#i want to go back to kimiko and the pianist
bibliophileiz · 2 years
oh never mind
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rewoundcircuit · 5 years
t6.5 | zenryoku shounen | ryuu_re: himawari, mayurakazuemiko, atsuko
Reignite the passion that’s all that I need!
He could never afford to worry about himself. Could never afford to make choices of his own accord. Because what had happened when he’d done that, when he’d acted selfishly…
– Isn’t it a little excessive for someone to almost end up dead or actually dead?
He addresses the pianist first.
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“If that is what you wish, nobody can stop you… and nobody can fault you or anyone for wanting to forget. It’s painful to keep living without the presence of someone you hold dear. Maybe, you could argue, that they wouldn’t want you to suffer… and yet, I can’t help but feel as though that course of action… is more painful for not only you but your loved ones as well.”
He shakes his head, the smile on his face more wry than mirthful.
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“You can’t heal if you run away from it. I understand that you’d essentially be left with no recollection of what happened here… but … I’ll say it anyway. You can run from the problem all you want, but until you face it completely, you’ll never be able to move forward. Mayurakazuemiko-san… you and I… have been stuck in the same spot for a very long time. So maybe I shouldn’t be the one to say this… but… it’s okay to move forward, even if it hurts.”
And then he gets embarrassed again, as if he’s finally realized that he sounds like a shounen protagonist again – 
“Er- that is .. I mean it’s, um… kind of my job …? To tell people to uh.. .’FIGHT ON!’ and things like that … I… usually do the cheering so I guess I was allowed to get away with… not taking my own advice – AHEM.”
He then turns to Himawari. 
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“I… … … it is difficult for me to see… why they would ever want to see a murderer again. No, to them I am probably worse than that. I… ever since … being left there by my parents… I have caused her nothing but trouble. It was to the point where -”
He takes a second to calm himself.
“- … she ended up over-exerting herself… because of me. I may as well… have almost killed her.. and not only her but my b–”
Mm. Let’s not get into that actually. A glance at Kimiko. If you know, you know. He coughs.
“Anyway.. I think they’ll be fine… without me. I’m serious… … … but… …maybe I’ll try seeing them… … er… assuming I can…”
Given what he’s done he’s not actually too keen on seeing Grandma again, but…
“Um.. actually… Atsuko-san… so that means that … anyone else who might be connected with us… might also get their memories erased, right? I mean… … either way their memories are at risk of getting tampered with and my concern is with, um… like… they aren’t … my family per se but …–”
Didn’t he just get through with remembering that being selfish only causes him to make Big Mistakes? 
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“Of course I can’t possibly ask about… the rest of the ouendan, but … there is someone … … I’d at least… want to ask him… … about things. Even though I feel as though… it’d just be selfish… getting him more involved… … …I, um… I kind of … owe him?”
Just say you miss him like a normal person -
He shakes his head.  His mind flickers back to the pianist’s question.
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“Jeez, I … said… all of that… and I still don’t know what to do… but … If leaving means getting my memories erased, then... I feel as though… I don’t have a choice but to go with the alternative? Aha ha… though my reservations remain…-”
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funface2 · 5 years
The Boys: 10 Hilarious Memes That Will Have You Crying With Laughter – CBR – Comic Book Resources
The Boys landed on Amazon in late July and has since become the streaming service’s biggest hit. A critical and commercial darling, the series was a scathing satire of superhero cinema and TV, featuring “supes” who are super-awful human beings, graphic violence, drugs, and gratuitous sex.
RELATED: All of The Seven, Ranked
It’s a blast from start to finish and has inspired a wave of Boys-inspired memes in its wake. However, due to the graphic content in the show, the memes have been anything but clean. With that in mind, here are 10 (Safe for Work!) The Boys Memes that will have you on the floor with laughter. Readers be warned, here there be *SPOILERS.*
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10 Frenchie: Engineering God
Translucent and his diamond skin certainly seemed like an insurmountable challenge for the Boys to overcome in their second episode. Thank the lord for Frenchie and his creative (albeit disgusting) methods of dispatching supes. What it lacked in finesse it made up for in results. But these are the kind of results that Hughie spent hours washing off the walls, the floors, and his own face. Here’s to you Frenchie, you scruffy engineering god.
9 Can’t Stop The A-Train
The only thing faster than the A-Train is those four letters spoken in rapid succession. Or, possibly, Shockwave, if A-Train doesn’t have his Compound V. At least Shockwave (probably) hasn’t killed anyone, accidentally or otherwise.
Rest in peace, Popclaw. You deserved better.
