#i’m sorry for the rant but the duffers make me MAD mad with all the back and forth
blueberri3s · 2 years
that interview where finn talked about the mileven love confession scene just took me backwards again,, i’m convinced that the duffers are simply just not as great as i thought and that they simply just ruined Mike‘s character for no reason, passed on the chance of making El strong on her own and not depend on her boyfriend, and decided to just let Will suffer even more.
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
sorry i’m still upset about #that in v2 so lil rant under the cut <3
the duffers are such fucking cowards. like why are you hyping v2 up so much and teasing all these deaths when you don’t even have the fucking balls to kill off any of your main cast. this szn literally followed the same formula as all their other ones and fuck the whole “the deaths aren’t predictable” thing they said because yeah they were lol. like i didn’t want eddie to die obviously and i rly thought he wouldn’t but given the fact that they always kill a new character and there were so many signs etc etc but he was probably the stupidest character to kill off. like sorry but i’m pissed he died while the two fucking russian guys who are never going to be seen again and did nothing get to live. and i like argyle but i’m still mad he got to stay over eddie i just don’t see him having any agency if hes in s5. like you’re gonna waste all that talent and potential and chemistry and TIME you spent on developing his character and wardrobe and go to great lengths to market him and promote his actor and then kill him?
and don’t even fucking get me started on the fact that he’s still a villain in the eyes of hawkins. that is the ONE thing i didn’t want them to do. i would’ve been more okay with him dying if the town got to see that he’s actually innocent but the fact that he will forever be seen as a ritualistic satanic cult murderer to hawkins just devestates me. it feels like a slap in the face to his character too like. he literally did not need to die. he played the hero by leading the bats away from the creel house he should’ve just fucking left with dustin but instead they had to fucking kill him for basically no reason and have him die IN DUSTINS ARMS effectively traumatizing him and then do some fucking two days later bullshit where NO ONE except dustin seems to be affected that eddie died. like didn’t even tell mike??? where was the scene of lucas and erica finding out??? robin steve and nancy??? like sorry but i’m sick to my stomach over the fact that they had to leave him there. he was treated like shit at the end and it just hurts me so much it makes me so fucking SAD
and dustin. god when he talks to eddie’s uncle?? that scene make me wanna kms so fucking bad because dustin loved eddie so much he looked up to him and having to tell his uncle that he died that he always knew he was innocent and that despite what the town thinks he died a hero? he died a hero and it doesn’t even matter. like sorry for getting so worked up over a fictional character and tv show but his death ruined the rest of the ep for me. like i was just sitting there like 🧍🏼‍♀️ and i’m so glad max didn’t die bc i love her!! but it’s like. there were no stakes. none of the mcs died. they built up all this hype for like five weeks and for what. and also??? how the fuck can el do that what did she even do. since WHEN can she do that. i would literally sacrifice murray and jonathan in a heartbeat for eddie. i’m just fucking glad jason got bisected
anyway i’m developing insane theories abt how eddie can still win bc they said the upside down being stuck in 1983 is important for s5 so fuck it they’re time traveling somehow. joe quinn i will avenge you
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themikewheelers · 7 years
Not counting the Snow Ball (which was literally the epilogue showing her date with Mike) El literally only had like 4 actual scenes with the other kids all season. There was the Mileven reunion, the reunion with Lucas and Dustin, her watching Will when he was passed out, and then her saying goodbye to Mike before leaving to close the gate. 4 whole scenes. Probably less than 10 minutes of screentime within these scenes, but somehow people are still getting mad that in these 4 scenes the Duffers didn't show El and Max becoming best friends forever or more development between El and Lucas or any of the billion other things I've seen people on this blue hellsite complain about. It's one thing to be disappointed that