#its also really funny when you consider that our mbti types could not be MORE DIFFERENT
cloudcountry · 8 months
picturing the absolute STRESS of asra realizing that his arospec apprentice could have liked anyone . literally anyone . and the slim chance of them liking someone was spent on LUCIO of all people.
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I really wanna talk about homestuck in relation to this post but like, idk if I wanna add to it because it might be a total derailment of the topic but homestuck is such a weird apocalypse narrative.
like... the way it handles it is so odd because earth itself is not very well characterized before the characters leave it. the characters themselves are massively well characterized, and that takes up the bulk of the narrative, but like... we never even hear them talk about school? or much of anything more than their shared interests and what's immediately happening to them. and in a way, that is kind of authentic. because when kids get together to hang out, the last thing they ever wanna talk about is dry, boring stuff about their mundane lives. they'll mostly just yell memes at each other, talk about anime, play video games... it's possible to simultaneously know nothing about your friends, but feel closer to them than ever, because you're mostly around for the parts of their life that they want to experience when they're having the most fun. you see them as they are when they have the most agency to choose that. and that might be totally divorced from the reality of how their day-to-day life unfolds.
in this way, homestuck presents these characters as people who have shed that mundane portion of their lives. they are now left with only the part that they typically share with their friends. and in reality, if a SBURB type apocalypse were to literally happen to you, it'd be traumatic as hell. but this is the place where homestuck chooses to ask you to suspend your disbelief. let's just believe that John didn't have any other friends or family to think about when the world ended. let's pretend they left zero people of any interest whatsoever behind. all they are shaking off is the society that they were obligated to participate in so mundanely. they no longer have to make any compromises with anyone... they get to fully center themselves.
okay, so that's obviously not entirely true... playing SBURB is a cooperative experience, and being friends with someone doesn't always mean that your relationship is easy. but homestuck allows the narrative to become self centered. it's about one individual and the tiny sphere of influence they have, among solely the people they've developed meaningful bonds with. it allows them to become a case study.
so when the world ends, the world is not necessarily what matters. what matters is the identities of a few specific individuals who we spend a lot of time cultivating our own connections with as a reader.
and that all becomes incredibly interesting when you consider classes and aspects.
basically, in terms of the post linked above, classes and aspects are the harry potter houses, the factions, the "what bender are you" or MBTI type... they're not the only way you could categorize the characters, but they're the most universally applicable to all of the characters that are important in the narrative. and what's interesting is just like... what classes are for, and how complicated it actually is to know what aspects are, or what they mean.
starting with classes, these are basically a series of archetypes that are specialized so that everyone has a role to play that makes them uniquely valuable to a collective. if we're considering this in terms of DnD, you can think of what classes might make for a balanced party, and how having a balanced party makes it satisfying to play the game. no one player could handle everything on their own, and at the same time, everyone feels needed. nobody is useless.
this already seems fundamentally different from some of the means of categorization that I listed above. a lot of these systems are meant to divvy up the characters into societally recognized in-groups and out-groups... people who can be identified as allies or enemies. even if the groups are ascribed certain archetypal skills, the goal is rarely so explicitly for the archetypes to work together, or cover each other's weaknesses. Avatar is probably what comes the closest to this idea, with its underlying endeavor to find harmony between the elements, but homestuck uses classes both as a way to communicate unique specialization, and as a way to unify the characters by their need for support.
and that's a little weird isn't it? these characters just shed all of their obligations to a broader society, and we're taking that as a freeing event... right? but there is a difference between society and community, and while homestuck might use the destruction of society as a catalyst for adventure, it uses the formation of community as the driving force behind the story's progression. the characters are all motivated to work together and help each other... and that doesn't always mean that it works. even within a community, one person's drive to center themselves and their own personal growth can trample others who were trying to do the same thing. perhaps not everyone in the community consents to being cooperative. perhaps the difference in archetype could drive someone to become competitive instead. and these are all value-neutral observations... no archetype is specifically acknowledged as being evil, even when they have friction with one another.
basically... this is character writing. and I find it funny that these broad categories that kids like to identify themselves with are seen as ways of flattening characterization into broad strokes like "the brave one" or "the sneaky one" or what have you, because in the case of classes, the characterization becomes deeper. and I think that's because the categories are used well... the characters all have specific relationships with the stereotypes they're ascribed by others, and the archetypes they're told they must fulfill. the classes don't define them, but they do give them something to contend with. can they fulfill their role? can they live up to their purpose? is there a place in the story for someone with an archetype like theirs? do they want to be this?
aspects get even trickier, and for this I might just link to a video I really love that covers a lot of the thoughts I've been having. it's kind of front loaded with a lot of technical talk about computer science and philosophy, and tbh I love that homestuck does actually link up those concepts with so much of it's presentation, but the main bit that intrigues me is the way the video talks about aspects as irreducible components of thought. like the periodic table of elements, but for ideas.
this drastically elevates the importance of each character's assigned category, and makes it function so much better as a tool for characterization. because, like, the aspects are actually really abstract. when someone says their aspect is "wind" or "light" you could take that 100% literally if you wanted to... but by the time you've read enough of homestuck to connect those to John and Rose, you probably understand that it's not that simple. and other concepts, such as astrology, have taught you that this is the sort of system that you're supposed to interpret, right? what is a capricorn if not a loose collection of traits that give you a certain vibe? that's what we're working with when it comes to aspects. otherwise, how would you know what void, or doom, or mind are? tbh it's actually pretty genius that astrology was worked into the comic as an aesthetic element, just so we'd all be mentally primed to do this kind of categorical interpretation... hell, even the actual signs themselves constitute a framework with which you could analyze the characters, like, how does Nepeta display typical leo traits, or how is Vriska a stereotypical scorpio... it all still works, even as you understand that each individual is more complex than the traits which support that interpretation.
in this way, the aspects are never really explained exhaustively verbatim, and are almost solely defined by the traits you've observed from individual characters, who act as representatives for what these categories actually are. or at least how they function in this instance, which is what's relevant. it's not just superpowers, and it's not just archetypes... it's both at the same time, and you come at them from a character-first perspective when you're trying to figure out what they mean. the characters inform your knowledge of the categories, and the categories act as a framework for analyzing the characters. and I love how homestuck tricks you into assuming that it has a lot of little rigid categories for the characters to slot into, and how quickly it becomes apparent that everything is way more abstract than it first appears. and yet, it all still means something. and it's really interesting to, say, compare two different time players to try to piece together what is typical for that archetype, while also accounting for their class, and trying to understand how that changes the roles they play and the ways they behave. and then you have the trolls' caste system on top of that, and the astrology angle I mentioned earlier, and there are honestly so many overlapping ways to think about it all, and I think that's the point.
