#i tried to get them to sync up as best as i could but wwe's camera cuts kill the man (me)
likesummerrainn · 1 year
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Blue Thunder Babes
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It is a woman's world
You could hear Roman shouting in the back of your mind. Everything in your head had stopped for a full minute, and you were watching everything from above almost. The screaming fans, the commentators were even losing their minds as you stood in the ring coiled and ready to strike across from three very unlikely opponents. Seth grabbing your arm and turning you to face him brought you back to reality. “WHAT THE FUCK IS HE THINKING?” the question was rhetorical, and the crazy look on your face wasn’t entirely put on. Dean sneered over his shoulder at their next victims. Distortia and Bailey were helping Dyna out of the corner, they were all dressed in complete black outfits similar to the Shield’s except for the masks. From the outside, no one had any idea they were women, much less that the One guy attacking Punk was actually three. For the last few weeks every time the Shield came to exact justice these mystery opponents would appear and wreck their plans. A lone man dressed all in black, would attack punk and as the shield gave chase would get away or turn on them too. Last week as the Shield chased the masked man backstage Dean and Seth were attacked from behind by two other bandits. The WWE universe was on fire to find out who it was, and most of all Why?
Distortia and Dyna were holding their ribs as Roman had speared them already, while Bailey was shaking the fog in her head from Seth’s big knee to the head. None of the women looked scared, none of them turned to retreat. All three women regrouped and stood tall, defiant even. Punk came forward dragging his jaw on the ring apron, he stood with the Shield as his heels. The fans were screaming at the top of their lungs as they stood in the ring, in shock of what to do next. The WWE had a strict no contact rule, men and women were to not put their hands on one another in the ring. Intergender matches, and alliances as far as in ring competition went were out of the question. Should a woman ever intervene, it was in a small role. However that was the only loophole to the rule, men were to not put their hands on the divas or pay a fine, and perhaps be suspended. Yet here stood three women who clearly had defied the odds, worked several angles and managed to outsmart the Shield, and CM Punk. Triple H stalked to the ring, red faced and clearly pissed off. “WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?” he didn’t need a microphone. Distortia grabbed a mic and spoke first. “SURRRRR PRISEEEEEEE.” She let out in a sing song voice. She cackled to the wwe universe, “We have HAD enough of your bullshit AND we are tired of being IGNORED.” Bailey motioned for her own mic, then calmly turned to Triple H as he entered the ring. “I tried to warn you several times, I did not want it to come this. YOU REFUSED TO TAKE US SERIOUSLY SO WE  HAVE TAKEN MATTERS INTO OUR OWN HANDS.” “YOUR OWN HANDS?” Triple H only got one sentence in before Dyna stepped forward and backhanded him, never speaking as she stepped back, “YOU DON’T GET TO TALK PAUL. YOU ARE DONE TALKING.” Distortia stood over him singing. Bailey handed a mic to Dyna, never taking her eyes off punk she was surprisingly calm. “Do we have your attention now? THE SHIELD talks about justice…ITS BULLSHIT. They mean justice that serves them, the MEN in the business. BUT NO ONE THINKS ABOUT THE WOMEN.” Distortia pipes up, “Does anyone realize the average Diva match for the last year has been 2.45 minutes? THAT’S IT.” “Hell Orton takes longer then that to Oil up in the back…” Bailey smirks. “Raw moving to 3 hours means more time, FOR MEN MATCHES, while the women bust their asses for some bullshit match that no one even cares about.” Dyna’s voice stirs the fans. “Where was the Justice for us boys?” Distortia giggles almost child like. The promo by the three women almost rhymes, they are in sync and on the same page. The entire Diva roster fills the ringside up as they jeer and applaud, the statement is clear. “You call yourself the BEST IN THE WORLD, but you have only competed against the MEN, there is an entire roster of women willing, hungry to get in this ring and be taken seriously. How can you call yourself the best when you haven’t even stepped in the ring with everyone in contendership.” Bailey had a long finger extended towards punk. Her brown curly hair was a mess around her face, her large brown eyes were glowing with pride. “Women are good enough for you to BED, TO USE, TO MANIPULATE but NOT good enough to COMPETE AGAINST?” she practically spit her words at him. “I am good enough for you train with, learn from but not worthy of this title.” Dyna finished. Her green eyes glowed like emeralds as she stood her ground under Punk’s glare. Distortia was giggling maniacally behind her. They each had their own reasons, they each brought their own gifts to the ring.
At a closer look, they really were from a different era. Bailey was the brains, smart and mouthy she could work the plans, talk her way out of any deal and fight in the ring. Distortia was the off factor, creepy but a powerhouse with the technical ability of a decade old veteran. Dyna was the flyer, trained by a dying luchador breed and fast she took to the air to defend their position. All three women were armed with old and new school knowledge, power and speed on their side. Dangerous and smart, then you add their gorgeous looks and a huge dose of tough guts and you had a lethal combination. Not only did they grow up on the Attitude Era but they longed to prove they could live it. For the last three weeks these women had tangled with the best in the ring, taking on the Shield, Punk and half the Male Roster as a bounty was put on their heads by Triple H. For a month they terrorized the WWE, management and the roster incognito. As Dean looked around the ring it took all he had not to laugh out loud. These women really were crazy, and he was loving every minute of it. Distortia was owning her creeper gimmick, the sing songy voice that ended with a screetch, the twirling and randomly pulling her hair. Bailey was smirking at everyone, enjoying the chaos and looking so boastful even he wanted to punch her in the jaw. Dyna was supremely calm, the kind of stillness that makes people nervous. He watched them in awe, this was going to shake things up and he was just thankful he was going to get a front row seat. 
“Welcome to the revolution boys, the WOMENS revolution.” Dyna’s voice echoed through the arena. “We are the commanding sisters of this war and we will not surrender.” Bailey finished very matter of factly. “ARE YOU INSANE?” Triple H’s face was beet red. “WHY YES PAUL, we are….in fact….INSANE. SISTERS INSANE.” Kylie cackled loudly. 
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"Close Quarters and Fake Steak" from Part 2 of Into the Horizon
A full chapter of Zowens from Part 2 of my story. The only real context you need to know here is that "Mara'Monto" means Deathmatch and "sa Heig'on a Manu" is The Arena of Fighting (the gladiator fighting circuit they've both been forced into fighting for.) Everything else I think you can pick up from within the chapter itself. Oh, and sorry for the alien language. It's a thing. It isn't necessary to know exact translations as it's written to only be understood as much as Kevin does. (Third Person Limited Shifting is a hell of a trip) Anyway, this if for my darling@zayneeac's birthday. Happy birthday, darling. Here's to many many more. Enjoy.
Kevin hadn’t intended to fall in love.
Fighting as a team again hadn’t been nearly as difficult as he’d expected. Far from it, he found it exhilarating. He’d always known that he was meant to fight with Sami forever and even the distant future in the 9th Era or Period of those dinosaur bastards fell under the category of “forever.” The only thing that Kevin never would have predicted was the environment where they’d be spending that forever. He’d pictured a marvelous main event sunset at WrestleMania, not some deathmatch pit in a science fiction nightmare.
And yet, they were surviving. Somehow, against all the odds, they were a team again and God it was just like old times. The way they moved in sync hadn’t changed much from their days as a tag team on Earth, although the fighting style was completely different. They won most of their matches, and the ones that they didn’t win were exhibition fights or Gontzos.
Gontzo. Mara’Gontzo, Mara’Monto, sa Heig’on a la bullshit language. Holy fuck did he hate Gorosian. He was trying to learn it but the notion of indoctrinating himself into the society of his captors wasn’t remotely appealing. When he’d taught himself English, it was on his terms. Having the Gorosian’s pisstastic, apostrophe-laden nonsense shoved down his throat offended him on levels he couldn’t express to them if he were permitted. Mainly because he didn’t speak the fucking language. But he still took the lessons and tried a little (very little) if for no other reason than Sami was fascinated about learning the language and attending the sessions with him meant more time they could spend together.
Although, since becoming a team again, they’d been spending all their time together anyway, so it really didn’t matter. Honestly, as much as he loved Sami, the guy could grate on you, and maybe skipping the classes would give him a moment of relief from Sami’s endless curiosity.
Whatever. He knew he wouldn’t stop going. Sami was the one thing keeping him sane in the Arena. Kevin was miserable as all hell, but every time Sami learned something new, his eyes would light up just enough that it stoked the minuscule remaining flame of Kevin’s soul. He hated himself and what the Arena made him do, but every spark of happiness that Sami felt, Kevin felt too.
And frankly, those sparks were all he lived for anymore.
At least they were doing great in the BattleRing.
When they started their run as a team, all their matches were two on one, which you would think would benefit them, but naturally, the Heig’on just loved to make everything difficult. Rather than one standard Manu opponent, they were pitted against anything from giants to ferocious beasts. Even their training had proved little use when facing down some unholy six-legged blend between a rhinoceros, a lion, and an elephant. They had to adapt quickly, and thankfully they did. Even more thankfully, their stint as strictly beast fighters was mercifully short as, once the crowd got behind them, they started to face off against other tag teams. After that happened, there was no stopping them. True, Kevin was always the one to strike the killing blow, but they made it work. Tag teams were unheard of in the Arena before them, at least, that’s what he figured. The years of developed chemistry between him and Sami meant that they could get in each other’s heads on a level their opponents could never dream of. There were still fights where they had to battle monsters, but even then, once they got the hang of fighting the various demon-beasts from across the galaxy, they had no trouble winning.
They were a nearly unstoppable team and with their new winnings, came new privileges. So many privileges. They were called Man’Yokulae in Gorosian and they usually involved some level of comfort or entertainment. But the best privilege of all was that they finally had names. Well, sort of. They weren’t their real names, but whatever powers of the universe threw them into that pit had a sense of humor because their designations in Gorosian both ended in something similar to their real names. 59 translated to Kae’do, and 63 was Zev’ii. It was close enough to KO and Sami that he could deal with them, and he’d requested their names as Kaydo and Zehvee. The names were granted, and finally they were able to use actual pronouns for a change.
Although, Sami wasn’t nearly as fond of calling Kevin “Kaydo” as he was being called “Zehvee” and usually just called Kevin “Kae”. Kevin didn’t care, as long as they didn’t have to speak French. Sooner or later their habit of speaking en français would come back to bite them, so any time they didn’t have to use their native tongue was beneficial.
There were other privileges as well, but being a proper noun was by far the best. He wouldn’t say they were well off though, but whomever their mysterious benefactor was had made them comfortable. They had their own room now, cramped but private. Perhaps a bit too much of both, as Kevin could no longer escape Sami when he was sick of him. And that meant that when he wanted peace and quiet, there was usually none to be found. Far from it, Kevin was slowly being driven insane by Sami’s ceaseless questions.
One day, while resting after a mid-day Gontzo fight, Sami was laying on their bed (because of course, the assholes had only given them one bed) and staring at the ceiling. Kevin was quietly attempting to read an ebook he’d been given to pass the time. The tablet was programmed with a translator, but it was a bit like trying to read a foreign novel filtered through Google Translate. Still, he managed well enough and it helped stave off the boredom. It was a story about some noble rebels standing in defiance against the corrupt Government. It was poorly written and reeked of propaganda, but it was better than making small talk with Sami.
And yet, Sami kept trying
Sami was laying on their bed, playing a small handheld block game that he’d earned. It somewhat reminded Kevin of those old, grey-brick Game Boys, if the Game Boy only played the originally included Tetris game. Sami usually played his game with the sound off, and the room was blissfully quiet, when Sami just had to go and ruin it with yet another question.
“How do the time scoops work?” he chirped from his spot on the bed.
“How do what?” Kevin asked.
Sami popped up from the bed to sit on the edge, putting the game down.
“The time scoops. Those machines that brought us here. That’s what they call them, right? How do they work? All the different aliens around here. Do they have different scoops for different aliens? I can’t imagine a Gorosian fitting comfortably in the pods we arrived in. I know you said they only work one way, but why? Why can’t you go back in them? What’s the hang-up?”
“Just accept that you can’t,” Kevin replied, trying to brush him off.
Sami shook his head, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. “No, it’s just, you’d think time travel would work in both directions. If you can use the devices to pull something into the future, why can’t you use it to shove something into the past?”
“They’re called scoops,” Kevin replied gruffly, “you don’t scoop something backward. Scooping is for removal. From what I understand, without a pod at the other end, you can’t go backward.”
Sami looked sad at the response, dropping his hands into his lap.
“Besides,” Kevin added, “I told you what happened to Earth. The world was already a dumpster fire when we left, and it never got any better. If you went back, you’d just be caught in the same apocalyptic hell as everyone else. All those people, back there on Earth? They’re dead. All of them. Humanity burned, Zehvee. This place is shit but at least we’re alive.”
Sami stared at the floor and his voice was quiet as he replied, “I’d rather have died on earth with them. I hate this place. I hate hurting people just to survive. The arena sucks.”
“Yeah, yeah it does.”
There was a pause before Sami’s voice picked up once more.
“But how do the crowds work?” he asked. “They aren’t actually in the compound; how do we see and hear them like they’re live? What kind of technology does that involve?”
Kevin groaned and threw up his hands in frustration. At that rate, Sami’s questions were going to end him long before some Heig’on fighter did.
But Kevin had nowhere to go; he couldn’t escape. Regardless of how pissed he got, they were together almost constantly. In the events of their inevitable arguments, the close quarters and lack of alternative entertainment forced them to reconcile quickly. It led to far fewer arguments, knowing that they couldn’t escape each other, although if Kevin was being honest, it wasn’t because he wasn’t frustrated, just that he had to watch Sami be in pain over their disagreements, something he’d always managed to avoid when they were rivals in the WWE.
And, somewhere along the way, something changed.
If Kevin had to pick a day or moment, it was after something that happened in the mealhall one day. They weren’t scheduled for a fight that day, so they just trained for several hours before spending some time in their quarters. When it was time for dinner, they were escorted to the mealhall. Sami was excited, he’d done well in an exhibition fight the previous day, knocking out both opponents himself. Of course, Kevin had let him do so, exhibition fights were becoming less frequent for them and Sami shone best when the fight didn’t involve murder, so Kevin had feigned injury to drive Sami to perform harder. He’d stepped up to the challenge and was told he’d be receiving a treat the following day at mealtime.
Kevin laughed. “It’s probably just a different flavor of grey pudding, or maybe a different color. Hey, maybe you’ll get orange pudding, to match your hair!”
Sami just glared at him and said nothing, and when they headed for the mealhall, Sami was excited for whatever he had earned.
He grew even more excited when they turned into the meal hall and Sami saw his favorite Orbaka helper working the food table again.
She, at least Kevin was pretty sure the alien was female, was designated Orbaka-10014. She was of a species that Kevin learned was called “Jakkan” and she was quite attractive, all things considered. She had pale, pearly skin with eyes that, while resembling somewhat human eyes, were a touch too large. Her lips were a royal purple shade, and she had a nose-shaped feature between her eyes and mouth that even Kevin admitted was cute, although there were three “nostrils” rather than two. However, her most prominent feature was how she didn’t have hair. Instead, traveling down the back of her head, neck, and back were two thin black tendrils, about three inches apiece, with small spherical ends on them. Overall, she resembled something out of Star Wars and the rest of her kind had very similar appearances. Jakkans in general, Kevin had decided were probably the most visually appealing aliens he’d seen since arriving in Hell, and if he had to pick the best of them, it’d probably be her.
But Sami… if Kevin had to guess, Sami had a crush on her. He kept trying to flirt with her, something that always seemed impossible due to communication issues. Kevin had learned long ago that everyone they encountered had universal translators, but they didn’t work the same with every species, and whatever algorithm was used to translate English to Jakka was spotty at best. Also, despite his efforts, she never seemed to enjoy seeing him. She always smiled, but it was never a friendly smile, and Kevin was beginning to wonder if smiling meant the same thing on the Jakkan planet. It still didn’t stop Sami from trying, and as he grabbed his tray and headed for the food table, he was looking quite happy.
“Hi, again,” he said cheerfully to the Orbaka, a wide smile on his face. “You look nice today.”
10014 squinted her eyes.
“Friendly?” she asked, not understanding his comment.
Sami raised his eyebrows, nodding. “Well, I’m trying to be, anyway. How have you been?”
“No, I mean your day. How has your day been going so far?”
“Distance? I have never left Heig’on compound in three revolutions.”
Kevin couldn’t help but be amused as Sami shook his head. He wondered if he should suggest Gorosian as an alternative, but to him, watching Sami struggle with flirting was too priceless to disrupt, so he said nothing.
Sami tried again. “No I mean, how have you been feeling?”
That, she seemed to grasp a bit more and she replied “I understand. I am… alive. Not dead yet, which is preferred.”
Sami smiled again. “Good to hear. So, what’s my surprise?”
Kevin watched as she smiled again, that same miserable version she always used with Sami.
“Trophy?” she returned. “You have won no trophy.”
“No,” Sami replied, “My surprise. My gift. I was told I’d earned something.”
Her smile fell flat and was replaced by confusion once more. As she stood there, trying to understand his meaning, a guard behind her made a loud grunting noise.
They were holding up the process too much.
10014 huffed a bit, her three nostrils puffing out as she scooped the (still) grey pudding into Sami’s bowl.
“Urn?” she told him, “Those perished in Heig’on do not in urns. Incinerated only.”
Sami sighed and dropped his tray against the table in frustration. Kevin, deciding to step in, put a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“His privilege,” he spoke up.
Still no sign of understanding.
Kevin thought for a moment before deciding to give in and try the other approach. It would probably ruin his fun in the long run, but Sami deserved whatever gift was coming to him and he wasn’t about to let him go without. Wracking his brain to pull out the little bit of Gorosian he’d absorbed, he tried to parse together a sentence.
“Rio Man’Yokulae do Tor’ooq’toan,“ he said. He was certain he was messing it up, and his belief was confirmed when he saw Sami look away, his hand over his mouth to suppress the laughter.
Still, it seemed to get the job done and 10014’s eyes widened, and she made a sound of understanding, an oddly joyful scowl crossing her face.
“Yes!” she said enthusiastically, “Earned reward!”
She stuck her spoon into the pot of foodstuff and headed into the back room.
“See,” Kevin told Sami, “You just need to know how to talk to them.”
Sami was still choking on suppressed laughter.
Kevin shook his head.
Fine. I’ll bite.
“All right, Mr. Quad-Lingual, how bad did I do?” he asked, although he really didn’t want to know.
Taking a deep breath to compose himself, Sami replied with a grin. “Well, you called me a trans woman and referred to yesterday as ‘the before time’ but at least you got your point across.”
“Jesus. I hate it here.”
Before Sami could respond, the Orbaka returned with a small plastic cup with dark liquid in it.
“SolTerra bean beverage,” Orbaka-10014 chirped, holding the cup out to Sami.
Sami looked confused for a moment before realization dawned on him. It was his turn to go wide-eyed as he exclaimed, “Wait, coffee? There’s coffee here?!”
The Orbaka moved the cup a bit closer to Sami who gladly accepted it, not even putting it on his tray. He looked down at it, before commenting, “Black, hm? I guess I don’t get any kind of soy or sweetener.”
The Jakkan just stood there looking perplexed, replying, “Added sweet? Coffee not meant as sweet. Bads flavor.”
Sami shrugged and gave a warm smile to the alien woman, saying, “Still, it’s nice to have.”
He paused before adding in Gorosian, “Hintoq’ho Gyntviana Roa”
The Orbaka’s eyes lit up and her cheeks flushed a shade of violet.
The guard behind them grunted again, this time louder and angrier.
The Orbaka’s shock disappeared, followed by a quick “Yo’Vaa’Dan” as she served Kevin his food. More of the same as usual. God, he hated the grey pudding. But, with the guard getting angry, Kevin knew they needed to be moving along and he gently nudged Sami’s foot with his own.
