#i didnt have the right white color so i improvised it but i made it worse
kkaeero · 3 months
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snoopy! it was supposed to be a gift for a loved one, but this was a fail sooo, now its for me rip
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foxgirlpauldrons · 3 years
Hello your cathedral is very pretty!!! Do you have any cathedral building tips as I would like to build one but have no idea where to start
When I did this first step, I made a brand new world with a random seed and found a snowy tundra biome to build in. A little sneak peek of my build o
As for how I make them, Let me break it down into steps.
Before I start, I have to say that my entire building process is always going to be done while I'm live on my twitch, where you'll see every part of a build that I do, from step one to completion.
Now that the obligatory plug is out of the way, let's get into it.
When I have an idea for a build, like the cathedral I built, I usually start by looking for the biome that it's built in in a survival world. Now because the build that I did was on an SMP with my friends, I really couldn't get the seed to experiment in the original place in a test world, but if you are able to get the seed and build right in the spot that your build is going to be, that would be highly recommended.
When I did this first step, I made a brand new world with a random seed and found a snowy tundra biome to build in. A little sneak peek of my build world, without looking at the builds, you can see that I found a relatively small snowy tundra biome, but it still works out in my favor.
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But regardless, once I get my location, getting a general block palette that I can use as some kind of gradient in parts of the build is usually the next step for me. A REALLY useful resource that helped me out a lot was Grian's "One trick to change the way you build in Minecraft" video, which covers a lot of very useful gradients and how they work.
But I wanted to decide on what blocks to use, and thinking about historical accuracy in this build, I remembered that back in the 13th century, most likely what would have been used was stone bricks made by stonemasons at the time, which was my main inspiration for using the stone, andesite, and polished andesite. But when the build got lower to the ground, I noticed that I needed to have a white block on the bottom, to not only blend into the snow, but to signify the weather's impact on the build.
When I made this build, I was also using mods, one of which was the mod "O' The Biomes You'll Go" (This build was made in 1.16.5, OTBYG is not updated to 1.17 yet ;n;), so you'll see a different block mixed into the diorite, which is a block called Dacite, which in the modpack is typically only seen in the Dover Hills biome.
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But I am usually a fan of getting a color pallette that shows "Hey, the environment is having an impact on this cathedral, the snow is sticking to the lower bits of the cathedral because it's so close to the ice", or something along those lines. Having that usually ties it to the actual environment so much better than usual.
Either way, once i get the pallette down, I usually go for the general shape of the front of the build in my creative world, building with a filler block first, like stone or dacite to signify that there will be a difference in materials, etc etc. This step catches me using a lot of references that I'd like to use, and this cathedral's front specifically was heavily based off of the Siena Cathedral, in siena, italy.
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When I was making this build, as well, I really wanted this to be a cathedral made specifically for pride month, having representation for as many pride flags as I could muster, and that turned out having me spend a lot of time bouncing ideas off of my friends, and trying to make windows in the cathedral that represented each part of the LGBTQIA+. If you were the person that I bounced these ideas off of, you would have seen like, twenty screenshots, each with a "is this alright?" overtop of it.
In my building world, I drafted out windows for the cathedral, having (from left to right) the Lesbian flag, the Xenogender Flag, the Asexual Flag, the Intersex Flag, the Queer Flag, the Bisexual Flag, the MLM Flag, and lastly the Transgender flag. These went through a lot of iterations, where I would run these designs by my friends that knew a lot about pride flags.
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After I got the pride flags, and the front of the cathedral, and the general pallette, I mostly drove to improvising the rest of the build, deciding that on the inside, the ceiling should replicate the old domed ceilings commonly found in cathedrals of the time, and deciding that the best way to light up the top parts of the archways that frame the stained glass was to make some chandeliers.
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Where there is one seemingly random piece of the interior, it was made out of necessity. The chandeliers were made to light up the upper parts of the build, the archways were made to separate the main walk with the sides, and to frame the windows, and the red carpet was to hid lighting underneath it.
