#instead of outright harrassed at every turn
jadedgenasi · 4 months
Watching people argue over tipping culture is just wild because the only two arguments presented are "pay the servers a living wage to begin with" and "servers actually make like 40$ an hour and you're killing them by guaranteeing a wage instead of letting them get tips."
My ass was queer in the South working at an IHOP making $2.14 an hour and going home with about 35$ a SHIFT on average, and it was NOT because I didn't do a good job. I had no idea I was queer at the time, I just had short hair and by god that was enough. Everyone else could smell it on me. My coworkers were pulling in 80, 100 every time I turned around and I was in college killing myself over paychecks that didn't cover my gas for the whole week. I begged to be allowed to host because they got the guaranteed $7.50 an hour.
I think it's stupid that restaurants are inflating prices by adding 20%-plus gratuities on checks and then saying that's not a tip. Like, I don't think this is being handled well and it feels like malicious compliance/like customers are meant to resent the servers and the idea of a fair wage for them, but I very much believe servers should not be paid a base rate of subminimum wage. That shit fucking sucks.
Your personality and your human face being the basis by which people decide if you eat tonight or make your rent is some horseshit. That's the bottom line.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
(miraculous asks)
Anonymous said:
Oh My Gosh!!!! I was just thinking about Party Crasher and man I hate how they had Ladybug get captured for the men to save! It's a continuous thing you see in media: strong heroic woman gets put in peril so that the men can shine. I didn't even realize it until you said it! I get that it was probably meant to be a "role reversal" of Chat always getting kidnapped or brainwashed for Ladybug to save, but the fact that this is the "guys' episode" it read like "well damn, we can't have the guys be strong if a girl is in the way; let's have the girl get captured so the boys can prove their worth by rescuing her!".
At least in Sandboy, Ladybug was still competent and came up with the plans, but this?! It makes me sick, and it's all too easy to fall into these traps; even Kim Possible did it! In my magical girl story, the heroine does get put in a magical coma and require someone to bail her out, but it's her female friends AND her boyfriend who save her, so it's not just a girl being weakened so a boy can be powerful, especially since said boy actually does a minority of the work required to save her; the focus is on the female characters so it's her girl friends who do most of it. I still ended up scrapping that side plot anyway, and do you know why? Because regardless of who saved her, I still didn't want my female protagonist to be put in distress at all due to the unfortunate implications! Needing help in a fight? Sure. But outright being captured or kidnapped? Nah fam.
I was honestly thinking about that when the first episode came out. Like, they could’ve just had Marinette NOT SHOW UP in time so the guys take care of things, which at least gives more of a message that Paris wouldn’t go to hell just because Ladybug is a little late or something.
And yeah, the “boys squad episode so gotta toss the girl out” is... sigh.
Anonymous said:
I think the writers were trying to show Chat angsting to show his regret instead of an actual apology. Still doesn't explain why Aeon didn't bring up her death afterwards. Did Olympia delete that from her memory banks?
I guess? :|
I don’t know why Chat can’t just apologize without fishing or trying to earn sympathy. Like JUST SAY YOU’RE SORRY, DAMMIT.
Anonymous said:
If you haven't read Maribat, then you won't regret it. I am not in the DC universe but I started reading it and WOW. Literally every single time Marinette is a badass queen and gets her complete revenge and is actually happy! Even if you absolutely love Lukanette (which I have nothing against) you should totally try it.
Appreciate the comment, but I find it hard to ship other Marinette ships outside of Lukanette. Ivanette is a very loose exception and it’s not like I ship it hard or anything.
Anonymous said:
Despite not being a Lukanette shipper I love you. Why? Because you amazing, so right in literally everything and I love you <33
gkdfjgfdngjkfdg thank you
bat-anon said:
The NY Special made it so that Max is literally the only Black/Brown kid that doesn’t exist to make Love Square happen and that just makes me hate it even more.
I wish you didn’t make me have this realization because I hate it.
At least Delmar existed in the New York special???? I guess???? I dunno, I’m trying here, I don’t recall him doing anything love square centric.
Anonymous said:
I honestly don't mind Alix's outfit as Bunnix! I feel like it fits her, plus she's an adult so its not much of a problem, not saying it can't be improved however. I DO have issues with the designs for the underage girls outfits however....those are very sus
Yeah, the problem I take with Bunnyx’s is that it’s a bodysuit. If there was just more definition, like having actual boots, I wouldn’t complain as much.
Anonymous said:
I actually just really like the idea of the new bee being a genuinely nice person who becomes friends with Marinette. Not exactly close friends (since I like the idea of friendly working relationships without actual personal stakes in them). I also enjoy the idea of the new bee having some small animosity for Chat Noir- just because their personalities aren't the greatest mix. I also think that it would make sense for the miraculous of subjection to be at odds with the miraculous of destruction
Full agreement but we know how much the writers are resistant to have characters go against Chat.
Anonymous said:
Not gonna lie the scene where the girl squad gets akumatized almost makes it seem like they got akumatized on purpose, similar to Manon in Puppeteer 2(although she was a little kid who was probably just imagining she could enact revenge). And why can't they have a uniformed design, like they're a team but wear different colors, similar to the Sailor Senshi(like, Alya's the leader and wears orange, Rose wears pink, Alix wears green, Juleka wears purple, and Mylene wears yellow). It's so boring.
Anonymous said:
Relating to the Didn't Need Burrows and Treatment of Marinette bingo cards, have you considered making one for whenever the show fails at girl power? It could say things like "sexualized frames of teenage girls" "boy tells girl what to do" "girls don't get to keep Miraculouses", and "girls are forced to apologize whenever a situation goes wrong". And in the center, it could say "Don't show this to your daughter!"! Lol! What do you think?
lol I feel like I have enough cards, otherwise I would.
Anonymous said:
I saw another post that talked about Miraculous New York, and they theorized that it was rewritten to focus more on Marinette and Adrien in order to get viewers invested in the Love Square again after more people started to lose faith in the ship. Do you think that's a possibility?
I think so. The whole special comes off as trying to reassure love square shippers because of how hard it goes for him. I cut out Marinette’s crushing and it cuts like 18% from the episode, meaning it’s even worse than Season 3 (15%).
Anonymous said:
Maybe the point of the [break-up episodes] is meant to discourage people from shipping Lukanette and Adrigami too?
Spoiler alert: didn’t work.
Anonymous said:
Are we not gonna talk about how in one ask, somebody legit said "(long dreamy sigh) Viperion"? Like same.
Anonymous said:
Ml fandom: I hate how Ladybug keeps secrets from Chat Noir! He sacrifices himself for her all the time and she never appreciates him for it! He has EVERY right to get mad at her!!
ML Fandom when Chat Noir does the same thing in the special: ....Wow Ladybug was way to harsh on Chat Noir!! She doesn’t appreciate him at all!! Shes so mean to him!
i hate it
Anonymous said:
Idk if it's just me, but a majority of the fandom is split in two; it's never one or the other "MARINETTE SUCKS AND IS A HORRIBLE PERSON GUARDIAN MARY SUE WHO SEXUALLY HARRASSES" or "ADRIEN SUCKS HE WAS NEVER ON MARINETTES SIDE" but im personally on the latter, but not to that extreme. i hate videos bashing marinette and then never acknowledge adriens faults
Yeah, the fandom gets more divided as time goes on because of the writers trying to increase the drama/tension.
Anonymous said:
I am PERSONALLY offended they gave Luka the snake miraculous. Snakes have such a negative connotation. A lot of people insult Lila by calling her a SNAKE. And now those ML writers DARE insult the best character in ML?! HOW DARE THEY!?????
I adore Viperion but I agree that I first heard he was getting snake and was like, “BUT MY BOI???”
It gets awkward too because other animals like the pig have negative connotations, like how Daizzi basically means “idiot/stupid” and they’re giving it to the freaking blond character, really???
Anonymous said:
I think that Ivanette would be even better if Marinette was plus-sized character.
I see why you’d think that. I just disagree because then it turns the ship into “let’s pair the heavyset characters together because they heavyset.”
