#cc batch aurek
wantonlywindswept · 9 months
CC Aurek Batch + 1
wanted to write some command batch shenanigans with a side of Just Slightly Weird. are they force-users? fae? eldritch creatures? i have no idea!
obligatory mandoa meanings, tho I use them as names so it doesn’t really matter, and it’s clarified who is who later on:
Mirdala: clever, smart
Edee: jaws, teeth
Kote: glory
Buirkan: responsibility
Gettse: courage, nerve
"Why is it," Alpha-17 sighed, "That whenever stupid shit happens, it's always you five?"
Every member of CC Batch Aurek blinked at him in unison, wearing the same identical expressions of innocence.
"Sorry, sir," Mirdala lied, like the little liar that he was. 
"Didn't mean to cause problems, sir," Edee also lied.
Kote opened his mouth but Alpha held up a hand, stopping him from speaking. Kote was a terrible liar. It was embarrassing. Alpha had completely failed in teaching that one any kind of subtlety, and did not need a reminder of the reason for Fordo's constant mockery.
"Alright," he said, "Show me the poor cadet you kidnapped."
"I wasn't kidnapped," a young, mulish voice said from behind the perfectly-arrayed line of teenage CCs. "I came on purpose."
"Yes, I'm sure they gave you the option of refusing," Alpha drawled. He glanced pointedly toward Buirkan, who at least had the decency to look somewhat guilty about it. "Go on, move."
The quintet shuffled uncertainly, holding out just a little longer before finally parting to reveal the cadet tucked behind Kote and Gettse, gently pushing him forward. Alpha'd had his suspicions about why Aurek decided to openly lay claim on a CT, and the blond roots in the kid's hair certainly explained some of it.
"CT-7567, sir," the cadet said, snapping to attention. His salute was a little shaky, but Alpha didn't often interact with the CTs, and the rumors of him being an asshole were--well, true, but at least a little overblown.
When the cadet stopped there, offering nothing else, Alpha turned his attention to Aurek with a pointed, judgemental frown.
Kote stepped forward and wrapped an arm around the kid's shoulders.
"His name is Rex," Kote said proudly, with the smugness of someone who'd clearly won naming rights, going by the disgruntled looks from his batchers. 
"He's one of Us," Edee added, belligerent, as if that was enough to excuse the five of them causing chaos and abducting a CT from the cadet barracks in broad fucking daylight. But Alpha heard the emphasis, and--
Well. That was enough.
The thing that not a lot of people knew--or if they did, they shut their damned mouths about it--was that the very first batch of CC-class clones decanted came out...odd.
'Unsettling,' had been the word Mij Gilamar used, said without rancor, unlike the reactions from some of the other trainers. 'Unnatural,' was what Walon Vau called them. Isabelle Reau said that they were 'horrible little abominations', and while Alpha cared exactly fuck-all about what Reau and Priest had to say, he still made sure that Aurek never ended up near their illicit battle circles. 
Jango Fett had watched them for a single training session, face growing steadily darker as they demolished the shooting range, and then he'd turned heel and left without a word. 
Alpha was pretty sure that was just because they were already close to beating his scores. Sucks to suck, Prime.
There was nothing psychologically, physically, or genetically wrong about Aurek--that the Kaminoans could prove, anyway--and all five were clearly on track to be high-ranked soldiers whenever the war finally started. 
But they were, admittedly, really fucking weird sometimes.
"That true?" Alpha asked the cadet. "You're one of them?"
Now that he looked, he could see the similarities between Rex and the rest of Aurek: the little CT was already synced with them, breathing and blinking in time. His eyes bore the same unnatural intensity, and Alpha wondered if he would also be able to locate the others no matter how far away they were.
Rex nodded, a pleased smile breaking across his face. It didn't seem like he smiled that often.
"Yeah!" he said enthusiastically. "I'm one of them, and they're one of me, and we're all gonna be together now."
Rex looked up at Kote, who smiled besottedly down at him.
"This is Cody!" he said. 
"And this is Gree," he said, patting Gettse's arm.
"That's Bly," he said, nodding toward Buirkan.
"And those're Fox and Wolffe," he said, pointing at Mirdala and Edee.
