#i just realized that a cup of tea and academic validation can sound like the latter is also included in the cup
coraphoenix · 1 year
Nothing better than a cup of tea and academic validation imagine if academic validation was drinkable
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expirednostalgia · 19 days
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[ quintessa swindell, non-binary, they/he ] — whoa! RIPLEY DAVIS just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 7 YEARS, working as a SERVER + MUSICIAN. that can’t be easy, especially at only 27 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit CHAOTIC and SELF-DESTRUCTIVE, but i know them to be CREATIVE and HUMOROUS. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to STATEN ISLAND!
Quick Stats !
FULL NAME: Ripley Davis
AGE: 27
DATE OF BIRTH: April 14th
GENDER: Non-Binary
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Havenwood Suits, Staten Island, NY
OCCUPATION: Server/Musician
AESTHETIC: Blown out speakers, phone battery never higher than 40%, chasing after something but not knowing what it is, inspiration striking in the middle of the night, notes app full of ideas, the sound of a bass drowning out the traffic, screaming into your pillow, never asking for directions, smudged eyeliner
Bio !
If asked about their life while growing up, Ripley would say that it was painfully average. It didn't help matters that they were the middle child of their family and often felt overshadowed by their siblings who seemed to overachieve in academics and athletics while Ripley was still trying to figure out what their own interests and talents were.
Feeling like a shadow and plagued by averageness lasted up until they entered middle school and decided to give their school's orchestra a try. They quickly found out the instruments and music weren't necessarily their cup of tea, but they did have a natural talent for music.
Despite not loving it, they stuck with it because they didn't have the means to afford private music lessons in an instrument they liked more and because they finally felt like they were performing something well enough to get the same attention as their siblings did.
Halfway through high school, they started working a part-time job and managed to save enough money for a bass and lessons. They promptly quit orchestra to solely focus on that. As time marched forward and their parents and teachers started to hound them about making plans for their future, they started to realize they wanted to do something in the music industry.
Graduation rolled around and instead of going off to college, they spent a couple years remaining in town, trying to figure things out until a friend invited them out to New York for a summer. They ended up enjoying their time their and even auditioned for a local band.
Since then they've been working towards their dream and enjoying life with their bandmates/friends with little complaints (outside of their side jobs).
Misc. !
Extremely dedicated to their music + band. The same cannot be said about their day job. They're constantly jumping between jobs either because they hate their current job or got fired. They just want to do what they're passionate about without all these side jobs.
Their savings account is nonexistent because they're trying to get a tattoo after every minor inconvenience.
Legitimately wants to fight the Spotify DJ (VALID, why is he bringing up my past music interests like that) and yet they still occasionally use it.
As frustrated as they sometimes get with it, writing music/coming up with new stuff with their bandmates is their favorite thing about being in the band (aside from the strong friendships obviously).
Not the type of person to sugarcoat things. They'll tell you exactly how they feel about you even if it's way too blunt and borderline rude. That's unfortunately paired with a resent and remember attitude.
Bit of a commitment-phobe when it comes to romantic relationships and prefer short-term flings to long-term relationships that they will purposefully sabotage whenever they get too serious. Honestly just prefers the freedom that comes with not being seriously attached to someone like that.
Not a morning person at all. Like they will fully request no one speaks to them before 9am or at least until they can get some caffeine in their system.
Wanted Connections/Plots !
Ex-Employers/Co-Workers: They hopped between a lot of retail/food industry jobs so anyone who works in those fields! Maybe they got along when they worked together or maybe they despised each other and were happy when Ripley got fired.
Ghosted: They unfortunately ghost a lot whenever relationships get a little too serious for them so basically someone who got dumped and ghosted without much of an explanation by them.
Double Trouble: A friend that really brings out the worst in them. The two are constantly getting into trouble together and are generally quite destructive whenever they hang out.
Rival Band(s): Honestly thinks it’s funny if the bands themselves don’t have issues with each other, it’s just them and 1 member from another band that are constantly going at it and competing for better gig spots. (maaaaybe with a side of enemies with benefits)
Tattoo Artist: Pretty straightforward, the person Ripley gets all their tattoos done by.
Siblings: Growing up there was definitely a rift between all of them as they all were very competitive with each other for their parents' attention. Now that they're all adults and doing their own things in life they could've possibly mended that relationship!