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vanaera · 4 years
Aera, hi! first of all let me tell you that looking forward to My time. and like, How are you? i read that uni is giving u a hard time, is everything good? i hope so. You asked me about what i think of HHA MBTI and let me tell you what happened hehe. I already had an idea and usually i take a guess based on the vibe lol. But, i really wanted to give a legit answer. So I spent the past few days restudying the theory intensely and rereading HHA which is funny because at the end what happened..1
was that i complicated things cuz I wanted to get the most accurate answer, until i convinced myself to just say what i think of lol. So, I haven't done this before and i hope to improve my analysis skills in the future but i wish my analysis will at least entertain you :D lets start with y/n since she came "clearer" to me. Initially, I thought that she gives a ESTJ/ENTJ vibes. What I'm so sure of is that she definitely has the (Te) function either as a dominant or auxiliary function...2 
Which gave me 4 choices, ESTJ, ISTJ, ENTJ, INTJ. In short, what made me think y/n have Te function aka extroverted thinking, is that it's about conveying thoughts using reason and logic while being unmoved by emotional appeals. Te loves to organize and structure and achieving goals oriented. Extroverted thinkers are assertive, direct, objective, have well researched arguments and would like to convince others of their thoughts. we can see all of that in y/n right? I would've loved to explain..3 
Let me tell you first that i decided that y/n is probably an ENTJ. I would've love to tell (in details, why) but knowing myself it's gonna be so long and messy. So, I'm just gonna explain (Why) lol. let me tell u one of the reasons why I eliminated ESTJ. This type generally when making decisions, they'll make it considering what's important at the moment while ENTJ will consider what's important in the long run. I don't know but y/n strikes me as a big picture person...4 
ESTJs have (Si introverted sensing) as their second function which is a one that's concerned with long term memory, organizing, duty, traditions, routine and learning through past experiences (not experimental). Honestly, this one caused me a lot of confusion of weather y/n is estj or entj. because, for entj, because of the absent of Si in their function set they tend to forget who they were in the past and because they're so focused on the future. while i view y/n as the big picture person...5 
I don't view her as the one to be disconnected from her past self. BUT, i don't know if she is Si user, she doesn't strike me as person that values traditions and routine so much. (I'd like to ask you more about this) what made me also think she's ENTJ is because of the other functions in the set (Te, Ni, Se, Fi) we talked about Te, Ni users (introverted intuition) often described as people with vision of what they want to bring to life. Se-extroverted sensing-is about learning through senses..6 
Se function is about learning through senses so people with this function in their dominant will be eager to experience all kind of stuff in life. In ENTJ case however, this function comes third indicating it's underdeveloped, but it's there, so it'll appear more later in life while entj is still growing up and experiencing more. my clue to find this function in y/n was the Bar scene:D. I think i'm gonna stop here with y/n cuz we still have Yoongi. but i wanna say that i spent one more day.. 
Thinking weather y/n is an ENTJ or INTJ.. I had clues in the story for both and since I'm not skilled/knowledgeable enough my head got messed up lol. So i decided to go with my gut feeling and the first choice that occurred to me which is ENTJ =) So, yeah. That's it -kinda- for our dear y/n. and now, for our yoongi, honestly i was a bit lost lol. He has a vibe, correct, but to several types based on my understanding of them lol So here's how it went....I forgot the number i stopped on*face palm*
perceiving functions (Sensing, intuition) tells you how do you perceive reality, while Judging functions (Feeling/ thinking) is how do you interact with the world and take action based on what you learned. So, if you're a judging type with J in the last it means that the "first extroverted" function in your set is either F/T 
Thinking or feeling. it is "the first extroverted function" because that either can be the dominant function or the second one and it's "extroverted" because that's what the others see from you. Okay I'm getting sidetracked here. what i want to say is that if someone is a P type, it means that his/her first extroverted function that orients them in the world is either Ne/Se which aren't about taking action, but gathering information. That's why P people appear as laid back while J people as.. more of an action takers. Okay, yoongi strikes me as a p type. So, the 8 types that ends with J are eliminated. what remains are ENFP, INFP, ESTP, ISTP, ENTP, INTP, ESFP, ISFP. right off the bat esfp, estp, entp, enfp are eliminated. I have a decent understanding of these types and i can tell yoongi isn't one of them. at least based on what i know. also, when i look at the functions, he's neither intp nor istp, so what remains are ISFP & INFP and i believe he's an ISFP... Also, i'd like to say that my elimination of the previous types was also based on what i read in HHT. Anyway, ISFP have (Fi, Se, Ni, Te) while INFP (Fi, Ne, Si, Te) quite close right?.. what made me decide immediately he's an isfp in the beginning is because of the "Se". the scene in particular that led me to it is when he was describing the prom. he seemed to take things through his senses. and somewhere in the story he said "I like learning the actual stuff in real time" which seems to me Se. Fi, introverted feeling is concerned with values, individualism, seeks inner harmony and strong sense of self, it is "what's important". yoongi appears to me to be all that. Also, for hi, being an isfp, in the general description of ISFP type, it quite describes yoongi. They're quite mysterious, can be difficult to get to know on the deep level. listeners, emotional individuals, sensitive, warm. What sets infp from isfp for me, is that infp appears to be more concerned with world problems.. may be more developed especially yoongi since i view him as pretty much matured and more in tune with himself. and yeah i studied the persona theory. psychology is pretty much an interesting field, and i love the way i see its impact in your stories. one of the reason why your stories are special to me. and of course i would notice what i noticed. there's more and i feel like i could talk to you about it all day lol. This ask box is too small :p.. anyway, stay safe and healthy! and good luck! 3>
Oh my god, Aseel, you did a very in-depth MBTI analysis of The Heart Holiday!Yoongi and OC! This freaking shook me up 🤯😲. I don't know much about doing MBTI analysis. I just effing answer quizzes bc I love answering personality quizzes asdfghjkl. So thank you for this quick crash course about this! I love it and omygod I learned so much from you!! 😆😍😚 I had to google more about the MBTI functions bc of this! (sorry I'm not that much of a smart bean yet)
First off, your analysis of THH!OC and Yoongi are so good! You hit Yoongi on point being an ISFP! He's laidback, a good listener, and has a strong sense of his self! He can be mistaken as an extrovert bc of how well he does with people, too. You're also right about THH!OC having NTJ as her dominant functions! However, I think she's more of an introvert than an extrovert! Hinted by the fact her only friend in the office before the whole arrangement with Yoongz was Mina and that OC is very awkward in dealing with other people (the scene with Yoona, Jeff, and Seojoon while she waits for Yoongi to finish work and the lunch scene with the 3 goofballs). And to answer your q, THH!OC values traditions! With the way she's appalled by Yoongi's "makeup" date with her at a streetfood stand, to the fact Y/N is a hell of a conformist (she's The valedictorian of their HS and A cum laude in uni **me lowkey be like "Y/N, teach me your ways"**). But anyway, you still manage to get INTJ for this baby and omg you're so good!!!