Alpha took in the newly-named Aurek batch with raised eyebrows. They couldn't quite mask their happiness at the new monikers, and Bly stepped forward, meeting Alpha's gaze.
"We will always treasure the names you gave us," he said earnestly, as if Alpha was some tubie in need of reassurance, "But we gave him his name, and he wanted to give us something back."
It wasn't as if the clones had possessions, after all, and names were one of the few things that the Kaminoans couldn't take away. 
Alpha scoffed and cuffed Bly in the side of the head.
"I'm not offended, you little brat," he said, "And I'll still call you what I damn well want."
Bly just beamed at him, pleased, and Alpha rolled his eyes. He pushed Bly back into the circle of his batchers and their new plus-one, and if there was any kind of gentleness in his touch, he would deny it until he died.
"Meet up for training tomorrow at the usual time," he ordered, "And bring the kid with you."
Grins all around. 
"Sir, yes sir!"
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workingchemistry · 2 months
Fox takes to the news like he takes to anything—with outward obeisance and a good deal of private seething. There aren’t many cell lines who feel more than a distant sense of shared misery for each other. It’s mostly the larger ones, the ones that end up with several to a batch, that have something closer.
Alpha, personally, tried to have as little to do with the cc-17s as he could when they were in training. None of the Aureks really like to think about the little tubies grown from their forcibly donated samples. It’s a combination of uncanny valley and being forced to confront that any of your mistakes ripple consequences out to torture ik’aade. The few times he’s had to work with a cc-17, it’s been mostly to coordinate small ops. His independent streak stuck harder in the 17s than in other lines and they seem to have all been assigned to on ship management and small team infiltrations. When he thinks of them, if he does at all, he mostly just feels sorry that he’s condemned a bunch of men who hate incompetence to shiny wrangling.
The 10s all hate each other. They’re the smallest cell line, aside from Ninety-nine whose line was entirely terminated after he was retired to janitor work, and that’s partially due to their own ruthless infighting.
“10-4.” Fox says in greeting to Commander Gree. They wear shared identical expressions of polite distaste tinged with just enough warmth to prevent natborns from looking closer.
Fox’s bland smile translates approximately to: Fuck yourself on a tentacle.
Commander Gree breaks from his general to click his heels together and salute Fox; as befits a commander to his superior. “Marshal Commander CC-1010 of the Coruscant Guard. I’m at your service.”
Deepthroat a rusty kad.
“Commander Gree.” Alpha cuts in before the silent posturing restarts a cold war. “Sitrep.”
Still sucking on your general’s tit? Fox asks with a shift of his weight.
Surprised your ass is still tight enough to keep that stick up there after whoring yourself out to Tsad Droten’s finest. Gree answers with a lift of his chin as he unclasps his bucket.
Each breath and muscle twitch is a brutally efficient insult and as pleasurable as it is to watch, Alpha is going to murder them both just to be done with it.
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fireflyfish · 5 years
CC-2224 signed out of the barracks at 1900 hours, nodding to the security officer as he headed out into the indigo twilight of Tysea. The 212th had just finished an inspection from Imperial Central Command and he was in serious need of a drink and real food, none of those nutritive milk shakes and fiber ration bars claimed to be better for the body. CC-2224 knew that there was nothing quite like a good nerf steak and some buttered, mashed Alderaanian tubers to make a trooper feel a little more like a person and less like a nameless and faceless clone in a sea of identical helmets.
As CC-2224 passed through the last gate out of Aurek Base and into civilian territory, he nodded to passing troopers, waving off salutes as he went. While the Empire had risen to replace the Republic, with the last batch of clones delivered from Kamino three years ago, CC-2224 kept on serving loyally, something of a legend among the increasingly natural-born troopers out on the Outer Rim.
CC-2224, the Field Marshall Commander of the 212th Attack battalion, that had killed Jedi High General Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Commander “Cody”.
Not that anyone called him that anymore, well, not on base and in front of superiors. Off base and after hours he might hear his name, might even smile in response to it. The further he walked from base and deeper into the city, the easier it was to forget loyal, upstanding Field Marshal Commander CC-2224 and just be Cody.
Few people paid Cody any mind once he passed into the town proper, his greys and blacks marking him as just another Imperial on leave. He meandered his way through the busy market place, trying not to notice how some of the locals hurried away from him. Most didn’t seem to pay him much mind and Cody focued on that as he walked into a local cantina.
