#i still can't re-read the cafe scene for the life of me. it is so horrendously filled with awkward vibes. this man is killing me h e l p--
skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
kiryu you were not about to write that on your bucket list you lying faker you gay ass homosexual man
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gold-kobold · 2 years
Me when writing Dictatious and Angor: i missed writing my gay troll dorks *sobs* they're so stupid, im lov themb...
Me when writing James Lake Sr.: oh my god shut up shut up i am in physical pain from your absolutely rancid and cringe vibes, why did i decide to write you, why did i do this to myself--
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fitzpirations · 3 years
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yesterday, I had a thorough phone conversation with my wise mentor and fellow record slinger R, and he brought up the man in the above picture, Ewan MacColl, original writer of R's wedding song, "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face." He told me how MacColl was kicked out of America or something for his Communist views, and he never got the credit (or the money?) that he deserved for that song. I noticed as we spoke, that MacColl also wrote "Dirty Old Town," and today I saw he wrote "The Shoals of Herring," a song which has a shining moment in one of my favorite films, Inside Llewyn Davis.
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I'd go as far to say that movie, directed by the Coen Brothers, starring Oscar Isaac, set in the folky New York '60s, with pale skies and wet socks, was formative to my knowledge and appreciation of music now. Anyway, R didn't get all the details correct on MacColl, I don't believe, but his story deeply fascinates me anyway. MacColl was quite outspoken, writing protest songs about the 1984-5 miner's strike, advocating for some of the "positive things that Stalin did," and even dedicating an album to the lifestyle of Romani people, called Travelling People.
He worked in radio, as I did, but he worked in radio when it was cool to tell people, and you could do proper voice acting and field interviews and radio plays and people would listen to that with vigor. He was an appreciator of traditional folk music, and he taught Peggy Seeger the words to "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" over long-distance phone call when she was in the U.S, because, as R recalled and wikipedia seems to affirm, he was "barred" from being in the country for being a Communist.
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I'm losing steam here, and am afraid I'm not selling MacColl very well as an artist and a person. I'm only just learning about him. He also fell in love with Seeger, of which I was not previously familiar with either, when she was 21, and he was married and a good 20 years older. Apparently he didn't like many (or any?) cover versions of "...I Saw Your Face," but R told me about Clint Eastwood's Play Misty For Me (1971), and I asked "Misty?" like the Johnny Mathis song? Needless to say, R is always shocking with the breadth and depth? of his memory and countless encyclopedic knowledge. He told me he had to stay away from drugs, even in the glamour and excitement of the music industry and radio world, because he knew he would lose his knack for remembering these sorts of things, of which he used to make a name for himself. I'm not saying I never smoked marijuana or anything, he told me. I did smoke it a few times in the army, you know? But most of the time I did it very little, and sort of pretended it effected me when others were smoking it.
He sort of reminds me of the astronaut-type Jenny Offill's narrator of Dept. of Speculation was ghost-writing for, but maybe not. I can't quite remember the vibe that gentlemen was throwing down, but I have a correspondence with another old man from the business who as of this week has been sending me drafts of his book on the history of the station the three of us worked at. When I met Offill, she was only 2 football fields away or so from that station, and she wrote come to the dark side in the inside of my book, which was a sudden inside thing we had going after speaking for maybe 2 minutes, which just meant you should write, even if it seems it will lead no where. I wonder if MacColl, our comrade, thought his words which were written as a sort of challenge from Seeger to not be political in all of his works, would form into one of the greatest love songs of all time.
It is hard to write, I know. Reading about radio history surprisingly got me excited thinking about the era, in the way a good documentary gets you amped up, you know? There's a building up to something great, the talking heads are grinning and saying like "in those days we did everything so scrappy, but we were just having a blast," and I think of the person I was when I first heard "The Shoals of Herring," in a tiny movie theatre with my snoring father and 7 other patrons. How, for whatever reason, folk music and the idea of the Gaslight Cafe and Greenvich village in the '60s just struck me so forcefully I wouldn't speak of things other than banjos and beat writers and John Steinbeck novels for many years.
