honney-pies · 8 months
Ma Cherie❤︎
Pairing: Inumaki Toge/ F! Reader/ Okkotsu Yuuta
Summary: Kamo (Y/N) grew up within the protected grounds of Tokyo's Jujutsu Technical College. She's seen many brilliant, young shaman come and go, and she has experienced first hand the wrath of non-shaman and the curse that is love.
Content Warning: this work contains elements of major character death, temporary character death, canon typical violence, excessive bleeding, thoughts of helplessness/self loathing, toji, geto suguru, satosugu (no i will not let you escape them), younger siblings (OH MY GOD WHY ARE THEY SO ANNOYING????) please let me know if i've missed anything and i'll add it!
001: Teaser 002: Birthday Girl 003: Family Bonding 004: What once was 005: Bona Fide 006: Purple Lilac Blooms 007: Absence 008: phosphenes
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
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THANK YOUUUUU I saw you going through the 3tan series!! So happy to hear from you omg I’m glad you enjoyed🥺🍊🤍
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Para mi hermoso Ángel:
Te escribo por aquí porque la tecnología hizo de las suyas y no he podido llamarte como lo estuve pleneando... ¿Planeando? No, esa palabra no nos queda, nunca nada de lo que hicimos fue planeado, nuestra relación fue siempre una improvisación y mira que maravillas logramos hacer... Feliz cumpleaños a mi compañero del crimen ¿Lo recuerdas? 29 años ya... ¡Wow! Te conocí de 25 y cuanto has logrado amor mío... Que orgulloso se siente mi corazón del tuyo, por siempre y para siempre voy a festejar y a valorar tu vida, gracias infinitas porque desde allá con tus pies en el mar, me sigues enseñando un montón, más de lo que imaginas.
Hunde tus pies en la arena como si fueran los míos, igual que esas tantas veces en medio de la madrugada que empezábamos temblando de frío al meternos en las cobijas y terminábamos temblando de cansancio y satisfacción.
¿Soy muy explícita? No creo que importe...
Que tus hombros bronceados, tu cabello ondulado, tu sonrisa perfecta y tu alma aventurera y sin fronteras disfruten de este nuevo año ¡Rómpela con madre, honney!
Tumblr siempre fue nuestro lugar oculto, sé que justo ahora estás a solas leyéndome, que se quede entre nosotros como esas huidas al hotel.
Te amaré por siempre.
Feliz vuelta al sol, vida mía.
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Voyage voyage !
Provence, France
Au volant de sa Citroën 2CV rouge, Diana riait, alors que son compagnon regardait le paysage, étonné de la puissance d'une si petite voiture, alors que les champs de lavande côtoyaient les vignobles sur ces petites routes de campagne. Oh il avait vu Paris, il l'avait trouver si belle cette capitale mais la campagne française et cette Provence avait un charme tout à fait particulier. La française passa un portail et roula  vers une grande maison typique du Sud. Elle se gara, et fut saluer par deux grands chiens blancs. Leeteuk arqua un sourire quand Diana s'accroupit pour prendre les deux ourses dans ses bras. Elle se releva et obligea Leeteuk a caresser les chiens.
« Belle et Sébastien... mes bergers de Pyrénées. » dit-elle en riant « Ils veillent sur la maison, Grand-père et le domaine quand je suis loin... »
Un vieil homme descendit des marches de la maison et Leeteuk put voir qu'il était le grand-père à ce regard doré qu'il avait en commun avec sa petite fille. Le vieil homme sourit doucement et tapota l'épaule de Leeteuk. Oh Leeteuk le suivit et malgré qu'il ne comprenait pas bien le français et encore moins l'anglais mais ce vieux monsieur était tellement gentil et en plus il faisait un effort pour parler quelques phrases de coréen. Il visita le domaine avec le grand-père, Belle et Sébastien sur les talons... Des oliviers, un vignoble et un sublime étang sur la propriété... Oh Leeteuk allait se sentir bien ici, quand il revint vers la maison, son cœur fit un bond. Diana s'était changer et portait une superbe robe blanche un air bohémienne, un large chapeau de paille et un foulard en soie blanc à son cou... Elle n'était plus maquillé et ses cheveux volaient en toute liberté dans la brise. Il monta les marches et vint enlacer la belle touché par sa beauté si pure.
« Est-ce ma récompense d'avoir su rester digne dans les pires moments ? » souffla Leeteuk doucement
« Quoi donc ? » demanda Diana doucement
« D'être aimé de toi. » Dit Leeteuk
« C'est toujours non. » dit Diana en riant
« Je ne vois pas pourquoi tu refuses le mariage... » dit Leeteuk doucement
« Parce qu'il a détruit ma famille. » dit Diana doucement « Je t'aime, on est bien non ? »
« On l'est. Je t'aime plus. » dit Leeteuk doucement
« Alors on ne parles plus de mariage avant un moment d'accord ? »  Fit Diana en mettant de la crème solaire sur le nez de son amant
« D'accord » dit Leeteuk en riant
Ces vacances en Provence allaient être les meilleurs. Surtout qu'il en avait vraiment besoin
Chicago, USA
Zhen sortit de la Porsche et la gara devant la maison de Johnny. Il en sortit dans un somptueux costume trois pièces bleu sombre, ses cheveux naturels, à la demande de Johnny et le couple fut invité dans la maison. Madame Seo était quelqu'un de très simple, et si après une longue conversation avec cette dernière, Zhen put en déduire, qu'elle savait que son fils était gay. Quand le père entra, celui-ci hocha la tête. Alors lui aussi.
« Vous êtes le copain de notre garçon.. » dit le père
« Chéri, Zhen est venu ... »
« Et vous voulez l'épouser. » dit le père simplement
« Affirmatif monsieur. » dit Zhen simplement
« Vous savez que c'est pas légal en Corée... » dit le père « Et vous êtes chinois- »
« Anglais. Ne voyez en mon prénom et mon nom qu'un bref aperçu de mes origines, je suis bel et bien anglais d'adoption, partageant une double nationalité avec l'Irlande, je n'ai pas remis les pieds en chine depuis que j'ai 11 ans. J'y suis né et c'est tout. » dit Zhen simplement « Concernant a légalité du mariage gay, dans les deux pays desquelles je possède un passeport, il est légal, tout comme il l'est ici en Californie depuis de 28 juin 2013. Quand a immédiateté du dit mariage, il n'en pas question. Il s'agit ici d'une demande d'ordre familiale, pour savoir si vous y étiez opposé. » dit Zhen simplement
« Vous allez bien veiller sur mon fils ? » demanda le père impressionné
« Oui monsieur. » dit Zhen simplement
« Mais et sa carrière...? » demanda la mère un peu perdue
« Étant le Président Directeur général de SM-Entertainement, je peux en décider, néanmoins, comme je le disais il y a quelques instants, cette démarche repose avant-tout sur la tradition et l'acceptation familiale. Elle n'est en aucun cas question de nous mariés maintenant. » dit Zhen calmement
« Vous avez le sens des traditions et du devoir » dit le père en souriant. « Même si vous êtes un peu froid, je peux comprendre que mon fils vous aimes ! » dit-il
« Papa... » grogna Johnny
« Vous restez dîner ? » demanda la mère
« Hélas, Madame, nous sommes attendus ailleurs, il m'est pénible de décliner l'offre. » dit Zhen doucement « Néanmoins nous serons ici pour le reste de la semaine, il ne sera pas difficile de trouver un autre moment pour dîner. » fit-il simplement
« Oh qu'il est bien élevé ! » fit la mère
« Au plaisir Zhen ! » dit le père.
Zhen sortit de la maison alors que Johnny embrassait ses parents avant de rejoindre Zhen. Le plus âgé entra dans la porsche avant de soupirer longuement quand Johnny entra dans la voiture.
« T'as pas été très … sympa » dit Johnny en riant
« Je crois que j'ai été vexé... » dit Zhen
« Quand mon père t'as appeler chinois.... ouais j'ai cru que t'allait le bouffer. Mais je lui dirais et lui expliquerais un peu pourquoi t'es comme ça » dit Johnny doucement
« Ce serait gentil. » Fit Zhen en mettant le contact
« Et on est attendu ou ? » demanda Johnny.
« Nous avons une table dans un restaurant trois étoiles. » dit Zhen simplement.
« Euh... mais euh .. C'est pas un peu … »
« Chéri, je roule en porsche 718 boxter S, mon costume est un Armani, taillé sur mesure, mes chaussures sont des Richelieu de chez Louboutin sur mesure. » Zhen sourit un peu « Non ce n'est pas un peu cher. Pas pour moi. » fit-il en allumant la voiture.
« J'avais.... oublié » dit Johnny en riant
Johnny sourit simplement à son compagnon. Il avait oublié que Zhen était quand même assez aisé. Ce voyage a Chicago allait être marrant. Le lendemain, après un dîner hors de prix, Johnny l'emmena au Mc-do et rit en voyant Zhen habitué à commander. Doucement le jeune homme fixa son ainé alors qu'il s'étaient garé loin de la ville pour manger leurs Mac-Do.
« T'as déjà bouffer Mac-Do toi... ? » demanda Johnny étonné
« Mon amour.... j'ai été étudiant, vivant a 4 dans un bête loft... » dit Zhen en riant « Le Mac-do était au coin de la rue. Alors c'était le plus simple quand on avait pas d'idées. »
« Oh à 4 ? » demanda Johnny en souriant
« Malia, Ashlynn et Morganna. » dit Zhen en souriant « La Team conservatoire. »
« D'où votre éternel complicité » dit Johnny
« On a des dossiers sur tout le monde, mais surtout Ash. » dit Zhen doucement
« Oh ? » demanda Johnny amusé
« Avant de viré full gothique comme ses parents, Mademoiselle Hart, était une Otaku avec les kigurumi qui vont avec. » dit Zhen simplement
Johnny explosa de rire à la simple image d'Ashlynn autrement que full-gothique... Il fixa Chicago au loin et vint se coller contre son amoureux en souriant. Ils étaient bien là.
Wellington, New-Zealand 
Ashlynn et Malia avaient décider de partir au même endroit. Rentrer à la maison, présenter leurs chéris, même si les deux jeunes hommes n'étaient pas du même label. Taehyung avait réussit à négocier des vacances, après avoir rendu publique sa relation avec Ashlynn quelques jours auparavant. Sicheng lui regardait sa compagne rouler dans cette landrover 4x4 avec aisance....Elle était si jolie, ses cheveux lavande volant au vent. Elle vira sur une petite route pour arrivé devant une maison au beau milieu de nulle part entouré de champs ou broutaient des moutons, Malia gara la voiture et un mouton noir arriva. Malia et Ash caressèrent le mouton avant que la grande porte en chêne massif s'ouvrit sur une dame, d'un certain âge, habillé en noir, tel Morticia Adams. La même silhouette en forme de vase, la même longue robe noir et ces même cheveux noirs. Ses yeux bleus sombre brillaient alors qu'Ashlynn et Malia lui sautèrent dans les bras. Elle les embrassa avec tendresse avant de rentrer dans la maison, très gothique, décoré dans un style edwardien et rococo gothique. Quand La Dame aux airs de Morticia s'assit dans un grand canapé rococo noire Taehyung et Sicheng eurent la même réalisation. Ashlynn et Malia lui ressemblaient énormément.
« Vous devez être Sicheng et Taehyung » dit-elle dans un coréen parfait « Je suis Jolene, mais mes élève m'appelle Morticia. » dit-elle fièrement.
« Vous lui ressemblez beaucoup » dit Taehyung doucement
« En effet. » dit-elle doucement « Vos frères sont partis chercher votre père et votre sœur. » dit-elle doucement en souriant a ses filles.
« WE'RE HOME !!!! » hurla une voix d'homme rauque dans l'entrée
L'homme qui entra, avait tout du berger néo-zélandais basique. Bermuda beige, chaussettes blanches, derby brunes foncé, un vieux tricot vert et une casquette en tweed vert. Il s'étira longuement avant venir embrasser les deux filles. Il se posa à côté de Madame Jolene et lui embrassa la joue.
« 'moning honney » dit-il en souriant aux garçons. «Moi c'Bryan, le père de la famille.... Donc c'vous les vilains qui me volent mes deux grandes de filles ? »
« Papa » gronda Ashlynn
« Monsieur, j'ai l'honneur de vous demander la main de votre fille, Ashlynn. » dit Taehyung
« Bon courage mon vieux. » dit un autre garçon, aux cheveux rouge sombre. Portant un style très vampirique question vêtements. « Ashlynn est une vilaine vipère. »
« Mon poing dans ton nez Samael... ça te tente ? » grogna Ashlynn
« Mon jumeau veut dire qu'Ash n'en est pas au premier garçon. » dit une fille aux cheveux argentés, elle avait un style très Lolita et elle s'assit sur un canapé en souriant « Séraphine Hart, mais vous pouvez m'appeler Serah, ravie de vous rencontrer » dit-elle doucement  
« Enchanté » marmonna Taehyung
« Néanmoins c'est le premier a passer le pas de la porte » Nota un autre homme aux cheveux blancs méchés de noir, habillé de manière édwardienne « Faust Hart, ravi. » dit-il en souriant
« C'est le premier a venir demander sa main. » dit un autre garçon aux cheveux noirs plus gothique qu'édwarien « Zack Hart, ravi. » dit-il en souriant
« Et voilà, la famille Hart au complet. Dans l'ordre ça fait : Ashlynn, Faust, moi, Samael et Serah, et enfin Zack. » dit Malia doucement.
Quelques instants plus tard Malia et Sicheng dansaient dans le jardin en souriant. Ashlynn sourit a Taehyung alors qu'elle regardait sa bague de fiançailles. Un superbe onyx y trônait. Elle embrassa doucement Taehyung avant de regarder Malia et Sicheng danser.
« Ta famille est très ... » Taehyung chercha ses mots
« Mon père est habituellement habillé de façon édwardienne, sauf qu'il venait du boulot et tondre des moutons en dentelle et en soie... c'est pas super géniale. » Dit Ashlynn en riant
« Donc tes parents sont gothique » dit Taehyung
« Ma mère l'est plus que mon père, mais oui, d'où nos looks peu communs » dit Ashlynn doucement
« Mes parents vont adorer n'empêche, c'est très calme par ici. » dit Taehyung en riant quand un mouton bêla « Enfin... « 
« Outre les moutons, c'est calme oui » dit Ash en riant
Et plus loin, sans musique les deux danseurs dansaient toujours. Rien, même pas la pluie ne les fit arrêter.... enfin, si... Jolene criant pour le dîner, les fit rentrer, plus amoureux qu'avant.  
Vancouver, Canada
Berwald roulait dans Vancouver, dans cette superbe Fiat 500. Il roulait prudemment, surtout qu'il avait eu son permis y a pas si longtemps. Le jeune suédois connaissait bien Vancouver, il y était venu plus d'une fois patiner pour des compétitions. Quand il arriva devant une maison, il se gara en douceur, pour ne pas bousculer son compagnon, endormi sur le siège passager. Avec une infinie douceur le jeune suédois se pencha pour embrasser la joue de Mark et de doucement le réveiller.
« You're home » souffla-t-il, alors que Mark ouvrait grand les yeux.
En effet ils étaient devant chez lui. Il fila à l'intérieur puis ressortit quelques instants plus tard pour venir chercher Berwald. Il était un peu hésitant.
« Come on ! They want to meet you ! » dit Mark enjoué
« I don't now if … I won't be weird... you know I like I always am arround people... » Berwald rougissait
« Oh... If you don't want too... » murmura Mark
« MAAARK HONNEYYY IS THAT BERWALD EKSTROM ? » hurla Madame Lee sur le pas de la porte …
« Ah mince... » souffla Mark en riant
« Je crois que j'ai pas le choix... » souffla Berwald doucement.
Il sortit et Mark attrapa instantanément sa main. Madame Lee eut un grand sourire et les invita à rentrer. Elle expliqua une bonne dizaine de fois à quel point elle adorait le jeune patineur, elle adorait le patineur pour sa grâce et sa technicité. Elle avait tout autant été impressionné qu'il avait réussit a patiner sur Limitless de NCT 127. Berwald lui ne savait pas trop ou se mettre alors que Mark suppliait sa mère d'arrêter.
« Your parents must be proud of you ! » dit Madame Lee
« Maybe... I don't know ... » marmonna Berwald
« You should bring them here ! » dit Madame Lee en souriant
« Mom... That's not going to be possible... » marmonna Mark
« Oh whyyy ? » demanda Madame Lee
« They died 14 years ago. » dit Berwald simplement
« Oh baby i'm so sorry » souffla Madame Lee en le prenant dans ses bras comme un petit enfant qu'on consolait.
« I'm fine... I don't remember... » souffla Berwald avec un petit sourire
« How old are you ? » demanda Madame Lee
« I am actually 18 years old. » dit Berwald
« Ohhh you could be dating Mark ! » dit Madame Lee
« Mom... He is.. myboyfriend. » marmona Mark en rougissant
« OH REALLY !! So Maybe... you can tell me ! That exhibition performance.... » Madame Lee sourit
« It was for Mark's Valentines Day. » dit Berwald doucement
« That's soooooooooooooooo Sweeeet OH MY GOD HONEY YOU GOT YOURSELF AN OLYMPIC MEDALIST !!!!! »
Berwald rit doucement alors que Mark voulut s'enterrer sous les coussins. Elle était gentille Madame Lee. Le dîner avec les parents de Mark se passa a merveille quand, Berwald eut un grand sourire alors que Mark essayait de ne pas exploser de rire quand Madame Lee demanda a Berwald de montrer une figure. Berwald fit un simple lootz du sol en riant et revint s'asseoir.... Alors c'était ça, avoir des parents ?  
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honney-pies · 5 months
Ma Cherie ❤︎₊ ⊹
Chapter vi: Absence
Pairing: Inuokku/ F! Reader
Summary: the loss of someone in your life can be hard to navigate around, even more so when a relationship had only recently blossomed.
Length: 3.09k
A/N: hey y’all, i know it’s been a long time since i posted and that partially because things kept on popping up and i kinda forgot this fic even existed lol. I’m really sorry guys, I know it’s a short chapter, but i’ve had a lot of stuff going on this week and was unable to really sit down and write. Luckily my finals are now officially over, so i’ll have more time to write. I’m currently writing the next chapter, so that’ll be out sooner rather than later—if I remember to post lol. also the start is kinda weird and repetitive, i didn’t really know how to start it and i felt bad for making y’all wait this long
Ma Cherie Masterlist
While it’s only been three months out of the eight scheduled months of Yuta’s time abroad, Toge is going insane. He misses Yuta’s warmth, his reassurance, love, and his ability to understand (Y/n) in ways that he is unable to — even after all these years. The two still text and FaceTime regularly, but it’s not the same. (Y/n) helps to ease the pain, but their relationship had been so new when he left, it pains them both. In the days before Yuta left, (Y/n) scheduled them full of random date ideas, but this did nothing to slow the flow of tears at the airport as Yuta left for Africa with Miguel. 
(Y/n), like her beloved, is losing her sanity. Don’t get her wrong, she loves Toge — she would’ve figured a way around the marriage if this wasn’t the case — but Yuta’s a breath of fresh air. A breath the young couple both desired and consumed to the fullest. 
The dynamic between the two hadn’t necessarily been awkward once Yuta left, but after spending nearly every waking moment with someone, the relationship molds itself to have the other in it all the time. Yuta leaving made them reform their relationship for the fifth time. At first it had been (Y/n)andtoge and yuta, then it became (Y/n)andtogeandyuta. It was still the three of them, but with newfound distance they had been unprepared for. 
One of the ways the trio compromised with the thousands of miles of useless space was many calls, texts, photos, and videos. This led to (Y/n) ‘asking’ her adoptive dad to upgrade her phone plan to accommodate the plethora of content growing in her phone. 
“Toru-nii, I changed my storage plan. I got 2TB.”
“It’s an extra forty dollars, so just a warning.” 
“… Okay?” 
“You’re paying for it.”
“When am I not paying for something?” 
“ ‘Kay, thanks!”
With the accompanying spare time of one less person to be with, (Y/n) has been filling her days evolving her cursed technique, working on her friendship with her older brother, preparing Megumi for the dorms-
“I’m an empty nester!”
“You’re literally my teacher.”
“(Y/n)-Chan and Megumi-Chan are abandoning me!” 
“We’re still seeing you everyday, Toru-nii.”
“Oh, I can still hear their voices haunting me. Dear Fates, what have I done to have been handed such a cruel deal in life?” (This can be applied to many situations in JJK, and frankly, it hurts).
Megumi grumbled before shuffling towards his warden, who’s on his knees in fake hysterics, and placed a gentle hand on Gojo’s head. No infinity stopping him. (Y/n) smiled softly and walked over to her small family. She wrapped her arms around her boys tightly.
-which has been fun. He got a room the hall over from his adoring, darling, dearest sister. However, this does little to thwart (Y/n) appearing at random. She felt it was her sisterly duty to materialize from thin air and either claim a spot in his room and play with his shikigami or would request his assistance. 
Toge and (Y/n) had more time together than they’ve had in a while, but that did little to squash the ache in their chest for the absence of Yuta. Their beds were bigger and colder. Their rooms were more barren, and their days more boring. There wasn’t anyone else besides the two of them for a long time then they found another, only for them to leave and it hurt far more than they anticipated. 
Toge and (Y/n) had been togeand(Y/n) for as long as they could remember; promised to each other at the ripe ages of three and four. Even though they never considered an addition to their love, Yuta wormed his way into their hearts and lives before leaving soon after. They didn’t know what to do, they didn’t know how to function. 
Yuta wasn’t there to hang out with Megumi and make (Y/n)’s heart soar beyond belief. Yuta wasn’t there to get the things that the two of them couldn’t reach because they were both fairly short. Yuta wasn’t there to help ease the pain of Toge’s sore throat. Yuta wasn’t there to help on the days where (Y/n) could hardly get out of bed, so wracked with guilt and despair that the very thought of leaving the world hidden away beneath her covers was impossible. 
Some times (Y/n)’s glad that he isn’t there, to be honest. She already feels bad enough that everyone has to see her on the days where everything is too much and she just wants to fade from this life and wait for the next one. After Yuta left, it got too much to handle. One less person to distract herself by giving every possible ounce of affection and adoration she could. (Y/n) tried to keep it to herself and deal with it in the early hours of the morning and the late hours of the night, but this did little to stop her melt down.
She became erratic during training, sloppy running drills, and has less self preservation. (Y/n) didn’t mean for any of this to happen, at least she doesn’t think so. She doesn’t want to die. She wants to grow all gross and wrinkly with her friends, family and lovers. She really does. However, in the hours where everything is still, in the hours where she has time to feel and remember, she can’t help but hurt. 
One day on a job with Noritoshi, everything came to a head. She lost control for the first time in a very long time. Her older brother, who had never seen this happen, did the only thing he could and called his teacher. Utahime arrived to see the siblings covered in blood, all the curses had been slaughtered and laid dismembered around them. Noritoshi held his little sister as tightly as he could as she sat quietly. Utahime, who also had never seen the girl like this, did the only thing she could and called Gojo.
“Ah Utahime, to what do I owe the pleasure-“
“Kamo-san, she’s… she’s…” The rustling of fabric and small voices in protests could be heard on the other end.
“What about my daughter? Did she get hurt under your watch? Where are you?” Gojo’s voice becoming that of a stern one laced with desperation gave Utahime whiplash.
“She’s not hurt, in fact I don’t think anything even touched her-”
“Spit it out.”
“She’s dripping in blood and there’s carcasses scattered everywhere, Gojo. Is there something I need to know?”
“I will be there soon. Call me again if there are any spikes in cursed energy.” Before Utahime could respond, the line clicked and an annoying jingle could be heard. The teacher and student watched as (Y/n) slowly blinked and reached into her skirt pocket, pulling out her phone. 
Obviously it’s the one that came out just a few days ago, only the best for Gojo’s little girl. 
“Dad.” The two strained their ears to hear the other end of the conversation, the girl rarely refers to Gojo as her dad around others. 
“No, I’m not hurt.”
“No, it’s not my blood.”
“Yes, I’m with Nori-nii now.”  
“I’ll see you soon.” Utahime wondered just how often this child has seen tragedy befall others for her to still be able to converse while being so clearly not okay. It’s a thought that made her uncomfortable, so she removed it from her mind to contemplate at a later date.
Like so many others.
Gojo arrived soon after and strode straight towards (Y/n). Noritoshi hesitantly handed her to him. Gojo pulls her taught to his chest and cradles her as he used to when they were younger. A time that felt so long ago. (Y/n) curled her hand into his clothes and cried. This made even more weight fall heavily on Satoru’s heart. 
((Y/n) is a girl who cries often, this is true. She cries when: she watches a sad movie or show, when she reads a sad book, when she sees something adorable, when she’s angry, when she laughs hard enough, when she’s on her period, and occasionally when she shits. Despite this, she doesn’t typically cry when others think she should. (Y/n) has days where most can predict her tears, and most of the time they’re correct, but those are only a handful of days. Her family and friends have familiarized themselves with these dates and plan everything they can around it. She cries on her birthday, Christmas Eve, mid November, and her fallen loved one’s death days. Unfortunately, (Y/n) will soon not know life without tear stained cheeks and red eyes. She will survive, for better or for worse we do not know, but not without a trail of immense pain that will try to drown her at every turn). 
“My sweet, baby girl. You’re safe. I’m here,” he murmurs softly for (Y/n)’s ears only. However, the silence that surrounds them allows the others to hear. Noritoshi feels slightly envious that (Y/n)’s father is so warm. He quickly banishes the thought, remembering some of the things she has had to endure to get the loving family she so rightfully deserves.
Satoru slowly turned and began to walk, not before turning back into his ‘strongest’ facade and looking at the other two. 
“I don’t need to worry about a report on this.” This is not a question, nor is it a request. He stated it as an absolute, an indisputable fact such as the sky being blue or him being able to kill them without so much as lifting an arm. Utahime nodded quickly, so Noritoshi followed suit. 
The father and daughter make their exit, letting Utahime finally ask questions. 
“(Y/n) is in so much pain and I don’t think I will ever know just how deeply she has been hurting.”
This was the only information Noritoshi was willing to divulge to his elder. Utahime pats her student on the back, sighing, before getting back up.
“We will not breathe a word of this to anyone, not even your classmates or your father. Do you understand?” Noritoshi nodded his head.