8 Goin’ Hunting For Supes
Here it is folks, the meme crossover we’ve been waiting for: “The Boys” meet The Boys. If the antihero crew have an opening on the team next season, maybe they should consider some “Sinister” companions? They certainly have the same disdain for supes, similar homicidal urges, and they might have some valuable input on how to take The Seven off the table.
Just an idea, take it or leave it.
7 Black Noir: Pianist Extraordinaire
Black Noir may not be the most talkative of The Seven but he sure has a diverse skill set. Not only can he kick the. But even with his ninja stealth and karate skills, he still has some major issues in the realm of socialization. Just ask the poor pianist he kicked off the stool so he could show off. Let’s all just be happy he didn’t break out into an ill-advised dance sequence while strolling down the sidewalk.
RELATED: Things About Vought International That Make No Sense
Now, can we please get a Black Noir Christmas Album? Featuring holiday hits and singles?
6 Wait, You’re Leaving?
If there’s one situation where subtly sneaking away is a terrible idea, it’s this: You’re Homelander and board a crashing plane with no chance of saving the passengers. But we’ve all been there before, right? We all have that one friend who leaves the bar a bit too early and misses out on all the late-night fun.
Okay, so it’s not exactly the same situation but it’s still, close enough.
5 Hughie, We Feel You
Nothing is quite as awkward as having to tell that creepy guy at the bar who keeps buying you drinks that it’s time to call it a night. “No, I don’t want to go anywhere with you, I have an early morning and you scare me.”
RELATED: The Boys: 10 Worst Things Homelander Did
Hughie Campbell gets it, and Billy Butcher definitely gives off those same creepy vibes. Take your own advice, Hughie!
4 Rest In Pieces, Robin
Ouch. That’s certainly one way to open a show. If you need a quick scene to establish that these superheroes are super-terrible people, this is probably the easiest way to do it. A-Train’s speedy murder of Robin is the catalyst for the entire series going forward, as it sets Hughie on his path of vengeance. So, of course, someone had to meme it. It sure is too bad Robin didn’t have the Peter-Tingle, or the inclination to stand on the sidewalk for her conversation with Hughie.
Would’ve made for a much more boring show though, since the entire plot would probably have not taken place.
3 Area 51
Let’s be honest here: If The Boys had been at the Area 51 raid, those aliens would be free by now and we could’ve gone to that lame music festival with our newly released alien buddies.
RELATED: 10 Things About Homelander That Make No Sense
Hughie would be awkwardly flirting with a Martian, Butcher would be drinking copious amounts of beer from Saturn, Mothers Milk would be making up an excuse for where he is to his wife on the phone, and Frenchie would be showing Kimiko how to rave. Alas, in the words of Mad Titan Thanos, reality is often disappointing. At least we got one Naruto-runner out of it, right?
2 Frenchie: Human Puppy
The growth of Frenchie between his introduction and the end of the season is really something to behold. While initially reluctant to help Butcher and Hughie take on The Seven, Frenchie loosens up exponentially once he meets psycho-supe-with-a-tragic-backstory Kimiko. While previousy he was a complete and total grump, Kimiko and her frequent homicidal urges bring out the best of the ill-tempered weapons expert, as crazy as that sounds. It’s completely adorable, and we’re 100% here for a soft and tender Frenchie.
Gruff as he is, love appears to sand down his edges and it’s honestly refreshing seeing something so pure and cute in such a bleak and cynical program. Keep being you, Frenchie, you beautiful foreign puppy-man.
1 Homelander: The Hero We Deserve
Homelander has something against planes. Whenever he’s on or around one, people start dying in increasingly horrific ways. The most villainous and irredeemable of all The Seven, Homelander will either save your life or end it (depending on his mood) right before condescendingly reminding the cops and soldiers that they’re “the real heroes.” Not even his surrogate mother/lover (it’s a really creepy relationship) is safe from his Oedipal wrath.
Above all else, when confronting Homelander, just remember to stand back.
NEXT: The Boys: 5 DC Superheroes They Could Definitely Defeat (And 5 They Have No Chance Against)
Tags: the boys (tv)
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Bài viết The Boys: 10 Hilarious Memes That Will Have You Crying With Laughter – CBR – Comic Book Resources đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.
from Funface https://funface.net/funny-memes/the-boys-10-hilarious-memes-that-will-have-you-crying-with-laughter-cbr-comic-book-resources/
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rewoundcircuit · 5 years
❈ 6/8. | mayurakazuemiko. | trial 4.6 | attn: everyone it’s alibi time again
The hug Mayura receives from Ryuu is… nice. She even ended up leaning her head against his, not really wanting to let go. So when he announces it to the entire class that he hugged her, Mayura’s reaction doesn’t really quite make sense, considering literally anyone could have just looked over and seen it happening. It isn’t a secret, Mayura.
