#hideyoshi toyotomi
shatcey · 6 months
Why haven't I done this before?…
Finally, I decided to read the stories from his perspective which you can get from gacha.
It's so cute and... so adorable…
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So far the most memorable was full love bonus from Nobunaga.
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I really love Nobunaga. He seems completely different when you read the stories from his perspective. A genius indeed.
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ginshoujo · 8 months
Ikesen thoughts again you know how people say that mitsuhide( and also Hideyoshi’s) route are like Mitsuhide x mc x Hideyoshi I feel like people don’t give enough attention to a similar dynamic with yukimura x mc x Sasuke in Sasukes route. They are hilarious and so wholesome and adorable
Dont mind ma fangirling brain taking out mc in the equation
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See what I mean
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Yeah thats all.
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nuttytani · 7 months
Suddenly thinking about how one day, the azuchi castle warlords turn into kids. Now mai and the other castle workers have to look after super hyperactive and naughty children. The castle is in an uproar because
1) lord nobunaga is trying climb the stove to get his sugar candies and hideyoshi is trying to pull him down. Danger danger! Because they're in a kitchen. With a stove that was recently burning.
2) masamune is riding his pet tiger while dragging his long sword. Without the scabbard. Then he goes to the kitchen because something sounds fun! He finds nobunaga and hideyoshi doing whatever they were doing. Anyways, being the hype man (kid) that masamune is, he spurs nobunaga to "get those sugar candies!!! You can do it!!!"
3) Ieyasu tries to lick wasabi. Does not end up well, he accidentally rubs it around his eyes and is now crying. Mistunari tries his best to help him but is pushed away (not on purpose, Ieyasu can't see what's happening due to all the tears). Poor boy falls on his back and is crying too.
4) Mitsuhide tries to eat the hydrangeas in the garden. And the leaves. Thankfully a maid finds him and makes him spit it out.
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yuris-childhood · 7 months
Plot twist--
Mitsuhide knew the answer but still chose to give the wrong one. Masamune picked up his cue and follow on. Mitsunari was just confused.
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butchered-cherry · 4 months
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i can’t believe i never even posted this here when it’s literally my pfp
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ikemen-obssessed · 8 months
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my man’s tea is NOT bad enough for y’all to agree on something and mitsuhide shut yo ass you don’t even have taste buds
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writingwhimsey · 6 months
Congrats on your milestone!!!! 🥹🎊🎉 May I request a crack fic with Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi (or your warlords of choice) Body Swap or Roommates? 😂Sorry Hideyoshi 😅🙏🏻
Sorry this one took so long, but well...oh this one was fun! Also... it MAY have gotten a little on the long side *cough* 3500 words *cough* I hope you enjoy! Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide body swap crack for the win!
A Wish Gone Awry
Hideyoshi glared at Mitsuhide as he held him against one of the castle walls. Mitsuhde, looked unaffected as always, giving Hideyoshi a teasing silver smile. “Oh, Hideyoshi I had no idea you felt so strongly about me.”
“One of these days you’re going to have to let me in.” Hideyoshi replied, still angry. “I will find out your secrets and if it’s anything I don’t like…”
The chatelaine sighed as she watched the exchange. “Can you two stop already?” She asked as she came up to them, putting a hand on each of them and trying to force them apart. “We’re all on the same side, so let’s just not try to hurt each other okay.”
Hideyoshi sighed as he released Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide just smiled as he brushed his robes back into place. “You really don’t need to worry about this.” Hideyoshi told her, patting her head in that brotherly way of his.
“Yes little mouse. One would think you’d be used to seeing us like this by now.” Mitsuhide replied, that cheshire smile on his face.
“Well, I don’t like seeing my friends fighting.” She replied, glaring at them both. “Unless this is some kinda weird foreplay for the two of you, I don’t wanna see it again.”
Hideyoshi blinked as he looked at her. “W-what…”
Mitsuhide practically doubled over laughing. “Oh, little mouse, you are so entertaining.” He told her. “I haven’t laughed like that…in a long time.”
She just glared at the two of them, doing her best impression of Hideyoshi’s scold face. “Just TRY to get along will you?!” She was then walking off in a huff.
Later that night, the chatelaine sat out on the veranda outside her room after a bath. Her mind kept wandering to Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide even as she looked up at the stars. As she gazed up, her eyes found a shooting star. Though it seemed childish, she closed her eyes and made a wish on that star.
“I wish Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide could understand each other and learn to get along better.” She whispered to herself. She did not know that her little wish would kick off events that would cause chaos the likes of which she had never dreamed could exist.
The next morning…
Hideyoshi woke and stretched early in the morning. He had been up late the previous night…having to stop Lord Nobunaga from eating too much konpeito…and then having to find another hiding place for it.
Hideyoshi sat up and let out a yawn before rubbing his eyes. He honestly felt even more tired than he thought he would. His neck ached in a way that suggested he had been looking over reports instead of making the castle rounds.
Slowly, his senses came to him and that was when the familiar scent of incense tickled his nose. It wasn’t the usual sandal wood and tobacco scent that filled his room. No this scent…it was the incense Mitsuhide burned.
Hideyoshi’s bleary eyes instantly came into focus the room around him suddenly sharp and clear. “This…this isn’t…this is Mitsuhide’s manor…how in the eight hells am I here?”
The door was sliding open then and Kyubei entered. “My lord, what are you doing in bed? This isn’t like you.”