More Ideas
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bubblegumbeech · 3 years
Day 2 Dannymay: Home
Clockwork made cookies, they were a special blend he’d invented through countless trial and error to get just right. For a ghost, they'd have enough concentrated ectoplasm to provide energy and enough positive emotion to make them enjoyable, and for a human child, he focused on getting the right flavors and physical ingredients to make them actually edible.
 He set the plate down in front of Danny. The young half-ghost had been working really hard at his homework lately and Clockwork wanted to do something small to reward him for it.
 “Are- did you make cookies?” Danny asked, looking up at him in confusion.
 Clockwork smiled and gently ruffled his hair. “Will you tell me how they taste?”
 Most ghosts lost the ability to taste early on, along with their sense of smell. Clockwork never had either though, only had glimpses into different futures with different recipes and Danny’s own reactions to them.
 “Please tell me this isn’t the first time you’ve made cookies…” Danny made a face, uncertain.
 Clockwork rolled his eyes and grabbed the plate again, “you don’t have to eat them-“
 “I’ll eat them!” Danny grabbed the plate from Clockwork’s hands, a splash of green decorating his cheeks and forming a stark contrast against his starlit freckles.
 Braced as if for impact, Danny quickly shoved one of the still warm cookies into his mouth and began to chew. Slowly his features softened into enjoyment and Clockwork got to watch as he grabbed another and then another until the entire plate was clean.
 He was glowing slightly, the oven-baked ectoplasm doing wonders for his energy levels. Existing so long on ambient ectoplasm alone wouldn’t have been nearly enough for a young ghost like Danny, so it was nice to see him properly fed for once.
 “Clockwork, these are amazing! How did you make them?” Danny asked, his eyes shining slightly.
 “That’s a secret,” Clockwork lied. He didn’t want to admit it took him over a thousand tries to actually make something edible to a human pallet, and he had enough of a mysterious air about him that he’d get away with it.
 Danny didn’t seem to mind though, he just grabbed the plate and flew over to the kitchen so he could wash it. “Okay, what do I have to bribe you with to get those again?”
 Clockwork’s core hummed in satisfaction, it was almost a primal instinct to care for one’s child and it was always nice to be appreciated. “Finished homework would be a nice start.”
 Danny scoffed, a small smile on his face. “I think you need to lower your standards. I mean, I’m passing history now right?” The single dish was cleaned, dried, and put away in less than a moment.
 “Thank you Daniel,” Clockwork said. Danny didn’t get nearly enough appreciation from those around him, it never hurt to give him a little when he could.
 A light green blush built on Danny’s cheeks and he looked away in an attempt to hide his reaction. “Yeah well, you make cookies like that again and I’ll clean your whole clock tower.”
 Clockwork smirked, lifting an eyebrow. “The infinite spirals of my clock tower and the unending trails of time that exist ever moving inside of it would certainly appreciate a touch up.”
 Danny balked, “uh… maybe I can do a room at a time?”
 “You don’t have to clean anything for cookies Daniel. I’d rather you eat than not.”
 Relieved, Danny rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled. “Thanks Clockwork.” He sighed and dropped his hand, looking over at the window to the realms outside. “Ugh, I don’t wanna go to school tomorrow.”
 There wasn’t much to say, so Clockwork didn’t. He didn’t particularly care about Danny’s academics or whether or not he succeeded in school, but he knew intimately how much it mattered to Danny. It was tied to his two obsessions after all.
   He had to go to school so he could both make his family happy and be there to protect the other students, he had to succeed if he ever wanted to fulfill his dreams of working at NASA, the human space program. At the thought of absolute failure he would stress, shut down, and grow apart from those close to him. It would put strain on his obsessions and could lead to internal core damage. It was better for now, that Clockwork simply gave him time and the chance to try and keep up.
 “You’re always welcome to visit if you need more time,” he offered.
 “I know. I’ve uh, still got homework to finish…”
 “By all means.” Clockwork followed Danny out of the kitchen and watched as he sat back down to finish his homework, content with the healthy glow the cookies gave Danny.
 He turned back to his own work and watched for anything that didn’t fit or was causing trouble, but his mind was on the next recipe he wanted to try.
       The next recipe ended up being a casserole.