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“Ryuunosuke-san, you did not have to let everyone know that…”
Luckily, the topic continued on to more pressing matters— and maybe unluckily, those matters involved accusing her dearest classmates (everyone forgot about that cretin comment by now, right?) The moment Orpheus starts speaking, the pianist feels that panic in her chest again. She stares at her timeline with this worried look on her face, and then suddenly, as if she flipped off a switch, it’s gone— and she’s glaring daggers at Orpheus with that sweet smile of hers.
She looks like she’s about to argue him, despite his words literally mirroring her own, until Atsuko puts on that…. Performance.
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“Is that really how I sound like to all of you?”
Whether or not she was impressed by the impression or absolutely disgusted, it was hard to tell. Kimiko’s comments on Takeru didn’t help either— but she held her tongue instead of trying to fight it. People were going to keep spouting lies about him, and what can she do about it? They were all going to end up attacking her anyway.
Nezumi thankfully speaks up to defend herself. The pianist rests a hand over her chest, trying to calm herself down again. Right, she’s right, and that’s exactly what she wanted to ask Monokuma earlier— oh, she’s being asked to… Ah. Aki and Orpheus had something to add too… Well, since there seems to be a theme here, Mayura decides that it won’t hurt to add some extra information on top of what Orpheus and Aki already have said.
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“Yes, Kuromaru-san, you are correct. I distinctly remember Ishii-san and Edler-san arriving with me to the concourse. We were all coming from the dorms, so unless those two somehow traveled from the tracks — which, they could have, since they had almost 40 minutes to travel around in the dark if they had done so.”
A pause…
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“I understand… perhaps that Edler-san and Ishii-san are telling the truth. I… am not comfortable with sharing with everyone what exactly what I was being shown or what I was hearing, however… there was a part of my motive experience, which hit me around the middle of the night, and continued on in more intense waves during the rest of the day— basically, I physically could not leave my room, for I kept losing consciousness due to… something— the motive, I mean— every few minutes. By the time it was the afternoon, I could not even stand due to…”
She shakes her head. She shared enough.
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“It does not matter. I simply did not have the capability of leaving my room. If I did then… I would’ve… looked for Takeru-san and ask him to spend time with me once more…”
She paused for a long time, seemingly finished with what she was saying. Until, she took another breath.
“Please listen to… this. I am interpreting Monokuma’s words as such: the trains not only were working during the blackout, but also were still arriving and departing based on their schedule— Please note that Monokuma did say something along the lines of any regular train is making its way back to Area One as soon it can — this is what I believe that proves that the trains are only allowing passengers if it is going back to area 1.”
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“However, Monokuma also did say that if you weren’t on a train already, then you would not be getting on one unless it was with them.”
She looks to everyone, hoping everyone understands the implications of this.
“Monokuma’s announcement began right around the same time that the train to Area 3 leaves. It only takes 5 minutes to get from Area 1 to Area 3 on a train, meaning that, if someone was already on the train to Area 3, it may have been possible for them to arrive in area 3 and perhaps even be picked up by Monokuma or Monomi in time to go back to Area 1.”
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“There would be no reason to go back to Area 3 other than to solidify an alibi of sorts... and, I know that we dismissed the fact that the message might be forged, but… I just do not believe that Takeru-san would… write something like that."
"We already have speculation that whoever this is, went to Area 3 beforehand to get the supplies with the mannequin— who is to say they didn’t use that time there to also forge a fake note, using the invitation as a guide to Takeru-san’s handwriting?"
"All the supplies were there, and they also had about 40 minutes to prepare everything since arriving there 10 minutes after the hour— since the trains do not leave back to area 1 until the fiftieth minute of the hour.”
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“The invitation would have to be disposed of before anyone else saw in order to hide the fact that they had access to Takeru-san’s handwriting, and also knew where to find him.”
Mayura lets out a quiet hum, resting her hand on her cheek. Maybe she should go over the timeline for the millionth time.
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“Well then, let us review each other’s alibis in more detail from there. Starting with the first area that was gathered— area 5. Kuromaru-san, Ainara-san, Higashiyama-san, Yanagisawa-san, Shooting Star, and Bruckhard-san. You should all be witness to each other’s alibis. Please confirm that you were all gathered together from area 5 and brought back to area 1 by Monokuma.”
