#i wish the eppy would drop but i get it
bulkhummus · 8 months
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podcast gods are asleep -> posts gay lawyers in the meantime
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Starrison-Ringo casually wearing skirts/dresses his size to help George feel comfortable wearing his own skirts/dresses. To Ringo, it's no big deal, it's just clothes, he's comfortable in whatever. To George, it does help, and he likes it when he and Ringo wear skirts/dresses together.
It’s not even one of George’s girly days today, but the minute he sees Ringo sat at their kitchen table casually wearing a light blue dress, he immediately goes back to the bedroom to change.
He always feels a lot more confident wearing dresses when Ringo wears one too.
“Green,” Ringo says with a smile when George returns. “That colour suits you.”
George blushes. “You look really pretty today. The blue matches your eyes.”
Ringo can pull off any outfit. He’s got more curves than George so he’s able to fill out dresses more nicely, and he’s got such lovely legs that George wishes he’d just wear skirts and dresses all the time.
“Pattie might come over later if that’s okay,” George says, fumbling through the cupboards. “She said she’d give me another make-up tutorial.”
“That’s nice of her,” Ringo says with a smile.
Spookily enough there’s a knock on the door, and George frowns nervously.
“Relax, Georgie. Brian said he wanted to drop off some paperwork before he heads to the office.”
“You’re going to answer the front door like that?” George asks, his eyes going wide as Ringo heads to the door.
“It’s only Brian,” Ringo replies softly.
George’s heart is pounding as Ringo answers the door, and he hangs back in the kitchen shyly.
“Morning, Eppy,” Ringo’s voice echoes through the flat.
There���s a slight pause.
“Well good morning to you, miss. I didn’t realise there was a pretty girl living in George and Ringo’s flat.”
Brian’s voice isn’t mocking in the slightest; it’s playful but not cruel.
George feels a little more courageous, and shuffles shyly towards the front door.
Brian’s face softens when he sees George. “Another pretty girl. Goodness me, I’m really not keeping an eye on this place well enough, am I?”
And that’s it. That’s all Brian says about it. He doesn’t question them or get angry with them; he just hands Ringo the paperwork and bids them farewell with a polite thank you, ladies.
“See?” Ringo beams. “Eppy doesn’t mind. He thinks you’re pretty dressed like this. John and Paul would think so too.”
George hugs his boyfriend, kissing his cheek and suddenly feeling a lot brighter.
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sweetlilpaulie · 4 years
The Magical and Mysterious Wishing Well Pt.II
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Request for a Pt. II w/ angst. I’m really sorry guys.
George X Reader
Caution: Language, misty eyes (maybe, depends on your mood)
The boys had just gotten back to the studio, and started recording again. Cynthia had to go back home, get ready for work, and so (y/n) was left alone with the boys, Eppy and George Martin.
She couldn’t believe her eyes. She was the first outsider to hear these songs. She watched intently, listening to each take, each change, each improvement and each step towards the song she knew would be a #1 hit in a few months. 
“I think I'm gonna be sad, I think it's today, yeah. The girl that's driving me mad, Is going away.”
She closed her eyes, getting lost in their voices, tapping her foot gently on the carpeted floor. 
“My baby don’t care,                                                                                               My baby don’t care,                                                                                                 My baby don’t care,                                                                                                 My baby don’t care...”
(y/n)’s eyes opened once they had finished and they immediately landed on the shy Beatle, who was looking at her, amusement in his own eyes.
“Excellent. We’re done for today, you can go home now.”
The boys let out a cheer, and escaped the room, taking themselves outside. (y/n) found herself following them out into the chilly breeze. 
“So, how’d we do?” George questioned her.
“Excellent. I have a feeling that song’s gonna be legendary.”
“You think so?”
Oh, I know so, honey.
“Yeah, I really do.”
He smiled.
She smiled back.
“George, a light if you please?” Paul had come out of nowhere, fag between his lips. George, clumsily shoved a hand in his pocket, in search for his lighter. Unfortunately, before he could grab it, it fell out of his pocket. 
He picked it up sheepishly, and thrust it into Paul’s palm. 
