#i'm generally not a bubba kinda guy but this......... this is nice
slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
love Love LOVEEEE ur work btw. on both horror house and the Toon patrol. but for horror house I have a scenario.
say y/n and jason are dating right, and freddy is always third-wheeling. how would the horror house react to this, and what do they tell y/n and jason to do to him?
Thank youuuu! Seeing this just after getting off work was so lovely ^^
And- oh boy XDD Christ alive Freddy go find your own lovelife. Let Jason be happy.
Here's how I think everyone else responds to being asked for Advice about this Pesky Issue-
Billy Loomis: "Freddy Vs Jason 2; The Date Night. Nice. Call me when it happens again."
Bubba Sawyer: *Whines and shrugs, like ... oh that sucks.* // Sorry, if you thought Bubba was gonna be helpful XD 😅 One thing he learnt growing up with his brothers is to
Stay - the heck - out of shit.
Carrie White: "He does that??... I'm sorry, that's terrible- Jason!?? Put me down!! 😨 It doesn't work like that!! 😰😰 " // For context- Jason picked her up and 'aimed' her at Freddy like some kind of telekinetic weapon 😅
Chucky: ... *starts giggling* "hehehe- oh, that's hilarious. HEY! Freddy! You really do that??? You're a fucken dick!... for not inviting me! Count me in for next time!... hahaha... *Turns back to you. Acts surprised* -Oh, you thought coming to me was a good idea?? Well we all make mistakes."
Jennifer Check: *Sighhhhhh* "I hate to say this but you brought this on yourself Y/N- I told you not to get with any of these fucken low budget losers. Now the only way to fix this is to dump Jason. Freddy's got some kinda territorial bi-erotic claim over the big guy."
Jerry Dandridge: "Sweetheart this would not be problem if you were with me. But... hm, I recommend... ghost peppers, perhaps. Or carolina reapers. If he can handle his spice, you can... *shrug* I dont know, put it somewhere else?... " *Gestures meaningfully to his eyes*
Michael Myers: In general Michael is pretty unhelpful. But... this time he did lean over and flick a salt shaker down. And I think that's pretty indicative of what he thinks Jason should do about Freddy XD Or even you. Just let him hear it XD
Pamela Voorhees: *Sharpening a cleaver, smiling* "Oh don't worry dear's, I'll handle this little problem... "
Patrick Bateman: "Why don't you just tie him up for the duration of your date?" // He immediately left and ignored everyone for hours after that, but for that moment- he was very helpful! ^^ It took him against his will, I promise. You didn't even directly ask him, he just overheard you talking to Michael and it came tumbling out-
Pennywise: "Ooooooh, yes, tie him up!! Tie him up like a hog and give him to me!! Hehehe... Hahaha... HAHAHA- " // *There's suddenly a BANG and you notice a Freddy-Shaped hole in the wall.*
Stu Macher: "... wait. Why do you need him to leave? Huh?? *Looking suggestively at them* Hmmm, you wanna get- *Sticks out tongue against his chin* nasty??"
Tiffany Valentine: "He did the same thing to Chucky and I for a while! Sweetheart, I'll just give you this one hint, because how I got rid of him really wasnt lady like and I shouldn't say it outloud. Ehem... Pli-ers. Huge ones."
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creepswrites · 3 years
Worship (Bubba x Reader)
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Part Two now available here!
This idea came to me prophetically in a dream the other night and my friend encouraged me to write it out!! Hope you enjoy! Stuff like this isn't usually what I write so feedback would be appreciated ^^ (18+ Warning)
Bubba Sawyer x AFAB!Reader (they/them)
Summary: Adjusting to life in the Sawyer house had been shaky at first, but the blooming friendship you have with Bubba makes it a bit more tolerable. Though one hot Texas day may be the tipping point for the both of you...
Wiping your forehead with the back of your hand, you sighed to yourself as you braced against the hot Texas sun. Spending time out working all day had been... draining to say the least. But the recent group of young adults who had stumbled into the Sawyer family farm had been making things hard for you and the rest of the guys.
You were pretty sure Chop Top and Nubbins had gone off chasing two or three of them since you and Bubba had caught one of the boys. By god he was loud and annoying, screaming and crying for Bubba to stop and let him go as Bubba used his chainsaw against his arm. I mean, like, at that point why even plead with him to stop? You're already missing an arm and likely to bleed out and die anyways.