 Cliche to be sure, but decidedly more filling and sufficient than just a plate of cookies, and this time when Clockwork set it down in front of his young ward he was met with more enthusiasm than suspicion. Despite the bright pink color and the more… mobile parts of the dish. It was difficult to make something that met all the necessary requirements to properly nourish a halfa      and     have it look appealing so Clockwork had hardly tried.
 Danny dug in.
 “This is the most amazing casserole I’ve ever had in my life and that includes any and all ecto-contaminated food I’ve ever snuck out of the fridge without my parents noticing how did you do that?” Danny asked, shoveling another forkful into his mouth.
 Clockwork purred at the praise, and was glad to see Danny’s glow get even brighter. It was so pale before, barely even there in a way it never should have been with Danny’s obsession and power. “I suppose the difference would be that I was doing it intentionally.”
 Danny nodded. “Makes sense.” He took a moment to pause from devouring his food to look up over at Clockwork sitting across the table from him. “Are you going to eat anything?”
 How thoughtful. He should have probably prepared for that but, well. “I’m afraid trying to eat something with that much physical matter from the human world would go poorly for me. If you’re uncomfortable I can make some tea?”
 “Oh,” Danny looked at his half finished meal, realizing something and unable to react properly to it. “Yeah, tea sounds nice, can I have some too?”
 “Of course,” Clockwork agreed easily. He would be using a delicate mixture of herbs and spices from different parts of the infinite realms that Sojourn liked to gift him whenever he bothered to visit. None of them should have any adverse effects on the boy, and if he chose the right mixture, it might actually help him to calm down slightly.
 By the time the tea was finished and cooled enough to drink, Danny had finished his meal and cleaned up so that the two could sit and enjoy their tea together.
 Danny spent a moment too long staring into his cup, the swirling neon blue of the forgoent leaves—a small blue plant native to some of the darker forest realms, similar to the mortal realm’s forget-me-nots. Clockwork didn’t know what he was thinking, couldn’t see a timeline where he actually spoke his thoughts out loud. He sighed and took a drink of his own cup, the tea’s soothing blend serving to take off the slight edge of his anxiety. It was difficult caring for a child, even with his power.
 “Thanks for the tea Clockwork,” Danny said, “and uh, the casserole too.”
 His voice was quiet, but sincere and Clockwork accepted his thanks with a small nod of his head. The rest of the evening went on like that, mostly silent but not unpleasant in each other's company. When Danny left to go back to the mortal realm he paused at the clock tower’s door and quickly turned back to Clockwork, pulling him into a quick, tight hug that had him almost freezing time instinctually before Danny pulled away and quickly flew off.
 Clockwork stayed there, floating in the entryway to his lair and felt his core practically screaming at him in delight.
 He needed a way to distract himself, maybe he could start working on another recipe?
     Pie was unnecessarily difficult, Clockwork decided, despite its place as the most popular fairy-tale dish ever mentioned. He’d made no less than three thousand six hundred and four different variations of the damned recipe and not a single one had even stayed together, much less been even remotely edible.
 He sighed. At this rate, even freezing time wouldn’t help him accomplish this before Danny arrived. He was admittedly impatient for an immortal entity with all of time under his control, and he wanted to actually be able to spend time with his ward rather than an eternity trying, and failing, to bake something.
 Which is exactly how Danny had caught him taking a failed experiment out of the oven, having arrived while Clockwork was distracted.
 “Is that a pie?” he asked, excitedly reaching for it.
 Clockwork quickly held it out of the young halfa’s reach, unwilling to allow him near his utter failure.
 Danny blinked, his face drooping into an exaggerated pout, “I can’t have some?” Clockwork felt his core ache a little. Maybe he should have stopped time until he got it right?
 “It’s not fit for consumption at the moment,” he said, carefully floating it out of reach and towards the end of the counter. He didn’t have anything resembling a human trash can, it was uncomfortable to keep waste in one’s lair afterall, so he’d have to leave it on the counter for now. He could dispose of it properly later, maybe as fertilizer for his garden.
 “Oh don’t be like that,” Danny said, floating around Clockwork and completely ignoring his very valid warning. “I’m sure it’s fine, everything else you’ve made has been delicious.”
 Well yes, everything else he’d made had been very much intended to be delicious. This one was a failure. However, Clockwork wasn’t going to admit to the amount of effort that had gone into each and every piece of food he’d made for his young ward. It would be uncomfortable at best for Danny and horridly embarrassing for Clockwork.