Anonymous asked:
On the topic of romance failures and general series salt, my main issue right now is how the series puts so much focus on romantic relationships while failing to consider other levels of relationship or what they affect.
On the L² front I can completely buy Marinette being in love with Adrien. Most of the time she genuinely wants him to be happy and is ready to take a step back for him, however much it hurts. But in terms of romantic love? It. Is. A. Crush! But if we step back from the formula, what is there left between them? Their civilian relationship is held together by a “comedy” of errors and without that there is surprisingly little left. Well, besides two “best friends” desperately trying to make it happen because somehow they lost their individual characters and instead of being friends became matchmakers?
I too like Luka and Marinette together. Their relationship is pretty nice to see and all. But sometimes it feels like it happens in a dimension of its own, like the writers want to make the endgame clear in that the “sideships” can be easily cut out of the big “how they got together”-recaps. I especially miss reactions from and interactions with Juleka. She is Luka’s sister, Marinette’s friend, and IIRC someone aware of if not even a bit player in the great shipping game. She is in a prime position to step up and bring progress on all fronts: She can talk with Luka. She can either give Marinette helpful pointers or go “All in or nothing”, i.e. trying to make Marinette get her Adrien-feelings in order as she does not want her brother to get less than Marinette’s full heart. Similarly, she can counteract “friendly acts” and stop humiliating situations from escalating, or she herself can escalate them in the “All or Nothing”-scenario. Yet she remains basically a background character who gets little attention from the camera and almost no “non-focus identity”
As for Kagami, I may be too biased. *Any* positive Kagami/Marinette relationship is to me what Lukanette is to you. So naturally I have lots of opinions when it comes to her role ;) But can I just say that Adrien/Kagami is the weirdest ship for me? They have a few cute scenes and I think if they’d spend a lot more time together, they’d do each other good but I don’t know how they work. “No Hesitation” Kagami would lob Adrien’s head straight off with all his…everything. If we are meant to take Adrien’s love for LB seriously (and I guess we have to because how in the name of sanity is any form of the stated endgame gonna work otherwise???), how does Kagami fit into that picture as a girl who can hardly express emotions while Adrien is the definition of a  guy who can not stop flirting or goes for all kinds of romantic gestures? Sometimes it feels more like a “social fit” and “Mommy/Daddy approves” kind of deal which is quite the shame! Normally I like these kind of relationships in fictions but they need a solid underlining or good development. One they haven’t and one the series has not been giving to anyone so far.
Yeah, the whole thing with the love square versus side ships ends up feeling extremely forced. Keeping Luka away and forcing Adrien into Lukanette episode are the biggest giveaways, basically a big fat sign that says, “We know Marinette would forget that Adrien exists if she hung around Luka for more than five minutes.”
AND YEAH, KAGAMI WOULDN’T PUT UP WITH ADRIEN’S GARBAGE. I liked Adrimi but it’s definitely more flawed than Lukanette.
Anonymous said:
Watched your opinion on the New York special and I agree with you. It was mediocre at best. It could have been something nice, like if they added Kagami and Luka, for example, so that we can get a bit of development from the new couples on season 4, so that it doesn’t feel rushed when they start dating on season 4. It could also be a good opportunity to see the other temporary heroes one last time, since Marinette technically has the miracle box.
They could have had an epic fight with the American Superheroes, maybe even giving the bee miraculous temporally to Aeon or Jess so that we didn’t need to see their awful and uncreative superheroes designs. It would have been nice if they made something more useful other than being characters that believe that Adrien and Marinette are “Meant to be”, like, we already got a ton of these already, couldn’t we get someone who didn’t feel something about this ship? It has so much wasted potential that I don’t even know how to start. Do you agree with anything I said?
I agree, yes. They could’ve easily thrown Luka/Kagami into the mix (or had Marinette/Adrien stay behind while flipping perspectives or something; flawed but they could make it work).
Anonymous said:
I'm rereading ladybugout and wow... the moment of silence after "chat deserves that kiss" gets me every time. Everyone stopping and just staring because wow he really just said that
Me whenever Chat Noir opens his mouth in the show.
Anonymous said:
I saw the Backwarder post you just talked about and yes, it is so totally ridiculous. They forgot another thing, though. Miraculous isn't just about comedy, action, and romance, it's about embarrassing Marinette. And the fact that almost everyone in the comments was acting like the medicine scene at the end was funny was just stupid and saddening to hear or read about, because it shows how people have been conditioned to hate and rally against Marinette without even realizing it. Granted, there was one lady who said it reminded her of her husband, so I guess that's okay(but all it means is that Adrien will be Marinette's--aka "his lady's"--husband like eeerrrgh!). And there was one person who said they liked that Juleka's advice because "If you're friend isn't willing to commit crimes for your happiness, is she even your friend?". But everyone else liked the ending. And I don't get the person who said we got "Subtle progression with Adrien and Marinette". We're right where we started.
Weeeeell, I understand the “comedy, action, romance” comment because all of those basically boil down to embarrassing Marinette or invalidating her. Comedy and romance goes without saying while action involves her dealing with Chat “Nice Guy” Noir.
Anonymous said:
Is it just me, or does Snow White's "Red Shoes" form look a lot like Marinette. I know, I know, Marinette is Chinese and Red Shoes is Korean, but they still look strikingly similar. They're bodies are really similar, too, but that might just be because animation tends to use eerily similar body types for its female characters on a whole. It's sad and it makes me think of how cute Marinette would be if she was fat. I also think Snow White was cuter than Red Shoes but that's kind of the point.
I think it’s the body type thing but that’s just a guess since I didn’t immediately make the connection.
I agree that Snow White is cuter.
Anonymous said:
Am I the only one who's never liked "destined to fail" characters? Basically this is when characters aren't allowed to be good at/succeed at something or else the whole universe will somehow fall apart. Think of how in The Amazing World of Gumball, if Richard gets a job, the world will be in complete and utter chaos. So he's better off as a lazy, bumbling dad. In Phineas and Ferb, Candace is always trying to rat out her younger brothers but if she gives up or succeeds something bad will happen.
TV Tropes put it the best: "Not only is she not allowed to succeed, but she's also not allowed to stop trying!"(conveniently under the Cosmic Plaything trope). I just don't like it because it shows that the writers just want to lead them on with the promise of success then snatch it away at the last minute. And now we're back at Miraculous Ladybug, where Marinette is humiliated every time she doesn't sign a gift that's for Adrien, and yet when she does, everyone in Paris DIES. Except for...HIM.
you: *mentions Candace*
me: [a million awful flashbacks]
Also, yeah, it’s so hard to watch, especially in “Chat Blanc” because it’s like, “Oh, you want to give a gift to a boy and you dArEd to use your powers for it? Congrats, but everyone else is DEAD and you can hang out with him as much as you want! You’re welcome!”
Anonymous said:
I think it’d become a “faintest idea blackout card”rather than a bingo.
(referring to my “Faintest Idea” card)
We’re getting there.
darkmoonravewolf said:
I hate that everything on that list could happen and very likely will
(referring to “Didn’t Need Burrow”)
Yeah, and it makes me sad :’)
Anonymous said:
That’s be real here. Miraculous ladybug is not a show about Marinette; Miraculous Ladybug is a show about Adrien. Adrien is the real main character.
Notice that when they focused on Adrien in “Lies,” they only cut back to Marinette (IN A SCENE THAT CAN’T EXIST) to have her fawn over him.
Anonymous said:
Is it just me or are Lady Noire's eyes huge? Maybe it's just the green but they seem way bigger than Marinette's
I’m not sure, but considering Rena’s facial structure being different from Alya’s, it wouldn’t surprise me.
asexual-individual said:
With what you've said about Adrien lacking a reason to exist outside of development for Marinette and Gabriel, I have to wonder how different the show would be if Chat Noir's identity was also kept from the audience. Adrien would still be there as himself, but he only gets as much focus as Alya, and Chat Noir's identity is treated as a mystery (a Tuxedo Mask type mystery, but a mystery all the same).
I see what you mean but it might cause Adrien+Chat’s screentime to feel excessive once the reveal happens, because suddenly their screentime gets combined and it’s like, “oh wow so the combined screentime is his then.”
