#hunter's arc being scrapped and reversed in toh so he could end up with willow
Whenever a cartoon or any piece of media’s final part or finale disappoints me (In this case SPOP season 5. I won’t deny that the previous seasons had flaws, but at least the overall show was enjoyable at the time IMHO.) I try to just be like “That sucked” and move on to something better. It’s far easier said than done. I always manage to find something better, but that feeling of disappointment in the previous thing is very hard to shake off. I often think about just how good SPOP’s final season could’ve been if it cared about Adora, Catra, Bow,Glimmer, and all the other characters as, well, characters, and not components to bad ships.
that's exactly how i feel! when you enjoy a show so much and you have high hopes for it, the final season being a trainwreck hits you really hard. i felt the same with amphibia and the owl house. all these shows had the potential to be something great but for some reason, they don't know how to wrap up a story well. so you're left behind wondering about how great it would have been if these writers were competent and tried to write a coherent ending, instead of rushing things and scrapping off important plotlines.
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