 “I’ll make another one for next time, please-” Clockwork didn’t even finish his sentence before Danny was grabbing a piece of the crust and shoving it into his mouth. “Daniel!”
 Danny smiled. “Yeah okay not your best work, but it’s edible for sure.” He grabbed another piece and ate that as well and Clockwork didn’t really know what to do. On one hand, he was right: it was certainly edible, there would be no adverse effects caused by Danny eating the food, and it would be just as nourishing as the other meals Clockwork provided. But on the other hand, it could not have tasted pleasant. All of the futures where he tried serving this to Danny as normal were met with disappointment at best.
 So why was he content to eat it like this?
 “I knew you couldn’t be perfect,” Danny snickered. He grabbed a fork and a plate from their places in the kitchen and then floated over to the table, pie-adjacent pastry in hand. “Are you gonna make tea again?”
 “Yes,” Clockwork answered, glaring at the pie. The horrid pie that Danny was eating because not every single meal needed to be perfect and Clockwork, as always, had been over-complicating everything.
 The atmosphere at the table was soft and comfortable. It was certainly something Clockwork was unused to, enjoying company for company’s sake. And to think they wouldn’t be here as they were, had Clockwork succeeded fully with his task. It brings up a question, actually thousands of different, related, questions, about failure and success and the weight of either.
 Danny smiled at him from over the half eaten pie. Clockwork smiled back.
 An alarm went off and Danny shoved one last bite into his mouth before flying off towards the main room of the clocktower. “Shoot, I forgot I promised Jazz to let her help with my english homework.”
 There was a flurry of papers while Danny tried to gather all of his things. Pencils shoved precariously into his bag and folders of half finished homework assignments quickly followed. The half finished pie on the kitchen table was completely ignored, as it should have been to start with.
 “You seem to be in a rush,” Clockwork said, watching amusedly. Either Danny had forgotten Clockwork’s particular powerset in his haste, or he hadn’t thought to ask for a medallion. Either way Clockwork found it too amusing to offer his aide unless Danny thought to ask.
 “Yeah, yeah,” Danny tried to say over the strap of the backpack he held in his mouth in lieu of his busy hands. “I’ll be back home s-”
 Danny blushed and stuttered out something awkward and intended to drag attention away from the slip of his tongue. But Clockwork just smiled, watching the boy finally gather his things and quickly make his exit promising to come back tomorrow for dinner.
 Wasn’t there a human saying about home and food?
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omgmarieux · 5 years
PLANTING GARDENS IN GRAVES // Roger Taylor x Reader // Two-Shot Story (2/2)
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Part ½: Death on Two Legs
Part 2/2: Planting Gardens in Graves (title inspired by r.h. Sin)
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Wordcount: 4k
About the Title: The title is inspired by a book called “Planting Gardens in Graves” by r.h. Sin, but not really related to the contents of the poetry book itself. So yeah, not my title lovies.
Note: This took so long, very sorry. I’m debating with myself whether which is better way to start this part between my two drafts (for a whole week, yes). Anyway, enjoy and thanks for reading! (also I accidentally posted this earlier and boy I’m really sorry about that)
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Every single hour, Roger seems to cross your mind. Even if you have distracted yourself from memorizing the procedure more, hell you can dictate it while sleeping, he still somehow manage to slip in.
‘Like? Like me? That’s a weird combination of words, especially that it’s for me.’ You said to yourself.
The laboratory practice had ended and you had finished it with flying colours. No mistakes or troubles, heck you did memorize the procedures by heart, of course you’re going to ace it with Roger. But he seems like acing everything he likes.
Since then, he started walking you back to your dorm. You never really agreed to this with him, but it always seems too late to speak about it when he’s already out there, waiting for you. Most of the time he waits outside your last class if it weren’t Biochemistry—for god knows how he found that out. Then he’ll offer to walk you home, you would say no, he don’t need to do it and you don’t want him around yet he still follows you behind; catching up to your side and talking to you absentmindedly about his day or something he is annoyed about. You rarely spoke back; it didn’t seem to be important.
“Roger, you can just leave me alone.” You said to him as soon as you saw him standing before the door of the room.
“I don’t want to.” He replied pressing hard onto the two t’s between want and to.
“You don’t need to walk me home Roger. I’m a grown up. It’s not like you’re my father.” You said as rolled your eyes at him.