Watching with a bored expression from your spot on the kitchen counter, you watched Bubba work. It was always interesting to you to watch him carve away at people, even if you had to plug your ears from how loud the chainsaw was.
Eventually, due to lack of blood or simply exhaustion, the guy strapped to the table quieted down. Bubba huffed and set down the now bloodied chainsaw. As much as he'd rather spend time out hunting, he didn't want to leave you alone. Nubbins enjoyed messing with you too much, grabbing at you or trying to stab you.
It was annoying at best. But ever since Drayton had given you your own knife it became less annoying.
Sliding off the counter, you stretched out and let your back crack. Turning towards you, Bubba tilted his head and made a confused sound. "Sorry," you sighed as you stepped over and brushed your arm to his. Warm, strong, covered in a bit of blood... "You did good though. Drayton'll be happy to have something to cook tonight."
Bubba nodded in agreement, mumbling to himself. He never really said words, but you didn't mind. You were used to that part of him. Plus, you preferred his squeals and growls over Nubbins and Chop Top going on and on, honestly.
"YEEHAW!" Speak of the devil. Barreling through the front door and into the kitchen, carrying a kicking and screaming girl over his shoulder, was Nubbins. "CAUGHT ANOTHER ONE, LEATHERFACE!" He shrieked as the girl began pleading with you.
Perhaps you did look relatively normal, dressed in torn jean shorts and a cropped, black tank top. Light blue and white flannel shirt tied up to reveal your midsection. Far, far more normal looking than the others in the Sawyer family.
All you did was look away as Nubbins hooked her to one of the empty meathooks as Bubba squealed excitedly as Nubbins laughed.
"Hey, Bubba, get yer girlfrien' to lighten up, will ya? We got 'em in the end, didn't we?" Your head snapped over to Nubbins who was gesturing vaguely with his knife at you. The girl on the hook was struggling and kicking at him.
"Not a girl," you hissed at him as Bubba covered his face and squealed, embarrassed.
Nubbins raised an eyebrow. "Not denying yer datin' though?" Bubba flapped his hands at Nubbins as if pleading him to shut up.
Rolling your eyes, you scoff. Yeah right, as though Bubba had interest in anything, let alone you. "What, you jealous now, Nubbins?" You taunted as you made your way out of the kitchen. "Better make your move soon then, before you irritate me too much to say yes."
You left Nubbins howling with laughter and made your way to the sitting area. Seems Chop Top was upstairs dealing with his victim. Another one of the girls, by the sound of things. She was far more spirited than her friends... Chop Top would deal with that. Perhaps you'd even see her at dinner.
Where was the last guy though? You had been sure there was four of them when they arrived. Perhaps he got away?
He'd come back for the girls though. Maybe you ought to check it out yourself.
Opening the front door, you quickly saw an unfamiliar head duck down behind the generator powering the sprinklers for the crops. Gotcha. Squinting against the setting sun, you glanced around slowly. "Hey, Bubba?" You called into the house without taking your eyes off where you'd seen the head. "Bubba, I think there's someone still out here..."
You heard heavy footsteps followed by his presence at your back. Drawing your knife slowly from your holder at your side and stepped outside.
With a shout of fear, the man hiding jumped out and tried running.
Bubba made a protesting noise, stumbling back into the house quickly to grab his chainsaw while you took off after him. The benefits of not carrying a large weapon like Bubba. Easier to go after the guy.
Though Bubba usually did more damage than you, Chop Top, or Nubbins could.
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Chasing down the last living guy wasn't that difficult. You were used to hunting and chasing at this point. Living with the Sawyer family for so long forced you to get adjusted.
So jumping on top of that guy and stabbing him in the back was no issue for you!
He was, however, making dragging him back really hard, kicking and screaming. Unfortunately he was a lot stronger than you, knocking you to the ground as you both wrestled in the dirt.
"Whats wrong with you?!" He screamed as he tried to reach around to grab the knife out of his back. "Why are you helping those freaks?!"
That...stunned you for a moment. Survival had played a part, initially. But now the family seemed to trust you, to some extent. At the very least you were given enough freedoms that if you planned properly, you COULD escape...
But you didn't... want to?
Stockholm Syndrome, you thought to yourself. Most likely...
The sound of the revving chainsaw incoming answered your question though: Bubba Sawyer.
The feeling of warm blood splattered your clothes and you squeezed your eyes shut. Bubba had drove the chainsaw through the mans stomach while he was on top of you, covering you in hot blood.