I've never really put much thought in my character's MBTI types bc I just practically sprinkle a bit of my characteristics, desires, fears, and insecurities among them. I'm an INFJ, myself, and I couldn't believe some parts of myself could make ISFP and INTJ characters! What I only do know as when I was writing THH, I was inspired to make a story of two fumbling introverts. I usually come across romance stories with characters who are polar opposites of each other. Although there's nothing wrong with that (and omg I have a vERY weak, WEAK spot for this dynamic), I wondered what would it be like if I wrote about two introverts with so much similarities yet also a lot of differences with each other? So boom trulala, The Heart Holiday was born. Jk, there's actually more factors that led me into writing THH than just that, I think I'll go over them next time bc that is gonna be another massive text post.
Anyway, to have my stories be special to you...is an HONOR, ma'am 🥺. When I started writing here, I didn't expect anyone will actually read the things I write, much less let them occupy some place in their hearts. So having you impressed, much less touched, by my stories is a dream come true, hon 🥺. You're right, this ask box is too small bc I want to give you a massive thank you message much grander than this and I don't think tumblr's ask box can hold it (and also bc I wanna hug you, but bc we're kinda timezones apart, here's a virtual hug instead 🤗💗). Thank you for all the love and support, Aseel. Even if I don't think I deserve them, your words help me believe that I can 💕💞
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funkymbtifiction · 7 years
Mistyping and Inferior Fe?
I have quite some history with mistyping myself. When I started getting into MBTI I did what everyone else did and just did a load of tests to see what I generally got. I still remember my first test result being INTP and I remember reading about that type briefly, going “yeah it’s me but not close enough so let’s keep digging” and doing more tests. This would be the start of a long journey of mistyping myself. Being a person with very weak/underdeveloped social skills I also did not have a clear idea of how I generally am as a person. Now, some of you probably understand this problem and how it’s a bit on the not-so-good-idea side of doing more personality tests. I did a lot of tests, found out how to get the results I wanted from letter-typing tests (not very difficult), and just completely lost the point. I typed myself as an INTJ my first year after doing that first MBTI test, asked my mum about what type of person I am since I knew I had absolutely no idea about how I am, and tried to read more about the topic. But, since my brain loses interest in things it can’t understand quickly I kept reading about cognitive functions (and enneagram on the side) little by little, and in the process tried typing people around me to further understand. I was way off, and so where they when I sent them test after test after test, asking about how and why when they got their results. It kept going, and I kept doing tests myself, asked for help with typing (here I think?), and got into ISTJ after a while. (Note: I mistyped myself as INTJ for about a year and then ISTJ for about a year.) The ISTJ online profiles somehow actually fit me, with the poor social understanding of others, off-beat humor, good memory of how things are/have been, and all the threatening what ifs in stressful situations. It was me, but a twisted portrait of me, and one I’ve come to understand doesn’t really fit most actual ISTJs. 
As a person who really has turned themselves inside-out to find out what the truth actually is, about me and about how my brain works, I must say it’s been a wild ride. Actually just typing this I was analysing how this explanation works into the Ti-Ne frame of thought.
What I really wanted to write about though, is the weird way someone with inferior Fe is often portrayed as quite careless about what others think of them and tertiary Fe still cares a lot about what others think. I’ve discussed quickly with a friend with tertiary Fe about how we use the function, because she’s generally good with people and often stays outwardly neutral, knows how to deal with them but generally doesn’t care what they think of her. Her wish has been for people to actually dislike her so they don’t need/want anything from her. My wishes has almost always been the exact opposite. I wouldn’t say I’m good with people, especially those I don’t like, and it’s often visible on me that I don’t like them. Especially if you contrast with people I do vibe with. I can’t fake an interest too much, and usually won’t unless I know I will need something from these people in the future, and I know it’s easier to get if they like me. But I still want people to like me, so that I can get what I want from them (validation?) and still stay important to them. I want people to like me, but I don’t want to like them. My friend wants to like/stay indifferent to people, and wanted for them to not like her. 
The friend mentioned above of course does the same as me sometimes (who doesn’t), but our motives and thoughts about people differ quite a lot. I’m not saying all IxTP/ExTP work with their Fe the way we do, but I do find the contrast funny since it’s often portrayed the other way around.
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Inferior functions pull at us, because we’re aware of an imbalance.