After sliding into a booth, and ordering some real food, Cody pulled off his cap and let out a sigh. It wasn’t that Cody didn’t like his job. It was what he was bred for in the labs on Kamino, and he was one of the best to come out of that program.
But there were times when even the best got bored, stationed on a quiet planet as far from the front as one could get, patrolling civilian populations that didn’t care much who was running the show back on Coruscant as long as their lights stayed on and their kids were fed.
And Cody?
He was bored out of his mind.
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fan-art-ic · 7 years
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 ((@silverkitsune​ tumblr wont let me reply so i have take a screenshot like some kind of animal))
Alrighty so there is:
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Captain Jewels, CC-6859. HIs name comes from that he has a genetic mutation making his eyes blue and a trainer said his eyes looked like jewels. He’s a commander clone, but when his Jedi General’s padawan showed up he had to be officially demoted (I’m not sure if clones can be commanders if there are padawans so). Unofficially, Jewels and the padawan work together as commander, sharing the work equally. Off-duty he is pretty laid-back, kind of a “don’t do any property damage and don’t kill anyone and i dont care” clone. on active duty (not even on the field) he’s strict and will not tolerate any bullshit. on the field it’s that but 1000% more intense. (in general he 110% always needs a drink)
More under the cut
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Lieutenant Spice, CT-7890. His batch was an experiment to try to turn pain receptors (congenital insensitivity) off because if you can’t feel pain you’re able to keep going past ordinary limits. Spice was the only clone the experiment worked on (not completely though, if he got really burned or his hand was chopped off then he could feel it), but not without the side effect of amped up dopamine production, which is how he got his name. He was the only one of his batch not culled for defects. Due to extremely close monitoring on Kamino and being the only survivor of the experiment, Spice is terrified of the Kaminoans and has a really deep-seated hatred for people who experiment on living things (whether it be animals or sentients)
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Lieutenant Ringer, CT-4965. He got his name from the fact that he loves to wear hoop earrings and rings whenever off-duty. He’s kind of like the therapist of the 604th bc any clone can go talk to him and just have a bitch fest with him for hours and really unload and get good advice. And because clones were never banned from being in commercials (well until Ringer), Ringer did a cosmetic holo-vid because a Space Sephora realized how amazing clones look with eyeliner.
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Clone Medic Inquire, CT-4968. He’s batchmates with Ringer and thus super close with him. He got his name because he was always asking questions as a cadet (the tattoo on his left temple is actually a question mark in galactic basic). Just wouldn’t shut-up. It got him in trouble a lot because soldiers aren’t supposed to question orders, but once he switched to the medic track it got his bonus points because if you don’t ask questions the patient might die. Ironic as it is, but while Inquire is super over-protective of his brothers and gets on their cases about staying safe and getting treated right away, he’ll dive headfirst into danger to help and after battle he’ll ignore his own wounds for hours, one time even days, to patch up wounded clones. Ringer, for all the chill that he is, will get super pissed about Inquire’s self-sacrificial ass. 
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Sergeant Siege, CT-391. He was on the 1st battle of Geonosis, which is where he got his name. Despite the fact that he’s one of the oldest clones left, he 1) never made it past sergeant because he can’t think in larger terms and 2) is immature most of the time (it’s pretty much a coping mechanism at this point). Because he’s been around so long, if a clone needs battle-related advice, or advice with a more serious tone, they’ll go see Siege. And when on leave, if a clone doesn’t want to go to 79′s or stay in the barracks, Siege is the go-to clone because he knows all the best (and safe) places a brother could go.
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Sergeant Jag, CT-5032. No one knows how he got his name because everyone who was with him dead (Jag would be happy to tell his brothers how if he could only remember). He’s actually dating his padawan commander as the Pantoran really doesnt give a shit about the Code and the general turns a blind eye b/c it’s war-time. it’s a huge power imbalance which makes older/higher-ranking clones (not Siege who was actually his wing-man) skeptical and kind of protective of Jag, but they make it work. He really cares about his squad and would probably (definitely) kill anyone that threatens them even if they aren’t a Seppie. Within the officers he’s kind of like the kid brother, but he’s a complete mother-hen with his little brothers squad. 
