#i. think i live in servitude in hopes someone will tell me theres nothing more important than. having me by their side. and be thanked
gorefetishizer · 2 years
i think im probably good in small quantities
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ftpthemovement · 4 years
No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me," declares the LORD Isaiah 54:17
This message is a constant reminder for any believer who is living outside of their comfort zone to follow Christ. Everyone you know has an image of you in their head. A little compartmentalized version of who they think you are and what you are about. If we are telling the truth, most people genuinely don’t care about who you are at a core level, rather what you produce and provide for them.
With their perspective comes generation after generation of teaching, thoughts, misconceptions, misinformation, and an array of other thoughts and concepts. If they had you in a happy little box version of who you are in their head, and then you trigger something that doesn’t fit their box, it immediately sends red lights off in that persons mind. Now remember, their opinion doesn’t make you any less of a believer, out of touch with God, or even in the wrong. It’s just that when you don’t fit the perspective of another human beings thoughts of you, it triggers them when it’s out of line with what you usual value that you provide them.
Most of us get a lot of interaction, with others through social media. Social media creators have come out and openly admitted that these machines feed misinformation at a higher rate then truth. They learn to group collectives together through their mutual perspectives and then market their viewpoints back to them. Soon enough you will only hear what you want to hear being fed back to you, and people with opposing views are fed the same. The Ai running the show doesn’t care about truth, it cares about how long you stay engaged. It doesn’t feed you information from your opposing viewpoints or interest, because you wouldn’t engage with it.
I hope you can understand what I’m writing and what it’s leading up to. You begin to have groups of people who are divided with no sense of truth, just their version of what they think is truth. Scripture says there is a way that seems right to man that leads to death. That each man believes in his heart that his motives are pure, but God knows the motives of the heart. So, now that you understand a small fraction of what’s going on, you’ll begin to see that believers are pointing fingers at each other heavier than before. Theres money being made hand over fist for misinformation, division, dissension, gossip, and slander. The creators of some of the largest social media sites made, say that misinformation reaches people 6x faster than the actual truth. So how do you know truth in a world full of lies? Jesus said, “I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me!”
So, in this crazy world of judgment we have a constant north start, a firm foundation, a shield and rampart in which we trust. It’s not about reading the words in the Bible, it’s about putting them into action. The words of Christ are not best recited, they have the greatest impact when they are implemented through a life well lived. As a true representative of Christ you will face persecution. You will not fit the happy box people want you in. Instead, you have the understanding that no weapon formed against you will prosper. That sense you are submitted and following the will of God, no matter how it looks to others, or how they feel about you or how you conduct yourself, that you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
How amazing is that! The world is going to hate you, in my experience the church fires judgment at people the most when it doesn’t fit in to the way they were taught. Always casting fingers, deflecting not reflecting. Ive had a thought for awhile that I cannot prove, nor do I care to, but I’ve always wondered if the speck that’s in your brothers eye is just a reflection of the log in your eye. I believe it to be true, a reflection of what you see in them, is always the short coming in you. Judge not and you will not be judged the Bible says. Also, who are we to judge another mans servant. Yet Paul goes on to write we shouldn’t judge the outside world, but the church. In and within that context he’s speaking to specific situations, but people manipulate his words to fit their viewpoint.
In the end, I choose to operate in the spirit at all times, to the best of my ability. I humbly believe that I am soundly rooted in the word, not just the knowledge of it, but walking it out in action and truth in a daily basis. Yet, I from time to time have been extremely persecuted for the way I conduct myself in spirit. Though my conscious is clear, my freedom, though used not to cause others to stumble, has in and within itself become a stumbling block. Not intentionally, but because I refuse to trade truth for a lie. It’s not about dietary guidelines, or if I shave my head or not. In this generation it’s people not wanting to leave the comfort of their ignorance, and so they choose to malign the gospel for their comfort. The same reason why Christ became the chief cornerstone, a stumbling block to those that were perishing. They refused to give up their religion for love. Not love as the world sees love, but pure and faultless love that comes only through walking in relationship with Christ. If my freedom in Christ is a stumbling block to your faith, you love religion more than you do a relationship with your Heavenly Father. To some we are a fragrant offering, to others the smell of death. We are a smell of death only to those who are perishing.
You were never put here on earth to please people, you were put here to be pleasing to God. To finish the mission he has placed on your heart, and to operate within the context of which he himself has called. No matter the situation at hand, you will always cause someone to have a negative viewpoint, the only viewpoint you need to be concerned with is Gods. How he sees you, what his thoughts are towards you, and what he has done to make your mission be able to be brought to completion through his sacrifice. You are now partners in the field. Don’t let fans in the stand that know nothing about gardening tell you how to plant seed or harvest wheat. They will be telling you what they would do and how they would do it, and they’ve never been in the field, they just read a book about gardening. You get it!? Lol
Just remember in the end who you serve, who you belong to, and who you represent. They killed Tyndale for bringing the truth to the people. They’ll probably try to kill you if you’re delivering the truth in a way that doesn’t fit their religious box. Try as they will, try as they might, just like the high priest said in scripture, if it’s not from God it will die out, if it is from God, you are fighting against God himself.” I know the spirit that lives within me, and that which is in me is stronger than the world. This is the confidence necessary to operate in the full power in the Holy Spirit. Have a mind that sober, clear and alert, set on servitude and the blessings of God being bestowed on others through your life. While you’re pulling others back from the fire, just remember what Christ said, “Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.”
Don’t let the opinions of man, keep you from finishing the mission. You should be so focused on your calling that when someone goes, “Have you heard about ______, (and their ministry)” you say, “No, I’m so busy with what God has called me to do, I don’t have time to focus on anyone else’s”
Let’s get it! I’ll see you at the banquet in Heaven when we sit with all our brothers and sisters and Christ serves us. Then you will know what company you are truly in. Blessed, righteous, redeemed, co heirs, ambassadors of Christ! Do not loose your zeal of the rhetoric of religious people. These watered down weeds grew in the field of wheat to cause you to sway. But remain firmly rooted, the Lord knows what they enemy has done. When the harvest comes to completion He will separate the wheat from the weeds. Stand film, remain-resilient and faith filled through persecutions. Be blessed in all that you do. Holding onto a mind full of love, forgiveness,!gratitude, grace, mercy, and peace. God be with you warrior, this is just the beginning. You were made for such a time as this. -ES 🦅
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