#jameson cooper ~ thread
thefvrious · 1 year
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@predatorymaniac said -> maybe i'm not into guys.
"O...kay?" Coop replied, holding his red Solo cup in his hand and looking around himself as the party went on around them. Nate was probably three-sheets to the wind, but it was still a strange thing to say. "I never said you were into guys?"
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ashintheairlikesnow · 10 months
*soft chanting in the distance:* consider a beach day with the safehouse crew, consider a beach day with the safehouse crew, consider a
CW: Extensive scarring, some discussion of surviving noncon and the aftermath, weight gain as part of recovery, references to Vince's alcoholism, some references to consensual spice
"You're fidgeting," Vincent Shield says, eyes closed behind heavy sunglasses, lying with his fingers interlocking behind his head, the sun beating down on his body. He can feel the blanket of warmth from forehead through neck and chest, stomach, and finally his legs. His heels are just off the edge of the towel, dug into soft sand that heats his skin to something that isn't quite uncomfortable, isn't yet painful.
"Right, because this is shit," Jameson snaps back at him, sitting up with his arms around his knees, looking like an animal caught in a trap, ready to chew his own leg off and throw it at someone to escape. "It's hot. There's sun. Why the fuck am I here with you?"
"Because I invited you to the beach, you said no, then Nat said she thought it might be a good idea for you to get out and enjoy the outdoors and you basically threw yourself into the car," Vince replies, voice even, absolutely not amused. Beside him, a huge reusable water bottle sweats condensation as the ice inside it slowly melts. He used to bring vodka in bottles like this to the beach, clear as still waters, burning down his throat. His mouth feels dry just at the thought.
"Yeah. Well. Usually she's right about this shit, but everybody's wrong eventually."
Vince turns his head to watch as Jameson picks, uncomfortably, at the corner of his own beach towel, a riotous swirl of oranges and pinks that Nat has had for long enough that the ends are starting to unravel, with little thread like fringe. Other than his perpetual scowl, he wears swim trunks that go down to his knees and a long-sleeved rashguard shirt made of the same material, both in a deep blue. It's a color that suits him. Vince is afraid if he points it out Jameson will strip naked right here simply from spite.
"You're doing fine," He says, a little softly. "Nobody's looking at you."
"If they do, I'll fucking punch them."
"Fuck off, I will."
"Nobody doubts that. But maybe don't just assume you're the center of attention. I'm a goddamn movie star, you don't see anyone staring at me."
"I've seen at least three people stare at you."
"Yeah, because they think I look familiar, but they can't figure out why. With my hair grown out like this and the thirty pounds I've put on since I stopped trying to replace all forms of nutrition with booze, I don't look like me anymore. Besides, I've seen absolutely no one stare at you, so there you go."
"Fuck you." Jameson pauses. "And fuck them. You look better now than you did before."
Vince laughs. "Thank you. That's a rare compliment from the king of insults."
"Yeah, well. Don't get used to it." Some of the anger lifts in his voice, though, and Vince smiles behind his sunglasses as he sees the other man relax - maybe, just a little - and start trying to get his legs to cooperate and unbend.
Jameson had made his way to their little spot using his crutches for balance, but had nearly fallen twice. He isn't used to the softness of sand, the way he has to adjust himself to handle it. Vince caught him the second time or he'd have gone down right there in front of a group of people, not a single one of whom noticed him at all. But Jameson is convinced they did.
The crutches have their own towel, lying carefully side by side so sand won't get on them unless it has to or the wind blows it around.
"How can you stand it?" Jameson asks, after some time passes. The breeze is gentle, just a hint of cooler air coming off the water, offsetting the heat of the sun. Vince stretches his arms above his head, then pushes himself to seated and takes a drink of his water.
"Stand what?"
"Hardly wearing anything." Jameson gestures, and Vince looks down at his tasteful(ly small) green swim trunks. He's... never thought about that before. "Like. People can see your fucking... scars."
Vince swallows, hard.