Hideyoshi blinked. “What…what are you talking about?” He asked. “This…this is some kind of joke isn’t it?”
Kyubei sighed. “My lord, this is exactly why I am always telling you to take better care of yourself.”  He said. “I’ll have the maids get you breakfast together.” He was then leaving.
Hideyoshi was getting up and running over to the desk and picking up a hand mirror. He looked into it and found Mitsuhide’s face staring back at him. “That…that bastard! I don’t know what he did, but I know this was his doing somehow.”
Meanwhile MItsuhide…
Mitsuhide woke with what appeared to be a pounding headache. He was no stranger to discomfort, but it was usually an aching back or neck from sitting up all night looking over reports and sending out letters. This…this felt like stress.
It was then that Mitsuhide was hit with a familiar scent…sandalwood and tobacco. “My, my…” He murmured as his eyes opened. “How did I end up here?” It was surprising to him that as he spoke, he didn’t hear his own voice, but Hideyoshi’s.
“Curious.” He muttered before getting up and looking down at himself. His hands weren’t his own…the body wrapped in a green night robe and not the familiar lithe frame he was used to, but bulkier. He was then picking up a hand mirror when he was ready to test out the theory that had already been forming in his mind.
“Well, well what an interesting turn of events.” He mused as he looked at the reflection showing Hideyoshi’s face.
A maid was coming in then, carrying a tray. “I have your breakfast ready Lord Hideyoshi.” She said, bowing. “The princess is already here trying to get Lord Mitsunari to eat his breakfast. She said that was something she didn’t want you to have to worry about.”
Right…Hideyoshi’s motherhen nature. And our little seamstress trying to help everyone else. He thought to himself. “Yes, yes that is just like her. Thank you.” He said.
The maid seemed surprised by the manner in which Mitsuhide spoke to her, but bowed. “Well… if you need anything just let me know.” She replied before bowing and exiting.
“Oh right, Hideyoshi talks to his maids more.” Mitsuhide mused. “Oh well…of course this is an opportunity I cannot afford to waste.”
Hideyoshi, in Mitsuhide’s body was scouring the castle for that sly kitsune in a Hideyoshi suit. I have to find myself. He thought as he searched everywhere. He had gotten ready and headed out to his own manor as quickly as possible, but was told Lord Hideyoshi has already left for the day.
“Ugh, I have to find that bastard.” Hideyoshi muttered under his breath, still having a hard time believing that every time he spoke it was Mitsuhide’s voice he heard instead of his own.
“It’s been hours…and he;s not even TRYING.” Hideyoshi muttered as he continued to look through the castle for Mitsuhide.
Hideyoshi turned at the sound of the princess’s voice. “Oh….uh…”
She smiled at him. “I hear you’ve been looking for Hideyoshi. You aren’t going to provoke him again are you?” She asked.
“Of course not.” Hideyoshi answered, a frown on his face…er Mitsuhide’s face. Wait…that wasn’t a very Mitsuhide-like answer. He thought. He groaned internally. “I…I mean why ever would I do that?” Hideyoshi replied, doing his best to think like Mitsuhide.
The princess gave him a funny look. “Are you feeling okay, Mitsuhide?” She asked.
“Yes, perfectly fine.” Hideyoshi answered, still having a hard time answering to that name.
“You know, you both really do work too hard.” She said, a concerned look on her face. “I think you’re both a lot more alike than you realize…I just wish you two would get along.”
Hideyoshi felt guilty looking into her eyes. She really was so kind and caring…that’s why he wanted to look out for her. “Do you know where Mit…I mean Hideyoshi is?”
“Last I saw him he was headed into town.” She answered him, her eyes still holding concern.
“Did he mention where he was going?”
The princess shook her head. “No. He seemed to be in a rush though…the maids have said he’s not acting like himself.”
Hideyoshi nodded. Well of course not. Because I’m him and he’s me! He then let out a small sigh. “I wish I could help, but I must be off. I have to find him.” Then without thinking he lifted a hand to pat her head as he always did.
The princess looked up at him with wide eyes. “Mitsu…hide…?”
Hideyoshi let out an awkward cough…once again a not very Mitsuhide-like thing, but he couldn’t think about that right now…also he hated lying and deceit. “I just…thought you looked like…you were missing your big brother.” He said…yes that sounded like something Mitsuhide would say.
“Well…I am…but…it’s weird when you do it…” She replied, though something in her eyes said that the gesture still felt the same. Almost as if she could detect the truth.
“Well…I’ll see you later.” He said before quickly hurrying off. He didn’t want her to know. This wasn’t something that needed to get out.
Hideyoshi made his way into town guilt riddling him at how he left the princess looking…and to top it off he knew he was supposed to take her into town shopping later. That might have been one of the reasons she had looked so sad and concerned. He loved taking her shopping and spoiling her.
“I’ll just have to make it up to her another time.” He thought as he continued through the town. I have to think…where would Mistuhide go upon finding out he was in MY body?
Hideyoshi’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone crying. Hideyoshi, though he was in Mitsuhide’s body, couldn’t help himself from being himself. He made his way over to the sound of the crying and that was where he found several familiar faces…all women he considered friends in the town.
“Excuse me ladies, what seems to be the matter?” He asked.
The women looked up at him, surprise in their eyes. “Oh, Lord Mitsuhide…” Sodoko said. “We… pardon us…it’s nothing.”
