#i don't actually hc them as being the first CC batch
wantonlywindswept · 9 months
CC Aurek Batch + 1
wanted to write some command batch shenanigans with a side of Just Slightly Weird. are they force-users? fae? eldritch creatures? i have no idea!
obligatory mandoa meanings, tho I use them as names so it doesn’t really matter, and it’s clarified who is who later on:
Mirdala: clever, smart
Edee: jaws, teeth
Kote: glory
Buirkan: responsibility
Gettse: courage, nerve
"Why is it," Alpha-17 sighed, "That whenever stupid shit happens, it's always you five?"
Every member of CC Batch Aurek blinked at him in unison, wearing the same identical expressions of innocence.
"Sorry, sir," Mirdala lied, like the little liar that he was. 
"Didn't mean to cause problems, sir," Edee also lied.
Kote opened his mouth but Alpha held up a hand, stopping him from speaking. Kote was a terrible liar. It was embarrassing. Alpha had completely failed in teaching that one any kind of subtlety, and did not need a reminder of the reason for Fordo's constant mockery.
"Alright," he said, "Show me the poor cadet you kidnapped."
"I wasn't kidnapped," a young, mulish voice said from behind the perfectly-arrayed line of teenage CCs. "I came on purpose."
"Yes, I'm sure they gave you the option of refusing," Alpha drawled. He glanced pointedly toward Buirkan, who at least had the decency to look somewhat guilty about it. "Go on, move."
The quintet shuffled uncertainly, holding out just a little longer before finally parting to reveal the cadet tucked behind Kote and Gettse, gently pushing him forward. Alpha'd had his suspicions about why Aurek decided to openly lay claim on a CT, and the blond roots in the kid's hair certainly explained some of it.
"CT-7567, sir," the cadet said, snapping to attention. His salute was a little shaky, but Alpha didn't often interact with the CTs, and the rumors of him being an asshole were--well, true, but at least a little overblown.
When the cadet stopped there, offering nothing else, Alpha turned his attention to Aurek with a pointed, judgemental frown.
Kote stepped forward and wrapped an arm around the kid's shoulders.
"His name is Rex," Kote said proudly, with the smugness of someone who'd clearly won naming rights, going by the disgruntled looks from his batchers. 
"He's one of Us," Edee added, belligerent, as if that was enough to excuse the five of them causing chaos and abducting a CT from the cadet barracks in broad fucking daylight. But Alpha heard the emphasis, and--
Well. That was enough.
The thing that not a lot of people knew--or if they did, they shut their damned mouths about it--was that the very first batch of CC-class clones decanted came out...odd.
'Unsettling,' had been the word Mij Gilamar used, said without rancor, unlike the reactions from some of the other trainers. 'Unnatural,' was what Walon Vau called them. Isabelle Reau said that they were 'horrible little abominations', and while Alpha cared exactly fuck-all about what Reau and Priest had to say, he still made sure that Aurek never ended up near their illicit battle circles. 
Jango Fett had watched them for a single training session, face growing steadily darker as they demolished the shooting range, and then he'd turned heel and left without a word. 
Alpha was pretty sure that was just because they were already close to beating his scores. Sucks to suck, Prime.
There was nothing psychologically, physically, or genetically wrong about Aurek--that the Kaminoans could prove, anyway--and all five were clearly on track to be high-ranked soldiers whenever the war finally started. 
But they were, admittedly, really fucking weird sometimes.
"That true?" Alpha asked the cadet. "You're one of them?"
Now that he looked, he could see the similarities between Rex and the rest of Aurek: the little CT was already synced with them, breathing and blinking in time. His eyes bore the same unnatural intensity, and Alpha wondered if he would also be able to locate the others no matter how far away they were.
Rex nodded, a pleased smile breaking across his face. It didn't seem like he smiled that often.
"Yeah!" he said enthusiastically. "I'm one of them, and they're one of me, and we're all gonna be together now."
Rex looked up at Kote, who smiled besottedly down at him.
"This is Cody!" he said. 
"And this is Gree," he said, patting Gettse's arm.
"That's Bly," he said, nodding toward Buirkan.
"And those're Fox and Wolffe," he said, pointing at Mirdala and Edee.
Alpha took in the newly-named Aurek batch with raised eyebrows. They couldn't quite mask their happiness at the new monikers, and Bly stepped forward, meeting Alpha's gaze.
"We will always treasure the names you gave us," he said earnestly, as if Alpha was some tubie in need of reassurance, "But we gave him his name, and he wanted to give us something back."
It wasn't as if the clones had possessions, after all, and names were one of the few things that the Kaminoans couldn't take away. 
Alpha scoffed and cuffed Bly in the side of the head.
"I'm not offended, you little brat," he said, "And I'll still call you what I damn well want."
Bly just beamed at him, pleased, and Alpha rolled his eyes. He pushed Bly back into the circle of his batchers and their new plus-one, and if there was any kind of gentleness in his touch, he would deny it until he died.
"Meet up for training tomorrow at the usual time," he ordered, "And bring the kid with you."
Grins all around. 
"Sir, yes sir!"
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