A Ne-dom has a sneaking suspicion they ought to be better about details; a Se-dom feels the same about needing a personal vision for their future; a Fe-dom knows they should be less defensive and more analytical; an inferior Fi senses they should have a better connection to their emotional center and values; inferior Ne’s think they should be more creative / think outside the box more; inferior Se’s believe they need to ‘get out’ more and be more proactive; inferior Te’s know they should figure out how to make what they want happen; and inferior Fe knows they have a ‘relationship’ handicap and want to be liked.
There’s two kinds of people for each type, in that sense: those who ignore their inferior function altogether and do not bother to develop it (since it’s hard) and those who realize it’s a weak spot and work on it (often with success). That is why you will find one IXTP who is good natured, cares about others’ feelings, and has a “soft” approach to others, mindful of what they think of them; and another IXTP who is an obnoxious asshole who doesn’t care how people feel.
Or... an ENXJ who knows their logic could be better and reads more to strength it / engages in logical discussions vs the one who throws tantrums if you prod at their weak logic; or the EXTJ who tries to center themselves in projects that matter most to them and consider their relationships with others, vs the one who controls everyone without caring for their feelings; or the ESXP who works on framing a long-term ideal for their life while enjoying the present / thinks about the consequences of their decisions, vs the reckless ESXP who leaves people in the dust as they chase every new possibility; or the ENXP who makes an effort to keep track of details / ground themselves in choosing which ideas are most achievable in the short term vs the one who never finishes anything, or leaps in before they consider the amount of detail involved, and is a flake.
Or the ISXJ who expands their knowledge base and openness to new / different ideas through experiences and research / reading / seeking out Ne people, vs the one who shuts down anything that remotely threatens their small world; or the INXJ who learns to balance their lower sensory impulses with regular sensory stimulus vs the one who either becomes a monk who hates and preaches against anything to do with the sensory world (Gandhi?) or someone who routinely indulges in self-destructive ways; or the IXFP who starts to engage their logical centers and uses them to break down tasks into which order will lead to completion, vs the one who never strives toward any goals.
Tertiary functions often go to war with our auxiliary function.
Your EXTP friend feels being likable is a pain in the butt, because it gets in the way of logical detachment. As an ENFP, I feel like having strong emotional responses / being sensitive is a pain in my butt, because it gets in the way of efficiency (Te). Follow the logic further: as each tertiary function develops (often in your late teen years / 20′s / 30′s) it threatens the function above it; for awhile, people do not instinctively know how to integrate it and cause it to work together with the higher function.
People can shift into an “extreme” and choose a preferred function / use the other one badly (hating Fi so much, I’d rather use Te even if it’s worse... or hating Fe so much, let’s stick with Ti, because it’s better...) which will not help their functions work properly (each function needs its counterpart) or they can struggle for awhile to bring them into harmony, and eventually succeed.
Ti and Fe: you need people to like you, to get things done, and you need logic to back up your ethical judgments in order to remain objective / factual.
Fi and Te: you need the capacity to bring your passions into reality, through logical application and planning, but you also need to be in touch with what you are doing / care deeply about it, or you will not succeed.
Ni and Se: you need to be ready to jump on an opportunity when it arises, even if you have not much time to plan ahead, so that you can bring your vision into reality, and the objectivity to decide if your vision is possible, but you also need to have a vision.
Si and Ne: you need to open yourself up to new ideas and possibilities, in order to gain a better perspective on reality and see the truth of things; but most success relies on one’s ability to attend to necessary details.
- ENFP Mod
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ramajmedia · 5 years
You're The Worst: The 10 Worst Things Jimmy And Gretchen Have Done To Each Other
After a 5-season run, You're The Worst served its fans an unconventional yet, for Jimmy and Gretchen, appropriate happy ending. Still, there were countless moments that earned this show its anti-romantic comedy status. It's impossible to get over the fact that the romantic relationship between Jimmy and Gretchen was, from the very beginning, unstable, complicated, and often even questionable.
Given that the show revolves around two selfish and messed up people, Jimmy and Gretchen have truly done some nasty things to each other. Today, we're remembering some of these situations as we go back to the 10 worst things Jimmy and Gretchen have done to each other, and you can decide on your own who's really the worst.
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10 Gretchen "borrowing" Jimmy's car
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The pair met at Becca and Veronon's wedding, where they first hooked up with a stern promise of never getting into a relationship with each other. The next day, Gretchen had to get back to Jimmy because she forgot her purse so Jimmy attacked her because she stayed the night when it was just supposed to be a hook-up.
Infuriated, Gretchen steals his car keys and drives off (with no license) to a guy she'd been shacking up with so she could suppress her obvious feelings for Jimmy. The episode ends on a good note when Gretchen explains that she had just "borrowed" the car and the pair end up talking about Jimmy's foot fetish (of all things) late in the night.
9 Jimmy making it difficult for Gretchen to move in with him
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Here's the deal: both Jimmy and Gretchen had the arrangement to live together in his house, but from his behavior, it's visible that this does not really work for him. Jimmy still considers this house his own, and not their mutual residence.
Moreover, he told Gretchen that she should get her own stuff for the house and showed no intention of helping her move in. Instead, he avoids her any attempt to personalize the house to her liking and forces her to keep her belongings in trash bags. Perhaps because he is a massive control freak? It's bad enough that he makes her girlfriend live like a hobo inside his house, but his final big "compromise" was building her a small night table -how generous of him.
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8 The Pros and cons lists
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This one was particularly bad as the characters really hit each other where it hurt the most. It all started with the passing of Jimmy's father, which prompts him to create a list of pros and cons in order to re-evaluate his life decisions. Angry he wouldn't share the list with her, Gretchen creates a list of her own. With curiosity boiling over, the couple decides to finally share their lists with each other, which proved to be quite a painful experience for both of them.
The worst item on Jimmy's list for Gretchen was that he couldn't imagine having kids with her, while she struck back with an equally cruel statement that she doesn't believe he'll ever be successful. Though, it was surprising how easy the couple recovered from these statements, which serves as a reminder to the viewer that their bond may be much stronger than it seems.