“Have you ladies…seen Hideyoshi by any chance?” He asked, almost hesitantly.
“Oh that…ugh…yes we’ve seen him.” Another of the women answered, her voice sounding angry.
“Is…is he why you’re all so upset?”
Sodoko and the other women exchanged a look before she spoke up. “Yes…he was… he was being rather mean. Normally he is kind when refuting our offers…but he practically ignored us all. It’s just…it’s not like him.”
Hideyoshi groaned once again. I knew that damn kitsune would be ruining my reputation. “I’ll make sure to find him and straighten him out for you ladies.” Hdieyoshi said. “I am so sorry for what he has done.” He was then handing them all handkerchiefs he happened to carry before walking off.
The women were all staring after him in utter confusion.
As Hideyoshi continued to search for Mitsuhide, he kept running into various people he knew… and they ALL had an encounter with “Hideyoshi” and were all saying how out of character he was and describing insane antics that Hideyoshi would never do.
“It’s going to take me YEARS to undo the damage he has done in just a single day…assuming I can ever get back to my body.” Hideyoshi muttered as he made his way back to the castle after having learned someone had seen “Hideyoshi” heading back there.
Meanwhile Mitsuhide…
After causing some trouble in town, Mitsuhide in his Hideyoshi suit, headed back to the castle. When he walked into the halls, he happened to see the princess walking around, carrying some missives, she appeared to be delivering. Though she was lost in thought and not paying too much attention to her surroundings.
Oh little mouse…you have made this TOO EASY. He thought with a grin as he walked up behind her. “There you are.” He said, leaning down to speak directly into her ear.
The princess jumped and let out a shriek of surprise. She was then reaching back and slapping his chest almost on instinct. She blinked in surprise as Mitsuhide caught her hand. “H-Hideyoshi?” She asked. “I would…”
“Were you expecting someone else?” He asked, wearing a cheshire grin, somehow making that expression appear on Hideyoshi’s face as if it belonged there.
“I…I would have thought…that it would be Mitsuhide…” She replied, looking so confused.
Mitsuhide grinned. “But it is me.”
“Yeah…speaking of Mistuhide was looking for you earlier.” She replied. “He… he didn’t seem like himself.”
Mitsuhide had to school “his” expression, though amusement still danced in “his” eyes. Oh, I bet he is just frantic. “Yes, well he can continue to look for me for a while.” Mitsuhide replied, relishing this opportunity. “Why don’t you and I take a break together and go into town?”
The princess looked up at him. “I have some work to finish up first…and don’t you have a lot to do? I thought we were going to go shopping later when we were both finished with work?”
Ah, yes, Hideyoshi would make those plans. He thought. “Something has come up then, but I m free for a bit now. Come with me.” He said, reaching for her hand and beginning to gently tug her along.
“Hideyoshi…” She said, her voice sounding so confused.
Mitsuhide really couldn’t help himself now. He pulled the princess to a secluded hallway and was then backing her against the wall. “Don’t you want to spend some time with me?” He asked, lifting a hand to place fingers beneath her chin.
“I…Hideyoshi…what are you….” She replied, her eyes wide and heart pounding.
Mitsuhide really couldn’t stop himself. He knew he was supposed to be Hideyoshi…and Hideyoshi was still in denial of his true feelings for the Oda princess…Mitsuhide was however not under the same delusion. He regularly teased her like this, letting himself enjoy whatever he could from her. He knew Hideyoshi harbored the same feelings for her, but kept himself in denial… insisting she was just his “little sister.”
“What? I just want to take you out and spoil you.” Mitsuhide replied, beginning to stroke her chin.
Her breath seemed to catch…similar to how it did when he teased her like this in his own body. It seemed she had strong reactions to the both of them.
“Hideyoshi…” She was then reaching up and smacking his hand away. “What in the hell has gotten into you? You really aren’t acting like yourself at all.”
Before Mitsuhide could respond, Hideyoshi was approaching in his body. “There you are, you sneaky bastard!” Hideyoshi shouted. “And just WHAT are you doing to her?!”
Mitsuhide pulled away from the Princess, smiling nonchalantly. “Nothing to concern you.”
Hideyoshi glared at him before rushing up to him and grabbing him by the ear and dragging him off. He then looked back at the princess. “Sorry, but there’s something VERY important I have to discuss with him.”
The princess watched them both head off, utter confusion on her face. “It’s…it’s like they’ve switched personalities or something…” She muttered in a daze as she worked to slow her clamoring heart.
Hideyoshi dragged Mitsuhide to an empty room in the castle. “What in the eight hells have you done, Mitsuhide?!” He asked once they were alone.
Mitsuhide shrugged. “I was just making sure you were a bit more honest with your desires.”
Hideyoshi looked at him. “I mean what kind of twisted magic or trickery have you pulled off to have us switch bodies? And for what purpose? To utterly ruin me?!” 
“I have done nothing. I have no idea what caused this.” Mitsuhide answered. “I know everyone calls me a kitsune, but I really don’t have any magic. If I did YOU would for certain know now.”
Hideyoshi groaned. “The ONLY reason I am not punching you right now is because I don’t want my jaw to hurt later when I get back into my own body.”
Mitsuhide gave Hideyoshi an amused smile. “You may as well. I earned a few slaps from some of your lady friends in town earlier today.”