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Glint, CT-7779. In Jag’s squad, Flow Squad. Got his name like Jewels; he has a genetic mutation making his eyes green. He was the first clone to have green eyes, so before clones started really individualising themselves, he was somewhat ostracized and teased by his brothers and trainers (all of this making him really paranoid of people who are genuinely nice to him). (Side note: Glint, for a really long time saw his eyes as something to be ashamed of, while Jewels embraced his blue eyes because it made him stand out from other clones which is good for commanders.) Now that he’s off Kamino and around clones that all change some aspect of themselves, he’s able to try relaxing.
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Aspen, CT-6502. In Jag’s squad. Aspen should actually be a sergeant because he’s really good tactically on the field, but isn’t because he passes every time a promotion comes up. He’s really struggling to even handle being a trooper and living, he doesn’t think he’d have the ability to take care of a whole squad (which is why Glint would be acting sgt. if Jag died on the field). The whole left side of his face and some of his side is burned badly due to his first squad’s gunship being shot down and exploding during battle. He struggles with a deathstick addiction and while deep down he does truly care, he’s really apathetic and it’s hard for him to care beyond the required mission.
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Riff and Raff, CT-4985 and CT-4986. They are tubemates and got their name from a trainer calling them riff raff. They’re somewhat pranksters and like to break the tension and help their brothers calm down and relax. Riff has a tattoo for Isk (galactic basic ‘i’) while Raff has a tattoo for Aurek (’A’), both have it on the left side of their neck. They kept the standard haircut and even as clones, are practically indistinguishable from each other (Jewels made them paint their armor differently so he’d be able to identify them on the field). They border unhealthily codependent as they work extremely well together but when separated they fall apart and you’ll never see one without the other.  (If you’ve ever read Percy Jackson, they’re like the Stoll twins.)
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Swear, CT-498. (I actually forgot to include him on my line-up D:). He’s the second oldest right after Siege, but as a sniper he doesn’t fit leadership role very well. He’s technically under Siege and in the 604th, but is 1) treated like a lieutenant in terms of respect and 2) loaned out frequently to special ops mission as he’s a really fucking great sniper. like. one of the best. He got his name because even as a cadet he was constantly cursing and bitching about shit (it was always relevant and made sense, but on Kamino there was a lot to be pissed off about so). He actually almost took a name related to languages because he was alway he’s always learning new languages for the sheer sake of having the right swear word.
And them the kids. I apologize if you asked and expected a few short sentences lol. And thanks to anyone who is actually reading this b/c that means you read about my clone kids. anyone have question PLS ask me im always willing to talk more!
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wantonlywindswept · 8 months
CC Batch Aurek: Abregado
one | two
this fought me so hard but HEY through the power of Maybe-Force-Maybe-Eldritch Shenanigans i have decided to improve the outcome of the 104th v the Malevolence.
not by a lot, but still.
Nax knew it wasn't his place to question his superior officers, but they seemed very worked up over something that was easily verified.
"--in the Abregado system when we lost contact--"
Nax stepped away from the communications room to pull up his comm, leaving the Council and the Chancellor to debate whether his brothers were worth rescuing. It was still early into second shift, which meant that most of first shift had probably only just made it to sleep, which mostly meant--
"I swear," Rex growled, "On Prime's fucking cock, if this isn't an emergency--"
"Commander Wolffe might be in trouble," Nax blurted, because Rex tended to keep his threats. "Can you, uh, check on him?"
Nobody really knew how the Aurek batch worked--including, apparently, Aurek themselves--and while the lack of tangible evidence drove Coric up the wall, it was already proven that they were somehow connected. 
Admittedly, the 'proof' came in the form of Rex getting incredibly drunk, predicting how his adopted batchers were feeling, and then comming them to prove it, so it was slightly suspect. But the only one he'd gotten wrong had been Commander Fox, who'd spent a good fifteen minutes threatening them with discipline and dismemberment for interrupting his work, which had only resulted in Rex grinning dopily at the holo.
There was a short pause on the other end of the call while Rex presumably did his mystical feely powers banthashit, but the sharp intake of air told Nax all he needed to know.