7 Jimmy's affair with Nina
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This happened well into his relationship with Gretchen, who's, by the way, been dealing with clinical depression while Jimmy's pretending he doesn't notice her emotional issues. After one of her outbursts, he goes to a bar and hooks up with Nina (Tessa Ferrer) who works there as a bartender.
Given that Gretchen earlier blew off Jimmy saying she doesn't care about him or anything else, this might be considered a "We Were On A Break" type of hook-up, but it's also Jimmy's immature and incompassionate way of dealing with their relationship getting more serious and his girlfriend's emotional problems.
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6 Jimmy disappearing after proposing to Gretchen
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Of all the bad decisions Jimmy has made over the show's entire 5-season run, this one probably takes the cake. Immediately after proposing to Gretchen, he makes an excuse to go pick up a sweatshirt in the car and drives off not to be seen or heard for months.
Behind him, he left a confused and disappointed Gretchen, alone with her depression. His excuse? Well, Gretchen did say "family..."
5 Gretchen sabotaging Jimmy's interview
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While Gretchen pretends she's taking a trip to Europe so she can stay alone and deal with Jimmy running away after he proposed, Jimmy's book becomes a success. Jimmy is now about to be interviewed by People magazine about his new book and should seem like he's single in order as part of his whole publicity strategy. Gretchen's employers come to the house and Jimmy lets loose the secret that she's not in Europe.
Angry about what Jimmy did to her, she refused to stay in the room during the interview she parades around the house pretending to be Jimmy's fiancee, which the guys from People fall for, and as icing on the cake brings Boone (Colin Ferguson) to her bedroom in front of the reporters to embarrass Jimmy.
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4 Gretchen avoiding telling Jimmy his dad is dead
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Finding out Jimmy's dad had died left Gretchen with the responsibility of telling Jimmy the bad news. This was something that she was ill-prepared to do, so instead, she organized a party celebrating the selling of Jimmy's first book where she'd hope someone else would break the bad news.
To make matters worse, Gretchen kept coming up with nonsensical excuses to prevent herself from being sincere with Jimmy. For example, she didn't tell Jimmy about his dad because she selfishly wanted to go to this Famous Pets of Instagram Cruise that Jimmy was about to book.
3 Jimmy ignoring Gretchen while she cries in her car
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Jimmy is alarmed that Gretchen is sneaking out of the house every night so he decides to investigate if she's been cheating on him. When he finds out that she sneaks off every night to go cry in her car and that it's not his fault, he seems happy and relieved as he leaves her sobbing. What kind of boyfriend are you, Jimmy?
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2 Jimmy hooking up with the Florist
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In the fifth episode of the final season Jimmy's picking out flowers for his and Gretchen's wedding and somehow ends up at some party with the florist where she "accidentally" gets intimate with him. The next episode shows Jimmy feeling guilty about the whole ordeal as if he didn't notice what was going on when the lady found herself under his crotch. His solution? - The brilliant "F*** Week" idea.
At this point, Gretchen still didn't know about what had happened with the Florist, and Jimmy wanted a way to make himself feel less guilty about the affair. So, he suggested a week where they could hook up with anyone they wanted without any negative consequences (but he wouldn't). Gretchen eventually finds out about what had happened after she'd already hooked up with some random guy and now she feels guilty, which only makes matters worse. This brings us to the next entry of our list...
1 Gretchen suggesting Jimmy should pleasure a guy to appease her
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In the aftermath of the previous episode, Jimmy's still looking for a way to make up for the fact that he hooked up with that Florist to Gretchen. Half-jokingly, Gretchen suggests he should do the same to some guy. In the meantime, they meet a married couple whom they become fond of - Rachel (Janina Gavankar) and Quinn (Timm Sharp). The show takes yet another ridiculous turn when Jimmy actually follows up on this by giving fellatio to Quinn.
Unfortunately, things don't end there. During a dinner with the couple, Gretchen, being uncomfortable with the whole situation, again has an outburst where she acts like she doesn't know what Jimmy is talking about, saying she never suggested him to do anything with Quinn, and that it was all his idea. Naturally, the couple leave never to be seen again, and Jimmy is left humiliated and embarrassed.
NEXT: Which Sitcom Are You Based On Your MBTI
source https://screenrant.com/youre-the-worst-jimmy-gretchen-worst-things/
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Submission form
(I’m actually the sassytrickster666 but my computer crashed so my friend offered to send it in :))
Name: Luci
Nationality: Dutch
Age (note that if you below 21 your scores may be lower until age of legality): 21
Personality Type: My MBTI type is INTJ and my enneagram is 5w6.
Level of Education: Currently working on getting my Bachelor at Erasmus.
Best Subject: English, Physics, Art.
Worst Subject: PE ( I detest soccer and being forced to play it, especially when the field looks like Swiss cheese… so many awkward falls).
Favorite Subject: English, Biology
5 Hobbies (if applicable): drawing, reading, writing, hiking and baking.
Favorite Genre of Music: Rock (Classic or Hard), some metal and occasionally classical music.
Movies/Books: It’s either mystery or science-fiction.
Last song you listened to on repeat: Head like a hole- Nine Inch Nails
Last phrase you said to another living person: ‘Look, if it does go wrong I’ll help you hide the body.’ (Friend of mine was going to break up with her horrible boyfriend.)
How many blankets do you sleep with: So. Many. About 3 at the moment.
7 note worthy skills: I’m loyal to a fault, determined/passionate, logical, humble, very caring, independent and I remember EVERYTHING.  
7 noticeable sins: I procrastinate. A lot. The remembering everything is also a sin. I have zero self-esteem and I tend to build very high and thick emotional walls. I’m selectively lazy, I eat my feelings and I often come off as cold to strangers (I’m pretty sarcastic and apparently I have a ‘resting bitch face’, but if you get to know me I am I dare say pretty funny and outgoing).
Allergies/impairments/illnesses: I’m allergic to mosquito bites and certain antibiotics. I have dealth with depression and anxiety in the past.
Level of Intelligence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being dumb, 2 being below average, 3 being average, 4 being above average and 5 being genius): 4, I guess.