“Yes, sensei.” 
(Y/n) had spent the remainder of the day at home, in the luxurious penthouse Gojo had bought for their growing family. Her room, like the one at school, is covered with many different things. The only difference is that these things are far more personal and bittersweet than the ones at her dorm. Mementos of special occasions and intimate reminders of those she lost. It even smells of the past, of a time where all she knew was her mothers death, Suguru’s downfall, and the warmth of those close to her.
Rumor has it that Miguel spent hours either restraining or pleading Yuta to stay with him in Africa rather than be at his girlfriend's side. Toge is the person who ultimately convinced him to not come home. As much as he wanted him to, it would have only led to an extension of his time abroad. 
It’s not a very apparent thing, her pain. Only to those who know her well enough. So when she, and the rest of her classmates, gets summoned away for a mission and leaves her brother on his own, she’s fine. However, when she gets a call where all she can hear is her little brother wracked with sobs, she is far from okay. Her first thought is that Satoru is dead, which is quickly proven wrong when Ijichi pulls up with a message from him. She rushes to pile her necessities from the hotel which they were staying at and hurriedly gives her friends a goodbye and Toge a kiss on the cheek. Maki wouldn’t let her leave until she promised to give her a text when she got back to school and another text later that night. 
Megumi, to put it gently, is a complete and utter wreck. He has snot dripping down his nose onto, and most likely into, his mouth. His eyes are puffy and his soft, porcelain skin has become red. (Y/n) desperately wants to whip out her phone and take a picture in order to blackmail him at a later date, but her first priority is to make sure her brother is okay, which he clearly isn’t. 
“ ‘Gumi-” He practically launches himself through the air and into his big sister’s arms, seeking any comfort he can. 
“He-he’s gone, nee-san! He’s gone!” (Y/n)’s brows furrow. “Who’s gone, ‘gumi?”
“Itadori!” (Y/n)’s eyes widen slightly, she has heard of the boy and how remarkable he is from her dad and brother. She didn’t think that Sukuna would have let his vessel die so soon, but she pushes the logic away from her mind for the moment. Megumi comes first, all else comes second. 
“Oh, ‘gumi.” Megumi’s voice cracks repeatedly as his cries become louder. They might have only known each other for a small period of time, but Itadori clearly made a long lasting impression on her brother. 
“He left me, (Y/n)!” (Y/n)'s heart aches with the remnants of her brother’s. She cradles him in her arms through the tears, even when he tires himself out from crying. Satoru arrives later in the night, noticeably distraught. He watches silently from the entrance of the room as (Y/n) and Megumi curl tightly around each other in his room. Satoru gently closes the door behind him and slips off his shoes, moving quietly towards the bed, wiggling his way behind his kids. He moves them closer to him and holds them tightly to his body. 
The next day, after a little bit more crying, (Y/n) is introduced to Kugisaki Nobara, a sweet, headstrong girl. The two get along splendidly and the older of the two listens dutifully as Nobara speaks of Itadori. Even though she calls him an idiot, moron, and dumbass, (Y/n) knows that his death has rocked her deeply. 
Later she questions Satoru about the incident, and his answers are vague at best. 
“You’ll be very upset with me when you find out the truth.” (Y/n) sighs before placing a hand on his arm. 
“You’re our dad, so I trust you blindly, but please think of Megumi in your choices.” Satoru has a solemn look on his face when she says this.
“I’m doing the smartest thing I can, I’m trying to keep everyone safe.” (Y/n) hums softly.
“So he is alive?” Satoru looks at his daughter, a slight twitch in his expression is all it takes for (Y/n) to know she’s correct. Sometimes Satoru can forget just how brilliant his daughter is.
“If you think it’s best to keep it quiet, I’ll follow your lead, but if I find out otherwise I’m telling them.” He nods. “I’d expect nothing less.”
Two days later, The other second years make the journey home while (Y/n) is in a meeting with the higher ups. An awful, boring, useless meeting. They desire to make  her feel small and worthless, and above all else try to make her feel weak and (Y/n) hates feeling weak. She knows full well she can kill them. She knows her place above them, Satoru and Suguru had made sure of it, but that does little to help her when all they do is berate her and piss her off. 
“For the last time, I don’t know anything about the circumstances of Itadori Yuji’s death, I can only assume it was during a mission. No, I have never met him. All second years have been on a mission for the past couple of weeks. Yes, I arrived home earlier than my peers to comfort Fushiguro after receiving news of his state. Should I find out that you had a hand in the death of an innocent child and our only way of stopping Sukuna, I will gladly let you know of my stance on the matter. However, I can save you the time and remind you who raised me. Now, I excuse myself from this unnecessary meeting.” Gojo is, of course, right outside the door when she steps out. 
“That’s my girl.” (Y/n) smiles at him and walks with him to the car. The two play hand games in the back seat and make their way towards the school. When (Y/n) steps out of the car, she looks at Gojo to follow, but he doesn’t exit. 
“I have a job, but I’ll come see you when I’m done. Keep an eye on Megumi?” (Y/n) frowns, but nods nonetheless. “Of course.”
She closes the car door with a slightly harder than necessary shove and walks up the stairs towards the entrance of the school. 
“Wait… someone did die?” (Y/n) immediately recognizes her best friend's voice and hurriedly walks over. 
“I told you in my text, or did you not read it?” Maki looks over her shoulder and rests her arm on (Y/n). “I skimmed it.” (Y/n) scoffs, “Rude.” Maki shoves her playfully.
“(Y/n)-san, are you friends with this girl?” (Y/n) looks at Nobara and nods. 
“They’re my classmates. Don’t mind Maki, she didn’t mean to appear insensitive. Well at least, I don’t think she meant to.” Maki swats at the girl. She feels her fiancé’s hand intertwining itself with her own and she can’t help but smile. Nobara clearly sees this exchange due to the now grossed out expression on her face. (Y/n) just smiles sweetly at her and can hear Megumi gag faintly. She subtly sticks her tongue at the demon spawn. 
In the future, (Y/n) will look back on this memory with fondness. In the future she will weep at the thought of how her brother once was and the fading remnants of Megumi in her mind. She will mourn her short lived friends, the impact they had on her with the small amount of time she had with them. She will think of the plethora of ‘what ifs’ that continuously plague her mind. (Y/n) will remember the final moments of her childhood and innocence with that lingering bitterness that follows nostalgia. 
In the future (Y/n) will have one single wish of having that Time Turner from Harry Potter her Suguru would read to her as a small child.
Tysm for reading and i hoped you liked it! The next chapter, phosphenes, will be posted eventually. As always, this is crossposted on ao3 and nothing else. Please let me know if y’all find this somewhere else!
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honney-pies · 8 months
Ma Cherie ❤︎
Family Bonding
pairing: Inumaki Toge/F!Reader/Okkotsu Yuuta
Summary: (Y/N) and Satoru have some lovely bonding moments with totally no angst whatsoever
length : 2.3k
CONTENT WARNING: this chapter contains stabbing, bullying, temporary character death, and spoilers for season two of jjk.
A/n: omg guys i remembered to post!! typically i post on my computer, but it’s having some issues, so please bare with me for the time being while i get things fixed.
Ma Cherie Master List
─── ⋆⋅ November 2016 ⋅⋆ ───
Yuuta and (Y/N) had just finished a job with Inumaki and were currently waiting for him outside of a convenience store while he got his throat medicine. Since the two had their conversation a couple weeks ago, they have been getting closer and more open with each other. Toge noticed and thought it was quite cute, (Y/N) also noticed how the pair had also been getting closer since their last mission. She also thought it was cute.
She saw Yuuta fidgeting and knew that he was going to ask something that he felt was an invasion of privacy, though it hardly was.
“Um Kamo-”
“(Y/N), ‘kkotsu,” she interrupted.
“(Y/N)-san, how do you know Gojo-sensei outside of school?” She looked at him as she tilted her head to the side.
“What do you mean?”
“I know you’ve told me a little bit about how he was the one who raised you, but how did that happen? Why did it happen?” (Y/N) finds it amusing how quickly he became comfortable enough to ask personal questions without stuttering. She smiled at him and hummed.
“Well technically we first met when I was one, but I don’t remember that for obvious reasons. He said it was boring since I couldn’t talk yet. Our parents made a deal that I would basically be his puppet if the time ever came he would need support or something like that. I don’t know the details of it and I don’t care all that much since I know he wouldn’t put me in that position without asking me.”
─── ⋆⋅ March 2001 ⋅⋆ ───
“Satoru-kun, why don’t you spend some time with Kamo-kun while we grownups talk?” Satoru knew that he shouldn’t say anything and just go along with it, but that didn’t stop him from making a rude remark to his mom; being the chosen one had its perks.
“So, you’re how old?” No response. Just the baby babble and the smashing of toys.
“What’s your name?” Again, no response.
“Do you know how to do anything?” At that the child stood up and took a couple shaky steps before falling and laughing, she was clearly proud of herself.
“You’re not interesting.” The young girl huffed and went back to her blocks and all Satoru could do was stare at her. Semi entertained.
─── ⋆⋅ November 2016 ⋅⋆ ───
“So you’ve known him almost your whole life?”
“Yeah pretty much!” The pair saw Inumaki exit the store and he quickly met the two out front and began the walk back to the school since it wasn’t that far away.
“Any more questions?” Yuuta looked lost in thought and then looked back at her.
“(Y/N)-san, what was it like growing up with Sensei?” (Y/N) laughed a little at that.
“He’s one of the loudest people I know, he was there for all my school stuff, he got banned from my school at one point because he and my brother were caught threatening a kid for making fun of me. They would walk me to and from school and Sho-nee was the only one allowed to get me from school if Yaga-san wasn’t available. It was annoying but a lot of fun too.”
─── ⋆⋅ April 2006 ⋅⋆ ───
As the young girl walked through the barrier of the school she wanted to go straight to her room and not come out. Unfortunately Suguru knew something was wrong the whole walk home.
“(Y/N), would you like to talk about how her school day was,” he asked. She shook her head. Her frown practically a permanent feature on her face. He grabbed her hand a little tighter.
“How about we make cookies?” He laughed at how bright her eyes became and (Y/N) practically sprinted to the kitchen. He called Satoru and told him to head to the kitchen once he’s done with his meeting with the elders. It’s comical how quickly he showed up after that.
“(Y/N), how was school?” Satoru really needed to learn how to read the room a little better. (Y/N) frowned and then her eyes got watery.
“Today was bring your mom to school day.” The other two looked at each other with wide eyes, holding a conversation with no words and only glances.
“How was it?”
“Awkward. Some of the mom’s asked questions, but they were pretty nice to me after I told them she died,” she said, “But a couple of the kids made fun of me and the moms looked at me weird, I didn’t like it at all and it made me feel sad. One boy said that I can’t have a family and when I tried to tell him I did he just yelled over me!” Satoru and Suguru could tell she wasn’t going to feel better soon, but they would do all they could until she did.
“We’ll walk you to school tomorrow, okay?” She nodded her head as she watched the cookies bake in the oven. They took silly pictures and watched a silly movie.
The next day the three of them made sure to leave a little early to talk with the school and with the boy. The boys went to deal with the insolent child.
“(Y/N), who’s the boy who made you feel bad?” She pointed to a boy with the ugliest fucking haircut and they stalked up to him and started bareting him.
“Who do you think you are talking to her like that?”
“How dare you say she doesn’t have a family?”
“Do I need to talk to your mother?”
“You ever do it again, we'll take your cat!”
“Satoru, too far,” Suguru whispered before saying, “we’ll burn your house to the ground instead. After making sure your cat isn’t inside.”
“U-Uh I don’ have a cat.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“What, do you like dogs more?” The boy shakily nodded his head.
“What are you, a psycho? We should take your dog!”
“Suguru, too far,” Satoru whispered before telling the boy if he ever pulled a stunt like that again he would track him down and eat his bed.
“Satoru, what is with you and eating things?”
“Don’t ques-”
“Gojo-san, Geto-san, what are you doing to that poor boy?”
In the end Shoko had to come to the school and bail them both out of trouble, but not before it was stated that they could never step foot on the school grounds again.
(Y/N) was so embarrassed, but happy when she found out. Satoru bought her a phone so she could call them if something happened again, Suguru bought her charms for it and they spent the afternoon bedazzling it while sitting in the corner of Shoko’s room while she got ready for her “hangout” with Utahime.
─── ⋆⋅ November 2016 ⋅⋆ ──
“Your brother?” (Y/N) looked straight ahead and she felt Inumaki nudging her arm with his shoulder.
“Did I ask something I shouldn’t have?”
“No, you didn’t. It’s just a sore subject, maybe not the best one for right now.” Yuuta looked at her and saw the sad smile on her face.
As they entered the school grounds, Yuuta noticed how (Y/N) avoided walking across a couple cracks in the ground. Upon closer inspection he also saw that the concrete was slightly uneven and had splotches of discoloration surrounding it. They were only slightly darker than the rest of the ground, small weeds growing through.
Just when he was about to ask about why it wasn’t as pristine as the rest of the school, Inumaki bumped shoulders with him and shook his head.
‘Not a good time, maybe later,’ the boy signed.
─── ⋆⋅August 2006⋅⋆ ──
(Y/N) had been hanging out with Yaga learning more about how cursed energy flows when she got a text from Satoru letting her know that they just left the airport and would be home soon. Of course she had been planning on meeting everyone at the barrier, but Yaga had wanted to finish more of the lesson before she went to go goof off with her “bestest-not-brother-brothers” for the rest of the day. Yaga had a sneaking suspicion that (Y/N) saw Satoru more as a father and Satoru saw her as his daughter no matter how much he tried to deny it. Especially after what happened with her mother. It had been a while since the two of them had been away from each other for that long, even though it had only been two days, and called each other regularly and texted frequently. After Yaga decided that she had done enough of the lesson he let her go run off.
(Y/N) was extremely excited to see her brothers after the two days apart, nearly three! There was also a very pretty girl who she spoke to on the phone named Amanai. She was also excited to meet her. Though from what her brothers had told her they could only meet for a minute or two since she was supposed to meet and ‘assimilate with Tegen-sama’ whoever and whatever that was.
When (Y/N) arrived at the entrance of the school she hadn’t been prepared for what she saw. Her doting brother was lying in a pool of his blood as a dark haired man stood over him. The man began to walk away, towards her. Well towards Tegen-sama and the Plasma Star Vessel - Amanai - but she didn’t know that at the time. What she did know was that she was scared. (Y/N) was scared that she was going to die and this time no one would be able to save her from death like they had from her mother.
Before she knew what was happening, a blade made its way just under her collarbone and a scream ripped its way from her throat. She didn’t remember seeing the man move, let alone that quickly, but she did remember his face. A scar across his bottom lip, bright green eyes.All (Y/N) could think is how much the man looked like her mother as he threw her towards her future guardian, her protector.
She could feel the blood leaving her body and that terrified her, but that’s not what scared her the most. What scared her was that she couldn’t feel Satoru. She had never been able to describe it all that well, mainly because she didn’t fully understand what ‘it’ was, but she always knew if he was close. She could hear his heartbeat and feel his blood move. But now she couldn’t feel either. She felt nothing from him and she couldn’t help but sob. She sobbed for what felt like forever to the poor girl as she wished all the blood would go away, that all the blood would return to where it was supposed to be.
“Toru-nii please! Please wake up!” (Y/N) repeated this over and over as she clung to him like a lifeline, ignoring the pain wracking her small body, like he would come back to her. Her throat had become raw and her voice became hoarse, but she didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop until he came back to her. (Y/N) could feel her consciousness starting to drift away. Her body was tired from crying, loss of blood, and loss of energy. As she began to lose hope for Satoru to wake up, she voiced two final sentences.
“Dad please don’t leave me, you promised! You promised to stay with me!” Her blood mixed with his until there was no separating them and she began to feel her cries be answered. She could feel Satoru again. (Y/N) could feel one of the most important people in her life had begun to wake up. She felt his arms move to hold her and she felt as if everything would be okay again. Her tears had stained their clothes and she could feel the snot from her nose move its way into her mouth and it bothered her immensely, but she would rather deal with it than to let go of Satoru.
“I’m here, (Y/N). Toru-nii’s here… your dad’s here,” Satoru said these words in a mantra until the young girl began to loosen her hold on him enough for him to look at her. He saw blood coating the left part of her chest and in the back of his mind he could tell that it wasn’t his blood. That thought alone was more than enough to send him into a panic. He saw the stab wound and placed his hand over it and pulled her closer to his chest, pressing a soft kiss on to her temple.
“I’m sorry for scaring you like that. I won’t do it again. Big Bro-dads shouldn’t go back on their promises.” (Y/N) looked him in the eyes and furrowed her brow.
“Wha’s a bro-dad?” Satoru laughed a small, quiet laugh at the tired girl. Nothing like his usual one.
“Me of course! I’m your bestest big brother and I’m going to be your legal parent when I’m legally allowed, so you can’t go away now, at least not when we’re so close to finally saving each other!” (Y/N) smiled at him and rested her head against him.
“You’re the best bro-dad ever, Toru-nii.” And all Satoru could do was pull his little girl as close as he possibly could without hurting her and promise to himself that he would try his damn hardest not to scare her like that again.
─── ⋆⋅ November 2016 ⋅⋆ ──
Once they reach the main training grounds, they see Gojo helping to train the other first years when he got a phone call.
“Hello? Ah yes, this is his guardian… another one? Yes, I'll be there shortly.” (Y/N) let out a small snort and pulled out her phone, sending a quick text.
“Do you want me to go get him, Gojo,” she asked. He looked at her through his bandages and smiled.
“I’m sure Megumi-chan would love that!” She smiled and looked over at Yuuta.
“Would you like to come with me?” The boy in question tilted his head to the side.
“Where are we going?”
“To go get a little crotch goblin,” she replied.
“... Huh?”
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the next chapter, ‘what once was,’ will be out by Monday, September 11th. this chapter will also contain spoilers for jjk season two and will bring the fic to jjk 0. next chapter will be heavy on Suguru, satosugu, and (Y/n). so be ready lol!! as always this is cross posted on ao3 and there is an oc version as well, thank you for reading!!
- honney
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honney-pies · 7 months
Ma Cherie❤︎₊ ⊹
Chapter v: Purple Lilac Blooms
Pairing: Inuokku/ F! Reader
Summary: five times Yuta is a dense little shit and the one time he decides not to be.
Length: 3.8k
A/N: I’m really sorry guys, I know it’s a short chapter, but i’ve had a lot of stuff going on this week and was unable to really sit down and write. I hope y’all like this chapter, i was desperate for some fluff after the last couple being mainly angst. This chapter is dedicated to ao3 and kinktober keeping me sane in these trying times.
Ma Cherie master list
Purple Lilac Blooms - purple lilacs symbolize the beginning of love and the start of relationships. 
It was a lovely day, the sun wasn’t too bright and it wasn’t too cold either. After the death of her brother, Suguru, Y/n had been having a hard time living life as she once had. Inumaki had finished his mission with Yuta and the two were heading to the girls room for some much needed time with her. 
When the two arrived at the room, they saw Y/n in good spirits, rearranging the furniture with Megumi moving all the things she didn’t. Yuta had only met the boy a couple times, but thought he was nice. Y/n was ordering Megumi around in true older sister fashion, it was incredibly funny to watch. 
“No, ‘gumi! Move it to the left, that’s too left. Maybe it would look better over in the corner. Okay let’s try that.” The poor boy had sweat dripping down his face, hair falling uncharacteristically flat on his head. He did as he was told, but once he saw the two boys he groaned.
“Nee-san, your boyfriends are here, make them do it.” Y/n huffed but released Megumi from his tasks and gave him her card to go get food. Yuta, who was confused by the statement, looked at Inumaki to explain, but no explanation came. 
“Hi Inumaki-san, hi Okkotsu-san.” Yuta, to his credit, kept a neutral face and said hi to the young boy. Y/n smiled brightly upon seeing them and walked over giving them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 
Yuta, who had now grown used to the affection, didn’t comment on it. The two boys set down their things and got to work moving everything to where Y/n wished, and stayed by her side. 
Afterwards all the first years sat in the kitchen eating take out that Satoru had so graciously bought for his beloved students. At least that’s what Y/n said when she showed up with an obscene amount of food, a shiny credit card in hand. 
“Y/n,” Yuta asked, “is it true that you have two boyfriends?” Y/n stopped eating midbite and looked at the boy as if he was the stupidest person on Earth. Inumaki, who had been holding his hand, sighed deeply, Panda shook his head, but went back to eating. 
“Yuta, are you an idiot?” Okkotsu looked at Maki, confused. 
“I don’t believe so.” Maki grumbled and continued her meal as she had a silent conversation with Y/n. 
“I thought I had two boyfriends, but it’s now come to my attention I never properly asked him. Yuta, would you like to be my boyfriend?” Yuta looked at the girl, confusion etched into his face.
“Why are you asking me?” Y/n groaned and smacked her head into the table, “Nevermind.” Maki sighed and kicked Yuta’s leg before placing some more food in front of  Y/n. 
It was a rather freezing day, Maki and Y/n just got done putting their weapons away when Y/n barged into Yuta’s room and hurried over and placed herself underneath the covers next to Yuta. Maki shut the door and went to her room, grumbling about how friendships were supposed to come first and how much betrayal she felt, though she didn’t necessarily mean it. 
Yuta, who had been sleeping, felt his body unconsciously mold itself around the girl as if it was second nature, shivering slightly at how cold she was.  Y/n played games on her phone and fell asleep after sometime, wrapping herself around the boy. 
When Yuta woke up, he was wrapped in two sets of arms. He didn’t even have to look to see that they belonged to Inumaki and Y/n. Y/n was speaking in a hushed voice, Inumaki would occasionally respond. He didn’t want to sign since he was holding Yuta. Okkotsu kept his eyes closed, wanting to hear what was being said.
“He’s really cute when he’s sleeping, isn’t he?” Yuta felt a small nod coming from Inumaki. Fingers were in his hair, bushing gently. The boy loved the way it felt, it brought him a lot of comfort and made him feel more at ease than he’d felt in a while. It’s sort of weird, but the feeling of nails against his scalp felt better than he’d though they would. 
“I wish he wasn’t so oblivious. You’d think he’d’ve noticed by now.” Something that Yuta had noticed was how informal Y/n spoke when she was tired. It was quite amusing to him. A soft yawn escaped her, she snuggled closer to the boys.
“Damn these blankets are nice… maybe if I steal them Yuta’ll spend more nights with us.” He felt the soft shake of Toge’s chest, laughing at his girlfriend's comment.
“Toge, do you think he’ll stop being so dense?” A shake from Inumaki. Y/n sighed softly, “Well at least we have times like this.” 
It was finally beginning to warm up in Tokyo, still chilly, but not unbearably cold. Y/n was sitting on the stairs, watching as Toge and Yuta sparred. She liked the way their muscles looked, even if they were buried underneath too many layers for her liking. 
A small smile had taken its place on her lips while she watched. Maki, who had been critiquing the two, eventually made her way over to her friend. 
“You’re developing a staring problem.” Y/n laughed, “Their fault for being hot.” Maki snickered and took her place at the girls' side. 
“Have you asked him out since dinner?” Y/n shook her head. 
“No, we’re waiting until he begins to realize a little more.” Maki nodded along. She never understood the appeal to dating or waiting to share your feelings, but she was making an effort. 
Y/n and Maki began to speak and got into small arguments as they waited for the two to be done fighting.
“Glitter is totally different from sparkles.” 
“No it’s not.”
“Is too!”
“Is not!” 
“I’m not taking the opinion from someone who doesn’t like brussel sprouts.” 
“Good, ‘cause I don’t want the opinion of someone who likes brussel sprouts.” 
“They’re good!”
“No they’re not!”
“Oh my god, you’re infuriating,” though Y/n said this with a smile.
“Now you know what it feels like to try and hold a conversation with you,” though Maki said this with an even wider smile.
Y/n and Maki were so in their own world, they failed to notice that the boys were done sparring and were just watching the two. Y/n rolled her eyes and saw how close Toge was to her face and screamed. Maki jumped a little at the noise before both girls dissolved into a fit of laughter. However not before smacking the boys for scaring them. 
“What’s so funny?” This time the girls and Yuta screamed, Toge only jumped, as Panda showed up from spending quality time with his dad. The five first years all laughed and had fun. After a while of talking, Y/n rolled her head to the side and looked at Toge. 
“Wanna go on a date with me, hot shot,” she whispered. Toge laughed and nodded his head. The two get up and pull Yuta up with them. 
“Where are we going?” Y/n grabbed one hand, Inumaki grabbed the other. Y/n looked at him and smiled.
“We’re going on a date!” Yuta’s face lit up.
“Oh, I love hang outs!” Y/n and Inumaki sighed, but let it go. 
“Mhm, totally.” 
Inumaki, Yuta, and Y/n were all snuggling in bed, you know, like totally platonic best friends who are definitely not attracted to each other (not saying that you can’t cuddle with your friends), when all of a sudden Y/n got up and walked out of the room. Totally calm and chill, not at all almost falling flat on her face or freaking out the other two. 
When she got back, she had a new pair of shorts on and a new blanket to sit on. While the boys didn't fully understand, they let it go and continued their movie. Y/n refused to join their cuddle pile and set the, now folded, blanket down on a separate spot of the bed. When they tried to move closer to her, she moved a little bit farther. When they tried to set a blanket on top of her, she said she was too hot even though she was visibly shaking. 
After an awkward hour, Y/n got up and left the room.
“ ’m fine, I just want something sweet.” Inumaki sighed and nudged Yuta’s shoulder.
‘She’s on her period.’ Yuta gasped before he quickly got up and put on his shoes.
‘Where are you going?’
“To go get Maki!”
‘What does she have to do with this?’ 
“She must know what she likes and what she might want.” Toge also got up, but shook his head.
‘She’s on a job, plus I know what she likes. It’s our job to go get it anyway.’
“What do you mean?” Toge looked at the boy and sighed.
"We're her lovers, we should be able to bring her as much comfort as possible.’ Yuta looked confused for a moment then glanced at Toge.
“Uh, Toge, I think my signing is a little rusty, but don’t you mean as her lover, not lovers?” Toge shook his head and motioned his hand between the two of them, he then made a heart with his hands.
