#i hope u guys like itttttt <3
can we have more aspd izaya posts please please please please please please please please pl [ i am taken by the fog ]
*grabs u by the leg and pulls u out of the fog* yes of course u can my fine fellow :)
so!! i was talking to a friend about izaya having aspd and whether or not it was an intentional coding on narita's part or if it was a completely unintentional yet still valid way to view the character. honestly, evidence exists for both ways- the emphasis put on izaya's impulse control issues ans disconnect from the rest of humanity, as an example that comes to mind. but there could also be a case that narita didn't mean to invoke a deliberate coding of aspd while placing emphasis on these aspects of him
theres also the whole "two brain scans" thing. was this plot point narita trying to say that he didn't intend for izaya to have any mental illness whatsoever? but then again, brain scans are not exactly the most reliable source of diagnosing mental illness- if it was, we'd just use that. there are studies about aspd and brain differences regarding it, but i have no way of knowing if narita... read them. i don't know the man and i have no idea what studies are available in japanese, since i read mine solely in english.
there's also the study that throws a wrench in brain scan studies as a whole- specifically fMRI studies. it was one of those classic "subject put in brain scan and asked to identify what emotion a person in a photo is showing" except the subject was, ironically since this is a post on izaya..... a dead fish. so did narita see THIS? the study IS from 2009, but to comfirn if its even possible, i'd have to cross-reference the book the two brain scans thing shows up in with the date the study was published, and EVEN THEN the answer is still a big ole "i dunno!"
although, thru all this, i think i settled on an idea of what Might have happened. keyword MIGHT, it's not like i can go ask narita himself. well i mean i guess maybe if i tried really hard.... but i am not going to do that. it sounds scary and frankly i am a weenie, and i don't speak japanese
so, durarara.... is a story largely about the underbelly of society. ergo, there are a lot of tropes present in other works about these kinds of people, but they're subverted here. like, for instance, shizuo- he's the "dumb muscle" trope; an angry fighter who lives for the thrill of violence and that's why he's involved in the underground. except, shizuo hates violence, has tried to hold down regular jobs and is only in the underground out of desperation, and is very perceptive and philosophical. he's a subversion of the dumb muscle trope.
i think izaya was meant to be a subversion of the sociopath as a trope... and imo, you kind of can't really subvert that trope well without giving your character aspd.
"the sociopath" as a trope refers to a character with, essentially, zero humanity. they love nobody, care about nothing but their own gain and destruction, are sadistic for sadism's sake... et cetera.
taking a character and going "they ACT like a sociopath, but they're NOT one!!" is a common subversion of the trope... but it's not really a subversion, is it? it's a bait-and-switch. if a character seems like X but is not X, they are not X. the trope of X does not apply.
imo, for a subversion to really be... y'know... subversive, the character must still possess the original traits of The Sociopath, but they're twisted around and expanded upon
The Sociopath can't love? izaya loves all of humanity... though it doesn't stop him from disregarding their rights and autonomy, ergo still hitting ASPD criteria and still being a sociopath
The Sociopath can't care about anything but their own personal gain? izaya clearly cares about and loves his sisters, but it doesn't negate everything else he's done, or the other times where he has put his own personal gain first
The Sociopath can't feel or express emotion? izaya is demonstrated to be a coward and to have genuine phobias- thanatophobia, the fear of death, IS an anxiety disorder, as are all phobias. shinra describes him as fragile-hearted, and this description is accurate. but, izaya puts on a facade for the rest of the world- ergo, he can't express emotion (at least, not in the way someone without aspd could- it's... hard and scary to Drop The Act; vulnerability is scary and removes the subject's control of a situation, so it stands to reason that it would be difficult for us to do)
The Sociopath is a sadist for sadism's sake? izaya actually has weight behind what he says and does- sure, some of it IS for entertainment, but why he chooses specifically this as entertainment (namely, suicide) has enough bits of info for us as readers to extrapolate. the text doesn't make it explicit, but durarara is a series where paying close attention to minute details is expected and rewarded, so this is par for the course, honestly. and a lot of the things he does, although they result in hurt for the rest of the cast, isn't izaya being a sadist Just Because- at the end of the day he's a scared, lonely man, trying very hard to avoid the thing he's most afraid of in life- the cessation of it.
that's not to say that anything he does is OKAY, obviously, but there's weight and nuance behind it. izaya is treated as a whole human being, just like everyone else. but a lot of core aspects of his character parallel the sociopath trope so cleanly that it's hard for me to believe that it was completely unintentional. was he meant to have specifically aspd, the disorder? i'm not sure. probably not? but "the sociopath, as a trope, but fleshed out and given humanity" is kind of... what aspd.... is. as a disorder. which is why i think you can't truly subvert the trope without giving your character it, inadvertently or not.
anyway yeah this was A Bit different, although i prefer to do watsonian anaylsis i absolutely can do doylist too. i might do more stuff like this if yall like this one idk
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rogdona · 4 days
I see you likin my stuff so I like your beauties back teehee >:3
also I hope this doesn't sound strange or anything but I love the way you interact/chat with people?? like seeing your wholesome responses to asks and stuff makes me happy and the fact that you're more than happy to draw our ocs is so kind of you AHHSAAGJK you're a really sweet person that I (and I'm certain others) appreciate <33
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bitchiswild · 2 months
storytime on how you got married because i just remember being at work when all of a sudden the marriage bot appeared and i was like ? 'who' and then BOOM you and lila were now a married couple (also the day my heart broke???)