“Right,” Sami said, moving and, taking their trays they both headed for their assigned seats. Midway there, Sami took a sip of his coffee. Immediately, he stopped in his tracks, so abruptly that Kevin nearly plowed into him.
“Shit,” Kevin swore. He took a moment to readjust his food on the tray and moved to stand beside Sami, looking for what the hold up was. Sami was standing there, staring at the cup of coffee with the most disgusted look on his face as though he was about to retch on Kevin’s boot.
Kevin couldn’t help but smile. “Not good?” he asked.
Sami’s face un-contorted, transforming into a look of determination and he held out his tray to Kevin.
“Kae,” he remarked, “would you mind taking my tray with you to our table. I need to… um… go water that plant over there…”
Sami motioned towards a potted, tree-like plant in the corner that was standing unattended. Kevin fought valiantly to suppress the snorted laughter that was trying to erupt from him, instead silently taking his tray across his forearm and doing the same with Sami’s on the opposite side. With both trays balanced, he silently headed for his table, making sure to keep an eye on what Sami was doing. He sat down, trying to be discrete, and as he sat there he watched Sami casually make his way over to the plant. After checking to make sure nobody was watching, Sami turned his back to the plant and, without even looking at it, dumped the cup of coffee behind him into the dirt. After the cup was empty, he returned to where Kevin was and sat down across from him.
Kevin was unable to hold back the laughter anymore, nearly choking on his efforts to do so (as well as that damn pudding).
He swallowed his mouthful and asked, “That bad, huh?”
Picking up his spoon and digging into his bowl of slop, Sami just shrugged. “I guess I should have known better. I can’t imagine them having coffee plantations here.”
“No, probably not,” Kevin agreed. “Hey, out of curiosity, what did you say that made her blush like that?”
Swallowing a spoonful, his friend replied, “Oh not much. I said thank you.”
“Uh-huh. And? I knew that much, what was the second part?”
The redhead turned sheepish. “I might have called her beautiful as well.”
Kevin rolled his eyes. “God you’re hopeless.”
They both got quiet after that, focusing on their meals, until, after about five minutes, KO happened to glance back up at the plant Sami had “watered”.
It was starting to wilt.
Kevin had to suppress another laugh, an action that he wasn’t getting any better with over time. Sami heard him and, following his line of sight, also noticed the plant in distress.
“Ah hell,” his friend muttered, before grabbing the cup of water off Kevin’s tray, standing, and leaving.
“Hey!” Kevin cried out as he took the cup away, “Dammit Zehvee!”
Sami wasn’t listening, nor was he trying to be inconspicuous this time. He strode over to the plant and, bending over, distributed the water around the soil in the pot.
Naturally, a guard noticed, and Kevin let out a worried sigh as the guard headed over to where Sami was. He strained his ears to hear the conversation, but they were a bit too far away. He just turned his eyes down toward the table, an almost instinctive action in the face of possible trouble, and waiting until Sami returned to his seat. When he did, his friend let out a satisfied hum.
Kevin was a bit surprised at that and, his eyes still on his food, asked in a hushed, low tone, “You get bitched at?”
“Nah,” Sami said, totally undisturbed as he returned the empty water cup to Kevin’s tray, “he just told me that there’s Orbaka that tend to the plants and that I shouldn’t bother with them. I’m fine. Thanks for the water, though. It’s looking better already.”
Kevin looked up at Sami. His smile was so warm and infectious, and as he looked behind his friend, he realized Sami was right. The tree did look better.
Sami was still smiling. The misery and steel-walled prison they were in, forced to fight for the amusement of slavemasters and bloodthirsty sadists, and Sami was concerned with a damn plant. He couldn’t help but return the smile and as he sat there, basking in the glow that his friend always seemed to have around him, the walls of his heart began to crumble, broken down by cinnamon curls and hazel eyes.
After that, it was only a matter of time before Kevin loved him completely. TBC
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 years
For The Pack; Part Three
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Alpha!Baron Corbin/Alpha!Roman Reigns/Omega!Female Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Thirst Party Sunday! Thank you all so much for your patience with me as far as getting this one up goes! Tagging @toxiicpop, @oraclegazes, naturally the leading authority on A/B/O @writergrrrl29 and but of course our noble admiral on this filth vessel, @hardcorewwetrash! (Hope these tags work fingers crossed D: ) Enjoy!
Part One
Part Two
[!WARNING!: This is of the Alpha/Beta/Omega variety, and involves rutting, heat cycles, and knotting.]
“My parents want us to stay for a few days before we head back to the dorms.” Baron looked like he was about to be sick to his stomach once he got off the phone. From his lounging, semi-clothed position beside you, Roman huffed out a breath.
“That’s gonna’ be…I mean if we’ve been tracking this stuff right that could be a problem.” He commented worriedly, pillowing his head on his arm and looking up at you with concern. “A definite problem.”
“I’ve been taking my suppressants. I should be okay.” You assured him, tapping your stomach lightly.
The last thing you wanted was a repeat performance of what had happened at your parents house, so Baron had been up front about the situation with his own parents. He seemed strangely tense on the phone, very much yes sir with his father. Baron wasn’t exactly forthcoming about details pertaining to his parentage, either. Old bloodline, no Betas or Omegas in his litter. He mentioned his siblings had all moved out before him. Not much else beyond that, though. You wondered what he had been through, another late bloomer like yourself. At least he’d presented as an Alpha, right? The wait had been worth it for his parents, you supposed.
“I…” Baron started, then stopped. His brow furrowed and he gently rolled you towards Roman. “You guys hang out. I’m gonna’ go for a walk. Just…I have to think about some stuff.”
“What? But Baron-” You began to protest, clinging to his hand.
Baron shook his head, humming low in his throat and rubbing his jaw against your cheek. “Just a short walk, I promise. Gotta’ clear my head.” He assured you, smiling thinner than usual. “I’ll be back in a little while.”
Against your better judgement (and you could tell Roman was concerned as well), you let Baron leave. You turned to Roman for answers once the larger Alpha departed, but he seemed just as confused as you. “Are his parents…bad?” You asked hesitantly.
Roman shrugged. “I’ve never met them, and he doesn’t talk about them. Not exactly encouraging.” Then, he grinned warmly at you. “We’ll figure him out. We’re his mates, right? It’s practically our job.” He wrapped you up in a hug, his body warm and solid against your own. “We’ll figure him out.” He said again, a little softer. “Once his rut syncs with your heat, it’ll be easier. I think we’re all still off-kilter.”
Roman had no trouble falling into the rhythm of when your heat would strike, always ready and waiting when you needed him. Baron didn’t appear to have the same luck. The larger Alpha had excused himself for the duration of your last heat, stating that he ‘couldn’t keep up’.
“I don’t want to ruin the mood with limp dick, okay cutie?” He had whispered, kissing your forehead and nodding to Roman to take over. You had asked him to stay, but he'd just shook his head with a sad little smile. “You're in good hands.”
After you had finally been sated, Roman had collapsed to the mattress beside you, holding you close. “If he isn't synced by your next heat, I think I should go to see a doctor.” He had panted. “It isn't fair to him. I want him to enjoy this, y'know? What if I'm the one messing him up?”
At the time you had nodded, too exhausted to do much else. “He's our Alpha. He was fine the first time. I just don't get it.”
“I have this weird feeling...I dunno'. Look, we're his mates, we have to do something about this.”
You closed your eyes, relaxing in Roman’s arms as you recalled the conversation. The Alpha rumbled, nosing over your neck and rubbing his jaw across your shoulder. The familiar motion made you snuggle in, comforted by the bulk of one of your Alphas. Before you could properly sink into a stupor though, something on the floor vibrated with a loud, hollow rattle. Roman leaned off the bed and scooped up Baron’s phone. His eyebrows shot up to his hairline and he turned the screen to you.
-An assortment of coping items will be in your room. I assume you’ve informed the poor Alpha about your problem. He’ll have a lot of work to do to pick up YOUR breeding slack.
“'Breeding slack'?” You said out loud, not understanding the term.
“It’s from his dad, so it’s probably not a good thing. Baron hasn’t mentioned any problems, though. Not to me, anyway.” Roman glanced at you. “He tell you anything I should know?”
“One time he used your jockstrap to j-”
“Pertinent information only!”
“No, nothing recently.” You chewed on your lip as Roman toyed with the lock screen. “We shouldn’t mess with his things.”
“Absolutely. It’s an invasion of privacy.” Roman agreed, still trying to unlock the phone. He sighed heavily after a minute and just set it screen-down on the nightstand. “We saw nothing. If he wants to tell us, he will.”
“Kids?” Mrs. Reigns poked her head around the door, smiling when she saw you and her son. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be here, I saw Baron leave. I brought snacks.”
“Like clockwork.” Roman grinned, hopping off the bed to take the plate of cheese and crackers from his mother and hunker down with it all to himself. “What’re you gonna’ eat?” He teased you, “Because these are mine.”
You rolled your eyes at him as his mother settled into one of the chairs beside the bed. “Mrs. Reigns, your son is a tyrant.” You complained.
“Roman, I taught you how to share. I know I did at some point.” The older woman scolded, her fond smile taking the weight out of her words.
Roman grunted, picking up a piece of cheese and popping it into your open mouth. “There. I shared.”
“That's my boy.” Mrs. Reigns took one of her son’s hands and gave it a squeeze. “I'll hate to see you three leave, I’ve learned so much about Omegas and your trio bond while you've been home! It’s been a very exciting time.”
“Sorry about that.” You apologized quickly, going red in the face. There had been that incident in the kitchen a few weeks back...
Mr. and Mrs. Reigns had returned early from their vacation and had walked in on you chasing Baron around the kitchen, missing an important article of clothing. Roman had made a noise that was very close to a squeak at the sight of his parents, yanking your skirt off of Baron’s head. “Mom! Pops! You uh…thought you said tomorrow in your text.” Roman had managed to say, quickly tossing you your skirt. You had been breathless from laughing and running and now you felt sick to your stomach, blushing hotly as you fumbled back into your clothing.
Mr. Reigns had started laughing so hard you thought he would burst, the older man moving across the kitchen to pick his son up in a massive bear hug. “Always up to something, aren’t you Roman?” He rumpled his son’s long hair fondly. “And it’s good to see you again, Baron. I feel like you get taller every time!”
Baron, who was almost as red as you, mumbled, “H’lo,” and shook Mr. Reigns’ hand. Then, Mr. Reigns turned his attention to you.
“Hello there.” He said, his voice noticeably quieter. “So you’re the one that’s caught my son’s eye, huh?”
“I…” You had paused when you looked up to meet his gaze. Mr. Reigns looked concerned. “Y-yes, sir.” You answered finally.
“You don’t need to be scared of us, sweetheart,” The older man had almost whispered. “Roman mentioned that your parents didn’t take the explanation well. I can’t imagine how hard that was for you.”
You had bit your lip and resorted to a shrug, back to staring at the floor. Baron rubbed his jaw against your cheek, humming comfortingly. Mrs. Reigns, who had been silent up until this point, squeezed past her husband to wrap you up in a hug. “You’ll have to be patient with us.” She had murmured. “But we’ll do our best. You’re a member of the family now.”
You sniffled a little bit and Roman’s mother hugged tighter. “M’sorry.” You whispered. The guilt you felt over complicating Roman and Baron’s lives reared its ugly head once again. You were an Omega.
“Oh sweetheart…” Mrs. Reigns stroked your hair, obviously a mother first and Alpha second. “It’s alright to cry. You’ve been hurt.”
“I’m okay.” You huffed out, feeling Roman’s fingers slide into the grasp of your own. “I’ve got…I’ve got Baron and Roman now. I’m better off with them.” You tried to sound firm, offering her a watery smile. “They know what I am and so far they’ve been very kind.”
“They’d better be.” Mr. Reigns had given Roman a stern look, which Roman responded to by rolling his eyes.
“Really, Pops?” Roman had snorted, “I think you and Mom did pretty good. I haven’t eaten anyone yet, right?” Baron was a bit less flippant, choosing to just rest his chin on the top of your head while Roman talked with his parents.
What could have been an awkward scenario was easily smoothed out, but you still did your best to remain respectful for the duration of your time in their home. After all, they were your family now! It seemed like every time you turned around, Mrs. Reigns had another question about Omega behavior. Which could be entertaining, given your own lack of education on how your body worked. You had done your best to start documenting everything, an act that she encouraged, but you still came up empty on occasion.
“Anyone seen my…?” Baron asked from the doorway, trailing off as he noticed the phone on the bedside table. “Oh. I thought I’d dropped it somewhere on the stairs.” He strode across the room, seeming oblivious to how you and Roman were watching him. “Afternoon, Mrs. R.” He greeted Roman’s mother absently, his eyes fixed on the screen of his phone. You saw his face darken in a strange mixture of confusion and sadness.
You made a noise in your throat, scooting close to rest your head on his arm. “Everything okay, Baron?” You asked cautiously.
“Yeah, it’s uh…it’s alright. Just a little worried about my parents.” He mumbled, tapping out a message and then kissing the top of your head. “No biggie. We figured yours out, right? More bullcrap posturing.” He sounded suspiciously like he was trying to convince himself.
“Hey, Big Banter, we’re behind you no matter what. We want you safe. If you’re uncomfortable with this-”
“Stalling will just make it worse.” Baron cut Roman off tersely. “He’ll think I’m lying or that something shady is going on. I want to get this out of the way, Roman.”
“I’m assuming our family has the monopoly on Thanksgiving, then?” Mrs. Reigns said with a sly smile, nibbling on one of the crackers. You giggled a little at how smug she seemed while Roman grumbled to himself.
“Yeah Mom, you can feed all of us. Aren’t you the lucky one?” He said sarcastically, dodging your playful swat at his head.
Baron appeared to perk up at the idea, though. “Thanksgiving? What's yours like? I haven't had Thanksgiving in years.” He admitted, sitting on the edge of the bed and feeding you a cracker. “Spent a couple alone at the parents' place. Kinda' had that 'McCallister' feel to it.”
“What?” Mrs. Reigns seemed absolutely scandalized, immediately turning her attention to the larger man. “Are you serious? That's ridiculous! Where were your parents?”
“My dad and uh, mom usually go on vacation. Europe.” Baron shrugged. “Since I was either working or in school, I never really had the opportunity to come along. So yeah, big empty house and me eating ice cream on Thanksgiving. Last semester I just stayed in the dorms.”
Roman's mother continued to ply Baron with questions while you and Roman shared a worried look. Baron...
“So there's something you guys probably should know before we uh. Before we head to my parents' place.” Corbin mumbled from his spot sandwiched between you and Roman.
You raised your head off his chest, squinting to see his eyes in the dark. You heard Baron exhale and Roman echoed it after a moment. “S'up, Baron?”
“I'm uh. My mom. I mean, my dad's wife. I mean...fuck, Christ, why is this so difficult?” Corbin growled. “My dad's wife is the one that I call Mom, she's my dad's mate. But she's not my biological mom. I was a...she usually calls it an indiscretion. There was a point in their relationship where my parents fought a lot and I guess my dad went full rut-slut and knocked up an unmated Omega to get back at my mom.”
“Oh.” Roman said weakly.
“S' probably why I presented way later than my siblings, or why I'm uh. Huge.” Baron cleared his throat. “I just wanted you guys to know because the way she acts around me...she's um. She can be a little...”
“Abrasive?” You supplied helpfully, nuzzling your nose into his neck.
“She didn't drown me as a pup and she considers that a pretty big favor.” Baron replied flatly. “I'd really appreciate if you guys could just take it in stride. But if she or my dad say anything about you, cutie, they're dead. We didn't take it from your parents, and you're damn well not going to take it from mine.” He tapped your chin with his index finger, his smile still too thin for your liking. “I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, that's for sure.”
“I wish I'd known you were spending them alone, man. I'd have invited you last year.” Roman sighed. “My mom will never let me live that one down, I’m sure.” He pitched his voice up higher in an imitation of his mother. “'Did I ever tell you the story of how my son left his future mate alone in the cold dorm rooms on Thanksgiving?'”
Baron chuckled, butting their heads together. “Shut up, Reigns.”
“Hey, it ain’t me, it’s the madre. I’m apparently just heartless and kinda’ thick because I didn’t even think to ask whether you had a place to go on Thanksgiving.” Roman sounded distraught. “Some friend I am.”
“Dude, don’t beat yourself up about that. I’m not really much for social interactions. I mean, we’re mates now so it’s kinda’ different, I’m more prepared for the inevitable. Back then though? Probably would have just turned you down, made something up.” Baron grunted, tugging on a lock of Roman’s hair. “Christ, we’re getting shaggy.”
“I like it.” You said firmly, understanding that Baron wanted to change the subject. “I like the long hair. It looks good on the both of you.”
“Careful cutie, you’ll make us blush.” Baron stroked his fingers through Roman’s hair. “It’s just a pain in the ass to dry. And tuck it into my helmet. Sometimes it gets stuck in the Velcro.” Roman bumped his jaw against Baron’s hand, practically purring. “Getting to hear that noise from Reigns makes it almost worth it, though.” He admitted. “I’ve just never had hair this…” Baron trailed off as you dug your fingers into his own hair, and his back arched when you rubbed over his scalp. “Ah, fuck.” He gasped, making you giggle. “Not fair.”
“I like it long.” You gently pulled on a handful of brown hair and Baron swore again, his eyes rolling back in his head for a second. “And you do too.”
“Okay, alright, you’ve made your point. Maybe a trim, get rid of the split ends.” Baron bargained.
Roman nodded in agreement. “I can do that for you, Big Banter.”
“Wasn’t aware you were a barber too. There anything you can’t do, Reigns?”
“Very true.” Baron’s smile was a little easier. “Hey, I…thank you. Both of you. I promise, once we deal with my family, things will go back to normal.” He said solemnly, cradling you to his chest and hauling Roman in to rub their jaws together. “It’s funny, marking each other. So used to just marking you, cutie.” He rumpled your hair.
You were still worried about what that text from Baron’s father might mean, but you allowed yourself to be lulled to sleep for the time being. I will get to the bottom of this, Corbin. After all, what if it was your fault? What if your needy, Omega requirements had been the thing that put him off?
The three of you stood in the driveway, Baron’s hand hovering over the intercom button. He looked like he wanted to be sick again. Roman leaned forward and pressed down on the button for him, and Baron shot him a grateful nod before clearing his throat. “Dad, Mom, it’s uh, it’s me. And uh, my mates.” He said, obviously frazzled by this whole situation.
You tried for a comforting hum, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. Baron shivered and gripped a little tighter than he needed to.
There was a loud crackle that made him flinch and a woman’s voice issued from the speaker. “Baron! I see you still haven’t learned how to speak. Come on up, the gate’s unlocked.”
Roman released an indignant chuff of breath, his eyes narrowing. “That’s how it’s gonna’ be, huh?” He growled at the intercom.
“Better than it usually is. Remember, just take it in stride.” Baron muttered, pulling the gate open and waving the both of you through it. “I see them maybe three times a year. Whatever they dish, I can handle it.” He still looked green.
Mrs. Corbin was small for an Alpha, but she had the icy stare of a predator. “Baron!” She called from the front porch, her tone syrupy-sweet. “Welcome home. Your father is at the gym, so I promised him I’d give you and your…” She paused, her eyes roaming over you and Roman. “…new mates the tour.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” Roman had gone full formal, extending a hand. You wished you could be so confident. This woman would tear you to shreds. Omega. Messy, eager, a slave to your own body. You swallowed hard.
“Such a gentleman! It’s good to know that at least one of you has manners.” Mrs. Corbin smiled at Roman. “I assume you have proper Alpha documentation? I’ve heard good things about your family.”
