#i don't really understand the whole sigma male thing
emotinalsupportturtle · 5 months
film bro's choosing the most deadly (or morally grey or whatever it is) sigma character of 2023 to base their personality on
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meanwhile me knowing none of them have got anything on this silly little eldritch horror yet to come
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
Watch "Sigma Male Gym Motivation" on YouTube
Ken always wants me to go to sleep like not understand what's happening and stuff when everybody's explaining it to me
It is like hell everybody's telling him all sorts of stuff but this guy is a lot more dangerous than you think just sitting here having a spit at me earlier on i see what I'm saying. And he was right you people are dangerous as a crowd you're dangerous is trying to get me to stop saying s*** to him to incite him and things like that so I did I just sat there like you suggested it is much better excitable people you don't need to be excited and the mall was full of people and we just sat there. That's what I'm looking around and they're yelling and screaming sit down says this is crazy as it was even after the crowd there is a bunch of s*** they never buy anything and walk around making fun of people and they make fun of us quite a bit. I'll tell you what they don't belong there at least stores suck those clothing stores and people don't buy clothes they are either I don't know what these stores are doing here in this town everyone's buying stuff online and he says it nobody can stand anywhere anyone and the less stuff less people to come in the better way in less than I said that's what it is who wants to the serve you people in any way. I look at it like this you got my whole race killed just kept driving them mad this idiot really see it's about to come down below I'm stuck here with both of you trying to cause me to sin how the hell you're talking about. Furthermore I don't think I should comply with anything you ever request cuz we are asking for it don't can tell what you're talking about you just bothering me all the time into anything you is I don't have anything either that went away while ago before I got to go for it it was before I got to Northport. I don't need any of your shameful comments and suggestions and advice your a bunch a low life losers. I will tell you one thing it's pretty strong and I am too but there's a limit to how much someone can take and you guys are all dying because there's tons of people like him and me out there who could not take this much stuff if you paid us that's a good for a few years more than people would think but I'm not going to take it anymore if you bother me at the house I'm calling the cops I see how it works you guys show up and you're fighting over something and they haul you away I'm not going to subject to your abuse and yeah I have some people who will call. No more ridiculous start pestering me all night long to do anything illegal your going to jail.
So some dumbass is saying something it sounds like DJ I don't think so scrawny describing grandkids of trump
Zues Hera
Who the who was going after him and I'm pretty close I'm going to take him out what are the other fools that go there and just bother him I'm going to take them out today I can't stand hearing them and others up there what a pain these people are so bad and since they're all day it's a dumb s*** to him just something to do here and this guy here is different and they can't tell this guy here and put the Gordon has you killed all the time for your idiotic behavior he destroys areas they don't know it but we're going to be over those areas voluntarily and we're going to be the one swiping you out I'm taking your stuff first and recapturing the area so if you don't like it who cares
Mac daddy
Just because I think someone for saving me from useless animal doesn't mean I'm on their side completely and then I have to sit here and see I am not and things would happen to me either you people are gross disgusting Little pigs and you do it to him it doesn't do anything people see you do it anymore after you and they take your money but she took a lot of
There ken they take their lives first
Zues Hera
Absolutely true that is what goes first then you come back from miraculously and you're stupid as hell and they keep doing it to you and you don't seem to care
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bleehhhhgirl · 1 year
American Psycho
and let me say that I don't understand why the toxic male character of a serial killer is being romanticized and seen as a sigma male.
the acting of Christian bale was amazing. a guy who has a lot of knowledge and wants to fit in. is self-obsessed and materialistic. has an hour-long skincare routine as he's obsessed with outer beauty. he is also homophobic and a drug and sex addict.
ok maybe he did not murder those ppl in reality and it was all in his head. maybe he wanted to murder them but could not that's why he just thought he did, that might be the reason he sent his assistant away because he wasn't actually capable of committing that crime. maybe during that dinner, paul Allen told him he would be going to London so he just created the whole fantasy in his head, it was all in his drawings and it never really took place.
2. maybe he did commit the crimes and ended up escaping the police. his lawyer who did not want to lose his client acted as an alibi by pretending he had just met paul Allen and dismissing the thought that Patrick could do such a thing because he knew as a lawyer he would not be able to protect Patrick and his other client who had used Patrick as one of his alibis and was probably doing something illegal that he had to use a fake alibi. the lady at paul's house might have disposed of all the bodies either because she thought it would harm paul's reputation or the building's value. that is why she asked him to never come back.
though it is the videotapes i am thinking of which he said to have recorded while murdering these victims and the lack of chaos and investigation after so many people had been shot by guns the previous night.
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anime-fan93 · 2 years
Hello, I saw your matchups in the encanto tags, and you bet I was pleasantly surprised. So well written? And for what? If you are still doing them, let me slide in real quick🤓
So first of all I am a minor, to get that out of the way. Oh and a material girl- I am around 5"8 feet, can't really tell precisely because haha, those measurements kind of suck. I have sort of ashy-brown-blond-whatever it is kind of hair, I really can't tell the color and it is frustrating. I sound disgustingly serious right now because It's 3 a.m- I am actually more on the funnier side I swear. My MBTI is ENFP that proves it, I think..
Anyways, I am a huge softie. I'm talking hello kitty pillows everywhere, any kind of cute stuff is my go to. It brings me joy to make people laugh and I try my best to be as engaging and understanding as possible with my friends. I usually try to stay out of arguments and definitely never resort to violence. Do I also know how to win a Redfit argument with a mod? No, but I think I could If I tried. The whole softie character, kind of fades with the amount of swear words I use. And the fact that I am kind of maybe fit and can lift a lot of weight. Though I try to cut down on it currently, because It would definitely be more interesting to not sound like a 50 year old sailor. If that's important I passed a BuzzFeed quiz and It said I am a sigma male🐺
I do everything at once. Writing, drawing, composing, recording, filming, dancing, learning Mandarin, even aerial silks. It gets frustrating from time to time, yet I still manage to spend at least 10 hours on gacha games- I also enjoy cooking. I may not be the best but at least I'm not at the blowing up the kitchen level. And for the last note, I'd like to mention that as soon as I become of age I will constantly be dressing up as a fantasy character nothing will stop me. I reject the thought of plain colored hoodies, I like to look fabulous all the time whatever time of day it is. Actually it gets quite concerning because It can be 8 p.m. and I would randomly start applying make up, just because I got the need to look my best. Guess my posters appreciate it.
Thank you If you end up doing the matchup, I don't really care platonic or romantic, It's up to you!
Thank you for requesting! I can already tell that you're a funny person just from this request!
I match you with...
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She would love you to death, almost literally. She loves the fact that you're so much taller than her, and doesn't mind the neck pain from looking up at you.
She loves your hair and loves getting you little accessories to put on, like headbands, hair clips, the whole thing. She would always buy you Hello Kitty things, like more pillows, blankets, plushies, clothes, etc, because she loves to see you happy.
You two would be the best at making people laugh, whenever someone you love is down, you two would cheer them right up. You two would 1000% use the art of confusion to get out of confrontations and arguments.
Mira doesn't mind you cursing, though she wouldn't curse (at least not often), but would try to make sure you didn't do it in front of the older family members so you don't get into trouble.
She would be so shocked and amazed at everything you can do, watching you with an awestruck expression. She would excitedly ask you to teach her most of it, wanting more stuff to do with you. She would love cooking with you, helping you with a few major things.
She's completely down to dress up with you, loving to do your makeup based on your outfit, and doing your hair to make you look your absolute best.
Though you always look amazing to her. Thank you for requesting!
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