In the end, the most important thing I would say to do is to make sure that you have fun doing it. If I didnt have fun building this cathedral, I wouldn't have built it. This was also after building two cathedrals in the past.
One of the main reasons why I built this cathedral was because I built two in the past, and I felt like it was necessary to get an idea of how much I've improved since I first built one in 2016.
This was back in 2016
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This was in January 2021 or so
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And this was today!
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Don't give up on your dreams or aspirations, and keep on building!
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prince-raisins-art · 6 years
Do you have any tutorials on cutout art, or a list of items you use for art?
okay, hey hi sorry this is such a late reply. ive never made a tutorial in my entire life but im gonna show you how to make a cutout of this hot mike wazowski i drew. at the very least mike, i gave up with the flowers.
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okay so first things first, gather all your matierals; an x-acto knife, scissors, a glue stick, a pencil, markers/colored pencils/paint/whatever coloring medium is comf for you, and a cutting mat. as for the actual paper, i stock up on any type i can get my hands on. joanns (my main supplier) usually has a bunch of really nice paper packs, so should any craft store near you. on the other hand, ive stolen half a box of scrap/swatch paper from my caligraphy class and at least two walls of paint swatches from home depot and walmart (i dont reccommend these ones because the color will chip pretty easily. pro tip, works in a pinch for the right color you want, just cut it from the back side of the paper, the color side face down.)
now, print a black and white copy out, 
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or if you’re lazy/dont have a printer, lightly trace the image off your computer screen. gently. then, gather up the papers you want to use, and make sure to really consider which colors should go where.
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my desk is small and messy im sorry. anyway. take out that pencil and find a light source. someday id like to own one of those neato tracing tables with the back lighting. but im a broke 20 year old who makes do with what they have.
i use a picture frame with my phone turned on under it.
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i have it taped like that because every time i had it the other way, the pegs would always colapse under the weight of my meaty fingers. if you dont have a frame on hand, you can use a nearby window or a lamp,
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(i cant show you my usual setup, otherwise i wouldnt be able to take the pics so this lamp setup will have to do) 
next, you’re gonna trace the parts of the drawing that pertain to the color paper you’re tracing on. its okay if lines and shapes change a little bit, you can only control so much.
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once you have them all traced, you can start carefully cutting them out with your xacto knife. you can either put the pieces in a bowl, or on your computer keyboard like i do, because i could honestly care less if some of my small pieces get lost inside the keys. that was a joke, i actually really hate that. but i am a simple minded woman who simply doesnt learn. 
next, take out your glue stick and something to apply the glue to the pieces. i use a sculpting pick, and in the past ive used my xacto (dont reccommend). you could also use a toothpick
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you can start inking certain lines you want to stand out, i used a brown micron pen
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glue that shit on there. it also helps to put them together on top of the image so they align correctly. again, dont worry if it doesnt line up with the original
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a monster in the making
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if you want some extra depth, you can glue a thing of cardboard in between your parts
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leg depthhhhhhhhhh
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i didnt have any shiny paper for the nails, which i wanted, so i improvised with what i had. we’re on a budget here, people. cut them shits out and slap em on the fingies
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okay, for the roses, i honestly just gave up, sorry. however, i wanted to still do the body roses, so i made some wavy cuts like this
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rolled them, glued the end, and squished them a bit between my fingers.
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here we have, more or less the final product. i started a bit early, but you can add details like shadows and highlights with your colored pencils/markers.
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they’re in love.
thats it for this dumpster fire of a tutorial. i hope it wasnt too useless. if you have any other questions please feel free to drop back into my inbox.