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There's a power to these words, these stories, and I revisit it in so many different ways and through so many different sounds. The other day, I read about Bob Dylan and a party of people showing up at the Gaslight for a big shindig that was only recorded in a newspaper shoutout after the fact, I re-watched the Mrs. Maisel pilot with my mother where the lead stumbles in drunk past the Allen Ginsberg look-alikes (they all look like Allen Ginsberg) and begins to babble about her failed marriage. I think of the Coen Brothers characters, of the poetry and the comedy and cigarettes that were smoked, and how it feels to revisit those things, in "another day, another time." I think of people like Dave Van Ronk and Ewan MacColl, who most people I know don't know, and how the scene seemed to vanish in New York in a matter of years, but the energy still appears in wisps, in 2014 indie films no one watches until the lead actor gets put into a Star Wars movie, of a concert night the cast and crew and music people held in Town Hall to celebrate the sound, of bands being created because they really dug O Brother Where Art Thou? and I guess that energy is still in people who still read and still get blisters on their fingerpads from playing instruments with strings. It doesn't feel the same as it does the first time I heard it, the person I was when I was first reading East of Eden doesn't exist anymore, but the energy and the ideas of that time for me, of self-indulgent listens to folk albums and reading dusty books that taught me about grit and Hebrew sayings and what films to watch and things to read and music to pay attention to... that still remains. And this week those feelings of being amped up by life and art are brought to us by two old men and the likely botched tale of Ewan MacColl.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
The Dark Prince: Epilogue: Not The Dark Prince
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"Today is the first Independence anniversary for the Acorn Kingdom! Not too long ago, the Acorn Kingdom was under the commands of their tyrant King. Everyone expected the Rebellion leader Princess Sally Acorn to take over the throne. However, informants declare that a secret member of the Rebellion, whose face had not been revealed yet, has been picked by the people of the Acorn Kingdom to take over the throne. He goes by the name of-"
"Cream, stop watching that!", Amy turned off the TV of her leaving room.
"But they were going to reveal the name of the new King!" Cream said winning.
"You have been too obsessed with this new King, you don't even know his name nor his face...what's with this guy anyway?" Amy said as she looked at herself in the mirror, making sure that her hair looks decent for work.
"He is just so mysterious! The news is always talking about him and about the things he has done or the Acorn Kingdom...Weirdly enough, the Acorn Kingdom never let a single picture of him infiltrate...I wonder why?" Cream said thoughtfully.
"He is a secret Rebellion member, if his identity was revealed, then the Kingdom would probably go after his loved ones."
Amy and Cream turned around to find Rouge drinking a cup of coffee. "What?"
"How long have you been there?"
"Half an hour", She said as she took a sip. "I used to be spy honey...I remember some old tricks."
"I forgot that just two years ago you used to work for G.U.N hehe... well at least you are doing good as a self-defense trainer." Cream said as she made room for her bat friend to sit with her on the sofa.
"And you are doing good as a Pre-K teacher yourself Cream.", Rouge took a seat next to her rabbit friend.
"I am really happy you are here Rouge but I am just leaving to work," Amy said as she opened the door, ready to leave.
"But we even haven't talked about the wedding yet!" Rouge said almost screaming as she saw Amy leave.
"We will talk about it as soon as I get back home!
And with that Amy left.
Rouge and Cream looked at each other, already knowing what they were going to do next.
They turned the TV and watched the breaking news.
The news reporter was shown quickly on the TV, still announcing the breaking news. "Who would have thought that the new King of the Acorn Kingdom will be no other than the re-owned worldwide superhero-"
Then, both Rouge and Cream yelled in unison...
It has been another busy day at Momo's Cafe, AKA Amy's cafe. Although she was thankful that her cafe had become more popular these days, she was still thankful that everything was working well.
She looked up at her phone, looking at it proudly, she was able to buy herself a smartphone. She received a text message from Sonic clearly saying: "Can't wait to see you!"