“Care for one, m’lady?” Paul pulled out his pack.
Only get to live once, right? Probably a really dumb idea.
“Sure. Thanks.”
He handed her the ciggie, and she licked her lips before placing it between them. Then George yanked his lighter back, and lit (y/n)’s for her. 
Taking in a breath, she felt the immediate need to cough. She forced herself not to, eyes watering slightly as she did so. She blew out the smoke.
Huh. Definitely a bad idea. Oh, well. 
Paul and George chatted with her, almost aggressively. It was as if the two boys where seeing who could get the most information out of her sooner. There was definitely also some tension in between the two boys, (y/n) had noticed. 
She cleared her throat, after the two had started arguing about something completely off topic, and very childish. 
“Er..boys, do you happen to know where the loo is?”
George pointed to the studio and was about to give directions, but Paul interrupted him. Again.
“Here, let me guide you.”
He put a hand on the small of your back and urged you forward.
“Oh c’mon Paul, it’s the loo for Christ’s sake.” George grumbled.
As much as you liked Paul, you felt he was pushing it just a little bit. You were having a bit of a moment with George, and he rudely interrupted. 
“And here we are.” 
“Yes, thanks. There was no need....”
“I know. Actually, I was hoping we could have a moment alone.” he bit his lip.
You raised an eyebrow. “For what reason may that be?”
“I was wondering...If you weren’t doing anything...maybe we could...get to know each other a little better? Maybe...dinner? Tonight? 5:30 or so...?”
Oh, God this can’t be happening. 
“Erm...well, I was actually gonna have dinner with George so...” she awkwardly wrung her wrists as she looked down at her very non 60s shoes. 
“Oh, of course...” he seemed a bit disappointed at that. “Maybe tomorrow then?”
How could I say no? I mean he’s Paul c’mon! Two dates with Beatles in the same week? 
“Yeah, I think that should work.” 
He looked like a giddy schoolboy. 
“Gear! I’ll see ya soon then!” he then surprisingly gave (y/n) a peck on the cheek.
Now, she slightly regretted saying yes. She felt bad for George, and somehow, even though they weren’t dating, they had just met for Christ’s sake, she still felt she was letting him down. She thought it best not to dwell on it too much though. 
Since (y/n) didn’t know where to go, she decided to head to the Lennon’s house, Cynthia being the only girlfriend she had in this time.
Knock, knock.
John opened the door, and gave a wide smirk. 
“Can’t seem to get you away from me, eh?”
Rolling her eyes she simply replied “I was looking for Cynthia.”
“Right. CYN!” he called for his wife.
She came running to the door, a wide grin on her face. 
“That’ll be all John, thank you love.”
He gave her a peck on the cheek and headed inside. 
“So, how may I be of assistance?”
“Uhm, well...I wasn’t sure what to wear, I’m kinda....er...going on a date with George, and I didn’t pack anything nice...”
“Say no more.” she pulled (y/n) into the house, taking her to her walk-in closet. 
She pulled out several things: a shift dress, a blouse and skirt, a beautiful chiffon gown...
“Ah, here it is!”
She finally pulled out a very cute salmon cocktail dress with ruffled straps.
She held it against (y/n)’s body.
“I think it should fit well.” 
“Thank you Cyn.”
“Of course, darling.”
Cynthia headed out of the room, and (y/n) quickly changed into the dress.
Once she had left the room, she found Cyn and John sitting on the sofa, both of them smoking a cig, John reading a book, and Cyn resting her head on his shoulder. (y/n) perceived it as very intimate, and felt bad for intruding. Cynthia seemed to notice her presence in the room and waved a hand for her to come and join them. 
“Would you care for a cuppa?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Cyn pushed the cup and saucer on the coffee table, towards (y/n). 
Soon enough, after 3 cups of tea, and to (y/n)’s dismay, another cigarette, a knock came on the door. John glanced up from his book, at the door.
“Another visitor, ay?”
“That must be George.” (y/n) started to stand up, but Cynthia beckoned her back into her seat. 
“Here, allow me.”
She opened the door. 
“Hello George! Er... and Paul?”