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there was an ask list but instead of reblogging it im just doing the thing where i answer it all and put it here under a readmore
what mythical creature do you wish actually existed? idk i like griffins but i feel like thats boring b/c they dont like have any Powers...
soundcloud or vinyls? i dont rly use either lol
what book does everyone right now need to read? whatever they want i have no huge recs. i like the ashbury high / brookfield series & thats kinda unknown but thats it
do you like wearing other people’s shirts/jackets? its not much of a thrill...i guess im neutral but it has to fit me for starters
what was the best thing that happened to you this month? i donno. watched some stuff, had ppl compliment me
what’s a promise you’ve recently made to yourself? i periodically tell myself to care less about various shit
would you rather be the sky, the ocean or the forests? i guess the sky....clouds are nice. the ocean is full of heinous shit and the abyss. the forest can be kinda iffy too and also cut down
would you kiss the last person you kissed again? i havent kissed anybody romantically* so its not really an issue for me
do you plan your outfits? rarely
how do you feel right now? eh theres the usual undercurrents of misery and frustration but that’s just bg noise most of the time. im alright i suppose
what’s the last dream you remember having? well i was having trouble driving, which is a frequent dream, because it was a bus, which is an unusual detail. i think we were trying to take a roadtrip to a beach in another country, which is a thing that happens in my dreams lately. but then i suddenly found out i was in a play that was in like rehearsal/performance stages already, which is also common. my role was to act like i was real gay for some other guy character. i was like lol no prob
what are you craving right now? im usually a bit hungry i guess
turn ons/offs? i like people who can go along with a joke i suppose and who seem interested in other people and what they have to say. too many things repel me from other ppl to list
when was the last time you cried? why? i’ll cry super easily if im just imagining some sad concept
did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? there’s some contenders there smh...but no
do you bite or lick your ice cream? lick....
favorite movie ever? i dont have one
do you like yourself? yeah im alright enough
have you ever met or seen in person a celebrity? not like an a-lister no
how many countries have you visited? just the one ive always been in
have you ever been in a castle? no
what’s the craziest/bravest thing you’ve done? i dont think anything too special. got in front of a car w someone but it was moving slow. proceeded w my stage entrance anyways even when a curtain cue got effed up & led the Improvisation of working around it, but that was dance so nobody had any lines to change
what’s on your mind right now? hoping it tstorms really dramatically later
what’s your zodiac sign? gay
name 5 facts about yourself. my eyes are blue, my pupils dont dilate evenly coz one is a bit less dilatable, im horribly nearsighted, i can cross one eye, i have sort of a unibrow
do you believe in karma? i dont believe in not karma
ever been in love? not romantically*
whom do you admire and why? a lot of activists, im interested in activism and volunteering but have rarely been able to actually be involved in things
what was your favorite bedtime story as a child? man i dont remember having bedtime stories, i dont think i did that much after learning to read myself. i read “pat the bunny” a lot for my little brother, that one was his fave
did you make someone laugh today? i dont think so
do you believe in ghosts? ive always liked hearing about ghost shit, i am not inclined to think that everyone who says theyve had Ghost Encounters is lying, i know ppl personally who have stories who i dont think are lying and it would be presumptuous to say like “well but they probably didnt REALLY x y or z,” and yet still i am always skeptical abt the whole thing. i am agnostic abt everything ever re afterlife stuff, but again—if we’re in a horror movie haunted house situation and shits going down, im going to assume ghosts and everything ive heard about them is true and act accordingly until we’re out of there, Greg The Adamant Disbeliever can have fun dying. and catch me not messing around w ouija boards or any of that shit either...im good.
if you could go back in time which time period would you visit? visit....damn i dunno.