“Why you…”
Before Hideyoshi could finish his sentence, the pair were being interrupted by Masamune. “There you two are.” He said, a gleam in his eye. Though he did look a bit confused. From his perspective Mitsuhide was the one holding Hideyoshi against the wall and looking angry. “What is this?”
Hideyoshi instantly let go of Mitsuhide. “It’s nothing. What’s going on?”
“We’re having that banquet for the lass tonight.” Masamune answered. “Or did you two forget? If you still need a moment alone…”
“My, my…” Mitsuhide murmured. “To think we could ever forget something so important.”
“Of course we didn’t forget.” Hideyoshi replied.
“Well come on before she gets to the banquet hall and we aren’t able to surprise her.” Masamune replied.
“Of course.” Mitsuhide replied.
The trio walked out of the hall and towards the main hall. Hideyoshi muttered under his breath to Mitsuhide, “We’ll finish this later.”
They just had to make it through until they could get their bodies back…however long that took. Hideyoshi prayed it didn’t take long.
They arrived at the banquet hall, Hideyoshi almost taking his usual seat before Mitsuhide was pushing him towards the “correct” seat. The Princess soon arrived and a bright smile came to her face as she saw them all gathered. “What’s this for?” She asked.
“A show of appreciation for all of the hard work you have been doing.” Nobunaga answered.
“I made all of your favorites, lass.” Masamune said. “Be sure to dig in.”
The banquet began and soon everyone was digging in. Though it didn’t take long for everyone to notice that Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide were not acting like themselves. They were all surprised when “Mitsuhide” ate his food as a normal person would instead of all mixed into one bowl… ”Hideyoshi” was mixing everything in one bowl.
This…has no flavor? Hideyoshi questioned in his mind as he ate as Mitsuhide. He…he really CAN’T taste?!
Mitsuhide however grimaced as he ate as he normally did. Now that he was in Hideyoshi’s body… he could taste. Now I understand why Hideyoshi and Masamune are always getting on me… this is terrible.
It was at this moment the pair realized that they were being watched by everyone else, their eyes wide. That was when they remembered they were supposed to be the other and acting as the other one did. They quickly swapped trays without a word.
“What is going on?” Nobunaga asked, as he looked at the pair.
“You two haven’t been acting like yourselves at all all day.” Ieyasu added. 
“I heard from the girls in town that Hideyoshi was especially cruel…and Mitsuhide was being nice.” Masamune added.
“And when I’ve talked to you…you both have seemed more like each other than yourselves.” The princess added.
Hideyoshi let out an awkward cough. “Well…uhm you see…”
“It appears we have somehow…switched bodies.” Mitsuhide finally spoke up.
Hideyoshi glared at him. “And how do you expect anyone to believe that?!” He asked.
“They can tell something is wrong.” Mitsuhide replied. 
The others were looking at them, hard. While it didn’t seem plausible…the proof was undeniable. “I would say this was an elaborate scheme by our resident kitsune…” Masamune began.
“But Hideyoshi would never go along with something like this.” Nobunaga declared. “That must mean it is true.”
“But HOW?” Ieyasu asked.
It was then that the princess gasped. “Oh my! This…this might be all my fault.”
“Are you a sorceress little mouse?” Mitsuhide asked.
“No…at least not that I know of. But last night…after seeing you two fighting AGAIN…I…I made a wish on a shooting star that you two could understand each other better… I had no idea that it could lead to THIS! I am so sorry!”
Hideyoshi was patting her on the head. “It’s alright. I don’t blame you.”
“No, you clearly blamed me.” Mitsuhide replied, grinning.
“If it was truly your wish that caused this, then perhaps another wish can fix it.” Nobunaga suggested.
“That would be a logical strategy.” Mitsunari agreed.
“I can try…but I don’t know if that will work.” The Princess replied.
“She did wish for them to understand each other.” Masamune agreed. “You twi might not go back to normal until you DO have a better understanding of each other.”
Ieyasu let out a sigh. “This is all utterly ridiculous…and such a pain in the ass.”
“I’ll go and see if I can make another wish to undo it.” The Princess declared jumping up and running to the veranda.
Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi looked at each other. They could only hope that another wish would correct it. There was no telling if they would ever be able to truly understand each other.
After a few moments the princess returned. “I hope it works.” She said.
Mitsuhide was patting her on the back. “There there little mouse.”
“Why exactly did you make that wish in the first place?” Hideyoshi asked.
The princess sighed. “Because I care about you both and I am tired of always seeing you guys fighting.” She answered. “Especially when you both actually have a lot in common. You’re both so kind…”
“I am not all that kind, little mouse.” Mitsuhide corrected her.
“Not openly, but you are in your own way.” She replied. “Hideyoshi’s kindness is open and warm like the sun. Yours is always hidden behind a veil of deceit to seem like you are only serving yourself, but you really DO care about others.”
Masamune was grinning. “Seems like the lass understands you both even if you don’t.”
Both Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi were blushing and looking away at the Princess’s words. Whatever would come…they both wanted to protect her and would treasure her and her pure heart.
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minimallyminnie · 3 months
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Reading Ieyasu’s bday story and hurrah, momyoshi and fatherbunaga are back at it again
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 9 months
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Hideyoshi's Sequel - Tragic End
This is a rough translation, so expect mistakes. Spoilers Ahead.
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Amidst the battlefield, I gazed intently at his broad back and prayed with all my might.
(Please, give us another path to a future where we can live together!)
Hideyoshi: “Ooohhhh...!”