Anonymous said:
I know that the kwami's really only exist so we can hear our protagonists' thoughts outloud (like what the Coraline movie did with adding Wybie to the story). But honestly, what's the point in having magical gods in the jewelry if you're not going to do anything with them?
Marketing with “cute” side characters.
guisendisguise said:
It's funny, originally, I had shipped Marichat in the sense that Chat and Mari start hanging out and both fall in love with the other's supposedly less perfect, more real selves. Then Luka was introduced and I ended up putting both lukanette and marichat at the same level. Then S3 hit and killed any love I had for Marichat. The writers themselves killed the Love Square for me. At this point, it's very clear they are living in a delusion where the Love Square could ever work narratively without Deus ex Machina or Deus Lo Vult (God wills it). Basically, they've gone past scraping the bottom of the writing skills barrel and are now shoulder deep in the hole they dug thru the bottom of said barrel. I'd like to point out that the bottom of the barrel is writing poop and now they're digging thru the useless plastic landfill the barrel was sitting on top of
Uggggh, yeah. Any appreciation I could’ve had for Marichat died in “Weredad.” I already didn’t like Adrien/Chat and then “Weredad” just showed his complete lack of... well, ANYTHING.
cosmostellar said:
Honestly feels like MLBs writers are going based off the "JUST IMAGINE EVERY POC CHARACTER YOU'RE WRITING AS WHITE" instead of, yknow, fleshing them out while developing them also in the context of their cultures and giving them these little things that the audiences who belong to the same minority can identify with. I don't mean "have Marinette walk in qipao 24/7" bcs thats just... bad on its own but man, /some/ casual acknowledgments of her culture would be nice.
Reading the sentence “JUST IMAGINE EVERY POC CHARACTER YOU'RE WRITING AS WHITE” physically hurts me.
Anonymous said:
Ok, I've always thought that Chloe was robbed of redemption (they held it in front of us, but then jerked it away while Astruc says, "She's irredeemable! We thought she was redeemable, but she wasn't :)!" What are your thoughts! Also, I just recently found your blog and I really like it :)
Thank you!
But I have no sympathy for bully characters, so I didn’t want Chloe redeemed. Maybe I’m still bitter about my own bullying experience, but I just wasn’t here for Marinette being forced to forgive Chloe, which is basically what they did until they backpedaled.
The time spent on her was wasted though and that I can agree on.
Anonymous said:
Me: Writes a 1k rant about how the tweet makes no sense as the "mistake" is about motivation and not the critical plot. Also me: Remembers that in MLB the plot always comes back to the romance. Finally me: Wonders why he got involved with the series post-S3 when all the red flags were already everywhere.
Mistakes were made.
Anonymous said:
I'm semi-catching up on miraculous, and- is it my impression, or does Kagami rebel against her mother more in few episodes she's in (even though her mother's influences on her seem to be stronger in general), than Adrien in the entire show? I /know/ that I don't want to see Adrien free himself from his father w/ the desperation I want to see Kagami free herself from her mother and realize that the standards she's held up to are unhealthy and too strong.
Yeah, I’m way more invested in Kagami than Adrien.
Anonymous said:
Am I the only one confused about whether the staff stopped caring and half-asses the series or cares too much and over-produces the hell out of it?
Nah. It really feels like they secretly hate the love square so they have to keep forcing it.
Anonymous said:
ngl I haven't watched any new episodes since Chameleon and I've been getting all that Miraculous News via tumblr to avoid that Marinette Brand Second Hand Embarrassment™
Anonymous said:
Answer: We don’t get Adrienette. We get forced love square and rushed/fake “development” of it while being constantly confused as episodes air out of order.
Anonymous said:
im sorry But adrienette has been suck in this limbo of one sidedness for 3 seasons. neither of them have become closer, neither of them have confided in one another, but somehow people still ship it? at least luka was able to make a move on marinette lol adrien still repeats the same boring “shes just a friend” line. adrienette is a really boring ship.
lol don’t apologize, you’re absolutely right.
nahte123456 said:
Very minor bit of salt to throw to the pile, but can this show just decide on how strong Miraculous holders are? Yes it's a cartoon and not the focus but in the Furious Fu episode we literally get Ladybug dodging lighting and then Su who seems mostly human and is at least slower then Fu was outspeeding her. It's distracting trying to figure out what is and isn't a serious threat in this show.
The deciding factor in the strength of the miraculous holders is “whatever works for the plot.”
Anonymous said:
At this point the only thing I'm excited for concerning Miraculous Ladybug is when it gets a reboot in like, a decade with actually competent writers
Best case scenario is that Zag goes bankrupt and Disney/Netflix picks up the series and gives it to competent people.
Problem is that the love square has been ruined so badly for me that even a “good” version of it wouldn’t be something I’d be into, but still.
Anonymous said:
Honestly, the problem with having all of Marinette's mistakes result in huge disasters (ex. Feast), is that is gives off the impression that teenagers aren't allowed to make mistakes. This show clearly doesn't like giving second chances to the protagonist, so why would life give one to you? Am I right, kids?
Marinette makes mistakes and suddenly the world is ending.
Anonymous said:
If your gonna watch the show, at least pirate the episodes so the writers dont get your support
Don’t worry, I have no interest in financially supporting the show.
Anonymous said:
ml in a nutshell: wasted potential, then giving themselves more potential, only to turn the rest of it into a dumpster fire
Yup, that’s it.
Anonymous said:
u know, when My Little Pony, Sofia The First, and fanfiction carries out character development, respect, romance, and the main plot better than the original show, especially when the shows mentioned above are aimed more at little girls and the original show is aimed at slightly older audiences... somethings wrong
And then it’s like--people will excuse the show because “it’s a kids’ show” and then I’m just “okay then, why are there actually good kids’ show?”
If shows get a pass for being for children then all childrens’ shows should just not try and be garbage since the standard is so low.
Anonymous said:
ive seen some cool fic ideas/concepts/reviews that made me think: ml could use so much more looking into how a character thinks in some situations. one fic i read had alya in chameleon (i know its been forever since the ep came out but hey) not question lila cus she thought: "hey, lb wouldnt befriend a bad person" w and added a plot line of lila making her think lb was cobsidering replacing rena rougue. like, just a few lines to make them seem better pls?
YES. Like, show us characters’ perspectives and why they’re rolling with the facts that they’re rolling with, otherwise they just end up looking like jerks.
We sort of got it in “Ikari Gozen” with Kagami but of course it was just to make Marinette look bad.
Anonymous said:
You know I’m honestly considering making reviews of this show and if I do I could create hour long rants about the show just from that mans twitter.
Yeaaaaaah, once you had in the Twitter stuff, it just becomes, “okay so this is going to add another hour or two then.”
Anonymous said:
Okay one thing that bothers me is how plain marinette's suits are despite being a DESIGNER. Her multimouse suit it just blocks of color and her ladynoir suit is just grey with green lines. I think the lines are supposed to represent actually clothes. Like the limes on the calves are supposed to make it look like boots but why not actually GIVE her boots. (Right, because she has to have a skintight suit unlike the boys who get some layers.)
It also goes to show who really designs here, like oh, interesting, the girls get skin-tight simplistic bodysuits and the boys gets all the cool stuff--
Anonymous said:
I heard some people in my class saying they watched Miraculous Ladybug for the first time, and they were saying how good it was, and I was like: 'Oh you poor fools. You have NO idea what it's truly like.'
You know what they say: ignorance is bliss.
bat-anon said:
Isn’t it INTERESTING how in Frozer, Luka understands that Marinette is torn between her crushes and continues to support her even though he knows she probably won’t chose him, and in the exact same episode Chat Noir refuses to help save the city because Ladybug told him AGAIN that she wasn’t romantically interested in him? HMMM 🤔😑
Anonymous said:
You know what I want to see? An evil kwami, like they just want to commit crimes. No moral high grounds, just chaotic evil.
That’d be amazing just because I wouldn’t be able to take them seriously.
Anonymous said:
Watching S1 and S3 episodes back to back, it feels like reading salt fics at times, especially in regards to the L². Like, Marinette was happy about weird plans, she both needed and wanted the final push, and most of the time there was at least something coming out of it. Nowadays it just makes her sad, Alya and the girls act *against* her, and we get shipping for shipping's sake.