“I’m honored, ma’am. I don’t have hard copies of my documentation, but I can have my sire email you. Your son is a fine specimen of Alpha, it’s my privilege…no, my joy to be one of his mates.” You caught the barest hint of a smirk and you knew that Roman was playing this Alpha like a violin. “You and his sire must be very proud.”
Mrs. Corbin looked a bit red in the face. You hoped Roman’s overly-thick spread on his introduction wouldn’t land him in hot water. “Yes, well, I’m not one to leave guests out in the cold. Please come in, all of you.” Her eyes lingered on you. “I had expected you to have the Omega collared, Baron.” Ah, there it was. She had been thrown off balance for exactly thirty seconds.
You inclined your head meekly, opening your mouth to reply. “Mom.” Baron said softly, beating you to it. “Please don’t.”
She ‘hmm’ed disapprovingly. “Make sure you keep them away from your father. We know how he can be.”
Oh no. “Ma’am, I…I love your son. He and Roman are my Alphas, I would never…I promise, I would never stray from them. They’ve been so kind to me.” You felt Baron squeeze your hand in gratitude.
“I don’t know if you would have a choice in the matter.” Mrs. Corbin’s face softened momentarily. “You’ve gotten taller, Baron.”
“Yeah, I keep eating my vegetables.” Baron tried to smile, mustering up a quirk of his mouth. “Everything else that gets put in front of me, too.”
“Are you still cooking?”
“Yeah, I actually--! I mean…I uh, I make some uh. Grilled cheese.” Baron rubbed the back of his neck while you and Roman made indignant noises on either side of him.
“His paninis-”
“You have to try his-”
The two of you spoke over one another, more than eager for a chance to rave about Baron’s cooking to this less-than-approving Alpha. Baron actually managed to laugh, waving off the praise as Mrs. Corbin looked more and more uncomfortable. “Easy, you guys. Dad doesn’t like it when I cook, so I don’t cook at home.” He said by way of explanation. “He’s like your dad, cutie. Thinks it’s weird for an Alpha male to cook.” He continued to you.
“Enough chit chat!” Mrs. Corbin clapped her hands, effectively ending the discussion. “Dinner will be ready soon. Who's hungry?”
“So, Omega-”
“Dad, they have a name.”
“Don’t think I was talking to you, Sport. Omega, what are you going to school for?” Mr. Corbin was a larger Alpha, with salt and pepper hair and dark brown eyes. He practically made you nervous by breathing.
You fumbled to reply and Mrs. Corbin butted in with a sharp, “Don’t speak to my Alpha,” effectively nipping your answer in the bud. You wanted to be annoyed but you found yourself more grateful than anything else. Having Mr. Corbin’s undivided attention on you was…unnerving. You felt like you were going to be eaten. Was it hot in here?
“What, I’m just trying to make conversation!” Mr. Corbin protested as his wife glared at him. “Alright, okay, I won’t. Christ. Serves me right for being a decent human being.” He sounded like a petulant child and Baron winced beside you. “Roman! How’s football going? My son still the king of pigskin?” He quickly changed the subject and Roman easily took over, your other Alpha obviously more comfortable running interference for Baron.
Baron just let the two of them talk, staring down at his plate with his fists clenched in his lap beneath the table. You reached over and gently uncurled the fingers of his left hand so you could hold it. After a minute Baron squeezed back, then let go so he could keep eating.
He essentially ignored you and Roman for the remainder of the meal.
Baron had his own room down the hall from the guest bedroom you and Roman were put into. All day, despite your suppressants, you could feel the warmth building in the pit of your stomach. You needed your Alphas tonight. Both of them. You were determined not to take no for an answer from Baron. You didn’t care if he ‘couldn’t keep up’, just having him present was comforting to you.
Roman appeared to understand, ushering you from the dining room after dinner was done. “Baron, c’mon!” He called over his shoulder.
But Baron shook his head. “Still not synced. I’m not gonna’ be up to par.” He sounded sad and you paused. “If I can, I’ll join you guys a little later, okay?”
You broke away from Roman, going to hug Baron. He tensed visibly when you touched him, which hurt your feelings more than a little. You stared up at him in confusion, hoping he would read your worry and need for him. But the larger Alpha remained impassive and you let go of him after an awkward stare down. Thoroughly embarrassed and flushed hot with equal parts shame and desire, you let yourself be directed upstairs.
Roman closed the door behind the two of you and then rounded on you quickly. “Something isn’t right here.” He growled, absently pawing over your hair.
“I know.” You replied breathlessly.
“You are reeking with want-smell, even Corbin’s dad picked up on it. That’s why he was trying to chat you up. Synced rut and heat or no, Baron should not be able to avoid his Omega mate, in fucking heat. Something isn’t right.” Roman repeated, mouthing across your collarbone. “We’re gonna’ get to the bottom of this. I’m sick of him not being around to see you at your most fucking beautiful, Christ.” He panted, both of you freezing at the sound of a door slamming down the hallway. Roman dropped to his knees, quickly flipping your skirt up over his head with practiced ease. “You’re ours, I don’t feel right doing this shit without him.” He murmured, his motions slowing. “If I get one out of you, will that buy us enough time to question him?”
You bravely shook your head and Roman relaxed against you, resting his forehead on your belly. “I want to wait for Baron. I can be strong.”
“I’m so fucking happy to hear you say that.” Roman confessed, shoving the hair back out of his face. “I don’t even care if that makes me a shitty Alpha. I don’t feel right about this.”
“What should we do?” It felt good to finally give a voice to your worries.
“What we ought to have done from the beginning. Get answers.” Roman’s facial expression darkened. “I want to know what's changed in his brain that he keeps shoving us together and then leaving.” He helped you straighten your skirt back out, hands smoothing over the fabric. “But we have to be firm this time, okay? I know you're kinda' half-in the haze right now. I'll do my best to keep us on subject.”
The two of you, decided in your plan of forward motion, headed down the hall to Baron’s room. But as you were about to open the door, Roman reached out and caught your hand. He put a finger to his lips when you turned to him to protest. Listen, he mouthed. So you did, curiously tilting your head at a quiet snuffling noise. Baron? Was he crying? There was a low groan, then rapid panting breath. Roman eased the door open a little so the two of you could peek inside.
Baron was sprawled out naked on the bed, long legs tangled in the sheets and…oh. The toy looked like a sleeve, it was dark red and obviously made of some giving material. You watched it bulge as he forced his cock in and out. His stomach was already spattered with come and it looked like another orgasm wasn’t far off as he fucked the toy voraciously. He said he wasn’t rutting, though, you thought dimly, mesmerized by the motion of his hand.
Baron ripped his teeth down into his own arm, whimpering and sobbing around the skin. He had been crying, you could see the tears on his face. Whether from frustration or something else, you couldn’t say. “Breeding slack--can’t give him what he wants--” He mumbled, “Shit Alpha, useless Alpha.” He fucked the toy faster and you found yourself insanely jealous, your fingers moving to cradle the ache in your belly. “Need to fuck them, need to fuck them, this isn’t gonna’ get any better--” Baron tossed his head, panting loudly into the silence of the room. “Hah, fuck, fuck, please, just a taste--” He begged. “Just let me sleep, please, oh fuck, Omega, I need you, Roman I need you, I need you I n-!” He spilled into the toy, his knot remaining swelled purple-red and engorged beneath the sleeve.
The toy made a slick noise when he pulled it off his cock, come pooling in the divots of his pelvis. Baron, still breathing hard, moaned in frustration as he slid a hand down over his knot. His hair was stuck to his forehead, whole body flushed and shining with sweat like he was feverish. You had never seen a rutting Alpha without their mate before. Most didn’t get their rut until they imprinted, and once their ruts synced with their partner’s it was impossible to keep them apart. He looked like you felt.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck so fucking sensitive--” The Alpha didn’t seem to be able to keep his hands off despite that, stroking over the base of his cock with a soft whine. “Ah, fuck, yes, just like that, just like that-“
Roman had clearly seen enough, easing the door open just enough to creep into the room. Baron’s eyes were shut, rolled back in his head, so he didn’t notice the other Alpha until Roman reached out and smoothed the hair off his forehead. Baron flinched, his eyes flying open to stare guiltily up at Roman. “'Not rutting’, huh?” Reigns asked softly. “How do you explain this shit, Corbin?”
“No no, we don’t want an excuse. You open your mouth again, it damn well better be the truth.” Roman warned, beckoning you into the room and waiting until you closed the door behind you before continuing, “We deserve that much.”
Baron’s breath was coming in short, raspy bursts, his eyes darting back and forth as he chewed his lower lip. You climbed up onto the bed beside him, your insides hot with longing pushing you to slowly lick up the come on his hips. Baron moaned while you cleaned him methodically, mouth everywhere except his cock. You took a bold minute to admire the way he looked all strung out and needy, his sac resting heavy and full between his legs even though he'd already come at least twice. My strong Alpha. The pride you felt was entirely primal. One glance at Roman assured you that he was feeling the same way, his pupils blown with desire while he watched you minister to the larger Alpha.
“Ah, p-please--” Baron whimpered, his words hitching when you trailed your tongue over the sensitive skin. His hands clenched into the blanket beneath him. “P-Please, God Omega, don't tease me-”
You sucked a tender love bite into the curve of his pelvis, cradling his balls with your hand. “Should I use your toy on you?” You barely recognized your own voice, husky and purring. “Since you want to fuck it more than me, I mean.” Roman snapped his teeth in approval. “But this knot...the toy won't fix that, will it?” You crooned, easing a single finger up over the thick bulge at the base of Baron's cock.
The motion seemed to have the desired effect. Baron’s whole body shuddered and he covered his face with his hands, making a noise that was startlingly close to a dry heave. “I’m busted.” He mumbled through his fingers. “I’m…fuck, I’m broken as fuck. Should have known I couldn’t hide it from you guys. M’ sorry.”
“What’s the issue?” Roman was back to smoothing the hair out of the larger Alpha’s eyes, his own eyes radiating concern. “You know you can tell us anything. We’re your mates, Baron. Forever.”
“Maybe not after this.” Baron replied despondently. “I’m fucked up, I-I’m…sterile. Like a Beta. I’m Beta-sterile b-but I’m an Alpha. Doc said it was because my biological mom wasn’t mated to my dad. I’m fucked up, I’m so sorry, I lied to you guys and I-” Baron’s rambling apology faded into the background as you thought about that text you had seen, what Baron had said.
“Is that what you meant by ‘breeding slack’?” You asked from his hip. “Because your doctor says you’re shooting blanks?”
Baron tried to choke back a sob, nodding quickly. “I can’t give Dad pups. I can’t whelp with you. I’m basically useless to his family.” He covered his face again. “Fucked up, broken Alpha. Look good on the outside, busted on the inside.” Baron groaned, “Roman has to do all the work if we…if you guys want a family. Shit, I’m just a third wheel in this whole situation.”
“Why didn’t you tell us, Baron?” Roman asked, not unkindly.
“I didn’t think I would be mated! I never thought that…shit, I don’t know. I just never wanted to think about it, so I never did. Been living in a fucking denial dream, getting to interact with the two of you. But my rut’s fallen into the rhythm of theirs, yours did too, and I don’t want to…my dad says I shouldn’t--look, I won’t wreck your shot at a successful mating just because I want to feel like I’m not broken.” He sounded exhausted. “Cutie, if...if I fuck you without a condom and Roman fucks you without a condom while you're in heat, I could ruin all his hard work with my useless--”
“Baron, we don’t even know if we would want kids yet. It hasn’t come up.” You interrupted, resting your cheek on his chest. “We’re all in college. It’s not as if we need to make our family larger right away. We have time to plan.” You kissed the underside of his jaw, making him whine. “Obviously that is a discussion that the three of us would have, regardless of your ability to knock me up. You’re not excluded from anything, and you’re not broken.” You tried not to sound like you were scolding him, but really? “You’re our Alpha, Roman is your Alpha and I’m your Omega. We belong to each other, Baron.” You twined your fingers through Roman’s. “We've been worried about you.”
“Couldn't figure out why your rut wasn't syncing. Hell, I was going to make an appointment with my family doctor. We don't want to do this without you.” Roman said quietly, “I've been scared that something about my biology threw yours off. Thought it was my fault, figured I'd see if there was a pill I could take or some other kind of treatment.” He ducked his head to roughly rub his jaw against Baron's. “You had us all fucked up.”
“Fuck no, Jesus Christ. I didn't want you guys to worry. I thought you would be okay on your own-”
“You're part of us now, Baron. Don't you understand that?” You rubbed your thighs together and Baron growled.
“God, your smell. I've been...fuck, I thought I was gonna' die downstairs.” Baron buried his face in the nape of your neck, inhaling in a fierce snarl of breath. “The way you looked at me, my fucking dad right there, I just...God, wanted to fuckin' rail you over the kitchen table. Just bend you right the fuck over and make you take every inch of me.” He confessed, making Roman groan. “During your last heat I must have fucking come in my pants six times, just from the usual brush of my clothes. And you!” He said, suddenly focusing on Roman. “Rubbing your leg up mine underneath the table! Literally trying to kill me in front of my parents!” He sputtered indignantly. “Throwing your leg over my thigh like you're humping me? Dammit Reigns! Shit!”
“I regret absolutely none of my behavior.” Roman answered haughtily. “You've been acting like you weren't even interested in us anymore! Don't you get all righteous with me now, you Alpha asshole. In here by yourself, fucking a toy instead of taking care of our Omega.” He was practically berating the other Alpha. “They need us, Baron. Fuck's sake, I need you. We can't do this without you.”
“But if I-”
You slid the sleeve back down over his cock and Baron stopped talking, his eyes widening. You squeezed his cock lazily through the red material, watching his whole body strain to arch off the bed. “You wanted to fuck me over the table, huh?” You asked, fighting back your giggle at the way Baron covered his face again before nodding wildly. “Wanted to pretend you were fucking me? This toy is all slick from your pretending.”
“Let me try.” Roman ordered, and you moved aside so he could wrap his hand around the toy. Not giving Baron any time to adjust, the other Alpha slid his fingers up to tease the head of Baron's cock and set into a brutally fast pace. Baron sobbed out, Roman chuckling darkly at the noise. “Good.” He snarled, inches away from Baron's face. “This is useless, understand? Not giving your Omega what they need is a waste and an insult. Our good little Omega bitch cleaned you up, they didn't waste a drop of you even if you wouldn't offer them the same. Say thank you.”
“Th-Thank you--” Baron choked, throwing his head back to bare his neck. You nuzzled your nose into his throat, gently biting at the offered skin. You weren't Alpha, but you were more than willing to mark him like you were one.
“Yes.” Roman hissed, Baron crying out beneath the grip of his fingers and the pinch of your teeth. “You want to come for us, Alpha? You want to fuck into this toy and shoot your load into it instead of into your Omega where it belongs? Fuck it then, work your hips up and fuck it like you want it.”
You whimpered at Roman's heated words, shaking your head and making Baron moan loudly. “No no no, I need it! Don't waste it Baron, please, Alpha-” You begged, moving down his chest to lick and bite at his nipples. Baron arched up against your mouth, his hands finally leaving the blankets to cradle your body to his side.
Reigns growled, his motions with the sleeve down to an achingly-slow, teasing slip-slide. “Well, he was totally content to waste himself before.” He winked at you. “Wonder what changed?”
“I'm sorry.” Baron drew the word out desperately, “Ah, fuck, please, please please--”
“Stand up, Omega. I'm going to fuck you.” Roman urged you into leaving Baron's side, taking the sleeve back off Baron's cock so he could tease the skin beneath his knot. Corbin let out a noise that was half-yelp, half-groan and your insides slicked anew with longing. You wanted to coax those sounds out of the large Alpha, you wanted to do that! “I'm going to fuck our Omega Corbin, m' gonna' fuck them and fuck them and fuck them until I come.” Roman caught Baron's chin in his hand. “And you're going to hold them up for me.”
“You. Are going to use those fucking strong arms and hold them up so I can rail them with my cock. And I. Am going to fuck them until they can't see straight, until they take my knot and come all over me. See what you've been missing?” Roman's smirk was just on this side of mean. “Strip, Omega. Get those clothes off. Christ, you smell so fucking good.”
Baron shifted off the bed to stand beside it, his head bowed and his shoulders flushed. You quickly pulled your shirt off and stepped out of your skirt and panties, confused at Roman's direction but obeying all the same. You trusted him to take care of you.
“Mm, bra off too. I want to see those tits bounce while I fuck you.” Roman ordered, grinning fiercely when you obliged. “Look at you...I want to just fall to my knees and devour you. Another time, Omega.” He promised, unzipping his own pants. “Alright Corbin.”
Wordlessly, Baron scooped you up, your back to his chest and one leg over each arm. He rubbed his cock against the small of your back, humming in your ear as he easily kept you spread open. “I’m so sorry, Omega.” He whispered. “Sorry I’ve been neglecting you. I promise, I’ll never do it again.”
You kissed a line down what skin you could reach and Baron groaned when you smiled up at him. “You’re important to us, Baron. We love you.”
You heard Roman echo the sentiment, a hand moving over your head to rake through Baron’s messy hair. “Even when you’re an idiot and you listen to the wrong people.” Roman added pointedly. “You ready? You ready for this thick Alpha cock?” He continued, his voice dipping lower with need as he wrapped a hand around the base of his cock. “You aching for a taste, Omega?”
You whimpered and tried to squirm closer, throwing your head and hearing Baron chuckle breathlessly. “Shh, he’ll take care of you.” Your slick was trickling sluggishly from your cunt and Baron shifted your weight for a minute, coating his fingers with your heated arousal and then smearing it liberally on his cock. “Fuck, I missed that.” The larger Alpha moaned, returning to his original position and grinding his newly-slick cock against your back.
Roman thrust his cock up into your waiting pussy and you cried out in relief, taking every inch of him until your hips were flush. Reigns grunted, rocking himself back and forth to rut you as deeply as he could. “That’s right, Omega, that’s right, you love every goddamn second of this shit, don’t you?” He breathed, smiling down at you. “Back where you belong.” He licked and suckled at one of your nipples, making you squeal and clench down on him. You dug your nails into his back and Baron rumbled approvingly.
“Fuck that little cunt, Reigns, they’re begging for their fuckin’ Alpha’s come.” Baron’s teeth were bared, his jaw rubbing your cheek with every one of Roman’s thrusts.
Roman snapped his own teeth, struggling to speak. “This is why we needed you. We needed you, Baron. We’re no good without you. M’ not enough, could barely sate them last time. We’re a trio bond for a reason, you big fuckin’ asshole. Shit, man, if fertility mattered when it came to this crap, Betas wouldn’t ever find their mates. What the fuck, Corbin.” He rambled, sounding unbelievably irritated. “You big--stupid--lovable fucker--oughta’ punch you-”
“Hey! When your sire tells you that regardless of how you feel, your involvement in breeding will hurt someone else’s chances…” Baron paused, swallowing hard. “You’re my mates. I didn’t want to ruin stuff for you.”
“Next time talk to us.” Roman said curtly, his hands covering Baron’s on your thighs. “We trust each other. Our Omega trusts us to take care of them, and they take care of us. We’re mates. Got it?” He knocked their foreheads together, his eyes narrowed.
Baron nodded finally, shoving his forehead back against Roman’s. “I’m sorry.”
“Damn right you a-are.” Roman’s voice cracked and he suddenly pulled out of you, come spurting to coat your belly.
Baron made a noise of confusion while you keened desperately, tilting your pelvis hungrily towards the cock that was now just out of reach. “Reigns, what the fuck?” Baron sputtered. “You were supposed to-”
“This shit doesn’t satisfy them.” Roman was breathing hard, his cock still twitching. Come trailed down the side of his dick and dribbled over his knot, making him hiss in what sounded like pain. “The knot is what satisfies them. I had to knot them seven times when you weren’t there.”
