anomadscause · 1 year
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#BeginnerPhotography: " WheelGang?! " • still don’t have a name for it but #ImTheLeader there, aren’t I??'🙄 • #PeepGame: I don’t know if it’s a matter of "#Algorithm" or if “#theUniverse” (as people like to put it) or whatever, but I couldn’t help but feel like I was being asked or encouraged to make/write more music geared toward the #Female listener. ..🧐 The perspectives I was being hit with earlier was weird, almost as if I had "#Human'👤'#Friends" or something.. 🖖🏾'#Thankful, if nothing else. So, "#ThankYou✍🏾[for the thought] Like I’m being tested to see if I remember the things that I write before it’s taken away only to have to write it again. [#InOtherNews]: I don’t know what you niguhz are after! but I’m NOT running from youse (and whomever|whatever '#Faction' of Fuhkboi’ yah’ claim).. "I wouldn’t even know how to if I wanted to, 🤣'#Remember?!" Niguhz ain’t teach me a thing, nor do they ""#Demonstrate"", etc. like you niguhz seem to obviously be "#Hip" to in yah’ conditioning / #LearningProcess of how to arrange and #Setup, take and/or #Steal from and #Use👤people like yah do. Like, my being called all types of 🗣'names and having the finger pointed at me when IM THE ONE who use to get in 😓’trouble for the kinds of positive thinking that I was NEVER allowed to finish or test or follow through with, and EVEN THEN, "#iDontEvenKnowAnybody". 😅'so I stopped doing that. Tat was around the same time they were— "Fuhk It, imma just admit it. Them freakin’ teenage female stars was fuhkin’ me up | bustin’ my a**.🤷🏾‍♂️ 🤦🏾‍♂️'Had me EXTRA fuhked up, it was kinda embarrassing having already been through the type of shht that I had already been through and/or defeated even amidst #Music'#Industry bullshht'🤫 that operates on and within those same “”#Systems””, #Remember.?!”🤨_ *Sometimes the only reason why a person is "Sleepy" or feels drained when they shouldn’t is because of usage; Someone else is acting on their👤behalf. It’s #theIrony of "'Being in Two Places at Once." "#RIGHT?!" ..#FreeMason, #MasonicRule and their #Illuminati of the processes of #Life.. They tell me that, "I’m next." —but that’s been the talk for over a decade already.😑 (at Life on Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckgtn59Jhg8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cheesymovie · 6 years
gol i love the waitresses
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