That’s a good point. The shift from Seasons 1 to 2 to 3 is rather noticeable.
Anonymous said:
I hate how Adrien's busy schedule seems to only matter when it's used to make Marinette feel bad, but the second Marinette has a bit more to do, it somehow has a negative effect on not only her, but also everyone/everything she cares about, like, what's up with that??
I’m reminded of “Lies” here and I hate it. :|
Anonymous said:
Honestly, the way the show treats teenage girls is horse ass. The show treats the teenage girls of this show as if they're stupid, naive, emotional, clumsy, and need a boy to tell them what opinions to have. Marinette is always treated like the show's punching bag and blamed for everything that goes wrong because she's "emotional" or "obsessed with Adrien", Chloe could've been redeemed but the writers would rather keep her a brain-dead Alpha Bitch Valley Girl(even though Gabriel and Felix, the latter of whom is a teenage boy introduced in one episode, get to be treated as redeemable, despite the things they do being far, far worse), and Lila is a conniving, self-absorbed fox.
And even though Kagami seems better, she's still roped into the "girls catfight over an oblivious guy" cliche and so far, all of her akumatizations have been because of Adrien. Whenever Marinette tries to move on from Adrien the other characters tell her what's good for her and steer her in the "right" direction because she apparently can't think for herself, and the writers LOVE to use the girl squad to tell us who Marinette should be with, because they apparently know better than she does.
Plus the show loves to treat all the girls as the same, making them all either fight over Adrien or be obsessed with shipping, as if teenage girls are all one assimilating, homogenized group(also when they treat Marinette as if she's "just as bad as Chloe", rinse and repeat for the other ladies.). Honestly, the show feels like it was written by those types of people who think "teenage girls are the worst" so they make them all mood-swingy, obsessive, showoffs, emotional, and downright clingy.
Plus the way Thomas Astruc talks about the female characters on Twitter is even worse, and only serves to make this more evident: he claims Marinette "has poor control over her emotions"(all the while calling Adrien "perfect"), that Chloe was racist in Kung Food "because she's stupid"(so rather than having that scene serve as a lesson on respecting other's cultures, he just did it to pick on Chloe and make her look "stupid"), that she's incapable of being redeemed, that Lila's unlikable but Gabriel and Felix aren't(even though he claimed Felix was a terrible character and a "cliche", that's not what the show says my guy), and other such nonsense.
Other Twitter users have also called out Miraculous Ladybug and its stereotypical treatment of teenage girls. The only shows I've ever seen do this worse are those pretentious "darker" Magical Girl "deconstructions" aimed at grown men such as Madoka Magica and Yuki Yuna, as well as most shonen/seinen shows such as Naruto and Death Note, which says a lot. Honestly, whenever I feel like watching a show with empowering and respectful depictions of teenage girls that treats them as bright and intelligent and actually unique from one another, I just watch Equestria Girls, Liv and Maddie, LoliRock, ANT Farm, Moesha, PreCure, or Sailor Moon. Because the way the show acts towards them is deplorable, absolutely deplorable.
Yes to all of the above. Almost all of the girls are involved in love affairs in some way, the two teenage girls are irredeemable while Felix got a sympathetic backstory right away (Chloe took forever to get hers which is a failure), and Marinette is flawed because she’s “too emotional” (a misogynistic stereotype).
Anonymous said:
Hi, I'm the anon who got upset at the lady who made the "Miraculous Ladybug is a Mess" rant, and yes, thank you zodiacspirit17 for liking and agreeing with my rant! I'm glad someone else saw that video! And ugh, Marinette learning to love Chat Noir? Really? I don't remember that line but I also don't want to go back and revisit it to make sure so I'll take your word for it. Ew. That was actually one of the things I hated about the Glaciator scene. Chat was supposedly comforting Marinette by taking her to the rooftop where he planned Ladybug's date, and yet only Marinette finds out about Chat's crush on Ladybug and comforts him on that(while rethinking her feelings), while all Chat knows is that Marinette's heart was also broken. He never asks who it is, or tries to help her get over her crush even if he doesn't know it's coincidentally him.
I know it's because of the "love square" but it's unfair that only Chat's love problems are directly addressed. Come to think of it, the reason Chat took Marinette to the rooftop...I know he was doing it in-universe to help her instead of intruding on her personal feelings(which might have also been why he didn't ask her who her crush was, he was probably thinking along the lines of "we don't have to talk about it right now, we can just have fun!"), but meta-wise, since we know she's Ladybug, the writers were probably trying to tell her "See? This is what you could've been doing, but you missed it. Shame on you!" That's a huge issue I have with the show: characters will do things in-universe to help Marinette, but the show has a different motive in mind. Compare to how Tikki gave actual advice to Marinette in Puppeteer 2, but the writers intended that for the statue scene so they could embarrass her in front of Adrien and the thousands of eyes watching the show(except we're not laughing.). Even if characters do support her, the writer is using them as props for her ritualized humiliation. And yet Luka is the problem somehow.
If Marinette needs to learn how to love Chat Noir, then it should at least be balanced out by Adrien learning to Marinette. I'm sick of this double standard that "girls need to learn to accept boys who like them but guys can do what they want". Another thing she said was that "Marinette needs to learn to define herself outside of who she's crushing on." NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. You see, unlike Adrien, Marinette HAS a life outside of who she's crushing on: she has school, she has Kitty Section, she has her "girl squad", she has her parents, she has her outside family, she babysits Alya's and Nino's siblings, and she has OH YEAH HER FASHION DESIGNING! I didn't even count being a superhero since Adrien does that, too. She has so many things to do outside of Adrien, and yet the fact that she makes gifts for Adrien or dreams about Adrien or wants to have kids with Adrien somehow makes her nothing but an "Adrien fangirl"?
First of all, she's the bloody protagonist?! That's such a "Real Women Don't Wear Dresses" argument, that she can't have her own life AND be in love at the same time! And somehow her crushing on Luka also means her life revolves around him, too! But Adrien's life doesn't revolve around Ladybug even though he doesn't really have anything going for him in his ordinary life? Outside of being rich, hot, white, and male, that is? What are his interests and hobbies, besides what Gabriel lets him do to pass the time? He doesn't even like modeling! And the Agreste plot is more about Gabriel, Emilie, and Nathalie than it is about him.
And what about his friendship with Nino? He didn't even care that Nino was getting strung along by Lila with the others! What about his friendship with Chloe that also waxes and wanes? Granted, Chloe's not a GOOD person, which that lady acknowledged, but she at least tried to change and has more development than him, the writers just won't let her change. I hate when people come for Marinette for doing literally anything when the show won't let her have agency and progress. It's so unfair of her and I wish they could see that. These double standards are driving me insane and they're sexist(maybe even a little bit racist, too), and it hurts even more when a woman's doing those things.
(I had to cut off some of this ask because I didn’t get all of it, so I cut it off at the point where it still seemed like a full ask.)
I FEEL THE “GLACIATOR” THING SO BAD. It hurts even worse when you realize that “Frozer” has to take place after “Glaciator,” so Chat Noir heard that Marinette has love problems and then ignored it to ask her for advice about his own love problems later on. The total lack of insensitivity???
Also, the idea that Marinette’s life would revolve around her crush on Luka is stupid. It’s the exact opposite, in fact.
Meanwhile, Adrien has so little going for him and the “interesting” parts of him involve who he’s connected to or what his father has forced him into.
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There's been a lot of questionable behavior in the fanbase lately - I understand emotions are running high. But certain people, in my opinion, are losing sight of the cause and unintentionally damaging the cause.
The thing is, Tana probably knew Brandon was working on his own statement, which was LotF. And ALL she wanted to ask was...'hey, I'm not famous, but surely there's something I can do to help, what can I do?' And people completely ignored her own voice, her own power, as her own person, and immediately (and for a lot of them, exclusively) told her to talk to Brandon and make him say something instead. That's fucked up with a capital F. She has a hell of a lot on her plate as it is, she absolutely does not need us adding to it and I'm appalled that some people don't see the problem with that.
