#indywales when?
bingqiv · 1 year
i hate it here. i hate it here. i hate it here.
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haughttopics · 3 years
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Vote for Independencd for Wales! #indywales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 We are tired of the Tories and Monarchy siphoning funds and using it on their Gucci, non-tainted food, and luxury wellies. And using our land for their establishment. The Monarchy doesn't even work much in politics anymore(shady bts manipulation maybe) just throw crumbs of charity out every now and then! We people want decouple, let it or you're a fascist dictator who doesn't respect majority pleas! #WelshIndependence
i mean, i’m english so this isn’t something i can vote for. but we’re also fucking tired of the tories mate, i feel you on that. i do agree though that the other nations are getting shafted unfairly by westminster, but i also don’t see the tories allowing an indyref for wales when they’ve already denied one for scotland. but that i think they’re going off on the excuse they had one a few years ago.
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flyvenx · 4 years
My bf doesn't have Tumblr but it's our 7 month today so I just want to say stuff cause I'm v happy
At first, it was a little hard for me to accept that he can't feel things to the absolute extreme degree that I do (bpd), but the longer we are together, the more I learn that he loves in his own way, just like everyone else. And that's ok. I really am ok with that as long as he's not stone cold, which he never is. Our relationship started to flourish the second I started to learn his love language and realized that he truly does show his love in ways that are meaningful, even if it's not how I show my love.
We are long distance. I live in the states, he lives in Wales (#indywales btw). He sent me a magnet of the Welsh flag and I sleep with it on the side of me every night now. He also sent me homemade Welsh cakes that were delicious. Every day he asks me if I slept ok, he asks me how I feel, encourages me to eat and rest. He reassures me when I ask, he tells me he's proud of me when I use skills I've learned in therapy, but at the same time he tells me that it's ok to slip up if I don't.
I've been listening to this song that reminds me a lot of our relationship, especially these lyrics
"Look around
We made a garden of the love we found
So many reasons I would fight to stay
You're the courage when I fade
Take a look at what we've made"
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signthetimes-blog · 7 years
I want
I want my health back
I want happiness for all my family
I want a cure for my diabetes and spinal issues
I want a litter free Swansea
I want peace and no more wars
I want crime to become a thing of our pasts
I want cleaner air to breathe
I want jobs for all the young people
I want cheaper house prices for first time buyers
I want to be a football player
I want to make people laugh like Mr Bean
I want to dance like Michael Jackson
I want to be famous to be known around the world
I want to play football for France because it is my country
I want to always help people when they need help
I want to meet a famous celebrity
I want people to be happy it doesn’t matter who it is
I want to stop the violence around the world
I want my neighbour to be happy
I want a shadow’s corpse
I want four tea-forks of sign language
I want a knee cap on your nose so you can smell around corners
I want Francis Bacon’s French ham
I want fourteen miles of levitating whips
I want a bee skin rug
I want a jewellery sandwich
I want three horse of opium
I want a pair of trousers made of a corduroy argument
I want Salvador Dali as the new Dr Who
I want to be healthy again no pain
I want clean, healthy air
I want happiness for my family
I want no wars. Please.
I want to win the lotto. Haha.
I want a litter free town (Swansea)
I want no dog poo and take note
I want jobs for all who want to work
I want the Labour party
I want to smile and be smiled back at. Ha ha.
I want free wool
I want more laughing
I want the re-introduction of Welsh Dragons
I want more sunshine in Wales
I want more 80s music
I want free drinks if you’re ginger
I want six month holidays twice a year
I want a National Flipflop Day
I want diets that work in a week
I want compulsory wine Wednesday
I want everyone to have money
I want everyone to have a home
I want everyone to have rights
I want war to stop
I want to travel anywhere without being followed
I want to work at 13 as you’re a teen
I want school to not give detention for silly reasons
I want to stop changing rules in the world
I want to give everyone a chance to do talents
I want to have fun
I want a normal life
I want a life where there aren’t any stupidities, bullies, currency, idiotic politicians, walls (both figurative and literal), door and where all illnesses are cured with LAUGHTER.
I want Wales to make her own choices about how to be better! #IndyWales
Bod un meun miliwn o sianclwyr Cymraeg
I want fairness
I want education to not make people think learning is a forced march
I want changing the world to be accompanied by coffee and cake
I want no more Victorian values like “deserving” and “undeserving” poor
Gwlad yn hollo clwyieithog (a heb cwyno am fy sillafu Cymraeg dyswraidd)
I want non- angry twitter/comments threads
I want forming better habits to be easier
I want “representative” democracy to be actually representative
I want my children to show a bi of interest in something other than the internet
I want to have a big belly laugh
I want the inhabitants of Grenfell Tower to be rehoused in the plush apartments of Kensington
I want my daughter to smile and look like she is having fun
I want to have nice teeth
I want to make people laugh
I want to lie in a Jacuzzi and be fed champagne and salted crisps
I want the day to be longer
I want to skip along a clifftop without feeling like I’m going to fall off or over
I want to smash the patriarchy
I want a female doctor
I want better queer representation on TV and film
I want Jeremy Corbyn for PM
I want to pet all the dogs
I want Trump to be impeached
I want less rain
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knucklas-powys · 7 years
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Scotland & NI are now thinking about wanting out. Just #Wales left. When will we wake up? #IndyWales https://t.co/vtBqhT7BmH http://dlvr.it/NvfBNk
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