vein that fixed what seemed so off to me...which meant a complete role reversal, and ends up with Maya having to defend Edgeworth in court when he’s accused of murdering Phoenix Wright.  Although it’s nowhere near ready to write yet, I do have at least a general plot progression, a ton of planned scenes, and a title -- ‘Crime of Passion’ because if I’m gonna write a story about lawyers you bet I’m gonna go ham on legal terminology.
Behind the Scenes Asks
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science-doyourstuff · 5 years
Tagged in a meme by @seventhdoctor, let's do this!
Relationship status: In a relationship for 9 1/2 years. We both broke as fuck though, so marriage is off the table for the forseeable future.
Favorite color: Red! The deeper the better.
Top Three ships: I'm not a shippy person per se - I enjoy it, but have plenty of fun without it - but here are the three ships I'm most into:
1. Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright: They just have such great chemistry! I adore mutual pining and mutual "saving each-other from tragedy". I also love ships where they both have reason to think the other wouldn't return their feelings, when they do. I also adore ships that adopt a kid. Checks all my boxes.
2. Abraham Burden and Liam Ferohn-Gau: The drug I've been hitting lately. A secret agent and a rebel leader who hunt eachother in a timeloop that cycles eternally. Abraham is so desperately in love with Liam that he fails to kill him at every quantum opportunity. Liam is such a stupid mother fucker that he inevitably murder-suicides the both of them to lock them together in a time loop instead of moving forward alone - permanently fucking over the entire quantum universe. Ahh, drink in that sweet, sweet nectar of suffering.
3. Yukari and Sora Wakanae: From an old-ass manga. Two trans parents who have been married for 20 years raising their genderqueer child. The kind of relationship I aspire to have - old as fuck, but still going strong. I would die for them.
Lipstick or Chapstick: Lipstick. Worth the dysphoria to make my lips look like I drink blood daily.
Last Song: Ever Fallen in Love by Pete Yorn. I was shocked to learn that this cover was made just for Shrek 2 and it's a shame it never got an album release elsewhere, because it rules and it's not on Spotify. :(
Last Movie: Unfortunately I think it was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I am on a quest to find the greatest of children's media. My quest... continues.
Tagging: If you want to do this, go ahead and say I tagged you!
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