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A roaring scream echoed across the battlefield, and Hideyoshi, abandoning reason, fiercely attacked the enemy with his sword.
No one could stand against his overwhelming strength, causing the warriors to scream and fall.
(What on earth is happening?)
In the face of the terrified neighing of horses, broken swords bent with tremendous force, and corpses stained with blood, all I could do was stare at the unfolding scene in silence, at a loss for words.
Samurai 1: “Retreat!”
Samurai 2: “Damn it! This guy is a demon!”
After the fierce battle, the samurai fled in fear, leaving him alone, standing in a sea of blood.
His shoulders heave up and down, and his eyes are empty of any reflection.
The voice from earlier continued to linger in my ears while my heart pounded unpleasantly.
(Kicho’s plan to drive him to madness has become a reality.)
(A never-ending era of chaos is about to begin.)
My skin tingled with unease, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him, the one who protected me to the end.
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(I can’t look away.)
(There’s no way I can do that.)
(No matter how much he changes, Hideyoshi is still Hideyoshi.)
He's a person who lives for love.
He's the person I love.
Hideyoshi: “Mai.”
He turned his back to me, still covered in blood.
Hideyoshi: “Can you still embrace someone like me?”
Mai: “Yes.”
(I have a feeling we won’t be able to look each other in the eyes anymore.)
I nodded, with my eyes downcast, and stood beside him.
Mai: “I will always embrace you, no matter who you are.”
I unfolded the jade-colored haori I had brought and gently draped it over his shoulders to avoid causing him any pain.
Mai: “Hideyoshi, thank you for protecting me.”
I tightly embraced his broad back, and the sword that slipped from his rough hands clattered at our feet.
(I can smell the scent of tobacco smoke.)
(You’re not a demon or anything.)
(You’re my beloved.)
The faint warmth I could feel was so endearing that I put even more strength into my arms.
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Hideyoshi: “..........”
He stood there silently, but even though his whole body was stained with blood, his warmth still conveyed a kindness that almost brought tears to my eyes.
After that, he relentlessly defeated the endless mobs attacking us, and we safely returned to Azuchi.
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One year later
Ieyasu: “Hideyoshi?”
Keiji: "You're back."
After finishing their military council, Ieyasu and Keiji immediately stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw Hideyoshi.
Hideyoshi: "How did the military council go?"
Ieyasu: "It just ended."
Keiji: "It's been a while since you returned to the castle. Are you going to report to Lord Nobunaga?"
Hideyoshi: "Yeah, once that's finished, I'll return to the battlefield immediately."
Ieyasu: "Why don't you take a break for a bit? You've been busy all this time."
Hideyoshi: "I don't have that kind of time."
Keiji: "I know you can't stay still, but don't push yourself too hard."
Hideyoshi: "I know."
They silently watched as Hideyoshi passed by.
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Keiji: "He doesn't understand at all."
Keiji: "He's just adding more to his wounds. He needs to rely more on us."
Ieyasu: "*sigh* With that attitude, his body won't hold up."
Ieyasu: "I probably should make plenty of medicines this time too."
Even after Hideyoshi returned to Azuchi with Mai, conflicts continued to erupt and intensify in various places.
With each successive battle, Hideyoshi began to exude a consistent aura of killing intent, and his overwhelming strength on the battlefield made him feared as a demon god not only by his enemies but also by his allies.
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Hideyoshi: “Excuse me, Lord Nobunaga.”
Nobunaga: “You’re back.”
Hideyoshi: “I apologize for not making it to the military council on time.”
Masamune and Mitsunari, who were nearby, looked at Hideyoshi.
Masamune: “You’ve lost some weight. Are you alright?”
Masamune: “Make sure to eat properly. I’ll bring you some food tonight.”
Hideyoshi: “No, it’s fine. I’m okay.”
Mitsunari: “But you don’t look so good. Are you getting any sleep?”
Hideyoshi: “Sorry for making you worry.”
Hideyoshi: “But really, I’m fine.”
Hideyoshi: “Anyway, I’m here to report on the dispute at the border.”
Nobunaga looked at Hideyoshi, who sat down in front of him.
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Nobunaga: “Once again, you managed to quell it through force.”
Hideyoshi: “Yes. I tried to mediate, but both sides refused to listen.”
Unlike before, Hideyoshi increasingly resorted to using force to overpower his opponents rather than resolving conflicts through negotiation.
This only fueled dissatisfaction on both sides and sparked new conflicts.
After Hideyoshi finished giving a detailed report on the situation, Nobunaga spoke quietly.
Nobunaga: “Is Mai doing well?”
For a moment, Hideyoshi’s eyes flickered.
Hideyoshi: “Yes, she’s fine. She wants to see everyone.”
Although he answered with a smile, the brightness that was once there had faded away.
In exchange, a determination to continue fighting against an unchangeable fate burned deep within his eyes.
Hideyoshi: “Well then, I’ll take my leave. I will head out tomorrow to quell any new conflicts.”
Hideyoshi bowed to Nobunaga and stood up to leave the hall, but一
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Mitsuhide: “So you were here.”
Hideyoshi: “Mitsuhide.”
Mitsuhide suddenly appeared.
Without making any lighthearted teasing remarks, Mitsuhide faced Hideyoshi with unreadable eyes.
Hideyoshi: “You look like you have something to say.”
Mitsuhide: “Indeed, there’s something I want to ask.”