“Ah yeah, we’re best friends.” Inumaki groaned before he gave Yuta a small peck on his cheek in a desperate attempt to get his feelings across. Yuta’s face was practically on fire when Toge looked up at him, holding an uncanny resemblance to that of a tomato.
“Oh, thanks, Toge. Now let's get your girlfriend some treats.” Toge just let out a silent scream, waving his hands in the air, when Yuta turned his back. When Yuta turned around, Toge quickly pretended that all was well and grabbed his hand as he felt Yuta brush his thumb across his knuckles.
Maybe he’s slowly getting it. 
When Y/n arrived back in Toge’s room, she saw no one there and made her place in his room. Sending a quick text telling the boys to use protection, which of course went over Yuta’s head who said they’d make sure to double check the road before crossing. 
“God this is not how I wanted my weekend to go.” Shoko looks up from her labs and towards the girl.
“What? Spending a couple days in the infirmary isn’t what you wanted to do? ‘Cause it sure as hell isn’t what I want to do. I’m supposed to be with ‘Hime in Shinjuku right now.”  Y/n groans before wincing at the feeling of the hydrogen peroxide on her cuts. 
“It’s not like I was trying to bleed out.” Shoko gives her an icy look. Ever since Suguru died, Y/n has been a little more reckless in her fighting style. She’s been slowly getting better, but Satoru still doesn’t like her going out by herself. 
Y/n had been on a mission with Mei Mei, and Ui Ui by extension, and is still creeped out from it. She’s currently under evaluation to become a Grade One shaman, and after her performance in December, her family’s influence has lessened in her ranking. 
It wasn’t even a particularly difficult job, her technique just got the better of her. You see readers, having the ability to manipulate blood comes at a fairly hefty price at times. Y/n has been trying for quite some time to manipulate blood without a weapon or a medium, so far it’s been incredibly unreliable and causing her to lose more blood than she typically would. 
Y/n has heard the stories of a Kamo boy who was able to move blood at his will without a medium to help assist him in the drain, so she has been teaching herself to do the same. However, Y/n is also trying to learn how to draw blood from her pores without actually causing damage to her body, again, unreliable results. 
This time Y/n barely managed to get to Ijichi’s car without passing out. “What would I ever do without you, Jiji?” Mei Mei had helped her to the medical bay, not without charging Y/n and adding a convenience fee. Ui Ui threw a tantrum that ‘such scum would ever be able to feel the warmth of his beloved sister,’ which made Y/n even more queasy than before. 
While Y/n sits patiently and watches as the bubbles form on her arm, a very frantic father begins to make his way to her, not before running into his students who are very confused as to why he is running around like a headless chicken. 
Similar to when Y/n had been five, Satoru slams the door open, with a cry of her name, and goes to fling himself on her, though this time Shoko yanks him by the collar and makes him sit down. Shortly after, the rest of the first years made their way through the door and were greeted by Shoko handing a lollipop to Y/n. Satoru sits next to the girl, finally calm, and pretends as if nothing is wrong and he didn’t raise hell trying to get to her. 
Maki makes her way to one side of the table and sits down next to Y/n, going to pinch her shoulder, but noticing that there was quite the bruise forming. Yuta and Toge sit on the other side, and Panda sits in front of the girl. When everyone finally gets a good look at the girl, they notice just how banged up she is. Scraps, cuts, bruises all made an appearance on her skin. Her under eye was bruised to hell, as was most of her body. 
Y/n sits with practiced stillness as Shoko approaches her with all the salves and ointments her body has become used to over the years. Shoko used to use her reversed technique to heal her when she was younger, but out of paranoia that maybe Y/n would grow a slight immunity, Shoko went the more medicinal route. 
They watch as Y/n takes the small sizzles like a champ, comparing it to Pop Rocks on her skin, and take notice of how Shoko moves to wrap the bandages with muscle memory. Over the years, Shoko has essentially become her personal doctor. When Y/n got her period a couple months before Tsumiki first got hers, she was there talking to her through the bathroom door. 
“It’s not your cursed technique.” 
“How do you know it’s not me dying?” 
“Cause that’s not how it works. It only feels like you are.” 
“Oh. I wonder if I can move it like the rest of my blood.”
“Let’s not try that out.” 
Shoko was there every time she had a fever, cold, scrape, bruise, fell out of a tree, etc. You name it, Shoko was there to wrap her up and make her feel better. Shoko never really inserted herself into the family dynamic, though she does know that Y/n sees her as a sister, and she’s fine with that. How is she supposed to trust Satoru to not kill his three kids by forgetting the basic things required for a human being to survive? 
Maki of course gives Y/n an earful as they all walk to Y/n’s room to make bracelets with her for the upcoming spring. Satoru stayed behind to talk with Shoko about both of his daughters' health.
‘Incoming call from sea urchin’
Y/n sighs, knowing what the call was about before pressing the button to accept the call.
“Nee-san, what did you do?”  Y/n could practically see the frustration on her little brother’s face. 
“ ‘Gumi, there’s nothing to worry about. I got a little banged up on my job and had to get patched up. No biggie.” Megumi sighs deeply before beginning to speak once again.
“This has been happening a lot more, Y/n, I don’t like it.” She knew where he’s coming from, she really does, but the constant surveillance unnerved her — however warranted it seemed. Y/n’s the type of person who’s incredibly stubborn and craves independence. She didn’t like people treating her as if she was a child, frankly it did nothing but piss her off, but she understood that sometimes people need to hover in order to ease their own minds. 
“Megumi, I promise I’m getting better at being more carful with my body. It’s just been a long week.”
“That’s what you said last time.”
“Well at least you know I’m consistent!” Megumi groans before saying his goodbyes and hanging up. Y/n knows she’s being a little bit of an asshole — really she does — she’s trying to get it under control, but it’s been happening a lot more frequently. She knows she’ll start spiraling again if she focuses too much on herself, but she also knows she’ll just continue to lash out at those around her if she doesn’t at least attempt to regulate her emotions a little bit better. It’s been nearly three months since Suguru’s death, Y/n knows it’s completely normal to take a long time to grieve, but for some reason it seems like so much longer than it’s supposed to. This isn’t the first time someone close to her has died, and it certainly won’t be the last, yet this time it hurts just that little bit more, this time she finally has been pushed off the cliff. And she doesn’t really like what she sees in the mirror most days. She doesn’t like the helplessness that comes with the grief, nor does she like the way she pours herself over every photo, every voicemail, desperate to see where it all went wrong. Y/n spent years like this, though it got better at manifesting itself in different ways, the torment that came with her thoughts were still very much there, even after all this time. 
She joins the rest of the group, who’re all waiting patiently for her to get off the phone, and grabs Yuta’s hand, holding a tight grip to help ground herself. 
“We should totally go on a date tomorrow, Yuta!” She watches him carefully as a light blush floods his cheeks, his hands begin to sweat a little and she chuckles when he looks at her.
“Okay, we can hang out tomorrow,” he says softly, Y/n deflates a little and Maki smacks the back of his head. “Honestly how can someone be so fucking dense?” Y/n giggles softly and gives Yuta’s hand a small squeeze before letting go and walking with Panda. 
Toge watches out of the corner of his eye as Yuta frowns slightly and clenches his hand a couple times before continuing to walk and slinking over to Toge’s side. Toge bumps his shoulder against his body. Maki couldn’t help but compare Yuta to that of a puppy looking for its owners. 
Ever since the news of Yuta’s sudden study abroad was announced, Y/n and Toge have been spending even more time with the boy, if that’s even possible. The three of them are lounging in Y/n’s room, not really doing anything, just spending time in each other's company. 
Yuta rests his head on Y/n’s chest, and Toge lays behind Y/n, they’re in a pile of sorts, Toge carrying the brunt of the weight; not that he minded at all. If anything he prefers it this way. The weight of his girlfriend, and hopefully soon-to-be boyfriend, helps to ground him to the present. 
He likes the feeling of Y/n and Yuta’s soft laughter, the playful shoving, the fingers running through his hair, and the gentle, steady rhythm of their breathing as they fall asleep against him. These are the moments where he feels the most at ease, the most relaxed, the happiest. 
He frankly doesn’t know what he’s going to do if Yuta decides that maybe he’s not for him, that they're not for him. Aside from Y/n, he’s never cared for someone as strongly as he does for the boy. When Yuta transferred to the school,  he was a breath of fresh air, he complimented the lovers so beautifully in a way he’d never imagined was possible. 
Toge knows that they’ll survive and respect his decision if he chooses not to be with them, but he’s still holding onto the small moments, the small gestures that make him feel like he’s not being ‘delulu’ as Y/n puts it. 
In the quiet moments of the night, Toge can hear Yuta shuffle around. He feels as Yuta reaches up and gently places his hand in Toge’s hair. He feels the soft motions of his fingers gliding through and the soft sigh that follows. 
“You know, you’re both so beautiful it hurts. Not just physically, but your hearts and souls bring so much brightness to my life, it scares me at times,” he whispers, “How can I possibly stand beside you both? I would let the higher ups kill me if it meant the two of you would be safe.” Toge releases a sharp breath, one that alerts the other boy. Toge carefully shifts Y/n off of him and quickly pulls Yuta to him. He entangles a hand in his hair, tugging the taller boy down.
Yuta inhales sharply and rests his hands on Toge’s neck. The two join in the middle, lips clashing. They can’t fully see what they’re doing in the dark, and the kiss is rather clumsy and inexperienced, but practice will make perfect. 
When they pull apart, their breathing is rigged, not quite gasping for air, but shallow. The boys were so engrossed in each other, they failed to notice the girl that woke up in the mists of their… fun. The small giggle is what finally alerts them to her presence. 
“Damn, as hot as that was, I wish I got a kiss too, ya know?” The three laugh as Yuta shuffle over to Y/n, a gentle pair of lips place themselves on top of hers. She smiles into it. The kiss—a peck really—is soft, inexperienced as well, and lights a spark in Y/n’s heart. 
“At least now you get it.” Yuta laughs, “I always did, I just wasn’t sure of my own feelings.” Y/n brushes her hands through his hair quickly before looking at Toge, she can’t see him, but she knows his face is as red as can be.
Y/n snorts, “As sweet as this is, I’m really tired.” She curls herself underneath the blanket and pulls the other two towards her when they begin to take too long. 
‘If this is the happiest I’ll ever be in my life, so be it. As long as they’re here by my side.’
Thanks for reading! The next chapter, ‘Absence’ should be posted on Wednesday(10/18)! We’re now making our way to season one of jjk. I’ll be holding off on writing anything pertaining to the second half of season two cause my heart really can’t take writing that much angst right now and I’m still recovering from the leaks. I’m also working on a couple other things right now, so i might be a little slower with updates in the future! Please comment or like, it helps to keep me motivated in my writing. As always, there is an oc version on my blog and on ao3.
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honney-pies · 8 months
Ma Cherie❤︎
Birthday Girl
Pairing: Inumaki Toge/F!Reader/Okkotsu Yuuta
Fandom : Jujutsu Kaisen
Summary : this is how (y/n) got her name and how found family is like my fav trope.
Content warning/chapter warning: character death, referenced/implied abuse, referenced/implied sexual assault, excessive blood loss, thoughts of self-hatred, depression, feeling helpless, a knife is used, her mother SUCKS, please please please seek help if you or a loved one is being abused or in a harmful environment. I'm not sure if there is anything else, but please let me know and I will add it to the list!
Length: 2.5k
A/n: GUYS I'M SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T POSTED I FORGOT THAT I SAVED THIS TO DRAFTS! the next couple chapters are going to be more gaining context while also establishing how she interacts with others. the next two chapters (and this one too i think) contain spoilers for JJK season two. (y/n)'s birth name is Akane, but after this chapter I don't plan on referencing that. right now i'm sitting at about three chapters either nearly completed or started. please let me know if you liked this post! as always there is an oc version here and on ao3, feel free to read it if you would like! i'm still not sure how long this fic will be, but i'm aiming for about ten chapters. (Y/N) calls herself Akane anytime before she turns five.
Ma Cherie Masterlist
 ─── ⋆⋅ November  2016 ⋅⋆ ─── 
(Y/n) was looking at Panda and Maki sparring when she saw someone sit down in the corner of her eyes. Yuuta kept on staring at the sixteen year old, and she was beginning to feel her skin get itchy from feeling watched. He kept on looking at her then looking away, clearly he wanted to say something, but she didn’t want to bring it up if he didn’t intend to ask. 
“Kamo-san, why do some people call you Akane and others call you (Y/n)?” The girl in question looked at the dark haired boy and stared at him. 
“O-oh, you don’t need to answer that if you don’t want to! I didn’t mean to put you on the spot!” (Y/n) laughed, Yuuta was definitely too sweet for this world. 
“Do you want the short version or the longer one,” she asked. 
“I want to hear whatever you want to tell me,” he replied. 
    ─── ⋆⋅December 29, 2005⋅⋆ ─── 
It had been her birthday. Akane had just turned five years old and Shoko, Suguru and Satoru made sure to give her the best day ever. It had been her first birthday since her mother first tried to hurt her and Yaga banned her from entering the school. 
That night she was determined to sleep in her old room by herself and prove to herself that she grew up and could overcome what had happened to her. For a little over a month she had been alternating rooms and everyone had taken turns walking her to and from school along with having her accompany them on missions, obviously staying in the car, if no one else was available to watch her. All to protect her from her mother. 
When she had gotten into the room everything seemed fine, safe. Satoru was one room down and Suguru was in the same hallway as well. Shoko was still at her parents until classes started again. Satoru and Suguru had stayed with her for most of the night until she said she wanted to spend the night alone. They just looked at each other and agreed. What she didn’t know was that Suguru had let a small curse to watch over her, moreso to let him know if there were any changes in her mood or breathing. They both made their promises of seeing Akane tomorrow and to come into either one of their rooms should she feel scared. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Satoru?” The boy in question just looked at him and that’s all Suguru needed to know before grabbing his hand and holding it until they reached his room. The two went to their rooms and began to fall asleep. Although neither one was really able to do so. Akane’s well being was at the forefront of both of their minds. 
At first Akane didn’t know what was going on. She had thought that a tree was scratching at her window, maybe it had been a stray cat, but when she heard the shattering of her bedroom window break, she knew that it was no tree or cat. She knew it was something far worse. The five year old panicked and hid herself underneath the blanket and made herself small, as if that would keep the scary monsters away. 
We, as the readers of this story, know that hiding away under blankets will never keep the monsters at bay, but Akane was still a child, a child who didn’t fully know of the harsh realities the world, especially her own, had in store. 
The creaking of the wooden floors had been her only way of knowing where the monster was. The noises grew closer until one side of the bed dipped down and a soft voice called out to her. 
“Akane, it’s your mother. Come on out and tell me hi.” Akane was confused to say the least. From what she understood Mother was no longer allowed at the school since Yaga refused her entry. She had been told that if she did see her mother that she must go to another mom and ask to call her family or hide. 
This, however, wasn’t the first time Akane’s mother was not allowed to visit her for a period of time. From what she’s been told her mother got sad a lot. From what she heard while others thought she wasn’t listening was that her mother was unstable and had severe manic depression. She didn’t know what that really meant, but she knew that sometimes her mom wouldn’t be allowed to see her for a little bit. It happened pretty often, so Akane thought it was normal for her to disappear and show up out of nowhere. 
Unfortunately this was not one of those times. This time she felt her mothers animosity, this time she felt no love coming from her mother. Akane knew that her mother, the one she tries to remember, was nowhere to be seen. All that was left was a shell filled with rage, guilt, and anguish. This manifested itself into a pit in her mothers stomach, a pit that blamed Akane. Who she once viewed as her greatest achievement, her greatest creation, she could only view as her antagonizer.
That’s the funny thing about trauma, sometimes the blame can get misplaced. An innocent child can get the brunt of the aftermath of another man’s hand. 
Akane tried to sink herself as far down into her bed as she could, however the mattress didn’t swallow her up and protect her as she had hoped. Her mother only got angry and ripped the blanket off of her and clamped a bloodied, beaten hand over the child's mouth. Her child's mouth. 
She tried to squirm away, but her mother placed her full body weight onto her and forced her to stay put. 
“You listen here you insolent brat! You will keep your mouth shut and listen to your mother when you're told. I should have never left you here, you clearly don’t know what manners are. Now, nod your head if you’ll listen to mother like a good little girl.” Akane nodded her head, thinking that it would keep her safe. The hand that was placed over her mouth removed itself and reached to the side of her mothers clothes. She pulled out a knife and Akane had never been more scared in her life. 
“You have failed me for the last time, Akane,” hissed her mother, “you weren’t born a boy, you look like your father, you look like that other boy from your beloved fathers mistress, you have a hereditary cursed technique, one from the men's side. You have a family here, a happy one. You evade your fathers hand and live your life protected by the strongest. All of which I did for you, yet you never bother to show me gratitude. You are the product of your fathers control. Control over me, control over my body, control over my life. You are the embodiment of everything, everything, I have tried so hard to forget. I hate you! I wish you were never born!” 
The knife was lifted into the air. 
The knife was pushed into Akane’s small, fragile body. 
“Because of you, I can never be free!” The knife made its way to her stomach. She watched as her mother cried, as she wept and sobbed. Akane mirrored her mother and cried. She felt guilty for living and causing someone, especially her own mother, this much pain. As she watched the knife be lifted in the air again, she let a scream crawl its way from her throat. It came out garbled since she was choking on her own blood. She grabbed the blade and pushed it away from her body with all the strength that was left in her bloodied body. Through it all she screamed Satoru’s name, hoping that he heard her and would save her. Akane’s bedroom wall imploded on itself and two boys raced through. Suguru tackled her mother to the ground, effectively saving Akane. Satoru ran to her side and wrapped her in bedsheets, trying to stop the bleeding. The young girl looked over at her mother and noticed how she didn’t look human anymore, how she looked like a curse. 
She screamed and screamed at her daughter, blaming her, hating her. 
“I hate you! I wish you were never born!” Suguru stabbed her. The screaming turned into slurred, garbled speech.
Suguru had never seen someone actively turn into a curse before that night. He watched Akane’s mother turn into a curse right before his eyes, and just like so many times before he absorbed the girl’s mother. He hoped she would never see her mother ever again. 
Satoru rushed Akane to Shoko’s room, knowing she could save the girl. As they were leaving, Akane had three words falling from her lips.
“I love you.” 
Tumblr media
When Akane woke back up she was in the medical bay, Shoko was watching over her. 
“Oh, you’re awake,” She pulled out her phone, “ Gojo, she woke up just now.” Shoko walked over to her and began to assess her. About half way through, the door slammed open and in ran Satoru, with Suguru not far behind. 
“You scared me! My lovely little sister scared me!” He threw himself onto her, but made sure he wasn’t actually hurting her. Suguru quickly joined them and all three of them curled up together while Shoko finished her tests. 
Later that day the four of them spent the night in Shoko’s room, it was the farthest away from the incident that happened last night. Their time together was spent goofing off and acting as children and above all else, making Akane feel loved. 
When he thought everyone else was asleep, Satoru pulled Akane closer to him and saw that she, too, hadn’t gone to bed.
“Can’t sleep,” he asked. She shook her head.
“I don’ know if I like who I am. Mother didn’ like me.” Satoru’s heart ached for her. He had been watching over the girl, mainly just keeping her company since he was 13, she was one. Their parents struck a deal to essentially groom the young girl into being a weapon for him if he desires. Though Satoru didn’t know how a measly toddler could be seen as one. 
He saw Akane all the time as he got older, when he moved into the dorms the two were practically inseparable. In fact when he introduced Suguru and Shoko to her, he referred to her as his little sister, in return she began to call him ‘toru-nii’. 
“You know, you don’t have to be who you were completely, you could be someone else. You could rise from the ashes like that one bird from Harry Potter!” She giggled quietly and rolled her eyes, although she didn’t know how to do that quite yet, so she just looked up. 
“Phoenix Fawkes, you're there when Sugu-nii reads them too, should at least remember the names.” Satoru rolled his eyes and poked her forehead. 
“You do know we love you, right? I love you. You bring us, me, so much happiness, love, and you deserve those things too. You deserve affection. (Y/n), do you know what that means? It can means ‘love and affection.’ We could call you that if you want.” 
The young girl looked up at him and smiled like he was the greatest thing to ever happen to her. He watched as she began to be overtaken by dreams, he wished they would remain happy ones. 
“I wan’ t’do that, dad.” Ak- (Y/n) drifted to sleep, and Satoru couldn't help but let out the biggest, brightest smile the world had ever seen. This was the greatest thing that could ever happen to him. (Y/n) had never called him that before, although there had been a few times where she nearly did. He couldn’t be happier than he was at this moment. He pulled the girl as close as he could without hurting her. 
In the darkness of the room he met Suguru’s eyes. He smiled at Satoru and placed his hand on top of his. 
 ─── ⋆⋅ November 2017 ⋅⋆ ───
“My dad gave it to me. I was five at the time and he wanted me to be able to choose who I would become, to let go of my biological family and move forward. To have a constant reminder that I’m loved and deserve to be happy. Some people call me Akane to piss me off, some do it because they don’t know or simply don’t care.” Yuuta looked at the girl and he knew that she must have been through something that most wouldn’t have recovered from. 
“I thought you and your family don’t talk.” 
“I talk to my older brother sometimes.I guess you wouldn’t know since you aren’t familiar with the politics and all that, but he was here for the Sister School exchange event, he goes to the Kyoto school. In fact he’s the only remotely tolerable one from my family, although I don’t go out of my way to interact with them. I don’t talk to anyone from there anymore besides him, his name is Noritoshi. He doesn’t really know how to speak for himself and it annoys me, but he respects my decision to leave even if he thinks it was a stupid idea.” 
“Oh, the one with the shut eyes?” 
“They’re narrow, but yeah, that’s him.” 
Yuuta looked at her the whole time, giving her his undivided attention. In that moment she realized she liked the feeling of his eyes on her, her skin didn’t itch as much. 
“Like Maki,” he asked. She sighed.
“Fortunately I never spent more than a couple days at the estate at a time. I grew up here, actually. My mother gave a huge amount of money to the school to let me stay here. That and Yaga and her were friends I think.  Maki had to live with them for years. I didn’t, I had the privilege to live away from them in a loving family.” 
Yuuta looked like he had more to ask, but she saw Satoru sit down next to her. He saw her smile and bump her shoulder with his, no Infinity to get in the way. 
“Hi, sensei!” He grinned at the two.
“What were my beloved students talking about? Anything interesting?” 
“My name.” Satoru looked at her through his bandages and saw her staring at the sky, running her fingers over her clothes, where the scars were, are. 
“That’s a different kind of interesting, (Y/n). You know I think I did a great job helping you pick that name out! It suits you.” Yuuta looked over confused, he was about to speak up when the girl tapped his shin with her foot, luckily he got the idea and closed his mouth. 
“I’m the one that agreed with you, so get off your high horse, sensei.” The two let out twin laughs as Satoru got up. ‘A meeting with the muscle man,’ he said. Before Yuuta even had a chance to speak, she beat him to the punch.
“He raised me. I only call him Gojo or sensei when talking around at school. To me he’ll always be toru-nii.”
“You said your father gave you that name.” She smiled.
“I said my dad did. Not my father.”
“Oh... Does he know you see him as a dad,” he asked. She nodded her head. 
“C’mon Okkotsu, let's practice.” He stared up at the girl as she offered her hand to him. He grabbed it and pulled himself up. 
He liked the way her hand felt against his, though he didn’t know if Rika would appreciate the thought.
lmk if you would like to join!
the next chapter, 'family bonding' should be out Saturday, September 2nd! thank you so much for reading and I will make sure to get a masterlist in place soon!
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honney-pies · 8 months
Ma Cherie ❤︎
What Once Was
Pairing: Inuokku/f!reader
Length: 9.3k
Summary: Sometimes reminiscing the past can hurt, but sometimes it’s for the better.
A/n: omg hey guys, sorry for taking so long. I had a lot to deal with these past two week, so I’m a little behind. This chapter focuses heavily on (y/n) and the relationships she has with those around her. This isn’t totally proofread and my desk top has been glitching a lot lately, so please let me know and I will fix it! as always, there’s an oc version and this is cross posted on ao3.
Ma Cherie master list
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ── 
(Y/n)’s standing outside the classrooms, watching as her breath fills the air. She hadn't noticed that everyone had already started to leave until Inumaki tapped her on the shoulder. She snaps out of it and sees that Yuuta was also waiting for her. (Y/n) smiled at the two, noticing how their hands brushed against each other. The three of them had been toeing the line between friends and lovers for some time now, so it was quite adorable watching Yuuta start to figure out that the couple liked him quite a bit. As all the first years were walking away from class, goofing around and acting like kids, Yuuta stops and looks at the sky. Everyone else stops and looks at him, asking him what's wrong.
“Uh, well… I just had a bad premonition,” he responded.
“You’re imagining things.”
“Yep, imagining things.”
“Okaka.”  (Y/n) laughs softly at everyone’s comment. She looks at Yuuta and grabs his wrist before hurrying up to catch the others. 
“Huh? Guys wait!” She feels a nudge from Inumaki and she looks over at her boyfriend who tilts his head  and smiles at her, she smiles back.
“Well, your ability to sense curse energy sucks, you know,” Panda starts. 
“Figures it be dulled, with a curse like Rika constantly around you,” Maki finishes. As they all continued to joke around and make their way off campus (Y/n) could see a little white blob in the sky. A bird, she realizes. A really big bird. (Y/n) felt her phone buzz and pulled it out.
‘Incoming call from weezer🧿🧿’ 
“That's unusual.” (Y/n) looks up from her phone to see what Panda was talking about to see that the bird has landed in front of them. 
“Yuuta’s intuition was correct.” (Y/n) quickly answers the phone call to alert her brother that there was a bird heading for them, even though she knew chances are he already sensed it. As the bird landed, another figure fell to the side. (Y/n) could make out formal clothing, a Gojo-kesa, and a lot of black hair, but that’s not what made her freeze. That bloodflow, she thought, I know it. 
“You’re… not staff,” Maki observed as she pulled out her spear. She sees a person she hasn’t seen in a very long time, her beloved brother. 
“Sugu-nii,” she whispers into her phone, already forgotten in her hand. Suguru looks around for a second before staring right at her and smiling.
“Yo, (Y/n)-chan! It’s been a long time.” Tears started to form in her eyes, she didn’t know what to do. Her chest began to tighten as a wave of emotions came over her, she feels overwhelmed and she just wants to go to sleep.