He has new ones, from Owen, more on the back than the front. But there's a scar twisted down one side that wasn't there before. His neck has a couple, there's a nick in his jaw now.
Vince hesitates, then takes another drink. "Can I tell you something? Just between us?"
Jameson looks away, hunching over again. His own worst scars are on his face, a twisted that cuts into the corner of his mouth and curves it slightly upward, like he's always smirking. Another that breaks his eyebrow in two pieces. There's even some on the back of his neck that Vince hasn't really noticed before. "Yeah, sure. I make no fucking promises, though."
"Fair enough. The truth is... I don't really care."
Jameson picks at a thread on his towel again. "You don't?"
"Nah. I've been who I am for a long time, and... you know. This sounds really stupid, but-" Vince shrugs. He catches the flash of light off a phone screen as someone checks theirs a half-dozen feet away. He wonders if they're taking a photo of him. Doesn't this guy look like Vincent Shield? Remember, from The Weight of This Crown?
That had been a favorite. He'd played an adult version of one of the Princes of the Tower from the 1480s, a version where they hadn't been murdered but had simply been... kept. His character had gone insane in the tower and taken his brother into madness with him. Whole movie revolved around a murder mystery where there might never have been a body at all. Been some Oscar buzz around that one, though he hadn't won anything for it.
He missed acting. He'd been so damn good at it, he never stopped. But now...
"What?" Jameson frowns, looking more closely at him. "You stopped talking."
"Oh. Sorry. Distracted. Just... you know. I've had all my scars inside my head for so long, it's kind of nice to have some on the outside, ones I can't really hide anymore. I can't lie about them."
"Yeah, you can. 'Oh, I fell down'. There you go."
"No, I mean." Vince groans. "You're an asshole. I mean, I can't pretend I don't have scars at all."
He pauses.
"But... I killed him," He whispers. "I should... I should be marked, by that. Shouldn't I?"
"Don't look at me." Jameson tries to lie down on his back, but his legs won't unbend at the knee, so he just keeps them that way, feet flat on the towel.
"Right, but... you killed people."
"Had to." Jameson goes clipped, tense and snapping each word like a rubber band. "No choice."
"No, I know. I just mean... doesn't it feel like you should look like you've killed someone, once you have?"
Jameson turns his head to look at him, shading his eyes with one hand. "I do look like I killed someone. Actually I sort of look like I died and was brought back to life by a really lazy magician."
"... Never mind. Anyway, what I meant to say is just that I don't mind the scars."
Silence stretches out between them, then. The ocean is a constant rush of in and out, the gentle white noise lulling them both into a sort of doze. The sun beats down, and Vince feels like a cat in a windowsill.
"Do I really look better now?" He asks, breaking the quiet with his own insecurities. "I haven't had a regular stomach without a fucking... near-six-pack since I was... since I... since I was still acting with Owen, when we were kids. Now, I have..." He frowns down at himself, poking his stomach with one hand. "Whatever this is."
"Yeah, you do. Lot better, actually." Jameson snorts. "That is a normal human stomach, Shield. Also, you don't look like you're thinking about jumping off a cliff every fucking second of every fucking day anymore. It's an improvement."
"No, I just-... I mean-"
"Yes, for fuck's sake. You're still hot. I would still happily let you stick your dick in me and brag about bagging someone hot enough to look like a movie star." Jameson rolls his eyes. "Now stop fucking talking."
Vince swallows. "Jameson, are you..."
"Praying to the heavens that you'll shut the fuck up? Yeah, definitely. Actually going to fuck you? Absolutely the fuck not. I've got Allyn. I'm a one-Allyn man. Besides, you could never smack my ass and call me a good boy the way they do."
"... Jesus Christ." Vince feels his face burn, and not from sunlight.
"Exploring consent in sexuality is a normal part of recovery," Jameson says, like someone reciting a script. "Try asking about it in therapy sometime, Shield."
"... oh god no."
"Then shut the fuck up and let me enjoy my fucking beach day, asshole, or I'll tell you about which one of your shirts we used to tie my hands behind my back one time."