After a few gurgles and choked screams, he fell silent. Using the chainsaw, Bubba moved him off of you and offered his hand to help you stand up, which you took gratefully.
"Thanks... though I may need to change before dinner tonight." You scrunched up your nose as you looked down at your clothes, thoroughly covered in blood. Oh well, some cold water and soap would take out most of it.
When you looked up, you noticed Bubba staring at your chest before his head snapped up to your face, even if he didn't meet your eyes. The slow, dawning realization came to you but you tried to not let it show on your face. Oh, he was interested... Maybe Nubbins could have a bit of credit for this one.
Testing the waters, you gently brushed his arm with your hand. He seemed to tense for a moment, attempting to divert attention by reaching down and throwing the bleeding body over his shoulder. "Well aren't you strong," you smirked, only slightly exaggerating your motions. "You do that with living ones too?" His flustered squealing and violent shaking of his head was entirely too cute for your liking.
He shuffled around you and up to the house, like you'd caught him misbehaving somehow. You followed him to the kitchen as far as the doorway, letting him hook the body up on the table alongside the other guy. Seems the girl from before was gone. No doubt Nubbins' fault.
Untying the base of your flannel, you let it fall open around your sides. At first you'd always been a bit conscious about your body and how it looked but no one in the Sawyer family ever acted like it was something to be ashamed of. So your softer tummy and love handles went unnoticed, or at the very least unbothered, by the Sawyers.
Though perhaps you wished one would do... something... about them.
Shrugging your flannel off your shoulders slowly, leaving you in just the cropped tank top, you stared the taller man down. Bubba's eyes fell on you briefly but he seemed to shake his head aggressively and pulled out a bone saw.
That's what you were looking for.
Making your way to the table, you watched him start sawing into the mens bodies, taking limbs off in order to make Drayton's job a bit easier. A few months ago, the sight had bothered you deeply. But now, not so much.
Standing at Bubba's side, he was making a visible effort to keep his eyes on his work and avoid looking at you. That wouldn't do. So you slowly, gently, circled your hands around his arm.
With a surprised sound, his head snapped to your face, down to where you were touching him, and then back up to your face. You gave him a soft smile. He made an embarrassed squeal which, again, too damn cute for you to handle.
As he pointedly stared down at the bodies as though they were the most fascinating things in the world, you leaned gently on his arm, pressing your chest to his forearm. "Bubba," you cooed gently, one of your hands sliding down to brush against the back of his hand, "do you like me?"
Slowly looking at you, the man seemed... nervous, almost. Which was uncommon for Bubba. He chewed at his lips and seemed to flex his hands as he stood there in thought.
Deciding to try something, you took his hand in yours – despite his frantic sounds – and pressed his open palm to your cheek. He was stiff as a board but that wasn't his fault. His brothers were always so aggressive with him that gentle touches were not his forte. You'd teach him though.
Leaning into his hand ever so slightly, you shot him a reassuring smile. "It's okay," you whispered gently over Bubba's frantic squealing. "You're okay. This is okay." With a low whine, he cupped your face with both of his hands, eyes looking back and forth between each of yours.
Time seemed to stand still as you both stood there, just looking at each other.
Before Drayton walked in, at least. "Hey," he barked, causing Bubba to shriek and pull away from you like he'd been burned. Drayton blinked at the two of you, confusion settling on his features. "Was just gonna ask how the meat's going but uhhh... Seems Junior's thinking 'bout a different kinda meat, eh?" You rolled your eyes good-naturedly while Bubba shook his head frantically. Despite his denials, you could see he was blushing despite the leather mask.
Licking your bottom lip with your tongue, you made an impulsive decision. "Hey Bubba?" You asked, getting him to look over at you. Quickly, yet gently, you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Grinning at how he slapped his hands to his own mouth to muffle his shriek, you made your way to the entrance of the kitchen where a very smug looking Drayton stood. "See you at dinner, Bubba."
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Dinner, as per usual with guests, was a loud affair. Chop Top and Nubbins took joy in tormenting the girls as they were quite literally forced to eat their friend. Turns out the guy whose arm Bubba took off was still alive and deliriously joined them for dinner.
You sat calmly at the end of the table closer to Drayton, who had no interest in getting his hands dirty. The boys would rather do that.
Though Bubba seemed... distracted tonight.
It wasn't exactly like your tank top gave you much... support, per say. Nothing was hidden from his eyes and that was the point. You could handle the occasional comments from Nubbins and Chop Top, since Bubba seemed to shut them up in one way or another. Perhaps they were more observant than you gave them credit for and wanted to spin him up.