“Sugu-nii, what are you doing here,” she asks. Although she didn’t know if she wanted to know the reason why. 
“You’ve grown a lot, well I guess that’s to be expected. How are your studies going?” He eyes the phone in her hand and frowns slightly. She felt the blood rushing to her ears and couldn’t move. Suguru appears in front of Yuuta in an instant and she can’t help but feel slightly jealous of how quickly he moved his attention to someone that wasn’t her. Someone with more power, she thinks.
“Nice to meet you, Okkotsu-kun. I’m Geto Suguru.”
“O-oh hi, nice to meet you,” Yuuta replied.
“You possess a truly wonderful power, I see. I believe that great power ought to be used towards great ends.” (Y/n) felt her frustration bubble beneath her skin, like a wildfire with no one around to stop it. The Suguru she knew believed that the strong must protect the weak, that shamans exist to protect non-shaman. 
“Have you ever questioned the current state of the world? This world where jujutsu shamans act in secret in order to protect the order of commonplace society. You see, there’s this established paradox,” he started as he let go of Yuuta’s hands and began to move more freely, “saying that the strong must protect the weak,” he continued.
(Y/n) could feel her blood begin to flood through her ears, slowly drowning out the utter bullshit he was spewing. She saw Suguru wrap his arm around Yuuta, but at this point she didn’t care to listen. She was so unbelievably tired. Tired of listening to his tangent that is so different to the lectures he used to give her growing up.
“-we would like you to help us kill all non-shamans and create a world with only jujutsu shamans.” And in a split second, the pedestal she held her dear brother crumbled underneath his very feet. The others saw how upset she was getting and were also starting to get riled up. You see, (Y/n) has known that Suguru was not the same, but it’s different seeing and hearing it. She has heard for years about how he was a traitor, murderer, cult leader, but she could always deny it in her mind. How could someone who taught her right and wrong end up being so very… wrong? She poured hours of her life into reading the files the school has made of him. Spent hours outside his temple hoping to get the courage to see him, to ask why. She’s spent years trying to prove to herself that her brother never changed, but she’s finally seeing what everyone has been saying. She’s seeing all the things she’s ignored and she has this revelation that maybe, maybe she didn’t know her brother as well as she thought she had.
Above all else, she’s infuriated at how someone who hurt not only hundreds of innocent people, but her family, herself, her dad, waltz back into her home as if he never left it in the first place. As if he never left her. 
“Could you stop preaching your crazy beliefs to my students?” With the voice of her brother, the one that stayed in her life, she felt her anger bury itself further under the surface, where she could manage it better. Suguru’s mouth pressed into a thin line before turning itself into a smile, but not the one he used to give Satoru, a fake up filled with nothing. 
“Satoru! Long time no see!” 
“First of all, get away from those kids, Suguru.” She looked at Satoru and saw how tense his face was. She could only imagine the amount of heartbreak he must be feeling. The man still had a hard time eating fried chicken after all this time, let alone even speaking of KFC. 
‘Guess we’re going to eat a bunch of sweets tonight’.
“I had heard this year’s first-years were all outstanding students. Now I understand. It was all your doing. A special-grade cursed human, a cursed corpse mutation, the descendant of the cursed speech users, our beloved sister, and the zen’in clan failure.” (Y/n) clenched her jaw and moved herself to be more in Suguru’s eyesight blocking Maki, her best friend. She could feel Maki pull her behind her as she juts her spear forward towards Suguru. The look on his face makes her want to vomit, he looks absolutely appalled by Maki.
“Watch what you do, because I don’t need any monkey like you in my world,” his eyes slid over to (Y/n), “how unfortunate that you’ve chosen their side, (Y/n)-chan.”
“Monkey,” he called her, he called Maki a monkey. Tears that had been welling up in her eyes were finally threatening to fall, not from sadness, but from the unabated anger making its way to her heart. Yuuta made eye contact with her before pushing Suguru’s arm off.
“I’m sorry. I don’t really understand what you’re talking about, but… I can’t help anyone who insults my friends!” Suguru lets out a sigh before he begins to speak once more.
“My apologies. It wasn’t my intention to upset you.” She felt a hand on her shoulder shortly before she appeared in between Yuuta and Suguru. ‘Toru-nii’.
“Then what exactly did you come for?” Even with the bandages covering Satoru’s eyes, she knew that the soulmates were making perfect eye contact. 
“To declare war,” he responded. (Y/n) felt her jaw tense and she gently nudged Satoru after feeling his hand tighten against her. Suguru turned away from Satoru and looked at the others.
“Everyone gathered here, open your ears and listen closely! On the coming December 24th, when the sun sets, we shall conduct the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. It will take place in the crucible of curses, Shinjuku, Tokyo, and the holy land of jujutsu, Kyoto,” He announces. 
“We will unleash a thousand curses upon each place, and of course their command will be to ‘massacre’. If you wish to avoid a scene straight out of hell, come and stop it with all your might. Let us freely curse each other!”
The smile on Suguru’s face unnerves (Y/n) slightly and she has the sudden realization that maybe, just maybe, she genuinely doesn’t know him anymore. The blonde girl behind Suguru lets out a screech that quickly wipes his malice laced smile into a softer one.
“Geto-sama! The store’s gonna close!” Her whining was giving (Y/n) a huge headache. 
“It’s already that late? I’m sorry, Satoru, (Y/n)-chan. My girls just insist on going to get crepes from Takeshita street,” he began, “so I’ll be taking my leave.”
My girls, so he really did replace me. 
When she looked up, Suguru set a hand on her head, though there was a slight delay. Satoru had activated his Infinity on her when he had grabbed her, only releasing it when knowing Suguru wouldn’t hurt her.  
“See you soon, imōto.” He removes his hand and all she can think is how much she’s missed him. The two of them watch for a second time as he leaves and this time it stings just that little bit more. She looks at the group and then at Satoru, and takes a deep breath. 
“Maki,” she says, “can we make some cookies?” Maki, who knew the other girl like the back of her hand, simply nodded, knowing she needed the distraction while their teacher and the rest of her family would undoubtedly be busy with meetings. 
“Gojo-san, we need to go.” Satoru looked down at the girl, his little girl, and gave her shoulder one more reassuring squeeze before letting go. 
“I’ll swing by later tonight, okay,” he whispers before taking his leave and giving the others a nod and going back to campus. 
As they walked back she could feel everyone's eyes on her, it made her skin crawl. It was as if it was on fire and it made her so incredibly uncomfortable, but she told them that she would talk about her feelings when she was ready. And they respected her wishes just like she’s done to them many times before.
─── ⋆⋅ August 2017 ⋅⋆ ── 
It was the first time in a while since (Y/n) had been sent to live at the Technical College. After Satoru graduated, he officially adopted (Y/n). It was a day filled with happy tears, hugs, and an obscene amount of sweets. They had moved into an apartment and her family quickly grew from there.
Nine years later she’s back at the school and moving into a dorm with the promise of learning and finally earning money. It was about two weeks before classes were supposed to start, but she wanted to get back into the swing of things, help Inumaki move into his dorm and maybe make another friend. There was one person she had yet to meet and she wanted to at least be acquaintances with the other girl before classes started. One perk of your ‘bro-dad’ being your teacher, you find out about stuff before you’re meant to. 
(Y/n) had already met and was friends with two of her classmates, Panda and Inumaki. Although the latter is her boyfriend and future spouse, so she supposed it didn’t really count. She had heard that the other girl was from the Zen’in clan and was unable to see curses. She hoped the two would be friends since they came from similar filial situations. 
As she was moving that last of her things into her new room, or rather Satoru’s old room, she spotted someone moving into a room not too far down. She finished setting her things down and made her way over to the room before noticing the door was ajar. She knocked and smiled when the girl turned around. 
“Hi, I’m (Y/n)! I’m your classmate, I believe.” The other girl did a once over before walking a little closer. 
“Maki, you are.” (Y/n) looked up at Maki and smiled another bright smile. 
“I like your hair! Do you need any help setting things up? I’m nearly finished, so I can lend a hand if you would like.” Maki looked down at the girl and noticed a couple scars on her body, a deep, jagged one on her collarbone. 
“I can manage,” she replied. (Y/n) nodded her head before saying her goodbye’s before heading back to her room.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Let me know if you would like to explore the campus later.” Maki turned back around and nodded.
“You’ve already taken a look around?” She smiled and nodded.
“Something like that.”
Maki did in fact take her up on that offer and the two spent the next couple of weeks getting to know one another and becoming friends. They made a couple references to their families and although (Y/n) already knew of her ties, she would never want to pressure someone into opening up before they were ready. 
The four first years quickly became friends and it felt as if they had known each other for years. Well for three of them that was the case. Maki would later learn that (Y/n) and Inumaki were in an arranged marriage, and were quite happy about it, along with Panda and (Y/n) knowing each other from their childhood. They were the only children around each other on campus and a friendship blossomed from there. 
Maki and (Y/n) would later become best friends and share about their pasts. The day Maki found out about (Y/n)’s last name, she knew she could trust her with her’s. The pair became two peas in a pod and spent quite a large amount of time together, forming a sister-like bond. After one job together the two got matching beads to make bracelets with.
“They’re kind of like my favorite thing ever. Although if you don’t wear jewelry we can find a different way to match!” 
A little over a month after meeting, (Y/n) had confessed that she wasn’t that skilled when it came to using weapons to fight without using her cursed technique. She was taught hand-to-hand, but had refused to learn how to handle a blade herself after some instances in her early childhood. Maki had been the one to teach her, and quite frankly who else would you want? 
In the late nights beneath the blanket of stars, it was difficult for (Y/n) to ignore her trauma and all the emotions that consumed her mind. She kept up her more carefree, level headed  demeanor during the day with ease, but when there was nothing else to occupy her it became overwhelming. Due to this the four would spend many nights together under the gentle glow of the moon, just talking and messing around. Just acting their age. 
Later in the year Yuuta would show up and (Y/n) would be forced to see her brother take his last breath, but that’s for later. This is now. 
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ── 
When they finally made it back to the dorm everyone agreed that they needed to take a five minute break before they started moving again. 
(Y/n) went to the showers alone since Maki was going to set her spear back in its case. As she walked she imagined all the time Suguru had walked these halls, had placed his feet in the same places as hers. After he defected she had spent a lot of nights with Shoko due to Satoru being a complete wreck, he would cry and he never liked crying infront of her. 
“I’m supposed to be the one comforting you when you cry, not the other way around.”
He had been so depressed after, albeit he still is, but when the memories were still at the front of his mind, when the wounds hadn’t yet faded to scars, he would lay in Suguru’s bed and let his body be wracked with sobs. It was a heartbreaking thing to hear and most nights, or early mornings rather, she would sneak into Suguru’s room and curl against her brother. He would squeeze her tight and not let her leave until the last second. As if he was scared she would leave too. 
While her mind was distracted, her feet had carried her back to Suguru’s room. She hesitated to open the door, but when she did it was covered in a thick layer of dust. No one has been here for years. Well, maybe Satoru since he could use his infinity, but she couldn't be sure
“Only for a minute, (Y/n), you still have things you need to do, a shower to take, and acne to scrub away.” Unfortunately it was not a minute, not even five, when she looked at her phone she noticed it had been closer to two hours. When she rose from his bed her body hurt and there was an outline of her body on the sheets. Her head ached from the tears she shed, yet her eyes still burn with the anticipation for those to come. 
She eventually made her way to the showers and could see how red her eyes were and how swollen her face was. She thought she looked similar to a weird looking squirrel. 
After her shower she set her things down back in her room and made her way to the kitchen where her friends were there waiting. They made no comments about her eyes and no comments about her face. Set on top of the counter were all the ingredients for baking cookies.
─── ⋆⋅ October 2017 ⋅⋆ ── 
It was the day of the exchange event and Yuuta was looking a little nervous. More like queasy if anything. 
“ ‘Kkotsu, you feeling okay?”
“Kamo-san! How are we supposed to fight other students?” 
“(Y/n), ‘kkotsu!”
“Sorry, sorry! (Y/n)-san, a-are you not nervous?” (Y/n) patted him on the back and smiled. 
“You’ll do great, ‘kkotsu! I mean you have a target on your back, but it’s nothing to worry about. Maki and I ‘ll make sure you don’t die! Right, Maki?”
“Don’t drag me into this, (Y/n).”
“I’m going to die!” She sighed and shook her head.
“Ah, sorry, wrong choice of words. You’re not going to die, however you might get a little injured. Although everyone does.” 
“I’ve accepted death.” 
“My god, you’re dramatic.” She quickly glanced down at Yuuta to see if he heard her, he had and looked… well pathetic. 
But like a good pathetic. No, (Y/n), don’t think that. That’s gross.
(Y/n) looked over at Maki and motioned for her to come over. Maki saw this and turned around, so she didn’t see them. (Y/n)’s eye began to twitch ever so slightly.
“Maki!” The girl groaned, but turned around and made her way over and looked at him.
“You’re not going to die, stop exaggerating. You’ll be fine. Now get up and don’t embarrass us.” Yuuta looked up at the girl and shrunk back.
“I’d get up and listen, Maki doesn’t like repeating things,” (Y/n) whispered before grabbing his arm and hauling him up before Maki got too frustrated. The two girls were wearing their matching bracelets today, although they weren’t the most neatly made things, it showed that they were a pair. Maki had hers underneath the sleeves of her uniform while (Y/n) had 
hers, and the many others she’s made/collected, where everyone can see. 
Maki didn’t like wearing jewelry since it made a lot of noise and could get in the way while she fought, but for (Y/n) she’d wear one. (Y/n) looked over and saw the Kyoto school began to show up, so she brushed off any dirt on Yuuta and smiled at him.
“You’re going to be just fine. Toge, tell him he’ll be fine.” Inumaki rested his hand on Yuuta’s shoulder and gave him a thumbs up. Panda watched this interaction and had a slight blush on his cheeks. He made his way over to (Y/n) and bent down to talk to her.
“(Y/n), are you seeing this?”
“Seeing what?”
“Are you okay?”
“Panda, is everything alright?”
“Inumaki is flirting!”
“He’s flirting with Yuuta!” She looked at the two and shook her head.
“He’s not flirting, but it’s fine Panda!” Panda looked down at the girl before feeling her head to see if she was being delusional due to being sick. (Y/n) let him be, but not before sending him a questioning glance.
“Panda… you know I wouldn’t mind if he was flirting, right?” Panda placed another hand (paw?) on (Y/n)’s head. She sighed and gently moved his hands away.
“Panda, I don’t mind if Toge likes ‘kkotsu. I think he’s kind of cute actually.” Panda looked at the girl, confusion written all over his face. After a couple seconds she could practically see the gears turning in his head.
“Oh… so you both like him?” She shook her head.
“I don’t like like him right now. If anything it’s a small crush, but I think Toge does. Though who could blame him, he’s really adorable.” Panda watched as the couple both looked at Yuuta and noticed how they both had a light blush on their faces. 
‘Humans are… weird.’
“It’s not weird, Panda.” The said corpse looks at her in astonishment.
“You can read minds?” She laughed and shook her head.
“No, I can’t, just a guess.” Panda hummed and nodded his head rapidly. 
“(Y/n), Panda let’s go!” The two made eye contact and giggled. 
“I’ll tell you about it later,” she whispered before making their way over.
“Coming my lovelies!” Maki raised a brow and had a small smile on her face.
“You’re hyper today,” she noted. (Y/n) smiled at her.
“I’m always hyper.” Inumaki looked at her and bumped shoulders with her and grabbed her hand. When they finally reached the meeting place, she saw Noritoshi and some of her happiness began to subside. In its place came many variations of emotions. When it comes to siblings there’s typically a sense of  attachment, however she hasn’t spent time with her brother in quite a while. Yet there’s still that underlying feeling where she knows that he may not be able to think for himself just yet, he’d still protect her if need be.
“Akane-san, nice to see you.” (Y/n)’s hand clenched around Inumaki’s as she plastered on a smile. And there he went, bringing up a past and its memories along with it. A past that had no business being brought up. However she couldn’t blame him the same way she might her father.
“(Y/n), Nori. I guess in our time apart you’ve forgotten.” His mouth set into a thin line before trying to speak once again, but Maki beat him to the punch.
“Play nice for now and remind him up close and personal later.” The girl let out a small laugh into her free hand and looked over at her brother.
“Only if you have my back.”
“I always do.” The girls made eye contact and smiled. (Y/n)’s big and bright while Maki’s was more subtle. Platonic soulmates are always the best kind of friendships to have. 
As she looked at her older brother she remembered meeting one day in the middle of the brutal summer heat and smiled to herself. 
‘He’s so different, yet so similar all the same.’
─── ⋆⋅ June 2005 ⋅⋆ ── 
The sun was burning her skin, but she didn’t mind. As long as she didn’t have to see her family. Satoru and Akane were at a meeting for all the shaman clans and he had told her that she should come too. 
Now you see, (Y/n) is a well respected shaman-in-training when she’s older, loved by many, but when Akane was not. Akane was a nuisance and forgotten by most.
A burden
A useless child.
A waste of male, Kamo blood and inherited cursed technique. 
Shortly before Satoru began school, the young girl had begun to show signs of a cursed technique, over time it became aware that it was an inherited one. In the Kamo clan women used to be worshiped. Women were seen as gods, as holy entities that were meant to lead rather than be leashed. Unfortunately foreign ideology slowly began to seep its way into the everyday lives of the people and enforced their ideals upon them. 
For many in the shaman world, or any world for that matter, women are treated as second class citizens if they’re lucky enough to be seen as human at all.  In the shaman world women are meant to breed more shaman children, and then their children will breed more, and the cycle continues. (Y/n) was blessed with a powerful cursed technique, blood manipulation. It garnered a lot of attention. Many believed that it should have gone to a male member of the family, someone who would become an heir. Though she didn’t know why anyone was complaining, Noritoshi was born powerful and most ‘importantly’ a male. 
Akane didn’t like attending these meetings, but Satoru told her that she had more than earned her place to be here and she was willing to follow him anywhere.
“You’re Akane, correct?” The small girl turned and saw another young boy, a little older than herself. Her eyes widened at him, he’s gotta be the heir for Father.
“Hi. You’re Noshitori,” she asked. His borrows furrowed and a slight frown tugged at his lips.
“Oh, sorry.” He huffed and moved his head to face her more.The young girl thought his eyes were closed.
“How old are you?”
“ ‘m four!” She showed him a bright smile and he didn’t need to open his eyes any more than they already are to know that there might be a few teeth missing from it.
“Why are you here? Father couldn’t have asked you to come.” She shook her head before remembering he couldn’t see her.
“Oh no, he didn’t. ‘Ru asked me to come.” His brows furrowed again and tilted his head to the side.
“Who,” he asked.
“‘Ru!” The boy looked even more confused.
“Gojo Sa‘ru!” His eyebrows raised and Akane thought they might fly off his forehead. 
“Gojo Satoru?” He clearly didn’t believe her, but with the way she kept on nodding her head it was difficult not to. The two stood next to each other and had a one sided conversation because even though she was four and it was sometimes difficult to understand her, she never stopped talking. She went on about some kids in her class and how she was learning her letters and numbers, but she couldn’t read quite yet. She made it a point to describe everything was seeing, so Noritoshi could ‘see’ it too. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that he can actually see and that his eyes just look closed. While he was looking at her as she talked, he noticed the similarities in their features such as their eyes and nose, along with their hair. What caught his attention was how much she looked like their father’s wife.
‘Her mother’. He reminded himself.
Once the meeting was over and everyone began walking out, Satoru quickly made his way to the children and ruffled the girls hair.
“Akane! You’re so lucky you don’t have to go to these things, they’re so boring. Maybe if you went inside with me next time it would be more fun!”
“‘ ‘Ru! My hair!” He laughed in return and turned his head to look at the boy.
“Who’re you?” 
“Kamo No-”
“He’s m’ brother Nori,” Akane interrupted. She stood up from where she sat on the ground and said her goodbyes to the boy, wanting to leave before the rest of her family showed up.
“See you later, Nori! It was nice meeting you!” He nodded and a small smile threatened to make an appearance, but before it could his father spoke and called him away, back to the estate where his mother no longer was. 
─── ⋆⋅ October 2017 ⋅⋆ ─── 
When the exchange event came to its conclusion, (Y/n) hadn’t been as amazing as she had hoped. She didn’t make it to the final round of the one-on-one fights, and she made many mistakes in the group battle. She wished she could have done more, fought more. 
She got too ahead of herself and nearly passed out from blood loss. Yuuta had to carry her around for that last part of the group battle, which she was still incredibly embarrassed about. However he assured her many times he didn’t mind it. She had gotten an earful from Yaga and Satoru, Maki had smacked her in the back of the head, Shoko had looked at her endlessly, but kept her thoughts to herself (not before staring at her in a way that made her feel even more embarrassed than she already was), and somehow Nanami even found out and sent her a wall of text telling her not to act that recklessly again. Inumaki had signed so fast she could barely keep up, and she felt awful for making him worry that much. He had sat next to her until Shoko allowed her to leave.
“Try not to pull a stunt like that again, (Y/n). Too much paperwork.” (Y/n) smiled softly, knowing that she was trying to show her concern without outrightly stating it. 
“I’ll try not to, Sho-nee.” Shoko nodded and shooed her away the second she got a text from Utahime. 
When they went outside, (Y/n) felt her phone buzz in her pocket
‘Incoming call from shadow wannabe’
“Oh, ‘gumi wh-”
“What did you do?” (Y/n) paused for a moment. What did I do?
“... huh?” she heard a long sigh on the other end
“Gojo sent me a text saying you wouldn’t be able to get me from school and you’ve never been late, let alone not there.”
“Aw, are you worried about me?” She smiled.
“Nee-san.” She laughed at the huff he let out.
“Ah, well I needed to see Shoko. During the event, I pushed myself pretty hard and so I had to stay in the office for a while. But I’m better now!” She looked at Inumaki and tapped her wrist. He then showed her the time. 
‘Thanks,’ she mouthed. 
“It’s pretty late, please tell me you didn’t just get home?”
“...No.” (Y/n) let out a sigh.
“Were you bullying kids again?”
“It’s not bullying if they start it, plus you’re the one who told me that bullying works.” She rolled her eyes.
“I said that ‘cause you’d pour ranch, ranch, all over your fries and then wipe your fingers on your shirt. It was gross, and now you don’t use your shirt as a napkin. Bullying is effective in some cases, like when it comes to siblings. I don’t think you need to get nearly expelled from another school. ” Inumaki was laughing quietly next to her as the two continued walking to their respective dorms. Megumi mumbled something under his breath that (Y/n) didn’t catch, though she could take a wild guess at what it was.
“Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine, ‘gumi. Nothing I haven’t done before. You had a test today right? How was it?”
“It was fine, I guess. Boring, Nakamura-san tried to cheat off me again. If she wasn’t obnoxious I would’ve let her be, but she’s never returned my mechanical pencil and she even uses it right in front of me! So of course I tell the teacher after the test. She tried to get her little brother to beat me up. Her little brother.” (Y/n) laughed softly, voicing her frustrations and agreeing that maybe harassing children was okay in the instance. She had been watching Inumaki fiddle with her fingers as they waited outside the dorms for the call to be done. After a while, she looked around and noticed that Noritoshi was waiting for her on a bench just outside the dorms. 
“Hey, ‘gumi, I gotta go, but I’ll call you back later okay?” He stopped his tangent about how he couldn’t wait to be done with middle school.
“Can you facetime me later so I can see the ‘hottie’ you’ve been talking about lately?”
“Which one?” 
“Black hair guy.”
“Oh, Okkotsu. No, he’s asleep in the infirmary right now, but we’ll call you back okay? We’ll introduce you to him soon.” 
“Hi, Inumaki-san. Bye, Inumaki-san.” (Y/n) chuckled before hanging up. 
“Toge, you head back first. I’ll be there in a sec.” He nodded, but not before giving her hand a squeeze. (Y/n) made her way over to her brother and sat down next to him.
“What you did today was reckless.” She groaned.
“Not you too, I literally just sat down!” He looked over at her, the tiniest traces of a smile on his lips. 
“Yes, me too.” (Y/n) sighed and leaned against the back of the bench.
“It’s nothing either of us haven’t done before. I don’t know why everyone is acting as if there won’t be days where I’ll be put in a worse situation.” He sighed and looked at her.
“We all know that being a shaman comes with its occupational hazards, but that doesn’t change how -how idiotic you were acting. You were actively drawing blood out of your body and trying to control it with no medium to ease that burden. That’s dangerous! I know that we all will have to put our lives on the line a million times over for this job, but that doesn’t mean one should seek out death. There is a difference between risking death to win and being willing to die.” She peeked over at him and saw the furrowed brows, his worry lines creased.
“You sound like my dad.” 
“Well Gojo-san is right.” She looks at him with wide eyes before bursting at the seams, letting out a loud laugh. 
“I wasn’t talking about Toru-nii, to be specific, I meant in general.” He glanced towards her and frowned.
“He adopted you, did he not?”
“He did.” He nodded his head before looking back over.
“Is he- is he nice?” (Y/n) looked at him before smiling.
“He’s the best dad I could’ve asked for.” Noritoshi looked down at the ground, a smile fully formed on his lips.
“That’s good.” She glanced at him a couple times before she began to fidget, picking at her nail beds.
“I… I’m sorry for making you worry. I’ll be more careful in the future.” She moved her body to face his. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around him. He froze for a second before wrapping his arms around her.
“I’m sorry for not being there for you, for not being a better older brother, (Y/n).” She felt her emotions bubble their way to the surface.
“I forgive you, it’s not like I was the best sister either. Thank you for being here for me now.” They sat like that for a while, not moving. 
That night they opened their hearts for the other. After years of competing against each other, it was weird, but it was for the better. The two would still get into arguments about their… family, but now they were no longer alone in the Kamo clan. In the future they would slowly grow a bond and finally become the siblings they have longed to be for one another. But that’s the future. Tonight was the first step into becoming a family, towards healing.
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ─── 
The sound of laughter filled the air as everyone was somewhere in the kitchen baking. It was a mess, but they would deal with it when the time came. Satoru was watching in the doorway, watching as children got to be children. He had planned on consoling (Y/n) throughout the night, but can see that she’s distracted for now, so he went home to bother Megumi. He’ll cancel classes tomorrow and spoil everyone, like an amazing teacher would. 