would you want to live forever? why/why not? i mean if other ppl are doing it to then it might be fine. but like me specifically as things are now living forever, im not much interested. someone else can have my immortality
what makes you sad? shit like, life man
was today typical? why/why not? yeah i didnt do anything interesting
who do you trust the most? i dont particularly distrust anyone but i dont really have anything i’d need to trust anyone over
what did you have for breakfast today? i didnt
do you have any regrets looking back in your life? not really
what’s your favorite fictional universe? i dont have one
favorite tv show? i dont have one
share a favorite quote. i have some but i’ll never be able to think of one on the spot
what does your ideal day look like? ahh idk. doing something fun while being around other people
do you have any hobbies? i guess drawing / writing count. theres other things but i dont do them regularly / recently
share a small random book passage that means something to you. dont have one
what’s something you always wanted to do but were too scared? theres not really anything like that
do you usually date people your age or older/younger? neither
who means the world to you? why? any cat ive ever met b/c theyre angels
best books you’ve ever read? i guess i can plug the ashbury/brookfield books again
who is your favorite cartoon character? i gotta say lars dont i
coffee or tea? tea
would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved? loved but like by multiple ppl right? gimme that magnitude in Widely rather than Intensely
are you a dog or a cat person? i feel like only dog ppl consider this to be a real Binary
what is your biggest addiction? biting my lip endlessly lol
do you ever think about the galaxy? sure
what’s your favorite color? blue
do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not? nah...my sibs and i are like friendly acquaintances i guess. thatll be an abusive household i guess
are you a morning or a night person? night
have you ever dealt with a mental illness? I Guess
how would your friends describe you? uhhhh people say im funny sometimes
do you consider yourself and extrovert or an introvert? bit of both
what’s something you love watching/reading but you are too embarrassed to admit you do? i dont think i have any secrets there
describe yourself in 3 words. extremes, thoughtful, Gay
best memory as a child? idk i always liked swimming and going to pools / waterparks
what is your eye and hair color? blue / brown, respectively.
do you like crystals? theyre cool
if you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? imperialism banned
what’s your hogwarts house? idk slytherin hufflepuff or smthing
biggest pet peeve? theres many..
would you rather go to a cocktail party with your best friends or stay home and read a book/watch a movie with your pet? well first i need the mythical best friend group but also can we be doing something more fun than a cocktail party
share a secret. I’ve Pooped Outside
would you rather live longer or happier? this might only be a difficult choice if it was live shorter or happier
who’s story is your biggest inspiration in life? why? nobody coz idk
do you wear glasses? yes
forest or river? forest
do you like exercise? its alright i dont like just straightup running though
do you like poetry? it depends on who the poet is. cishet white dudes shouldnt be allowed, for starters
any special talent that you have? i’m good at telling if lines are parallel lol
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dearsadgoat · 7 years
recently, there was a major fire in my city. a little before the fire happened, i went through probably the lowest point in my life i’ve been in thus far. it culminated into one night of forcing myself to break down a number of walls and fake fronts i put up around me. these stood for about 5 years.
during that 5 year period i lied to myself and tried to trick myself into thinking i was something else so i could fit in with my rapidly changing friend groups, both online and in real life. i started distancing myself from a number of things, including shows, interests, and friends. i pushed away mlp for fear that my friends who were now falling out of it would ditch me if i were still into it. i pushed away my desire to learn music because the relationship between my brother and i only got worse as high school went on. i pushed away old friend groups for reasons so stupid i dont remember anymore.
instead of doing videos for fun and my own enjoyment, i started making them with the intention of becoming popular. i was never good at those and i wasn’t willing to learn to make myself better because i only wanted the success. the worst part about this was the fact that i did it for so long i managed to make myself believe that this was what i wanted, to be making low effort gaming videos on youtube well past its peak. because that’s what I thought I was going to “make it” doing. it should be noted i pushed away a group of youtuber friends before this, who may have been able to talk sense into me.
to this day i have only met one other person who makes videos.
fast forward to a few months ago. back in june, i started a new job, the one im currently working, doing lifeguarding at a pool. in july, my friends and i did our annual trip to anime expo, and aside from some incidents it was fun. i went on vacation with my family to arizona, and we saw a number of beautiful sights. i enjoyed it a lot.
however, this is the end of the fun.