Or they were just horny morons. Honestly, either was equally likely.
The two girls tied to the chairs were still conscious enough to fight back, screaming and struggling to avoid being fed their friends arm by Chop Top. Though, in the end, they'd cave. Whether Chop Top took their teeth out and force fed them or they just caved, eating it before he can make them do it.
You simply stirred at the food on your plate, taking bites as you watched the show. But mostly you watched Bubba.
At one point you zoned out, focusing more on eating and tuned out the crying girls and the Sawyer boys messing with them. You felt sympathy for them. It wasn't their fault they'd wound up here. The van they had been driving broke down and they had come seeking gasoline and shelter with who they had thought would be a sweet Texan family. Still, your survival was the most important to you.
Glancing up and locking eyes with Bubba, you felt a pang in your chest. You just wanted to scoop him up and take him away from this place. Not because you saw him as infantile, of course not. Just because you knew how his family influenced him. And maybe the thought of a sweet, normal life away from the screams, the blood, and the sounds of chainsaws would be good for the both of you.
You turned your attention to your empty plate as you broke eye contact with Bubba. It was a fantasy and a childish one at that, but one you enjoyed when shut away in your own room.
This was reality. And in reality, you were essentially the family's prisoner, even if a willing one. It had been smarter and easier for you to play along.
Swallowing a lump in your throat, you cleared the table to give the boys their space. The smell of their grandfather always spoiled your appetite anyways.
The kitchen didn't exactly quiet the noises from the dining area but it did give you space. Which is really what you wanted.
Stockholm syndrome, your mind supplied. You're attracted to him because its a survival method, you thought as you cleaned dishes in the sink. A good housewife, you thought bitterly, and crossed your arms over your chest and glared daggers at the wet dishes sitting in the sink.
Fuck it, Drayton could yell at you for this later. Keeping your arms around your body, you hurried up the stairs to your room, stepping quietly as to not immediately draw the attentions of the cannibals still downstairs. From the sounds of things, one of the girls had quieted down.
Hurrying down the old hallway, you pushed open the last door and shut it, pressing your back to it and just taking it in. It had been a guest room, maybe. They'd never mentioned other siblings or family, though you knew their mom's remains were upstairs. Over time, though, the room had become yours. The quilt you'd liked lay across your unmade bed, the little potted plants you grew, the large bull skull Bubba had given you on top of your dresser...
It was still strange to think of this place as home though.
Settling on your bed, you lay on your back with a soft sigh. The ceiling was boring, plain. If you closed your eyes, you could almost pretend you were alone in a cute little countryside home for a vacation. The comfortable summer breeze coming in from the open window, the sounds of the sprinklers outside turning on...
It was almost peaceful.
The soft knock at your door pulled you from your doze, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. "Mmm... come in." You slurred, tugging your shirt down that had ridden up slightly when you laid down.
Opening the door carefully was Bubba Sawyer. Sitting back and propping yourself up on your hands, you shot him a slight smile. "Hey Bubba. Everything alright?" A flicker of concern. "Did Nubbins go too far-?"
Bubba shook his head with a little squeal, nervously shuffling into your room and shutting the door behind him. He avoided your eyes as he made his way over to your bed and sat down a few inches from you.
"You okay?" You asked him quietly, reaching out to brush his arm as he fidgeted with his hands. He whined softly and reached out to take your hand.
Your eyes widened when he brought your hand up to touch his face, similar to how you'd made him touch your face in the kitchen. A smile grew on your face and you scooted closer to touch him better.
"Yeah?" You asked softly as you reached up with your other hand. "You're such a sweetheart, ain't ya?" Your voice was practically a whisper as Bubba whimpered and scooted closer abruptly, wrapping his arms around your middle and burying his face in your sternum.
Blushing and with your hands still up, ghosting over where his face had been, you settled in his hair and played gently with his curls and cooing at him. "Well you're just the cutest. You're gonna break my heart, Bubba." His arms tightened on you just slightly and you giggled, pressing a light kiss to his hair.
"Now what am I gonna do with you...?" The hypothetical hung in the air for a moment before Bubba peeked up at you with curious eyes.
Gently, as though he was afraid of scaring you off, he took one of the strings of your top and slowly tugged it down your arm. Curiously, like he wasn't sure how to proceed but knew the steps.