“(Y/n)-san, where did you learn how to make cookies?” She was sitting on the counter as Inumaki was putting the cookies into the oven for a couple minutes longer. Maki and Panda were trying to stealthy eat the leftover batter even though she said not to since there were raw eggs in it, and Yuuta was standing to the side of her, very close.
“Su-” she took a deep breath before continuing, “ My brothers taught me how to make them. Any time I had a bad day, we would spend hours in here making cookies, brownies, cake. Anything sweet really, Toru loves sweets.” He kept on twisting the ring on his finger, his connection with Rika. He then looked at her and moved closer so that his stomach was touching her knee.
“Do you mean Geto?” She hums and nods. He was watching every little twitch she made, making sure she was okay and that he wasn't overstepping. The two continued to talk about everything, anything, and nothing as they waited for the cookies to be done. Inumaki eventually made his way over and stood shoulder to shoulder, well more like shoulder to arm, with Yuuta, effectively corralling (Y/n). She has a soft blush on her cheeks the more and more they move closer. She went to look around the room to see if the other two could save her from embarrassing herself, but they weren’t there.
How convenient.
“You know… since I call you by your first name, you should start calling me by mine.” There was a light blush on his cheeks as he said this.
“Yuuta… are you flirting with me?” That blush traveled to his ears. A slight nod of his head. (Y/n) leans in just a touch closer, though the blush she sported alo grew. She felt her blood rush to her head as Inumaki draw shapes on her thighs. 
“We’ll always be here for you. We will try our hardest to make sure Geto doesn’t hurt you.” She looks him dead in the eye and her face goes slack.
“Yuuta, Sugu-nii hurt me a long time ago. I- I appreciate the thought I really do, but I’d rather he hurt me than hurt anyone else. Actually, I’ve never told you about him, have I?” Yuuta shook his head. They all sank against the wall and onto the floor.
“Well, I first met him when I was four.”
─── ⋆⋅ September 2005 ⋅⋆ ─── 
It was a couple weeks since school started and the three first years had yet to actually become the friends they will be to one another in the future. Suguru and Satoru weren’t best friends quite yet, and Shoko hadn’t scammed her way to a medical degree either. They had yet to go through the horrific tragedy that was Riko Amanai’s and Haibara Yu’s death, Suguru had yet to adapt the ideology of wiping out all non-shamans. The future has yet to happen, but unfortunately it is inevitable.  
Satoru had been extra hyper that day, ready to get school over with faster than normal. He was getting on everyone’s nerves and Yaga had given up correcting him earlier within the day. When classes finally finished Yaga had pulled Satoru to the side and told him he needed to talk to him before Satoru could leave. 
Suguru had been on his way to his dorm room to finish his homework when he saw a small girl walking up the steps with a small bag wearing a formal, and quite beautiful, kimono. Suguru walked over to the girl and squatted down in front of her.
“Hi, I’m Geto. What’s your name?”
“Hi, I’m Akane.” The young girl did a deep bow and nearly fell over. She quickly raised herself, blushing from embarrassment. 
“Are you a firs’ year?” He raised a brow, wondering who this girl was, but nodded his head regardless.
“Do you need help? Did you get lost?” She shook her head, but Suguru still took her bag, holding it for her. She thanked him before asking if he knew where ‘Ru’ was. He was confused, seeing as he didn’t know a ‘Ru’, but told her he’d help her find him. It wasn’t long before it became apparent the girl knew more about the campus than he did. As they were turning the corner she heard a frantic ‘Akane’.
“ ‘Ru!” Akane smiled widely before taking off in the opposite direction. Suguru followed after her, however only needing to walk to keep up with her. When he saw Satoru making his way over to the girl, it finally clicked who ‘ru’ was. Satoru. He felt a little foolish for not catching on sooner, but watched as Akane launched herself into his arms, gripping for dear life. 
“Akane, I've told you not to wander off like that when I’m s’posed to meet you somewhere.” She tilted her head down and mumbled a small sorry. Satoru sighed before saying he’s sorry for taking so long. 
“Ah, sorry Gojo, it's my fault she wasn’t at the front. I was helping her look for you.” Satoru finally looked up from the girl, directing his eyes to his fellow classmate. 
“How annoying,” was all he said before getting up, while still holding the girl, and walking off. Suguru quickly followed when he remembered he still had the child’s bag. As he followed he saw Akane making silly faces at him and giggling. Suguru found it quite amusing, even more so when Satoru saw the exchanges the two were having. Satoru scoffed when he saw the young girl smile at his classmate.
“Are you jealous that she’s giving me attention, Gojo?” Satoru turned around with a disgusted look on his face. 
“Who would ever be jealous of you? You have weird bangs and an awful hairline.” Suguru pulled a face as if he’s sucked on a lemon and kicked his shin. 
“My hairline is not awful and my bangs are fine. You shouldn’t even be saying anything about my hair when your hair looks the way it does!” Satoru and Suguru were invading each other's personal space, faces an inch or two apart. 
“What about my hair, Geto?” Akane watched from her place in Satoru’s arms and laughed loudly. Both of them backed up and looked at the girl.
“You like each other!”
“... Huh?”
“Sensei says that if a boy picks on you it means he likes you. You pick on each other, so you like each other.” Oh how observant and blunt children can be. Both boys complained and made comments about how ‘wrong’ she was, but we as the readers (and those with common sense) know they’re just stupid. 
“Wait… Gojo, how do you know Akane? Is she from your clan?” Satoru looked him dead in the eye and with no hesitation responded.
“She’s my sister, you idiot. Ya know for someone who claims to be as smart as you are, you’re pretty stupid. How’d you think I knew her? Did you think I had a kid at eleven, that I kidnapped her and she has Stockholm syndrome?” Suguru looked to the side, letting out a nervous laugh.
“Oh my god you did, didn’t you?” Satoru shoved him before walking off with the girl, failing to remember her bag again.However, that may have been on purpose so a certain boy would be in his dorm later that night.
 When they finally got far enough Akane reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“You called me your sister! Does this make you m’ brother?” Satoru looked at the girl, a laugh falling through his lips.
“I’ve always been your brother, since the day I met you.”
That day (Y/n) gained a brother and discovered she had one all along. That day (Y/n) opened her heart to another person without meaning to. In the future he will walk off with a part of not only hers, but her brother’s as well. When that day arrives, her brother will be there to comfort her, to remind her that he’ll always be there. When that day arrives, (Y/n) will learn that sometimes ‘soulmates’ doesn’t mean forever. 
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ─── 
(Y/n) felt the tears make their way down her cheeks, she felt Yuuta hold her in his arms as Inumaki got up to take the cookies out of the oven. She felt safe, loved, and appreciated. When Inumaki came back, he brought a plate of cookies with him.
‘Do you want to go to your room, or one of ours?’
“ Mine, please.” Her voice was soft, almost like she was whispering. The three of them picked up their things and made their way to (Y/n)’s room. Yuuta had only seen her room in passing, never actually stepping inside. It felt taboo in a way, he’d never been in a girls room before. Though the way the couple held his hands, guiding him in, there is no way in hell he would walk away. 
Stepping into the room, he saw that her room was cluttered, not messy, but covered with items. He saw that there was barely any actual room to be seen. There was something covering nearly every inch. What caught his eye were the polaroids taking up a good chunk of her wall. Some were faded, discolored at the edges, while others were more recent. There were so many different people in the photos, but some were consistent. In an older one, he saw two boys holding (Y/n) at the beach. The boys held hands and one of them was giving the older one a kiss. He could see how bright everyone's smiles were. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the boys looked familiar. Yuuta’s eyes widened as he turned around.
“(Y/n), is that sensei?” She looked over and nodded her head. 
“The boy next to him is Sugu-nii. They used to take me on trips with them all the time.” He saw the dates on the bottom of the pictures span across years. Small sticky notes to the side stuck close to the photos. Unlike the photos, he could tell that these weren’t old, they were relatively new. 
‘7/9/07 - last family trip to the beach’
‘4/12/07 - yu and ken-nii took me to the movies’
‘6/21/05 - first playdate with Nori’
‘5/17/05 - first playdate with Toge’
‘10/6/05 - last day with mother’
Yuuta watched silently as (Y/n) stood next to him, a vacant expression on her face, while she stared at them.
“What do you see when you look at these, Yuuta?” He looked confused at first before taking a closer look. What caught his eye was the way Geto seemed to go from a smiling, happy person to a cold, husk of a human. He also saw Gojo go from a carefree person to someone who bore a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. He saw Shoko’s eyebags grow darker, he saw Nanami grow more distant, he saw (Y/n) having a harder time smiling. He could see how much it pains her to stare at the people that are no longer in her life. 
“You… you’re hurting all the time, aren’t you?” She looks at him, her eyes dulled just slightly. 
“I’ve seen the more brilliant shamans come in and out of these dorms. I’ve seen them pursue successful careers, I’ve seen them die while attending here. I’ve seen so many people who feel the same as Suguru, I’ve felt the same as him. After he left I still held hope that he wouldn’t stay gone. That he would come back. I would leave voicemail after voicemail, asking him when he’d be home, that we’d welcome him with open arms. I think Toru-nii still would, to be honest. He could never move on after he left. I keep these photos as a reminder, to remember the people I have lost, to remember those who didn't get a chance to grow old like I have.” He sees Inumaki reach out and hold her. He holds her against his chest, trying to offer any comfort he can. Yuuta looks at Inumaki, silently asking him if it truly was okay for him to be seeing this, for him to comfort her. 
Inumaki reaches his hand out, an invitation for him, Yuuta hesitantly grabs his hand. Inumaki pulls him towards them and this time Yuuta doesn’t hesitate. He wraps his arms around the people he cares deeply about. He holds them for the rest of the night, taking his place in their hearts and solidifying his place in their lives. 
─── ⋆⋅ September 2007 ⋅⋆ ── 
The day started fairly bland if anything. The sun was slightly hidden by the clouds, it wasn’t too hot or too cold, (Y/n) hadn’t slept in and she made sure to carefully make her way from her brothers tangled limbs and tiptoed out of Suguru’s room before leaving. 
She went to school and no one said anything mean, she got a good score on her spelling test and she wasn’t late home. Suguru had told her before (Y/n) left for school that he would take her out for ice cream if she had done a good job. He had said that he would be there waiting for (Y/n) at the school gates. 
He wasn’t.
The six year old had thought that maybe he was busy, or that he lost track of time, although three missed calls later she decided to go home. Satoru had gotten her a phone after what happened the year before with the older kids bullying her so she could get help if she needed it. 
Throughout the walk back to the school, she had hoped that he would be there to greet her.
He wasn’t. 
She had sat in the kitchen, waiting for him to pop up and fulfill his promise of ice cream.
He hadn’t. 
She had sat on his bed doing her homework, hoping he was busy with a mission or out with Satoru.
He wasn’t. 
She had been wandering the halls, looking for him, when she heard her older brother yelling. It was then she thought that maybe he had died. That he wouldn’t be coming back. 
He hadn’t died. 
She watched as Satoru screamed and screamed, hoping for an explanation. 
She wouldn't get one for a long time.
She saw her brother a couple days later sitting on the steps of the school, eyes red, face swollen, as he explained to her simply. 
“Sugu-nii won’t be coming home, (Y/n).”
“Did he die?”
“...no, not physically.” 
She had waited for Suguru anyway, waiting for him to come back and make Satoru feel better. 
He never came.
One day after school she walked and walked to see if she could find Suguru herself. 
She did.
“Sugu-nii? Is that you?”  she watched as he turned around, surprised to see her there. He had been talking to an older man with a faint mustache on his upper lip and spiky hair. 
“(Y/n), what are you doing all the way over here? It’s not safe. Where’s Satoru?” She looked at him. She saw that his eye bags were gone, that the slump in his shoulders was no longer there, that he was gaining weight again. She also noticed that his hair was no longer in the tight bun he usually wore. 
“ ‘re you feeling better?” His eyes widened a small fraction and smiled.
“ I am. Where is Satoru?”  She looked to the side quickly for looking back at him.
“He’s not here. I don’t think he’d notice right now.” He frowned slightly before kneeling down in front of the girl. 
“I’m sure he will, (Y/n). He’s just moping about. Satoru will be back to normal soon.” She shook her head.
“ It’s like you died, Sugu-nii. I don’t like it at all. Are you coming home soon?” He looked at the girl, thinking of what to say next. 
“(Y/n), I’m not coming back.” (Y/n)’s brows furrowed before looking back at Suguru.
“What d'ya mean you’re not coming back? You have to, so we can be a family again!” He let out a heavy sigh. How do you tell the person who you view as a little sister, who you know if you stayed with you’d view her as your daughter, that you’re leaving and have no intentions of coming back? Suguru didn’t want to hurt her anymore than he already has or will, but he knew he couldn’t let her continue to hope that one day things will go back to normal. Even if he did, he would be executed for his actions. He reached for his wrist, taking off his bracelet, and handed it to the girl.
“Here, (Y/n), so you can remember me. Satoru has a matching one, you’ll be his only family now, so you need to take care of him. Okay?” She looked at him confused.
“But you’re family too.” He opened his mouth then quickly closed it again. Suguru looked at the sky before looking back at her.
“I hope you’ll forgive me one day, or at least try to, but I’ve found a new family. One who understands me, who won’t judge me.” The small girl looked confused. All this time she had thought that they were a family, a happy family. (Y/n) thought that the love they had for one another would be invincible. Tears welled up in her eyes that she tried to fight back. 
“But I love you, isn’t that enough?” Suguru was at a loss for words. He had been the one to preach to the girl that love can save people, that respect can save people. How could he face her after everything he’s said?  
“I will always love you, you and Satoru, but I can’t stay in that place anymore. I was in pain and now I’m not,” he rose from where he was and pulled the girl into one more hug, “when you’re older, you can come find me, but for now you need to stay with your family.” 
(Y/n) hadn’t understood it at the time, but she did get older. As she grew up, she poured over the files of her brother, trying to understand why he did what he did. She sat at the steps of the cult for hours at a time, trying to get a glimpse of him. She even tried to go in, but (Y/n) could never open the door. 
As she grew older, she began to understand where Suguru was coming from, but that didn’t mean she agreed with it. She continued to deny her brother's actions, still clinging onto the hope he would be there when she woke up. 
He wasn’t. 
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-omg guys I’m so funny!!1! I was not originally planning on making this have so much angst, but i changed my mind later lol. The next chapter, ‘bona fide’ will be the final fight in jjk0 and bringing us to season one of jjk, which should be released 9/23. The next chapter after that, ‘purple lilac blooms’ will be a 5+1 fic which should be released 9/30. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you liked it!
15 notes · View notes
honney-pies · 7 months
Ma Cherie ❤︎
Chapter iv: Bona fide
Pairing: Inuokku/ F! Reader
Summary: Sometimes it’s hard to bare the genuine, real parts of your soul, but the more you do, the easier it can be.
Content Warning: major character death, slight gore, ya girl really tried to be descriptive during a fight scene, use of blades, stabbing, ripping limbs off, etc., gay people, (y/n) having sad thoughts about life and people who have died, no-no words, spoilers for jjk season two, and jjk0, lmk if I’ve missed anything and I’ll add it!
Length: 5.5k
A/n: so this chapter mainly evolves around kanae and the tail end of jjk 0. I know it’s a lot shorter than the previous chapter, but their wasn’t a lot left to write lol. I wanted to end it on a happier note cause i need some fluff after the leaks cause wtf gege???? How could you do this to me???? And finally seeing Gojo’s episode in Shibuya (I won’t go into detail cause it only came out two days ago, but you know the one) has devastated me to my core and has left me in shambles. Also it has come to my attention that I’ve been spelling Yuta’s name wrong this whole time so I’m sorry. 😭Anyway, please enjoy!
Ma Cherie Master list
Bona Fide -genuine, real, to be in good faith
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ── 
When (Y/n) wakes up, she’s in a tangled mess of her lover, and future lover’s, limbs. She opened her eyes to see Satoru standing above her, bandages off as he smiles down at her. 
“C’mon, let’s get breakfast. Megumi-chan is waiting for us at the front,” he whispers. She reaches up and grasps his hand, but the boys’ arms are wrapped tightly around her. She huffs, but she still smiles.
“Gimme a sec, Toru-nii.” He looks down at the girl, a knowing smile on his lips before quietly leaving the room. (Y/n) continues to struggle as she tries to make her way out of the mess of bodies. However, neither boy lets her leave, their arms pulling her closer to their bodies. 
‘Shit, this is really nice.’
 “Toge, Yuta, I need to leave,” she whispers softly. Yuta grumbles before scooting closer to her. (Y/n) feels slightly annoyed at her family for making her leave such a cozy place, but she still knew Satoru wouldn’t have gotten her up if he didn’t need to be near her for his own peace of mind. 
When she finally made her way from her bed, she got to see Yuta and Inumaki tangle themselves together, she snapped a couple photos, some on her first phone where she held the people she cares about the most, on her current phone, and a polaroid. After Suguru left (Y/n) made it a point to take as many pictures as possible, in order to keep as many memories alive as possible.
‘ 12/20/17 - first sleepover together’  (Y/n) smiles softly as she wrote, before getting dressed and slipping out the door. She quickly made her way to the front of the school, spotting her little brother and her dad bickering.
“She doesn’t have two boyfriends, Gojo.”
“She does, Megumi, you need to get over it.” Megumi looks over and spots his older sister and begins walking over to her.
“Do you have two boyfriends, nee-san?” She shakes her head and laughs at Megumi’s victorious ‘ha.’
“No, but we’re slowly getting there.” Megumi whips his head around so fast, (Y/n) nearly got whiplash. 
“What?” She laughs again and reaches up and messes up his hair. He grumbles and swats at her hands. 
“How did you get two boyfriends before I even got one?” She smirks at the boy.
“I’m awesome, have an amazing personality, and I’m hot. Who wouldn’t want me, ‘gumi?” He groans and shoves her away. 
“Where do you want to go for breakfast, Megumi-chan?”  Megumi looks at Satoru and thinks before shrugging his shoulders. The three of them wander around before finding a small place to eat. It has been a couple weeks since they all went out and Megumi talks about the latest documentary he watched before getting up and going to the bathroom. Satoru uses this opportunity to turn to (Y/n).
“I don’t want you in Tokyo.” (Y/n) looks up at him, confused. 
“Chances are Suguru will be in Tokyo, I don’t want you seeing him like that. I’ve already made arrangements for Utahime to watch over you in Kyoto.” (Y/n) watches her dad’s face closely and notices a slight twitch. 
“You’re… you’re gonna kill him, aren’t you?” Satoru looks up at the ceiling, letting out a heavy sigh. He reaches out and grabs her hand, holding it tightly. 
“I don’t have a choice anymore, (Y/n). He’s… he’s hurt too many people, killed too many people. I’ve spent so many years waiting around for him to come back, but you and I both know he won’t. I don’t want you to see that.” (Y/n) frowns at him before kicking his shin to make him look at her.
“I have the right to see him. I have the right to say goodbye. No, I don’t want to see him die, but I at least want to be there to make sure he goes with the people he loves. I’ll go to Kyoto, but I’m going to be there to say bye. No one will take that away from me.” Satoru sighs loudly before nodding his head.
“Fine, but I still don’t think you should.” 
“I know, but I want to.” Megumi comes back to the booth and quickly notices the tense atmosphere. When he goes to question it, (Y/n) shakes her head.
“What do you want for your birthday ‘gumi?” He looks thoughtful for a moment before stating he wants more books. (Y/n) smiles and tells him she’ll make sure to get him some. 
“What do you want nee-san?” She ‘hmm’s before smiling brightly.
“Toru-nii to not give homework!” Satoru looks extremely offended at the very thoughtt.
“I never assign homework in general!” 
“Oh right, uh, well… I guess I don’t really know what I want.” Megumi groans in response. You see, (Y/n) has a lot of things she wants, but she chooses not to say what it is. It’s infuriating and it ends with Satoru closing down a mall and letting her run wild. Some may think that’s an unwise choice financially speaking, but it’s not as bad as when he let her get whatever she wanted from a book store. Now that was a taxing trip. 
Satoru makes sure to get them things on Christmas and on their birthdays and the two get spoiled endlessly, unfortunately some habits are a little tougher to break when it comes to asking for what you want or need. 
While the family began the walk back to school. Megumi was a little more talkative than normal, not that anyone was complaining. It was really nice to hear him be that free when it came to spending time with them, especially since he’s been extra quiet since Tsumiki was not an active member of the family for the time being.
When they were younger, Megumi had a harder time adjusting than Tsumiki. The two girls were close in age and got along rather easily. However, it took years for Megumi to open up and shortly before Tsumiki was cursed did he begin to call (Y/n) his older sister. 
─── ⋆⋅ March 2016 ⋅⋆ ─── 
Tsumiki and (Y/n) were both walking around their middle school to go bother, to check on Megumi. Before they could turn down the second year hall, some boys blocked the hall and began to get in their faces. 
“Wow look at this, some pretty girls came to say hello.”
“Wanna go out with me?” 
“I bet she’s a freak, the quiet ones always are.” The two girls have had to deal with these comments for years, but that didn’t mean they would tolerate it. 
“The fact you think you even have a chance with either of us makes me sick. Move.” The boys still didn’t budge.
“Oh~ I love them feisty! Keeps me interested.” (Y/n) then made her way in front of Tsumiki.
“I’m not asking, move.” One of them scoffed at her, rolling his eyes, “Or what?” (Y/n) went to shove her way past them, and maybe break their micropenis’, with Tsumiki, but before she could, the guy’s face was smashed into the wall with a very angry boy behind him. 
“Do you not have basic manners? When someone says no, or implies no, it means no. Go back to kindergarten if you’ve forgotten. And don’t you ever go near my sisters again, if you do I’ll tear you to shreds.” The three boys ran off, clearly embarrassed, as one of their noses bled. 
“Aw, ‘gumi!” The dark haired boy turned around. 
“What?” (Y/n) and Tsumiki giggled quietly.
“Megumi, you called us your sisters.” The poor boy turned red, becoming uncharacteristically shy. He quickly turned around, making his way back to class to finish his after school necessities. 
“Ya hear that Tsumi? I’ve officially become an older sister!” Tsumiki smiled.
“He’s thought of you as his sister for a while now.” (Y/n) hummed.
“I know, he’s been acting like I am. It just feels different now that he’s actually said it.” The two continued their walk to Megumi’s classroom, Tsumiki listening as (Y/n) told her all the latest gossip. 
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ─── 
(Y/n) and Satoru had just dropped Megumi off at home and are now making their way back to the school when (Y/n) grabs Satoru’s hand with her own, swinging it gently.
“Hey dad?” Satoru’s hand twitches slightly by his side as he turns his head towards her, letting out a small hum in acknowledgment.
“You know that I’ve pretty much always thought of you as my dad right? ‘Gumi does too.” Satoru smiles softly at her, giving her hand a small squeeze.
“I know. I’ve always thought of you as my kid… Megumi-chan and Tsumiki-chan too, but you’ll always be my first.” (Y/n) smiles widely before pulling Satoru into a hug. He chuckles and wraps his arms around her.
“Thank you for taking me in when you didn’t need to. When you get gross and old I’ll do the same for you.” Satoru gently shoves her away, gasping loudly. 
“How dare you? I’m never getting gross, I’ll be this hot forever!” The two laugh as they walk around in search of a good sweet shop, plans of returning long forgotten with the amazing, stunning, magnificent idea of eating junk food and gossiping. Although neither one really had anything to talk about, so they decided to make fun of the people walking by them when they pass a sunglasses shop. 
“No! You can’t come with me, that defeats the point of me getting anything! Wait, don't go yet, gimme your card first.” 
While (Y/n) walks around the shop she finds a nice pair of blackout sunglasses, rectangle purple frames she thinks would look good on Maki. As she made her way to the cashier, she notices an… interesting pair of sunglasses that she just knew she had to get.
‘If I don’t get them, the world just might end.’ (Y/n) grins so brightly as she walks out, Satoru just grabs the bags and doesn't try to peek at what was inside them. 
‘I’m such a great father.’ 
The two finally made the trek back to the school, deciding not to teleport in order to spend as much time together even though (Y/n) regretted that decision immensely about ten minutes into the walk. 
“Toru-nii, carry me,” she said, drawing out the ‘e’. 
“Nope.” (Y/n) groans loudly before pulling out her phone.
“Who’re you texting?” She positions her screen away from Satoru.
“No one.” Satoru then felt a buzz in his pocket.
‘Incoming call from Muscle Man’
“Ah, hel-”
“Satoru! Stop abusing the child! God Damn!” That was all that was said before Yaga promptly hung up. When Satoru looks over, (Y/n)’s trying her best to hold in her laughter before Satoru picks her up and begins to carry her. 
“I feel like I’m five again.” 
“You sure as hell don’t feel like it.” (Y/n) smacks him in the head. When (Y/n) and Satoru were younger, Satoru made a promise to himself that he wouldn’t use infinity when he was around her. Of course there are exceptions to this, like if they’re on a mission, or something like that. About fifteen minutes later (Y/n) got down and continues walking, although she nearly fell over when Satoru tried to jump on her back. 
“Satoru, no!”
“Satoru, yes!” 
(Y/n), for a short period of time at least, felt as if she was a normal teenager. That’s something Satoru has always worked hard to do for all his kids, students and family alike. 
“It’s unforgivable to steal the youth away from kids.” 
(Y/n) has always appreciated that about him. When they finally made it back, Nanami was waiting for them at the front of the school. The poor man had been sent to make sure Satoru attends more meetings. (Y/n) had been “trained” to start and prolong conversions for as long as possible if this were to happen.
“Hi, Nanamin! How are you today?” Nanami, who had only recently come back into (Y/n)’s life after years of trying to distance himself, has always had a sweet spot for the young girl. 
“I’m fine, how are you (Y/n)-kun?” (Y/n) then pointed at Satoru, who had somehow managed to carry an obscene amount of bags the whole way home.
“I went shopping and we found this really cute place for lunch. Are there more meetings you guys need to go to?” Nanami shook his head.
“Only Gojo-san. I’m done for the day.” Satoru groans before handing the bags to Nanami, telling him not to break anything. Satoru ruffles (Y/n)’s hair and drags his feet to the campus. 
“I hear you might be getting another boyfriend soon, the Okkotsu boy.” He watches as her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, letting him know that this was indeed the case. (Y/n) quickly turned on her heel and began speed walking to her dorm room. Nanami sighed and started to walk. He, the tall fucker he is, only had to speed up ever so slightly to keep up with her. 