As for the situation in general, these are my thoughts...people were so quick to doubt, and I don't understand why. There was so much jumping to conclusions, assuming 'they're not gonna say anything, they must be against BLM!!', even though we have a decade+ of hard evidence they fall on the liberal side of the spectrum. Hell, Brandon is on record about abortion, of all things, as a very religious Mormon. So it really boggles my mind that so many people jumped straight to 'oh god they're racist, they're against Black Lives Matter' as opposed to 'Maybe they're taking their time, gathering their thoughts, gaining perspective'.
Obviously what they did takes time, and frankly they were very quick - I'd like to see one of the 'tHeY wErE tOo LaTe' people rewrite a song in under a week! Such a heartfelt, beautifully genuine statement they issued, in the format Brandon has always turned to when he really cares and doesn't want to fuck it up by talking.
The band provided a very clear statement with zero room for misinterpretation. Their positive stance on Black Lives Matter is crystal clear in that song, and still so many people - who claim to be on the same side as the band - are spewing hate at them and at anyone who dares to confront or argue with them, all while claiming to be against hate...Instagram in particular is very hostile right now.
It's unproductive, unhelpful, and frankly very damaging to the movement they claim to support - it discourages people who actually do agree with the message from speaking out, because people see that and they internalize this: not only are they going to have to deal with people on the other side attacking them (which is, of course, a given), now they have to be attacked by people ON THE SAME SIDE who say they didn't do enough, they didn't make a statement in precisely the same way they wanted? Nothing is ever enough!
It is okay to say 'hey, the song is great, and I appreciate what you've done, but I was hoping you guys would provide resources as well - here is a link to donate/learn more if anyone wants it!'
It blows my mind, however, that the majority of the comments were outright vitriolic. Those people were not providing constructive criticism. 'OPEN YOUR WALLET' is not a valid response. It's a very peculiar type of gatekeeping, to belittle and bully those on your own side of a cause (fans included).
Curiously, I went through all the comments on their FB post and their Insta post yesterday, and found exactly TWO comments from people who were against the BLM movement and we're angry that the band supported it. TWO. Out of over a thousand comments between the platforms, only two people were against the movement. All the 'god I'm so disappointed in you guys, what the fuck, this is pathetic, this is lip service', whatever the fuck they wanted to say...all of that came from people who were claiming to be on the same damn side as the band, and yet they're spitting venom at their peers for not advocating in a way that fits their apparently extremely narrow definition of activism. How does that benefit the cause? How does that move anything forward? How does that encourage others to speak out, how does that make them feel safe enough to do so?
It doesn't. People already know that by speaking up on potentially divisive issues they're going to face hostility from people on the other side of the fence...so why are people choosing to attack their friends, their allies, those who stand for the same values as they claim to represent?
We know the people in this band, we know where their hearts are. They're good people. They've spent years filling their music with empathy, with compassion. Brandon spent years tracking down people he'd hurt in the band's early years and apologizing to them (sometimes even in public), he has very open about his flaws as a person and his quest to grow and leave them behind, from being an outspoken stuck-up little shit to not being the husband he should have been in earlier TK days.
Brandon at least is on record about pretty much every issue under the sun including abortion...and yet so many people readily turned their backs on them simply because they took longer than a day to post a heartfelt, thoughtful statement.
Before they put out LotF 2, I 100% understood being disappointed - I was a little disappointed myself, but I had enough trust and faith in them as people, in their history, to believe that they would make a statement when they were ready. At no point, though, has this matter been worth the anger some people are flinging at it. That energy would be better spent writing politicians or protesting themselves, not harrassing the band (and their families- such a huge red line).
They took the time they needed and they produced a statement which is clear, moving, and very thoughtful. The song speaks for itself. We have no right to demand more and to insult Brandon and Ronnie and Tana - or any others who speak out on behalf of this cause or any other - for not doing as we may think they should, for not doing it "right".
The band has no obligation at all to make everything a public statement simply because they're celebrities - they choose to speak out, but they're also just regular people and they have a right to live their lives as regular people in any way they can. There is no single right way to show support for a cause. They don't have to tell us that they've donated. If they did, we'd just have people saying 'ok how much? It's not enough' or 'only $X?! That's pennies to you!' If they gave people a link to donate, that'd be attacked as well because 'what did you donate then? How much? Why should I donate if you won't say you did/if you only donated X amount and you're worth Y amount'...there is no way to win with some people. They have a right to donate in private or to contribute in other ways, which they have clearly done. They gave us a beautiful statement, their position is clear as day. They've taken a stand.
We know their hearts are in the right place - privately, as is their right as human fucking beings. It's so disappointing and so disgusting - some seriously were willing to just throw their whole history out the window, ready to skewer them. Absolutely unbelievable. This band is made up of decent people - they have shown so much empathy and compassion, desire to grow and be better as human beings, in what they say, how they act, the music they make - for YEARS and yet people were ready to go for their heads at the slightest opportunity...and still, they are spreading hate in the comments, attacking anyone who dares to confront or argue with them. I've never been so disappointed and disgusted by a fanbase before. I've had the misfortune to be around for blowups like this before, for other artists, but never one with this little justification.
There's really not very much that is "problematic" about The Killers these days, yet some people seem to have decided to actively try to find things to complain about, even if they support the same cause. It's baffling.
I'm all for acknowledging when there is something worth calling them out on, but to me...this is not one of those things. The most problematic, anger-inducing thing I can think of is not giving Sarah Junker photo passes (and let me tell you, I have a big problem with that!)
So I just...I really don't get it. Trying to tear down artists and their families, fellow fans...that is not the point of fandom to me. The point of being a fan, the joy in it, that comes from supporting the artist and being kind to the rest of the fanbase, which a lot of The Killers "fans" seem to be struggling with right now.
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escapekissed · 4 years
HC MEME (still accepting ) : @lightbegun WANT + GOTHEL
i make my gothel slightly more complicated than canon, in that she is a ‘ragana’ which is basically a nature witch that is always depicted as an old woman. i hc that her mother was goddess of the plague, and she sought to protect her daughter from the fate of living in the real world, of aging, and most importantly, of dying, especially since her other wombborn daughters were out there spreading the plague as much as they could. she kept gothel in the same tower gothel would one day keep rapunzel in. she simply wanted her little girl to stay a girl, a child, that could love her, and be with her, and be beautiful.
here’s something we forget about our mothers, when they harrangue us for our hairy legs and stuck-out tongues, bitten nails, love handles, how much we eat, how we wear our hair.
our mothers likewise had mothers, that harrassed them for all the same things, and our mothers see all the same things we do on television and in movies. they see that women attain success through beauty. you need help on the side of the road (or finding your lost daughter at a tavern)? show a little leg, flirt a little, appear beautiful and helpless and very, very heterosexual.
that is your power, every mother has thought to herself at one point or another, a woman’s power is to be wanted, and when she is wanted, she can do whatever she wants. doors open for her, because men open them.
gothel was a pretty child, but messy, gross on purpose, curly hair untaken care of despite her mother’s best attempts to ‘encourage her’----and if you ask gothel, she ‘ACTUALLY’ abused her, hitting her, whipping her, whenever she could. gothel wanted one thing, once, and that was to be free. she was a ragana, and nature called to her. she was meant to bring balance to the world, she was meant to destroy and love in equal measure. she was a woman and she was a witch and she was a force of nature, terrifying and beautiful to behold. and her mother wanted her to stay a child, and stay a pretty, lonely child, as if a doll to play with instead of a human girl-to-become-a-woman.
eventually, gothel’s powers grew strong enough that she was able to escape the tower with the neighboring trees outside, the river, the cliff, it all sang for her a beautiful harmony in which she was composer, conductor and belting soprano.
but she immediately grew old. and she immediately grew ugly. and then, her mother didn’t want her anymore.
she discovered the sundrop through zhan tiri. it made her young, and beautiful, and she would never age another day again.
what is freedom without youth? it’s retirement without healthcare is what it is. it’s only the freedom to ache and to die unloved in the street.
gothel simply wants what is stolen from every princess that is married too young, every prom queen who marries her high school sweetheart, every girl that gets knocked up and turned out of their home.
she wants to be young and free and beautiful forever. if not by a society that will always scorn her for the dirty pads of her toes, the olive hue of her skin, the curls cascading past her shoulders and a profile meant to be shadowed by starlight----then by the nature she knows loves her back.
sometimes that means being beautiful, in whatever way you can be. but mostly, it means being young enough to experience every drop of sunlight on your skin, the rain on your smile, the chill in your teeth.
gothel wants to feel. gothel wants to live. gothel wants to be a beautiful witch above the whole world, that controls it, just like her goddess mother, but who also protects it, keeps it safe from harm.
gothel wants, gothel wants, gothel wants everything this world could possibly give her, and she wants to give it all back. the only thing she hoards is her youth, and her own heart, which she gives to no one, not even her own children. the fact that she keeps her children hidden away from the world has always been secondary to that, something she outright ignores. it’s a symptom of her own trauma.
mothers pass down their own trauma. and mothers want. not always the best for their children---but sometimes, just for themselves.