Level of Fitness on a scale of 1 to 5( 1 being obese, 2 being overweight, 3 being average, 4 being fit and 5 being skinny): 3.
Level of Attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being Anderson, 2 being below average, 3 being average, 4 being above average and 5 being Mycroft): I feel like a 1 or 2, like I said my self-esteem is not my strong suit, though I’m very lucky to have sweet friends that make me feel more empowered.
Feline, canine or both: Canine, dogs are loyal and usually sweethearts that notice how you feel and act on it. I do like cats, but just don’t really understand them very well as I was raised with dogs.
Confidence Level on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being nonexistent, 2 low, 3 average, 4 above average and 5 Sherlock): 2-3. In certain areas I’m not hugely confident. Though if I know I’m right about something or good in something I won’t hesitate to show it.
Position in the Family (oldest, youngest, middle): It’s pretty complicated. In one I’m the –sort of- youngest in the other the older sister/something like that.
Eye Color: Grey-Blueish more Blue though
Hair Color and Length: It’s currently black with a red glow and it’s pretty long (it reaches my waist).
Height: 173 cm
Combat level on a scale 1 to 5 (1 being useless, 2 being somewhat capable, 3 being average, 4 being more than capable and 5 being expert): 4, did some martial arts and had some gun training. I dislike fighting but will defend myself or the ones I care about.
Your normal dress: When I’m in a hurry black jeans, a shirt or hoody,a jacket and boots. When I’m not black jeans with a blouse or flannel, a blazer and dress shoes.
How well you take rejection on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being temper tantrum, 2 being vindictive, 3 being average, 4 being can take it like a man, and 5 being like water off of a duck’s back): 4. To be very honest I usually refrain from doing anything until I’m about 99.5% sure. Though if it goes wrong, sure it affects me, I don’t like it, but it’s not like that will make me behave like toddler that doesn’t get their way.
Languages known: Fluent in Dutch, English, German and Italian. Studying French.
Cleanliness of your bathroom on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being a crime scene, 2 being messy, 3 being average, 4 being pretty clean and 5 being perfectly spotless): 4.
How big is your circle of friends on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being nonexistent, 2 being very small, 3 being average, 4 being large, and 5 being a massive social network): 2, I prefer a couple of very close friends that I can trust 100%.
How would you rate your mental health on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being very poor, 2 being poor, 3 being average, 4 being good, and 5 being prefect): 3.
Opinions on the current Holmes family members ( Siger Holmes, Violet Holmes, Sherlock Holmes and Eurus Holmes):
 Honestly, I think that Violet is a little overbearing and somewhat cold and I doubt it is a good idea to get on her bad side.. well let’s just say she is not my absolute favourite. I think that Siger seems kind ,but is pretty much whipped. Sherlock is the typically rebellious younger brother, but so so very talented. He is way more sensitive and emotional than he lets on, but hides it quite well. I think we could get along pretty well. As for Eurus… Well, I like to think that there are multiple sides to each story, as the truth we see comes from just our own perception and might not be 100% uncompromised. She both earns my curiosity and makes me a little uneasy. Incredibly cunning, intelligent and…dangerous. I don’t scare easily though. Maybe she’s deatlh with frustrations and pain the wrong way, causing twisted views. No one is born truly evil after all. 
Please bold the following below that applies toward your submission:
I couldn’t quite find the original form without having scrolled trough numerous answered ones, so I skipped the question portion. I mean while scrolling I came across some answers, so my mind is probably corrupted and I don’t like cheating on this. It would be an insult to the minds of both the submittees before me and my own. My apologies.  Thanks so much!
Mycroft’s answer:
It’s nice to meet you Luci but might I say that is an odd form of spelling considering its nation of origin but welcomed nonetheless. Its refreshing not to see ‘Math’ marked as the least favored subject on one of these forms although it is sad to see that physical education has taken the part. I confess that I didn’t exactly hate the subject as much as I did sharing the class with a group of very unkind peers and doing so at my own pace. Had it been more tailored to my wants I believe that my current physique and health would be indefinitely better shape than it is currently. Finding confidence in doing something unfamiliar can be daunting especially when there is pressure to do well as an older sibling however, I find it oddly comforting to remember that not everyone is an expert so should a mistake occur you can at least claim you are human and therefore capable of mistakes time and time again. You may just be the first application from the Netherlands but rest assured if you understand English and Italian learning French shall not be too difficult of a task to accomplish.  Luci you seem like that if you can muster up the courage and the drive you could do great things with your life. Higher forms of science and English (especially when its not your country’s native tongue) are ones that like math, are often what can keep a person from entering higher fields that can better benefit society so finding them on your form was very comforting to see the youth of today going somewhere. I am more than ready to offer assistance should you come across a road block and pray that moving forward you will continue to do well in your studies.
Mentorship: 8.3
Relationship: 4.5
Partnership: 5.2
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amorremanet · 7 years
ten facts about sara grace!
“ten facts about my oc’s” meme // previously on… (+ sara grace’s part one)
—okay, I suck, because I meant to do this on Sunday when I got it, then spent the whole day on TV Tropes, and I meant to do it yesterday, and spent the day with my sister’s dog instead, but anyway.
1. She’d probably tell you that police procedural shows are her guilty pleasure, but it’s really just Law and Order: SVU, and as much as she loves her girlfriend, she tends not to watch it with Lucy because Lucy will probably try to argue about the science, and Sara Grace gets that science is one of Lucy’s Things and she appreciates this a lot of the time, but sometimes, you just wanna ignore real-world science and watch Olivia Benson be a bad-ass, okay
2. Her MBTI type is ENFP (Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving), one of the Idealist types, known as The Campaigner or The Champion. She shares it with, among others, Robin Williams, Dr. Seuss, Adelaide, and Stephen.
3. It’s not that she is completely hopeless at raising plants, but Sara Grace is easily distracted and easily bored in ways that make it hard for her to remember to check in on her plants as often as she needs to, and they aren’t as cute as cats, which makes it harder for her — because she definitely prioritizes the cute kitties over the plants — so, she’s pretty much given up on having any plants.