“Hello Cyn.” (y/n) could recognize that voice from anywhere. 
What the hell is Paul doing here?!
“Well, (y/n) is coming.”
She stood up, legs wavering, slightly. 
When she came to the door, sure enough both George and Paul where standing there waiting to greet her. 
“Uhm, hello...” she muttered awkwardly.
Paul gave her a toothy grin, along with a greeting, George merely mumbled a ‘hi’ and barely glanced her way.
What’s with him?
They escorted her to the car. Paul, gentlemanly, opened the door for (y/n) as George went to the driver’s seat to start the car. She very uncomfortably, had sit in-between the two boys, who took up a lot of space.
This is not what I was thinking. 
Paul tried to initiate some conversation, but she just ended up giving monosyllabic answers, still wondering what his problem was. 
They had gotten to a club, which when they entered was filled with heat, music, and the stench of potent alcohol. 
So much for a nice dinner. 
They sat at the bar, and the bartender asked what they wanted. 
“A brandy for me.” George offered. Then he turned to you, which was the first time he had done so this entire night. But, it was not a look she liked very much “What d’ya want?”
“Er, a bottle of red, please.”
“I’ll have a scotch, ta.” Paul piped up.
George slammed the cash on the wood, making (y/n) jump slightly.
They drank some of their beverages. She never really liked the taste of alcohol, but she supposed that’s all you’d get at a bar. 
Paul once again, tried to start a conversation, whilst George silently nursed his drink. He was quickly becoming very drunk. 
They call it liquid courage for a reason.
Or more like, liquid stupidity. 
George slipped, rather awkwardly, out of his seat, and off to a girl who happened to glance his way several times through the night. 
Right in front of (y/n), he kissed her long and slow, eyes still on his date.
After having a very unnecessarily long make out session, he pulled her into the bathroom. Before the door had fully closed, he sent a smirk her way. Paul had seen the whole escapade as well, and was very annoyed himself.
“I dunno what’s up with him. He come’s to me askin’ if he wants to join ye at the club, and I knew he fancied you the moment he saw you. Now he’s off ter shag some skank.” 
“I don’t know either.” you frowned at the now closed door. You had worshipped George, always adored his style and his voice, his seemingly kind personality, but you guess maybe you didn’t know him well enough. He was, at the moment, being a drunk blockhead, and you lost all the admiration you had once had for him.
Soon enough, they came out the bathroom, recent activities, evident in their faces.  He gave her another kiss, and walked back to where Paul and (y/n) were sitting.
“So, you gonna fuck yet?” he snarled. 
“Excuse me?!” she choked out.
He rolled his eyes at her. “’ts obvious. So why don’t you get it done already?” 
“I have no idea what the hell is up with you, but you’re acting like a ass, and it’s pissing me off.” she glared at him, arms crossed. 
“Yeah, it’s pisses you off? I should be the one who’s pissed off! Leadin’ me on, and then goin off with Paul. If ya didn’t want me, just fuckin’ tell me so!” 
“Well, I certainly don’t want you anymore, George Harrison.” she fumed. And before she knew what she was doing, she pulled Paul’s face to hers. He lips melted into hers and they had a fight for dominance. When, they pulled apart, Paul looked at her with an air of shock, but obvious pleasure and lust in his eyes. George’s mouth dropped open, but then he quickly scowled, and headed towards the entrance.
“I see you’ve made your choice. I hope your happy.” he spat bitterly.
“I hate you George Harrison. I’ve now seen how cruel you really are.”
And with that, she never spoke another word to the man.
I’m so SO sorry, that took me 5 million years, I’m finally done! Hope you enjoyed. It’s kinda long, so yeah.. anyways, have a good day!
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mrepstein · 6 years
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Daily Mirror - October 6, 1964
In tears it could have meant another Great Deluge.
In comparative calamity and collective sorrow it would have been disaster on an international scale.
It was the Day the Beatles Almost Stopped.
It happened early this year. And it was like this...
Their manager, the shrewd and immensely successful Brian Epstein - a frustrated actor, and on his own admission “the most unsatisfactory private soldier” in the RASC - was ready to give the Beatles up. He almost did.