these things didn't happen, but can y'all just freaking shut up about how mad you are at the Duffers and how it's such bad writing or how the show is acting like El only cares about Mike or whatever. She doesn't. El loves all the boys and they all mean so much to her, she literally had a whole scene of her worrying about Will despite never even meeting him before. El cares about all the boys so much, but she is closest with Mike? Like that's just a fact I'm sorry like even if you don't ship Mileven you can't argue that El isnt closer with Mike than the other boys because that literally just isn't true. So of course when El gets a total of 4 scenes with the boys not including the epilogue, she's gonna spend the most time with Mike? What do you expect? Her to reunite with the boys and then immediately brush Mike off completely? Be like "Yeah sorry babe stop hugging me I gotta go hug my other friends first"? Within the actual plot of season two, El has less than 10 minutes with the boys, why are y'all acting like the fact that El spent more time with Mike (her canonical love interest who is also the person she's closest to) means she doesn't care about the others? She legitimately just didn't have the time to spend with them. That's not bad writing or whatever, it's literally just what happened. She was BARELY with the boys, she had practically no time with them, but now y'all are getting mad that her relationships with all of them didn't develop???? During what time should that have happened???? There was no chance for it??? I know we all wanted to see El meet Will, or see her get closer with Lucas, and all that stuff, but there was literally just no time for it to happen. Yeah, that sucks, but that's just how things worked out. It's not bad writing or the Duffers purposely leaving it out, there just literally was no time for it to happen, I don't know what y'all expect. Where in the less than 10 minutes she was with the boys do y'all think this should have happened?
And don't even get me started on the Max thing. I get it, I want El and Max to become friends too, but can y'all just stop already complaining soooo much about how awful it is that they didn't become bffs and El was jealous of her or whatever, because it's literally realistic? El being jealous was very, very realistic given her circumstances and you don't have to like that fact, but it is true. She wasn't jealous because she thought Max was gonna "steal Mike" or whatever petty reason y'all are reducing it to. She was jealous because she's been gone for a year and in that year her friends met someone new and it's like they're moving on and replacing her, and finding out about Max is just adding to her frustration with being stuck in the cabin cause she feels like the boys are moving on from her now. It makes total sense that El was jealous and upset. That doesn't mean it was okay for El to flip Max off her skateboard, but she was upset and made a bad decision and made a mistake. We've all done it before. It doesn't mean El and Max are ENEMIES now. El is a complex character and jealousy is not a very pretty emotion and now you're all getting mad because El displayed the ugly side of it. Being a complex character means you're gonna have to get used to seeing those not-so-pretty emotions too because everybody has them and they're HUMAN. El is not perfect, she's human, and she makes mistakes. Everything that happened with her being jealous was completely and totally realistic given the circumstances. It makes sense why El felt that way, and then she reacted badly and made a mistake. It doesn't mean the two of them are enemies now. I'm gonna keep repeating this because it really needs to be emphasized, El and Max are NOT enemies in the show, they weren't written that way at all. They haven't even known each other long enough to become enemies. There was no time for anything to happen between them, for them to become enemies or best friends or anything in between. I'd really like if people stopped acting like El and Max were written to be enemies in s2 bc that's just not true.
And moving on, El is not someone who trusts people easily, so why are y'all getting mad that she didn't trust Max immediately? I feel like I shouldn't even have to explain this one but come on, El is a literal abuse survivor who has a very hard time trusting people, and given everything going on with her right now, trusting the wrong person could end very, very badly for her. Why are y'all seriously getting so mad that she didn't trust Max immediately after meeting her?