Amy smiled with the text, it has been two weeks since she last Sonic and she was super excited to him. She texted back: "I am cleaning up at the cafe, you can come if you want."
"Alright :)" He texted back.
She put her phone away and put on some music to start cleaning up. Her last employee left and since Amy was the owner, she made a thing that it must be her the first one to arrive and the last one to leave.
To leave
It has already been two years and still no signs of him. She really wonders if she is worth waiting for him this long. She wanted him to be there for the wedding, but it seems like she wasn't going to see him anytime soon.
Amy used a towel to clean the underpart of the cashier's table. As if she was under it, she heard the cafe's door open. Steps getting closer to her as they finally made a stop in front of the cashier, waiting to get service. Amy was having a bit of difficulty getting herself up from the underpart of the table, as she hit her head.
"Can I have a cup of black coffee?"
Amy heard a someone from the other side of the cashier say, as she stopped from touching her head, she quickly stood up to face her client.
"Sorry sir, we are closed-"
This must be a dream.
Amy must have hit her head too hard because the one standing right in front of her, asking her for a cup of black coffee was no other than Shadow the Hedgehog.
This wasn't like in the books, where both protagonists end up kissing each other after a long time of not meeting.
Their feelings were never like that, and Shadow was aware of that. Before, Shadow would be worried about that fact. Now, it didn't matter, it was unique. It wasn't fictional....
their feelings were real.
And now they were here, alone, drinking coffee on the place where everything began. Quietly, their eyes crossed each other, not knowing where to star.
"So...how you have been?" Amy asked trying not to make eye contact. Shadow took a sip of his coffee before answering, keeping his cool.
"I've been alright"
That was it. Shadow couldn't get words out of his mouth. He really was trying to make any motion possible to show that he was happy to be here.
"What-um..what you?"
"What about you?" Shadow finally was able to pronounce his words properly. He didn't know why he was getting so nervous for. It was just Amy, the girl who he had a crush on since forever, nothing to be worried about right?
"I've well since you left two years, I kept working on my cafe and now it's gotten more popular. Also that I've been busy planning a wedding." Amy said simply, still trying to fully realize that the Dark Prince was in front of her.
"Oh...A wedding?...things between you and Sonic must be pretty good then." Shadow sighed, what was he expecting? He clearly told Sonic to go after Amy, and for him to make her happy. It had been two years, so of course their relationship had developed. Of course Sonic would want to marry her, who wouldn't? At least Shadow would do it in a heartbeat.
So if he knew...why was there still a pain in his heart?
Oh, yes...because he had hoped that Amy would have waited for him. But he knew that it would be selfish of him to ask her to do so.
"Ummm, yes we are good but I am planning Rouge and Knuckles' wedding. They asked me to do it, so of course, I said yes. Don't get me wrong, I love planning but it can be stressing at times."
"Wait, so Sonic and you?"
"What about us?" Amy said a bit weird out by Shadow's question.
"You know..you both are...a thing?"
"No, we never dated. I couldn't bring myself to think about anyone else after what Sonic told me." Amy took a sip once again from her cup, already knowing where this was going.
"What did Sonic told you?"
Shadow was panicking. Sonic couldn't have told Amy about the letter...right?
"Mmm...where should I start?... I am not perfect, and I may have hurt you-"
Shadow could feel his cheeks getting hotter by the second. He had never felt this flustered before. He hated himself as he realized that he had lost his cool.
"I am sorry...I won't talk about it again." Amy said smiling a bit, proud that she made Shadow get pink like that.
A few minutes passed again in silence as Shadow had gotten his composure back. "So...you waited for me? Although I told Sonic to be with you?"
"Sonic always put others before himself. He knew that you loved me so he stepped aside. He asked me if I was ok with it...you know...If I was ok with waiting..."
Amy sighed as she remembers the scene clearly from two years ago. Sonic showing her the letter Shadow had left. Reading Shadow's true feelings was what made Amy come up with an answer.
"And I said yes."