Roman removed you from Baron’s arms, the hulking Alpha easily turning your body around so you could cling to Baron instead. Roman slid his cock back into you and shoved your hips down, sheathing himself once again. Your cunt greedily took his knot but he kept fucking it in and out of you, refusing to let you hold it for any length of time so he could spill into you properly. You sobbed into Baron’s neck, the larger of your Alphas stroking your hair and trying his best to soothe you while Roman continued to draw out your completion.
“Reigns, you’ve made your point man, just-”
“You’d rather fuck a toy than our Omega!” Roman spat, his display of strength and fury making you whimper and writhe against Baron’s body. The larger Alpha’s cock prodded your stomach, wet and leaking profusely. “You’d rather let them go unsatisfied! Let them ache instead of-!”
“Enough!” Baron roared at Roman, grabbing a handful of his thigh and forcing him to a standstill with his hips crushed to your ass. Reigns snarled wordlessly at Baron and Baron responded by leaning down and giving the other Alpha a bruising kiss, wrapping your legs securely around his hips and then gripping Roman with both hands directly beneath his rear to keep him buried in you. Baron rutted his cock against your pubic mound and Roman’s knot popped solidly into you and you fell to pieces between your two Alphas. Baron muffled your scream with his shoulder, murmuring reassurances in your ear as you shook violently.
Roman rocked himself against you, his forehead resting on the nape of your neck. “Omega, Omega, Jesus Christ.” He breathed, staying still even when Baron let go of him. “Fuck, fuck fuck.”
You felt his release trickle down your thighs and you moaned softly, bringing one of Roman’s hands up so you could kiss his knuckles and thank him in a voice that threatened to crack.
“Fuck’s sake, you asshole.” Baron’s eyes were bright with unshed tears, the larger Alpha blinking rapidly to ward them off. “I didn’t mean to dump everything onto you, Reigns. Wasn’t my intention. I figured there would be an adjustment period. And Omega, our poor Omega, I’m so fucking sorry.” He apologized, kissing your forehead and smoothing the hair back out of your eyes. “Never again, okay? I’ll do my best. For the both of you. I just got so caught up in my head about this…”
“P-please.” You whimpered, bucking your hips as best as you could and making Roman grit out a swear. Reigns’ knot shifted and rubbed at your walls in the best way, but he was softening and you knew all too soon that empty feeling would flood your body again. “Please, please, Alphas, please don’t leave-” You begged. “M’ sorry I’m so needy, I j-just--”
“Shh, it’s alright.” Roman soothed, his voice ragged. “We’re not going anywhere.”
“You…you thought this was your fault, too.” Baron said incredulously. You nodded, hiding your face in the crook of his neck as a few tears squeezed out. “Cutie, I--I love it when you’re needy. Never ever apologize for that. You’re beautiful when you’re helpless for us.” Baron eased you off of Roman’s cock, propping you up on one hip like you were nothing but a pup. The casual show of strength made your stomach clench with desire. “Look at me, cutie.” He murmured, wiping your tears away with his thumb. “God, I love you so much. We love you more than anything. And we’re going to take care of you. Together.” He gestured at his bed. “But we should probably lay down.”
“I second that motion.” Roman grunted, bent double as he panted for breath.
Baron rumpled the other man’s hair, smiling fondly. “Come relax. You’ve earned a breather.”
Roman flopped onto the bed and you noticed his thighs still trembling somewhat when you crawled to lay down beside him. He kissed you, licking into your mouth in a way that made you whine. “So beautiful for us.” He mumbled, seeming like he was struggling to stay awake.
“You can close your eyes, Reigns. I can take care of them.” Baron whispered, settling between your legs. “I’ll go as many times as you need, okay?” He continued to you, and you whimpered in reply. His eyes softened. “My strong mates. I’m so lucky to have this pack.”
“Don’t leave us ever again.” You pleaded as he slid his cock into you in one long, heated push. Your hands fluttered restlessly over his shoulders and Baron kissed your palm, his expression still softer than usual. “P-Please, I'll do whatever you want, j-just don't leave us-”
“You're gonna' break my fuckin' heart Omega.” Baron closed his eyes. “I love you. I love Roman. Thank you for being so good to me.” He bumped his forehead into your own, giving you a watery smile. “My packmates. My everything. I should have known better than to let my dad get in my head about this crap.” He abruptly snarled deep in his throat and Roman echoed the sound sleepily after a second. “God, I wanted to fuckin' kill him. You didn't hear, you guys had already left. Dad said something about you, cutie, right in front of me and Mom and I just--” Baron paused, his teeth gritted. “'I guess Roman's the one doing the work, huh? Too bad. I could go a few rounds if you wanted to make them feel like it was yours'.” He repeated bitterly. “I wanted to puke. Pretty sure my mom might kill him. I left before I could.”
Roman made a noise of disgust, propping himself up on one elbow. “So he'd rather you were all alone in your room, instead of with us where you belong, then he makes some creepy comment about wanting to bone your Omega? That's some ugly shit.”
“Only you two-” You gasped as Baron fucked down into you fiercely. “No one else--”
“Hell no, nobody else.” Roman yawned, stretching his arms over his head. “Jus' us.”
Your taller Alpha held you close, slipping his hands beneath your body to cup your hips. “We're leaving tomorrow morning, okay?” Corbin panted. “I'm not staying here any longer than I absolutely have to. We'll make something up. I don't even give a shit.”
Roman chuckled when you nodded furiously. “The pack's got to stick together. We're with you, Big Banter.” He mouthed a trail of sloppy kisses down to Baron's chest and started to toy with the larger Alpha's nipples curiously. “Saw that you liked it earlier. You sensitive here or something?” He asked, rolling Baron's nipple between his thumb and index finger. You felt Baron's cock twitch inside you and you keened, making Baron flush bright red and Roman smirk knowingly. “I'll take that as a yes.”
“I mean, maybe a litt-hah, Roman, Jesus--” Baron arched his back at Roman's touch and his knot finally slipped into your pussy. He froze, his hands clenching into fists on either side of you as you bucked and thrashed on his cock, your body in glorious, wonderful spasm while you came. Corbin seemed to light up when you called out his name, easily pinning your hips to the bed with his body weight and forcing his knot even deeper. “Take it, take it, take it Omega you are fucking ours, you are mine and you are his and we are yours and I'm going to knot you until you can't move.” He kissed you with every surge forward, his mouth hot and demanding on your own.
“I c-can't--” Baron slowed his motions at your words, his expression worried until you finished with, “I c-can't wait, Alpha-” His smile was blinding then, brown eyes dark with need and affection. “M-Missed you-”
“I missed you too, Omega. Now just let me take care of you. You're going to be alright.” He assured you.
“So they can sleep, yeah? And we're sleeping naked. I want your folks walking in on us. Ass-naked, wrapped around each other, all fucking sticky with a motley crew of fluids, I don't even give a shit. This is our pack and they can deal with it.” Roman mumbled, making Baron laugh and you smile over at the sleepily-rambling Alpha.
Corbin rested his forehead against yours again, still smiling. “For the pack.” He whispered to you.
For the pack.
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Just a Friend.
Summary: You and Finn Balor are best friends. What happens when you admit your feelings to him?
Pairing: Finn Balor/ OC. 
Warnings: Some swear words, smut implied.  
A/N: An anon requested for a fic based on the song “Just a Friend To You” by Meghan Trainor. You can listen to the song HERE to get a feel for this story and kind of where the storyline came from. 4390 words. Also, this is my first time writing a fic based on a song. PLEASE let me know what you think!
Tagging: @kaitlynwwefan, @panic-angel3314, @shieldgirl95, @earl-01, @nickie-amore, @blondekel77, @reigns420, @littleprincess1621, @m-a-t-91, @luckygillblog, @finnbalorsbabygirl, @unabashedwwesmut, @blackwidow2721, @wrestlingimaginesposts, @wweburnitdown, @thirstiswet, @princesstoniii, @birthday-prinxess, @princess3733, @princesses-reign-daily, @lip-sync,  @laziestgirlintheworld, @devitts-girl
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People think that being a wrestler is easy. They think that all you do is travel, do shows, eat well, workout, sleep, and that’s it. Either that, or it isn’t even real. A real sport.  But they don’t have a damn clue what it takes to even get here. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears. You could go on and on about some of the scars that you have obtained from being in this field.
Working your ass off lead to where you are today. A WWE wrestler for the longest running TV show in history. Monday Night RAW was the greatest opportunity you have ever been given. But you didn’t get here by yourself.
Previously to WWE, you wrestled in Japan. That is where you trained and became the wrestler you were today. That was also where you met your best friend, Finn Balor.
You’d known Finn before he was the famous Prince Devitt. You watched him grow and he did the same with you. You trained together and pushed each other to the limit. That is where you think you got you ‘badass’ attitude and didn’t really care what people thought. Most of the time.
The two of you traveled together and spent a lot of time together. Time of the road, time in hotel rooms, restaurants, working out, and shows. You could easily say that without Finn Balor, you wouldn’t be the wrestler you are today.
Then the two of you were hired by WWE around the same time and joined NXT and things just improved with you two. Not even thinking it was possible, you spent even more time together. Finn even came up with the idea of you guys getting an apartment together. You spent the time together, why not just live together?
There was just one problem. You were helplessly in love with the man. Living with him only made it worse. The both of you weren’t exactly “relationship” kind of people. Sure, you both had brought people home before, but it never lasted. So what did you do? Make bad decisions. That’s what.
You and Finn had moved on from being best friends to now friends with benefits. The sex was mind blowing. Like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. Only thing you hated was though, Finn always went right back to his room or he kicked you out almost immediately. You didn’t particularly like that because you were a cuddler. But, your relationship with Finn wasn’t like that.
It was the weirdest thing. You had feelings for Finn and he had no idea. He went on with his day like any other, like you weren’t sleeping together. Good for him, but part of you wanted to let him know how you felt, but that could jeopardize everything.
So, you kept your mouth shut.
“Why you gotta hug me
Like that every time you see me?
Why you always making me laugh
Swear you're catching feelings”
This week you were traveling on the east coast for live shows, having RAW take place in Philadelphia.  While in catering, you were sitting with the girls and they were all talking about their love lives. Being very open about it. You didn’t realize how dirty these girls were, wow.  
“What about you, Y/N? What’s happening with you?” Sasha asked you.
You just shrugged your shoulders, “I don’t mean to disappoint, but there isn't anything happening with me.”
Bayley glared at you, “You’re lying. C’mon. We’re all being open here. No judgment.”
Just then, Finn walked into the room talking with Gallows and Anderson. He had a huge smile on his face. It was contagious.
“Well, I have been seeing this guy that lives in my building, but it’s nothing more than a few nights together, ya know? I am far too focused on my career to get tangled in a mess like that right now.” You said.
That was a good answer, right?
“Aahhh, get it girl. What about Finn? Does he bring girls home?” Sasha asked, wanting the dirty details.
“Sorry, ladies. You’ll have to ask him that. I don’t have a clue what he does on his free time.” You said, gathering you things and getting up.
“Seriously?! You can’t give us anything? You live with the guy!” Bayley said.
“My lips are sealed.” You said with a smile on your face.
You threw your trash away and made your way to Finn. Give him the warning that people were on to him to see if he’s seeing anyone.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you surprised him. He jumped so high, he just about fell out of his chair. Gallows and  Anderson were laughing pretty hard.
“Geeeez, love. Next time ya try to sneak up on someone, how about a bit of a warnin’?” He asked, repositioning himself.
You took the seat next to him, “Well that just takes the fun out of it.”
Gallows chipped in, “Yeah, can you do that more often? I think Anderson here just about pissed himself laughing so hard.”
Anderson then hit Gallows arm, “I did not. But I do need to use the bathroom. Excuse me.”
The whole table laughed.
“So what’s up?” Finn turned to you and asked.
“Not much. The girls were trying to get some juicy info about you. Luckily for you, I didn’t have anything to tell them. But I just figured you should know, people are asking around.” You said, bumping his arm, laughing.
“Nothing to tell them?! Fergal. Are you not gettin’ any?!” Gallows asked, fairly loudly.
Finn’s eyes got wide and face got beet red, “Keep yer voice down, would ya?! I am, ya don’t need to be worryin’ about that.”
You didn’t say anything, just kept your head down.
Gallows got up and walked over to Finn, “Atta boy. Can’t be getting out of practice now.”
He gave him a ‘Too Sweet’ then walked off.
It was silent at the table for a moment, you were about to speak up when Finn beat you to it, “Well, I’ll see ya around.”
He then got up and got the hell out of there.
See you around? That wasn’t like Finn at all.
You just tried to shake it off and got ready for the show.
It was very difficult, but you managed to drop what Finn said. You were focused on the show for tonight.
Waiting for your entrance music, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your naked stomach. You quickly turned around.
“Finn. What are you doing?” You asked, smiling.
He didn’t say anything and hugged you. It wasn’t just a normal hug though. He held you tight. Your face was in the crease of his neck and you got a good whiff of his cologne and that made you feel weak in the knees. He then let you go, and you struggled to keep your balance at first.  
“Sorry ‘bout earlier. That was kinda weird. Good luck out there.” He whispered in your ear and kissing your cheek.
“Thanks. You too, you know, for your match later.” You said.
“Thanks. Facin’ Braun. Gonna get my arse handed to me, but it’ll be okay.” He said, rubbing his ass, as if it was already hurting.
That made you laugh.
You grabbed his shoulders and laughed, “At least try to get a few good punches and kicks in before then.”
“I’ll try. Just for you. See ya after?” He asked.
Then your music hit. You just nodded and went and did your entrance.
Your match went smoothly and the crowd loved it. That was what you liked about house shows. They were smaller and you could interact with the fans more. A little girl even handed you a picture she drew of the two of you. It was so sweet. Camilla was her name. She was an angel.
Getting ready backstage to go home, you went to find Finn to head to the next town.
Right before you were about to turn the corner, you could hear Finn talking to someone. He was talking to Enzo Amore. You waited a minute, you didn’t want to interrupt their conversation.
“C’mon. Gimme the details. Have ya seen her...all exposed? Slept with her? Living with her must be fun.” Enzo laughed, nudging Finn.
What a pig.
“Uh, no Enzo. None of the above. We’re just friends. And even if there were anythin’ goin’ on, which there isn't, why the hell would I tell ya, of all people, about it? Geez man.” Finn said.
Well. That was new to your ears. Just friends.
You walked away and found another way to get to the rental and just texted Finn that you were there already. You needed to get your emotions out of the way before he got there.
“I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart
When you say I'm just a friend to you
'Cause friends don't do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too
Tryna be careful with the words I use
I say it 'cause I'm dying to
I'm so much more than just a friend to you”
Finn made his way into the rental and you threw a fake smile at him. He started driving and was acting like that conversation was nothing back there. So it must have not been? You were just some fuck to Finn when he needs it? You really didn’t know if he slept with other girls. You knew that you weren’t. You liked Finn to much to sleep with anyone else. But he, or anyone else for that matter, doesn’t know how you feel.
“How’d yer match go” He asked.
“Uh, it was fine. I won.” You said.
“That’s good! I didn’t. I got my arse handed to me like I knew I would.” He laughed, then he looked at you, hoping you would laugh too.
“How bad are you hurting?” You asked, looking ahead at the road.
“Not too bad, thankfully.” He said.
You sensed that he could feel the tension in the air. It was fairly quiet the rest of the way to the hotel.
Once you made it to the next town, you got out of the car and grabbed your bag and went straight to your room.
You had to share it, so you couldn’t properly let out your emotions. You decided to just take a shower and try to do it then. It was all so overwhelming. You weren’t sure how you were supposed to feel. Being in love with your best friend and have him tell your coworkers that you’re just friends? You had no idea what Finn thought about all of this, but if you brought it up, he would be all weird about it.
Right when you were about to lie down, you had got a text. From Finn. He wanted you to come to his room. Part of you knew what he wanted, but you didn’t want to give in anymore. It was hurting you more than it was helping. So, you texted him back.
-What for?
-Just come over, please.
You sighed and got up. He texted you his room number and you put leggings and a sweatshirt on. Your hair was still wet, but oh well.
Knocking on his door lightly, he opened it to let you in. Luckily there was no one in the hallway to see you.
“Hey.” He said.
You peeked your head into the room to see if anyone else was in there.
“Have it all to myself, no worries. Come in?” He gestured to the room. You walked in.
As soon as the door closed you asked,  “So what did you need?”
“Uh, okay. I just wanted to make sure yer okay. Ya acted kinda weird on the car ride here. I know when somethin’ is upsettin’ ya. So, are ya alright?” He asked.
You weren’t quite sure how to answer him. Do you be honest and put your friendship in danger or make up some excuse? You’d feel pretty shitty if you lied, so you decided to be honest.
“I overheard you talking with Enzo earlier…” You said.
Finn sighed and nodded, “Okay, didn’t know ya were standin’ there.”
“I was trying to find you after the show. Didn’t mean to overhear, but…” You said.
“He was just bein’ a pig, okay. Ignore him. If it upset ya that much, I can talk-”
“It wasn’t what he said that upset me. That is to be expected from Enzo Amore.” You said, cutting him off.
“Alright, so what did upset ya?” He asked, looking confused.
You sighed, “The fact that you said we were just friends.”
“But...we are?” He asked.
“Are we? Don’t take this the wrong way, but normal ‘friends’ don’t sleep together. Normal friends don’t have the unique relationship that we do.” You said.
“Y/N, what are ya tryin’ to say?” Finn asked, still looking very, very confused.  
“I don’t know Finn. This is hard to admit…” You said, sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the ground.
Finn got right in front of you and stood you up. He grabbed your chin, that way you were looking up at him, “You can tell me anytin. You know that.”
You took a deep breath, “Okay, how would you suggest telling your best friend of almost 10 years that you’re in love with them without ruining the relationship you have with them?”
Finn was quiet for a minute thinking, then it looked as if a lightbulb had turned on and he looked at you, “Wait, are ya tellin’ me-”
“Yes.” You said quietly.
Finn didn’t say anything. He just looked at you with his ocean blue eyes. His next move surprised you. He kissed you.
It was a passionate, needy kiss. You opened up your lips and Finn slipped his tongue in. He then pushed you back onto the bed.
It didn’t take long before your clothes were off and you assisted taking his off. Whenever you were with Finn, you could never seem to wait. You knew what you wanted, and he knew you wanted it, so he never hesitated to give it to you.
Tonight was different than most nights, it was...quick. You both seemed to get off pretty easily. But you still felt pretty good about it. He didn’t turn you away.
But Finn made love to you, right there, in his hotel room.
Once you caught your breath, you moved to get up and put your clothes back on and go back to your hotel room.
“Wait.” Finn said, grabbing your arm.
You turned around to look at him.
“Stay.” He said. Opening the spot next to him up for you.
“Really? You never want to do that.” You said, giving him a funny look.
“Tonight is different.” Finn said.
You took him up on his offer though. You stayed the night and cuddled him. That in itself wasn’t what you expected. You didn’t expect him to be so comfortable, since he is all muscle, but damn. You’re not complaining.
You got up earlier than usual so you could be in your hotel room before anyone knew you were missing. You decided not to go to sleep though.  You took a shower and hit the gym and then got some breakfast. You had texted Finn to see if he wanted to join you, but didn’t get a response. He must be asleep.
“When there's other people around
You never wanna kiss me
You tell me it's too late to hang out
Then you say you miss me
And I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart”
Later in the day you had received a text from Finn that he went to the arena early and that you would need to get a ride with someone else.
No big deal, you rode with one of the girls.