“(Y/n), how are you doing?” Nanami once again watches in the corner of her eyes as she deflates. (Y/n) looks up at the sky. Seeing (Y/n) act like this made him remember how much, how long, Satoru’s raised her. The two are incredibly similar when it comes to their mannerisms, attitude, and ideology, but none of these similarities make them any less their own person.
“Do… Do you think that things would be for the better if ‘bara didn’t die? I mean I know they would, but just how different? Would you be happy? Would Toru-nii and Sugu-nii be happy? Would I be happy? Don’t get me wrong, I am, but it’s different. Seeing him again, after so many years hurt. I can only imagine what it was like for others, for Toru.” Nanami knew where the girl was coming from. He had seen how Suguru broke when Haibara died. He had seen the way he broke himself. 
Haibara was Nanami’s first love, and he thinks he’ll be his last as well. He remembered the feeling of his heart breaking, the feeling of his limp body, becoming a lifeless one in his arms. After his death, Nanami refused to go on missions, finished his education, and left the shaman world. He remembers the solemn look on (Y/n)’s face, even at the age of eight she understood why the recent graduate needed to leave. The two didn’t keep in touch all that well, Nanami only picking her up from school on the rare occasion Satoru couldn’t. Not too long ago Nanami had joined the shaman world again, and (Y/n) had welcomed him with open arms just as she had when she found out of Haibara’s death. 
Nanami can only imagine how many people she’s offered her comfort to after the death of a loved one, and he feels guilty for making her go through it continuously even though he’s not the direct cause. 
When the two finally reach her room, they hear soft voices on the other side.
“Do you know when she’ll be back?” 
“I know, I know, but I still feel like she might need or want some hugs or something!” Nanami, again, watches (Y/n) smile softly. Before she could open the door, Nanami quietly set down the bags and wrapped his arms around the girl. He may not see her as a daughter, or a sister, but he still cares quite deeply for (Y/n). 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers softly. She digs her hands into his blazer and lets out a shaky breath. 
“I’m sorry, too.” The two stay like that for a minute before separating. Nanami picks up the bags and (Y/n) opens the door to see the two boys wrapped up beneath her sheets, cuddling. She smiles brightly before flopping herself on the bed, stretching out. Nanami sets down the bags in the corner of her room.
“Thanks, Nanamin!” Nanami nods his head, gives the boys a once over, and closes the door behind him. He pulls out his phone, sending Satouru a text letting him know she’s safe in her room. 
(Y/n) feels a slight nudge on her hip and she looks up to see Inumaki casting a glance at Yuta. The poor boy’s face took on a bright shade of pink. (Y/n) smiles before crawling up to the top of her bed, settling down behind him. 
“Aw, Yuta! Are you embarrassed?” The boy vehemently shakes his head before looking at her.
“Oh, are you shy?” He nods his head slowly. (Y/n) snuggles a little closer and wraps one arm around Yuta, playing with Inumaki’s fingers. 
“That was Nanami. He used to go to school here, I guess he was also my babysitter.” Yuta lets out a soft ‘oh’. 
“Are you both not shy,” he prods gently. Inumaki shakes his head, before resting it on Yuta’s shoulder. 
“No, we’re not. You could say the two of us are used to people constantly barging in. Toru-nii and ‘gumi still do it all the time. It’s super annoying when we’re watching a movie or something.” Yuta nods his head, resting it gently atop Inumaki’s. 
The three spent the rest of the night like that, cuddling and enjoying one another’s company until the sun came up and they could no longer ignore the impending events that would forever change the world as they knew it. 
December 24, 2017 - the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons - the death of Geto Suguru
(Y/n) wakes that day with no one beside her, leaving her bed feeling empty and cold. She spent the night agonizing over every little thing, preparing herself for the loss of shaman that would be bound to come later in the day. 
When it came time to go to Kyoto, (Y/n) said her goodbye’s to everyone, not knowing if she would see them when morning came. Satoru accompanied her all the way to Kyoto, not wanting her to be lonely. The two spend the car ride in relative silence, not knowing what to say to make the other feel better. 
Ijichi comes to a halt after some time, signaling that they have arrived. Satoru got out of the car first, opening the door for (Y/n). Stepping out, she could see most of the Kyoto school waiting on the other side, slightly unnerving her, but she ignored it. As she surveys the crowd, (Y/n) sees plenty of familiar faces, all somber, looking at the both of them with pity. Very few people in the shaman world didn’t know of the tragic story of their small family. Utahime was the first person who stepped forward, greeting the girl. The rest begin to follow shortly. 
After the teachers had a small discussion to the side, far enough out of earshot, Satoru decides it’s time to take his leave. (Y/n) gives him a small hug before he goes.
“You’ll come get me right?” 
“I promised, didn’t I? Be safe.”
“You too.” Noritoshi rests a small, light touch on her shoulder as she watches as his car becomes nothing more than a speck on the horizon. (Y/n) sighs softly before smiles brightly, a fake one that doesn’t reach her eyes, not by a long shot, and begins to make her way to the school. 
“All right, let's get this shit show over with.”
The students were in charge of clearing out the curses as much as possible and containing them to their designated area, which resulted in them being in the semi front lines. Foolish, I know, but unfortunately Gege is a sadist. 
Noritoshi has never seen (Y/n) fight a curse before, and he’s frankly a little frightened by his little sister. She has a malice dripping grin on her face, several cuts bleeding profusely, and a rusty kitchen knife defying the laws of physics. 
He watches as she accidentally drops the knife while a curse runs towards her, mumbling a small ‘fuck,’ before twisting her body so her right side’s facing it. He watches in fascination and mild disgust when she moves efficiently, shoving her right foot near its feet, jamming her right side into its chest area, grabbing its limb, and rips the limb from its body. (Y/n) then quickly maneuvers her body to shove the limb down its mouth with so much force, the back of the head is left with a gaping hole. 
“Now that’s a pretty extreme take on fisting, if I do say so myself.” Noritoshi doesn’t know how she can continue to make jokes at a time like this, much less where the energy comes from, but if he has to guess he’d say it was from Satoru. (Y/n) rushes over to her knife and picks it up, but not before another hoard of curses charge towards her. 
She makes quick work of them, jumping up and landing on a curse. (Y/n) uses that moment of confusion to dig her knife into one’s face and drag it out the side of its face. She uses the curse as a stepping stone to make her way onto the back of the next one. (Y/n) takes her left hand to jam the knife in the right side of its neck, yanking it through the left. The next one gets a little too close for comfort, right when Noritoshi was going to shoot an arrow, he sees the knife leave her hand and quickly shoot itself through the chest of the curse. The knife was covered in blood, (Y/n)’s and curses alike. It continues in its conquest to protect its wielder while (Y/n) grabs the head of another and forces it clean off of the rest of its body. However, she doesn’t drop the head, she swings her arm to backhand the curse coming up from behind. The curse doesn’t go flying, but it does stagger a couple steps back, far enough away that (Y/n) grabs hold of her knife, ramming it in its legs. She drives the blade through the curse’s limbs. Her face has a little splatter of its blood. (Y/n) reaches up and wipes it away with her thumb. 
He watches her closely, not quite able to shake the dread of something potentially happening to the girl. He watches as she moves precisely and lodges the blade into the creature's eye, killing it, before throwing the knife, which scares the daylights out of him when it whizzes right past his head, and into a curse getting too close to Nishimiya's broom. She makes a slight pulling motion with her hand, causing the weapon to return to her. 
He watches as she throws herself in front of Mai, effectively blocking an attack. He watches as she practically flies from curse to curse, annihilating everything in her way. Again, it terrifies him to see a usually collected and care free girl attack so gracefully and primal all at once. 
(Y/n) feels something grabbing at her leg and sees it’s a curse. Before she could even take the time to angle herself in a harmful manner, Miwa slices through the limb. (Y/n) smiles at the girl, voicing a breathless ‘thanks,’ before continuing to move. Noritoshi sighs softly and makes his way to his next target. 
Some time later when the battle is almost over, he sees a trail of carnage, (Y/n) at the front, leading the destruction. He knows she can hold her own, hell he’s seen it with his own eyes and (Y/n) is in the process of evaluation to become a grade one shaman after all, but he’s still surprised at how powerful she is when she doesn’t put herself unnecessarily in harm's way. Though he thinks that maybe that makes her even more powerful at times.
“You’re a force to be reckoned with, aren’t you?” (Y/n) looks over her shoulder, giving him a tired smile. 
“Red Velvet is having a Christmas special tonight, I’m not going to miss it.” Noritoshi groans as Todo makes a sound of approval. 
“Takada-chan is too.” (Y/n) nods her head.
“See, even the jackass gets it!” This time, Noritoshi isn’t the only one that groans.
When the battle finally reaches its conclusion, everyone is extremely tired and sits on a curb, trying to get any ounce of rest possible before they’re undoubtedly drawn into another fight. A small blue speck begins to grow in front of them, and they all quickly rise to their feet, prepared to fight once again. However, none other than Satoru Gojo appears. His bandages are around his neck. Satoru does a quick once over of all the students before looking at (Y/n).
“C’mon, it’s time to say our goodbyes.” She bows slightly to the others, thanking them for their help, before joining her dad’s side, disappearing from view.
“Okay… is it just me, or does she kind of seem inhuman when she fights, like an animal? Also why are his eyes so bright?” The children let out a small laugh at Mai’s comment and begin the walk to the rest of the shaman. 
There’s a weird sense of deja vu when (Y/n) steps back into the school grounds. She sees a figure, fatally injured, making their way to them. Even with all the blood, (Y/n) can tell it’s her brother. He looks up at the two as he slides down the wall, not surprised by their arrival. 
“You’re late, Satoru.”  Without glancing at the man, (Y/n) knows he has a desolate expression, a pained smile gracing Sugurus face.
“To think you both would be the ones here at my end. Is my family safe?” (Y/n)’s heart hurts hearing those words, but her heart aches at the sight of her brother grasping an arm that is no longer there. 
“Every last one of them managed to escape. The ones in Kyoto were under your orders, too, right?” Suguru turns his head away from the two, resting his head against the cool bricks.
“Yeah,” his voice laced with pain, “Unlike you I’m a kind man.” (Y/n) huffs out a small laugh, tears forming on her waterline. Satoru stays motionless, no emotions on his face. 
“You sent those two assuming that I’d defeat them, didn’t you? To set Okkotsu off.” (Y/n) sends a questioning glance at Satoru, who wouldn’t take his eyes off of his lover. Even after all this time apart, (Y/n) knew of very few words to describe the two other than that. 
“I trusted you,” those simple words broke something in her. She’s seen first hand the love the two held, hold, for one another, “ Trusted that a man as principled as you wouldn’t kill off young shamans without a reason.” Another smile creeps its way up Suguru’s lips.
“Trust, huh? I didn’t think I still had any of that left.” He says it more to himself than anything. Suguru releases his shoulder for a second to throw a card at Satoru, but quickly grabs it once again. (Y/n) quickly glances at the card and sees Yuta’s name. 
“Was the elementary school your doing, too?” (Y/n) looks at Suguru, a smile still present. 
“I can’t believe you,” Satoru whispers, “ Do you have any last words?” (Y/n)’s breath hitches and she quickly makes her way over to Suguru, sitting on his right side, placing a land on top of his. He looks at the hand, noticing a few familiar beads. 
“I see you’re wearing my old bracelet, it suits you.” (Y/n)’s lower lip wobbles, three words dancing on her tongue, but fear of what might happen prevents her from saying them. Suguru moves his head to look at Satoru. 
“No matter what anyone says, I hate those monkeys,” his grip tightening on his arm, or lack thereof, “But I never held any hatred for those in Jujutsu High. I just couldn’t wear a heartfelt smile in this world.”  Satoru takes a few steps forward, squatting down in front of them.
“Suguru,” the said man rolls his head to look at his other half, no energy in his movements anymore, “we’ll meet again.” Suguru’s eyes widen before he lets out a soft laugh, his soft laugh. 
“At least hit me with some curses at my end.” (Y/n)’s tears freely stream down her face, but she still keeps her mouth closed.  She whispers a barely audible, ‘I love you, Sugu-nii’ and gives him a hug, which he returns, before standing up and taking her place at Satoru’s side. She closes her eyes, not wanting to see his death, and hears the sound of flesh tearing. No heartbeat coming from his body. She makes a fist in Satoru’s jacket, scared that if she were to open her eyes, he would not be there. Satoru places a hand on her head, bringing his little girl into a hug. (Y/n) couldn’t breathe without sobs racking her body. She feels his hand on her arms, along a tear in her uniform where she had gotten hurt, warmth spreading across her arm. He guides her away from Suguru’s corpse. 
Rubble surrounding a body, slowly decaying, blood gushing everywhere, staining everything it touches, a last desperate plea of I love you,’ life fading from a brother, but this time, they’re not going to come back like before. 
Or will he?
When (Y/n) finally has the strength to open her eyes, Satoru still keeps an arm around her shoulders. No words are exchanged between the two, but none are needed. She rubs her eyes until they’re raw. The dad and daughter make their way to the others, seeing Rika turn into her human form. An adorable little girl, really. 
Satoru removes his arm from (Y/n) and claps, (Y/n), not knowing what was going on, just claps along with him. 
“Congratulations! You managed to break the curse.” The four first years look confused.
“Who are you?” (Y/n) chuckles softly, Satoru deadpans.
“Your good looking teacher, Gojo Satoru. I thought the theory Yuta came up with sounded Interesting, so I requested an investigation into their families. The investigation of Rita’s was finished quite a long time ago, but Yuta’s was full of holes at best. So then it came to light. You’re the descendant of Sugawara Michizane! That makes us super, super, super distant relatives!” (Y/n) gasps, amazed, and laughs at Satoru’s pose.
“Woah, no way!” Yuta looks confused. 
“Uh, who?” Satoru is now dancing.
“One of Japan’s three great apparitions!” Satoru is still dancing. “He’s a super big shot shaman.” (Y/n) slightly jabs her elbow into Satoru’s ribs. 
“You were right, Yuta. Rika didn’t place a curse on you. You placed a curse on Rika. Now the one who placed the curse has canceled the bond. So long as the one who was cursed doesn’t seek any penalty, it’s fully broken now. Of course, that much is obvious after seeing her in that form.” Yuta falls to the ground, tears flowing onto the cracked cement beneath him. (Y/n), while wanting to comfort the boy, stays in place, knowing how overwhelming it can be to have people surround you when you need space to breathe. 
“It was all my fault, wasn’t it? I turned you into that form, I hurt all those people, and I nearly caused everyone to die when Geto came after me!” (Y/n) feels Satoru tense at her side, she does too. Even after all this time it still catches her off guard when people mention her brother and speak of him like that. Even if they’re mostly correct. Yuta’s hands dig themselves into his hair.
“It’s all… It’s all my…” (Y/n) watches as Rika makes her way in front of Yuta. She hugs him tightly. “Yuta, thank you… for giving me more time and letting me stay by your side. These past six years, I’ve been happier than I ever was while alive.” Yuta continues to cry, only looking up when Rika lets go and stands up. She backs away from him.
“Bye-bye. Take care. And don’t come over here too soon, okay?” Everyone watches as she fades away, officially beginning to rest.
“Woah… I didn’t know death could be that sparkly or…bubbly,” (Y/n) whispers. Satoru snorts quietly. 
Everyone’s standing at the school entrance, waiting for Yuta to show up. 
“Did you really call Rika’s death bubbly?” (Y/n) sighs exasperatedly.
“She literally turned into bubbles, like that one witch from the wizard of oz! How else do I describe it? There was glitter in the air.” Inumaki chuckles, holding (Y/n)’s hand. The two girls continue their small argument, even though everyone knows Maki laughed when hearing the comment. 
In the distance, they could see Yuta and Satoru walking over to them.
“Come on, Yuta! How long are you gonna keep us waiting? Let’s go!” Yuta makes his way over, standing shoulder to shoulder with (Y/n).
A new chapter of their lives would begin that day. (Y/n) would struggle with the loss of her brother and all the emotions that come with it. Yuta would struggle with accepting the love he deserves, but the three of them would learn together. Inumaki, (Y/n), and Yuta would slowly start dating and live happily ever after. Well… at least until the entirety of the Shibuya arc gets animated because your darling author doesn’t want to spoil anyone before then, seeing as she deeply regrets reading the manga after seeing season one of the show. 
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Thank you so much for reading! The next chapter, ‘purple Lilac blooms,’ will be a 5+1 fic. It should be posted next Saturday 9/30. As always, there is an oc version on my blog and this can be found on ao3. See you later, honney bears!
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honney-pies · 7 months
anyway, Ma Cherie will be posted on Sunday and i’ll try to post two chapters instead of one as an apology. i think i’m going to go back to the once every other week schedule due to not having the time now that i’m back in school and still working.
i’m sorry for just ghosting, but i’ve had to edit everything on my old ass phone (but my computer should be coming in soon) thank you for your patience cause i sure as hell ran out of mine
6 notes · View notes
honney-pies · 8 months
Ma Cherie ❤︎
Family Bonding
Pairing: Inumaki Toge/F! oc/ Okkotsu Yuuta
Length: 2.3k
Summary: Kanae has some bonding moments with Satoru and there's totally no angst
Content warning: this chapter contains major spoilers for jjk season two, elements of temporary character death, stabbing, excessive bleeding, and toji
A/N: guys i actually remembered to post! as always there is a self insert version on my blog and you can also find me on ao3.
Teaser -- Chapter One
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  ─── ⋆⋅ November 2016 ⋅⋆ ─── 
Yuuta and Kanae had just finished a job with Inumaki and were currently waiting for him outside of a convenience store while he got his throat medicine. Since the two had their conversation a couple weeks ago, they have been getting closer and more open with each other. Toge noticed and thought it was quite cute, Kanae also noticed how the pair had also been getting closer since their last mission. She also thought it was cute. 
She saw Yuuta fidgeting and knew that he was going to ask something that he felt was an invasion of privacy, though it hardly was.
“Um Kamo-”
“Kanae, ‘kkotsu,” she interrupted. 
 “Kanae-san, how do you know Gojo-sensei outside of school?” She looked at him as she tilted her head to the side.
“What do you mean?”
“I know you’ve told me a little bit about how he was the one who raised you, but how did that happen? Why did it happen?” Kanae finds it amusing how quickly he became comfortable enough to ask personal questions without stuttering. She smiled at him and hummed.
“Well technically we first met when I was one, but I don’t remember that for obvious reasons. He said it was boring since I couldn’t talk yet. Our parents made a deal that I would basically be his puppet if the time ever came he would need support or something like that. I don’t know the details of it and I don’t care all that much since I know he wouldn’t put me in that position without asking me.”
  ─── ⋆⋅ March 2001 ⋅⋆ ─── 
“Satoru-kun, why don’t you spend some time with Kamo-kun while we grownups talk?” Satoru knew that he shouldn’t say anything and just go along with it, but that didn’t stop him from making a rude remark to his mom; being the chosen one had its perks.
“So, you’re how old?” No response. Just the baby babble and the smashing of toys.
“What’s your name?” Again, no response.
“Do you know how to do anything?” At that the child stood up and took a couple shaky steps before falling and laughing, she was clearly proud of herself.
“You’re not interesting.” The young girl huffed and went back to her blocks and all Satoru could do was stare at her. Semi entertained.
 ─── ⋆⋅ November 2016 ⋅⋆ ─── 
“So you’ve known him almost your whole life?”
“Yeah pretty much!” The pair saw Inumaki exit the store and he quickly met the two out front and began the walk back to the school since it wasn’t that far away.
“Any more questions?” Yuuta looked lost in thought and then looked back at her.
“Kanae-san, what was it like growing up with Sensei?” Kanae laughed a little at that.
“He’s one of the loudest people I know, he was there for all my school stuff, he got banned from my school at one point because he and my brother were caught threatening a kid for making fun of me. They would walk me to and from school and Sho-nee was the only one allowed to get me from school if Yaga-san wasn’t available. It was annoying but a lot of fun too.”
─── ⋆⋅ April 2006 ⋅⋆ ─── 
 As the young girl walked through the barrier of the school she wanted to go straight to her room and not come out. Unfortunately Suguru knew something was wrong the whole walk home. 
“Kanae, would you like to talk about how her school day was,” he asked. She shook her head. Her frown practically a permanent feature on her face. He grabbed her hand a little tighter.
“How about we make cookies?” He laughed at how bright her eyes became and Kanae practically sprinted to the kitchen. He called Satoru and told him to head to the kitchen once he’s done with his meeting with the elders. It’s comical how quickly he showed up after that. 
“Kanae, how was school?” Satoru really needed to learn how to read the room a little better. Kanae frowned and then her eyes got watery.
“Today was bring your mom to school day.” The other two looked at each other with wide eyes, holding a conversation with no words and only glances. 
“How was it?” 
“Awkward. Some of the mom’s asked questions, but they were pretty nice to me after I told them she died,” she said, “But a couple of the kids made fun of me and the moms looked at me weird, I didn’t like it at all and it made me feel sad. One boy said that I can’t have a family and when I tried to tell him I did he just yelled over me!” Satoru and Suguru could tell she wasn’t going to feel better soon, but they would do all they could until she did. 
“We’ll walk you to school tomorrow, okay?” She nodded her head as she watched the cookies bake in the oven. They took silly pictures and watched a silly movie.
The next day the three of them made sure to leave a little early to talk with the school and with the boy. The boys went to deal with the insolent child. 
“Kanae, who’s the boy who made you feel bad?” She pointed to a boy with the ugliest fucking haircut and they stalked up to him and started bareting him. 
“Who do you think you are talking to her like that?”
“How dare you say she doesn’t have a family?”
“Do I need to talk to your mother?”
“You ever do it again, we'll take your cat!”
“Satoru, too far,” Suguru whispered before saying, “we’ll burn your house to the ground instead. After making sure your cat isn’t inside.”
“U-Uh I don’ have a cat.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“What, do you like dogs more?” The boy shakily nodded his head.
“What are you, a psycho? We should take your dog!”
“Suguru, too far,” Satoru whispered before telling the boy if he ever pulled a stunt like that again he would track him down and eat his bed.
“Satoru, what is with you and eating things?” 
“Don’t ques-”
“Gojo-san, Geto-san, what are you doing to that poor boy?” 
In the end Shoko had to come to the school and bail them both out of trouble, but not before it was stated that they could never step foot on the school grounds again. 
Kanae was so embarrassed, but happy when she found out. Satoru bought her a phone so she could call them if something happened again, Suguru bought her charms for it and they spent the afternoon bedazzling it while sitting in the corner of Shoko’s room while she got ready for her “hangout” with Utahime. 
─── ⋆⋅ November 2016 ⋅⋆ ── 
“Your brother?” Kanae looked straight ahead and she felt Inumaki nudging her arm with his shoulder.
“Did I ask something I shouldn’t have?”
“No, you didn’t. It’s just a sore subject, maybe not the best one for right now.” Yuuta looked at her and saw the sad smile on her face. 
As they entered the school grounds, Yuuta noticed how Kanae avoided walking across a couple cracks in the ground. Upon closer inspection he also saw that the concrete was slightly uneven and had splotches of discoloration surrounding it. They were only slightly darker than the rest of the ground, small weeds growing through. 
Just when he was about to ask about why it wasn’t as pristine as the rest of the school, Inumaki bumped shoulders with him and shook his head. 
‘Not a good time, maybe later,’ the boy signed. 
─── ⋆⋅August 2006⋅⋆ ── 
Kanae had been hanging out with Yaga learning more about how cursed energy flows when she got a text from Satoru letting her know that they just left the airport and would be home soon. Of course she had been planning on meeting everyone at the barrier, but Yaga had wanted to finish more of the lesson before she went to go goof off with her “bestest-not-brother-brothers” for the rest of the day. Yaga had a sneaking suspicion that Kanae saw Satoru more as a father and Satoru saw her as his daughter no matter how much he tried to deny it. Especially after what happened with her mother. It had been a while since the two of them had been away from each other for that long, even though it had only been two days, and called each other regularly and texted frequently. After Yaga decided that she had done enough of the lesson he let her go run off.
Kanae was extremely excited to see her brothers after the two days apart, nearly three! There was also a very pretty girl who she spoke to on the phone named Amanai. She was also excited to meet her. Though from what her brothers had told her they could only meet for a minute or two since she was supposed to meet and ‘assimilate with Tegen-sama’ whoever and whatever that was. 
When Kanae arrived at the entrance of the school she hadn’t been prepared for what she saw. Her doting brother was lying in a pool of his blood as a dark haired man stood over him. The man began to walk away, towards her. Well towards Tegen-sama and the Plasma Star Vessel - Amanai -  but she didn’t know that at the time. What she did know was that she was scared. Kanae was scared that she was going to die and this time no one would be able to save her from death like they had from her mother. 
Before she knew what was happening, a blade made its way just under her collarbone and a scream ripped its way from her throat. She didn’t remember seeing the man move, let alone that quickly, but she did remember his face. A scar across his bottom lip, bright green eyes.All Kanae could think is how much the man looked like her mother as he threw her towards her future guardian, her protector. 
She could feel the blood leaving her body and that terrified her, but that’s not what scared her the most. What scared her was that she couldn’t feel Satoru. She had never been able to describe it all that well, mainly because she didn’t fully understand what ‘it’ was, but she always knew if he was close. She could hear his heartbeat and feel his blood move. But now she couldn’t feel either. She felt nothing from him and she couldn’t help but sob. She sobbed for what felt like forever to the poor girl as she wished all the blood would go away, that all the blood would return to where it was supposed to be.
“Toru-nii please! Please wake up!” Kanae repeated this over and over as she clung to him like a lifeline, ignoring the pain wracking her small body, like he would come back to her. Her throat had become raw and her voice became hoarse, but she didn’t stop. She couldn’t stop until he came back to her. Kanae could feel her consciousness starting to drift away. Her body was tired from crying, loss of blood, and loss of energy.  As she began to lose hope for Satoru to wake up, she voiced two final sentences. 
“Dad please don’t leave me, you promised! You promised to stay with me!” Her blood mixed with his until there was no separating them and she began to feel her cries be answered. She could feel Satoru again. Kanae could feel one of the most important people in her life had begun to wake up. She felt his arms move to hold her and she felt as if everything would be okay again. Her tears had stained their clothes and she could feel the snot from her nose move its way into her mouth and it bothered her immensely, but she would rather deal with it than to let go of Satoru. 