anime expo, as always, brought me the panic of being around so many people. it isn’t the volume of people however, im relatively comfortable in a crowd. its the idea that i can look around in any direction and see people probably way happier and in better places in life than i am. look one way, i see a group of attractive people in cosplay that’s way better than mine. look the other way, i see a group of friends all laughing and clearly have shared interests, unlike my friends where we all have kinda splintered tastes so we don’t spend all the time together at conventions.
i spent a good amount of the convention wandering it with my friend mike. we went as Haru and Rin from Free, him being Haru, me being Rin.
around that time i was having major self image issues. i gained a good amount of weight the months prior, and i couldn’t lose it no matter what i tried, and consistently going to the gym, doing workouts given to me by professionals showing me no change killed my motivation. i couldn’t get myself to even go anymore come june.
so when mike was stopped by 10+ people (i stopped counting after a while) for pictures and to compliment him on his cosplay, meanwhile outright ignoring me, i started feeling like my image issues weren’t just “in my head” like i’d been told. despite this i tried my best to ignore it and move on. except i couldn’t.
the other cosplay i did was a crossplay of Mako Mankanshoku from Kill la Kill. I actually had the right length/hair color for Mako’s hair, so I saved money on a wig and got it cut like hers. the hair actually looked fine in context of the cosplay, however the cosplay in the context of anything was atrocious.
i couldn’t fit into the seifuku i bought, despite being sure to buy a size much larger than what you’d expect. trying to ignore my brain telling me im a fat fuck i improvised with a white shirt and a light blue neckerchief. with the wrong color shoes, basic shirt, neckerchief, basic skirt, and my hair cut instead of a wig, i was the definition of awful cosplay.
i hyped up finally being able to crossdress in public to myself for months. i’ve wanted to crossdress publicly since i was 15. at no other convention in the past did i have the courage. i got rid of pretty much all body hair, and upon finally being able to do so, i thought it was everything i wanted.
looking in the mirror showed me i was nothing more than an ugly fatass trying to look cute. i was the fucking person people at conventions take candid photos of and post on tumblr to make fun of. im sure im gonna one day come across a picture of me in that “cosplay” accompanied with some text about how embarrassing i was.
so with now both my cosplays fun sucked out of them by myself, the rest of the convention went on, but i couldn’t fully suppress the idea that i was unhappy.
the arizona trip i’ll save for another post, it’s a complete offshoot with it’s own backstory.
these are nowhere near all of the events i feel caused enough problems for what happens later, just the major ones. also there’s no way i can write every single thing that’s happened to me and contributed to my sad demeanor over the last 21 years.
after that though, the rest of the summer is a blur, i dont remember anything i did, and i don’t remember starting school again. i just know i’ve been going for almost 16 weeks now.
for some reason, a lot of things that didn’t use to bug me have been bugging me. stuff that I thought i’d grown accustomed to seeing, like the ever poisonous anti-male rhetoric that this site likes to parade. i’ve been on tumblr since i was like 13, i’ve seen it, i should be used to it and know to ignore it, right?
i guess not. every post i see related to something meant to make me feel shitty for being a guy takes another chip at me throughout the day. despite my best efforts i can’t forget them.
i just don’t have the energy to put up with stuff anymore, and it really feels like im out of energy to put into caring about things. i’ve been feeling like this since the beginning of the above five year period of not knowing why i wasn’t happy with what i was supposed to be happy with.
eventually we get to one saturday at work. two pools are being used for an event, the third is being rented out for a kids birthday party. im on the tower supervising the party when my best friend kaylie comes to rotate me. we chat for a sec, and as i start to walk off, she says my name. i turn around and she points at the water. no more than 3 feet from where im standing, two kids are wrestling in the water. except they weren’t wrestling for fun, they were wrestling to get on top of one another and drowning each other in the process. mind you, this is the deepest part of the pool and it’s only like 4 1/2 feet deep. I slide in, hoist up both of them, and launch into the caring procedure bullshit.
i get them out, tell kaylie im going to get a towel, and eventually other guards start asking me what happened. all of the sudden people are toting me as being a hero for making my first rescue withing my first year. you’d think that’s something to be proud of, right?