The day went by kind of quickly because before you knew it, it was show time. It was Sunday, so the night before RAW. Only one more travel day before you could go home and relax for a few days.
You were standing by the gorilla waiting patiently for your entrance. You were feeling good tonight. There was just one thing missing. Finn hadn’t come over to wish you luck. He did that before every match. Where was he?
Now that you thought about it, you haven’t seen him all day.
You went out and did your match anyway. It didn’t go quite as planned, but that’s okay. The crowd loved it.
Waiting for the show to get over, you got all your things packed and ready to go to the last town of the week. You left the locker room. You had also sent Finn a text asking where he was. No answer.
You found Finn talking with Gallows and Anderson backstage. You got up in their circle, “Hey guys! Finn, I texted you. You ready to go?”
“Actually, the guys and I are goin’ to ride together tonight. Is there someone else ya could ride with?” He asked.
Nia was walking past and heard, “I have an extra seat. You can ride with me if you want. I’m heading to the car now.”  She said with a smile on her face.
“Uh, sure. Thanks, Nia. I am ready.” You said, walking away with her, looking back confused at Finn, who wouldn’t even look at you.
What was his problem?
The car ride with Nia, Alexa, and Mike Rome was fine. You got along with all of them. You just didn’t understand why Finn all of a sudden was riding with the boys? And didn’t bother telling you about it beforehand. And why didn’t he look at you? He was being super weird.
You went to the next hotel and just slept on it. Maybe things will be better tomorrow.
When you woke up the next morning, you had a text that came in way after you fell asleep. It was Finn.
-Missin ya tonite. Xx
What the hell? He couldn’t even look at you when he was around his friends, but can send you this shit in the middle of the night?
You walked down to the hotel lobby area and went to have some breakfast. You saw Finn sitting there with some of his friends, but you decided to ignore him.
“Can I join you guys?” You asked Alexa and Nia with a smile.
They were very welcoming and the conversation never died. It was nice.
Every so often, you glanced over at Finn and caught him staring at you. But at soon as you met eyes, he looked away. You weren’t sure what was going on, but you were going to get to the bottom of it.
You had to get ready and head to some radio and news stations this morning to do some interviews then go straight to the arena for RAW. You were so busy you didn’t even have time to think about your wacky love life.
While you were back in hair and makeup, the last person you wanted to see showed up and sat down next to you.
You sighed, “What do you want, Enzo?”
“How do ya know I want something? Maybe I just came in here to talk to a pretty lady.” He said, eyeing you up and down.
“Get out of my face, Enzo.” You said, starting to get bothered by him. You suddenly remembered the things he said to Finn about you.
“I want to know if you’ll go out with me sometime. I think we’d be great together. You have a great body, by the way.” He said.
“I’m going to give you 5 seconds to get out of my face before I kick your ass.” You said, staring at him. You could not deal with him right now.
He put his hands up in defense, “Okay, fine. Didn’t know you were such a snooty bitch.” He mumbled while walking away.
“Pig!” You yelled after him while he walked away.
Your blood was boiling. Luckily, you were done getting touched up. You thanked them then apologized for what they had to see.
You went to find your locker room so you could get ready. Luckily, you could take your frustration out on whoever you were facing tonight.
As fate would have it though, while you were walking quickly to the locker room, you collided with someone.
“Oops, sorry.” You said, before realizing it was Finn.
You looked at him for a second and felt tears start to swell in your eyes. The other person you didn’t want to see.
He didn’t say anything.
“Pffft.” You managed to get out then continuing on your way.
Once you got to the locker room, you couldn’t help but let out a couple tears. But you made sure to look over the sink so it didn’t mess up the makeup you just got done.
Why was all of this happening right now? It was the worst possible time. Why did you have to open your big mouth and tell Finn you loved him? Just why. You weren’t sure how to deal with all of it.
So, you didn’t.  You got changed, cleaned up your face and went out and did your thing.
Poor Bayley though. She got to feel how frustrated you were tonight.
Once the match was over, Bayley caught up with you, “Damn, Y/N. Those were some hard hits tonight. You okay?”
“Yep. Totally fine. Sorry if I hurt you.” You said, looking at her to see if there were any bruises.
“I’m good, I can take a punch. Just making sure that you’re good.” She said.
You could see Finn in the corner of your eye, “Yeah, I have a lot on my plate, but I’m good. Good match tonight.” Then you walked away.
As you were walking down the hallway, Renee caught you for an interview. You could feel a hole burning in your face the whole time. Finn was staring.
Once the interview was over, you practically ran to the locker room. You couldn’t wait to take all the makeup off so you could let out the emotions running through your body.
Once you were changed out of your ring gear, you just sat on the bench and held your head in your hands.
You decided to ride alone to the hotel and thankfully you had a room to yourself. You flew home in the morning, but you weren’t sure if you could stand being there with Finn.
So, you texted your parents to see if they were doing anything the next couple of days. They said they weren’t, so maybe you could go surprise them.
It probably wasn’t the best idea, to avoid all of this, but you weren’t sure what else to do.
As soon as you woke up in the morning, you went straight to the airport. The sun wasn’t even up yet.
You made it home and thankfully, you beat Finn. You went to your room and began to pack a bag.
About an hour later, you heard the door. You were packed and ready to go, you were just going to wait to see if he went to his room before leaving.
You went into the living room and put your bags down and sat down on there while Finn was in the kitchen making himself some coffee.
“Goin’ somewhere?” He asked you.
“To my parent’s for a couple days.” You said, refusing to look at him.
It stayed quiet for a minute or two.
“Y/N. Will ya just bloody look at me!” Finn said, almost slamming his cup down.
Your eyes got wide and you looked at him. He was now cleaning up the mess he made. You went into the kitchen to help him.
Once everything was cleaned up, you both sat down at the island. You grabbed a cup of coffee.  
“Sorry. What is happenin’ here?” Finn asked.
You were looking down at your cup, “I-I don’t know.”
“Why haven’t ya talked to me the last couple days?” He asked.
“Why haven’t you?” You asked, finally looking up at him.
Finn changed the subject, “So I’ve been doin’ a lot of thinkin’, about what ya said…”
“So you can ignore me in front of our friends some more? Then text me in the middle of the night that you miss me?” You began, you couldn’t help but get frustrated thinking about it.
“Will ya let me finish?”
“Anyway, I was thinkin’ and I think I feel the same way…” He said, very quietly.
Did you hear him correctly?
“About what?” You asked.
“Ya know, ‘bout what ya told me the other night.” Finn said.
You raised your eyebrows, you wanted to hear him say it.
“Y/N. I am in love with ya. I tink I have been for a long time, I just didn’t realize it. It isn’t easy for me to admit my feelings like this. Wrestling has always been my focused then you came along.” He said.
“Then why were you a jerk to me the last couple days?” You asked.
“I don’t know. My head wasn’t on straight. My best friend just told me that they love me and I needed time to process.” Finn said.
“So you process by being an asshole?” You asked, laughing.
“I get defensive, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell Enzo that we were sleepin’ togetha because then everyone would know. So I just said those things to get him off my back.”
You laughed some more, “He tried coming after me the other day. I threatened to kick his ass.”
Finn laughed.
It was silent again, before you decided to speak up.
“So, what is this?” You asked.
“What do ya want it to be?” Finn asked.
You shrugged your shoulders, it was beginning to get awkward.
“How ‘bout this. How ‘bout I take ya on a date. See how that goes? And ya unpack that bag. Yer not goin’ anywhere.” Finn said.
He got up and walked over to you. He picked you up, started kissing you,  and carried you bridal style over to his bedroom and shut the door.
293 notes · View notes
placetobenation · 4 years
30 Years in the making!
This year’s Survivor Series will not only be the Best of the Best, it will also be a time in which we put The Undertaker to rest. 30 years after making his debut as part of Ted DiBiase’s Survivor Series team, the Dead Man will give his final farewell to the WWE Universe.
Remember, it was The Undertaker replacing Bad News Brown as a member of The Million Dollar Team (The Honky Tonk Man, Greg Valentine, Ted DiBiase and The Undertaker with Brother Love, Jimmy Hart and Virgil) as they defeated The Dream Team (Bret Hart, Dusty Rhodes, Koko B. Ware and Jim Neidhart). It was The Undertaker eliminating Dusty Rhodes before getting counted out to end his debut.
Here’s hoping the WWE puts together an evening that’s deserving of the most decorated WWE Superstar of all-time. It has to be better than the 25 years of Triple H that they aired on SmackDown right? That one was funny but way too many inside jokes for a night honoring The Undertaker. 
Survivor Series – Updated Card:
WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Universal Champion Roman Reigns
Raw Women’s Champion Asuka vs. SmackDown Women’s Champion Sasha Banks
Raw Tag Team Champions The New Day vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Street Profits
United States Champion Bobby Lashley vs. Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn
5-on-5 Women’s Survivor Series Elimination Match (RAW – Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, Dana Brooke, Mandy Rose, Lana vs. Ruby Riott, Bianca Belair, TBD, TBD, TBD)
5-on-5 Men’s Survivor Series Elimination Match (Keith Lee, Sheamus, Braun Strowman, AJ Styles, TBD vs. Kevin Owens, Jey Uso, King Corbin, Seth Rollins, TBD)
Star of the Week:
They're back. @PeteDunneYxB @ONEYLORCAN & @strongstylebrit ATTACK @KillianDain & @WWEMaverick on #WWENXT!!! Also @PatMcAfeeShow is a camera operator now. pic.twitter.com/xQpU88LeWc
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) November 5, 2020
Pat McAfee – The former Colts punter continues to make his mark on NXT. This week, McAfee and his newest faction of Pete Dunne, Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan took out Killian Dane & Drake Maverick while sending a burning message to The Undisputed Era. I’m looking forward to more from Mr. McAfee and friends!
Guitar on a Pole Match: Jeff Hardy defeated Elias
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler defeated Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke to retain titles
Non-Title Match: Bobby Lashley defeated R-Truth
24/7 Match: Drew Gulak defeated R-Truth
Triple Threat Match for Survivor Series spot: Braun Strowman defeated Keith Lee & Sheamus to earn spot on Team RAW for Survivor Series
Nia Jax defeated Lana
Non-Title RAW Tag Team Championship Match: Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin defeated The New Day
Ricochet defeated Tucker
2-on-1 Handicap Match: Drew McIntyre defeated The Miz & John Morrison
RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!!!#TheFiend is watching………..#WWERaw pic.twitter.com/xSZg8FWLXy
— WWE (@WWE) November 3, 2020
RAW is all about one storyline at this moment. It’s a trilogy as Randy Orton tries to take on a three-headed monster called Drew McIntyre, The Fiend and The Miz. Whether it’s the former WWE Champion, the diabolical Bray Wyatt with his whimsical sidekick Alexa Bliss or the Money In the Bank holder, The Miz, The Viper has to keep his head on a swivel these days. And we LOVE it. Give me chaos. Give me upheaval. Give me an uncertain rode each week with the strongest personalities on Monday night interwoven each Monday night. Plus, we get to throw Roman Reigns into the mix for Orton to for one night at Survivor Series. It’ll be interesting which way the WWE decides to go with this one.
What is disappointing though is the consistent use of The Miz as someone who is not strong at all. We just had the last month of The Miz talking how much better a contender to the WWE Championships than Otis was, yet here we go again with The Miz and John Morrison again proving folly for McIntyre, losing a 2-on-1 handicap match. The MITB contender should look strong is he’s going to be taken seriously to knock off Orton or Reigns.
7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES, 7-TIMES!@NiaJaxWWE sends @LanaWWE crashing through the announce table on #WWERaw! pic.twitter.com/zuQrtxiEAJ
— WWE (@WWE) November 3, 2020
Lana. Tables. #7 and counting. Oh yeah, how clunky was the end of that Women’s Tag Team Title match? 
The pipes on @TrueKofi though…#TheNewDay squares off against The #HurtBusiness' @Sheltyb803 & @CedricAlexander NEXT on #WWERaw! pic.twitter.com/0Cu9KFamxp
— WWE (@WWE) November 3, 2020
Sure, I’ll take The New Day vs. The Hurt Business for a bit. These guys could bring it in and out of the ring. Strong promos are coming our way on Monday night! Speaking of The Hurt Business, I thought they missed an opportunity to groom R-Truth for a potential addition to the team. Lashley beat up R-Truth, quickly, and then threw Drew Gulak on top of him to take away his 24/7 Title. I thought Lashley was coming back in the ring to turn it around and have R-Truth regain the title, but it wasn’t meant to be. It would’ve been a good thing too, IMHO. R-Truth joining MVP and crew could be some comic relief and another edition to fight RETRIBUTION.
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) November 3, 2020
As for RETRIBUTION, what did Ricochet and Tucker ever do to them? Sure, bad ass RETRIBUTION, pick on RICOCHET, one of the smallest guys on the roster.
SWEARING in the #FireflyFunHouse?! Yowie wowie.#WWERaw @WWEBrayWyatt @AlexaBliss_WWE pic.twitter.com/SQmAqPmiDi
— WWE (@WWE) November 3, 2020
Finally, Alexa Bliss and the swear jar joining the Firefly Funhouse. YES! Bliss is on fire these days as a shining spotlight of Monday nights.
Dakota Kai defeated Ember Moon
KUSHIDA defeated Cameron Grimes
Drake Maverick & Killian Dain vs. Ever-Rise ended in no-contest
Toni Storm defeated Shotzi Blackheart
Tommaso Ciampa defeated The Velveteen Dream
First things first, NXT was another good show this week. As usual, it’s the best in-ring stuff on Wednesday nights and this week did not disappoint.
Every match, minus the tag team match delivered and you could argue that the Dain/Maverick vs. Ever-Rise match served its purpose as a no-contest giving Pat McAfee’s new faction the chance to beat up Dain & Maverick and give them a new foe in addition to The Undisputed Era. McAfee’s a beast on the mic already in his early NXT career. No matter the platform, he kills it!
The #WWENXT #WomensChampion 𝙞𝙨𝙣'𝙩 afraid of nightmares.@shirai_io wants @RheaRipley_WWE one-on-one! pic.twitter.com/xrZzCg1HTT
— WWE (@WWE) November 5, 2020
What I didn’t like though was the constant use of distraction to end matches. In the opening match of the night, Raquel Gonzalez distracts the ref to let Dakota Kai get the pin on Ember Moon. Then, to interrupt a very good Shotzi Blackheart vs. Toni Storm match, Candice LeRae runs over Blackheart’s beloved tank. Sure, I get the storyline of revenge for LeRae to get back at Shotzi for interfering in his championship match vs. Io Shirai last week on Halloween Havoc, but it took away from a really good match. I’m thinking Storm joins forces with Shotzi to take on LeRae and Miss Scream Indie Hartwell down the road too. That should be fun!
.@CandiceLeRae has DESTROYED @ShotziWWE's TANK!!
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#WWENXT pic.twitter.com/gaHGNV1rj6
— WWE (@WWE) November 5, 2020
Poor tank!
.@JohnnyGargano, #WWENXT #NorthAmericanChampion & lover of wheels, will defend his championship NEXT WEEK!
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Ghostface pic.twitter.com/XKjd9agF8c
— WWE (@WWE) November 5, 2020
KUSHIDA continues to impress, but I’ve got one gripe. Wasn’t he getting the edge as a heel? Suddenly, he’s clapping and getting cheered against Cameron Grimes? I’d rather see him keep the nastiness.
𝒜 𝐹𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒶𝓁𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 for @NXTCiampa, and a 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞 for @DreamWWE. Tommaso Ciampa picks up the victory in a BRUTAL one-on-one encounter on #WWENXT! pic.twitter.com/SmLvIOdZlP
— WWE (@WWE) November 5, 2020
Tommaso Ciampa is non-stop action. So, he feels like NXT isn’t quite the same these days? Well, what better way to start to get things back in sync than to take out The Velveteen Dream and his me-first persona.  It’s a fairy tale ending for TVD to end the night! Who’s next on Ciampa’s radar?
SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Sasha Banks defeated Bayley
Survivor Series Qualifying Match: King Corbin defeated Rey Mysterio
Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Ruby Riott defeated Natalya & Zelina Vega
Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Seth Rollins defeated Otis
Jey Uso defeated Kevin Owens
S T I L L #SmackDown Women's Champ: @SashaBanksWWE! pic.twitter.com/MheWeJK3uE
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) November 7, 2020
Welcome back, @CarmellaWWE! #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/dnOq8heHS6
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) November 7, 2020
If this was the end to the Banks vs. Bayley feud, and no I don’t think it is, it was one hell of a finale! Given nearly a half hour to start Friday night SmackDown, they tore the house down again! Banks retains her title but gets a face full of Carmella as The Untouchable One returns to the blue brand to stake her claim to the Women’s Title. I wonder what Bayley thinks of all this. Things could get even more interesting.
King @BaronCorbinWWE is headed to #SurvivorSeries *remembers what King Corbin did last year*
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— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) November 7, 2020
On the Survivor Series front, King Corbin and Seth Rollins have joined Team SmackDown. Rollins got a little surprising help from Murphy in distracting Otis to give the Messiah the win. But alas things are exactly how they appear says Murphy to his new love, Aalyah.
"I need you to trust me." #SmackDown @WWE_Murphy pic.twitter.com/nOseYmqVfw
— WWE (@WWE) November 7, 2020
For the women, Ruby Riott claims an unlikely spot on Team SmackDown, joining Bianca Belair on the blue team. Where’s Naomi? Where was Belair this week? And yes, I need more of Big E and The Street Profits than just a cameo with Billie Kay.
So, how many parts is this Lars Sullivan interview? Does he need a different interviewer each week too? Freakish indeed.
Jey @WWEUsos did what he had to do to pick up the win tonight on #SmackDown…@FightOwensFight @HeymanHustle pic.twitter.com/BHkXj7EZJZ
— WWE (@WWE) November 7, 2020
It wasn’t as dramatic as the past few weeks, but we get another chapter of the family drama as Roman Reigns joins Jey Uso in putting Kevin Owens in his place after Owens mocked Uso earlier in the night. A very heelish victory for Uso – distraction, low blow, big splash! It’s a step forward in uniting the Tribal Chief’s reign over all his relatives. It also further plants the seeds of dissention on Team SmackDown between Owens and Uso as well.
After a couple of months of being the standard show of the WWE week, SmackDown was still very good, not great. After all, we’ve come to expect greatness these days on Friday night.
Parting Shots:
Paul Heyman as the new co-host of Talking Smack? Interesting. If he keeps bringing the shoot style realism that he brought the past few weeks as a guest to his new co-hosting duties, well just sign me up!
Coming up this week:
RAW: A Moment of Bliss: Drew McIntyre guest Second Chance Survivor Series Qualifying Match: Riddle vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Elias
NXT: NXT North American Championship Match: Johnny Gargano vs. TBD NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs. Breezango
SMACKDOWN: Survivor Series Qualifying continues / Go Home Show
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND
0 notes
Mic Check
Summary: Miz knows you have a crush on Finn and when the two of you are thrown in a storyline together, Miz is ready to call you out in front of him. Except, Finn might have other plans....And feelings of his own.
Inspired by this imagine originally posted by @deseraysmiththings
Imagine being invited on an episode of Miz TV with Finn and when Miz tries to get a seat for you, Finn shoves the chair to the ground and pats his lap. Shit eating grin and all.