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“Next is area 4, which was occupied by Ryuunosuke-san and Kurukuru-san. Could you two be witnesses to your alibis as well? You should have been picked up by Monomi.”
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“Ah, also, Kuromaru-san, I believe Kita-san’s alibi is that she was in her lab in area 2, not in her dorm room. That being said, Kita-san, unfortunately, we currently have no one able to be witness to your alibi, unless, if someone could confirm from an earlier pickup, either from Area 4 or 5, that you were picked up from area 2 on the way back to area 1."
"If I am interpreting Monokuma’s words correctly from that announcement, then you should most likely have been on the same train as either everyone from Area 5 or everyone from area 4.”
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“Finally, we still have the issue of Kurusu-san’s lack of an alibi at all…” A glare.
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“And then we have the issue of area 1, the place where it would be easiest to move from the tunnels since anyone from there had the most time to maneuver in the dark, and also had the easiest place to go back to form an alibi. In addition, everyone from Area 1 was affected by the motive, and that is something we simply cannot ignore, no matter how dfficult it would be for Ishii-san and Edler-san to move. It is still something to keep in mind.”
She went back on that quick.
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“Has everyone been following thus far? We need to confirm the alibis and see if anyone was picked up in a place other than they said they were. If anyone remembers absolutely anything… do speak up. Otherwise, only people who were in area 1 could have had enough time to do this. If anyone was picked up from area 3...”
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rewoundcircuit · 5 years
❈ acknowledge/ignore. | mayurakazuemiko. | monotheatre v.ii. | re: ryuu
Her lungs are on fire and it feels like acid is washing over her eyes. It’s a silent suffering nonetheless, not wanting to draw attention to herself and just wanting to disappear. But of course, it isn’t the case, and she still has her hands over her face as they tremble more vigorously as time goes on—
She knows that gentle touch before he even speaks. And she just feels sick.
There’s a visible flinch as he apologizes, because, it isn’t what she wants. This isn’t what she wants. She slowly lowers her hands, eyes glassy with tears she’s been holding back— she doesn’t dare let them fall as she tilts her head back a bit, staring at the ceiling to will them to go away. She look down at him, and that’s when she takes a deep breath as if she collected all her emotions, and then suddenly lifts up both her hands to— place them firmly on both his shoulders, heavy.
She digs her fingers into him as she hangs her head and quietly whispers, eyes closed and voice watery.
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“Please wake me up from this nightmare. Please wake me up, why aren’t you waking me up, Ryuunosuke-san?”
She shakes her head as she pleads to her friend, shaking resuming and whimpers scattered through her request to her friend. Her friend. Her friend, Ryuunosuke Yoshida, the first person in this hell station that walked up to her to ask her if she was okay after waking up.
‘Hey, are you alright?’ He asked, ‘I don’t wanna call you a liar but I can’t help but notice the shaking!  he admitted, and she brushed it off because no one is supposed to notice things like that about Mayura.
‘Does it… bother you to have someone wonder about your wellbeing…?’
She digs her fingernails into his shoulders harder, her heart feeling like it might explode. This pain… she can’t understand it. She doesn’t understand it. The pianist’s hands are trembling so hard she just starts shaking Ryuu out of frustration.
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“How could you do this?”
She stops shaking him for a moment, and then finally lifts her face up to stare him straight in the eyes.
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“Why create more suffering? Was this worth it?”
She digs her fingers into the sides of his arms as she shakes him again and raises her voice slightly—
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“Do you feel better?!”
She doesn’t. Understand.
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“What good is… hurting… you going to do for me… what good is…”
Her eyes move away from his for a moment to look at Kimiko. She just feels sick all over again.
It’s at that moment that she lets go of him, lifting her hands up to her own hair and… it looks like she’s combing her fingers straight through, or maybe… pulling at it? She isn’t looking at Ryuu anymore, in fact, her eyes are closed now, a pained expression on her face as she tries to figure out how to process this. She can’t. She can’t. She never learned how.
‘acknowledging pain is sometimes better than ignoring it’
She just feels overwhelmed right now— even though earlier she had a few thoughts in her head about what she can say to Chronos, to Takaku, to Kimiko— it was all just muddled together in a storm within her brain that she felt she couldn’t survive through. She can’t survive through this, she thinks, rubbing her temples in an attempt to even calm herself down enough to comprehend this— that this person in front of her is a murderer, and all she really wishes right now is to be embraced by her friend Ryuunosuke— but she can’t understand why something within her says that that is impossible.