Vince takes another drink of water, and tries to pretend the last ten minutes never happened.
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mikewxrren · 4 months
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Undercover Profile for prison thread with @rxcklessdxvotion
Prisoner #13L1287, Michael Longabaugh AKA 'Sundance'
Convicted August 22, 2013 - Aggravated assault in the first degree; Aiding and abetting; False Imprisonment; Kidnapping; Menacing; Intimidation
Sentence: 15 years, up for parole in 2.
Criminal Profile
1. Suspected for smuggling weapons from Camp Pendleton. No charges pressed. Marine corps dealt with case internally.
2. Sold highly controlled, stolen weapons to major crime boss, Jeremiah Bello. Charged, found guilty.
3. Aided in the sustained torture of ███████ ██████, a former Caza Cartel hitman. Charged, found guilty.
4. Escaped from police custody while in hospital for treatment. No charges pressed.
5. Suspected for the murder of Federale Rafael Cortes AKA 'Jangles'/'El Hombre Llaves'. No charges pressed.
Psychological Profile
Michael Longabaugh makes a show of being openly receptive to treatment. However, he shows distrust of psychiatrists and has a deep knowledge of how psychological treatment works. This leads me to believe that his openness is just an act. During our initial discussions, I also observed several traits that led me to suspect Michael has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. However, an official assessment would be required before treatment could be suggested. Michael seems capable of making calm, reasonable decisions and rarely acts out of impulse. He takes offence to the suggestion that he is cold or unsympathetic. I believe he is very conflicted between the man he pretends to be and the man he is expected to be. This mix is volatile when found in an inmate with his history and intelligence.
-- Prison Psychiatrist, Sister Reimondo
Known Associates
Jeremiah Bello. After Longabaugh sold smuggled weapons to Bello, he was hired as Bello's bodyguard and second in command. Bello has previously shown loyalty and protectiveness toward Longabaugh.
Unknown, AKA 'Odin'. Longabaugh is suspected to be close to the infamous dealer 'Odin'. The nature of the relationship is unknown. It is suspected that Odin was Longabaugh's original contact with Bello.
████ ███████ ███ ████████. Ex-Navy seal. Believed to be dead.
█████████ ███████. Civilian friend.
Reason for Transfer
12th May 2013
Shortly after the morning count, inmate Jeremiah Bello got into a heated argument with ████ ████████████, the leader of one of the gangs within the prison. Witnesses state the subject could have either been anything from money owed for narcotics or simply respect. Michael Longabaugh worsened the situation when he physically pushed himself between Bello and ████████████. It is unclear who landed the first blow, but with Longabaugh's long track record and unwillingness to cooperate, we suspect that he instigated the violence. The fight spread through the unit, nearly causing a riot but Correctional Officers had the situation under control quickly. It is the fourth incident of its type involving Longabaugh in the last month.
-- Head Correctional Officer, Martin Jameson
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ourcborcs · 11 months
Taken from this meme
Say hello to your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, Pete Parker!
Okay. So last year my friend made me watch Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark around the time I joined a Spider-Verse inspired rp server on discord. And so my idea for Pete was born.
If you don't know what Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark is, it is the Spider-Man musical that almost killed both its actors and Broadway. Waiting in the Wings on youtube has a good video on it. I'm not going to go too much into it but the production was a mess and Bono didn't help and the cast's talent was wasted on it. Although this song is absolutely wonderful and I'm so upset that the soundtrack version is a solo because the harmonies elevate it but that's a petty complaint.
Back to Pete!
Pete is basically if the musical was run by competent people, or if the musical was more dark. Somewhere between the two. Everyone's names have been slightly changed apart from J Jonah Jameson because it's funny. He's still an awkward nerdy guy, madly in love with MJ, standard Spidey stuff.