Tag Squad:
@beccabear | @littledeadrottinghood | @thedeboniardevistation | @caramara3 | @nightmareangeluniverse | @queenreignsempire | @withwordslikeweapons | @xfirespritex | @ashleymarie2021 | @ashleyvc88 | @wwefangirl69 | @greygirlmoxley | @theelitevillian | @dorkyvillain | @fluffyhales | @superrezzy00 | @wrasslin-x | @therattlesnakedaughter-devon| @harleyquinnnikki | @slutforchadgable | @vebner37 | @writergrrrl29 | @the-geekgoddes | @thatonegirloncealways | @bombomiver | @alexahood21 | @wweismyguiltypleasure | @alexispoo | @reigns420 | @helluvawriter | @shieldgirl95 | @imladylunaticbitch |  @rum-and-whiskey-gypsy | @aaaammber | @welshwitch5 | @iwannadiehere | @lilmisscrisis | @lip-sync | @valeonmars | @unstablenikki | @gelinas22 | @cute-face-chubby-waist  | @awkward-potato-imagines | @wafflovessyrup | @sarahmatthews7 | @laochbaineann | @giantbananas | @that-lolachick | @shelaughssheloves | @racheo91 | @blondekel77 | @crowleysqueenofhell | @bolieve-that | @queensofallshesees67 | @calwitch | @wwesmut88 | @lunaticfringe216 | @ineedyourlaughs | @devittslegos | @sgtbbxrnes | @heelturn-timesten | @wildandfreepinkv0dka | @sebastianandstyles | @alyhull | @crookedmoonsaultpunk | @sss2216 | @kianji | @secretagentfangirl | @lonewolfgirl17 | @ilovesamizaynn | @poe-slittleraven13 | @sonjashuterbugjohnson | @imagines--assemble | @ambrosegirlforever | @banrioncethlenn | @truconsciousramblings | @anerdysouthernbelle | @heeltothequeen | @macfizzle | @alynevelludo2 | @superkicksandchill | @kingslayers-angel | @hardcorewwetrash| @ambroseasylum022 | @northlamed | @suckthatskittlebiiitch | @monsteramongmen-tamer | @thedustyangel | @swamptrashwithasideofsass | @artemisapalla316 | @vixxyvampire | @wrasslin-writings | @balordarling | @luchaparasiempre | @ambrosegirlforever | @laigy2213 | @im-indestructible |  @queencflair | @asylumxclub | @ghostlybabe16 | @fioportella | @baeckyshorsewomen | @neeadinghugs | @sfreeborn | @shadow-of-wonder| | @p0tat0catofwesteros | @karleedaniels27 | @amantedelcalcio | @queen-twerks-a-lot | @spine-buster | @blissful-moonchild | @zombie-zayde | @whatsupitsmk | @kaitlynwwefan | @mainlywwe-shitposts | @wwe-alright | @taryndbiase | @mandi512 | @captainyoutube | @lavitabella87 | @jeffhardyenigmawwefan |
“Do you have to be so blatantly obvious?”
I cringed when I heard Miz’s voice as he walked up behind me.
“About what?” I groaned, flipping my head around to face him.
“This,” he scoffed, motioning toward Finn as he grappled in the ring with Sami.
“This what?”
“This googley eyed, drooling that’s been going on for months now,” Miz laughed, rolling his eyes for good measure.
“I don’t know what you’re...”
“Yes, you do,” he held his hand up as if to hush me “It’s pathetic. It really is. You and I both know that Finn friend zoned you a long time ago, so why torture yourself week in and week out?”
“Is this supposed to be some kind of heart to heart conversation?” I laughed in disgust “Miz, just mind your own business.”
I hated the fact that he knew so much. 
He wouldn’t, if it wasn’t for Maryse and her big mouth. I needed to learn that anything said to her, went straight to him too.
“I’m trying to help you,” he wrapped an arm sympathetically around my shoulder “You need to face the facts, cut your losses...”
“Is there a problem ‘ere?”
We both looked up to see Finn standing in front of us. Sweat was dripping down his forehead, soaking his t-shirt and he had a towel wrapped around his neck.
“No,” Miz quickly pulled his arm away “No problem at all...As a matter of fact, I needed to speak to the two of you together. I’m glad you’re done with that horseplay...”
Finn’s eyes narrowed and I could tell by the stance he was taking, that he wanted to kick Miz’s teeth in.
“Horseplay?” he scoffed “It’s thins’ like dat, dat will win ya tha top championships. Workin’ ‘ard and...”
“Yeah, yeah,” Miz waved his hand “You’re a workhorse, you put in your time, you’re great, you’re fabulous, we get it...We need to talk about Miz Tv tonight.”
“What about it?” I folded my arms across my chest.
“Well, since the two of you have been paired up for this mixed tag at the pay per view next week...I’m calling you both out into the ring to face off against Emma and Cass tonight.”
“Fine,” Finn shrugged, grabbing hold of my shoulder to lead us out “We’ll see ya out ‘dare.”
“Yes, yes you will,” Miz smirked.
Before we could leave,  he opened his mouth and I knew I was going to want to die from whatever he said next.
“Oh,” he looked at me “Try to keep yourself together out there tonight. No googley eyes at Finn on Miz Tv.”
I felt my cheeks turning red and I wanted to crawl under the nearest chair. 
He turned and left before I could say anything, not that I had the capacity to say anything at the moment.
“What’s he talkin’ about?” Finn scrunched his nose up, letting go of my shoulder and standing where we were facing each other.
“I, I don’t know,” I shook my head “He’s just an asshole.”
“Well I know ‘dat,” he laughed “But, why would ya be lookin’ at me...like ‘dat?”
“It’s, it’s nothing,” I shook my head, humiliated at that point.
“It’s not nothin’,” he stared at me “What does he know, ‘dat I don’t?”
“Nothing,” I echoed myself again “He’s just, he’s trying to start trouble between us before our match. You know how he is.”
“Rootin’ for the ‘otha team,” he smirked “As long as it’s not us.”
“Asshole,” I mumbled again, before following Finn toward the locker rooms.
I asked for a heavier than usual makeup job, later that night. I had a feeling that Miz would call me out again and I wanted to hide my flushing cheeks as much as possible.
Finn and I had been friends for a little over a year. Fairly early on, I had wanted more but I never told him. Finn made an effort to tell everyone that he didn’t have time for a relationship. His relationship, he always said, was with wrestling.
We had become incredibly close though. We rode together, sometimes we would room together, he helped me train....He was my best friend and he always told me I was the secret female member of the Bullet Club. He would be so cute when he said it too; ‘too sweeting’ me to make me feel better after a loss or to cheer me up after another in a long line of terrible dates.
Finn would always tell me I was too good for them and to focus on my wrestling, just like he did...but I couldn’t. I wanted a relationship. With him.
I heard Finn’s voice behind me as I walked down the hallway. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath before turning around.
He was dressed for the ring. His jacket already stretched across his shoulders, his abs bared.
“Hey,” I smiled, trying my best to keep my heartbeat down.
“Listen, I talked ta da Miz,” he ran his hand up the back of his neck anxiously.
“You did?” I was able to squeak out.
“Yeah, listen if ya don’t wan’ ta do this thin’ tonight just tell me and I’ll get us out of it.”
Miz had told him. 
All about my googley eyes and my feelings and what I wanted. 
Damn Maryse. I would never tell her another secret again.
She wasn’t there or she would have gotten an ear full by now.
“No, not it’s ok,” I nodded, brushing my hair back over my shoulders “I’ll be fine.”
“Listen,” Finn stepped closer, his eyes staring into mine as his tongue danced along his lip nervously “If ya feel somethin’ for me...”
“I don’t,” I lied, “I, I don’t. Miz is just saying that to get under our skin. He’s wanting to get us off our game so he can fuck with us and get a spike in the ratings.”
“Well, he’s doin’ a good job,” Finn laughed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
“Yeah,” I nodded “So, I guess I’ll see you out there.”
“Yeah,” he stared at the ground “Yeah, I’ll see ya...”
And with that, he walked away. 
Had I pissed him off? 
I was just trying to make things less awkward for him. He didn’t need to tell me what a good woman I was, how I’d make someone really happy..All the things I knew a guy like Finn would say.
If I couldn’t have him...My relationship was with wrestling.
I waited backstage, watching Finn make his entrance and step inside the Miz Tv ring.
I already wanted to throw up. Miz was such a wild card. Nobody knew what he was going to say next. I knew I had to push through though. We had a match to hype up and execute. I wouldn’t be the weak link and disappoint Finn.
“So Finn..”
I looked back up at the monitor, after having zoned out in thought for a minute.
“Finn, tell me what it’s like to get to tag with one of your besties, hm?” Miz folded his arms across his chest, leaning in closer to Finn as they sat side by side in their director’s chairs.
“Damn it,” I groaned, resting my hands on my bared hips nervously.
I was dressed in my ring gear too but I wished I was anywhere else.
“It’s...” Finn started to answer.
Miz cut him off. Of course.
“Because let me tell you, it has to be incredibly, incredibly difficult...Almost painful even, for her to have to come out here and work alongside you so closely...When we both know, she wants what she can’t have from you.”
The whole crowd reacted, mostly in shock, to the burn I was receiving.
Finn stood up and he and Miz started staring at each other.
My music hit and I was ushered to the gorilla.
Fuck, I didn’t want to go out there. I should have let Finn handle it like he said he would.
I made my way down the ramp awkwardly and slid in alongside them. I stood shoulder to shoulder with Finn, glaring at Miz.
“Oh, did you hear us talking about you?” he laughed, as my music faded “I was just about to reveal your little secret but by all means if you want to tell Finn and the whole WWE Universe how you’re madly in love with him...Be my guest.”
I wanted to slap him. It took everything in me not to. I didn’t want to risk being kicked out of my match, replaced.
Miz shoved a microphone at me and I took it, my eyes trained to the mat in utter humiliation.
“Ya don’t hafta ansa’ dat,” Finn spoke into his mic “As a matta a fact, we don’t have to ansa’ ta ya at all.”
“So true, Finn...So true,” Miz smirked “You do have to answer to Emma and Big Cass a week from Sunday, so if you want to skip the minor details...Let’s get down to business.”
My eyes were burning as I tried to hold back the tears. 
Miz grabbed another chair and set it beside Finn’s. 
Finn walked in front of him and smirked, before he kicked the second chair flying across the ring. 
Miz recoiled in surprise, the crowd cheered and I didn’t know what to do.
Finn sat down, propping his feet on the footrest of the chair, his knees spread slightly and he patted his lap.
“Come on,” he smiled at me, his mic not to his lips.
“Finn,” I whispered.
The whole crowd had reacted to this with catcalls and cheering. Miz looked as confused as me.
“Sit,” Finn instructed me again.
I smiled as I slid down into the comforts of his lap...and his arms, as they wrapped around me. 
He stared across the ring at Miz, that huge grin plastered on his face, much to Miz’s disdain.
“You were sayin’, Miz?” Finn picked up his microphone.
I could feel Finn underneath my ass...He was getting turned on...What in the hell was happening?
I sat there as Miz asked him about fighting Cass and blathered on about nothing...All while feeling Finn’s semi-hard dick pressing against me. I rested my hand against his chest and he glanced over at me, winking.
“I’m sorry,” Miz stood up “But what is happening here? I bring you two on here to talk about this match, not be all over each other.
“Maybe ya shoulda’ thought about dat one before ya decided ta put our personal lives on yer lil show,” Finn grinned even wider, the kind of grin that was actually for enticing anger.
Cass’ music hit and we both stood to our feet. 
I made a point to stand in front of Finn, giving him time to not have quite such a large bulge in his ring shorts.
The next few minutes were a blur and ended with Finn taking a huge bump from Cass and me being laid out by Emma.
Once the segment ended, I sat up and crawled out of the ring. I had to get out of there before I had to look Finn in the eyes.
I got changed as quickly as possible and went straight to the hotel. 
I was so confused and humiliated and devastated and every emotion possible.
First, Finn finds out I have feelings for him.
Then, its gets blasted all over tv...Despite the fact it was probably perceived as storyline.
Last, there was the fact that Finn got a hard on with me on his lap. What did that mean? Was it just the adrenaline rush of doing exactly what Miz didn’t want?
I spent a good five minutes getting all the makeup off my face and slid into my pajamas. 
I checked my phone before I plugged it in for the night. No missed calls from Finn. 
He was supposed to be rooming with Sami and I got a single for a change. I had never been so thankful in my life.
I reached to turn off my bedside light and was interrupted.
There was banging of a fist on my door and I froze.
If it was Miz...I was going to strangle him where he stood.
I slung the door open, fully expecting it to be him but it wasn’t.
Finn stood there. He had on a t-shirt and jeans, his arm framed in the doorway. Our eyes met and I immediately felt embarrassed.
“Finn, I,” I shook my head, unable to think of anything else to say.
“Ya shoulda’ told me,” he spoke dryly, his other hand reaching out so that he was holding the top of the doorframe with both hands now and leaning toward me.
“Why?” I whispered “What difference would it have made? Finn, you are married to your career...You say that all the time and I’m sure you have things with other women sometimes...I get that and...”
“Ya shoulda told me, so I coulda said I felt da same,” he leaned closer and our faces were inches from touching.
“Oh,” I gasped, barely audible.
“Ya gonna let me in?” 
“Yes, yes, I’m so sorry,” I realized and moved to let him pass by me.
He walked straight to the bed and sat down on the edge of it.
“I neva’ knew,” he shook his head “I mean, I thought dat maybe ya felt somethin’ too...but for fuck’s sake why didn’t ya tell me?”
He wanted what I did. It was difficult to process it.
“I’m telling you now,” I moved in front of him.
Fuck it.
“I’m telling you right now, Finn...I think...That maybe...I’m in love with you. You’re...You’re everything to me. You’re my best friend and you’re my coach and you’re...”
He grabbed my hand, pulling me so my stomach rested at his face level. His fingers slid up under my shirt and I gasped from surprise.
His warm mouth started kissing my stomach and his hands slid around to glide up my back. Without thinking, I grabbed his hair between my fingers and tugged on it lightly.
I felt him smile against me, leaning back and pulling at the bottom of my tank top. 
Breathlessly, I pulled it off and he stood up. 
Finn cupped my face in his hands and his eyes stared deep into mine. 
I was standing there, half naked, in front of my best friend...and it felt right.
“From now on,” he grinned at me “Don’t keep thins’ ta ya self.”
“What about...” I started to ask.
“I think...No, I know dat I love ya,” he answered me mid-sentence “Now let me show ya.”
He kissed me and I practically squealed into his mouth. I could feel the pent up frustrations in each kiss and it only made me want him more. His tongue pushed at mine aggressively and I whimpered against his lips.
His mouth started sliding down my throat and I giggled. His facial hair tickled my skin and he started laughing against me.
We were such dorks. 
And I loved us.
“What are ya laughin’ at?” he nipped at the base of my throat before he leaned back up.
“You,” I smiled “When I sat on your lap earlier...”
“Ya felt dat, huh?” he smirked, a hint of embarrassment on his face.
“Mhm,” I giggled, pushing him to sit on the bed again.
I reached for his shirt and he slid it over his head. I moved to straddle him, linking my hands behind his neck.
I started grinding on him immediately, my panties and his jeans between us. 
“Maybe I can cause it again,” I smiled at him.
Finn groaned, his hips bucking up to make better contact and his hands gripping my waist.
“Does that feel good?” I whispered in his ear and he groaned again, louder.
He stared at my breasts as they moved in from of his face, then he would look up to stare into my eyes. 
I wound harder and harder on him.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he grunted, as I started to move faster.
His tongue reached out and flicked across one of my nipples as they slid up and down in front of him with each of my movements.
“Are ya gonna cum dis way?” he finally broke free and panted, with wide eyes.
He got his answer fairly quickly. The excitement of him being there and the way he was looking at me, touching me with his tongue, the feeling of his dick now being hard underneath me...
“Shit,” I whispered, leaning forward and gripping his bare shoulders.
He moved me faster with his hands and I felt myself cum, right on top of his lap.
“Finn,” I gasped, my nails lightly scraping his skin.
He stood up, holding me and turned around. He dropped me onto the bed and started to take my pajama shorts off, ripping my panties off with them.
I looked him straight in the eyes. 
They looked hungry but they also looked nervous.
He fumbled with the button on his jeans and they dropped to the floor. Discarding them and his shoes, he crawled up over me in only his boxer briefs and I moaned when I felt his dick brush across my completely bare pussy.
I arched my back up to him, as he reached me and lowered his face to mine.
“Ya sure?” he smiled, his tongue running across his lips “Dis is what ya want...Ya want me?”
“You know when I said that I thought I loved you?” I whispered, his fingers tracing my cheek.
“Mhm,” he grinned.
“I lied,” I smiled back at him “I know that I do.”
“Sucha ‘lil lya’,” he laughed, sliding his hands down my body achingly slow “One day, I’ll hafta punish ya fer dat.”
I knew he meant it and my mind started spinning with all the things that his darker, demon side could and would do to me.
“But not tonight, love,” he growled.
I reached up and grabbed the waistband of his underwear and he shimmied out of it. 
His dick popped out and slid across my stomach. He was every bit as large as I already knew.
He flipped us again, so that I was on top, and then he sat up, his arms wrapped around me.
“Let’s try dat again,” he whispered in a deep voice “Only wit ma dick in ya.”
He lifted me a little by my waist and I let out a loud moan, as he slid himself up inside me and eased me back down.
“Ya ok?” he smirked, as his hands grabbed my breasts and squeezed them.
“Yes,” I gasped, as I started to wind my hips on top of him again.
“Dis feels much betta,” he grunted, his body moving in sync with mine.
He slid his thumb down to massage my clit and his eyes got so dark, so serious...It turned me on even more.
“Just like dat,” he threw his head back, as my rhythm increased “Fuckin’ shit, baby.”
This was happening. 
This was happening.
He picked me up again and threw me down, much harder, onto the bed. He slid inside of me again and his hips started snapping against mine. Sweat was starting to slide down his temples and he bit down on his lower lip.
“Ya look so beautiful,” he managed to growl out, his whole body moving much faster above me.
I wanted to reply but he felt so good...I couldn’t think straight. Instead, I grabbed his face and pulled his lips to mine again. 
He growled as he kissed me, one of his hands gripping my cheeks between his fingers. He sucked on my lip before it popped out of his mouth.
His pace increased again and he was slamming himself into me.
“Oh my god,” I panted, wrapping my legs around his waist.
“Ya feel so fuckin’ good,” he gasped “I can’t slow down.”
“Harder,” I whimpered.
He grinned and then his face grew stoic, sexy...
His hips snapped against me and I knew it wouldn’t be much longer.
“Like dat? Hard like dat?” he asked in a commanding voice.
Fuck, I couldn’t wait to be punished...
“Yes,” I squealed as he started thrusting against my g-spot “Oh, shit!”
“Ya gonna cum wit me?” he asked in the same voice.
I nodded, reaching up to kiss him one more time. 
“Fuck,” he broke his mouth away and his hips jerked hard against me.
I felt my orgasm start to spasm around him and he brought his fingers down to rub across my clit again.
“Jus’ like dat,” he growled, before his hips bucked hard and he tensed up.
“Just like that,” I whimpered, letting him know I didn’t want him to move.
“Shit!” he yelled, as he snapped against me one more time.
“Finn!” I leaned up off the mattress, my teeth biting into his arm to keep from screaming too loud, as I spasmed all around him.
Once we both had stopped moving, he dropped down beside me.
His strong hand pulled me to face him and I giggled, again.
His finger reached up, patting me quickly on the nose, and his sweet grin spread across his face.
“Ya meant it?”
“Every single word,” I smiled, scooting closer to him.
He rolled on his back and I crawled closer, my head resting on his chest.
“Did you mean it?” I had to ask, as his fingers started combing through my hair.
“Ya damn right I did,” he chuckled, causing his chest to shake “Miz betta’ not call us out again..He might get more dan he bargained for.”
“What do you mean?” I raised my head up.
“He wants a show. We might just give da bastard one,” he laughed.