Mitsuhide: “Are you guys happy?”
Hideyoshi: “.........”
Hideyoshi: “Yeah, undeniably.”
Hideyoshi firmly replied and left without saying another word.
In the chilly atmosphere, the other warlords present exchanged glances.
Nobunaga: “His expression only changed when Mitsuhide mentioned Mai’s name.”
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Masamune: “Yeah, it was only for a moment.”
Mitsunari: “Where did Lord Hideyoshi and Lady Mai go wrong on their paths?”
Mitsunari: “Will we never get to see them side-by-side again?”
Mitsunari let out a deep sigh, and Mitsuhide’s expression twisted slightly.
Mitsuhide: “Who knows? It all depends on those two.”
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At that time, near a lake not far from Azuchi, a traveling monk and his companion faced the direction of Azuchi and clasped their hands in prayer.
Kennyo: ".........."
Kennyo: "I've lost count of how many times we've offered prayers like this."
Ranmaru: "Yes."
They didn't speak of whom they were thinking or what they were praying for, but the image in both their hearts was that of the same woman.
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Kennyo: "A year has passed since then, and it seems that Heaven has no mercy."
Ranmaru: "True."
After exchanging these words, they closed their eyes again, thinking of her.
Even if they couldn't expect mercy, they couldn't help but continue their prayers.
Ranmaru: "Please, Lord Hideyoshi..."
『 Please make her happy. 』
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Maid: "Welcome home, Lord Hideyoshi."
Upon returning to his palace, the maid greeted Hideyoshi, and without stopping at his room, he proceeded further inside.
Hideyoshi: "From here on..."
Maid: "Yes, I understand."
It had been a while since a separate room was built at the far end of Hideyoshi's palace.
A thin silk curtain was hung at the entrance, allowing one to peer in from the outside but preventing visibility from the inside.
It was decided that no one except the master of the palace could set foot inside.
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(It's bright outside.)
(It looks like it’s already morning. Or maybe noon.)
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I woke up and started thinking with a fuzzy head.
(It’s not really my concern whether it’s noon or morning, but it sure is quiet today.)
I slowly looked around the room, filled with silence.
This place was called the Forbidden Chamber.
A place Hideyoshi prepared for me as my symptoms worsened.
A place where I lived without any interaction with other people.
Hideyoshi: "You must be feeling lonely here."
Mai: "No, I’m fine. You’re in the same mansion, after all."
(Just having him nearby makes me not feel lonely. I have to believe that.)
Hideyoshi: "I feel lonely."
Mai: "Huh?"
Hideyoshi: "That’s why I keep coming here to see you. So please wait for me."
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Mai: "Really? Even if you can’t see my face or hear my voice anymore, you’ll still come to see me?"
Hideyoshi: "Yeah. Even if I can’t touch you or see you, I will."
Hideyoshi: "So please keep waiting for me here."
---------Flashback Ends---------
(Back then, I never imagined that my condition would worsen so quickly.)
Soon after I started staying in this room, I could no longer exchange words with him.
And now, even with strangers, my symptoms have inflicted pain upon them.
(I can hear their voices, but if I say something, it hurts them.)
(I can’t touch anyone, look at anyone, or speak to anyone anymore.)
I spend most of my time alone, but...
(These footsteps...)
Suddenly, I heard light footsteps, along with the rustling of the curtains.
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Uri: “Kiki!”
(Uri looks so cute today.)
This little one with its round eyes was Hideyoshi’s pet, and she occasionally came to play with me like this.
Hideyoshi: “I thought you would like small animals like this. Was I right?”
Mai: “Yup.”
Hideyoshi: “I knew it. Want to feed her?”
---------Flashback Ends---------
My mouth curled into a smile, remembering that nostalgic memory.
(I wonder if she will eat the food.)
When I took the vegetables from the basket, Uri immediately accepted them and happily chewed on a potato.
Uri: “Kiki!”
(It looks like she’s enjoying the food.)
(I wish I could pat her head like before, but...)
Though the strange anomaly hadn’t affected the animals yet, I refrained from touching or speaking to them as a precaution.
Hideyoshi: “Oh, we have a visitor.”
In this place where I spent time alone, there was someone who visited repeatedly and shared time with me as much as time allowed.
Hideyoshi’s voice: “I’m home, Mai.”
I looked up in surprise and faintly saw a figure through the curtain.
(Hideyoshi came.)
I quickly stood up and rushed over, causing the curtain to flutter between him and me.
Hideyoshi: “Mai...”
His gentle voice called my name, just like before, making my heart tremble with happiness.
(Welcome home, Hideyoshi.)
Though I couldn’t express it with words, I called his name lovingly in my heart.
Then, as if hearing my voice, he nodded in response.
Uri: “Kiki.”
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Hideyoshi: “Were you playing with Mai?”
Uri bounced and clung to Hideyoshi’s arm, then took the potato and left the room.
Hideyoshi: “Sorry for interrupting your girl talk.”
I almost let out a laugh and hurriedly covered my mouth.
Hideyoshi: “Mai, give me your hand.”
I could see his shadow moving and realized he had placed his hand on the curtain.
This was a routine we repeated every time we met.
(What should I do? What if I can't touch him, even through the cloth?)
Hideyoshi: "It's okay. No matter how the anomaly progresses, we just need to come up with a solution."
Hideyoshi: "Don't be afraid."
(I also want to feel his warmth.)