yeah you’d think that.
i felt nothing. all i had was that i was doing my job, and if it were like ten seconds earlier kaylie would’ve got them. i didn’t do anything special.
of course that ended up as a conflict in my mind, and on the way home i bought alcohol and spent the night drinking alone.
fast forward a few more days, and i get home from work. it wasn’t a particularly hard day, or any major thing happened, just a lot of small little things that chipped away at my patience, a few comments made by coworkers that really weren’t asked for, and this and that ultimately led to me driving home at the end of the night upset.
i get home, and think to myself im going to unwind with some video games. i dont remember what happened or what i was playing, but some major thing happened that led to me calmly turning off the game and turning to my computer to stare at it for the next two hours, only occasionally clicking to something new.
nobody tells you what it’s like to break. partly because, they cant. the way i see it everyone breaks differently. every breakdown i’d had up until that point had been loud, angry, and full of jerky motions through teary, blurred eyes. they were like someone kicking over something i was making in one fell swoop.
this time it felt like i watched someone pick away at the foundation until it all started to slide down like sand.
i broke, at first without tears, questioning what i was doing at that moment, and what i was doing in general. nothing made sense. my head couldn’t keep a thought for a moment. i felt like my chest was caving in. i didnt end up eating anything that night. i honestly can’t describe how i felt and what i did, it was such a blur.
i started going on a nostalgia scavenger hunt. something i had seen recently drove me to want to search out the mlp meetup group i used to be a part of. i found pictures of me and my friends at different events back in 2011, 2012, and i started doing what i can only describe as motioning a whimper. as in, whatever you picture when you think of whimpering, only without sound.
I saw pictures of me being happy, truly happy. i hadn’t been truly happy in the last 5-6 years since these pictures were taken. at least not for more than the occasional time.
as if on queue, a friend from one group of friends i changed myself to fit in with messaged me. i asked him if he wanted to take a trip with me, and i spilled everything.
i confessed to being a liar, a poser, a shitty person who couldn’t even tell his friends that he wasn’t everything he said he was. i told him at one point in my life i had actual ambition and ways to achieve success outside of being the scummy piece of shit i’d become when i became friends with them. (please dont misunderstand, they’re good people, i just had a warped sense of what i needed to do to be their friend back then)
he let me angrily type and rant and have a major breakdown to him without interruption for almost an hour, and finally he paused me and started trying to talk me through this.
after he gave me his piece on the matter, i turned to another one of my best friends, jacob. jacob was one of the irl friends i went to meetups with, and we’ve been friends since middle school. we’re closer than anyone else i know i’d bet, even closer than kaylie and i.
because of time differences, our conversation lasted the next two days, basically telling him everything, that i wasn’t happy with myself, that i haven’t been happy with anything for a long time. the only thing that mattered to me in his response was that nothing was different between us. he said he was going to a therapist soon, and said that i should try it. i have not, and i dont plan to for fear of what i might find out. still, everything he said i took to heart and i thank him for it.
at this point, i decided that i could fix all of this, that i could make myself someone i’d like to be. i was going to work hard and no matter what i wasn’t going to break like that ever again. nothing was going to stop me, no matter the odds.
someone up there must love testing my patience.
a week later, the fire happened. within the span of an hour i had gone from coming home from a test, to helping my mom with the recycling, to rushing home because the sky over our house was brown. the next few hours was me running on no food, a sweaty, ash-covered mess, to get everything of importance out of the house. everything that was too hard to replace was taken. as painful as it was it meant leaving behind just about everything that had value to me, as i took only the things that mattered in a worldly view, not a personal view.