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fromtheringapron · 6 years
ECW Massacre on 34th Street
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Date: December 3, 2000
Location: Hammerstein Ballroom in New York, New York
Attendance: 2,600
Commentary: Joey Styles & Joel Gertner (match 1). Joey Styles & Cyrus (matches 2 thru 8).
1. Christian York & Joey Matthews defeated Simon Diamond & Swinger. 
2. EZ Money (with Elektra, Julio Dinero, and Chris Hamrick) defeated Balls Mahoney.
3. Nova (with Balls Mahoney) defeated Julio Dinero (with EZ Money, Elektra, and Chris Hamrick).
4. ECW World Tag Team Championship: Danny Doring & Roadkill defeated The F.B.I. (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) (champions) (with Sal E. Graziano) to win the titles.
5. C.W. Anderson defeated Tommy Dreamer.
6. ECW Television Championship: Rhino (champion) defeated Spike Dudley. 
7. The Unholy Alliance (Yoshihiro Tajiri & Mikey Whipwreck) (with Sinister Minister) defeated Super Crazy & Kid Kash. 
8. Three-Way Dance for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Steve Corino (champion) (with Jack Victory) defeated Jerry Lynn and Justin Credible (with Francine). 
Latter day ECW doesn’t feature nearly as many low points unlike, say, latter day WCW. Many of their failings occur outside the ring, with a failed television deal with TNN and Paul Heyman not paying his talent hanging over them in their final months. This means you can watch a show like Massacre on 34 Street without feeling like the promotion is on the verge of closing its doors. The ECW faithful is lively as ever, the action is fast-paced, and nothing here indicates they will be lead by Stephanie McMahon on WWF television in a matter of months.
As with any show held by a promotion in its waning days, Massacre on 34th Street is best viewed as a glimpse into how ECW could’ve been had they continued to exist through the remainder of 2001 and beyond. Former stars like Tazz, Raven, and The Dudley Boyz are all now wrestling for the WWF and in their place are a crop of newer, younger stars like world champ Steve Corino, Justin Credible, CW Anderson, Christian York, Joey Matthews, and more. The former two main event, and CW Anderson picks up a win against ECW vet Tommy Dreamer. There is some evidence the promotion would’ve gone through its own youth movement had they survived. Weirdly enough, WWE’s rebooted ECW winds up being used for this exact purpose much later in the decade, so perhaps Paul Heyman & company were onto something.
There is also the question how ECW would’ve evolved as a promotion. No doubt they’d maintain their harder edge, which is still quite present in this show. There is, however, the question of whether the raunchiness of the product would’ve been toned down. ECW is still riding high on the appeal of “crash television” by the time of Massacre on 34 Street but there surely would’ve come a time in the 2000s where it possibly would’ve been to their detriment in terms getting another shot on cable television. The raised awareness of the severe long-term effects of concussions within the industry may have also put an end to some promotion’s more violent aspects. It’s also possible the promotion would’ve adopted more of a “shoot fight” tone over the years to capitalize on the rising popularity of mixed martial arts.
Of course, we’ll never truly have the answers, but this show is at least a fun way to parse the promotion’s hypothetical future. Even without all the speculation, Massacre on 34th Street makes for an easy watch. In fact, for a show with a title that’s a deliberate twist on a classic Christmas film, it’s like the perfect guest at your holiday party⏤it doesn’t outstay its welcome, and even contributes a little spice to the eggnog. 
My Random Notes
I’ve mentioned before how I’m not the most ECW literate person, so apologies if anything I discuss here seems uninformed. It’s especially true with the promotion’s final years. So many people I had no idea actually existed, let alone ones who are actually wrestlers. Imagine, if you will, a wrestler named EZ Money. Except he’s real.
One thing I have heard about latter day ECW is the main event run of Justin Credible and how he is a bad fit for the role. I’m inclined to agree. He has a plain, fairly banal presence that, while not actively offensive, doesn’t inspire much interest. To make a reference to my last review, he’s essentially the Ron Garvin of ECW. Still, he did manage to get a main event spot in the number #3 promotion in the United States after floundering in one of the crappier gimmicks in the WWF circa mid ‘90s, so props to him.
Surely someone has tried syncing this show with Miracle on 34 Street in the same way people try to sync up Wizard of Oz with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, right?
Danny Doring wears the most intense turtleneck I’ve ever seen. It’s kinda intimidating.
The whole deal with the towel guy is excellent. One thing I’ll say about ECW fans is how they manage to have fun with even the smallest parts of the show. Monday Night Raw crowds circa 2017 could never.
So nice of Spike Dudley to perform a tribute to George Wells by puking in the center of the ring.
Oh, great, another ECW show where two guys do a bunch of moves then go to a stand-off so the audience can applaud. Fuck off.
Chris Hamrick sports an unfortunate Confederate flag on his ring attire. Apparently he was also part of a stable called the “Confederate Currency.” Woof, that’s rough. Like, Chris, the peak of your wrestling career was spent in the name of a racist flag. That’s no way to make a living.
Not sure how to feel about CW Anderson, but I’m not surprised he didn’t become a big star after ECW folded. Trying to be Arn Anderson can’t be your entire brand.
James Vandenberg, or Sinister Minister as he’s known here, is so underrated. Kinda surprised he didn’t get a WWF run, preferably as a member of the Ministry of Darkness. The guy just looks and sounds Satanic and, while he doesn’t make any sort of impact on this show, his mere appearance conjures up some nice flashbacks of him trailing behind Wrath and Mortis on some ’97 episode of WCW Nitro.
Was originally going to review December to Dismember 2006 instead but then I decided I should be kind to myself this holiday season.
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easyobsession · 7 years
I have got shit to do. Term papers to write, end of the semester shit to finish up, major family stuff going on, my newfound obsession with Sons of Anarchy, and a WWE Payperview this weekend. I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS.
And yet here my ass is typing this up for all of you at 1Am. Because after what went down tonight, I’m hot and ready to go all Lima Heights up in this shit and I gotta get it out.
So here we go. This recap turned rant starts right fucking now.
*I’ve given up listening to the judges. I don’t even watch their comments 99.9% of the time anymore. At this point they could replace them with monkeys and I’d be cool. Just an FYI. Though I do adore Nick Carter and wish he’d won his season. (See my season 21 recaps)
As far as costuming goes, I think this is the best she’s looked all season. Absolutely stunning. The boots took away from the footwork though. Technically it looked good, though she messed up a few times. To me it looked more like a dance you’d see the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders (shoutout to Melissa Rycroft- haaay!) do at halftime though. She was too smiley and struck her poses too hard.
HIS FACE DOESN’T CHANGE. I DON’T UNDERSTAND. IT’S ALWAYS THE SAME. HAPPY, SAD, SEXY, ANGRY, STRESSED- IT’S ALL IDENTICAL. But aside from that… he did better than I expected, tbh. It wasn’t great. Worth a 7. Stiff, his hands looked like they were trying to hold her head like a basketball, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought. And Nick and Sharna’s friendship (DO NOT GET ME STARTED OR ASK ABOUT A FIC, I’M TRYING TO LIVE MY LIFE) always makes me beam. But the cowboy needs to go.
NANCY AND ARTEM. PASO. 9888=33/40.
Okay. First of all, a few notes on set and aesthetics: the flashing lights were distracting as hell. The color of her dress didn’t work at all, and the cage thing at the beginning sucked. It seemed like she got a little flustered this week- I didn’t see the package for this one btw, and overall it was just… okay. I know she can do better. It just felt more like everything got too hectic in the arrangement.
NICK AND PETA. JIVE. 7777=28/40.
He tried. Peta looked fucking gorg. I don’t even know what happened in the middle. Too slow and boring. Next.
NORMANI AND VAL. SALSA. 1010810=38/40.
I’m sitting here typing this up and watching these videos back and I literally am about to stand up. THAT IS A FUCKING DANCE. FIERCE AND ATTITUDE AND POWER AND THOSE HAIR FLIPS. She was fluid and her movements all connected- it didn’t look like she was doing a series of poses like Simone. This is what I’m talking about. This is what we want. THIS IS A GODDAMN DANCE. EVERYTHING. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. I AM SO DAMN PROUD. Also, Len can see himself out. BYEEE.
Couldn’t see the package for this one either. Goddammit Youtube . But I’m in a hurry so whatever. Loved the choreo. Lindsay = a star. Obv. What I like about David is that he seems like the most relatable of the stars this season. It’s like watching your dad or your uncle or your neighbor- he seems like a regular dude. He’s not incredible, but he does his best. Almost dropped Lindsay, but otherwise the tricks looked good. Is he ever gonna be incredible? No. But I like watching him anyway. And I think he did just fine.
RASHAD AND EMMA. TANGO. 91099=37/40.
Didn’t see the package. I want his jacket. Love Emma’s bangs. Pretty good, though instead of looking away from her it looked like he was staring at the ceiling, which was distracting. But overall pretty good. I’m 95% sure at this point he’s going to win the season. We’ll get to that later.
HEATHER AND MAKS. RUMBA. 10101010=40/40.
“Played like a star, danced like a champion.” That says it all. I saw it. I saw the story in front of me. She looks like a fucking professional. That is it. Done.
The package was gold. I was dying. I want to hang out with them. As for the routine… it started off less than impressive. Then they got to the chairs and my jaw actually dropped. Literally. I was a little uncomfortable to be perfectly honest. It looked like a strip show. Carrie Ann is actual garbage but what else is new and I’m pretty sure Rashad was the only one to get a minute on his own. Overall it was out of sync and kind of a mess. They tried, but it flopped and the costumes didn’t look good either. I liked the end though. Oh, and RNB+D? Seriously?
“Simone, put your hands on my ass.” Oh my god. “At this point I could put on a tutu and you could call me Mary. …Don’t call me Mary. And I’m not gonna put on a tutu.” Oh MY GOD.  And now to the dance. I’m going Grey’s Anatomy here. ….seriously? SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY. WHO CHOREOGRAPHED THIS? What the hell? The beginning was awful and way too staged and awkward, the sexy part was almost cringe worthy, and then suddenly they’re doing kicks and getting into hold? Also, the mix of both teams songs was downright deserving of imprisonment, because they both sucked. I appreciated each duo getting a second in the spotlight but… This was NOT GOOD. I’m shocked and so disappointed. Oh my lord. An actual mess.
I mean… I’m beyond words. Like, there’s red hot fire and then there’s white hot. Blistering. That is where I’m at. Not pissed, not upset- it’s fury. Like, I’m still in shock.
Let’s talk for a second.
I’m going all the way back. I’m starting at season One. Oh yeah, that’s how bad I’ve lost it.
Joey McIntyre. Drew Lachey. Mario Lopez. Monique Coleman. Joey Fatone. SABRINA BRYAN. Mel B. Mario. Marissa Jaret Winokur. Lance Bass. Lil Kim. Mya. NICOLE SCHERZINGER. Brandy. Roshon Fegan. Zendaya. Elizabeth Berkley. Corbin Bleu. Amber Riley. MERYL DAVIS. ALFONSO RIBERO. Nick Carter. Wanya Morris. Normani.
All dance experience. I’ll excuse a few like Nick and such because while they did dance, they weren’t “dancers.” And Meryl and Charlie technically didn’t dance beforehand though they were trained by Derek for a period of time. Whatever. A good portion of that list made/makes a living dancing as part of their lives.
This show, believe it or not, is not based 110% in reality. It is a television show. It is for celebrities that have never ballroom danced before to pair up with a pro and learn a routine each week to perform for America. We have people like Geraldo Rivera and Kenny Mayne who couldn’t find a beat if it ran them over with a car, and we have the Alfonso Riberos and Corbin Bleus who grew up moving to music.
It does not fucking matter.
Despite my continued long ass rant, I have no words.
She didn’t deserve this.
I love David. Bonner, meh. Nick has actually impressed me though I’m still positive he’s a douchebag. Nancy is great. But they’re not better than her.
Rashad is a contender I didn’t see coming. We knew Normani and Simone would be lit.
Those are your final four.
I didn’t expect her to win, if I’m being honest. And now more than ever, since that Contemporary, I’m pretty damn certain it’ll go to Rashad. Which, I mean, good for Emma.
But I am honest with these reviews. I have no reason not to be. All I wanted was for Val to get his overdue win and he and Rumer earned it, but Riker and Allison were by far my favorites. I wanted Nick to beat Bindi even though she was the better dancer. And while I wanted Laurie to take the title, James and Sharna stole my heart.
Heather is the best one there. And the fact that she doesn’t get to at least make it to the end and experience this entire journey, even if she got fourth, really says something.
If this is as unfair as everyone keeps saying, fine. If she’s as good as Allison, then bring her on as a pro next season. Let’s go.
I don’t know if it’s America or TPTB, but… I’m in awe.
I’m in awe.
(This is my metaphorical mic drop)
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Your Man
Part Fourteen of my Hold On Me Series. You can find the rest on my Master List 
Summary: How will they handle the distance now that they reconciled?
 @becca-bear @queenreignsempire @nightmareangeluniverse @balorfromstarlabs @sammiielli @withwordslikeweapons @pjanina13 @tmriddler @ii-love-roman-reigns @kailynnyukari21 @catie-kaboom @ladyjenny19 @wwelife0014 @fioportella @wrasslin-x @brokenwinchesterr @dopematicdiamondz @killmushelff @scarlettequinn @therattlesnakedaughter-devon @slutforchadgable @abominablestrowman279 @vebner37 @justrae9903 @bodhi-black @writergrrrl29 @maliahood @y-oungin @wrasslin-rollins @thedeboniardevistation @the-geekgoddes @thatonegirloncealways @get-glitched @reigns420 @loveambrylayn @alafairftw @helluvawriter @kat-shirayuki @shieldfanomg @harleyquinnnikki @nickysmum1909 @rum-and-whiskey-gypsy @attilasgurl @iwannadiehere @loveali94 @wwegirl12 @imladylunaticbitch @all-time-low-ruined-my-life @aaaammber @princess3733 @glamlover87 @welshwitch5 @lifeisabitchandikillit @pettymachete @letitsn0vv @meaganjm @lip-sync @valeonmars @la-mala-suerte13 @unstablenikki @lindseyrae20 @gelinas22 @r3dskywaterfall @alexahood21 @letswriteaboutwwe @fiftyshadesofdunne @queenmaryseouellet @bisexual-enzo @pplesauce @irefusetoacceptreallife @effy-christine @actualamyautopsy @roserae527 @sanazebreigns @lavitabella87 @jadabayda @blumisty @fmlallthewayup @jenn-starr @xchrissymitchx @dontbeamenacetotheforce @laigy2213 @womderland-fandom @newbroxkenscene @cynda-kiwi @toni-williams @panicattheambrose @2loveeverything2 @damnbuvky @wafflovessyrup @dolph-wwe @sarahmatthews7 @laochbaineann @devittslegos @wwewritings @wweismyguiltypleasure @little–alphabet–boy @heavenlytheshield @guatebabyxo @alexispoo @olipockett @sebastianandstyles @amberhere-hi @fangirlextraordinaire713 @laochbaineann @giantbananas @macfizzle @amantedelcalcio @blood-fells @ang-78 @caramara3 @rocketqueen28 @emilyswweblog @wwe-trash2005 @lilmisscrisis @lostimaginxtion @superrezzy00 @smutwwe @thephenomenonalkingofthebrogues @the-geekgoddes @alexablss @thedustyangel @thenameskaelyn @hevluvsya102 @irishpoetlover @awkward-potato-imagines @wwesmut88 @that-lolachick @greygirlmoxley @calwitch @karaboomhower @skyemeetsreignsmain @lunaticfringe216 @hiitsmecharlie @shelaughssheloves @meaganottiz02 @tearsropsandtiedye @bettergetusetoit @racheo91   @daddynicki @fandomwhore95 @ineedyourlaughs  @sarahmatthews7  @charismatickilljoy  @lclb13 @ashleyvc88 @littledeadrottinghood  @wwe-fluff-fic @ridingmoxley @alaniskama0 @xfirespritex @alyneve @blondekel77 @kinkymaminicole @bolieve-that @ashleymarie2021 @uberduber-loulou @crowleysqueenofhell@queensofallshesees67 @cute-face-chubby-waist @amantedelcalcio @aaaammber @karaboomhower
When I woke up to start my day, Pete was gone.
I had woken up a few hours earlier when I heard the soft sound of his phone alarm going off in the darkness. I had felt his arms squeeze me closer to him and I kept my eyes closed shut, murmuring softly against his chest. Finally, he slid out from under me and I listened to him get dressed.
I could hear his footsteps approaching my side of the bed and I tried desperately not to move. I couldn’t look him in the eye because if I did, I would never let him leave.
“I love you” I heard him whisper in a gravely voice “I won’t let anythin’ come between us…I promise you.”
Pete’s fingers traced over the side of my temple and down across my cheek. His breathing became more labored and I wanted to jump up and hug him. I knew that he was struggling with walking out of the room.
Then, I felt his lips on the top of my head, lingering there for a few good seconds.
Finally, after drawing in one final breath, I heard the door to my bedroom shut.
“How did it go?”
I had just gotten to my office and sat down at my desk, hardly able to concentrate on the stack of papers staring me in the face…And already, Regal was in full form.
“How did what go?” I feigned ignorance, picking up the first sheet of paper and trying to focus on the words.
“You know what,” he chuckled as he sat down across from me “I talked to Pete before he left the bar last night…I had a feeling he’d come looking for you.”
I felt my cheeks blush and I held the paper in front of my face.
“We really shouldn’t be discussing personal business, Mr. Regal,” I replied in my most serious voice.
“Oh, cut the shit,” he slowly slid the paper down.
‘Yes, he came by, ok?“ I sighed and only then did I notice he had brought me coffee.
“Which one’s mine?” I raised an eyebrow.
He pushed my cup toward me and folded his arms across his chest.
“I guess,” I finally spoke after taking a few sips “I guess you could say we’re…back together.”
“I could say…You guess?” he ran his pointer finger across his lips with the rest of his hand resting on his chin, intrigued.
“Yes,” I replied more firmly “Yes, I think…I think we’re back together. I mean, he never said exactly but…”
“All is right with the world,” he stood up, twirling in a half-circle with his cup in his hand “The love birds are at peace.”
“And hundreds of miles apart,” I added, drumming my pen on the desk.
“A fact that many relationships face in this business,” Regal shrugged “You just have to learn how to make it work for you. Love like that…It’s worth trying.”
I forced a smile as he walked out the door.
Once he was gone, I let out a deep breath and leaned back in my chair. All I could think about was Pete. His damn eyes. His hands touching me so gently that I would have sworn he was anyone else. It was my Pete, though. The man who had claimed me so many months earlier…The man who despite my best efforts…I still loved so much that I would sacrifice my own happiness for him.
My cellphone beeping brought me out of my thoughts and I scrambled for it in my purse.
Just landed in Houston. I can’t stop thinking about last night. Fuck, I miss you already.
A smile curved on my lips and I quickly typed back to him. I was going to sound like a kindergartner passing a check yes or no note, but whatever. I needed to get down to the truth, stat.
So…We’re ok then? Last night meant what I think it did?
He read the message but no reply for several minutes. I started chewing on my thumbnail nervously as I logged into my laptop to read emails.
Five minutes and nothing.
I was just about to text him again when the phone rang.
“Hello?” I picked it up, sounding a little to overeager.
“I thought we made it pretty clear last night, love,” his warm, growling voice hit my ears.
“I just wasn’t sure,” I propped my elbows on the desk “So much has happened.”
“I understand why ya didn’t want to see me off this mornin’,” he sounded almost comforting.
I sat silent for a few seconds.
“So…You want to…”
“Be ya man again? Fuck ya senseless at night but treat ya betta than I eva have?” he groaned, as if just the sound of it turned him on.
“So, we’re gonna try this?” I smiled into the phone.