"General Koon called asking for reinforcements in the Abregado system," he reported without prompting as he heard the familiar sound of armor being hastily donned. "The comm was cut off, and we haven't been able to reestablish communications. They were after intel on that new Sep weapon."
"Then the survivors don't have long," Rex said grimly. His voice became clearer, shifting from a wrist comm to helmet speakers. "I'll go mobilize a squad; tell the General to meet me in the hangar."
Nax cut the call and made his way back to the communications room. 
"--absence of distress beacons indicate that his fleet was--"
"Sirs," he interrupted, standing at sharp attention, "At least some of the 104th has survived. Captain Rex is currently assembling a rescue team in the hangar."
There was a brief moment of utter silence. Then:
"Rex," General Skywalker breathed. 
"Oh," General Kenobi said. He covered his eyes with one hand. "Oh, of course. I hadn't even thought about asking Cody."
"I'll lead some of the gunships over to the Abregado system to pick up the survivors," Skywalker announced, a new determined set to his shoulders. "Admiral Yularen will stay the course to keep watch on our supply lines, and we'll catch up as soon as we've retrieved the Wolfpack."
"I'm sorry," the Chancellor interjected, "But where is this intel coming from? Anakin, I know your heart is in the right place, but we cannot risk resources on the mere chance that there could be survivors."
"It's not just a chance," Skywalker said firmly. "Rex knows that at least Commander Wolffe is alive. And even if it's just him, any witnesses to how the weapon works would be worth it."
"You're basing this off the word of a clone?"
All five Jedi turned their attention to the Chancellor, radiating judgment. Nax smirked from behind the safety of his helmet.
"No offense intended to your Captain, of course," the Chancellor said hastily. "But, Councilors, you must see that this is an unwise decision--"
"No, Anakin has a point," General Kenobi interrupted, stroking his beard. "If Captain Rex says that Commander Wolffe is alive, that definitely means there are survivors out there."
"And how does the Captain know that?"
"It has to do with their batch," Kenobi explained. "They are a very unique group of clones--my own Commander Cody is part of it as well--"
Permission implicitly--if not expressly--given, Skywalker slapped the button to disconnect the call before he could be told otherwise, and immediately headed out of the comm room. 
"Snips, go with Rex, get the rescue team going ASAP. I'll follow you in the Twilight. Admiral Yularen, we have new orders..."
Nax watched them go, a tight knot of tension loosening in his chest. He pulled up his comm again.
"The Commander's on her way, sir," he reported. "You'll take the squad and depart ASAP; General Skywalker will catch up in his ship."
"Understood. We'll be underway as soon as Commander Tano gets here."
"Captain, if you can..."
Nax hesitated, the words sticking in his throat, because it was a stupid request, but--
"I'll do everything I can to find your batchmates," Rex promised gently, his voice losing its crisp edge. "If they're alive, we'll bring them home."
Nax exhaled shakily.
"Thank you, sir."
He didn't know if the Jedi always had their best interests at heart--and was almost positive that the Senate didn't--but Nax knew that he could always depend on his brothers. That they would look out for each other, even if no one else cared.
(Only thirty troopers made it out of the destruction. Only thirty, out of six hundred, remained of the 104th Battalion. 
But two of them were Sinker and Boost, and later, if Nax wept out of relief and selfish joy that at least they survived, he knew that his brothers understood.)
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wantonlywindswept · 9 months
CC Batch Aurek: Geonosis
prev bit
more slightly-weird batch shenanigans!
so cody said he wasn’t on geonosis which i have Opinions about, and apparently we are continuing the outsider POV on this so all aboard the alpha-99 headcanon train, choo choo motherfuckers
When the Jedi finally showed up to take his brothers to war, 99 didn't go to the comm station, where most of them were loitering. He didn't wait for official news from Geonosis, or even go to the cadet barracks to help soothe the young ones, who were panicking now that their futures loomed all too near.
Instead, he went to find Cody.
Cody wasn't all that hard to find, admittedly: he was laid up in the infirmary and furious about it, and locating him mostly involved searching for the bed with the fewest number of people nearby.
99 could almost feel the rage emanating from the back of the medbay, but he was used to dealing with brothers at their most volatile.