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Blinking at Bubba with wide eyes, you bit your lip to stifle your laugh. "And just what are you up to?" You asked teasingly, enjoying how flustered he got as he buried his face in your chest again. He kept tugging on the string even though it wouldn't go further than the crook of your elbow, which made him whine in frustration. "You trying to get me shirtless?" Bubba nodded rapidly at that as you ran your fingers through his hair.
Although you had technically asked, the answer still stunned you. Intimacy was... difficult for you. You knew Bubba didn't exactly have high standards but it was still hard for you. Teasing him with the idea of intimacy was easy, that you were used to. Actually letting him in...
Biting your lip, you pushed lightly on his shoulders to get him to sit up. His eyes were focused on your lips but you knew he was listening. "I've... I don't do this for people. Ever, honestly." The laugh building in your throat finally came out as a scoff at yourself. "You- I'm- Lets just go slow, okay? Its all a bit-"
Quietly, Bubba lifted his hands up to touch your face, quieting you. He leaned forward and pressed your foreheads together with a soft little sound. Fuck it, you gave in. Pressing your lips to his, you finally crossed the barrier you two had been dancing around for so long. He squeaked slightly before relaxing into it.
Though you were pretty sure he'd never been kissed before. He seemed happy to let you lead him though!
Tangling your hands in his hair, he reached under your thighs to pull you more into his lap so you were straddling him. This time, the whine was yours. Tightening your thighs around his hips, you pulled back with a wet sound and nearly broke down.
He stared up at you like you were the stars, as if you held the answers to every question he'd had. It almost felt like... L-
Pushing the thoughts out of your head, you leaned down to kiss him again. Taking his hands in yours, you guided them to your midsection before pulling back just a moment. With your lips ghosting his, you chuckled. "You can touch me back, Bubba. It's allowed..."
With an excited sound, he went exploring. You glanced down to see him trace at faint stretch marks in awe, running his hands over your thighs and hips as a familiar feeling stirred in your core.
A quiet groan pushed past your lips when you pressed your hips down against him and felt a hardness building there.
Bubba gasped loudly, grabbing your hips tightly at the sensation which made you giggle breathlessly. "You like that?" He nodded vigorously and pressed up against you himself, making you choke on a moan.
Swallowing, you felt him tug at your top again. Right, he wanted you shirtless. Blushing, you lay your hands on his shoulders. "You want it off? Better take it off of me," you winked. It was meant to be teasing but as he looked over you, you wondered exactly how familiar he was with bodies like yours.
Gingerly, his fingers crept up past the bottom of your top and exposed warm flesh to slightly cooler air. Gasping and squeezing your thighs around him again, you felt curious fingers make contact with your chest.
Your size had always been a bit embarrassing for you. Too big to fit shirts and most bras properly and much too big for binders to really help. It was a losing battle you eventually gave up fighting. However, with Bubba's hands on you, none of that seemed to matter to you.
His hands on you made you feel desirable...
Eventually his hands started creeping upwards, once he'd determined by your reaction that, yes, he could keep touching you there. Your top got pulled up, up, over your head and lay on the floor at his feet, which were still firmly on the ground.
For a moment, you just admired him and how he looked shaded by the moonlight. He pressed his face to your bare chest with a soft sigh and you returned your hands to his hair. Keeping your hands busy would keep you from being anxious.
His deep breathing made you blush as the realization he was taking you in dawned on you. "You're too sweet," you huffed, the fondness in your voice keeping him from thinking you were annoyed. Bubba made a happy little sound into your chest before blinking up at you with big, brown eyes.
Brushing his masked cheek with one hand, you tilted your head. "Do you wanna take this off?" His eyes widened slightly in terror so you were quick to soothe him. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I'd love to see you, but only when you're ready."
Bubba seemed to ponder this for a moment before reaching up to his face and tugging his leather mask up and over his face, hesitantly. Blinking up at you was this gorgeous man, a bit scruffy and dirty, but god he was handsome. Soft cheeks, sideburns, a bit of patchy stubble... Your heart melted and you couldn't help but kiss him, your hands cupping his face like he was breakable.
God maybe you both were so fucked up and had been thinking about this for a long time. Maybe it was just you.
Pulling back and seeing how he looked at you made you think it wasn't just you.
Gently, you pushed on Bubba's shoulders and let him fall back on the bed and you scooted up to straddle his waist more, crossing your arms as you looked down at him. "I adore you," you confessed quietly, more to yourself than Bubba but judging at his expression you know he heard you. "I adore you so much. Living here is only bearable because of you..."