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The price we pay (John Laurens x Reader)
Prompt requested by anon: “Hi! :) I was wondering if you could do a John Laurens x reader where she’s really good at fighting but some soldiers don’t like that a woman is fighting along side them and they’re horrible to her so Laurens stands up for her and gets super over protective. If that makes sense? lol Thank you!”
Masterlist // Requests // Askbox
A/N: Okay, so this totally escalated. I’m not sure if this was what you wanted anon, but I just couldn’t help myself. Sorry, guys! Alright, Off to write We had our chance
Also, since two of my absolute favourite people on this website, @ruth-hamilton-delrio and @yayhamletnonstop published amazing chapters on their own today, I couldn’t help but to be inspired. Thank you for your awesomeness! Also, I would like to tag @hopeandlovelastlonger because you’re the best. If you want me to stop tagging you in things, then please tell me. Hugs! <3
Warnings: A lot. Violence, blood, mentions of sexual harrassment and swearing. Slight bit of angst. Seriously, if you don’t like this kind of thing, then don’t read this. I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable!
Wordcount: 4,173 (Yeah, sorry…)
After spending months on the battlefield, you could no longer understand how there could possibly be any glory to gain from this. The fighting conditions were horrible, more people died every second from fatigue and malnutrition than on the actual battlefield. There was mud, blood and bug infestations everywhere, and when it wasn’t too hot outside to even move, it was raining for days, washing away every bloodstain that told the story of the horrible actions that had been committed there. At night it was so cold that the water froze, along with some extremities that were lost to frostbite.
Yes, to say that war was a prestigious thing would be an outright lie. Men without much wealth, who was seeking a way to rise above their stations looked to the military to maybe have a shot at a better life after the war, but was more likely to be killed in the span of a week.
You had managed to survive on that particular battlefield for a month now. Why, you didn’t know. maybe it was because of the brilliance of the officer in charge of the company, Captain John Laurens, who with bravery and passion took good care of his soldiers. Or maybe it was because you, surprisingly, had been a lot better at this than you initially thought.
They had wanted to enroll your brother at first, but seeing as he could barely walk on his malformed feet, you had begged and begged your father to let you go instead. After weeks of trying to convince him, he had finally agreed. The news of a woman fighting alongside the men in the military had not been recieved with joy, and from day one you had been exposed to everything from bullying to sexual harassment. This had not made you crack, however. You were determined to show that you were just as capable as the men, if not even more capable.
Thanks to your determination to prove yourself, as well as your ability in strategic decision making, you were awarded with a group of men to lead on a small mission. The mission was to retrieve an important map from the brits, a mission that you and your group of seven people had done successfully.
You were now sitting on your bed in the camp, getting ready to go to the mass to eat dinner. For the first time in months you felt a tingle of happiness flow over you, as you were sure that the mission’s success would stop the bullying and harassment, atleast a little. You picked up the small pocket mirror that every soldier was given, and looked into it, meeting the reflection of a thin, sunken in face with bags under the eyes. The war had taken it’s toll on you, as it did on everyone involved in it. The emotional strain had almost been too much for you to handle up to this point, giving your eyes the ability to tell the kind of story that not even the worst of enemies would ever wish upon each other. But you were determined to make it through until the day you could return home with honors.
You let out a sigh as the homesickness hit you once again. You hadn’t seen your family for a really long time, and sure, there were the occasional letters but they couldn’t even compare to the feeling of your mother’s embrace. Her scent that made you feel so incredibly safe just by inhaling it.
Tears started to burn from behind your eyes, but you quickly blinked them away. Crying would be seen as a sign of weakness, and that you couldn’t afford to show. Especially as a woman.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice, as a man carefully opened the door to your tent, bending down a little to be able to look inside.
“Private Y/L/N, can I come in?”
You immediately flew up, as you recognised the voice belonging to your company leader, John Laurens.
“Captain Laurens!” you said the way you had been trained to greet your superior officers, as you saluted him. “Yes Sir, you can come in, Sir!” you said as you stepped to the side to make room for him in the tiny tent that was barely big enough to stand up straight in.
“At ease, soldier. I am not here on official business.” he said as he went inside. He had to crouch down as the ceiling of the tent wouldn’t let him stand up straight inside it.
You let your hand fall to your side as you let yourself relax a bit.
“Yes, sir.”
“John” “Sir John.” “No, just John.”
He shot you a little smile as he gestured towards your bed, seeking your consent for him to sit down on it. You nodded in agreement.
At first, he just sat there, observing the surroundings before he locked his eyes on you.
You could feel yourself tense up a bit as you waited for him to say something, and after what felt like hours of silence (It had not been hours, more like really long seconds), he finally opened his mouth.
“Well done today, Private. Thanks to you, and the bravery of your men, we might actually have a shot at winning this. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a promotion to Corporal in there for you.” he said with warmth in his voice. He sounded excited.
Laurens had been the only one who had ever been nice to you during your entire military service so far. Never once had he mentioned your sex, nor treated you differently from the other men. In his eyes, you were just a person like everyone else. This had, of course, led you to develop a bit of an affection for him. It was nothing big, just the fact that you felt safe with him, which says a lot considering you were in the middle of a war zone.
You could feel your face heating up as the blushing wouldn’t leave you alone.
“W-wow, sir, I don’t know what to say! I am so humbled!” you stuttered out, a bit overwhelmed by the surprise. “Then don’t say anything. I will talk to the leader of the regiment and then you’ll hopefully have your promotion by the end of the month.” He leaned forward a bit, letting his fingers meet each other as he supported himself with his forearms against his legs. His gaze lingered mindlessly on something to you right, as he seemed to be engaged in thought process.
“It might take a little longer because of… You know.” You knew exactly what he meant. He was talking about the one thing that set you apart from everyone else.
“My gender.” you filled in. There was really no idea sugarcoating it.
He looked up at you, observing you for a few seconds before he finally spoke.
“Hm.” you uttered and turned to look at something other than him. Your bag was a viable choice.
He bit his lip as he continued to observe you. The sympathy in his eyes was obvious, and if they could speak, then they would have told you how sad he was about the fact that gender discrimination was a thing.
He stood up and walked over to you, carefully placing a hand on your shoulder. He moved his head, desperately trying to find your gaze. You hesitantly obliged, without turning your head towards him. He only meant well, and it wasn’t his fault that the structural norms looked like they did.
“Hey, let’s celebrate! The drinks are on me tonight!” he said as he was able to lock his eyes with yours.
His kind and empathetic demeanor forced you to smile. You had never hung out with him in a civilian manner before, a fact that made you a little nervous. But at the same time, you could never turn down a night of celebrating. They were too rare, at least for you, since you clearly weren’t welcome. For a long time you had longed for something to take your mind off the war.
You turned your head towards him and nodded. Overtaken by excitement, you leaned in and gave him a hug before quickly letting him go as you realized what you had just done.
Mortified, you stared at his chest. If you had the power of sinking through the ground right now, you would have.
“I am SO SORRY, sir. That was out of line. I should not have done that.” you said as your face turned redder and redder.