God listened to my prayers that day, and the fires burned half a mile from my house, but no closer. The trail i walked a thousand times growing up was no more. it’s about 4 houses down from mine, to give perspective. everything was black and soot, trees stood with burn marks and missing leaves. The creek was dried up. everything is a mess. i walked out and took pictures of it a few days after, just for memory sake.
that day was a test to see whether or not I was actually going to keep my word. i didn’t break that day, despite wanting to often, and i did what was most important for my family.
since then, i’ve shuffled around a lot of different aspects of my life. a lot of things are changing, and im not comfortable with a lot of them. however, these are good changes. i have to make myself uncomfortable to be able to find what i belong to once again.
and i hope and i pray that this is going to be the time i prove to myself i can break out of this
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trashandblog · 7 years
Do you believe in fairy tales?
When suzy woke up the first thing she saw was brown. Deep shell brown with flecks of gold, she stared up into a pair of brown eyes and had to catch her breath a few times. Oh wait that wasn't the eyes that was the burn of her dry skin and lungs.
Dan looked down at the woman he found washed up on the beach during his stroll, was she really a woman at all? Her hair was jet black and wet as it clung to her face and the sand. Her chest was naked but at the same time her breasts and sides, were covered in pure white scales. Said scales ran down her waist and her- her tail?- Was made up of them. He reached out to touch her cheek and her eyes flew open pupils dialating from almost pure black taking up all of her eyes, to tiny slits that made her eyes look like a cat's. Dan gasped lightly as she zeroed in on his gaze, making him shiver, and started gasping in pain. The rain that had been pouring around them earlier seemed to have helped her stay wet, but now she was gasping for air and writhing around in panic. Dan didnt know what to do so he improvised and picked her up, carrying her to a nearby tidal pool. When she was in the water she instantly calmed and let herself sink to the bottom of the deep pool. (It wasn't truly deep, just enough to cover her in water) Dan noticed at this point instead of ears she had fins in the same white color of her tail and scales. He nervously looked down and watched her relax just under the water. When she sat back up he smiled lightly. "uh hi."
Suzy blinked curiously at the man as he tried to greet her. "Uh, hi." He said smelling nervous and excited. She smiled revealing long rows of sharp teeth. He visibly paled but made no move to pull away. "Hi!" She trilled cooing lightly. This man was so cute, she reached out and touched his face feeling the hair there that mer didnt grow. She liked this feeling, after years of being away from humans she doesn't regret coming to the surface, even if she was a tad lost. As her long fingers traced the mans lips and his neck she cooed again watching him shiver and turn pink under her touch. He smelt of confusion and shyness.
She liked that even more. "I'm Dan." He says softly looking her over again. Suzy smiled and giggled leaning back into the water as her skin started to feel scratchy and dry once more. Dan watched her from above the pool curiously before she sat back up moving her tail again. "Dan?" She said, the word felt alien on her tongue but she smiled again none the less. "Susumi!" She said a bit loudly pointing at herself in excitement. Dan flinched before laughing nervously and smiling back at her. "Oh uh can I call you Suzy?" He asked slowly. She nodded and shook out her hair. Suzy remembered centuries ago when mer first met humans. Before they started stealing her people, before they started killing the sea. When humans feared the ancient mer as gods and monsters of the deep. Suzy blinked the thoughts away as she tried to recall their language. "Dan, kind?" She asked. Dan looked confused for a moment before his face lit up and he nodded in understanding. "Yes, I'm nice, I swear I won't hurt you." He said, rapidly growing more excited.
Dan watched the exotic girl trill with delight as he promised to be nice to her and blushed. "Can I call my friend over? He could help you get back to where you're from." Dan said slowly. She shook her head no vigorously and took a moment to re-wet herself down. "Stay, here Dan." She said in broken English. "Of course I won't leave you!" Dan said pulling out his phone to call Arin. "No! Su-zy... Stay." She says gruffly splashing Dan agitatedly, a look of realization crosses Dan's face as he wipes off his phone and nods calling Arin. "Do you want to stay on the beach?" Dan asks her confused. "Suzy stay... Dan." She says frustratedly
splashing at Dan's fingers. She doesn't know how to portray her feelings with words so she grabs Dan by the face and pulls him down kissing him softly. "Suzy, stay, Dan." Dan pulls back surprised and turns an even darker shade of red. Suzy laughs at how he gets flustered by such a casual show of affection. Soon Arin picks up and Dan gathers himself. "Danny what's up? Wait, Why aren't you at the hotel with the rest of us?! even Holly is here man its our last day in Hawaii!" Arin says over the phone. Suzy looks at the device in awe and starts trying to talk to it. "Dan! Dan, Suzy hi!" She says loudly. Dan laughs a little "Arin um, you're not gonna belive me but I found a mermaid." Dan says into the phone. Arin stays silent for a second. "You're right I don't believe you."