4. Pretty much everyone who knows her thinks that she is kidding about wanting to learn how to ride a motorcycle. It’s not that they think she can’t (not least since, thanks to her mutations, Sara Grace has a literally superhuman sense of balance), but to her parents, her siblings, her girlfriend, her friends, her coworkers, and her former classmates, the motorcycle thing just doesn’t mix with Sara Grace’s usual femme style and her fondness for the pretty pretty princess aesthetic
Like, when she does get a license and Seb gives her Bettie because he never rides Bettie anymore, several of the other characters are going to go, “What the Hell, Sebastian? You can’t just give a motorcycle to someone like that” and he will have to point out that Sara Grace took the classes and got her license, and he let her take Bettie on a few practice rides so they could figure out how to adjust a few settings to better fit Sara Grace’s needs and riding style, and like??
What do you want him to have done? She was serious about learning to ride, so she learned to ride. Then, she wanted a bike of her own, understandably, and he has a bike in really good condition that he’s no longer interested in riding and Sara Grace liked Bettie, and there was literally nothing underhanded about any of this so what is so hard for people to understand about, “Sara Grace wanted to ride a motorcycle”???
5. All things considered, it’s probably a good thing that most of the, “ancient magical artifacts” that could come up in the prime timeline won’t actually work, because if they did, Sara Grace would probably get curious about what they can do and try to play with them.
She’s a Ravenclaw for a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest ones is, “Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back, and then Sara Grace had to go and figure out what happened because she can’t talk to animals and didn’t understand prrrrfffbt when she asked the cat about what it found out.”
6. Nominally, she’s over the fact that she never got a pony for her birthday as a kid (because, like most people’s parents, hers couldn’t afford a pony, much less the care and upkeep of a pony, especially not if they were also putting money into her dance lessons, and Sara Grace was offered the, “Do you want more dance lessons, or do you want a pony” choice more than once and picked the dance lessons every time). She’s also nominally over the fact that she can’t have a unicorn because they don’t exist in the prime timeline.
—But, when the villains decide to screw around with ancient Celtic rituals they don’t understand and tear a few choice holes in the space-time continuum, thereby allowing a few alternate universes and parallel timelines to dump their contents into the prime timeline, uh…… well.
Sara Grace understands the gravity of the situation and she is very concerned about fixing things, but in addition to getting kind of distracted by things like, “coming up with nicknames for all the AU counterparts who get dragged into the prime timeline because we can’t just call everyone by the same name or it’ll get confusing” and, “the version of Lucy from the AU in which everyone has magic instead of superpowers? Yeah, she came over with a unicorn.”
She is going to be somewhat less thrilled with the fact that some of the Silent Hill-inspired demonic monsters from the canonically designated Darkest Timeline can take the shape of unicorns, and then turn out to be…… well. Nightmarish beasts that were inspired by the Silent Hill series.
The Darkest Timeline earned that title because…… yeah, okay, all of the AU’s have problems, and some of them have it worse than others, and the canon coffee-shop AU is actually a dystopian Hellhole that takes a lot of its cues from Brave New World (like, in-universe and everything; the guy responsible for making the coffee-shop AU what it is cites Brave New World as one of his big inspirations)…
—but none of the other AU’s have Silent Hill-inspired demon monsters on the same scale as the official Darkest Timeline, so…… yep.
7. If she ever challenges you to Dance Dance Revolution, do not accept. She pointedly will not challenge you to a dance-off, because dance-offs are ultimately subjective and there’s no way to know for sure who wins, so she believes that they should only be used for fun and creative expression, not for challenges. But DDR has points and an objective score, and between her reflexes, her sense of balance, and how much she just genuinely enjoys DDR, you are probably going to lose against her.
If you’re okay with that, then by all means, take her up on that challenge. But if you’re a sore loser, just don’t do it. Because she will beat you, and while she won’t intentionally lord it over you with unsportsmanlike gloating, she can be prone to post-victory preening that most people would probably find pretty irritating.
8. Of all the movies she’s watched because her girlfriend likes them, Sara Grace has the most complicated relationship with Blade Runner. Like, she wants to like it, because she thinks that there’s a lot of it that’s interesting and well-done, but she doesn’t feel like she really, “gets it”?
She’s not sure that Lucy really, “gets it,” either, and all of the different versions of Blade Runner floating around don’t help at all. Like, she’s watched all of them with Lucy before, but Sara Grace doesn’t feel like any of them have really cleared anything up so much as they’ve made everything even more confusing, and trying to read Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? just made everything worse because she started comparing it to Blade Runner and looking for what the potential significance of the changes from text to movie could be, and she’s gotten a whole lot of nowhere on that
On thing Sara Grace knows for sure, though? Ridley Scott’s original Alien trilogy might be a good collection of films, but they’re scary and gross and given her druthers, she’d prefer to watch almost anything else.
I mean, she might not really like Todd very much — she doesn’t have much against him, but he also kinda bores her as a person — but she will be so happy to tap out and let him talk about movies with Lucy, because they can talk about gross things and give Lucy an outlet for that while Sara Grace does something else without having to deal with said gross things when she would really, really rather not, and that way, everyone wins.
At least, everyone wins unless Todd and Lucy decide to do more than just talk about movies, like if Todd tries to get Lucy to come along on some harebrained movie-making adventure that neither of them has put any real planning into so they may well end up in some ridiculous, life-threatening situation and/or trespassing somewhere that they shouldn’t, and……
Todd, please do not drag Sara Grace’s girlfriend into something like that, she would really appreciate it if you didn’t do that.