For a moment, Shadow couldn't' hear anything but his heartbeat. For a small fraction of a second, Shadow couldn't see anything but Amy. That 'Yes' stumble his ears again and again, almost like a melody.
It may be a simple word, but for him...it meant everything.
All of this time, he was scared that all previous feelings Amy had for him were gone. But now, seeing her eyes glow like that as if she was about to cry. Her lips trembling, and her body ready to jump into his arms.
"Are you still looking for an extra worker?" Shadow smiled, hoping that his words will resonate with her.
"Yes..." Amy took one second to stop her voice from cracking. " I can't promise you a good paycheck but...I promise you that I'll never fire you... Will the Dark Prince comply to these terms?"
Shadow couldn't wait to get Amy into his arms. After two long years of being part of the Rebellion and learning more about himself, he was ready to start living. Although he still had questions about love and how it should be treated, he knew that the only way to learn was to experience it.
And he wanted to experience everything with Amy. Their time was ending, the two lovers had no one to stop them from loving each other. It was the beginning of the end, but what a beautiful ending it was.
Sonic had finally arrived at Amy's Cafe but he couldn't bring himself to interrupt the beautiful moment the two were having. At last, his promise to Shadow had been fulfilled and there was nothing else to do but watch. He smiled out of happiness as he watched the two share a small kiss. He learned to watch from afar and appreciate the little things life brings him. He was truly happy for them both.
Shadow smiled and held hands with Amy. He closed his eyes and opened them slowly as to savor the moment, not wanting to let go, he sighed and answered her question...
"I am not the Dark Prince anymore...but if you want, call me the Dark King."
The Dark Prince Epilogue: END
Previous Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185970145230/its-been-a-while-since-sonic-had-seen-shadow-he
The Dark Prince: Chapter Nine: A Confession
A/N: This story came out from a small idea, now it has become a complete story.
Personally, I think this is the best ShadAmy fan-fiction I've written. I want to thank everyone who has followed this story to the very end. Especially those who comment and inspired me to keep writing.
There's really not much to say, I will probably take a break from writing stories with multiple chapters. I'll like to get my ideas going by writing one-shot stories, so of course, if anyone has prompt ideas feel free to message me.
Thank you once again to everyone who read "The Dark Prince" I have loved writing this story and its sad to let it go.
But all things that start well, end well.
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army-author · 5 years
Oh. My. Gosh. Just finished Written On Our Veins and was that one of the best stories I've ever read or what? I'm still in tears! So marvelous! You are an exceptionally gifted writer-- gosh! I can't even fathom at how you put such a masterpiece together! It's divine.
Awwww :’) Thank you so so so much! I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed it! ‘Written On Our Veins’ was one of my favourite fics to write, so I’m really glad it brought you joy (and some tears too, sorry about that!) I’ll always hold this story close to my heart, and I’m glad that other people get to enjoy something I’ve created!
(I’ve answered your other messages under the ‘read more’ section, since there was a lot to reply to 💖)
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog said: I’m screaming! Red Faced was so precious and hilarious! “She knows too much.” Like, straight out of an action flick before the line, “She must be eliminated.” I’m dying from how wonderous this story was! Gosh, Christmas Hobi stories are literally my favorite. No joke. He is the epitome of Christmas, I swear. So I’m just going to go into my little shell here and squeal and die some more, don’t mind me. I love your stuff! Ah!
Asdfghjklll thank you once again! Seeing all this love in my inbox made me so so happy! I’m really glad you liked ‘Red Faced’. Christmas and Hobi really do go hand in hand, he’s just so filled with sunshine, he warms up all that December snow :’)))
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: Metallic Snow was sooooo fluff and sweet, I think I got diabetes! I think I came across this story some time ago, but never got to finish it as it was probably one of the ones that was left on my page as I walked away for a day or so to go about my life and tumblr and my phone conspired to refresh my feed and just go back to my home… But anyway! I’m just so glad that I found it again! Fate brought me back. Lmfbo.