Swallowing, you watched his hands trace over your tummy and thighs with pure adoration on his face. It looked like he was close to crying, which wouldn't do, so you leaned down to kiss him again. His hands tangled quickly up in your hair as he ground up against you with a desperate moan. Needy boy...
"Alright hun," you whispered to him as your hands tapped down his button-up shirt, "your turn." You cooed as you began undoing the buttons.
Bubba gripped your hands nervously with a gentle shake of his head. You tilted your head. "Baby, you know I won't mind how you look, right?" The man beneath you glanced away, pointedly looking at the ceiling. Well, perhaps he'd need... convincing.
Kissing him across his cheek, you made your way back towards his ear before biting down gently. His hips rocked up against you instinctively with a moan. "Such a good boy," you whispered in his ear, grinning at his moan, "and you want to be good, don't you?" His eager nod, god he was the cutest it was so unfair.
Sitting back up and momentarily ignoring Bubba's needy whine, you returned to unbuttoning his shirt while he stared up at you with such a mushy look. It made your insides stir, both your heart and your core. What a guy.
Finally getting his shirt unbuttoned, Bubba sat up to press against you, whimpering as he ran his hands all over you. "What is it?"
Bubba helped you shrug his shirt off, tossing it to the floor, before untying his tie and wrapping it around your neck in order to pull you closer to kiss. Sap. You snag the tie for him and loop it lazily around your neck, much to his enjoyment.
Hooking your arms around his neck, he cautiously stood up while holding under your thighs in order to lift you. Damn, he really was strong. Though it shouldn't shock you that much, he hauls dead bodies around that are heavier than you.
Bubba deposited you gently on the bed and begrudgingly stepped away in order to untie his boots and kick them off somewhere. Downstairs you heard a girl shout but you both plainly ignored it, far too focused on each other. You pulled Bubba back over to you by his belt with a smirk.
Crawling backwards on the bed and pulling him on top of you, you lay back and wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him down to kiss you. Hooking your legs up around his waist, you let him press back up against you, clearly much harder than he had been.
Bubba whined and pressed against the back of your thigh, biting gently at your neck. Gripping his hair tight, you arched up into him, tilting your head so he could have better access. Sliding your hands down his back, scratching him lightly with your nails, you finally took in his appearance.
Soft stomach, broad shoulders, a few scars here and there, and coarse chest hair that led down down into his pants. He was breathtaking.
“Bubba?” You asked, choking back a moan when he bit your neck gently. A questioning hum and you reached down to unbutton your shorts. “You want more?”
Lightly pushing at his chest, you got him to sit up. You unbuttoned your shorts slowly, sliding them sensually down your legs. Bubba’s breathing seemed to pick up as he watched, enchanted, as you tossed your shorts to the ground beside the bed. Now bare except for your panties, you blushed and avoided his gaze as he stared at you.
Like you were good enough to eat.
A sharp gasp left your throat when Bubba leaned down to suck gently at your nipple, his other hand coming up to squeeze at your chest. You covered your mouth to hide your moans as Bubba lavished you in attention. His brothers were still in the house, after all. You did NOT need them walking in on their little brother like this.
God you were fucking soaked though.
Wordlessly pleading with him, you took his free hand and guided it down to where you were wet, which seemed to catch his attention. He sat back up and examined you curiously, his fingers rubbing up and down your still-covered sex. Blushing, you spread your legs more as a warmth began pooling in your lower stomach.
“Y-you can take them off…” you mumbled quietly, only loud enough for Bubba to hear. He seemed to think about it for a moment, his hands rubbing slow circles over your hips and thighs. God, how was he so good at this?!
Maybe it was just because you were both virgins but this felt way too good for you.
Bubba grinned at the soft gasp you made as he slowly pulled your underwear down, leaving everything exposed to him. Instinctively you tried to hide yourself and close your legs, but Bubba seemed to be having none of that.
Instead, he buried his face between your legs, giving you an experimental lick and making you moan.
It was more exploratory than anything else. He was trying to figure you out, find out what you liked. Your hands twisted in his hair when he pushed his tongue inside you, both of you moaning at that.
Where he lacked experience he made up for in enthusiasm.
“Bubba-“ you gasped as he ate you out like he was starving for it, “god, baby, you’re so good…” You slapped a hand over your mouth when he hit a spot inside you that made you see stars. Guiding his head, he seemed to get the message and lavished your clit in attention, licking and sucking are you enthusiastically.