“The whole business became too much for me,” he says today. “The travelling and the telephone, the talk and the deals, the relentless social duties, the rootlessness of my life and the sheer hard slog of staying on top.
“For some months the strain had been building up and I felt my life was an awful mess.”
Like a straw to be clutched came a £150,000 bid for a share in the four mop-heads who had changed his life from one of selling cold-cold discs over a counter in his Liverpool family store to one of handling the hottest show business property to happen this side of the moon. Or the other side.
The offer was tempting. It would be a capital gain. He would, as well, stay on as a big wheel in the organisation he had built from the talent that twisted and shouted and sang and twanged on Merseyside.
But first he had to ask the Beatles how they would feel if a certain Mr. X took them over.
GEORGE Harrison didn’t even look up. “You’re joking,” he said.
RINGO Starr said: “Tell us again.” and Epstein did.
JOHN Lennon, whom Epstein calls the literary Beatle, said: “Get stuffed...”
PAUL McCartney said something less polite.
All four looked at Epstein as if he were mad.
Then Paul dropped the bombshell. “Sell us and we’ll pack up completely. We’ll throw the whole lot up tomorrow.”
This, then, was the Beatles on the brink. The moment when the whole fantastic fabric could have collapsed.
The Merseyside quartet who have made the rest of Popland’s citizens look like midgets sparked off a new enthusiasm in the man who had taken them from obscurity to a peak never before known in show business anywhere.
Epstein, 30, recalls today in his autobiography:
“This was all I needed and I was overwhelmed by their attitude. Their loyalty was tremendous and I feel I can never really repay it. Until then I don’t feel I had ever realised its depths nor had I known how proud they were of me as their leader.”
And Epstein told the unnamed bidder: “I don’t think all the money in the world would be enough....”
The Beatles stayed Beatles. (There has since been a rejected American bid of £3,000,000 for the group.)
Epstein’s story is frank. It takes you as close as you might ever get to this four-man explosion.
Take a look at them with Epstein...
PAUL can be temperamental and moody and difficult to deal with.
“But I know him very well,” says Epstein. And Paul knows “Eppy,” as some of them fondly call him.
Paul “is a great one for not wishing to hear about things and if he doesn’t want to know he switches himself off... pretends to read a newspaper.”
But, thinks Epstein, he is very much a world star.
JOHN is the dominant figure. “A most exceptional man” who would have emerged anyway, Beatles or not, Epstein believes.
“None of the Beatles suffers fools gladly. John suffers them not at all and can be very acid, even cruel, if he is goaded.”
There was a woman in Paris who peered into his face and said: “It isn’t, is it? It’s you! A real live Beatle!”
“What sort of approach is this?” John asked... dancing a terrifying dervish dance around her.
He has been “abominably rude” to Epstein. At a recording session Epstein detected what he thought was a flaw in Paul’s voice during the making of “Til There Was You.”
John flew to Paul’s defence.
“We’ll make the record,” John bellowed at Epstein, “You just go on counting your percentages...”
Epstein left in a rage. Later, John told him it had been said only in fun.
RINGO, who succeeded the earlier drummer Pete Best (now making his way with his own group), became a Beatle not because Epstein wanted him - but because the other three did.
“I was not at all keen to have him,” Epstein confesses. “I thought his drumming rather loud and his appearance unimpressive.”
But Epstein trusted the trio who wanted Ringo. “He has become an excellent Beatle and a devoted friend,” says Epstein now.
Ringo did, however, upset his manager at the time of their Paris trip. Fog in Liverpool stopped him arriving there with the rest. Epstein instructed him to come on by train. Ringo refused and said he would get the first available plane.
Pleaded Epstein: “I have never asked you to do anything especially for me before.”
Said Ringo: “Oh yes you have. You know bloody well you are always asking me to do things - to see the Press, or travel for this or that. I’m not doing it and if you don’t like it you can do the other thing....”
In Paris later there was quite an atmosphere. But a grin from Ringo put it all right in the end.
GEORGE has his moods, though Epstein cannot recall any rows. “He is the business Beatle,” curious about money, wanting to know how much is coming in and how to make it work. George likes spending, but “would always remain in credit.”