My personal spin mainly lies in the topic or Arachne. In the musical she shows up, gives him a pep talk, and dips. My Arachne is actually an alien whose interest was piqued by Pete's emergence and decided to make contact; as is a pretty common trope within sci-fi they took the form and persona of a being that would not cause him to freak out and chose a figure he has been fascinated with ever since he was a kid: Arachne from Greek Mythology. Pete is aware that they aren't actually Arachne but calls them that because he isn't about to question too much. She (I use both she and they for Arachne) communicates telepathically and through dreams/visions and is pretty chill and was a good shoulder to cry on after Green Goblin died (which in my canon Pete was absolutely fucked up from).
Now, this is an ongoing B plot in the server but as the Spider-people are glitching Pete gets a bit desperate and Arachne offers to help stabilize his DNA. Just a small alteration, not too much. But the plan is over the course of his stay he will give in to more and more alterations and merges more and more with Arachne until he basically becomes Venom. I'm super excited to do this plot thread!
Anyways for your troubles here's a picture of Alice Cooper and Ben Stiller at Spider-Man Turn off the Dark that I found while looking for reference photos
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lilymaidofgallifrey · 5 years
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Title: The Last
Author: Hanna Jameson 
Type of Apocalypse: Nuclear 
Overall Rating: 3/5
This was one of my most anticipated reads of 2019. Like the minute I saw the cover I was like YES! On its face, it looked like it checked pretty much all of my boxes: the apocalypse, a bunch of strangers trapped in a creepy hotel, murder. 
And it wasn’t a bad book by any means, but it so did not live up to my expectations. I’m probably being quite tough on it, and a lot of this might be personal taste, but it felt like it could have been a lot better. 
The Last was in diary format. The narrator Jon, kept telling people it was a historical account (because he was like super pretentious), but let’s be real folks, it was a diary. I read Jon as a pretty unreliable narrator, so this was quite interesting paired with the diary format. He spend the whole book trying to convince you he’s being perfectly objective and he’s a ‘good person’, but because everything is presented from his perspective, you do start to wonder how accurate any of it really is. 
A common theme in apocalypse books seems to be accountability, cooperation (or lack thereof) and general discourse about humanity and its flaws. There’s also a lot of cannibalism in the apocalypse apparently. I guess it’s that idea that if all of the social boundaries holding us back are stripped away, we really don’t know what we’re capable of. Linked in with this is the reoccurring idea that the biggest threat to survival isn’t really the apocalypse, its other people. So, you might think it’s going to be purely man vs nature, but in reality that conflict is really just a backdrop to set up the real conflicts, which are man vs man and man vs self. 
Things I Liked:
I liked the aesthetic. I can’t think of many things that are more unsettling than being stuck in a creepy old Swiss hotel in the middle of nowhere during the end of the world. I liked how they talked about how normal it all seemed right before everything happened, and went through the start of the apocalypse. 
I liked that there were elements from real life crimes and unsolved mysteries woven into the storyline. Unlike the explicit references to pop culture I mention below, I thought this was well done, it added to the creepy vibe, and I enjoyed being able to figure out which murders/mysteries might have inspired the book. 
I liked how it focused on the group dynamic and interpersonal relationships/conflict. Jean Paul Sarte said “hell is other people”, and I think that being trapped with a group of people you don’t know very well and don’t necessarily like or trust, and having to rely on those same people for your own continued survival is a pretty good example of that. 
Things I Didn’t:
Okay, where do I start with this. Like I said, this was one of the books I was most excited to read this year, and I really felt like the premise (which was fantastic) was not executed as well as it could have been.
There were a lot of overt references to other apocalypse lit and pop culture of a similar vein - like The Shining, The Road, The Handmaid’s Tale, Lord of the Flies, Stephen King in general and those are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head. I was not a fan of this. I felt like it was trying to use all of those things I was familiar with to make me feel a certain way, instead of actually creating that feeling through the text itself. Kind of a telling not showing kind of thing. For example, Stranger Things is also based on a lot of other things (and though it has its flaws) it uses these elements more organically to create something else. 
The narrator was honestly just kind of unpleasant and not in a particularly fun way. The rest of the characters weren’t particularly distinctive in my opinion either, like there were about three young men who I could not tell apart, I kept forgetting who was who and at one point something happened to one of them and I was just like so which one was Nathan again??