It wasn’t long before you were releasing all over his tongue, the both of you stifling your moans as best you could in order to not be caught.
You lay there panting, Bubba lifting his head to grin up at you, so unbelievably smug. Stroking your hand down his cheek, you smiled back at him.
When he made a soft sound of pain, you pushed him up. “What is it, baby?” He unbuttoned his own jeans with a grunt and your mouth fell open.
“Oh, you must be aching, huh Bubba?” You cooed at him, He blinked at you with a confused look as you encouraged him to strip. “Let me take care of you, yeah? You wanna be my good boy?” At that, Bubba nodded excitedly. “You took care of me so well, now let’s reward you.”
Freeing him from his underwear has a million different thoughts running through your head. He wasn’t stupidly big, thank god, but he was thick. Which was the opposite of a problem, in your opinion.
Bubba squealed when you touched him, running your hand slowly up and down his aching cock. Smirking to yourself, you could already see him trembling slightly from the sensations.
You wanted to try something.
“Lay back on the pillows, baby.” You hummed, scooting aside to let him lay down. You climbed on top of him, straddling his thighs, and began exploring his body too. “You’re so sweet to me, aren’t you,” you hummed as you continued stroking him. “Lavishing me in attention, making me feel pretty. Now it’s your turn.” Gently rubbing him between your folds, you took a shaky breath in. This was going to be both of your first times and you wanted it to be good, you needed it to be-
Cutting through your nervous thoughts, Bubba reached up to touch your stomach. He smiled up at you and you felt yourself start to relax. He didn’t have expectations for this, he wasn’t going to judge you for being nervous. You guided his hands to your hips and let him grip onto you. He squeezed his hands appreciatively at your sides and tummy, tracing your stretch marks gently. Bubba was so unbelievably smitten with you, you knew he wouldn’t be disappointed even if nothing happened. But you wanted something to happen, you really did. Despite your nerves, despite your self-image issues… So you reached down gently and guided him to your hole before slowly, painfully slowly, sank down onto him.
Judging by the surprised sounds coming from both of you, neither of you had expected it.
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With a loud whine, you sank down most of the way before Bubba grabbed your hips to steady you and keep you from bottoming out so quick. Your core ached with the need to be filled but you knew, emotionally, you needed a moment. Bubba knew that too.
Reaching up, he took both your hands in his and interlaced your fingers together, gazing up at you with that starry eyed look he always gave you. Your heart fluttered as he gazed up at you sweetly. Gently rocking your hips, you slid down his cock to bottom out with a loud moan. Bubba squeezed your hands and bucked up into you and you both started moving.
You leaned forward slightly, bracing against your clasped hands to ride him slowly. Everything felt full and hot and you loved it. Bubba kept moving his hips up to meet yours, unable to help himself.
"S-slow-" You barely gasped out on a particularly rough thrust. Grabbing Bubba's hair and relishing in his whine, you pinned him to the bed. "Easy there, cowboy." You whispered through your panting and he stilled after a moment.
Taking a moment to settle more comfortably on him was necessary. Move your leg a bit, let him shift around to position his head properly – he wanted to see you clearly, after all – and adjust to his size.
Sitting up for a moment, Bubba buried his face in your sternum and whined, babbling on and on. Usually you could infer what he wanted based on situations, though you weren't as good as his brothers, but this... had you at a loss. "You alright?" You asked hesitantly as he curled his hand at the base of your spine and the other in your hair.
Oh... he wants you close to him. You can arrange that.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you give him the all-clear to start moving again. Bubba wasn't the most experienced in this department but it wasn't exactly like you had much to compare it to. Besides, it wasn't like he was bad. Just nervous, you could tell.
A tiny part of you wished you could understand him whenever he buried his face in your neck to babble nonsensical things...
It was over quickly, both of you moaning when Bubba finished inside you. You held him tightly, not wanting him to move away yet. Maybe the clinginess made more sense to you now, but luckily Bubba didn't seem to want to move. Collapsing on top of him and smothering him to the bed, he shifted you up more so he could lay with his face between your boobs.
Cheeky motherfucker, you snorted to yourself as you began messing with his hair again, pulling at his curls just to watch them bounce back.
When he did finally pull out, you heard a sharp knock at the door which had Bubba shrieking.
"You two alright in there?" Drayton. You didn't need to see his face to know how smug he looked.