“I’m here, Kanae. Toru-nii’s here… your dad’s here,” Satoru said these words in a mantra until the young girl began to loosen her hold on him enough for him to look at her. He saw blood coating the left part of her chest and in the back of his mind he could tell that it wasn’t his blood. That thought alone was more than enough to send him into a panic. He saw the stab wound and placed his hand over it and pulled her closer to his chest, pressing a soft kiss on to her temple. 
“I’m sorry for scaring you like that. I won’t do it again. Big Bro-dads shouldn’t go back on their promises.” Kanae looked him in the eyes and furrowed her brow. 
“Wha’s a bro-dad?” Satoru laughed a small, quiet laugh at the tired girl. Nothing like his usual one. 
“Me of course! I’m your bestest big brother and I’m going to be your legal parent when I’m legally allowed, so you can’t go away now, at least not when we’re so close to finally saving each other!” Kanae smiled at him and rested her head against him. 
“You’re the best bro-dad ever, Toru-nii.” And all Satoru could do was pull his little girl as close as he possibly could without hurting her and promise to himself that he would try his damn hardest not to scare her like that again. 
─── ⋆⋅ November 2016 ⋅⋆ ── 
Once they reach the main training grounds, they see Gojo helping to train the other first years when he got a phone call. 
“Hello? Ah yes, this is his guardian… another one? Yes, I'll be there shortly.” Kanae let out a small snort and pulled out her phone, sending a quick text. 
“Do you want me to go get him, Gojo,” she asked. He looked at her through his bandages and smiled. 
“I’m sure Megumi-chan would love that!” She smiled and looked over at Yuuta.
“Would you like to come with me?” The boy in question tilted his head to the side.
“Where are we going?”
“To go get a little crotch goblin,” she replied. 
“... Huh?”
a/n: thank you so much for reading!! the next chepter, 'what once was,' is heavily revolved around suguru and kanae's dynamic along with satosugu, so yeah lol. it will contain spoilers for jjk season two and jjk 0, i'm also going to refrence spoilers for the shibuya arc as well, so be aware please.
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honney-pies · 8 months
Ma Cherie ❤︎
What Once Was
Pairing: Inuokku/f!oc
Length: 9.3k
Summary: Sometimes reminiscing the past can hurt, but sometimes it’s for the better.
A/n: omg hey guys, sorry for taking so long. I had a lot to deal with these past two week, so I’m a little behind. This chapter focuses heavily on kanae and the relationships she has with those around her. This isn’t totally proofread and my desk top has been glitching a lot lately, so please let me know and I will fix it!
Ma Cherie master list
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ── 
Kanae’s standing outside the classrooms, watching as her breath fills the air. She hadn't noticed that everyone had already started to leave until Inumaki tapped her on the shoulder. She snaps out of it and sees that Yuuta was also waiting for her. Kanae smiled at the two, noticing how their hands brushed against each other. The three of them had been toeing the line between friends and lovers for some time now, so it was quite adorable watching Yuuta start to figure out that the couple liked him quite a bit. As all the first years were walking away from class, goofing around and acting like kids, Yuuta stops and looks at the sky. Everyone else stops and looks at him, asking him what's wrong.
“Uh, well… I just had a bad premonition,” he responded.
“You’re imagining things.”
“Yep, imagining things.”
“Okaka.”  Kanae laughs softly at everyone’s comment. She looks at Yuuta and grabs his wrist before hurrying up to catch the others. 
“Huh? Guys wait!” She feels a nudge from Inumaki and she looks over at her boyfriend who tilts his head  and smiles at her, she smiles back.
“Well, your ability to sense curse energy sucks, you know,” Panda starts. 
“Figures it be dulled, with a curse like Rika constantly around you,” Maki finishes. As they all continued to joke around and make their way off campus Kanae could see a little white blob in the sky. A bird, she realizes. A really big bird. Kanae felt her phone buzz and pulled it out.
‘Incoming call from weezer🧿🧿’ 
“That's unusual.” Kanae looks up from her phone to see what Panda was talking about to see that the bird has landed in front of them. 
“Yuuta’s intuition was correct.” Kanae quickly answers the phone call to alert her brother that there was a bird heading for them, even though she knew chances are he already sensed it. As the bird landed, another figure fell to the side. Kanae could make out formal clothing, a Gojo-kesa, and a lot of black hair, but that’s not what made her freeze. That bloodflow, she thought, I know it. 
“You’re… not staff,” Maki observed as she pulled out her spear. She sees a person she hasn’t seen in a very long time, her beloved brother. 
“Sugu-nii,” she whispers into her phone, already forgotten in her hand. Suguru looks around for a second before staring right at her and smiling.
“Yo, Kanae-chan! It’s been a long time.” Tears started to form in her eyes, she didn’t know what to do. Her chest began to tighten as a wave of emotions came over her, she feels overwhelmed and she just wants to go to sleep.
“Sugu-nii, what are you doing here,” she asks. Although she didn’t know if she wanted to know the reason why. 
“You’ve grown a lot, well I guess that’s to be expected. How are your studies going?” He eyes the phone in her hand and frowns slightly. She felt the blood rushing to her ears and couldn’t move. Suguru appears in front of Yuuta in an instant and she can’t help but feel slightly jealous of how quickly he moved his attention to someone that wasn’t her. Someone with more power, she thinks.
“Nice to meet you, Okkotsu-kun. I’m Geto Suguru.”
“O-oh hi, nice to meet you,” Yuuta replied.
“You possess a truly wonderful power, I see. I believe that great power ought to be used towards great ends.” Kanae felt her frustration bubble beneath her skin, like a wildfire with no one around to stop it. The Suguru she knew believed that the strong must protect the weak, that shamans exist to protect non-shaman. 
“Have you ever questioned the current state of the world? This world where jujutsu shamans act in secret in order to protect the order of commonplace society. You see, there’s this established paradox,” he started as he let go of Yuuta’s hands and began to move more freely, “saying that the strong must protect the weak,” he continued.
Kanae could feel her blood begin to flood through her ears, slowly drowning out the utter bullshit he was spewing. She saw Suguru wrap his arm around Yuuta, but at this point she didn’t care to listen. She was so unbelievably tired. Tired of listening to his tangent that is so different to the lectures he used to give her growing up.
“-we would like you to help us kill all non-shamans and create a world with only jujutsu shamans.” And in a split second, the pedestal she held her dear brother crumbled underneath his very feet. The others saw how upset she was getting and were also starting to get riled up. You see, Kanae has known that Suguru was not the same, but it’s different seeing and hearing it. She has heard for years about how he was a traitor, murderer, cult leader, but she could always deny it in her mind. How could someone who taught her right and wrong end up being so very… wrong? She poured hours of her life into reading the files the school has made of him. Spent hours outside his temple hoping to get the courage to see him, to ask why. She’s spent years trying to prove to herself that her brother never changed, but she’s finally seeing what everyone has been saying. She’s seeing all the things she’s ignored and she has this revelation that maybe, maybe she didn’t know her brother as well as she thought she had.
Above all else, she’s infuriated at how someone who hurt not only hundreds of innocent people, but her family, herself, her dad, waltz back into her home as if he never left it in the first place. As if he never left her. 
“Could you stop preaching your crazy beliefs to my students?” With the voice of her brother, the one that stayed in her life, she felt her anger bury itself further under the surface, where she could manage it better. Suguru’s mouth pressed into a thin line before turning itself into a smile, but not the one he used to give Satoru, a fake up filled with nothing. 
“Satoru! Long time no see!” 
“First of all, get away from those kids, Suguru.” She looked at Satoru and saw how tense his face was. She could only imagine the amount of heartbreak he must be feeling. The man still had a hard time eating fried chicken after all this time, let alone even speaking of KFC. 
‘Guess we’re going to eat a bunch of sweets tonight’.
“I had heard this year’s first-years were all outstanding students. Now I understand. It was all your doing. A special-grade cursed human, a cursed corpse mutation, the descendant of the cursed speech users, our beloved sister, and the zen’in clan failure.” Kanae clenched her jaw and moved herself to be more in Suguru’s eyesight blocking Maki, her best friend. She could feel Maki pull her behind her as she juts her spear forward towards Suguru. The look on his face makes her want to vomit, he looks absolutely appalled by Maki.
“Watch what you do, because I don’t need any monkey like you in my world,” his eyes slid over to Kanae, “how unfortunate that you’ve chosen their side, Kanae-chan.”
“Monkey,” he called her, he called Maki a monkey. Tears that had been welling up in her eyes were finally threatening to fall, not from sadness, but from the unabated anger making its way to her heart. Yuuta made eye contact with her before pushing Suguru’s arm off.
“I’m sorry. I don’t really understand what you’re talking about, but… I can’t help anyone who insults my friends!” Suguru lets out a sigh before he begins to speak once more.
“My apologies. It wasn’t my intention to upset you.” She felt a hand on her shoulder shortly before she appeared in between Yuuta and Suguru. ‘Toru-nii’.
“Then what exactly did you come for?” Even with the bandages covering Satoru’s eyes, she knew that the soulmates were making perfect eye contact. 
“To declare war,” he responded. Kanae felt her jaw tense and she gently nudged Satoru after feeling his hand tighten against her. Suguru turned away from Satoru and looked at the others.
“Everyone gathered here, open your ears and listen closely! On the coming December 24th, when the sun sets, we shall conduct the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. It will take place in the crucible of curses, Shinjuku, Tokyo, and the holy land of jujutsu, Kyoto,” He announces. 
“We will unleash a thousand curses upon each place, and of course their command will be to ‘massacre’. If you wish to avoid a scene straight out of hell, come and stop it with all your might. Let us freely curse each other!”
The smile on Suguru’s face unnerves Kanae slightly and she has the sudden realization that maybe, just maybe, she genuinely doesn’t know him anymore. The blonde girl behind Suguru lets out a screech that quickly wipes his malice laced smile into a softer one.
“Geto-sama! The store’s gonna close!” Her whining was giving Kanae a huge headache. 
“It’s already that late? I’m sorry, Satoru, Kanae-chan. My girls just insist on going to get crepes from Takeshita street,” he began, “so I’ll be taking my leave.”
My girls, so he really did replace me. 
When she looked up, Suguru set a hand on her head, though there was a slight delay. Satoru had activated his Infinity on her when he had grabbed her, only releasing it when knowing Suguru wouldn’t hurt her.  
“See you soon, imōto.” He removes his hand and all she can think is how much she’s missed him. The two of them watch for a second time as he leaves and this time it stings just that little bit more. She looks at the group and then at Satoru, and takes a deep breath. 
“Maki,” she says, “can we make some cookies?” Maki, who knew the other girl like the back of her hand, simply nodded, knowing she needed the distraction while their teacher and the rest of her family would undoubtedly be busy with meetings. 
“Gojo-san, we need to go.” Satoru looked down at the girl, his little girl, and gave her shoulder one more reassuring squeeze before letting go. 
“I’ll swing by later tonight, okay,” he whispers before taking his leave and giving the others a nod and going back to campus. 
As they walked back she could feel everyone's eyes on her, it made her skin crawl. It was as if it was on fire and it made her so incredibly uncomfortable, but she told them that she would talk about her feelings when she was ready. And they respected her wishes just like she’s done to them many times before.
─── ⋆⋅ August 2017 ⋅⋆ ── 
It was the first time in a while since Kanae had been sent to live at the Technical College. After Satoru graduated, he officially adopted Kanae. It was a day filled with happy tears, hugs, and an obscene amount of sweets. They had moved into an apartment and her family quickly grew from there.
Nine years later she’s back at the school and moving into a dorm with the promise of learning and finally earning money. It was about two weeks before classes were supposed to start, but she wanted to get back into the swing of things, help Inumaki move into his dorm and maybe make another friend. There was one person she had yet to meet and she wanted to at least be acquaintances with the other girl before classes started. One perk of your ‘bro-dad’ being your teacher, you find out about stuff before you’re meant to. 
Kanae had already met and was friends with two of her classmates, Panda and Inumaki. Although the latter is her boyfriend and future spouse, so she supposed it didn’t really count. She had heard that the other girl was from the Zen’in clan and was unable to see curses. She hoped the two would be friends since they came from similar filial situations. 
As she was moving that last of her things into her new room, or rather Satoru’s old room, she spotted someone moving into a room not too far down. She finished setting her things down and made her way over to the room before noticing the door was ajar. She knocked and smiled when the girl turned around. 
“Hi, I’m Kanae! I’m your classmate, I believe.” The other girl did a once over before walking a little closer. 
“Maki, you are.” Kanae looked up at Maki and smiled another bright smile. 
“I like your hair! Do you need any help setting things up? I’m nearly finished, so I can lend a hand if you would like.” Maki looked down at the girl and noticed a couple scars on her body, a deep, jagged one on her collarbone. 
“I can manage,” she replied. Kanae nodded her head before saying her goodbye’s before heading back to her room.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Let me know if you would like to explore the campus later.” Maki turned back around and nodded.
“You’ve already taken a look around?” She smiled and nodded.
“Something like that.”
Maki did in fact take her up on that offer and the two spent the next couple of weeks getting to know one another and becoming friends. They made a couple references to their families and although Kanae already knew of her ties, she would never want to pressure someone into opening up before they were ready. 
The four first years quickly became friends and it felt as if they had known each other for years. Well for three of them that was the case. Maki would later learn that Kanae and Inumaki were in an arranged marriage, and were quite happy about it, along with Panda and Kanae knowing each other from their childhood. They were the only children around each other on campus and a friendship blossomed from there. 
Maki and Kanae would later become best friends and share about their pasts. The day Maki found out about Kanae’s last name, she knew she could trust her with her’s. The pair became two peas in a pod and spent quite a large amount of time together, forming a sister-like bond. After one job together the two got matching beads to make bracelets with.
“They’re kind of like my favorite thing ever. Although if you don’t wear jewelry we can find a different way to match!” 
A little over a month after meeting, Kanae had confessed that she wasn’t that skilled when it came to using weapons to fight without using her cursed technique. She was taught hand-to-hand, but had refused to learn how to handle a blade herself after some instances in her early childhood. Maki had been the one to teach her, and quite frankly who else would you want? 
In the late nights beneath the blanket of stars, it was difficult for Kanae to ignore her trauma and all the emotions that consumed her mind. She kept up her more carefree, level headed  demeanor during the day with ease, but when there was nothing else to occupy her it became overwhelming. Due to this the four would spend many nights together under the gentle glow of the moon, just talking and messing around. Just acting their age. 
Later in the year Yuuta would show up and Kanae would be forced to see her brother take his last breath, but that’s for later. This is now. 
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ── 
When they finally made it back to the dorm everyone agreed that they needed to take a five minute break before they started moving again. 
Kanae went to the showers alone since Maki was going to set her spear back in its case. As she walked she imagined all the time Suguru had walked these halls, had placed his feet in the same places as hers. After he defected she had spent a lot of nights with Shoko due to Satoru being a complete wreck, he would cry and he never liked crying infront of her. 
“I’m supposed to be the one comforting you when you cry, not the other way around.”
He had been so depressed after, albeit he still is, but when the memories were still at the front of his mind, when the wounds hadn’t yet faded to scars, he would lay in Suguru’s bed and let his body be wracked with sobs. It was a heartbreaking thing to hear and most nights, or early mornings rather, she would sneak into Suguru’s room and curl against her brother. He would squeeze her tight and not let her leave until the last second. As if he was scared she would leave too. 
While her mind was distracted, her feet had carried her back to Suguru’s room. She hesitated to open the door, but when she did it was covered in a thick layer of dust. No one has been here for years. Well, maybe Satoru since he could use his infinity, but she couldn't be sure
“Only for a minute, Kanae, you still have things you need to do, a shower to take, and acne to scrub away.” Unfortunately it was not a minute, not even five, when she looked at her phone she noticed it had been closer to two hours. When she rose from his bed her body hurt and there was an outline of her body on the sheets. Her head ached from the tears she shed, yet her eyes still burn with the anticipation for those to come. 
She eventually made her way to the showers and could see how red her eyes were and how swollen her face was. She thought she looked similar to a weird looking squirrel. 
After her shower she set her things down back in her room and made her way to the kitchen where her friends were there waiting. They made no comments about her eyes and no comments about her face. Set on top of the counter were all the ingredients for baking cookies.
─── ⋆⋅ October 2017 ⋅⋆ ── 
It was the day of the exchange event and Yuuta was looking a little nervous. More like queasy if anything. 
“ ‘Kkotsu, you feeling okay?”
“Kamo-san! How are we supposed to fight other students?” 
“Kanae, ‘kkotsu!”
“Sorry, sorry! Kanae-san, a-are you not nervous?” Kanae patted him on the back and smiled. 
“You’ll do great, ‘kkotsu! I mean you have a target on your back, but it’s nothing to worry about. Maki and I ‘ll make sure you don’t die! Right, Maki?”
“Don’t drag me into this, Kanae.”
“I’m going to die!” She sighed and shook her head.
“Ah, sorry, wrong choice of words. You’re not going to die, however you might get a little injured. Although everyone does.” 
“I’ve accepted death.” 
“My god, you’re dramatic.” She quickly glanced down at Yuuta to see if he heard her, he had and looked… well pathetic. 
But like a good pathetic. No, Kanae, don’t think that. That’s gross.
Kanae looked over at Maki and motioned for her to come over. Maki saw this and turned around, so she didn’t see them. Kanae’s eye began to twitch ever so slightly.
“Maki!” The girl groaned, but turned around and made her way over and looked at him.
“You’re not going to die, stop exaggerating. You’ll be fine. Now get up and don’t embarrass us.” Yuuta looked up at the girl and shrunk back.
“I’d get up and listen, Maki doesn’t like repeating things,” Kanae whispered before grabbing his arm and hauling him up before Maki got too frustrated. The two girls were wearing their matching bracelets today, although they weren’t the most neatly made things, it showed that they were a pair. Maki had hers underneath the sleeves of her uniform while Kanae had 
hers, and the many others she’s made/collected, where everyone can see. 
Maki didn’t like wearing jewelry since it made a lot of noise and could get in the way while she fought, but for Kanae she’d wear one. Kanae looked over and saw the Kyoto school began to show up, so she brushed off any dirt on Yuuta and smiled at him.
“You’re going to be just fine. Toge, tell him he’ll be fine.” Inumaki rested his hand on Yuuta’s shoulder and gave him a thumbs up. Panda watched this interaction and had a slight blush on his cheeks. He made his way over to Kanae and bent down to talk to her.
“Kanae, are you seeing this?”
“Seeing what?”
“Are you okay?”
“Panda, is everything alright?”
“Inumaki is flirting!”
“He’s flirting with Yuuta!” She looked at the two and shook her head.
“He’s not flirting, but it’s fine Panda!” Panda looked down at the girl before feeling her head to see if she was being delusional due to being sick. Kanae let him be, but not before sending him a questioning glance.
“Panda… you know I wouldn’t mind if he was flirting, right?” Panda placed another hand (paw?) on Kanae’s head. She sighed and gently moved his hands away.
“Panda, I don’t mind if Toge likes ‘kkotsu. I think he’s kind of cute actually.” Panda looked at the girl, confusion written all over his face. After a couple seconds she could practically see the gears turning in his head.
“Oh… so you both like him?” She shook her head.
“I don’t like like him right now. If anything it’s a small crush, but I think Toge does. Though who could blame him, he’s really adorable.” Panda watched as the couple both looked at Yuuta and noticed how they both had a light blush on their faces. 
‘Humans are… weird.’
“It’s not weird, Panda.” The said corpse looks at her in astonishment.
“You can read minds?” She laughed and shook her head.
“No, I can’t, just a guess.” Panda hummed and nodded his head rapidly. 
“Kanae, Panda let’s go!” The two made eye contact and giggled. 
“I’ll tell you about it later,” she whispered before making their way over.
“Coming my lovelies!” Maki raised a brow and had a small smile on her face.
“You’re hyper today,” she noted. Kanae smiled at her.
“I’m always hyper.” Inumaki looked at her and bumped shoulders with her and grabbed her hand. When they finally reached the meeting place, she saw Noritoshi and some of her happiness began to subside. In its place came many variations of emotions. When it comes to siblings there’s typically a sense of  attachment, however she hasn’t spent time with her brother in quite a while. Yet there’s still that underlying feeling where she knows that he may not be able to think for himself just yet, he’d still protect her if need be.
“Akane-san, nice to see you.” Kanae’s hand clenched around Inumaki’s as she plastered on a smile. And there he went, bringing up a past and its memories along with it. A past that had no business being brought up. However she couldn’t blame him the same way she might her father.
“Kanae, Nori. I guess in our time apart you’ve forgotten.” His mouth set into a thin line before trying to speak once again, but Maki beat him to the punch.
“Play nice for now and remind him up close and personal later.” The girl let out a small laugh into her free hand and looked over at her brother.
“Only if you have my back.”
“I always do.” The girls made eye contact and smiled. Kanae’s big and bright while Maki’s was more subtle. Platonic soulmates are always the best kind of friendships to have. 
As she looked at her older brother she remembered meeting one day in the middle of the brutal summer heat and smiled to herself. 
‘He’s so different, yet so similar all the same.’
─── ⋆⋅ June 2005 ⋅⋆ ── 
The sun was burning her skin, but she didn’t mind. As long as she didn’t have to see her family. Satoru and Akane were at a meeting for all the shaman clans and he had told her that she should come too. 
Now you see, Kanae is a well respected shaman-in-training when she’s older, loved by many, but when Akane was not. Akane was a nuisance and forgotten by most.
A burden
A useless child.
A waste of male, Kamo blood and inherited cursed technique. 
Shortly before Satoru began school, the young girl had begun to show signs of a cursed technique, over time it became aware that it was an inherited one. In the Kamo clan women used to be worshiped. Women were seen as gods, as holy entities that were meant to lead rather than be leashed. Unfortunately foreign ideology slowly began to seep its way into the everyday lives of the people and enforced their ideals upon them. 
For many in the shaman world, or any world for that matter, women are treated as second class citizens if they’re lucky enough to be seen as human at all.  In the shaman world women are meant to breed more shaman children, and then their children will breed more, and the cycle continues. Kanae was blessed with a powerful cursed technique, blood manipulation. It garnered a lot of attention. Many believed that it should have gone to a male member of the family, someone who would become an heir. Though she didn’t know why anyone was complaining, Noritoshi was born powerful and most ‘importantly’ a male. 
Akane didn’t like attending these meetings, but Satoru told her that she had more than earned her place to be here and she was willing to follow him anywhere.
“You’re Akane, correct?” The small girl turned and saw another young boy, a little older than herself. Her eyes widened at him, he’s gotta be the heir for Father.
“Hi. You’re Noshitori,” she asked. His borrows furrowed and a slight frown tugged at his lips.
“Oh, sorry.” He huffed and moved his head to face her more.The young girl thought his eyes were closed.
“How old are you?”
“ ‘m four!” She showed him a bright smile and he didn’t need to open his eyes any more than they already are to know that there might be a few teeth missing from it.
“Why are you here? Father couldn’t have asked you to come.” She shook her head before remembering he couldn’t see her.
“Oh no, he didn’t. ‘Ru asked me to come.” His brows furrowed again and tilted his head to the side.
“Who,” he asked.
“‘Ru!” The boy looked even more confused.
“Gojo Sa‘ru!” His eyebrows raised and Akane thought they might fly off his forehead. 
“Gojo Satoru?” He clearly didn’t believe her, but with the way she kept on nodding her head it was difficult not to. The two stood next to each other and had a one sided conversation because even though she was four and it was sometimes difficult to understand her, she never stopped talking. She went on about some kids in her class and how she was learning her letters and numbers, but she couldn’t read quite yet. She made it a point to describe everything was seeing, so Noritoshi could ‘see’ it too. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that he can actually see and that his eyes just look closed. While he was looking at her as she talked, he noticed the similarities in their features such as their eyes and nose, along with their hair. Her eyes were gray, albeit a darker shade, and her hair was black like his. 
Once the meeting was over and everyone began walking out, Satoru quickly made his way to the children and ruffled the girls hair.
“Akane! You’re so lucky you don’t have to go to these things, they’re so boring. Maybe if you went inside with me next time it would be more fun!”
“‘ ‘Ru! My hair!” He laughed in return and turned his head to look at the boy.
“Who’re you?” 
“Kamo No-”
“He’s m’ brother Nori,” Akane interrupted. She stood up from where she sat on the ground and said her goodbyes to the boy, wanting to leave before the rest of her family showed up.
“See you later, Nori! It was nice meeting you!” He nodded and a small smile threatened to make an appearance, but before it could his father spoke and called him away, back to the estate where his mother no longer was. 
─── ⋆⋅ October 2017 ⋅⋆ ─── 
When the exchange event came to its conclusion, Kanae hadn’t been as amazing as she had hoped. She didn’t make it to the final round of the one-on-one fights, and she made many mistakes in the group battle. She wished she could have done more, fought more. 
She got too ahead of herself and nearly passed out from blood loss. Yuuta had to carry her around for that last part of the group battle, which she was still incredibly embarrassed about. However he assured her many times he didn’t mind it. She had gotten an earful from Yaga and Satoru, Maki had smacked her in the back of the head, Shoko had looked at her endlessly, but kept her thoughts to herself (not before staring at her in a way that made her feel even more embarrassed than she already was), and somehow Nanami even found out and sent her a wall of text telling her not to act that recklessly again. Inumaki had signed so fast she could barely keep up, and she felt awful for making him worry that much. He had sat next to her until Shoko allowed her to leave.
“Try not to pull a stunt like that again, Kanae. Too much paperwork.” Kanae smiled softly, knowing that she was trying to show her concern without outrightly stating it. 
“I’ll try not to, Sho-nee.” Shoko nodded and shooed her away the second she got a text from Utahime. 
When they went outside, Kanae felt her phone buzz in her pocket
‘Incoming call from shadow wannabe’
“Oh, ‘gumi wh-”
“What did you do?” Kanae paused for a moment. What did I do?
“... huh?” she heard a long sigh on the other end
“Gojo sent me a text saying you wouldn’t be able to get me from school and you’ve never been late, let alone not there.”
“Aw, are you worried about me?” She smiled.
“Nee-san.” She laughed at the huff he let out.