Quietly, I let my fingertips touch the shadow of his large hand and slowly overlapped our palms.
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Hideyoshi: "I'm fine."
(Thank God!)
I let out a sigh of relief, and his long fingers enveloped my hand.
Hideyoshi: "I'm sorry I couldn't come to see you for a while."
Hideyoshi: "Have you encountered any problems? Have you had any scary dreams?"
Hideyoshi: "Also, if there's anything you want, just tell me."
(No matter the situation, he's still as caring as ever.)
With a smile, I wrote "Uri's food" in his palm.
Hideyoshi: "Got it. I'll prepare it right away."
When Hideyoshi nodded, the conversation paused for a moment.
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Hideyoshi: "I want to hug you."
His serious gaze pierced through me, even though he couldn't see me.
(Me too. Me too, Hideyoshi.)
(It'll be okay. It should still be okay.)
My suppressed feelings were pushed out by desire, and I opened my arms toward him.
Hideyoshi: "Mai..."
He hugged me through the curtain.
(His warmth, my beloved warmth.)
(Nothing ever changes.)
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Hideyoshi: “You’re warm.”
(So are you, Hideyoshi.)
Hideyoshi: “It must be suffocating when I hold you so tightly.”
(Not at all.)
I shook my head, and a relieved sigh echoed in my ear.
Hideyoshi: “I can’t hold back when I’m with you.”
(I wish you could hug me even tighter.)
No matter how much the situation changed, our hearts were one.
(Even though we can no longer exchange words or directly see each other’s faces...)
(Nothing will change. Our love and hearts will not change.)
We kissed through the thin fabric, and my tears flowed uncontrollably, tracing several lines down my cheeks.
Hideyoshi: “You’re still such a crybaby.”
(I’m sure these are tears of joy.)
I whispered this in my heart as I sought his kisses.
His scent used to be that of sweet incense with a hint of tobacco smoke, but recently, the smell of gunpowder from the battlefield had become so strong that even a hot water bath couldn’t erase it.
(I turned you into a demon because you loved me so much.)
These never-ending, pain-like feelings were indistinguishable from sadness and joy.
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Hideyoshi: "Mai, I love you."
(Me too, Hideyoshi. I love you.)
(I want to touch you, not just through the fabric.)
(I want to hold you again and call your name out loud.)
We drowned in our embrace, dreaming tirelessly of an unseen future where we would remove this cloth.
Eventually, after long years have passed一
『 I've kept you waiting for so long. 』
『 It's okay. The time I spent by your side felt like an instant. 』
『 I see. Same with me. 』
The curtain was lifted, filling the room with light and wind.
Then I saw the eyes I hadn't seen in decades, still as bright as the sun.
Hideyoshi: "Then, shall we start over?"
Hideyoshi: "I'm Hideyoshi Toyotomi, the number one vassal of Lord Nobunaga."
Hideyoshi: "Nice to meet you, Mai. If you have any troubles, feel free to tell me.”
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Hideyoshi: "However, you have to listen to what I say because there's something about you that I just can't leave alone."
I finally leaped into the arms I'd been longing for, and he embraced me tightly.
We could finally fulfill our promise to live together until our last breath.
I will love you from the bottom of my heart.
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shatcey · 2 months
Why does it have to be him?
He was already a love rival in Hideyoshi's route. And it was so sad and painful… I think one of the reasons I don't reread Hideyoshi's route is because I don't wanna go through it again.
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Yes, Mai used to be called Ichiko…. What can I say… at the time of choosing her name, I only knew that name)
And now again in the Kicho's route!
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You are merciless!
I expect it to be Motonari. They're at least somewhere nearby. But why Mitsu?
Do you think it's funny to make relatives fight over a girl? Literally shooting at each other? Do you think it's funny to make this perfect man suffer? I don't think so! Yes, I was very happy to have the opportunity to see him more often than usual, but not at that cost! Mutsu, honey, I love you! And despite how sweet and wonderful your cousin is, I still prefer you!
Now that I think about it… Ieyasu was a love rival in the Masamune AND Keiji routes… So this is not something uncommon…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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bearsace · 1 year
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ikemen sengoku manga color palettes
oda nobunaga + toyotomi hideyoshi
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soul-of-the-sanada · 1 year
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nuttytani · 9 months
his vs your spice tolerance
characters: ieyasu, hideyoshi, mitsuhide, mai, gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: I was daydreaming about spicy food during one of those boring lectures and then this happened. don't mind any typos or stuff, it's not proof read. p.s oh followers of mine, do you still wan't to get tagged on my hcs and fics? even though i pop in once in a century.
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He’s known to be able to hold his spice
There hasn't been ANYONE who was able to surpass him in terms of spice tolerance
Enter: you 
Oh boy, he did not expect someone to handle spicier food than him
Genuinely feels scared as he watches you drown your meal in copious amount of hot sauce, roasted and cut chilli (yes, the green or red ones that grow on bushes) and straight up shove it in your mouth without a single flinch
He is scared. Saying that would be an understatement since he has tried your “food” once, and never again. Swears to not even dream about it. Ieyasu was crying his eyes out just from two bites and was chugging down glasses of water…. Which - uhh backfired. 
Needless to say but yasu was breathing fire like a dragon 
Now has profound admiration for your spice tolerance. No one can top you.
He didn’t really have any spice tolerance from the start
Thinks you’re crazier than Ieyasu to…..be able to eat the demonic level of spice that you do
Doesn’t dare to even take a bite out of your food, he already knows that it would end badly for his mouth and his behind. 