“But I want to.” He replied like a whine later on. You would walk faster to reach your home to avoid further discussions with him. With everyday you walk with him, you should be comfortable with his presence but the more time you spend with him it looks like you grew an uncontrollable discomfort towards him. It’s not that you hated him, it’s just your socializing issues.
And then starts another habit of him; waiting outside your dorm early in the morning, with breakfast on a paper bag and he would give it you once you open the entrance door.
“No thanks, Roger. I already ate.” You answered him and his disappointment is plastered in his face the whole way to university. Although some days, he would offer a cup of coffee to you but you hold your hands up to refuse, and that leaves him with a full two cup of coffees to fuel himself for the whole day. He ended up having palpitations and feeling nauseous after so he never bothered to try bring a coffee once again.
Some mornings; since he discovered you don’t skip breakfast, he would bring flower instead. One stem of rose each day, or a daisy, or if he’s feeling different he would also bring sunflowers. It depends on his mood, but you’d shake your head no to him.
“Roger first of all, this is a waste.” You said after you reached for the flower. “Second, I don’t like or want it. But thank you anyways.” You’ll continue and then he would walk beside you with a wide smile as if he had won a lottery, no, as if he had found the love of his life to spend the rest of his life with. He would try to repeat it as it makes him happy whenever you acknowledge him, or simply thank him. It wasn’t annoying, but sure it was disturbing to you. You hated attention and that’s all you’ve been receiving from Roger.
As soon as finals week began, you told Roger to at least not walk you home. Less distractions for you and more focus on your academics, or just to have a valid excuse to avoid his presence. He agreed with that considering it is very important to you.
He asks few questions in the morning, trying to simulate your brain for the exam. You’d answer him and he’s glad with that kind if interaction, rather content with it. It inspires him for the whole day.
In laboratory written examination, laboratory partners are separated so he is across the room and it gave you enough focus and it kept Roger from being distracted with your presence. To be honest, it’s not a problem if Roger had stopped walking to after your classes but it did bother you. You become used to being his side every afternoon, walking back home, but when that thought crossed your mind, you thought that you’re being selfish. Giving him small hopes for your affection. Eventually, you thought that maybe if you persuade him to not fetch you in the morning, he would stop walking with you and fully giving up. You considered that.
In Roger’s side, summer is around the corner and he solely focused on his band whilst still tries to get your attention. He popped his head once in your few last classes one afternoon. “Hi Y/N!” He greets you cheerfully. And planning to ask you out to go on their band rehearsal.
“I can’t walk you home today. I’m really sorry.” He apologized and you frowned.
“You didn’t need to walk me home anytime Roger. You don’t need to apologize for that.” You replied.
“Uh, but I want to.” He stuttered. “You think you want to join me and my friends rehearse?” You politely decline his offer and went home alone that day. He was indeed disappointed but he knew there was no chance of you actually going. But he didn’t think that a little hope would disappoint him this much. Needless to say, he was very hurt.
Summer came, there’s no interaction between you and Roger. It gave you time to peacefully think and enjoy your alone time but in the mid-summer, you felt lonely. Realization hit you. How you felt lonely for years before Roger pestered you. How he made you feel happy and appreciated during the times you were with him. But you can’t use him for your happiness, can you? It would be unfair to him.
You were walking in the grocery store, grabbing few snacks to survive the week. It was boring. All you did was read books and you felt extremely lonely so you tried going out for a while. Food shopping seems to be the best solution so you did went to the grocery.
“Hey death on two legs!” You turned around to the familiar voice. It was the one with the black long hair, rather the guy from the left.
“Oh hi.” You respond awkwardly with the nickname.
“Roger had never shut up about you since he met you. He speaks about you 24-7! It’s much worse, he’s my roommate!” He exclaimed but a bit of a joke sounding.
“Oh. I’m sorry then.”
“Oh no darling, it’s alright! I just want to tell you how much he likes you and how much he misses you right now that twenty four hours each day is not enough for him to babble things about you.” You blushed at his remark. You were the next on in the line. The cashier had called you out and you walked directly to the cashier.
“Darling, if you don’t mind can you please give me your number so I could pass it to Rog?” He asked and handed you a small note and pen. You half smiled and took it to write your number down.
“Thanks Y/N!” He said as he got it back.
“No problem…” You were half embarrassed to yourself that you forgot his name, but glad that he didn’t seem to notice it. Frank? Ferdie?