At first, he just looked at you with a mixture of chock and surprise plastered on his face, but as his laughter broke the heavy silence, you started to relax a bit.
“It is okay, Private! We’re civilians at the moment, remember?” You chuckled, but wasn’t completely free from the embarrassment yet. You nodded.
“Yes, sir.” you said, carefully looking up to meet his gaze.
“It’s John, remember?” “Yes sir-I mean John.”
He gave you a smile and carefully raised his hand to lift your face with his index finger. Your heart started to beat faster as your eyes flickered between his hand right beneath your chin, and his eyes. Although neither one of you uttered a word, it was far from silent. You couldn’t describe what it was, since the noise was quiet, and a noise that no one would be able to hear except the two of you. It was just like your heart and your mind screaming indistinguishable words at you, words that you were desperately trying to identify the meaning of. But to no avail.
He quickly removed his hand, as he seemed to have realized what he had just done. He tried to brush it off by mindlessly wiping the hand against his waist as he cleared his throat.
“Well. Private. I have to go talk to the quartermaster, but I’ll meet you in the mess tent, okay?” he said as he made his way towards the door.
You followed him with your gaze, not quite knowing what had just happened. You smiled and nodded.
“Oh, and sir?” he stopped to look at you.
“It’s Y/N. We’re civilians now, remember?”
He let out a little laugh and nodded in understandment. “Right. Gotcha.” he said and gave you a wink before he left the tent, leaving you with a blush on your face.
The walk to the mess tent had left your shoes even muddier than they had been before. You knew that you’d have to clean them vigorously before the next training exercise, since the officers wanted their soldiers to look well put together. But right now, you didn’t care about that, as you were about to have the best night since enrolling.
You had never felt so thankful in your life as you felt for John Laurens right now. Months of trauma, anxiety and bullying, along with witnessing the horrors of war had left you an empty shell of who you had been before. And as you got closer to the tent, you could feel that shell filling up again. It was not much, but atleast it was something.
You entered the tent, hoping that John would be there to greet you. But to your mild disappointment, he wasn’t. Sighing, you sat down on the bench closest to the entrance to wait for him.
You didn’t have to wait long until you saw a shadow towering over you. Excited, you looked up, expecting to see John’s face, but your smile quickly faded away as it was one of the men from your mission group from earlier. He did not look happy.
“Enjoying the food are we, princess?” he said sarcastically, crossing his big arms over his chest.
With a slight hesitation, you glanced down to look at the non existing food on the table before you. You looked back up at him again, not letting his threatening presence get to you.
“…No?” you said and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m just waiting for Captain Laurens.”
The man burst out into a loud laughter.
“You hear this, guys? The little princess is waiting for Captain Laurens! That’s so sweet!” he said as the rest of the mess seemed to join in on his laughter.
To your disgust and dismay, he sat down in front of you, leaning his chin on the top if his hands.
“You women. You all have it so easy. Sleeping your way to success.”
His words struck you with a force you weren’t expecting. You had to bite your lip not too loose your temper at him, as you clutched your hands into a fist.
“You just have to open your legs and then you get everything you want, even the promotion that I-” he slammed his fist into the table, making you jump from surprise.
“Worked my ASS OFF to get!”
Your heart started to race from a mixture of anger and fear. You could probably take him on one on one, since you had learnt how to use a person’s size against them, but if all the other men joined in, then you would be completely defenseless. You swallowed and looked around, seeing how every single one in the tent was looking your way with sinister eyes. It was clear that they didn’t want you there.
You stood up. “Okay, I am clearly not welcome here. I accept that, and I’ll leave now.” you said with a collected voice, starting to move towards the exit. The last thing you wanted to do was to start a fight.
You had barely made it to the entrance when you felt a strong force grabbing your upper arm. “Hang on Princess, I am not done with you yet!” the man said with obvious underlying anger in his voice.
The breathing coming out of your mouth was fast. You looked down at the big hand gripping your arm and then back up to him. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down.
“Let me go.” you said between clenched teeth.
“Or what?” he said, the grin on his face growing exponentially. You felt the fear growing like a knot in your stomach, overtaking you more and more. You knew you had to do something, or this could end badly. The idea you had was not good you acknowledged, but it was everything you had at that moment.
“That is an ORDER, Private!” you said. The authority in your voice chocked you, as you were expecting it to sound a lot more scared than it did.
This seemed to have taken the man aback, as he for a moment stared at you with a surprised look on his face. But you knew that uttering those words had not been a good idea when the surprise in his face was quickly being replaced with rage.
“Who the fuck are YOU to give ME orders? Huh!?” he said as he pushed you into the table with big force.
Pain shot through your back as you violently hit the edge of the table, leaving you breathless. You sagged down to the floor, ending up on all four as you clutched your chest, trying to get some air.
“I will NEVER take orders from a woman, you hear me!?” The rage in his voice was almost drenched out by the cheering from the rest of the men in the tent. The excitement in their voices exposed how they were clearly cheering for the man and not you.
You managed to look up at him and saw how he lunched forward to attack you again. With your last breath and the adrenaline pumping through your veins, you quickly rolled away, making him slam into the table instead of you.
This gave you enough time to crawl out of the tent, out into the muddy road. You managed to get to your feet, but had to grip the exterior of the tent to be able to stand up. The panic started to get a hold of you, as you desperately tried to get away from him, but the scream of rage coming from inside the tent told you how close he was still.
“Get the whore!” he said, right before you felt how two men violently gripped your upper arms, holding you firmly and turned you around so that you were face to face with the big man who was now standing outside the tent, panting from pain.
Your heart was racing as you started to twist and turn in an attempt to get away from them, but to no avail. His face was dark with rage, and the hateful look he gave you scared you more than anything you had ever seen in your life.
“Do it!” he exclaimed. You didn’t have the time to think about what he meant with “it” as you suddenly felt a sharp, excruciating pain in your left side. You gasped in chock, but weren’t able to think anymore of it as you heard a loud gunshot being fired.
Everyone froze, everyone except from the men who held you as they quickly let you go. “WHAT is the meaning of this!?” The fury in John Lauren’s voice was out of this world, and the authority of it would make George Washington himself bow down to him.
He was standing with a gun in his hand, aiming towards the sky. The rage in his eyes was intimidating, his usual lively demeanor nowhere to be found.
“Captain Laurens! She-She tried to-” “Be quiet!” the men immediately shut up and looked down at the ground.
“You are ALL discharged. I want you out of here TONIGHT. You will NOT be welcomed back into the army, ever!”
“But sir-” one of the men tried to voice their complaints, but was interrupted by the gun that Laurens was now aiming right at his forehead.
“Do I have to repeat myself, Carlsson?” he said, slowly moving his finger towards the trigger.
“N-NO! No, sir! We’ll be gone immediately, sir!” the man said with genuine fear in his voice as he quickly started to remove himself from the scene, followed by the rest of the men.
The man to your left also began to walk away, but not without dropping something on the ground first.
When the men had left, John directed his attention to you.
“Y/N, are you alright?” he asked. He sounded worried. You were still in chock, but other than that and a few developing bruises on your back from slamming into the table, you were alright.
“Y-yes, I think so.” you said, managing a smile but failing horribly. Suddenly, the sharp pain in your left side reminded you of itself, prompting you to grip it.
You looked down, and saw what the man had dropped on the ground. It was dark and muddy, but you could still distinguish the shape of a knife lying there. The mud around it was darker than the rest, the knife seemingly covered in something red.
As you felt the warm liquid gushing out from the side, covering your hands with the stickiness, you realized that it was blood on the knife. Your blood. From the wound in your side.
You gasped in shock and looked up at Laurens. The expression on his face as he was looking at your hand clutching the wound revealed that he had realized it the same time as you had done.
He looked up to meet your gaze when you took a few stumbling steps towards him. The moment you started to fall, he ran over to you, catching you at the last second.
“Hey, It’s alright, I got you! I got you, don’t worry!” He tried to sound calm, but as his voice was shivering, he didn’t manage that so well.
You gasped from the pain that only grew stronger and stronger. You could feel his shoulder supporting your head, prompting a small smile on your face. “John, I-” your words was interrupted by a cough that forced itself out of your mouth.