There were a bunch of really intriguing plot threads which really went nowhere, and these were all the bits that I was really liking as I read it, so that made it all fall a bit flat. Also the ending felt super rushed. It was kind of all in the last 10 pages and came mostly out of nowhere. Overall, the plot didn’t feel super cohesive. The best way I can think to describe it, is that it wasn’t quite sure what it wanted to be. 
You Might Like This If:
You want a perfectly enjoyable poolside read. 
You like books set in creepy hotels. 
You want to read about a situation which is scarily close to where current political climates might potentially be heading. 
You want to read about a bunch of male author tropes getting dragged. 
You Might Not Like This If:
You like all the plot points to wrap up.
You don’t like unreliable narrators. 
You’re expecting it to lifechangingly good. 
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wildefiction · 5 years
Of Course...Mr. Collins
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Panting, you shut the door behind you, running into the bathroom in an attempt to make yourself halfway presentable. After brushing your teeth and refreshing your perfume, you pulled a brush through your wind-blown hair. 
“[Y/F/N]? Are you ready?!” Looking up from the drawer you were rifling through, you blew the hair out of your face as you wriggled into the AC/DC tank top from last week. It’d have to do. 
Just as the hem dropped over the black bra you were wearing, Misha walked through the door. 
“Yep, let’s go!” Purposefully you ignored the salacious grin that spread over his face when he saw the shirt drop to cover your exposed skin.
The crowded bar was noisy, and Misha kept a firm grip on your wrist as he led you through the throngs of people. Towards the back a few tables had been pushed together to make room for the cast members who’d chosen to come out tonight. 
“Hey Misha!” Kim waved the two of you over and several voices echoed her greeting before turning to you. 
“Everyone, this is [Y/F/N], [Y/F/N], this is…everyone.” 
Briana sidled up to you, and wrapping an arm around your waist, asked what you were drinking. 
“Oh..uh..whiskey?” “Woo! Thas mah girl!!” Turning she made her way to the bar to order a round of shots for the party. Returning a few minutes later holding a tray stacked with shot glasses, she handed one over to you before passing out the others. Turning towards you, Misha held his drink aloft, 
“Welcome to the Supernatural family [Y/F/N]” before tipping his head back. You did the same, savoring the sweet burn as the liquid traveled down your throat. Cringing slightly, you shook your head as you were handed another. The second shot went down easier as the muscles across your shoulders flooded with warmth.
Nursing a Jameson and Dr. Pepper kept you buzzed for the better part of the next hour. Your alcohol metabolism was a fearsome thing, and if you ever wanted to stay tipsy for more than ten minutes, you had to consistently have a drink in hand. You’d learned over the years that the number of drinks didn’t matter,  it was more about how you drank them.
As the hours wore on, you were thoroughly enjoying yourself and found that you fit in well with the group of people who’d quickly become your friends. Jared was talking to you about your favorite music when the dim floor flooded with the sounds of Alice Cooper. Eyes widening, you set your drink down and grabbed the hands of Kim, Briana, Daneel and Gen - begging them to come and dance with you. Usually you weren’t a fan of being the center of attention, but once you started drinking, all inhibitions flew out the window.
Misha was watching intently as your hips swayed to the music. Those tiny shorts kept drawing his attention to the curve of your ass and he groaned under his breath at the sudden need to touch you. As the song ended, he watched you return to the table, a thin sheen of sweat now covering your chest as you worked to catch your breath. A wide smile spread across your face and you picked up the drink you’d left several minutes prior.
The vibration of your phone startled you for a moment, but you pulled it from your pocket anyhow.
“Wha’cha doin’ tonight?”
Your heart rate increased as a hundred thoughts chased themselves around your head. Giggling to yourself, your fingers felt numb as the room shifted around you. Having enough sense to pull yourself up onto a bar stool so you didn’t have to concentrate on keeping yourself vertical, you debated on how to respond.