Hours later when you got home, the telephone rang. You hesitated on answering it, fully sure that Roger’s probably the one who’s calling. You reached for the phone and brought it to your ears.
“Hi Y/N!” That voice you heard wasn’t Roger’s; it was the one you met at the grocery store. You were hit with disappointment like a wave. As if he sensed it on the other line, “Sorry for disappointing you honey, but Roger is being a bitch, so I decided to not give him your number.” He spoke an you chuckled lightly as you heard a groan behind the call. Roger did not believe that Freddie got your number; you were not the one who would give that easily. So the moment Freddie speaks through the phone, he thought he was just pretending.
“But I think you’d rather come by instead.” He said and he dictated their address. You wrote it on a piece of paper behind your telephone thinking that maybe it would come in handy. “So that’s all darling! Hope you have a good day!” He said then he drops the line.
‘I must have seriously missed that jerk and considering that you kept the note.’ You thought to yourself. But it will take all your pride to actually show up in their doorstep. With reason or none.
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It was hot, you were sweating and you hated this kind of weather. You opened your windows and not-too-chill wind entered your dorm. It’s tolerable at least. You stepped towards your kitchen and prepared a breakfast, rather an early lunch for you. And of course, a tea. Soon you found yourself on your couch again, for almost every day, this couch is your only companion. Hell, summer is going to end soon and you didn’t even do anything ‘fun’. You laughed at the sound of fun inside your head. You haven’t had that since years ago or did you had a little of them with Roger’s presence. Did you?
Few weeks to go before a new term begins. Maybe I could go back to my parent’s home? Visit for few days? You laughed at yourself with the thought again. And then what? See my old friends with their eyes dropping on me screaming “pathetic.” I guess no. You sighed realizing how really pathetic you are right now.
You looked over the clock hanging on your wall. Not even a minute had passed since you sat. Should I visit Roger? I’m really really really bored. You stood up and went to the bathroom to get ready. The whole time, you heart was racing fast. What ifs danced behind your mind.
What if he’s not home? What if he’s busy? What if he has another visitor? Or maybe he’s not interested in you anymore. If he was then maybe he would have at least showed his ass there even for once for the previous weeks. You were in the middle of wearing your clothes when you stop. Pity you. Lonely again, lonely forever.
As you finished dressing up, you sat on the edge of your bed, having second thoughts about going to Roger’s. Maybe you shouldn’t because you might bother him. But soon after debating with yourself, you gave up on your over thinking session and picked up your purse to hurry outside.
There are plenty of places to go when you’re bored; like library, coffee shops, parks, boutiques, and more. But for a person like you, you always opted for peace, which distracts you from your chaotic mind, a little. A bookstore or library is good for more moments of silence, as if you never had enough of them. So your feet brought you to the nearest bookstore. You scanned the shelves looking for interesting titles or covers. They say “do not judge the book by its cover”, yet you are here doing it. After an hour of constant gliding of your fingers to the spine of each books, ou gave up looking for one and just went to the cashier to buy a newspaper and left. Bookstore made you even more frustrated; nothing to buy, and nothing to turn your attention into.
Your feet started walking and it take wherever in the city but when you came across to a music store, you stopped on your tracks and entered it. You went straight to classics. Pianos. You needed some to calm your chaotic mind. You chose a record of Chopin and another random one before heading to the cashier to pay.
Just before you passed the records to the man behind the counter, a hand landed on your shoulder startled you.
“Sorry Y/N!” The man said instantly and chuckled. The voice of a man that made your mind a mess.
“Oh, hi Roger.” You said and you properly passed the record to the cashier. Roger was amused with your greeting. He wasn’t expecting a nice and welcoming sound from you.
“Hey Y/N, what are you up to?” He asked and you pouted directly to the record that’s being wrapped.
“Chopin? Really?” He asked and you moved your gaze at him and glared. “Sorry it’s just that… that’s your type of music?” He asked again.
“Yes.” You muttered. Because you are noisy inside my mind.
“And you? Beetles?” You asked in rude way and raised your eyebrow at him.
“Uhh, yeah.”
“See? The kind of uncomfortableness you feel when someone indirectly criticizes your choice of music.” You replied as he too paid for his record.
“So sorry about that. I wasn’t expecting you to have that taste.” He nervously laughed. “What are you doing after?”