Everything that happened between El and Max is realistic. And that doesn't mean it's happy or perfect or anything, it's realistic and realistic isn't always what we want to happen and it's not always pretty. El and Max aren't enemies alright. Stop acting like that's how they were written in season two cause it's just not true. If anything they're basically still strangers, cause they BARELY met. El and Max aren't enemies, but they haven't become friends yet either. And that's not to say they'll never become friends or anything, but again, they literally just DID NOT HAVE A CHANCE to form a friendship. El was only around Max for less than ten minutes within the actual story (not counting the Snow Ball, again) and in those 4 scenes who should she be more focused on? Her best friends she hasn't seen in a year, or the stranger she just met (and is jealous of)? Of course in the very limited time El had with the other kids, she was more focused on her existing best friends than on making new friends. I get it, y'all want Max and El to be friends already, but can you just stop already going on and on and on about how the Duffers are such bad writers and how it made no sense and how they're acting like El and Max are enemies or whatever cause that's just not true. Tell me, when the hell was El supposed to have an opportunity to become friends with Max? When was that supposed to happen? There literally just wasn't time for it to happen. El was with the kids for a very brief period of time before she was off again. She didn't have the opportunity to make a new bff or trust someone new or anything. If El and Max DID become best friends immediately in the show, THAT would have been bad writing because it would have been unrealistic with both of their characters and it would have been super rushed. You don't have to like that they didn't become friends, but actually acknowledge that there was no chance for them to and stop going on and on about how horrible s2 is for not showing it. They don't hate each other, it's not promoting girl hate or anything, they just literally had no time to become friends and in the context of everything that was happening in season two, it MAKES SENSE that El didn't immediately like or trust Max, and that she was jealous of her.
To conclude: El literally had no time with the other kids in s2 whatsoever and it's one thing to be disappointed that certain stuff didn't happen, but the reason those things didn't happen is because there was literally no time for them to and there were no opportunities. Stop saying how awful s2 is or how bad the writing is or ranting about the Duffers, because all that happened with El and the other kids is actually extremely realistic given the context of everything that was happening. She had very limited time with them and in that limited time the way she acted was what's actually realistic given her character and the relationships she has with the other characters, and there was literally just no time for any extra stuff like befriending Max or meeting Will or getting closer with Lucas to even happen. Be disappointed that this stuff didn't happen, but acknowledge that the reason it didn't happen is because there was literally just no time for it. It's as simple as that. Stop ranting about how awful s2 is and how it's got such bad writing just because there was no time for El to do certain stuff that would take a lot of time to do. It would take a lot of time for El to trust Max and to form a close friendship with her. It would take a lot of time for El's relationships with each of the boys to develop more. It would take a lot of time for El to actually meet Will and become close to him. There were just no opportunities for this sort of stuff to happen within the context of season two, that's not bad writing. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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poirot · 6 years
(1/3) another st opinion? people are mad at the duffer brothers for eleven's interest in being pretty bc it's a social construct and she shouldn't have to conform to it when she doesn't even understand things like 'friend' but i have thought about this way too much lol and i think it makes sense? bc she does understand some things w/o being told, like 'sister' and 'brother', that she'd have no reason to know either, and she understands english, she just doesn't speak it much in the beginning
(I’ll put the rest under the cut because it’s so long omg thank you for sending this and omg i’m so so sorry for the late reply)
(2/3) so i think it’s more likely that brenner taught her only what he found useful in grooming her as a weapon/tool. and the whole societal idea of basing female value on looks is a useful method of control? and it’s ingrained in most people? so it’s just as likely that she was introduced to the idea of ‘pretty’ either on purpose by brenner, as a way to punish/reward her while he kept her isolated from 'traditionally’ pretty things like long hair and makeup and clothes, similar to bringing her             
(3/3) a little plant cuz clearly she appreciated natural beauty without ever seeing nature–but 'friend’ would NOT have been valuable knowledge…or she may have just been introduced to 'pretty’ casually by others who interacted with her, bc we can’t guarantee that nobody ever praised/insulted her looks when all the scientists are FROM society and also as of S1 it’s not clear that she never met another kid in the lab to compare herself to. anyway i have many feelings and needed to rant ty :D            
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
reason: yeah I think you’re right tbh ! I think it’s very realistic that Brenner introduced her to the whole idea of being pretty because as you say it could easily be used for punishment/rewaridng. And I don’t want to spoil anything for you buuut in season 2 we see other things that might explain why she knows some social constructs but I do think it’s ‘kind of’ unrealistic that she never was introduced to idea of friends because it would be a good way to reward/punish eleven too but ahdjs idek we know too less about eleven’s past still tbh
send me an opinion and I’ll rate it no more pls because I got no internet connection and can’t answer asks
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