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rewoundcircuit · 5 years
mt 5.3 | who will you entrust the future to, my friend? | re: chronos, sandwich, kimiko; attn: mayurakazuemiko
Was he always this capricious?  Roaring with anger one second, then completely devoid of anything the next? Or was this the result of his facade shattering to pieces, almost akin to the stranger before him revealing his true nature?
What was his true nature anyway? He’s not very smart, so he’s never been able to answer that.
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“...I’ll march right on over to Dragvandille myself unless they want to personally escort me out of here. I mean, may as well, right? What’s the point of going back to a place with no one to tell you ‘Welcome home?’ Kind of a sad thought -- I’d take prison or execution or exile or anything else, really. So rest easy. You act like I’m planning on running away or something.”
-- A beacon of hope.  That’s what he’s supposed to be anyway. He’d said it to Mayurakazuemiko: that as long as there was someone in need, he’d maintain his smile no matter what. A solid foundation, a shoulder to lean on -- but there’s not really anyone in need of that anymore... is there?
And yet...  He shifts his gaze towards Kimiko as his hand subconsciously reaches for his headband, the same one given to him by the one who told him --
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“People really are weak on their own. That’s why it’s so easy for us to throw in the towel when we screw up. If you have no one in your corner, you have no reason to go on. It’s as simple as that... ... He told me as much, at least and I have no reason to believe otherwise. But if you have someone who’s willing to fight for you, cheer for you, believe in you no matter the odds: you can do anything. But for them, that person is gone ...so the logical conclusion is that they’re gone too. And even if they aren’t, someone like me isn’t needed in their lives.”
He doesn’t seem to want to elaborate on the person he’d alluded to, instead letting out a sigh as his hand returns to his side. The brief shine in his eyes dims, however, as his voice regains its mechanical quality, although there’s some distinguishable confusion as well.
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“I don’t understand you, Sandwich-san. You tell me I ought to be ashamed and then tell me something like that... ...You’re... a really confusing person, you know that? Or maybe I’m just that dumb. ...But either way, wouldn’t it be better for your health if you just decided to hate me? I might actually start feeling more of that shame you want me to feel if you don’t.”
He shakes his head before making another address.
"And.. speaking of which... Mayurakazuemiko-san-” 
And here he walks over to the pianist, placing a hand on her shoulder, his touch as light as ever.
“... betcha feel like giving me a good punch now, don’t you? Ahaha.. I mean, I’ve become the type of person you despise, haven’t I? Even though... I know those things about you. I still did something like this -- and couldn’t even keep it to myself to spare your feelings. That warrants at least a good punch on the shoulder, doesn’t it? ...Sorry. I’ll leave you alone after this, I know that I... don’t deserve to even look in your direction. So I’ll be going now -- unless you actually want to get that punch in. We can even invite Kurukuru-san over.”
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rewoundcircuit · 5 years
❈ through the motions. | mayurakazuemiko. | trial 5.2 | attn: all
Their resident pianist tries her hardest to stay focused on the topics at hand, eyes scanning the room as people speak. After her request to Takaku, she kept looking back at them, hoping they would do as she asked, but…
Something else catches her attention. The moment Ryuu admits to spinning the wheel, there is, for once, a visible change in her expression, albeit really subtle. She looks almost… hurt. Her lips part, as if she is about to voice her opinion on this fact like she has done many times before— but nothing springs forth. Mayura remains silent, eyes trained onto her Good Friend Ryuunosuke.
She rubs her thumb over her opposite hand, in an attempt to calm herself. She doesn’t react to Sandwich’s admission, and even when Aki explains herself, she barely has to hold back her tongue to say ‘I did so first’ in regard to some things investigated, because she’s just so… tired. Mayura looks to Takaku again, seeing that they really aren’t even going to answer to Aki either. Without an announcement, the pianist walks over to the shorter student, quietly asking if she can see the note that they hopefully brought with them. Once she got what she came for, she quickly made her way back to her podium.
The pianist is waiting for an opening to say something, anything, but it almost looks like she’s on standby— even when Kimiko exclaims out when reacting to what Ryuu found out or not… nothing. She stares straight in front of her, waiting patiently.
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“The note that we found is this one.”
She holds it up for everyone to see.
“It is a handwritten note, and it reads:
There is nothing else that speaks to who could have written it or who it was addressed to. I am not sure if it is possible to confirm, however, the stationary must be the one that was missing from the market, correct?”