“Getting a coffee.” You said. A coffee?! You didn’t even plan on getting a fucking coffee! Your mind went south. Did I sound like I’m inviting him to come? Was that too needy?
“Can I come?” He asked, looking somewhat desperate and you stopped yourself from panicking then a small smile formed in your lips.
“Yeah no problem.” You replied as both of you left the store and stroll to find a café.
On the counter, you insisted to pay for Roger’s coffee too. “It’s just because you have maybe spent too much before for those flowers and morning snacks.” You reasoned out.
“You don’t owe me anything. It’s really alright.” He replied as he tries to shove his money to the cashier but you’re holding his arm to prevent it. You gave an apologetic look to the cashier before turning your eyes back to Roger.
“But I want to. I stopped you before but you didn’t, so let me, please?” You gave him your puppy eyes that were never used ever since and he was instantly stunned. He wished that it would last forever. And you took that opportunity to pay for the bill. You gave a cheeky smile at him and led him to an empty seat.
“Oh no you’re doing too many things today, you are freaking me out.” Roger said as he sat in front of you.
“You doing that eyes thing, and you smiling. Too many improvements today, I love it!” He said to you and your forehead crinkled. You realized that you’re having too much fun today. Oh there’s the word again. Is this really the effect of his presence to me? How much did he actually change in you? Your mind was once again clouded with thoughts. You snapped back in reality when the waitress served your coffees on your table. Although it made your forehead fold when he gave Roger a knowing glance. Okay, was that jealousy? You thought to yourself.
“Excuse me.” You said as you stood up heading to the restroom’s direction, you talking to yourself in the back of your mind. What the hell we’re you thinking? So what if the waitress is flirting with the man you’re with? You’re not even on a date. You sighed to your reflection in the mirror. Here we go again, the pathetic moments in you. You walked back to your table with Roger. It was full of silence, it was awkward to you, but it was comfortable to him.
“Rog I want to go home. Thank you for the time.” You said standing up.
“We didn’t even talked.” He said frowning.
“Ah, yeah sorry, maybe next time?” Your mind was panicking as you pick your cup and your belongings and quickly exit the café. Roger did not catch up behind, you were walking—no, running too fast.
That day, your mind drifted back to Roger once again during the night. You had let yourself do some ‘accepting or rejecting’ with all what happened and as when you were all set up to get to sleep, your brain screams Roger and there you couldn’t fall asleep.
You decided to write. Write your feelings instead. Maybe it will help you get some things off your mind.
Hi Roger. I like you. Then you crumpled the paper and threw it to the trash. And since that, you started asking yourself questions, more likely shouting those questions to yourself in exasperatedly manner.
“What’s the perfect first line?”
“Why are you thinking like you’re going to give this to him?”
You stopped yourself there. If writing your feelings about Roger would help ease your clouded mind? Will it help to silence your heart if you send this to him?
You started writing again.
Roger, I don’t know what you do to me. You crumpled and three it again.
“What the hell! Why is this so hard?” You screamed to yourself. And you sighed. Roger Taylor your serious effect on me is killing every inch of me.
You put your mind aside and let your heart talk. If you want to really have peace with this the letter should come from your stupid heart, in that way it would be sincere. Your mind will regret it later, but your heart wont.
Soon after you finished the letter, you folded it in half and insert it in the envelope; then sealed it with a wax seal. You addressed the envelope to Roger’s name and took the paper containing their address.
You stood from your chair and grab your coat. You glanced on your wristwatch. 10 pm. It’s definitely okay to walk around this late. You comforted yourself, though your heart raced again from nervousness about walking alone this late at night, and of course the letter itself.
You stepped outside and mumbles their street in your head countless of times. You know that street; just few blocks away. It took you full ten minutes to find their apartment; a three storey house. You slipped the envelope on their mail and walked back home. Your heart still racing as fast as before until you fell asleep on your bed.
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Dear Roger,
I wanted to say I had so much fun spending time with you.
I’ve never actually felt this since a really long time and if I’m being honest, I disliked your eagerness but in the end it’s one thing about you that I admire the most. You never give up, and it’s a really good personality when you’re pursuing someone.
During those days you pick me up in the morning, or babble random topics in class, and walk me back home, I don’t like you then but I’m alright with your presence. I found myself longing for that when summer came, when I almost never saw you again.