“Ah, well I needed to see Shoko. During the event, I pushed myself pretty hard and so I had to stay in the office for a while. But I’m better now!” She looked at Inumaki and tapped her wrist. He then showed her the time. 
‘Thanks,’ she mouthed. 
“It’s pretty late, please tell me you didn’t just get home?”
“...No.” Kanae let out a sigh.
“Were you bullying kids again?”
“It’s not bullying if they start it, plus you’re the one who told me that bullying works.” She rolled her eyes.
“I said that ‘cause you’d pour ranch, ranch, all over your fries and then wipe your fingers on your shirt. It was gross, and now you don’t use your shirt as a napkin. Bullying is effective in some cases, like when it comes to siblings. I don’t think you need to get nearly expelled from another school. ” Inumaki was laughing quietly next to her as the two continued walking to their respective dorms. Megumi mumbled something under his breath that Kanae didn’t catch, though she could take a wild guess at what it was.
“Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine, ‘gumi. Nothing I haven’t done before. You had a test today right? How was it?”
“It was fine, I guess. Boring, Nakamura-san tried to cheat off me again. If she wasn’t obnoxious I would’ve let her be, but she’s never returned my mechanical pencil and she even uses it right in front of me! So of course I tell the teacher after the test. She tried to get her little brother to beat me up. Her little brother.” Kanae laughed softly, voicing her frustrations and agreeing that maybe harassing children was okay in the instance. She had been watching Inumaki fiddle with her fingers as they waited outside the dorms for the call to be done. After a while, she looked around and noticed that Noritoshi was waiting for her on a bench just outside the dorms. 
“Hey, ‘gumi, I gotta go, but I’ll call you back later okay?” He stopped his tangent about how he couldn’t wait to be done with middle school.
“Can you facetime me later so I can see the ‘hottie’ you’ve been talking about lately?”
“Which one?” 
“Black hair guy.”
“Oh, Okkotsu. No, he’s asleep in the infirmary right now, but we’ll call you back okay? We’ll introduce you to him soon.” 
“Hi, Inumaki-san. Bye, Inumaki-san.” Kanae chuckled before hanging up. 
“Toge, you head back first. I’ll be there in a sec.” He nodded, but not before giving her hand a squeeze. Kanae made her way over to her brother and sat down next to him.
“What you did today was reckless.” She groaned.
“Not you too, I literally just sat down!” He looked over at her, the tiniest traces of a smile on his lips. 
“Yes, me too.” Kanae sighed and leaned against the back of the bench.
“It’s nothing either of us haven’t done before. I don’t know why everyone is acting as if there won’t be days where I’ll be put in a worse situation.” He sighed and looked at her.
“We all know that being a shaman comes with its occupational hazards, but that doesn’t change how -how idiotic you were acting. You were actively drawing blood out of your body and trying to control it with no medium to ease that burden. That’s dangerous! I know that we all will have to put our lives on the line a million times over for this job, but that doesn’t mean one should seek out death. There is a difference between risking death to win and being willing to die.” She peeked over at him and saw the furrowed brows, his worry lines creased.
“You sound like my dad.” 
“Well Gojo-san is right.” She looks at him with wide eyes before bursting at the seams, letting out a loud laugh. 
“I wasn’t talking about Toru-nii, to be specific, I meant in general.” He glanced towards her and frowned.
“He adopted you, did he not?”
“He did.” He nodded his head before looking back over.
“Is he- is he nice?” Kanae looked at him before smiling.
“He’s the best dad I could’ve asked for.” Noritoshi looked down at the ground, a smile fully formed on his lips.
“That’s good.” She glanced at him a couple times before she began to fidget, picking at her nail beds.
“I… I’m sorry for making you worry. I’ll be more careful in the future.” She moved her body to face his. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around him. He froze for a second before wrapping his arms around her.
“I’m sorry for not being there for you, for not being a better older brother, Kanae.” She felt her emotions bubble their way to the surface.
“I forgive you, it’s not like I was the best sister either. Thank you for being here for me now.” They sat like that for a while, not moving. 
That night they opened their hearts for the other. After years of competing against each other, it was weird, but it was for the better. The two would still get into arguments about their… family, but now they were no longer alone in the Kamo clan. In the future they would slowly grow a bond and finally become the siblings they have longed to be for one another. But that’s the future. Tonight was the first step into becoming a family, towards healing.
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ─── 
The sound of laughter filled the air as everyone was somewhere in the kitchen baking. It was a mess, but they would deal with it when the time came. Satoru was watching in the doorway, watching as children got to be children. He had planned on consoling Kanae throughout the night, but can see that she’s distracted for now, so he went home to bother Megumi. He’ll cancel classes tomorrow and spoil everyone, like an amazing teacher would. 
“Kanae-san, where did you learn how to make cookies?” She was sitting on the counter as Inumaki was putting the cookies into the oven for a couple minutes longer. Maki and Panda were trying to stealthy eat the leftover batter even though she said not to since there were raw eggs in it, and Yuuta was standing to the side of her, very close.
“Su-” she took a deep breath before continuing, “ My brothers taught me how to make them. Any time I had a bad day, we would spend hours in here making cookies, brownies, cake. Anything sweet really, Toru loves sweets.” He kept on twisting the ring on his finger, his connection with Rika. He then looked at her and moved closer so that his stomach was touching her knee.
“Do you mean Geto?” She hums and nods. He was watching every little twitch she made, making sure she was okay and that he wasn't overstepping. The two continued to talk about everything, anything, and nothing as they waited for the cookies to be done. Inumaki eventually made his way over and stood shoulder to shoulder, well more like shoulder to arm, with Yuuta, effectively corralling Kanae. She has a soft blush on her cheeks the more and more they move closer. She went to look around the room to see if the other two could save her from embarrassing herself, but they weren’t there.
How convenient.
“You know… since I call you by your first name, you should start calling me by mine.” There was a light blush on his cheeks as he said this.
“Yuuta… are you flirting with me?” That blush traveled to his ears. A slight nod of his head. Kanae leans in just a touch closer, though the blush she sported alo grew. She felt her blood rush to her head as Inumaki draw shapes on her thighs. 
“We’ll always be here for you. We will try our hardest to make sure Geto doesn’t hurt you.” She looks him dead in the eye and her face goes slack.
“Yuuta, Sugu-nii hurt me a long time ago. I- I appreciate the thought I really do, but I’d rather he hurt me than hurt anyone else. Actually, I’ve never told you about him, have I?” Yuuta shook his head. They all sank against the wall and onto the floor.
“Well, I first met him when I was four.”
─── ⋆⋅ September 2005 ⋅⋆ ─── 
It was a couple weeks since school started and the three first years had yet to actually become the friends they will be to one another in the future. Suguru and Satoru weren’t best friends quite yet, and Shoko hadn’t scammed her way to a medical degree either. They had yet to go through the horrific tragedy that was Riko Amanai’s and Haibara Yu’s death, Suguru had yet to adapt the ideology of wiping out all non-shamans. The future has yet to happen, but unfortunately it is inevitable.  
Satoru had been extra hyper that day, ready to get school over with faster than normal. He was getting on everyone’s nerves and Yaga had given up correcting him earlier within the day. When classes finally finished Yaga had pulled Satoru to the side and told him he needed to talk to him before Satoru could leave. 
Suguru had been on his way to his dorm room to finish his homework when he saw a small girl walking up the steps with a small bag wearing a formal, and quite beautiful, kimono. Suguru walked over to the girl and squatted down in front of her.
“Hi, I’m Geto. What’s your name?”
“Hi, I’m Akane.” The young girl did a deep bow and nearly fell over. She quickly raised herself, blushing from embarrassment. 
“Are you a firs’ year?” He raised a brow, wondering who this girl was, but nodded his head regardless.
“Do you need help? Did you get lost?” She shook her head, but Suguru still took her bag, holding it for her. She thanked him before asking if he knew where ‘Ru’ was. He was confused, seeing as he didn’t know a ‘Ru’, but told her he’d help her find him. It wasn’t long before it became apparent the girl knew more about the campus than he did. As they were turning the corner she heard a frantic ‘Akane’.
“ ‘Ru!” Akane smiled widely before taking off in the opposite direction. Suguru followed after her, however only needing to walk to keep up with her. When he saw Satoru making his way over to the girl, it finally clicked who ‘ru’ was. Satoru. He felt a little foolish for not catching on sooner, but watched as Akane launched herself into his arms, gripping for dear life. 
“Akane, I've told you not to wander off like that when I’m s’posed to meet you somewhere.” She tilted her head down and mumbled a small sorry. Satoru sighed before saying he’s sorry for taking so long. 
“Ah, sorry Gojo, it's my fault she wasn’t at the front. I was helping her look for you.” Satoru finally looked up from the girl, directing his eyes to his fellow classmate. 
“How annoying,” was all he said before getting up, while still holding the girl, and walking off. Suguru quickly followed when he remembered he still had the child’s bag. As he followed he saw Akane making silly faces at him and giggling. Suguru found it quite amusing, even more so when Satoru saw the exchanges the two were having. Satoru scoffed when he saw the young girl smile at his classmate.
“Are you jealous that she’s giving me attention, Gojo?” Satoru turned around with a disgusted look on his face. 
“Who would ever be jealous of you? You have weird bangs and an awful hairline.” Suguru pulled a face as if he’s sucked on a lemon and kicked his shin. 
“My hairline is not awful and my bangs are fine. You shouldn’t even be saying anything about my hair when your hair looks the way it does!” Satoru and Suguru were invading each other's personal space, faces an inch or two apart. 
“What about my hair, Geto?” Akane watched from her place in Satoru’s arms and laughed loudly. Both of them backed up and looked at the girl.
“You like each other!”
“... Huh?”
“Sensei says that if a boy picks on you it means he likes you. You pick on each other, so you like each other.” Oh how observant and blunt children can be. Both boys complained and made comments about how ‘wrong’ she was, but we as the readers (and those with common sense) know they’re just stupid. 
“Wait… Gojo, how do you know Akane? Is she from your clan?” Satoru looked him dead in the eye and with no hesitation responded.
“She’s my sister, you idiot. Ya know for someone who claims to be as smart as you are, you’re pretty stupid. How’d you think I knew her? Did you think I had a kid at eleven, that I kidnapped her and she has Stockholm syndrome?” Suguru looked to the side, letting out a nervous laugh.
“Oh my god you did, didn’t you?” Satoru shoved him before walking off with the girl, failing to remember her bag again.However, that may have been on purpose so a certain boy would be in his dorm later that night.
 When they finally got far enough Akane reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“You called me your sister! Does this make you m’ brother?” Satoru looked at the girl, a laugh falling through his lips.
“I’ve always been your brother, since the day I met you.”
That day Kanae gained a brother and discovered she had one all along. That day Kanae opened her heart to another person without meaning to. In the future he will walk off with a part of not only hers, but her brother’s as well. When that day arrives, her brother will be there to comfort her, to remind her that he’ll always be there. When that day arrives, Kanae will learn that sometimes ‘soulmates’ doesn’t mean forever. 
─── ⋆⋅ December 2017 ⋅⋆ ─── 
Kanae felt the tears make their way down her cheeks, she felt Yuuta hold her in his arms as Inumaki got up to take the cookies out of the oven. She felt safe, loved, and appreciated. When Inumaki came back, he brought a plate of cookies with him.
‘Do you want to go to your room, or one of ours?’
“ Mine, please.” Her voice was soft, almost like she was whispering. The three of them picked up their things and made their way to Kanae’s room. Yuuta had only seen her room in passing, never actually stepping inside. It felt taboo in a way, he’d never been in a girls room before. Though the way the couple held his hands, guiding him in, there is no way in hell he would walk away. 
Stepping into the room, he saw that her room was cluttered, not messy, but covered with items. He saw that there was barely any actual room to be seen. There was something covering nearly every inch. What caught his eye were the polaroids taking up a good chunk of her wall. Some were faded, discolored at the edges, while others were more recent. There were so many different people in the photos, but some were consistent. In an older one, he saw two boys holding Kanae at the beach. The boys held hands and one of them was giving the older one a kiss. He could see how bright everyone's smiles were. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the boys looked familiar. Yuuta’s eyes widened as he turned around.
“Kanae, is that sensei?” She looked over and nodded her head. 
“The boy next to him is Sugu-nii. They used to take me on trips with them all the time.” He saw the dates on the bottom of the pictures span across years. Small sticky notes to the side stuck close to the photos. Unlike the photos, he could tell that these weren’t old, they were relatively new. 
‘7/9/07 - last family trip to the beach’
‘4/12/07 - yu and ken-nii took me to the movies’
‘6/21/05 - first playdate with Nori’
‘5/17/05 - first playdate with Toge’
‘10/6/05 - last day with mother’
Yuuta watched silently as Kanae stood next to him, a vacant expression on her face, while she stared at them.
“What do you see when you look at these, Yuuta?” He looked confused at first before taking a closer look. What caught his eye was the way Geto seemed to go from a smiling, happy person to a cold, husk of a human. He also saw Gojo go from a carefree person to someone who bore a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. He saw Shoko’s eyebags grow darker, he saw Nanami grow more distant, he saw Kanae having a harder time smiling. He could see how much it pains her to stare at the people that are no longer in her life. 
“You… you’re hurting all the time, aren’t you?” She looks at him, her eyes dulled just slightly. 
“I’ve seen the more brilliant shamans come in and out of these dorms. I’ve seen them pursue successful careers, I’ve seen them die while attending here. I’ve seen so many people who feel the same as Suguru, I’ve felt the same as him. After he left I still held hope that he wouldn’t stay gone. That he would come back. I would leave voicemail after voicemail, asking him when he’d be home, that we’d welcome him with open arms. I think Toru-nii still would, to be honest. He could never move on after he left. I keep these photos as a reminder, to remember the people I have lost, to remember those who didn't get a chance to grow old like I have.” He sees Inumaki reach out and hold her. He holds her against his chest, trying to offer any comfort he can. Yuuta looks at Inumaki, silently asking him if it truly was okay for him to be seeing this, for him to comfort her. 
Inumaki reaches his hand out, an invitation for him, Yuuta hesitantly grabs his hand. Inumaki pulls him towards them and this time Yuuta doesn’t hesitate. He wraps his arms around the people he cares deeply about. He holds them for the rest of the night, taking his place in their hearts and solidifying his place in their lives. 
─── ⋆⋅ September 2007 ⋅⋆ ── 
The day started fairly bland if anything. The sun was slightly hidden by the clouds, it wasn’t too hot or too cold, Kanae hadn’t slept in and she made sure to carefully make her way from her brothers tangled limbs and tiptoed out of Suguru’s room before leaving. 
She went to school and no one said anything mean, she got a good score on her spelling test and she wasn’t late home. Suguru had told her before Kanae left for school that he would take her out for ice cream if she had done a good job. He had said that he would be there waiting for Kanae at the school gates. 
He wasn’t.
The six year old had thought that maybe he was busy, or that he lost track of time, although three missed calls later she decided to go home. Satoru had gotten her a phone after what happened the year before with the older kids bullying her so she could get help if she needed it. 
Throughout the walk back to the school, she had hoped that he would be there to greet her.
He wasn’t. 
She had sat in the kitchen, waiting for him to pop up and fulfill his promise of ice cream.
He hadn’t. 
She had sat on his bed doing her homework, hoping he was busy with a mission or out with Satoru.
He wasn’t. 
She had been wandering the halls, looking for him, when she heard her older brother yelling. It was then she thought that maybe he had died. That he wouldn’t be coming back. 
He hadn’t died. 
She watched as Satoru screamed and screamed, hoping for an explanation. 
She wouldn't get one for a long time.
She saw her brother a couple days later sitting on the steps of the school, eyes red, face swollen, as he explained to her simply. 
“Sugu-nii won’t be coming home, Kanae.”
“Did he die?”
“...no, not physically.” 
She had waited for Suguru anyway, waiting for him to come back and make Satoru feel better. 
He never came.
One day after school she walked and walked to see if she could find Suguru herself. 
She did.
“Sugu-nii? Is that you?”  she watched as he turned around, surprised to see her there. He had been talking to an older man with a faint mustache on his upper lip and spiky hair. 
“Kanae, what are you doing all the way over here? It’s not safe. Where’s Satoru?” She looked at him. She saw that his eye bags were gone, that the slump in his shoulders was no longer there, that he was gaining weight again. She also noticed that his hair was no longer in the tight bun he usually wore. 
“ ‘re you feeling better?” His eyes widened a small fraction and smiled.
“ I am. Where is Satoru?”  She looked to the side quickly for looking back at him.
“He’s not here. I don’t think he’d notice right now.” He frowned slightly before kneeling down in front of the girl. 
“I’m sure he will, Kanae. He’s just moping about. Satoru will be back to normal soon.” She shook her head.
“ It’s like you died, Sugu-nii. I don’t like it at all. Are you coming home soon?” He looked at the girl, thinking of what to say next. 
“Kanae, I’m not coming back.” Kanae’s brows furrowed before looking back at Suguru.
“What d'ya mean you’re not coming back? You have to, so we can be a family again!” He let out a heavy sigh. How do you tell the person who you view as a little sister, who you know if you stayed with you’d view her as your daughter, that you’re leaving and have no intentions of coming back? Suguru didn’t want to hurt her anymore than he already has or will, but he knew he couldn’t let her continue to hope that one day things will go back to normal. Even if he did, he would be executed for his actions. He reached for his wrist, taking off his bracelet, and handed it to the girl.
“Here, Kanae, so you can remember me. Satoru has a matching one, you’ll be his only family now, so you need to take care of him. Okay?” She looked at him confused.
“But you’re family too.” He opened his mouth then quickly closed it again. Suguru looked at the sky before looking back at her.
“I hope you’ll forgive me one day, or at least try to, but I’ve found a new family. One who understands me, who won’t judge me.” The small girl looked confused. All this time she had thought that they were a family, a happy family. Kanae thought that the love they had for one another would be invincible. Tears welled up in her eyes that she tried to fight back. 
“But I love you, isn’t that enough?” Suguru was at a loss for words. He had been the one to preach to the girl that love can save people, that respect can save people. How could he face her after everything he’s said?  
“I will always love you, you and Satoru, but I can’t stay in that place anymore. I was in pain and now I’m not,” he rose from where he was and pulled the girl into one more hug, “when you’re older, you can come find me, but for now you need to stay with your family.” 
Kanae hadn’t understood it at the time, but she did get older. As she grew up, she poured over the files of her brother, trying to understand why he did what he did. She sat at the steps of the cult for hours at a time, trying to get a glimpse of him. She even tried to go in, but Kanae could never open the door. 
As she grew older, she began to understand where Suguru was coming from, but that didn’t mean she agreed with it. She continued to deny her brother's actions, still clinging onto the hope he would be there when she woke up. 
He wasn’t. 
-omg guys I’m so funny!!1! I was not originally planning on making this have so much angst, but i changed my mind later lol. The next chapter, ‘bona fide’ will be the final fight in jjk0 and bringing us to season one of jjk, which should be released 9/23. The next chapter after that, ‘purple lilac blooms’ will be a 5+1 fic which should be released 9/30. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you liked it!
2 notes · View notes
honney-pies · 8 months
Ma Cherie will be posted September 15th
omg hey guys, so this week was like the worst thing ever, but it's fine. I'm currently at war with this high schooler since he decided to run a red light directly into the side of my car <3
anyway, because of this i haven't been able to apply that much time on writing. luckily i should be done this friday and it going to be a relatively long chapter. right now i'm about a quarter of the way done and i've written 6.8k which is a lot more than anything i've previously done, but because of this i am posting a teaser for the chapter underneath this! i hope you enjoy, muah!!!!
OH - side note - i also spent time rewriting parts of 'birthday girl' to help it make a little more sense!!!
Teaser for chapter three : what once was
Paring: Inuokku/F! reader
length: 1.02k
─── ⋆⋅ October 2017 ⋅⋆ ─── 
When the exchange event came to its conclusion, (Y/N) hadn’t been as amazing as she had hoped. She didn’t make it to the final round of the one-on-one fights, and she made many mistakes in the group battle. She wished she could have done more, fought more. 
She got too ahead of herself and nearly passed out from blood loss. Yuuta had to carry her around for that last part of the group battle, which she was still incredibly embarrassed about. However he assured her many times he didn’t mind it. She had gotten an earful from Yaga and Satoru, Maki had smacked her in the back of the head, Shoko had looked at her endlessly, but kept her thoughts to herself (not before staring at her in a way that made her feel even more embarrassed than she already was), and somehow Nanami even found out and sent her a wall of text telling her not to act that recklessly again. Inumaki had signed so fast she could barely keep up, and she felt awful for making him worry that much. He had sat next to her until Shoko allowed her to leave.
“Try not to pull a stunt like that again, (Y/N). Too much paperwork.” (Y/N) smiled softly, knowing that she was trying to show her concern without outrightly stating it. 
“I’ll try not to, Sho-nee.” Shoko nodded and shooed her away the second she got a text from Utahime. 
When they went outside, (Y/N) felt her phone buzz in her pocket
‘Incoming call from edgelord supreme’
“Oh, ‘gumi wh-”
“What did you do?” (Y/N) paused for a moment. What did I do?
“... huh?” she heard a long sigh on the other end
“Gojo sent me a text saying you wouldn’t be able to get me from school and you’re practically never late.”
“Aw, were you worried about me?” She smiled.
“Nee-san.” She laughed at the huff he let out.
“Ah, um, well I needed to see Shoko. During the event, I pushed myself pretty hard and so I had to stay in the office for a while. But I’m better now!” She looked at Inumaki who showed her the time. 
“It’s pretty late, did you just get home?”
“...No.” (Y/N) let out a sigh.
“Were you bullying kids again?”
“It’s not bullying if they start it, plus you’re the one who told me that bullying works.” She rolled her eyes.
“I said that ‘cause you’d pour ranch, ranch, all over your fries and then wipe your fingers on your shirt. It was gross, and now you don’t use your shirt as a napkin.” Inumaki was laughing quietly next to her as the two continued walking to their respective dorms. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine, ‘gumi. Nothing I haven’t done before. You had a test today right? How was it?”
“It was fine, I guess. Boring.” She looked around and noticed that Noritoshi was waiting for her on a bench just outside the dorms. 
“Hey, ‘gumi, I gotta go, but I’ll call you back later okay?” He stopped his tangent about this one girl who wouldn’t stop trying to cheat and said okay.
“Can you facetime so I can see the ‘hottie’ you were talking about earlier?”
“Which one?” 
“Black hair guy.”
“Oh, Okkotsu. No, he’s in the infirmary right now, but we’ll call you back okay? We’ll introduce you to him soon.”
“Hi, Inumaki-san. Bye, Inumaki-san.” (Y/N) chuckled before hanging up. 
“Toge, you head back first. I’ll be there in a sec.” He nodded, but not before giving her hand a squeeze. (Y/N) made her way over to her brother and sat down next to him.
“What you did today was reckless.” She groaned.
“Not you too.” He looked over at her, the tiniest traces of a smile on his lips. 
“Yes, me too.” 
“It’s nothing either of us haven’t done before. I don’t know why everyone is acting as if there won’t be days where I’ll be put in a worse situation.” He sighed and looked at her.
“We all know that being a shaman comes with its occupational hazards, but that doesn’t change how -how idiotic you were acting. You were actively drawing blood out of your body and trying to control it with no medium to ease that burden. That’s dangerous! I know that we all will have to put our lives on the line a million times over for this lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean one should seek out death. There is a difference between risking death to win and being willing to die.” She peeked over at him and saw the furrowed brows, his worry lines creased.
“You sound like my dad.” 
“Well Gojo-san is right.” She looks at him with wide eyes before bursting at the seams and letting out a loud laugh. 
“I wasn’t talking about Toru, to be specific, I meant in general.” He glanced towards her and frowned.
“He adopted you, did he not?”
“He did.” He nodded his head before looking back over.
“Is he- is he nice?” (Y/N) looked at him before smiling.
“He’s the best dad I could’ve asked for.” Noritoshi looked down at the ground, a smile fully formed on his lips.
“That’s good.” She glanced at him a couple times before she began to fidget, picking at her nail beds.
“I… I’m sorry for making you worry. I’ll be more careful in the future.” She moved her body to face his. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around him. He froze for a second before wrapping his arms around her.
“I’m sorry for not being there for you and not being a good brother, (Y/N).” She felt her emotions bubble their way to the surface.
“I forgive you. It’s not like I was the best sister either. Thank you for being here for me now.” They sat like that for a while, not moving. 
That night they opened their hearts for one another, letting each other in. In the future they would slowly grow a bond and finally become the siblings they have longed to be for the other. But that’s the future. Tonight was the first step into becoming a family, towards healing.
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honney-pies · 8 months
Ma Cherie ❤︎
Pairing: Inumaki Toge/ F! oc/ Okkotsu Yuuta
Summary: Kamo Kanae grew up within the protected grounds of Tokyo's Jujutsu Technical College. She's seen many brilliant, young shaman come and go, and she has experienced first hand the wrath on non-shaman and the curse that is love.
Content Warning: this work contains elements of major character death, temporary character death, canon typical violence, exessice bleeding, thoughts of helplessness/self loathing, toji, geto suguru, satosugu (no i will not let you escape them), younger siblings (OH MY GOD WHY ARE THEY SO ANNOYING????) please let me know if i've missed anything and i'll add it!
001: teaser
002: Birthday girl
003: family bonding
004: what once was
005: Bona Fide
006: Purple Lilac Blooms
007: Absence
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honney-pies · 8 months
When the Wind Meets the Stars✮⋆˙
This work is currently on the back burner due to me slowly writing. WTWMTS takes place from before kny happens to well after, as you can imagine that’s a lot of writing. Due to this I won’t be posting this one shot for some time. I’m glad people are excited over this, but I would greatly appreciate not being rushed! Thank you for you patience, honney.
Pairing: Shinazagawa Sanemi/ F! Reader
Summary: One of the most painful things to live with is knowing that if things could have been different, if she had lived, then maybe he wouldn't be by your side today.
Content Warning: this work contains MAJOR SPOILERS, elements of death, canon typical violence, self loathing, slowish burn, it's kind of a sick fic if you think about it, semi-happy ending, self harm. Please read the tags before starting this fic, I don't want to upset or offend anyone. (that's why this is here in the first place.) Let me know if I've missed anything and I will add it!
001: Teaser One 002: Teaser Two 003: one shot
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