#i worry sometimes that when i post abt it.. i am irritating u guys or smthin bc it's not rly in the niche of my blog
oh-katsuki · 1 year
i just wanted to say that i really really like it when you talk about animation, i’m a fan of it myself (i get very amused with art, physically and virtually) but seeing you talk about it in full depth and geek out about it makes me want to learn about animation all day and other forms of art, it’s also very endearing!
WAGHHH this was so sweet thank you <3 im glad that you find my little rants abt animation history and animation forms n techniques interesting <333 it is my passion in life (along with writing) and idk who i would be without it so i love talking abt it and sharing it!! it makes me SO EMOTIONAL to hear that it makes you want to learn about it!!!!!! thank you <3
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wincore · 3 years
IT GETS BETTER WHEN I QUIT (╥_╥) until then i’ll just try my best 2 survive
“are you daring me to ruin my life for 2d men” yes 100% that’s exactly what i am saying. U GETTING 2D MEN BRAINROT... >>>>> ill seriously be waiting for the day 😌😌 atsumu is incredibly irritating u will love him. im going to manifest hq tiktok edits showing up in ur fyp JDJWJSJJ
OMGG i never watched coffee&vanilla but now i know not to so thank u LOL i can’t handle watching cringey dramas!! IM SO EXCITED FOR S2 TOO!! i’m not even a horror fan generally but the storyline was so different and mysterious i was hooked!! should i read the manga?? :o how diff would u say it was from the netflix adaptation?
NOO ME TOO!! watching a whole series takes so much brain power and attention 😭😭 esp when starting something new, sometimes i just don’t have the energy to learn abt new characters/a new world
I LOVE THE PREVIEW IM SO SO EXCITED!! “she wins mostly dw” WHEW!! we cannot have jaehyun winning this we can agree on 😫. LMFAOO WHEN I SAW DONGMIN I WAS LIKE :oooo No way.... no way.. that would hurt so bad for me 🙄🙄 perfect man is ur soulmate and u wont even end up together... goodbye.. (ok jaehyun u r ok as well i guess)
YES I REREAD 19K HDJWJJD IT WAS A POST-FINALS TREAT & U ARE AN ACTUAL AUTHOR!!!! also now im rlly curious abt what runway-taeyong’s yn will be like?!? esp in comparison to runway yn!!! give me crumbs pls
“i cannot picture him pissed off apart from that summer fight </3” STOPPPQJDJ ME TOO??? i think e2l with mark is impossible truly... it just doesnt make sense
“i love this characterization of him!!” IM SO GLAD LOL I WASNT SURE ABT MY WORDING!! sicheng rlly is perfect for these kinds of roles & im PUMPED for ceo sicheng for this very reason 👀👀
U HAD ME AT THEME SONG SINCERITY IS SCARY WTFFF!! “i don’t think i’m cut out to write that” i respect ur decision BUT im sure u are capable!!!! when u feel ready i will b here waiting bc i am in luv with just the vaguest concept of this piece! “so him having strong personality traits makes me go 🤔🤔 that man is overreacting” LMFAOOO NOT EVEN JK I AGREE... its disorienting to see him written as intense/broody when most of the time he’s just kinda has one main mode which is 🙂
YESSS FIC WISE BC OF U!!! im in the same boat abt it not working irl, i think if i had beef with a man i would just never interact with them ever again.... no man is worth the time... we are not gonna beef it out we will just cease to know each other. BUT YES BOTH TROPES WORK BETTER IN FIC LMFAO i love the #pining #hurt/comfort #angsttofluff HSJWJSJ
YESS THATS WHY UR VAMP FIC WAS SO REFRESHING!! BC IT WAS DIFFERENT!! if we simply stop pretending bites r enjoyable i think we can begin 2 reverse the damage that media has done to vampire aus
omg that’s a lot of things to do!! PLS MAKE SURE TO GET ENOUGH REST & EAT WELL TOO!! take care of yourself 🤍🤍🤍
- tata
i just started watching jujutsu kaisen and i might just ruin my life for 2d men once again <3 i feel like i wil have a whirlwind obsessive phase like my 15 year old self again goodbye (also. pls. this atsumu character is appealing to me way too much for someone with god level standards for irl men. every time a 2d man is annoying i go 😍💍👰💒 loml) ALSO OK WTF HOW DID YOU PREDICT THAT I’VE BEEN GETTING A LOT OF HQ TIKTOKS IN MY FYP LATELY LIKE I SCROLLED THROUGH 8 CONSECUTIVE ONES 😭😭😭 TATA DID YOU HIJACK MY FYP
sdjgdjs i’ve only ever watched cringe dramas if the man is good looking (but like only clips in this case) or i need to make fun of it with my friends . i like to indulge in horror when i’m anxious bc it somehow makes it better like 😭 at least i have it better than THOSE guys lmfao <3 but also i don’t like heavy gore ahaha. 