You never really came in the best time; you caught me at really bad, dark, and lonely moments of my life; to the point where I would consider myself dead, not literally, but since you called me death on two legs, I guess you get it.
You planted gardens in this grave you know? You never left pieces of you because in the end, each and every of them would grow. You planted happiness in my lonely life, and instead to move on from it, I started looking and accepting it. I have never ever felt complete once again, and it only shows when I am with you.
Thanks to those lonely summers without you, I’ve come to realized this.
Love, Y/N
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Roger stood up from the dining chair and bumps on the dining table that caused to spill Freddie’s tea.
“Roger! What are you doing?” Freddie hissed.
“It’s Y/N!” He said as he waves the paper in the air with excitement.
“A letter from Y/N!” He screamed again, happiness is overflowing in his whole body.
“If that’s a confession then I would be happy for you. If not, shut up please.”
“IT IS!” Roger shouted then and Freddie stood up quickly to jump with Roger.
“How did this thing get here?” Roger wondered out loudly and stopped on this feet. “If this is a prank Fred, I’m going to kill you.” He said nervously and stares up to Freddie.
“No! I told Y/N our address, remember?” He replied cheekily.
“It’s was Y/N’s number I dialed before. No lies darling!” He replied.
“Oh shit!”
“Now go off and get your princess there!” Freddie said as he waves his hand shoving Roger off.
“Yes yes yes I will!” Roger ran. He made it to the door of your dorm in less than ten minutes, in which a normal pace could get you there from his apartment. He knocked or more like banged your door. He was thrilled, excited, if they say butterflies are in your stomach, hell the wings felt like there were angels instead. But ten minutes of knocking, still you weren’t out.
He overthought about the situation. Analyzed what happened. If he were just imagining things. But he glanced down on the paper he’s holding, there lies your confession. He was scared for the moment. What if you confessed your feelings because you were leaving? You’re never the one to tell someone your feelings that easy. What if you planned on confessing right before you’d leave? But why would she leave? Roger thought. But all of it was pushed aside when he hears footsteps towards him and he quickly looked where the sound came from. It was you; an eyebrow is raised to the sight of Roger, and his visible sweat in his shiny face.
“What are you doing here?” You asked and your eyes fell to his hands where his fingers clutch the paper in him. Your lips formed a small smile and looks back at him.
“This… uh…” Roger stuttered as he lightly backed away from the door and you unlocked it.
“Come inside?” You asked when the door opened. He nodded and steps inside as quickly as possible as if you’d shut it close before he could get inside. You chuckled at his actions.
“Is this all true?” He asked as he raise and waves the paper to you. You focused your vision to the paper and frowned.
“What’s that?” You asked as you bit your lower lip stopping yourself from smiling.
“Oh, was this not you?” He asked and he sounded so disappointed; very disappointed.
“Oh yeah, it was my heart.” You replied and started to walk towards your room. He stumbles as he follows behind you.
“What really?” and his mood changes instantly. His voice sounded squeaky and his legs felt like a jelly. “Can I hug you?” He asked when he held your wrist to stop you.
“Yeah?” He pulled you and engulfed you with a hug.
“I can’t believe this.” He whispered. “This doesn’t seem to be enough.” He added and you felt his lips grazing your ear.
“I know what you want.” You replied chuckling.
“Hmm yeah? Can I?” He asked lightly pulling his face away to look at you.
“No.” You said and laughed. He nuzzles his face on your shoulder.
“Damn it.” You laughed more. “But really? Planting gardens in graves? Funny metaphor. But I like it.”
“You do?”
“Yes. What have I planted in you besides happiness?” He asked, hands never leaving your body.
“Love.” You replied and smile.
“You sure you don’t want to kiss me? Because I’m hella sure this is where the part we need to do so.” He reassured and you laughed at him.
“I’m sure you could plant various of things to me—” you stopped when he snorted and started laughing. You hit his chest when you realized what he was thinking about. “But I would appreciate if we go slow. Let them grow before planting a new one.” You said and you held him closer to you. “And I think hug is enough for now.”
Roger did not complain. In fact, he’s already contented finally having you to him, no matter how very slow paced everything your relationship with him.
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Tag: @rtyler19 @rogxrtaylxr —if I’m honest, I’m still thrilled with tagging omg, Lmao thanks!! (sorry for second tag? I accidentally posted this earlier but I wanna keep my words.)
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