Suzy listens to Dan talk to the box for a little while before soaking herself again, the air was slowly starting to hurt less and less as she was exposed to it, and she noticed she could actually breathe when the pain from drying out subsided. When she resurfaced Dan had put his box away and was reaching for her. "Dan, home." She said reaching back for him. "Water." She added as he picked her up. "Do you wanna come home with me?" He asked draping his wet shirt over the bottom of her tail, and wrapping her up in his rain soaked jacket making her coo in delight as his scent surrounded her. She nodded and clung to her friend taking in the scent of sweat and rain and something earthy and sweet. Suzy nuzzled into his neck and let him carry her away from the deserted beach. A large blue thingy rolled up to said beach as soon as they reached the parking lot. "Dan what are yo- holy fuck you weren't kidding!" A man poked his head out of a window talking to Dan. Soon he was looking at Suzy wide eyed.
Arin gaped at the beautiful girl in Dan's strong arms. "Man we need to get her into a tub or some shit ASAP." Dan said laying her in the back. "Hi!" She said excitedly greeting Arin as he rolled his window up and Dan got in. "Dan's friend!" She added pleased with herself. Arin nodded. "Yes, Dan's friend." He said starting the car and making their way back to the hotel the grumps were gathered at. As they arrived the cute fish girl started making high pitched
whining noises as she closed her eyes. "We're gonna get you out of here Suzy." Dan says reaching back for her. She takes his hand and trills opening her eyes.
As soon as they park Dan is out of the car and picking, Suzy up from the back. "Her name is Suzy?" Arin asks surprised as he follows Dan into the hotel. "Yes." Dan said shortly before rushing Suzy in under the cover of Grey skies. Arin notified the rest of the team to meet in his room as Dan carried her to the room they shared. Arin opened the door quickly, not liking the noises of distress Suzy was still making. Dan beelined for the bathroom and set her down in the tub covering her in as much water as possible.
Suzy nearly moaned in relief as Dan wet her burning skin. "Dan, thank." She gasped pulling away the shirt and jacket, throwing both on the floor. Arin watched in awe from the doorway at her almost entranced. Suzy smiled up at Dan again and pulled him down for another small kiss. He didn't pull back this time, Dan smelled like happiness again, with only a linger of worry. She rubbed her face against his affectionately as he stuttered out a small. "No problem."
She let him go before pointing to Dan's friend happily. "Who?" She asked looking up at Dan. "Oh! Thats Arin." Dan said smiling at his other friend sheepishly. "Arin cm' here!" She said splashing the younger man lightly. Dan reached over and turned off the water as the tub was almost full of the cooling liquid and laughed lightly as Arin waked closer to Suzy cautiously but curious at the same time.
Suzy felt an uncanny wave of love sweep over her as she looked at Arin. It wasn't the same friendly love she felt for Dan, it was much stronger and it made her neck and scalp tingle. "Holy shit your hair is changing dude!" Dan said surprised as he looked at Arin. Arin went wide eyed as he felt his head buzz and a whiteish-blond streak of hair flashed into existence beside his bangs. As soon as Arin was close enough Suzy pulled him down into the tub and kissed him as completely as she could pressing herself up against Arin happily. "Mate!" She trilled loudly kissing Arin's face over and over again as the man sat in awe, now soaked in water. "Arin I think you just married a fish." Dan said smiling.
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