some parts of the aib live action i liked WAY better especially bc the actors did so incredibly well portraying the characters (and the 7 of hearts game... bye i took so long coming to terms with it it’s WAY more emotional in the live) and i liked the first game (different in the manga) way more in the live. as for the manga i HATE the ending but also the manga introduces side characters and their stories and i really like that about it! the whole tunnel distance game was actually a side story in the manga and i kind of don’t like them centering the plot too much around arisu (but .. also.. it’s yamazaki kento... and i like that man too much for my dignity..) and also.... i don’t like how they left niragi and aguni’s status undisclosed like that??? like [LIGHT MANGA SPOILERS] they play a very key role in the manga so ?!?! i just hope s2 turns out well netflix i am begging u
ANDSDHSKDJDSL PLS I AM SO SORRY but dongmin is in love with another woman 😔 maybe in some other life. jaehyun is out there being a himbo though so choose carefully what you wish for 🤩 every time jaehyun wins i got mad at myself like no way pilsbury dough boy is winning against miss i know everything
SDHSJD so far lookbook-yn is way more confident and assertive than runway-yn but more in a.. himbo-like way LOL if that makes sense. runway-yn was kind of self conscious and fueled by passion and the need to stand out in their field of work but this yn is more comedic i think lol!! she’s kind of critical and clever in her own way but also she will confidently tell u the wrong directions to the nearest grocery store if u ask bc she thought she knew </3
SDFJGDSJ IT LITERALLY STARTED AS ME DAYDREAMING TO SINCERITY IS SCARY <3 i don’t even have a title yet 🤧 i feel like im favouring this bread man too much but it’s fun to characterize him so <33 i would love for him to be heartbroken and bitter for once 😌 “most of the time he’s just kinda has one main mode which is 🙂” that emoji TOOK ME OUT DSJKDHSD it’s literally him??
men r literally never worth the time </3 either be a lovable himbo or go away 😐 WAIT BC OF ME??? IM STILSLDSHDSKHKDSLJDS ily ❣🌼🌙
why would they make bites to be some sort of sensual thing like literally any other animal biting us for blood would be either horrifying (demon) or just annoying (mosquitoes)
you take care of yourself too!!!!!! hope your job loosens a bit on you and you excel in academics enough to not worry about it 😌 eat well sleep well ily ❤
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rainbow-sides · 6 years
Nuances of Necessity: Chapter One
Summary: While studying the changes that took place after Virgil became accepted into the family, Logan makes a startling discovery about himself.
Pairings: platonic LAMP/CALM
Word Count: 1,022
Warnings: Touch starvation, panic attacks, anxiety, food, ~science experiment~.
Notes: So this is the beginning of the touch-starved Logan fic that I’ve been talking about literally for a month. Hope you enjoy it! <3 ~Martin
It had started a couple months after Virgil had been accepted fully into the family. It was slow, gradual, but Logan noticed these kinds of things and paid close attention to them. The overall levels of anxiety in the mindscape and in Thomas's life started to go down. That wasn't fully unexpected, of course. Accepting one’s anxiety and learning to work with it instead of constantly fighting it did generally lead to an improved mood.
And after the initial shock and distrust of the situation, Virgil seemed to have a better mood as well. He wasn't as unpredictable in his panic attacks, he didn't butt heads with Roman quite as much, and he even sometimes laughed at Patton’s jokes without covering his mouth. It was interesting to watch the transformation, and Logan began to get curious about the direct causational factors.
Instead of asking Virgil (he might not know, anyway, it was better to look at it objectively), Logan set up an observation notebook to write down everything he noticed that happened differently than before the transition:
Day One: Virgil came out of his room for breakfast with us. He sat next to Patton, who leaned closer so their shoulders were touching the whole time. Virgil did not pull away like he would have previously. He then offered to help clean up, but Roman used his control over the mindscape so that the dishes washed themselves, picked Virgil up and carried him to the couch, teasing him about something. Virgil stayed to watch a few episodes of a TV show with him before going back to his room. He didn’t emerge again until dinner, though Patton brought him some lunch. Dinner was uneventful save for Roman deciding to play show tunes the whole time, which was irritating.
Day Two: Virgil and Patton baked sugar cookies together (note: slightly dry, but went excellently with a few spoonfuls of Crofter’s) all morning. Roman is off on a quest and may not return for a few days. After lunch, Virgil put on his headphones and sat on the couch listening to music while I read. Patton claimed to be cleaning his room for a few hours (probably cleaned for five minutes before becoming distracted and just looking through memories, but that is what he counts as cleaning) and then came back downstairs to sit on the couch. Virgil put his head in Patton’s lap without prompting.
