#i promise u that u dontt have to feel this way all the time
redysetdare · 1 year
Look, i get it. You're SAD your Aro. You're SAD your Ace. you HATE not feeling romantic/sexual attraction. you WISH you were allo. Life isn't how Amatonormativity said it would be. I GET IT. But at some point u gotta stop wallowing in self pity and misery and reach the acceptance stage of grief. I promise you that you will feel better once you stop feeling bad for yourself and start realizing you aren't broken for being aspec. literally you have the option to not live your life feeling miserable over something you can't change. You will find other things to make you happy. you will find that you don't have to "miss out" on anything. You can find happiness. You just gotta learn to let go of your misery. You deserve to find happiness, even if it's not in the way you original thought you would.
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