Sums up Epstein: “If Paul has the glamour, John the command, Ringo the little man’s quaintness, then George, with his slow, wise, crooked smile, is the boy next door.”
Epstein and his Beatles are now as solid as a great wall and fifty divisions of infantry used to be.
They laugh at the disappointments of the past... when after a test in 1962 Decca recording manager Dick Rowe turned them down and said:
“Not to mince words, Mr. Epstein, we don’t like your boys’ sound. Groups of guitarists are on the way out.”
Epstein was then passed on to Tony Meehan, ex-Shadows drummer who was then blossoming as a recording manager.
“I would be given the benefit of his experience and the use of a studio on payment of something approaching £100,” says Epstein.
He met Tony the following day. He was told that Mr. Rowe and Mr. Meehan were very busy men and that “we know roughly what you require, so will you fix a date for tapes to be made of these Beatles, phone my secretary and make sure that when you want the session, I am available...”
An end-of-his-tether Epstein eventually found his saviour with another company, after being rejected by the Pye Company as well.
Epstein answers the big question - how long will they last? - like this:
“I don’t know and neither do they... but the barometer looks very promising... I see tremendous possibilities in films.”
Later, he adds that: “It is doubtful at this stage that they will make many more personal appearance tours overseas.”
He also says that the Beatles have kicked up so much dust that in all our lifetimes it will not completely settle.
He could be right at that, too....
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#JaneTheVirgin: Jane the Brokenhearted Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Four
Look, I feel some kinda way and I knew it was going to happen.  You’ll recall in my midseason finale/spoiler alert post, I told you this was coming to pass.  I hate being right.
(If you haven’t seen the eppy yet, 1) why are you reading a recap and 2) don’t read ahead unless you want the spoiler spoiled.) (Go away.) (Stop playing.)
First of all, this episode was tight. It was Jane in peak form, firing on all cylinders, every single character involved.  It was written by showrunner Jennie Snyder Urman and directed by Melonie Mayron (Professor Donaldson).   At the top of the show, the Narrator takes us back to young Michael instead of young Jane.  Young Michael is dressed for Halloween in a cop outfit that’s adorably too big for him. In a nice bit of foreshadowing, Michael wants with all his heart to go trick-or-treating, but he’s sick and his mom won’t let him go.  In the present, Jane and Michael are looking through old photographs and come across a pic from that long ago Halloween. Michael swears he remembers that moment perfectly, but Jane explains something called “flashbulb memory,” memories that seem so vivid and clear because of the intensity of the emotion attached to them, not because of our accurate recollection. (She read that in the New Yorker, here’s the article: http://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/idea-happened-memory-recollection) (I wish I could figure out how to hyperlink). Michael says, “Nah, I remember everything.”
The phone rings and Jane is offered her dream job, assistant to a publishing wunderkind.  (What happened to the other lady? Last I remember, Jane and Michael (sob) wowed the assistant at a bar singing Bruno Mars karaoke, right?). Rogelio stops by with a different kind of picture: a still from his nude scene (Rogelio’s genitalia is a gift that keeps on giving).  Ro invites Jane to the screening and she agrees to come as long as he tells her when to look away in order to avoid having the image her padre’s cadre seared on the inside of her eyelids.
Unlike the last time when Catalina (may she never return) told Jane to wing her interview, Jane is hella prepared.  And when Jane is prepared, she does the darn thing. She’s given a memoir to read and her prospects ($40K and benefits) look amazing.  Jane goes to pick up Mateo from Abuela’s where Xiomara is watching him.  Xo wants some quid pro quo and asks Jane to come to dinner with Alba, Bruce, and Scary Tess.  Jane agrees.  When Xo asks Jane for feminine protection, Jane realizes she’s late.  And she’s been having a lot of sex. A lot of sex. With Michael. La amor de su vida.  (Why, Jennie Snyder Urman, why?!)