Day Three: Roman is still on his quest. Virgil seems slightly on edge. I will see if I can help ease his anxieties...He says he is alright. Probably just worried for Roman, though that is not rational. Roman’s injuries in his realm always heal very quickly once he is back in the commons of the mindscape, and it is impossible for us to die. Patton seemed to know more than I do (which I do not appreciate) and took Virgil outside to go for a walk around the park that Roman constructed for us years ago. Virgil seemed calmer when they returned and fell asleep on Patton’s shoulder while they watched a movie after dinner.
Day Four: Uneventful. Virgil stayed in his room for the most part and Patton did not seem very concerned. He seemed to think that I was worried when I asked him about Virgil, and offered to hug me, which I declined. (Really, he should know better by now. Physical contact is not something I require, nor was I worried or in need of any reassurance.) Virgil came down for dinner and seemed tired. He went right to bed afterwards.
Day Five: Roman still has not returned from his quest, which is odd. He is usually back by the third day. Hopefully, he will return soon, because I think his absence might be causing Virgil distress. He has been quiet all day and only reluctantly lets Patton sit beside him and hold his hand while his headphones are on. Roman is still gone. It is nearly midnight.
Day Six: I was the only one who came to the kitchen for breakfast. When I went looking for Patton and Virgil, I found them in the hallway between their rooms. Virgil was having a fairly severe panic attack and Patton was attempting to soothe him. My hypothesis was correct, and Virgil is extremely upset that Roman has not returned. He tried to flee back to his room to deal with the attack by himself like he must have before he was accepted, but Patton did not let him. He said something I am not sure I understood-- “Remember what we talked about, Virgil, come here.” And Virgil sat down with him, allowing him to stroke his back while I counted the breathing exercise. When Virgil had calmed down, Patton helped him downstairs and held him on the couch. Roman finally came back late this afternoon. Virgil hugged him for a long time, though he sounded angry when he told Roman to never be gone that long again.
Day Seven: I think I may have discovered the factor. Apart from just general kindness and companionship that Virgil is now experiencing, he is also receiving regular physical affection--particularly from Patton (and in hindsight, I can recall how Virgil gradually stopped flinching away from every touch and started leaning into and then initiating it first with Patton and then slowly with Roman as well). He barely let go of Roman today, sitting very close together on the couch as they watched movies and Roman napped, tired from his quest. I think that tomorrow, if I have a chance, I may ask Patton if he knows anything about this, and what he meant yesterday. What exactly did he want Virgil to remember that they had talked about? If my hypothesis is confirmed, I will have even more questions. How and why does frequent physical touch improve Virgil’s mood so much, and why is it that having one of the two people with whom he engages in this touch gone for only a few days so drastically disquiet him again? Even though Patton was still there? I will ask him tomorrow.
The chapters for this fic are short (much shorter than my usual chapters), but I think I might do a chapter a day? At least for a while? Who knows, honestly. I’ll figure it out. I’m still exhausted af from VidCon, and probably not making the best decisions. Love you guys, stay safe! *hugs* <3 ~Martin
My general taglist
@a-lexicon-of-words @am-i-heaven-or-am-i-hell @sassy-in-glasses @iamsilentwolf @theshipqueenarrives @alurea-actually @haikyuupaladin @my-happy-little-bean @faithfulcat111 @iris-sanders-athena @riverblujay @faacethefacts @sushipug43​ @decaffeinatedpersonnel​ @finger-gunsss​ @wicked-delights​ @escapingslowly​ @greeneggsandham1998​ @blue-fluffy-dragon​ @fuzzypurplecloud @anuninspiredpoet​ @justanotherpurplebutterfly​ @insultme-notmyfandoms​
NoN Taglist (everyone who said any variety of “yes” on my post abt the fic, lmk if u don’t wanna be on it)
@girlwthanxiety4ever​ @breloomings​ @chelama @iris-sanders-athena @ironwoman359 @wildhorsewolf @unknownsandersfan @a-very-optimistic-realist @lotusthatexists @ilovereadingandilovebreathing @radioactivehelena @kittyboof8 @thats-so-crash @silverrhayn @fight-or-flightamiright @lunareclipse-13 @i-will-physically-fight-you @confinesofpersonalknowledge @miraculousfandoms @sunfonce @sleep-safe @rejectedathena @nasayeepo @t-a-c-o-f-l-u-f-f @crushingonahorn @logicallyanxious-morallyromantic @nerdygeekyscience @changeling-ash @atwarwithdarkandlight
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