He made his way over, and Cody's head snapped up, a snarl on his lips until he realized who it was.
"99," he rasped. The entire left side of his face was bruised, bacta patches and bandages laid liberally over and around his broken orbital bone, and his eyes were dangerously, unevenly dilated. 
"Kote," 99 greeted, keeping his voice low and gentle. He eased himself into one of the five empty chairs arrayed around the bed. "How are you?"
Cody's hands curled into fists, crumpling the bedsheets beneath them. He hissed out a low, tightly-controlled breath.
"I'm here."
And, truly, 99 knew that was the worst place he could be.
All of the Alpha class knew about Aurek: partially because they had eyes and could see the oddity in the batch and their adopted CT, and partially because Alpha-17 had--entirely unnecessarily--threatened them with bodily harm should they say anything. Those six brothers were connected to each other in ways even they couldn't explain, and usually didn't try to. 
99 knew that he himself would be useless on the warfront, that he could only be a hindrance to his brothers--and it was still tearing him apart inside that he couldn't go to Geonosis with them.
It had to be a thousand times worse for Cody.
"We haven't been this far apart since we decanted," Cody said, something manic in his voice, something bright and feverish in his eyes. "We're not supposed to be this far apart. I can't protect them if I'm not there, and if I lose them-- 99, if this war takes them from me, I don't know what I'll do."
Alpha-17 had mused, once, that the only reason Aurek hadn't been decommissioned for their strangeness was because the Kaminoans were more afraid of what would happen if they tried. 
99 had thought he was joking, at the time.
"Do you feel them now?" he asked, laying his hand over Cody's white knuckles. "Are they safe?"
Cody blinked at him.
Perhaps he had expected a bit too much out of someone with a grade three concussion, Aurek batch or no.
"You've always been able to tell where your batchers are," 99 reminded him gently. "You all could find each other, deaf and blind, from clear across Tipoca City."
He reached up, touching Cody's cheek just below the bandages.
"The only way we found that battle circle was because they knew you were hurt and could lead us there. Have you tried reaching out for them at all?"
Cody frowned, his nose scrunched up just like it did when he was a cadet. He rubbed his chest in small little circles, just over his heart.
"They're so far away," he said quietly. "But..."
There was a kind of hum, a tingle of something in the air, and 99 watched as Cody closed his eyes and exhaled a slow breath.
"Rex feels...tired," he said eventually. "They all feel tired. Gree might actually be asleep. Bly is--excited? I think he just met a Jedi for the first time. Fox feels stressed, and Wolffe is--"
Cody let out an exasperated sigh, opening his eyes.
"Wolffe," he said flatly, "Is having a great time."
99 chuckled. The entirety of Aurek--which had grown to include Rex, these past four years--were all a little bit feral, but Wolffe always had been more unhinged than the rest.
"But they're well?" he confirmed. 
Cody nodded. Some of the buzzing intensity around him faded, the tight set of his shoulders easing now that he was no longer hyperfocused on worrying about his absent batchmates. 
It settled 99's worst fears, as well: if the rest of Aurek was okay, that meant at the very least some of his brothers had survived. And it was extremely likely that significantly more had, too: all five were Command-trained--Rex was a CC in all but designation--and they would have been assigned battalions of their own to lead. 
They would have fought tooth and nail to keep their troops alive.
"They'll be okay," Cody murmured, eyelids drooping. "They'll come back to me."
"They will," 99 agreed softly. He wondered if Cody's injuries were finally asserting themselves over his tired body--or if whatever strange connection he had to his batchmates was harder to bridge, with such distance between them. 
He stayed until Cody fell asleep, able to take care of at least one more brother before the rest were sent off to war.
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wantonlywindswept · 9 months
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'all that remains' AKA 'cc batch aurek bad ending'
Managed to get my hands on a TBB Rex from ebay, bc that's the only Rex that's even remotely reasonably affordable. Unfortunately that also means that the armor is older/more yellow and he doesn't have his ARC pauldron, which lbr is the sexiest piece of clone armor.
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wantonlywindswept · 9 months
@cinaea replied to your post “CC Aurek Batch + 1”:
“Breathing and blinking in time” — ye gods, that’s creepy!
​pov you're alpha and that Fucking Weird Batch is at it again:
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