“There’s no tryin’ to it, love.”
NXT’s next big show was in two weeks, just before Summer Slam. They had only booked Barclays for Summer Slam. Some scheduling conflict that everyone was still fuming about. Instead, Takeover was going to take place in Boston.
I was running myself ragged getting ready for it with Hunter and Regal.
Creative was still trying to workout the details of the matches and I found myself actually spending time in the gym, helping to direct how the matches should flow to match storyline.
Who was I?
Where had this confident, self assured woman come from? I had never been super comfortable sharing my ideas until I came to NXT. Now I couldn’t shut up.
Hunter seemed to enjoy them, though. He agreed on almost every point, and the other ones he only tweaked slightly.
Regal stood around with a smirk of pride on his face the majority of the time and the fact that he was so proud of me, only made me happier.
“I got a scoop for you kid,” Hunter pulled me to the side during a session in the gym.
“What?” I furrowed my brow in confusion.
“Your man Dunne…He’s gonna be a surprise entrant in the Intercontinental Championship match at Summer Slam. Triple Threat Match.”
“And?” I felt a grin start to form on my face.
“He’s gonna be walking out with that title.”
Hunter’s smile grew to match mine and I literally jumped at him, wrapping my arms around his neck so tight that he couldn’t move.
“Hey, hey,” he laughed “I know you’re excited but let me breathe a little here, huh?”
“Does he know?” I pulled away with a giggle.
“Not yet,” Hunter ran his hand over his head “Won’t know it til that night.”
“Like to keep kids like him on their toes,” he winked at me.
It was absolutely agonizing to speak to Pete and not be able to tell him about his title shot.
I kept quiet though and two weeks later, I was in Boston.
I stood backstage between my two mentors as the NXT kids put on one hell of a show. The crowd was loud and completely invested. Each match was magic. Each wrestler brought their A game.
After the last match finished, I followed Hunter and Regal down the hall. All of the roster had gathered to wait for them.
Hunter and Regal both spoke rather eloquently to them, then Regal turned to me.
He wanted me to speak? That hadn’t been in the plan.
“You guys inspire me,” I smiled, forcing my nerves down “You are what this business is about. You should never come into this business seeking just fame, or money, or prestige. You should come into this business because you love it. You live for wrestling, you live for what we do here and you continue to set the bar higher for yourselves…You guys did amazing, I don’t know what else to say other than amazing.”
As I spoke, many of them nodded their heads along with me and after they broke up to go to the locker rooms, Hunter turned to me.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself…Now you better get some rest.”
“What?” I laughed “We have to…”
“You have a flight to catch tomorrow,” Regal handed me a plane ticket folder.
“What?” I opened it slowly.
It was a ticket to New York.
“You have to see Mr. Dunne win his first title. I assure you, it would not be the same without you presence,” Regal winked.
“In fact,” Hunter put his hand on my shoulder “How about we see you back in Florida on…Tuesday?”
I managed to stay backstage without being seen. Pete’s match was the third one up and I wanted to surprise him after his victory.
We had only been apart for three weeks but it felt like an eternity.
Funny how when you let go of all the pain and anger you’ve been holding inside, how free you can feel. I felt truly liberated. My job performance had improved even more and my nightly talks with Pete were allowing me to get to know him more than ever before.
The bell rang for the Intercontinental Title match then suddenly, Angle stepped out onto the ramp. He revealed that he was making the match a triple threat. Ambrose and Zayn both glanced at each other in confusion. Pete’s music hit and he walked down the ramp, giving his signature snarl in Angle’s direction.
Ambrose and Zayn both looked wary, as Pete slid into the ring and the match got underway.
I couldn’t stay still, pacing back and forth in front of the monitor. I ran my hand over my hair and prayed it looked as good as it had two hours ago when I did it.
I had curled it and was wearing a kelly green jumper, the same style as the black one he loved on me so much.
I felt like I was going to lose my breath, as Pete started taking control and throwing Ambrose all over the ring. Ambrose played it off perfectly. He was really catering to Pete, and even though he didn’t need much help, it did make him look that much better.
In the end, it was Sami who took the pin fall. Pete jumped up, a cocky grin on his face as he jerked the belt from the referee. He held it over his head in the ring, to the sounds of boos and cheers before he slid out of there. Ambrose and Zayn both rolled around on the mat, as if in a daze.
Once he reached the top of the ramp, he clenched the belt between his teeth, letting it dangle from his mouth just like he had with his other championships. More cheers filled the arena, as he finally walked backstage.
I drew in a deep breath, as I waited for him to round the corner.
Finally he did, belt now thrown over his shoulder.
“Well, look at you,” I spoke, several feet from him.
He whipped his head around and a smirk rolled up on his lips.
“I let you go from NXT and here you are winning championships, Mr. Dunne,” I smiled, walking slowly toward him.
“Come 'ere,” he walked toward me, wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing me so hard…That I never wanted him to stop.
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Prompt: Noam Dar smut where reader is jealous of his storyline with Alicia so he shows her who he belongs to and that he only loves her. (slight bdsm if possible) - not sure if requester wanted to be named because I received this through private message. :)
Tag Squad:
 @becca-bear @queenreignsempire @nightmareangeluniverse @balorfromstarlabs @sammiielli @withwordslikeweapons @pjanina13 @tmriddler @ii-love-roman-reigns @kailynnyukari21 @catie-kaboom @ladyjenny19 @wwelife0014 @fioportella @wrasslin-x @brokenwinchesterr @dopematicdiamondz @killmushelff @scarlettequinn @therattlesnakedaughter-devon @slutforchadgable @abominablestrowman279 @vebner37 @justrae9903 @bodhi-black @writergrrrl29 @maliahood @y-oungin @wrasslin-rollins @thedeboniardevistation @the-geekgoddes @thatonegirloncealways @get-glitched @reigns420 @loveambrylayn @alafairftw @helluvawriter @kat-shirayuki @shieldfanomg @harleyquinnnikki @nickysmum1909 @rum-and-whiskey-gypsy @attilasgurl @iwannadiehere @loveali94 @wwegirl12 @imladylunaticbitch @all-time-low-ruined-my-life @aaaammber @princess3733 @glamlover87 @welshwitch5 @lifeisabitchandikillit @pettymachete @letitsn0vv @meaganjm @lip-sync @valeonmars @la-mala-suerte13 @unstablenikki @lindseyrae20 @gelinas22 @r3dskywaterfall @alexahood21 @letswriteaboutwwe @fiftyshadesofdunne @queenmaryseouellet @bisexual-enzo @pplesauce @irefusetoacceptreallife @effy-christine @actualamyautopsy @roserae527 @sanazebreigns @lavitabella87 @jadabayda @blumisty @fmlallthewayup @jenn-starr @xchrissymitchx @dontbeamenacetotheforce @laigy2213 @womderland-fandom @newbroxkenscene @cynda-kiwi @toni-williams @panicattheambrose @2loveeverything2 @damnbuvky @wafflovessyrup @dolph-wwe @sarahmatthews7 @laochbaineann @devittslegos @wwewritings @wweismyguiltypleasure @little–alphabet–boy @heavenlytheshield @guatebabyxo @alexispoo @olipockett @sebastianandstyles @amberhere-hi @fangirlextraordinaire713 @laochbaineann @giantbananas @macfizzle @amantedelcalcio @blood-fells @ang-78 @caramara3 @rocketqueen28 @emilyswweblog @wwe-trash2005 @lilmisscrisis @lostimaginxtion @superrezzy00 @smutwwe @thephenomenonalkingofthebrogues @the-geekgoddes @alexablss @thedustyangel @thenameskaelyn @hevluvsya102 @irishpoetlover @awkward-potato-imagines @wwesmut88 @that-lolachick @greygirlmoxley @calwitch @karaboomhower @skyemeetsreignsmain @lunaticfringe216 @hiitsmecharlie @shelaughssheloves @meaganottiz02 @tearsropsandtiedye @bettergetusetoit @racheo91   @daddynicki @fandomwhore95 @ineedyourlaughs  @sarahmatthews7  @charismatickilljoy  @lclb13 @ashleyvc88 @littledeadrottinghood  @wwe-fluff-fic @ridingmoxley @alaniskama0 @xfirespritex @alyneve @blondekel77 @kinkymaminicole @bolieve-that @ashleymarie2021 @uberduber-loulou @crowleysqueenofhell@queensofallshesees67 @cute-face-chubby-waist @amantedelcalcio @aaaammber @ridingmoxley @randomfandompenguin @starstar1012 @they-call-me-le @missdibiase @tooweirdforlifex 
I grimaced and shifted uncomfortably as I watched Noam profess his love to Alicia. Again.
It was starting to be a weekly thing. For some reason, some members of Creative loved the idea of them as a duo and were constantly pushing the relationship into every one of his segments. She hung out by the ring during his matches, something that made me extremely jealous. She got to celebrate his wins with him. He would wrap his arm around her and occasionally kiss her on the cheek.
I knew all of it was technically “fake” and “a storyline”. I also knew that Alicia was happily in her own relationship. I just couldn’t help but feel jealousy when I watched Noam. He seemed to be enjoying it a little too much. Maybe I was mistaken. Maybe I was just a crazy girlfriend. Whatever the case, I was unhappy with the entire scenario.
Noam led Alicia up the ramp, hand in hand, as his segment with Rich ended. Once they got backstage, Alicia immediately parted from him and headed down the hallway.
I watched as he walked toward me, still pouting by the television monitor.
“What’s wrong wit ya?” he furrowed his brow immediately “Somethin’ happen while I was out there?”
“No,” I answered quickly, my eyes falling to my feet.
“Yer a pretty lil’ liar sweethar’, but you’re still bein’ a liar,” he tilted my chin up with his finger.
“It’s nothing,” I narrowed my eyes, aware of everyone around us “We’ll talk about it later.”
He wasn’t satisfied with that answer, but he nodded.
“I’ll go get ma tings’ and then we’ll be on our way, huh?”
I forced a smile and watched him disappear down the hall.
The ride to the hotel was uncomfortable.
Noam tried to make small talk, keenly aware there was a bigger problem below the surface. I assumed he didn’t want to have a gigantic argument in the car, which suited me fine.
I had met Noam a year ago. The Cruiserweight Classic was just starting to come together, and as part of Creative, I was in charge of choosing the talent that would compete.
I took a trip with Triple H and a few others to Europe to scout wrestlers abroad. We had found Noam and immediately knew he had to be involved. He was charismatic and talented and had the ‘it’ factor that we always looked for in our picks.
We built up a solid friendship during the early days, lots of meetings and gym days, that I had to be around for.
Right before the competition began, he asked me on a date. I happily accepted and things had progressed from there.
Now, I was riding shotgun in our rental car and internally fuming with anger at him.
“Ya gonna answer me, love?”
“What? I snipped at him, not even realizing I was doing it until it came out of my mouth.
“Nothin’,” he shook his head, pressing down harder on the gas pedal.
Once we got into the room, I tossed my purse on the side table and sat down on the edge of the bed. I gripped the duvet with my fingers, shifting the fabric nervously between them.
“Ya gonna tell me now?” Noam threw his bag on the floor and shrugged off his jacket “Tell me wha’ tha hell I did ta piss ya off?”
“Do you have feelings for Alicia?” I asked immediately, standing up to face him.
“Wha?” he laughed in surprise “Where in tha hell did ya get an idea like that?”
“You seem to like touching her…A lot,” I folded my arms across my chest.
“It’s wha’ they tell me ta do!” he finally raised his voice, arms thrown out to his sides.
“Yeah, well you’re damn good at your job!” I spat, turning and walking into the bathroom.
I flipped on the light and grabbed my toothbrush off the counter, covering it in toothpaste just as he reached the doorway.
“Ya are tha most ridiculous woman I eva met,” he grumbled, passing me and turning on the shower.
I finished with my teeth and started changing out of my clothes.
“Ya gonna take a showa?” he slid his t-shirt over his shoulders.
“With you?” I turned around, left only in my underwear.
“Ya listen here,” he moved closer, his hand taking hold of my arm and pulling me toward him tightly “Tha only woman on this fuckin’ planet that I want is you. I like hearin’ ya scream ma name. I like feelin’ ya cum around ma dick. I like it when ya get on ya knees and suck my cock in ya pretty mouth. Yer tha only one I wanna fuck. Do ya understand?”
“Noam,” I whispered, my heart beating out of control.
“I love ya wit’ everythin’ I got. I don’t wan’ her. I don’t wan’ anyone. Ya understand?”
I nodded, my panties already soaked as I listened to all those words roll off his tongue.
“Now,” his eyes grew darker, pulling me mere inches from his body “Take off ya clothes and get in ‘tis showa wit me.”
I nodded, sliding my underwear and bra off as fast as I could. He was already naked, the warm water running down his body, when I stepped inside.
Noam walked toward me, pressing my back against the cold shower wall. His hands roamed over my naked body and he groaned, as he pushed his knee between mine.
“I belong ta ya,” he hissed near my ear “And ya belong ta me.”
I moaned, when his lips finally found mine. He was being very dominant, which was unlike him. Usually, we were equal in the bedroom but right now he was in complete control.
He ran his thumb along my chin and when our mouths pulled away, the thumb traced up to my lower lip. He stared into my eyes as he slid across it and he grinned.
“Ya mouth gets ya in all kinds a trouble ma love,” he pushed his thumb slowly between my lips “Perhaps it’s best if ya have somethin’ in it.”
I sucked his finger into my mouth, closing my red lips around it. He pushed it in and out slowly.
“That’s it,” he laughed, a dark and dirty sound I wasn’t used to.
Finally, he pulled the digit away and put his hands on my shoulders.
“Go on,” he cocked his chin up beckoningly “Get on ya knees fer me.”
Noam had never took control like this and I was exhilarated by it. I sank down to the tile floor, water swirling around our feet. His dick was hard against his leg and I took hold of him in my hand.
“Did I tell ya that ya could touch me yet?” he reached down and jerked my face upward.
“No,” I managed to squeak out.
“Ya know why I’m gonna let ya touch me?” he asked, as he cupped my face in his hands.
I shook my head, my hair now completely wet and clinging to my shoulders.
“Cause yer tha only one I let do it,” he gripped my face tighter “Tha only one that I eva will….Nobody sucks me off like ya do, ma sweet lil princess.
His breathing was increasing and I could see the excitement in his eyes.
“Now,” he guided the back of my head toward his waiting dick “Prove me right.”
I opened my lips and he immediately thrusted inside of it so hard that I thought I would choke. I managed to keep myself in check and once I realized how rough he was going to be, I relaxed my throat as much as I could. Each time he pounded past my lips, it got more intense.
I looked up into his eyes and I could see how turned on he was by his newfound control. I tightened my lips around him, the friction making slurping noises escape my mouth with every thrust of his hips.
He grunted above me and slid out, backing away slowly.
“Get on ya feet,” he commanded and I did as I was told.
He reached behind him and turned the water off.
I followed Noam out of the shower and back into the bedroom. His hands grabbed my hips and he threw me onto the bed. I lay there, gasping for breath, as I watched him move over to his suitcase. His hands fumbled inside and he came out with two neckties.
He crawled over me, drops of water dripping off his naked body onto me. The first tie he wrapped around my wrists, securing it with two knots.
“I want ya ta feel me when I fuck ya,” he ran his tongue across his lips “Feel how good I make ya feel, how good ya make me feel.”
He reached out and tied the other one over my eyes. Everything was completely dark.
I felt his warm tongue sliding down my throat and his hands massaging my breasts, all while he straddled me.
He moved further down and his breath blew across my nipples. I felt them harden even more.
“Ya got tha only pair a tits I wanna suck on,” he raked his nails across my stomach “An’ baby, I wanna suck on ‘em all tha time.”
I felt his mouth close around one nipple, it was incredibly sensitive from arousal and the air. His teeth gripped it and I squirmed underneath him.
He moaned against my skin, sliding his tongue over to the other before his teeth tugged on it too. I felt him flick it with his tongue.
“Fuck, Noam,” I panted, as the sensitivity shot through me.
“Mmm,” he moaned as his tongue circled my nipple slowly “Ya like when I do this to ya…I like it too.”
Suddenly, I felt his fingers between my legs. His thumb grazing my clit and the others petting my wet slit.
“Shit,” I hissed, spreading my legs wider.
He chuckled, as his tongue still lapped at my breast while his fingers teased my opening.
“Please,” I whispered.
“Ya just have ta ask, love,” he mumbled against my skin.
“Please,” I tried to draw in a deep breath “Please make me cum. I can’t take it anymore.”
His fingers eased into me and my hips came off the bed.
“'Tat’s it,” he leaned up against my ear “I’m gonna make ya cum, sweethar’.”
His fingers sped up and his thumb started massaging me so fast that I felt like I was going to explode.
“Ya feel me, love?” he ran his tongue along my ear “Ya feel how I’m touchin’ ya? Like yer tha only woman in tha world?”
I nodded, as the sensations continued to grow inside of me.
“Cause ya are ta me,” he took my nipple in his mouth again, as his thumb urged my orgasm.
His fingers teased against my spot and I felt like I might not ever come back down to earth again.
“Noam!” I finally screamed, all of the sensations becoming too much.
“Yer cummin’ fer me,” he growled against my breast as he pulled his mouth away “Just like ya wanted.”
I rode his hand until every single nerve ending was satisfied. I felt Noam’s warm mouth move away and I shuddered.
“Noam?” I whispered into the darkness.
I didn’t have to wonder long. His hands gripped my legs and flipped me onto my stomach.
“Get on ya knees,” he instructed and I managed to pull myself up.
His hand slapped playfully at my ass and I heard him groan, as he pushed inside me from behind.
“Ya feel ma cock, all inside ya pussy?” he ran his nails down my back “Ya feel how ya fit all tight aroun’ me?”
“Yes,” I panted, wanting desperately to be free of my restraints.
But he was right, my senses were much keener without my sight.
“Who wouldn’t wan’ dat, love?” he laughed, as he plunged harder into me “Who wouldn’t wan’ a perfect pussy?”
“Yeah?” I whined “I feel perfect?”
“Oh, baby ya have no earthly idea,” he gripped my hips tighter “Dis body is a work of art….It’s tha kinda pussy men start wars ova.”
I felt myself tighten around him and I moaned.
Noam’s hand grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face down into the mattress. My ass was pushed further up and I felt his hand rub over it.
“Shit,” he grunted, his hand slapping down on it again.
“How does it feel now, baby?”
“Fuck,” I was able to mumble against the bed.
“Mm, ya always take me like a good girl,” he gripped my ass, thrusting me harder on and off him.
I felt myself tighten around him again and I whined loudly into the pillow, my tied hands stretched out in front of me.
“Ya gonna cum aroun’ yer cock?” he gasped, and I could tell by his voice that he was close.
I nodded and moaned his name, just as I felt my orgasm start to ripple.
“Fuckin’ shit!” he shouted, his release filling me.
He pushed me down flat on my stomach with his body pressed on top of me.
“Ya feel me all inside ya?” he bit at my ear “Ya feel how ya claimed me?”
I turned my face to the side and whimpered, as the aftershocks of my orgasm shook me.
“Yes,” I managed to speak.
I felt his fingers untie my hands then my blind fold. He slid out of me, just before I rolled him underneath me. I straddled him, my hands digging into his hair as I jolted his mouth to mine.
He laughed as our lips sloppily found each other over and over again.
“Ya believe me now?” he groaned, his hand gripping my cheek bone and holding me steady to look in his eyes.
“Yes,” I nodded “I believe you….You’re mine.”
“Don’t ya eva doubt it,” he planted a kiss on my cheek.
“You think that maybe,” I ran my hands along his chest “We could keep those ties around?”
“Ya want me ta tie ya up again?”
“No…I want to tie you up next time.”
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