#i saw earlier a proship thing w him and i physically recoiled into another dimension
shuobox · 7 months
woe, Gladion redesign be upon ye
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Other hcs that i made up while editing:
- has a small hobby in drawing/painting w watercolours as a passtime
- likes rock music + all subgenres of rock. also a bit of metal (piers fan maybe,,,)
- got his porygon Z from pure coincidence while sneaking around the Aether foundation. it kind of just,,, latched onto him and didn’t leave.
- cracks his knuckles often (moreso out of habit than anything else)
- absolutely loves murder mysteries and won’t admit he likes dramas too
- genuinely talkative when he wants to be + if he’s comfortable. He prefers listening to people speak. super blunt most of the time but tries not to seem mean in front of younger kids
^ sucks with words/hardly talkative otherwise so he shows appreciation via acts of service, etc
- i’m a personal “Gladion leaves Alola to become a trainer” believer than a “Aether foundation leader Gladion” believer. get my boy OUTTA THERE
- has a noticeable/large birthmark surrounding his left eye. probably the reason he grew his hair out like that (maybe Lusamine has a similar birthmark …… and he hates the similarity…… )
- less of a hc and actually more canon if anything; surprisingly good w kids. have u seen him with kiawe’s younger sister AGH
- slightly uneasy around ghost pkmn for no other reason than the fact they find him easy to scare
- basically nocturnal
- team skull grunts find him kind of scary/intimidating lmfao
- easiest way to make friends w him is via pokemon battles
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