He looked at you with a shocked face before looking up, his eyes scanning desperately for someone to help.
“Medic! I need a medic, right now!” The panic in his voice was obvious, but the volume of the scream was enough to wake everyone up.
It was clear that he cared about you, you knew that now. You smiled while everything slowly faded away as you slipped into unconsciousness.
The smell of the meadow was pleasant, as the sun warmed up your face. You were sitting on the green grass, your dress spread out around you. You were assembling a bouquet of flowers, starting with the daisy as the centerpiece. You looked at it and nodded as you were pleased with the outcome of it.
“Oh, honey, what a beautiful bouquet you have made!” The sound of your mother’s voice prompted you to smile as you felt the warmth in your heart spread throughout the entire body.
A single tear of happiness rolled down your chin as you leaned into her embrace, as she rocked you into sleep.
“Honey, you have to come back…” she whispered tenderly into your ear.
“I am. I’ll be there soon.” you whispered back with your eyes shut, feeling the happiness fill you up.
“No, you have to come back!” Her voice sounded harder this time. Sharper, as it trigged a painful response originating from your left side. You looked down, and witnessed in horror how your white dress was stained by a dark red spot, growing and growing as it completely overtook it.
“M-Mom!?” you could hear the panic in your voice, as you desperately cried out to her.
Your eyes flew open, as your entire body jerked you up to a sitting position.
“No, hold her down!” a male voice shouted out, followed by a pair of strong hands gripping your shoulders and forced you down onto the bed again.
“Hey, Y/N, It’s just me! Calm down!”
Your eyes flickered around in panic until they locked onto the man holding you down. His kind eyes reassuring you that you were out of immediate danger.
“John…” you whispered with a hoarse voice before you gasped in pain from the doctor doing his work on you.
“It’s alright, I got you!” he said as his hand found yours, gripping it tightly. Your eyes was locked in his the entire time as tears started to roll down your chin.
“Yes, that is right, it’s me!” he said, the relief making his shoulders drop. He began stroking your sweaty forehead with his other thumb, making you calm down a bit.
“She lost a lot of blood, but other than that she should be fine. The weapon didn’t graze any vital organs. We’re just going to have to that the wound doesn’t get infected.” the doctor said while wiping his hands with a now bloodstained cloth.
John let the air escape him as he exhaled. He placed his forehead on the edge of your bed as a small laughter of relief escaped him.
You had heard what the doctor had said, but didn’t have the energy to actually comprehend what he had said. The memory of the beautiful dream filled your empty shell with warmth, making you smile.
Your mother wasn’t there at the moment, but for now, that was okay. You knew that she was alive and well somewhere, and that was enough.
You looked down at the defeated man right beside your bed, and felt how grateful you were that he was there. Not only had he saved your life, he had also stayed with you the entire time.
“Sir?” your voice sounded weak, but at ease.
He looked up at you, squeezing your hand even harder. He broke out a smile.
“Hey, it’s John, remember?”
“John.” He nodded. “Yes?”
You looked at him with tears in your eyes, but with a smile on your face. The horrors of today would surely come back to haunt you, but right now you were calm and at ease. You gave him a genuine smile.
“Are we still on for drinks?” you asked with a whisper, only meant for him.
He burst out in a loving laughter as a tear of happiness slowly made it’s way down on his face. He leaned in and placed a long kiss on your forehead before braking it and letting his forehead lean on yours.
“Absolutely. I can’t wait.”
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protommos-blog · 7 years
@somewheresomedaysomeone​ said in reply to this post:
I hope you realize that people who don’t believe in larry contradict themselves a [lot]. Also, you’re comparing stuff that 1% of larries say with what the other 99% say. Stop attacking people and don’t put us all in the same bag. Most of us never harass or attack anyone, it’s usually the other way around. Keep you opinion but respect other people’s opinions. This post clearly shows that you are not respecting different opinions. No one knows what the reality is.
“I hope you realize that people who don’t believe in larry contradict themselves a lot”
Really? Leave a few receipts in a masterpost, then we will talk.
“Also, you’re comparing stuff that 1% of larries say with what the other 99%”
It doesn’t matter which of what ridiculous things that Larries say that I’m comparing because all of it is utter nonsense. That’s the point of the post. Also, how could that ratio possibly be true if believing babygate is the only way for you to continue to believe Larry is still real?
“Stop attacking people and don’t put us in the same bag. Most of us never harrass or attack anyone, it’s usually the other way around.”
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Attacking you? Attacking you all means I take it to a personal level where I am insulting your looks, life, intellect… I attack the beliefs and lies being spread. And if you take my attack against your non-religious beliefs personally, well… I can’t help that. Especially when said “beliefs” are harmful and built up by erasing someone’s sexuality and creating lies. 
Most of you guys don’t harass and attack anyone, you say? Are we talking about the same group of people? The Larries? The same ones that you say are not attacking anyone’s looks, intellect, making death threats to an infant, bullied Louis’s mother to the point where she deleted a post of her grandson because of the hate, hate on Louis’s family for defending their newest addition, and most recently, hating on Danielle causing Danielle to close her instagram comments.
And you can keep crying #NotAllLarries but when a post hoping for an entire family including a ten year old to choke gets to 24 notes, it’s definitely most of you all- especially when no Larries call the nasty ones out. But here are a few more to float your boat. #NotAllLarries but a tweet somehow managing to make the death of Louis’s mum about Larry has 617 people on board, give or take a few calling it out.
And what about this post wishing to strangle a woman all because of theories that prove themselves untrue all the time that has nearly 400 notes give or take maybe a few antis reblogging to call it out? Same with this post mocking Briana for her appearance and for being a mother: 500 notes. If it is #NotAllLarries, then why are there so many of you just being bystanders to the hate, letting it happen before your very eyes and not saying anything? Why are you trying to defend Larries against this post instead of calling out the nasty Larries that you “are not in the same bag” with?
It’s because it is all of you. Being silent or actively reblogging/liking in favor is just as bad as being the one that’s bullying. It’s called being a bystander. And if there are enough of you to cause a grandmother not to post pictures of her own grandson and to garner so much attention from the guys themselves, and to even have the theory(ies) continue as such a massive belief, then majority rules, and I don’t have to specify the good from the bad. All of you, every single one of you, that blog Larry still being together and closeted are part of the problem. (Note: Major difference between shipping and headcannon and actually believing Harry and Louis are being forcefully closeted, “babygate,” Louis is not straight, etc, etc.)
And if it is ever the other way around, let me know. I would love to see some receipts and call out Briana for attacking Larries’ looks, intellect, calling them gold-digging whores, hoping an infantile member of your family trips and dies taking his first steps, wanting all of your family to choke (604 Larries in agreement mind you) or antis doing any of the like (like running an entire hate site under a domain with your name in it) to Larries.
“Keep your opinion but respect other people’s opinions. This post clearly shows that you are not respecting different opinions. No one knows what the reality is.”
That’s the issue at hand: someone else’s sexuality is not an “opinion.” It’s not even your business. You don’t get to have an opinion on someone’s sexuality, especially if they already claimed/accepted one, and I sure as hell don’t have to respect your said “opinion” on it. You don’t get to just ignore who they say they are and choose a sexuality for them based on how they act/used to act. If you think someone can act like their sexuality or you can assume they are a certain sexuality based solely on their interactions with other people, then you are homophobic. 
When it comes to someone’s sexual identity, relationships, and gender identities, your opinions and invasive observations mean nothing. They are who they say or want to be until they state otherwise. 
“No one knows what the reality is.”
We do, actually. It’s right in front of you. You just choose not to accept it. But if you just take your eyes away from the shady anons and failed predictions, you’ll see that Freddie Reign Tomlinson, created and willfully fathered by Louis Tomlinson and mothered Briana Jungwirth, will be turning one year old soon. And Louis and his family themselves have yet to deny his part in the family kinda like how Larry has yet to come out after the numerous predictions stated they would though it has been five years. So until Louis and family outright admit everything is a lie, clearly the best thing to do is to not spread lies about them and accept Louis and his son for who they are. :)
(s/o to @lrambling for the links and pics!)
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