Aw, it makes me so happy to hear that you found ‘Metallic Snow’ again, and that you like it! It truly was fate!!!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: I’m crying. A Story Book Ending was marvelous! My heart can’t take just how perfect your rendition of The Nutcracker was, with some liberties, and a gaurded Hoseok. Like, my head is spinning and my heart is in a flurry of emotions. I’m still reeling from the magic you wrote into the story– your own. Phenomenal! You’d better bet your butter balled butt that I’ll be reading the rest of your Hoseok works, even if it kills me! Heartache and all. Lol. Because that’s just what great Hobi stories do.
Ahhhh thank you :’’’’) Man, your comments are all so nice, and kind, and I’m crying over here, reading through all this! It makes me so ridiculously happy that my writing can have this kind of effect on you! I really loved writing ‘A Story Book Ending’, the nutcracker story is fun to re-write because of the magic and fantasy of it all! I’m so happy that I was able to capture some of that in my own writing!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: I’M CRYING. Soulmates or Strangers was so sweet, sugary and fluffy that I am fanning my cheeks and clenching my poor, bitter, lonely little heart! That ending had my heart in my throat, swelling to three times it’s size, leaving me gasping–choking–for anything to alleviate the bittersweet ache in my heart that I self-deprecatingly crave. I’m a mess. I’m a puddle of mush– a blob of goo left behind by your sugary tales of romanticism. And what is this pistachio latte and where can I find one?!
Aw man! Thank you so much! This message is so sweet as well, you’ve left me clutching my heart, overcome with love! I’m so happy my writing can have this effect, because as a writer, it’s my goal to stir up all these emotions in my readers! :’) Thank you so so much for your kind words!
(Also, pistachio lattes are so so good!!! There’s a small Itallian cafe in the city I study in, and it sells these lattes, and they are just… so delicious!)
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: Give Me Sunshine left me feeling so warm and fuzzy! Thank you for writing such sweet little pieces! (Even though it’s the sweet fluff that hurts the most, so I’m left with some residual nausea as well. Don’t ask me why– I’m a wreck. Don’t look at me.) But all because you’re such a fantastic writer and I have loved everything I’ve read of yours so far! I’ve come away smiling like a fruit loop and that’s because of you– so thank you! And Hoseok. But the Hoseok that you write, so it’s all you lol
Aw man, ‘Give Me Sunshine’ was one of the first fics I wrote for this blog! I’m glad it’s still getting love even now! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! :’) It makes my day to know I made someone else smile!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: I am sufficiently crying now. Like, my head is grating, stomach in knots, bile rising, throat constricting… Sorry, Mama was remarkably written and well drafted, as all the other works of yours that I’ve read, but something about this angst had me feeling like I was being personally attacked, and yet– not. Lol. I know I wasn’t. Like, it hit so close to home on some things, and then shot way out into left field in the same moment. Anyway, phenomenal use of writing to the readers subconscious’.
I think ‘Sorry, Mama’ is still one of the saddest fics I’ve written, even though I’ve written fics where worse things happen. It was quite a personal story for me, which is probably why it’s so filled with emotion. Anyway, I’m so sorry that I made you cry, but I guess I’m also glad my writing was powerful enough to get that reaction?
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: Just read Anniversary (Hoseok’s Scenario) and that’s literally just what I needed after reading that pile of steaming angst that had me up to the bathtub’s brim in salty tears. Lol. Anyway. This was so precious and sugary sweet! I loved it. Always!
Aw yay! I’m glad I was able to repair the damage after ‘Sorry, Mama’!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: BAHYE SATAN!! White Chocolate Chip Cookie has so many emotions stirring up inside of me for only having 400 words and I can’t handle this! Don’t look at me. I love white chocolate chip cookies, and cuddles, and warm blankets and hot chocolate and– GIXKYDKHU. NO. NO NO NONONO. *cries in the club* Why must you torment my heart, so? I know it’s my own fault for reading the cavity-inducing fluff, but when you put it out there, and it’s so phenomenal– I CAN’T RESIST THE TEMPTATION! You are satan.