Michael comes home happy (he’s so happy this episode; he’s like a dog that doesn’t know he’s about to be put down) and Jane is making pasta. She tells him she might be pregnant, and she’s worried about their timeline and Mateo—but the look on Michael’s face assures her that a little Cordero would make Michael the happiest man on the planet.  Jane takes one of Xo’s old pregnancy tests (what is she stockpiling them?) but the test is expired, and the result is unreadable.  I loved that there was this kind of lingering hope that they might have a baby, even though I knew Michael was doomed. Doomed, I say!
Rogelio has been trying to come up with a matchmaker reality show for Darci. Darci wants him to co-star, but Ro is all about that indie life.  He invites Darci to walk down la alfombra roja to the screening of his movie. At the screening, Ro’s big reveal has been edited out of the movie. (“They cut my penis!”). He storms outside and Darci tries to console him. As a bystander secretly records Ro’s freakout on cellphone, Ro says “penis” about a hundred times and he also hurts Darci, telling her she just wants to be Bethany Frankel while he wants to be a serious actor. Not the move, Ro.
At the Tess dinner, Tess is being a shady little heffa, but Jane wins her over by telling her that she and Michael live near a popular coffee shop Tess likes (okay….). Back at the apartment, Jane tells Michael she got her period, and she’s not pregnant (seriously, she had to tell him that last part. I’m like, Mike, you’re a cop!)  They agree they’re disappointed, and Michael says they’ve got all the time in the world because he’s doomed! Doomed, I say! There’s a knock at the door and it Tess, drunk as a skunk in a trunk! Jane takes her to Xo’s, where Tess escapes on a bike, only to be captured by Abuela, who tells her to get in the car ahora mismo! Xo calls Bruce, who wants to lock Tess up forever, but Xo offers some sage advice that saves Tess’s butt, which Tess overhears, opening the door to a civil relationship between Tess and Xo.
Oh! The other people—you know, the ones who survived Jennie Snyder Urman’s death scythe.  Scott told Petra he and Anezka are married, and he has gazillion copies of the will’s addendum (I love Anezka’s forever bangs, lol). Rafael tells Luisa (remember her?) he’s not a real Solano and she assures him he will always be her brother and she’ll always have his back.  Rafael finds out he’s going to have to do some jail time for cooking the books after his dad-not-dad died. Petra freaks because she hasn’t bonded with the twins, but she eases into motherhood and tells Raf to go ahead to jail if that’s what he wants (maybe he’ll see Petra’s mother, Magda in the co-ed prison yard!). Luisa introduces her new girlfriend, Eileen (come on!), to Rafael and Rafael is like, “I’ma need some bloodwork, proof of plastic surgery, and MRI, a bone scan” whatever it takes to prove Eileen is NOT Sin Rostro. 
Of course, Eileen IS Sin Rostro (does she even have cartilage left?) and she has a look alike go take all the tests for her. Meanwhile, Jane delivered Ro’s naked pictures instead of the memoir summary and analysis to the publisher and torpedoed her chances at getting her dream job. Ro shrink-wraps a bus and wins Darci back.
The Date. God, this was beautiful writing.  Jane and Michael go to the amusement park they went to when they first started dating. The scene alternates between the shy pair feeling their way around commitment to the married couple dreaming of forever.  They play carnival games and take photo booth pictures.  Jane looks at Michael and they both smile, knowing they’re going to ride the Ferris wheel, where they became a couple (yes, I thought it was the night of Jane’s 21st birthday, too, but you remember they added that Sam in the beginning of season 3). As the wheel goes round the past folds in on the present and you just know Michael is doomed. Doomed, I say! Chile, I thought the Ferris wheel was gonna break and send him hurling to his death there were so many omens! That didn’t happen; instead, Michael remembers some minor detail from an investigation that proves the memoir wasn’t entirely true and will allow Jane to march back to the publisher’s office, find out it was all a test and get the job. Because Michael is Jane’s safe place to land, always guiding her, supporting her, loving her.  Sigh.