"Yeah, we're fine!" You called, reaching around on the floor and finding Bubba's slightly bloodstained shirt and pulling it over yourself. "How long have you been standing there?"
Drayton snorted, "Long enough," before you heard his footsteps walk away. Creep...
Turning back to Bubba, you immediately softened with the fond look he gave you. Pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek, he wouldn't stop looking at you in his shirt.
"C'mere," you said softly as you stood up and stepped towards your bathroom door, "good boys clean up the messes they make."
You're pretty sure you've never seen Bubba move that quickly for a bath.
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Okay wait what do you think the slashers would be like at college?
AHAH allright uh....... ive not been to the traditional kinda college personally, I've been and am currenly in a vocational college, so I'm not totally sure how accurate I can be w this but!!  ; v ; honestly????? Student life slasher au hcs???????? Lets go?????? Here's the ones I could think of currently, feel free to ask abt others /send me opinions abt yalls own >:0
Brahms Heelshire
Literature major. English lit? Dunno if they get seperated, I feel like I've heard that in a sentence somewhere!!
Doesn't really have a clear aim for what he wants to do after gratuation. Like, doesn't really care all that much.
However, he is actually really passionate about school and studying. Student life fits him well. He loves learning, etc, and likes to get good grades.
The routine works well for him too. At least, partly. He's a bit bad at taking care of himself, because he just puts a bit too much focus into studying instead of cleaning, showering, eating well, etc.
He really is just a massive tall guy who appears at classes wearing half pajamas and kinda smelling musky but not bad. He never speaks during class but he really, REALLY looks like he wants to "well, actually-"
Gets flustered easily by his thoughts/opinions being challenged. Not good at debating his thoughts w other people, feels personally attacked, and wants to always be swooned over.
Doesn't really talk to people. Stares, however. Like, a lot. At boys n gals.
He has like a p nice apt, payed for by his parents, nat. Its messy. Not too bad, but a lot of pizza boxes. N som nasty mags n such. Kinda empty.
Bubba Sawyer
What if..... the Sawyer family decided to farm instead of murder? Hmm....
Agriculture in vocational college mayhaps??? Economics, mechanization, kinda the technical stuff at first- but he gets interested in the sustainability, politics, etc the further he gets!
A bit of a chaotic student. Tries REALLY hard and is very passionate and spends a lot of time on schoolwork, extra reading etc. But he struggles w organizing papers, files, looses a lot of his notes and pens, etc.
He's always helpful, and like, eeeveryone likes him bc he's just so nice??? Bumbling lad but if u need a pen he will borrow u one, if u need help w schoolwork u should ask Bubba, also just super fun to hang out w !!!
He's... hes big yeah and kinda noticable, he often kinda knees himself on things and rattles tables, drops things etc, so he might be a bit distracting to students who struggle w attention :(
Chop Top Sawyer
Nobody really gets his art. Its kinda grandiose, chaotic, colorful, kinda painful to look at, but he's so full of enthusiasm and joy and he's so nice to everyone that u can't help but to love him.
Always wearing clunky headphones and jamming to loud music that can be heard very strongly thru the headphones. But like, its all bops so nobody minds all that much?
Im guessing this is like BOBBY, not chop top, technically? Long hair Bobby in college with the weed bunts and rocking music.
Actually has like a lot to say thru art, the world just isnt ready for it yet.
Also does performance art.
Jason Voorhees
Forestry. Duh.
Good good student, good kid, solid person. A little shy and withdrawn, but, RELIABLE.
Generally interested in natural resources, sustainability, and very into wildlife studies. Is just there to stUDY HOW TO PROTECT NATURE.
Can kinda come off as scary, pretty often. Tall, muscular as hell (he works out rly often and hikes), has kinda lumberjack kinda look going on w durable pants, boots, flannels and tanktops. Looks like he could fuck shit up but if u spend just a little time w him u find out that he's just... so soft
Not like the most upbeat, gets kinda nervous in big people groups. Probs had some experience w bullying as a kid in school. The enviroment he's in now is much more mature, tho.
Also he's like 6"6 pure muscle people r not gonna mess w him anymore.
Also the reason why the dorm area around him is so fucking chill.
He has 2 knock like once on ur door and stare u down for 5 sec and if ur partying too loud and u WILL NOT BE PARTYING TOO LOUD ANYMORE.
People r scared of him but also love him
Imagine being his wimpy small roommate tho ; v ; who he's in love w and all n uhh... yeah....
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