@kittyl1z ohh Sienna... will your heart break again when I tell this story?😭
I basically gave the gist of how Lila @lilacura and I got married in the first goon central story, but sienna wants the details,so the details she will get. 😌
So it all started when Lila and I were planning my trip to her country cause we both love planning things for fun. We yapped about things we would do, where i would stay, how long i should stay, when i should come over, how she would buy me a plane ticket (sugar mommy fr) etc. THENNNN WE GOT OFF TOPIC AND STARTED talking about our birthdays, THEN we talked about our horoscopes and how she's a fire sign and I'm an air sign, so I told her that we are compatible because fire needs air to live.😎 (HAHAHA)
The she was like "STOPPPP WE'RE SOULMATES🤭" and i was like "YESSSS ATP PROPOSE TO MEEEE🤪" I was kidding during that time... but then Lila was like 🤨"who said u weren't already my wife?" in my mind i was like oh?(EHEHEH) I looked at my finger and replied to her "wheres the ring??? i see none" 🤨🤔
Then lila left to go find me a ring, she was sending me photos, but your gurly was being VERYYY MUCH PICKY WITH HER RINGS🥰 BUTTTTT Lila worked hard trying to find me a ring but none piped my interest so i went to look for it myself and sent her a pic of it and she was like "OH YOU LIKE THIS ONE?" ( yes yes i did) the she told me to wait then a second later SHE SENT THE SAME PHOTO I SENT HER TO ME AND TOLD ME TO ACT LIKE SHE CHOSE IT. so i was like "OMGGGGG ITS SOOO NICEEE YESSSSSS" then i took the ring and brought it to an editing app and edited the ring on My finger and sent it back to lila AND IT FUCKING LOOK LEGIT LMAOOOOO.
THEN THE NEXT DAY, THAT WAS WHEN WE ADOPTED KEER @keervah AND JADE @jade-jini AND LILA TOLD ME WE HAVE 2 KIDS AND I TOLD HER THAT WE DIDNT EVEN GET MARRIED YET AND WE ALREADY HAVE KIDS😭😭 but then Lila was like "I proposed yesturday🙄" and i was like "but theres no wedding🙄" ( like we didnt even sign papers😯) of course that made lila be like "WOW OKAY OUR ENGAGEMENT MEANS NOTHING TO YOU" i was shook🧍‍♀️ ( LIKE DID I NAWT SAY YESS???? I AGREEED, OUR ENGAGEMENT MADE ME GIGGLE AND KICK MY FEET, BUT WE JS NEVER SIGNED PAPERS?!) THEN SHE WAS LIKE YOU DIDNT EVEN GET ME A RING ( but little did she know i had a ring ready for her 😎 in my camera roll) So i sent it to her and of course SHE LOVEDDD ITTTTTT WHAT CAN I SAYYYYYYYYYYYY
It was perfect it was so her too then YOU SIENNA GOT BROUGHT UP CAUSE WE WERE TALKING ABOUT THE FANFIC ABOUT ME, LILA, AND SIENNA (the love triangle ff) ( guys would you be down for a fanfic like that?) ( IM KIDDING PLSS) and how in the fanfic lila would be the one to win in the end and i was TEASING I SAID "WHAT IF I LIKE SIENNA TOO" then lila got sad 😔 ( my bad bb) and was like "but we are the ones getting married." (rememberrr i said yesss to her proposallll i wouldnt js do it with any oneeee :p) but i apologized :3
Then the next day we added a marriage bot to the server :3 Thats when lila and i made our marriage official surrounded by people we love and care about watching me click the yes button😭🎉
In the end I’m happy and I hope lila is happy too😰(CONFIRM NOW!!) we are silly, we cry together, be sleepy together, send each other TikTok’s and chat all the time we are two peas in a pod (soulmates even 💅🏼) and I wouldn’t change a thing :33
Our marriage anniversary is on March 1, 2024 💍🎉
but thats practically it for the story its a mess but thats just how i roll😎
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baekhvuns · 1 year
hi, sunbae! live ask from my uni campus.