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“Clearly the trap created in the corridor was set off due to this note, so if Bruckhard-san had it then perhaps it is safe to assume that… he isn’t…”
Her voice trails off, like she doesn’t have the energy to finish her sentence. And she doesn’t. She lowers the paper to her stand. There’s a long pause, as if she’s trying to think if she should say something, and then she looks back at everyone, eyes distant.
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“From what I understood, the neck markings were specifically a single, thin, red mark around his neck. There was no bruising around it either, but something looked to be pressed in deeply. At least, that is what Kurukuru-san explained.”
The way she speaks sounds like she’s reading from a script.
“From what we found and what was missing, could we conclude that perhaps the fishing line was used to create this marking? That being said, I do not understand the series of events if that were to be the case.”
Another long pause, one full of this kind of look that makes her seem like she wants to say more. But does it really matter.
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“...So the scissors that were used to murder Wei-san were the scissors from the Amezaiku Artist’s Research Lab, correct?”
Woah, Mayura, you’re suddenly—
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“Though I suppose that it would not matter when those scissors were taken. This was clearly a predetermined and planned attack. Even if they weren’t the weapon used to kill Bruckhard-san, it would not matter when they were taken, if there was an intent to use them. Perhaps even Bruckhard-san was the one to bring them— though it may be unlikely, as I am sure that in order to cut the fishing line to match with the width of the corridor, scissors would most likely have to be used.”
This is a whole lot of evidence that doesn’t matter, huh?
“It probably is not important, but the book that Bruckhard-san was holding was rather new, but cracked in a certain spot that the book naturally opened to. The page was about the coverage regarding the announcement that Nanahoshi-san was going to attend Hope’s Peak Academy in the next winter semester.”
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“That is all I have to say for now.”
Is it? Even though she pauses for a long time, she eventually actually speaks up again to say:
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“Perhaps if we could all be honest with each other— I realize that with our group this is a task that is far more difficult than it should be… then…”
She shakes her head.
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“Do we all not want this to be over with. We did not have to have this happen. Why go through with something that could so easily be avoided.”
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“I do not understand.”
Her voice is quiet, as if she is trying to blend back into the background. She knows, maybe, deep down, that it won't work (it never really did), but she never was one to not try now, was she? She also seems to be not making any moves to take out her e-handbook and show her motive tab either, but, does she really have to? Even in her state back then, she was quite adamant about her opinion on what should be done with the wheel.
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rewoundcircuit · 5 years
❈ the actions & the consequences. | mayurakazuemiko. | trial 6.5 | re: atsuko
Mayura wishes she had moved further away from Atsuko as she began to explain the deal with… well, everything. She never really grew up thinking about how hard life could be for others— she was living her life for herself, and so, the moment something had to do directly with her, that’s when she started caring about it.
When her memories were erased, and she lost a year’s worth of them… she cared about that. When people started dying left and right and she was forced to play detective and solve mysteries— she cared about that. She doesn’t understand the point of a group like this, when clearly the whole reason it came up was because of something she… didn’t really have anything to do with.
At least, she’s trying to convince herself she had nothing to do with all of this. It would be easier that way. But, in the end, she is a participant in this game, as unwilling as she may have been, and that’s something that’s directly affecting her.
She wants to open her mouth, to fight at the top of her pedestal, to squish this sorry excuse of human life beneath her heel, but she finds herself unable to. Ryuu and Himawari take her words and express them better than she ever would be able to.
Forgetting a place like this… is that really something she could handle? It would be simple, right? Painless. She wouldn’t even know she had forgotten something. But as difficult as this situation was, she did learn something. She learned something from someone, and can she really throw that away?
Mayura knows her answer, but she’s never felt so afraid to admit it.
It isn’t until after Ryuu’s second reply that she finds the courage to speak, and after Kimiko gives her own two cents, she realizes that she isn't alone in the way she's thinking. So what does she have to lose?
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“I… must agree. How dare you think that we would allow the memories of those who have… have fought for us just as we have fought for them to leave this horrid place… to just die here along w-with them?”
He’s gone. He’s gone, isn’t he? And she’s just going to throw that away?
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“You have no right to erase yourself from this world— as horrible as you are, you do not deserve to be free of your guilt. There is nothing after death. You should rot here, for all eternity if you have to, and live with the consequences of your idiotic plan.”
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“What did you really think would happen?”
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“If you all really cared so little about human lives, why did you not just throw all of your own away in this horrible game? We did nothing and we suffered because of your selfishness!”
She would never admit to her own, hm? The pianist looks towards her remaining classmates, stopping to stare at Takeru’s own portrait. She didn’t know him for just two weeks: she knew him for longer, and he must’ve changed her for the better the first time too, right? And now he is just going to disappear? This isn’t fair.