Jane gives Michael the cutest lunch box to take to the LSATs. She tells him she loves him, she’s proud of him.  Michael goes to take the test. When he finishes and lines up to hand his test in, he collapses and dies.  When Jane receives the call that Michael has died from some complication from his gunshot wound, she drops the phone and lets out a scream that better be on Gina Rodriguez’ Emmy reel, because it was life! Rafael comes in and wraps his arms around her (they are never, ever getting back together, so forget it #TeamRafael!).  There’s a hint that Jane goes through some dark times and we’re about to jump ahead three years (no more Mr. Sweetface?!), but we’ve reached the end of part two.
So, basically, this is a reboot of the entire show. They’re jumping ahead three years, so anything can happen for the rest of the season. Raf’s going to jail. Sin Rostro’s back.  Jane’s going to a wedding ( I bet it’s Alba’s!) and she has a funky new haircut. But as a member of #TeamMichael, my heart will always be a little broken when I don’t see Brett Dier’s goofy-sweet face mooning at Jane. (I hope he comes back as a Patrick Swayze in Ghost like spirit! Jennie  Snyder Urman told The Hollywood Reporter they will do Michael flashbacks! Yay!)
A+ eppy. Can’t wait until next week.
Tell me what you think of Michael's death in the comments section!
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#JaneTheVirgin Chapter 52 No Medal for Meddling
#JaneTheVirgin Chapter 52
Jane and the gang are back with a nice, serviceable episode. Let’s recap, shall we?
Flashback to pre-baby Jane watching "Beaches" with Xo, who was in tears because Bruce had jerked her around again. The Latin Lover Narrator tells us this taught Jane that she is the wind beneath Xo’s wings and that people don’t change.  In the present day, Jane walks in on Bruce and Xo smooching it out.  At first, I wasn’t all that crazy about Richard Chavira as Xo’s love interest—especially when she could have Rogelio--but once he opened his mouth, his sexy voice got me on board with his character. Rowr.  Jane’s got attitude, but Xo tells her to get over it because Bruce has changed and even Abuela sat down and had breakfast muffins with him.
Rogelio is telling Mr. Bee…er Michael,  that he’s going to conceive and co-parent with Darci Factor. Michael is entertaining adorable Mateo with an adorable sock puppet and tells Jane to stay out of Xo and Bruce’s business. Nobody likes a meddler! Michael’s such a good dad.  Sigh.  Michael is on his way to the mechanics because he’s doing anything to avoid going to the office because he hates desk duty and wants to be a detective again.
Jane goes to drop Mateo at Raf’s Marbella pad but Raf is down at the police station.  So Jane goes to visit Catalina. Catalina’s silver-haired, French husband comes out in a robe.  Catalina confesses that they’re separated and she didn’t say anything because she married Jean Jacque on an impulse, realized it was a huge mistake and was embarrassed. Mr. Bee pops up as Jane’s conscience—“Don’t meddle!”—but Jane tells Cat she’s got to tell Raf.
Michael is at the police station telling Raf that Emilio is not his father. Michael’s cute, light-skinned, freckled partner (call me?) comes in to take Raf in for questioning—about Sin Rostro, I guess—but  Cutie tells Michael he can’t be a part of the interrogation because he’s on desk duty. Damn.
Raf gets home and Petra is tripping. She just let herself into his apartment. She suspects Rafael and Scott of plotting against her. Raf convinces her she’s just paranoid. They’re both right.
Michael quit the police force.  He thinks about becoming a car salesman. Of course, Jane is supportive and wants him to find a career that excites him. I love that they’re happy. They’re a little boring, but I like them happy. I wish that had a kink or a fetish or something to give their marriage more umph. But I love those two crazy kids. I do.
Jane goes to see Xo at the dance studio and sees Bruce walk out and Xo crying. Jane goes outside and Mr. Bee tells her, “You don’t get a medal for meddling!” but Jane lets Bruce have it.
Rogelio and Darci are all business about their baby-to-be. They agree on every point of the co-parenting contract, even insemination and the baby’s name: De La Vega Factor. Rogelio goes to tell the Villanueva women the good news, but they’re a little skeptical, given Ro’s impetuous nature. He decides to introduce them to Darci to get them on board.
Cat tells Raf and swears her marriage is over. Raf finds out Jane knew about Cat’s hubby. He asks Jane to tell him if something like that happens again and they both agree, they don’t trust Cat.