i have to d word ab the japanese teasers that ateez is releasing. like fucking kang yeosang with a BOW AND ARROW? BITCH I DIDNT KNOW I NEEDED HIS KATNISS EVERDEEN ERA BUT NOW ITS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT HIT MY HEAD WITH THAT ARROWWWWWWWWWWWW WTHHH
and im like. really concerned for hwas birthday bc. if. and oNLY IF. im gonna put him into the "my bias" stats along with hongjoong its gonna be a big step personally bc ive never ever had more than one bias per group and it sounds different,,, ik its not that much of a big deal in real life i should tocih some grass but like!!! it has never happened before!!! excuse me sir this is a mcdonalds drive thru get your tongue smirk loveable voice and demeanor and perfect eyebrows outta here idk how to deal with this!!! anyways
oh and i forgot to tell u ab my hockey kinda themed fic, which is actually an ice hockey fic! the pairing is txt soobin x reader (im also a moa) in a high school au where hes the ice hockey team captain. slow burn, slight rivals/enemies to lovers, reader being really mad with rich people such as i am :D it'll come up someday. no idea when tho
aND. 2 news ab my not-so-y/n esque-life-in-uni: rn im waiting bc in ten minutes ill talk with a teacher who might assist me in an academic project i really want to do! im happy bc my teacher (professor? idk the correct english terms for levels of education sorry) is a very nice person but also insecure as fuck ab myself and the things i want to research about.
the second one is that i might have a tiny little crush on someone else. its not that big, i barely know the guy bc weve been talking by dm's, but yesterday i saw him in an extra thing in uni (he studies here too) and hes very charismatic. since im demissexual idk if im gonna click w him so something will happen,, lets see.
thats it for now :P
-hoobae anon
real time ask lessgo! (this is late pls ignorebfbdb)
ya know what, the more the merrier, what even is a bias line anymore, it’s a bias group atp <3 may seonghwa grace ur bais list on his birthday <3 his smirk, don’t even get me started i imagined it and had to go for a walk around the room <3
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OOOOOOO i hope it went well!!! sounds super interesting u sound super passionate about it, hope things go ur way!! no omg do not apologize, it’s the same thing anyways!!
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a crush i hear 👁👁
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sun-uwu · 4 years
it’s vent timmmeeeee
anywho let’s get into itttttt and as always it’s out of context;) also tw about sh, sewers slide and shit like that;(
i don’t want to talk, play or just sit there in silence. you guys alway try to bring me in only when u want something. and yes i can tell it’s (?) who wanted me to join the call no one else. (?) only uses me to see what (?) is thinking about through my cards and i’m still sure (?) just doesn’t like me. i appreciate it but just let me sleep instead of being sad. also yes i am aware that (?) knows somethings up. it’s not hard to tell last night when you guys started talking in (?) (also for reference the language they were talking in is one that i’m related to but i wasn’t taught as a kid) i asked what you guys were saying and no answer. i repeated my self multiple times and even checked 3 different times to see if i accidentally muted myself. i get that i’m dumb compared to you guys. also sorry i don’t come from a family that has money to spend like you guys bc holy shit do i feel poor next to you guys. i have an iphone 11 and when i said i finally got a phone that works you still made me feel poor. but anyways like i was saying. yes i know (?) knows and i’m sorry for making you worry. i wanna hang out but i’m to scared to say anything and you guys know that. i heard (?) talk about the things you did over the past weekends or the things you’re planning to do together. don’t try to be hush hush i’m dumb but not stupid. why even bother with trying to interact with me? i’m dead weight just let me die. god i swear i’m gonna end it one day;). (?) sorry to break my promise but i cutted? selfharmed? idk how to phrase it. but yeah a total of 8 but it’s not much bc it was a dull pencil sharpener blade. the place where i did it is one no one will see. bc when you think about it i normally go for my upper right thigh but now thanks to a good friend i do it on my right side rib area. it’s simple and hurts every time i move or press to hard (just how i like it) i know you had a lot of hope of me getting better but let’s face it i’m gonna be dead by the age of (?). also what happened about our promise to go to the same (?) and rent an apartment in (?). is it that (?) is planning to go to (?) instead of (?)? maybe it’s bc you guys have known eachother since (?) but still why make a promise you can’t keep? you know i’m really gullible and sensitive. you might as well have just made a promise with a devil maybe they could actually convince you to come back. i won’t the moment you leave me i won’t remember a thing about our friendship. it’s habit and you know it. i get a new set of friends each year but you guys still stick. and let’s be honest none of you want me to be there only (?) and it’s probably out of pity so just stop and leave me alone. the really kicker to all this is i don’t want you to leave;( i’m only telling myself is bc i’m toxic and possessive soooo;) i want you to leave so you can be happy without me but the moment you show that happiness i want to stop it immediately. it’s just a thing i picked up from (?) and most of my family. so i guess i’m lying about venting? yes all the things i’ve said are true i just want you guys to leave but also please don’t. god i guess this is what gaslighting is like? but i haven’t told anyone these feeling not even (?). i wish i would just die from natural causes bc then i won’t feel bad about doing it myself. oh well what can i do see a therapist? ha the last time i tried to see a therapist my (?) through a fit. it’s like when i talk about it it makes them seem like a bad person bc they were supposed to be the ones to take care of me and make sure i become a good person but ig not. growing up that poor was a unreal experience no one from that kind of life can come out a normal person. the only thing i really got from that was my major paranoia. sometimes i wonder if the level of paranoia i have will be my doom. it’s kind of scary. i always feel like someone is watching. like it never ends yes i know no ones there but are you really sure. i hope that maybe i’ll get possessed and die. lets be honest that shit sounds really cool:)
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