#i ended up restarting with the forest farm layout
servotea · 29 days
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a tiny girl with a big watering can.
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sunnysafezone · 20 days
tue. 7th of may
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Hello stranger on the internet!
Its been a long time, but I have a valid reason to keep you waiting.
I guess.
I am going to make it really quick, I fell into the Stardew Valley rabbbit hole.
So what can I say, it might me the best thing I´ve done so far. I think I have played around 20 hours by now and I am obsessed. And it is getting worse and worse the longer I am playing.
And believe me, dear stranger on the internet, I thought hogwarts leagacy was bad.
So to just get the first impression out of my head, I wand to list a few things about the game, I really really enjoy.
The Graphics - this game is so colorful, so cute, so detailed, its everything a pixel lover could ever wish for. The different seasons gave me literal chills because they look so individual but each time just as beautiful as the last one.
The characters - please excuse me but you can ROMANCE different NPCs ?! As soon as I learned about that, I was SOLD. But apart from the marrying and romancing part. I am truly amazed by how lovingly every character is written and designed. There is someone for every player! On my part, its going to be my girl Leah. I mean, I´ve been already courting her all year. She is gorgeous, artsy and so charming. There was no question at all.
The game mechanics - as funny as this might sound but I was more than surprised about the fact that the game is as complex as it is. The farming alone is so much fun and requires so much thought and time. The fact that you can plant and harvest a rediculous amount of different crops each season, that you can choose what you personally want to plant and wich animals you want to have in your farm. It´s so much fun. Additionally, you can chop wood in the big forest and harvest stones, ores and other minerals in the mine. How cool is that? Dear stranger, i did´nt even mention the seasonal events, the friendships and in game storylines. There are countless things to discover.
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The mysterious mysteries of the valley - until now, I´ve just talked about a very nice, enjoyable RPG collecting and harvesting game. Because I bought it as such. I never would have guessed that there are so many whimsical secrets to be discovered in the valley. I never would have imagined a group of charming little entities, living from the earth and hoping around in the community center. I am also very keen on finding out whats up with the grandpa shrine and the little totems wich are scattered all over the map. And I cannot believe I didnt mention that ffirst, there are literal FAIRIES flying around your farm at night. I mean, case closed!
The customization!!!! - obviously, we have to talk about the fact, that you can decorate, customize and change everything around you to you own liking. It starts with yourself, the character you want to play as. Then you can choose your farm layout, wich is so cool. For the beginning I chose the forest farm, but i honestly want to restart on the river farm or the beach farm, because they look just so cute. You can choose your pet, your friends and even your spouse as I already mentioned earlier). You can customize your farm and farmhouse and even some parts of the remaining map.
All in all, I am just enthusiastic about the game and its facets. I might be a little bit addicted already, because I already want to go back to Pelican town.
But why is it so good? For me, its a relatively easy question to answer. Stardew Valley makes it possible for me to feel like I am living the magical slow live I damn dream of every day before I wake up. The thought of getting away, living of the land and just forge your own reality just makes me incredibly happy. And again, as funny as it sounds, this game gives me enough to escape into that daydream.
So to end my little entry today, I want to come back to the prompts I tried to set for myself. So lets get into it.
my current read: "Does it hurt?" - H.D. Carlton (not even half as good as Haunting Adeline - i guess i have to get back to the second book and write about it)
my current favorite song: Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey - Paul and Linda McCartney
my motivations: I quit my corporate job and start to work in a small cafe. Thats my own version of escape i guess.
Thats all for today.
Thank you for reading!
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