I love cookies and cuddles and warm blankets and hot chocolate too! Which is why I loved writing this fic so much :’))) I’m so sorry for putting the temptation there for you, heheh!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: But you’re also an angel. >.
I’m conflicted too! Am I an angel? Or a devil? You’re giving me very mixed signals haha! But no, sorry to disappoint, I’m not a Korean man! I’m just a girl with a lot of stories in her head :’)
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: Oh my gosh. Okay, you really need to stop. (But please don’t.) Kissing Santa was so freaking precious and my stomach is in knots and I am dying on the inside and– NO. Just– no. Lmbo. The whole scene was just perfect, my heart is overflowing in warmth and cotton candy and sugar plums and I just want to cry into hot chocolate by a fireplace wrapped in a blanket. You are too marvelous at this!
Ahhh I’m glad you liked it! I have a soft spot for domestic family aus, so ‘Kissing Santa’ was a lot of fun for me! Thank you so much for all the compliments, I’m blushingggggg!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: The Nutcracker was remarkable; phenomenal; splendiferous! I love Christmas so much, and along with it The Nutcracker, especially Tchaikovsky’s musical suites composed for the theatrical/ballet adaptation. I just love how you refer to Hoseok as the Nutcracker, himself, making it all the more romantic and enchanting. I know the Christmas season has passed, but I honestly would celebrate Christmas all year round, just for the feeling and tidings it brings. But, then it would become dismal.. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I love Christmas so much too! Especially the build up to it, it never fails to stir up all these happy and nostalgic feelings for me! And yeah, Tchaikovsky’s music for the ballet is so nice, I like to listen to it when I’m writing! :’) I’m so glad you enjoyed this story!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: Ecstasy is For… was brilliant; magnanimous. One in a million. Wh-what? I’m not crying! You’re crying! I should really stop. I’m getting too deep! Lmbo. My emotions are clouding my judgements and now reality is mixing with fantasy! Who is what and what is why?! Just kidding. No, but seriously, your work is truly remarkable. I adore everything I’ve read, even if I wind up crying like a messy toddler. Lol.
asdfghkllll I can’t handle all these compliments, my heart is going to explode!!! :’’’))) Thank you so much!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: Uuugggghhhhhh. Lucky Black Cat is so precious and cute and I want cuddles and coffee. Lmfbo. Everything about it was to die for! My poor little heart is putty in your writer’s hands.
‘Lucky Black Cat’ was a lot of fun to write! I love supernatural/ witch aus, and adding a barista au on top of that is just perfect. I’m glad you enjoyed it, that makes me super happy!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: Oh my God. Growing Pains is so fluff and precious and hilarious and I just CAN’T with how fabulous it all is. That freaking ghost. Lmfbo. There’s some show or book where this old ghost haunts a dorm (or was it simply a house? Idk) but he was a funny old guy who liked to tease the couple, but was also a pervert, so he liked “to watch”, but they’d usually catch him and yell at him to get out. I wish I could remember! Lmbo. Anyway, that’s kinda how I picture this guy.
Oh my gosh, that old ghost sounds so funny! I’m laughing at you imagining the ghost in ‘Growing Pains’ that way! I mean, when I was writing it, I was more imaging the ghost as being well meaning, and wanting to get two hapless souls together, but this interpretation is way funnier!!!
@folkpunkrock-littlewing-blog​ said: UUUUGGGHHHHAAAA…! Silence to My Noise. Just. Ugh! So cute. I mean. I can’t. Oh God. My heart! The flutters!
And MY HEART is fluttering from all the love you’ve sent into my inbox! I’m crying from all of your kind messages! I really appreciate all of them! They brightened up my day, and I’m really grateful for the time that you took out of your day to read all those stories, and to tell me what you thought of them! It fills me with joy to know my stories can have these kinds of effects, and it’s inspiring me to write all the more! Thank you so so much! I can’t quite express how happy all of this made me, just know I’m smiling like crazy right now!
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