But he does feel concerned about your health though, eating too much spice can be detrimental to your health after all
Somehow succeeds in making you eat at least a little less spice than before.
(actually, the only reason you reduced your spice intake was because of his puppy dog eyes. Darn em’ can’t say no to those shiny eyes)
This man can’t even taste, what do you expect him to say about your abominable love for spice? Nothing.
Except, he does enjoy seeing you place a bottle of hot sauce and plenty of chillies on the side of your plate for every meal. 
Once, he exchanged your lunch box with Hideyoshi’s. For educational purposes. 
Gets punched in the face the very next day by Hideyoshi, who appeared to be unwell. 
He did try your food out of curiosity once, alas, no taste, but he did find the mild burning sensation on his tongue to be intriguing. 
You eventually make him addicted to eating whole chilli, ain't that nice? Better than eating random leaves in his garden (and who knows what else)
Thinks you’re some sort of godly specimen to be able to handle extremely spicy food.
Like, even Ieyasu is scared/amazed by your spice tolerance! 
She tries your food once, how bad can it be? Just a little bit of burning won’t stop her from trying it out!
Regrets immediately 
Curses her life choices and is now stuck in the toilet 
Is currently missing her 21st century western style toilets 
Gets the heebie jeebies whenever she looks at your food from then on
She does, however, tried eating whole chilli. After you taught her how to eat it like a pro
Mai is now unstoppable
Flaunts her newfound skill to eat chillies without a sweat to yasu. 
Gets kicked out of his room.
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taglist : im sorry, i lost my old one- uhh if you guys ares still interested tho, let me know
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sevenai · 11 months
WHY ARE THEY ALWAYS FLIRTING WE HAVE A CRISIS ON OUR HANDS?!?! they’re always flirting with each other in their own routes too, stop stealing my man??? ME NEXT
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dragonmasterkaylz · 11 months
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… Just started Keiji’s route. And big brother Hideyoshi is already telling him off!!! 😂
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lorei-writes · 1 year
HC: Warlords reacting to pornbot seige
Day 84 of pornbot on users violence...
Author chose not to include content warnings. Reader discretion advised.
He treats them as his new (hot) underlings.
At the same time he doesn't trust any of them.
For all everybody knows, he may have actually taken over the pornbot army. Each army needs a general, after all, and perhaps he has added conquering Tumblr to the list of his life aspirations.
He is one of the people the public accusses of buying bots. He has not bought a single bot of any type up to date.
Doesn't refuse any allegations. Some people start to wonder whether he's not a bot. Mitsuhide bot.
He has found a person behind the siege and is now planning to take them down.
He has joined the moderation team.
At first he thought it was just a surge in the number of indecent, indecent women. Don't they know that all men are wolves?
He hasn't slept in three days. Coffee doesn't work anymore. He's been clicking block button non-stop, but it doesn't seem to be enough.
He clicked on the link in their bio and was never to be seen again.
That being said, it was Ieyasu's PC he was using at the time.
Could Ieyasu have something to do with that disappearance? Who knows...
He hardly uses Tumblr, so he doesn't mind. He doesn't post either way, what can they do to him? Invite him for a steamy steamy night? Please, he's not stupid, he won't click into any links... Oh.
He disappeared for a while soon after he caught Mitsunari using his PC to browse Tumblr.
Claims that red splashes over his haori are just hot sauce.
He doesn't bother to block them.
He doesn't have any strong opinions on the bots themselves. However, he does have a certain opinion about the person who bought them...
Mitsuhide wants them to go on a trip together? To a residential area? And he's supposed to take his swords? Hell yeah, finally something interesting is happening.
He is a pornbot.
He became one with the bots to better inflitrate their ranks. Unexpected side effect : every person he follows blocks him immediatelly.
He will write a song about the lonely existence of a pornbot.
Stabbed his PC and now needs to have his display replaced.
Ladies? No Ladies.
He can't believe it, but he's joining Oda Forces in their battle against pornbots. Ugh, as if the situation wasn't bad enough already.
For some reason, he seems to be attracting the bots more than anybody else. Also, WHO dares spam the carpentry tag with some instagram stuff? He must have a word with them...
Wanted to click into the link. Was stopped by a shuriken flying right in front of his nose.
He doesn't get all this technology stuff all that well, so he sticks to using just his phone. If he needs to use the PC, he'll just ask Sasuke for a favour.
It was Sasuke's PC he was using then.
He's immune.
He's seen it hundred of times.
Report, block, move on. He won't fall for it. His PC is safe... Oh, Yukimura, for fucks sake...
They disturbe his peace. Pornbots are really #notaesthetic.
How is he supposed to browse #art if damn bots are spamming it with links?
Report, block, report, block, report, block. He hasn't slept for three days. He's a new member of the moderation team.
He abandoned Tumblr the moment people started spamming cottagecore tag with non-cottagecore things. He leads a happy life somewhere.
Imprisoned for attempted murder with use of... A cannon.
He sails the water of the 'net. He is no stranger to piracy and such. But the bastard behind the bot army... They swam into his waters...
Worked together with Masamune and Mitsuhide. Was the only one captured. Broke out of prison within a week. With a use of a cannon. The fact that his cell was on the third floor did not stop him from jumping out of the hole created in the wall. He's a wanted fugitive now.
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