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“Enough with acting like the gods of this world! You are lowly creatures unfitting to even call yourselves moronic humans! You toyed with human lives, do you even realize that? Do you even understand the consequences of losing every precious life that has been snuffed out in this dark place?”
She tightens her smile, but a horrified expression remains in her eyes.
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“The only thing worse, I would say, than someone who enjoys the suffering of others is someone who feels nothing at all. At that point, you are just ending lives for the sake of nothing. You are not trying to change the future for the better. How can you even say that when someone like Takeru-san doesn’t even have the option of seeing this better future!”
She steps off of her podium, fueled by something, as she stands, attempting to tower over Atsuko.
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“Takeru Nokubo. Ikuko Ueno. Yvon Bruckhard. Misaki W...Wei. … Harada Saito. Yoshiko Endo. Takaku Kurukuru. Michiru Zaizen. Hideyoshi Kishi. Ryuusei Mochida. ....Even Minami Saito. Do you feel the weight their lives held as you carry their corpses in your hands? Do you even realize what you have done?”
She glares down at the shorter girl, then takes a step back, back, back to her podium, her heels clicking together. She curls her gloved hands into tight fists against her abdomen for a moment, closing her eyes and then taking a deep breath.
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“...Disgusting. Revolting. You are simply despicable.”
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rewoundcircuit · 5 years
TRIAL 4.4 | “ MAN IS SUCH A FOOL (WHY ARE WE SAVING HIM) ” | AKI | 🐯 | RE: no one really ATTN: ryuu
There's a lot more to deal with in just a few moments.
Aki... can't help but feel a quiet sense of satisfaction -- seeing other people calm down and back off for a moment. Made her feel useful -- what could she say more about.
Still, when Sandwich apologizes, all she does is give a massive roll of her shoulders, before he gets a brief smile and a:
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"...Nothing to apologize to me over, Yan-kun. Tensions run high."
But then there's a pause -- a little nod of appreciation to Orpheus and Kimiko both; sparing them a smile or two of.... Genuine fondness, it seems.
Before Aki crosses her arms, standing in thought for a long moment. ....
And when her voice picks up again, it's commanding:
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"Let's back up and take account of what we do know."
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"Kubo-kun, possibly after seeing how stricken Umenoyakakutani-san was during the fear motive, determined that a good way to prove himself as a good friend who is helpful to people would be to kill someone to take the motive away. To achieve this, he arranged some sort of bogus party in the Pianist's Laboratory, inside the VR. The plan was to make a few people vulnerable and potentially choose a victim out of them."
(Maybe a sympathetic -- or worried -- look over to a few of them: Yvon, Atsuko, Otoha--) But a sigh as she continues:
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"Maybe as a display of friendship, Kubo-kun decided to write an additional note -- this one clearly more addressed to Umenoyakakutani-san. At this point, our assumptions become heavier: either it was Umenoyakakutani-san who received the notice personally, and she has been lying to us -- which I somehow doubt -- or, unable to reach her, Kubo-kun left the note probably near her door. A third party -- the killer -- found the note, and realized that this party was a trap -- and that Kubo-kun was going to try to kill someone."
A lengthy pause -- and she seems to look at Nezumi's direction a little... hopefully. Before:
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"Now, as we still don't have word from the partygoers, I'm really starting to guess here. The third party likely determined that a quick way to get Kubo-kun to listen to them -- given that the note was assuredly found near Umenoyakakutani-san's dorm -- would to be to pose as her. They entered the VR simulation last and chose her avatar, beckoning Kubo-kun over somehow. He followed, and they departed."
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"From there, I... think it's not unreasonable to make a few assumptions. Kubo-kun was a good person, a kind person, someone who was trying to help. Furthermore, he was not bound or hurt in any way beyond the shocks -- so the killer couldn't have tried to subdue him, meaning that Kubo-kun was a willing party for some of this. The killer is therefore either someone Kubo-kun trusted or someone who knew how to get through to him: maybe by proposing that there was another way they could use to try to save everyone without killing."
A furrow of her eyebrows, but she continues on:
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"I don't know how genuine an offer like that would have been, but it wouldn't surprise me if Kubo-kun and the killer went off on a mission by that point -- maybe first looking for secret passages around the water tank, using two people to lift the table. Eventually, the topic of the electric grids that keep us from progressing further would come up, and they'd look for items that they think might help break it down: a television and a robot arm, maybe. They descend into the tunnels, possibly marking their way with post-its so that they don't become lost."