And Lucy, please do not listen to the silly white gay hipster with all the cameras and the delusions of being John Waters, Jean-Luc Godard, Gregg Araki, Christopher Guest, Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino, and Tom “Human Centipede” Six all at the same time. Sara Grace supports the two of you being friends and talking about movies, but not anything that involves the two of you getting in trouble while doing something ridiculous and probably dangerous in the name of making them
Which, really, is probably bound to happen at some point, and as tends to happen when people go, “What could possibly go wrong?”, pretty much everything will go wrong, and Sara Grace only won’t say, “I told you so” because:
1. she’ll likely be more worried than smug;
and 2. Margot, Josie, or Pete will probably say it for her
9. She thinks Stephen’s jokes are funny, which will make her one of his favorite teammates.
That said, between the two of them, there is almost no impulse control when it comes to things like:
“Sure, we could Google the answer to our question, but Google is full of a lot of different possibilities and it isn’t really helping, so let’s just do this potentially dangerous thing ourselves in order to find our what would happen”
and, “Omg, an ancient magical artifact, and sure, I can see its disclaimer not to touch it, but I wonder what it does, let’s ignore common sense and touch it,”
and, “Oooooh, what does THIS button do?”
—so, as much fun as the two of them would have together, and as well as they would click and work together, they really, really shouldn’t be paired up with each other for most things unless someone else comes with them
……Strictly speaking, that someone probably shouldn’t be Sebastian, because if this doesn’t end with the three of them at an ASPCA shelter and Stephen totally failing to resist how cute Sara Grace is around the poor kitties who need homes (and yet managing to tell his boyfriend, “I love you, but no, you really do not need another dog, you have SIX already, I know that all the dogs here have sad stories and need homes, but you have six already, you’re good”)
—then it will probably end with the three of them in a situation where Seb has to try and tell Stephen and Sara Grace that hey, guys, maybe they probably shouldn’t touch that possibly very dangerous thing that they don’t understand — or at least, they have to get it back to the others, so they should only touch it as much as they absolutely have to and definitely not use it for anything yet
—and he will probably fail because shit, they’re both so eager and it’s so cute, and his boyfriend is adorable as Hell when he’s curious and excited about stuff, and okay look, Seb tried to tell them, “No” but he just…… completely lost his willpower in the face of them being cute and eager, and yes, he knows it’s sad that he is a thirty-year-old superhero who still has problems with peer pressure, but they made a really good case for why it was probably okay to experiment with the shiny thing a bit first and they did learn things, and he’s really sorry for being easily swayed by the idea of making other people happy but at least nobody got hurt, right???
At least, once Sara Grace figures out that, as much as she likes them, Stephen is easily swayed by curiosity and has an, “Oooh what does this button do?” impulse that matches her own, and Seb has problems saying, “No” to people he likes and/or cares about, especially when they’re being adorable, she’ll have the good sense to go, “Okay, we can have fun together when we’re off the clock, but we really probably shouldn’t be paired up with each other”
She will be much more resistant to the idea of not getting paired up with Lucy on different assignments — like, she’ll go along with it if there are obvious good reasons why she really shouldn’t be on a team with her girlfriend…… but Sara Grace’s idea of, “good reasons” does not include, “The two of you may get distracted from the actual task at hand because you end up looking out for each other.”
Like, “We need your skills and your talents somewhere else on this job”? Yeah, okay, that’s perfectly reasonable to her. But in the face of the other argument, she would go, “Nuh uh, no way, we can totally work together without distracting each other”… and then the two of them would do exactly that
Which? I mean, they’re not the only ones who would do the same thing if they were partnered up with their significant other (I say, pointedly glancing aside at Seb and Stephen) or with someone else they care about (I say, glancing aside at Seb and Todd, though to be fair, Todd has no business being in most of the places where Seb can be and would force Seb to look out for him instead of focusing on the task at hand because he’d be in way, WAY over his head)
But Lucy and Sara Grace are still probably going to end up learning this the hard way, and Sara Grace is going to have the harder time with reconciling the logical, “Okay, I know that this is a fair point and that there are more important things than my personal anxieties and desire to protect my girlfriend” side of her opinion, with the emotional, “But my heart says that I need to protect my girlfriend and I trust her and our teammates but I want to do it myself”
—Not that Lucy won’t have any difficulty with this, but her big issue is more that she compartmentalizes things and then tries to get out of dealing with the emotional ramifications of that compartmentalizing, not that she can compartmentalize but she would really rather not
And in fairness, they’re both 22 (with Lucy turning 23 shortly after their introduction in the first book, and Sara Grace turning 23 in the early parts of book two), whereas Todd is 30 (turning 31 toward the end of book one) and his biggest reason for ever going, “No, I want to be paired with Seb in what is blatantly not a good idea” would be that he’s working on his jealousy over the Seb/Stephen relationship, and he’s accepted the fact that he is partly responsible for this because Seb offered him quite a few chances to talk like adults and go back to being in an official romantic relationship and Todd blew him off, and yeah, he wants Seb to be happy and on one hand, he’s glad that Seb is actually with a good guy for once
(because Todd and Julian are two of Seb’s better exes, and one of them got seduced into working with very literal supervillains while the other is pretty much three bad decisions stacked on top of each other inside a pair of too-small skinny jeans and one of his Mom’s vintage sweaters, wearing a scarf in summertime and Buddy Holly glasses that he doesn’t need)
—but Todd is still jealous of Stephen (and unfortunately, things don’t magically get better after Todd gets the message that he is just jealous and completely wrong in thinking that Seb having dated multiple douchebags before means that somewhere, Stephen must have skeletons in his closet, a Bertha in his attic, an old man hidden underneath his floorboards, and/or an old friend walled up in his basement after being lured there by the promise of tasting a fine vintage Amontillado), and Todd’s being immature about dealing with his jealousy (and he’ll get through it eventually, but it’s gonna take him a while)
So, like…… Lucy’s and Sara Grace’s reasons for wanting to be paired together when they maybe shouldn’t be, and how well they deal with it, are legitimately doing a lot better than one of their teammates
10. It’s probably a good thing for Sara Grace that I cannot have the Star Trek universe in canon without getting sued, because she would absolutely try to have a Tribble as a pet. And whether she got herself an unmodified Tribble and wound up with a few billion of the little shits spilling out of her entire apartment building, or one of the ones Cyrano Jones doctored up in the animated series where they don’t reproduce like bacteria but get really huge instead, this would be really, really Not Good for everyone.
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