Petra, quivering with nuttiness, drives down to skid row, where Anezka has set up a tarot card reading booth. Anezka has heavy bangs, lol.  Petra is convinced that Scott and Rafael are in cahoots.  She tells Anezka to go back to the Czech Republic.
Xo’s pissed Jane yelled at Bruce. Turns out, Bruce and Xo were trying to figure out how to get Bruce’s daughter, Tess, to accept their relationship. Tess thinks Xo broke her parents up and Bruce thought Tess would outgrow her anger, but seeing the grudge Jane’s still holding makes him not so sure. Mr. Bee comes out to remind Jane, “Nobody likes a meddler.”
Anezka and Scott meet in a skid row alley. Scott still loves Anezka and offers to take care of her because he’s got money Raf gave him to run game on Petra. Anezka runs away. Only, it’s not Anezka; IT’S PETRA! Dun Dun DUN!
Michael goes down to the station to get his things and Jane goes to dinner with Xo and Bruce. Bruce and Xo are in true love. I guess. Doesn’t Xo want to sing anymore?  Where is she working?
Jane goes to pick up Mateo and sees Catalina getting into a car and kissing her husband. Jane tells Raf.
Michael thinks he wants to be a stand-up comedian.  Jane lovingly sits through Michael’s butt jokes. And she invites everybody to The Laugh Outlet to see Michael’s first open night. (The Latin Lover Narrator got in a popular vote joke—topical.)
Cat rips into Jane for telling Raf. Jane’s all, “Girl, I’ve known you for a month of lies, and he’s my baby daddy.”  Cat hangs up.
The Villanuevas hit The Laugh Outlet. Xo is cold to Darci. Darci is not having it. She tells Ro to pull Xo together. I like Darci. I’d like Darci and Bruce together. They have husky voices. Michael comes out and gets total stage fright. He even gets heckled a little. Jane runs to the side of the stage and feeds him his lines. He recovers and is…not so bad.
Raf realizes his dad knew his dad knew he wasn’t a Solano and that’s why he treated him differently from Luisa. Turns out there’s a will and Raf could be out of his inheritance. Petra comes in with the anger of thousand white hot suns and touches everything. She swears revenge on Raf for colluding with Scott.
Jane admits Michael routine wasn’t that funny. They get bizzzy anyway.
Bruce’s daughter refuses to have brunch with Xo, so Jane, encouraged by sock puppet Bette Meddler, decides to go speak to Tess at her job. Tess and her mean girl squad call Xo all kinda ho-bags. If Was Jane Tess would catch some hands, but I guess Jane knows who her mother is. Jane works it out.
ROGELIO’S NUDE SCENE! Can we just acknowledge how CUTE Jaime Camil is when his hair is drooping on his face like a Latino Hugh Grant. I died. I died.  Rogelio has some stage fright of his own.  Darci gives Ro some words of encouragement and he goes on set and gets as naked as the day he was born. He also realizes he has feelings for Darci.  It hits him HARD. It just…POPS UP out of nowhere.  It was really EXCITING—ok, you get it. And so did the whole movie crew. I really wanted them to be more impressed with Rogelio’s…de la vega. Later Ro tells Darci he has feelings for her, but she tells him to get over it.
Jane drops Mateo off and half-naked Cat opens the door.  Jane doesn’t even ask. Back at home, she and Michael discuss careers, and Michael thinks he might want to be a lawyer. Jane’s okay with him going back to school. Michael’s dreaming big: the Law Offices of Michael Cordero, Jr.   AND THEN THE NARRATOR SAYS (and I quote :) “Ah, to see that dream come true. But alas…”  THESE HINTS ARE KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Raf’s lawyer tells him to keep the will to himself. However, when Petra was last in Raf’s penthouse, yelling at him about Scott, she was also PLANTING CAMERAS EVERYWHERE and now Petra knows Raf is a no-money having, non-Solano!
The previews promise a Darci/Rogelio heavy episode--THAT WOULD BE MY DREAM SPIN-OFF, "Raising Rogeliana" I live! I live! I give this eppy a B. Not a lot happened, but we're being set up for something.
To Be Continued...
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