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"When they reach the grid, they begin their plan. They throw the tv -- which breaks -- and try to use the robot arm to dismantle the grid. It doesn't work. The killer suggests -- or maybe Kubo-kun does this himself -- that Kubo-kun try to dismantle it with his body. Probably as a test."
A twist of her mouth, and she seems to sigh:
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"At this point, Kubo-kun is betrayed. The killer pushes him into the grid properly -- instead of just his hands and feet -- getting him in the chest. From here, they depart."
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"I know this doesn't account for everything, and I'm open to criticism of all kinds -- but it does has me thinking: would the murderer maybe have proof of their crime left on their body?"
A hand is extended, and she looks genuine:
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"If Kubo-kun doesn't have splinters or any damage to his hands besides the electrocution marks, the killer might have been the one to put the robot arm on the electric grid -- and with how it splintered and shattered, their hand might be messed up -- like how Shida-kun was hinting at. And... another thing."
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"If the tv's glass was broken, it's possible that some glass got onto the killer. Maybe on their shoes, maybe on their clothes. Little shards. The kind that'd be hard to detect."
A bit of a nod, and her eyes glance over to Mayura for a moment before she continues:
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"...For that reason, I think it'd be a really good idea if we got a few checks out of the way: a hand check, a full-body pat down, and a shoe check where we check the soles. But I can understand if some people wouldn't want to get into that with me."
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"So, Shida-kun -- can I ask you to do another check for us? I'm sure he'd be everyone's preference."
(...Maybe it's her quiet way of also letting him know... she's not mad at him).
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rewoundcircuit · 5 years
IKUKO || TRAIL 1 || Turnover Tactics || RE/ATTN: a lot but mainly Kimiko and Mayura
As everyone went through the motions of trying to figure who had possibly murdered it seems as if her addressing of Kimiko went over about as badly as she thought it was going to be. Her eyes rolled in a not-so-subtle manner as she started to speak again. Her tone was... a lot more forceful than before.
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" You think I know? Do I look like a police officer? I'm just saying maybe don't handle interrogation like this is some sort of crime drama and use your damn brai- "
Whoa OK she needs to stop herself right here and now. She's getting way too tense for something that she should just be able to brush off seeing as it, well, wasn't too relevant to the situation at hand. She was being petty.
Although she knew how to handle a situation like this better than Kimiko did surely? At least she should know right?
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" ... "
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" ...You're right though. Something here doesn't add up. If we're going off of Kishi-san being the one to initiate the attack on someone else then it's possible he could've taken the knife from Wei-san's lab and got onto the next train back to the main area to try and go about with his plan. He could've also left his handbook in his lab due to being in a rush to catch the train... or something. "
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" Although I guess... that doesn't explain much. Although it would match up with the train arriving at Area 1 at 4:55pm, giving a roughly six minute window for Kishi-san's murder to take place unless he was killed at an earlier time which... seems unlikely given all the other evidence so far. " 
Something else wasn't really adding up here either though... even with knowing the schedule and the potential murder weapon it didn't seem to bring them any closer to who it could be. She had potential suspects in mind but for now they would've just been blind accusations based on a few key factors. Maybe it was time they actually figured out who exactly who would be capable of-
“Why is this happening? Why are we still talking about this?”
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" ... "
It looked as if, despite all of their talking, Mayurakazuemiko still wasn't really getting the memo about Hideyoshi's death. In fact their apparent insistence on it was causing her... discomfort? From her shaky hands and quivering lips it was clear something was up but she couldn't tell what it was exactly. Although unfortunately for Mayurakazuemiko;
Ikuko's patience was starting to run dry.
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" Alright. Fine. Umenoyakukutani-san. I don't know what's deluding to as to why you think Kishi-san could possibly be still alive but I'm sorry I have to tell it to you like this. He's dead. Gone. Someone amongst us killed him and we're not allowed to leave this room until we either figure out who killed him or fail and watch another innocent person die. Y'know, because people are dying. "
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" And I can assure you that none of us want to believe it either but let's face it. The time for pretending and making jokes has long since passed. It's getting a little ridiculous so can we please stick to relevant discussion while our damn lives are on the line? "
Out of all the people she thought she was going to blow up at first the pianist definitely wasn't on that list at all. For the most part Mayurakazuemiko petrified her in a weird way but this wasn't the time for her to be scared or afraid to speak her own mind.
She was just hoping that this wouldn't backfire in some way but why would it? She was right, wasn't she? This wasn't the time to be ignorant of what was happening...
...That had to have been the right thing to say, right?
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