Your fingers flew over the keys as you typed out what you thought was a witty response. 
“You hopefully.” Smirking, your finger hovered over the send button. You were trying to work up the courage to go through with it. Instead, at the last minute you deleted the message and went with something less desperate. 
“Having some drinks with the Supernatural cast. You?” Locking your phone, you set it down on the table in front of you, and continued sipping your drink. A few minutes later, your vision lasered in on the black device, which was now vibrating towards you along the surface where it rested. Picking it up, you saw Norman had just decided to call you instead of texting and you drug your finger along the screen, before putting it up to your ear. 
“Hey, what’s up?” 
“Hey lady, where are ya? God damn, that voice though. You stifled the soft growl that threatened to escape from your throat. 
“Someplace called Pele?” “It’s downtown I think. Do you know it?” A low chuckle echoed through the line. 
“Meet me outside?” 
“Fuuhh..hucck.” The groan was almost passable enough to hide the desire in your tone. More laughter from his end let you know that he had caught on to your frustration. Blushing you agreed before hanging up. Holding onto the table in front of you for balance, you shook your head - taking a few sips of ice water to help steady your movements. 
“Hey Mish, I’m gonna head back. You okay?” He was on his fifth shot, head nodding enthusiastically as he threw an arm around Jensen’s neck, whispering to his best friend even though his eyes never left yours.
The cool midnight air chased the remaining fog from your mind as you walked out the front door. A few minutes later, the provocative rumble of Norman’s bike caught your attention.
You woke with a start to the sound of someone pounding on the door. Ignoring it wasn’t an option you soon realized as it continued, undeterred. Groggily, you pulled off the blankets you’d wrapped yourself in and lowered your feet to the floor. Still wearing the tank top from earlier that night, you had managed to take off your shorts before falling face first into the down blankets, but the thought never crossed your mind as you padded towards the incessant racket.
Pulling the door open, you groaned as Misha stepped through the entryway, harsh fluorescent lights streaming in around him. 
“Sorry if I woke you [Y/F/N], I seem to have misplaced my room key.” Waving a dismissive hand in his general direction, you moved to let him pass in front of you before closing the door. Turning back towards Misha as it clicked shut, you nearly ran into the man. He’d stopped in his tracks upon seeing your disheveled appearance. Abruptly, you were wide awake, heart beating frantically as he stepped towards you. One hand reached out to brush fingers along your hip, the other traveling up to cup the right side of your face as he took another step closer.
Groaning, he leaned forward, resting his head against yours. 
“You really have no idea what you’re doing to me right now…” You were just about to question his statement when both hands shifted to cement themselves to your waist, drifting down to caress your panty-clad ass, the cotton fabric riding up as his grip tightened and you found your feet leaving the ground. Turning, he shoved you into the wall as his lips found your neck. 
Unconsciously, your fingers threaded through his hair, tilting your head to accept his advances. Several times, they made contact with your fevered skin before he pulled away, chest heaving. Even in the dark, the small amount of moonlight filtering through the sheer curtains illuminated his sapphire eyes as his breathing quickened and he pressed his chest to yours. Ducking his head briefly, he looked back into your [Y/E/C] irises, words hushed but clear 
“Do you want this [Y/F/N]?” Nodding, you reached forward, palms resting against the t-shirt stretched over his chest as you lowered your lips to his.
With your legs wrapped snugly around his waist and your back pressed into the wall, Misha ran his hands the length of your torso. The stubble decorating his jaw scraped over your neck as his attention moved to the juncture where your pulse met your shoulder. Setting his teeth into the soft skin, you groaned as his hips rutted between your legs. The strength of his hands as they moved to your waist lifted the dark material of your tank top to expose your stomach. Breath heavy as he lifted the thin material over the swell of  your chest, Misha’s eyes widened as he realized you weren’t wearing a bra.
Closing his lips around one nipple, he teased you, alternating between sucking and testing his teeth against the sensitive flesh. Your back arched and an involuntary moan escaped between your lips as he pulled back, blowing cool air over the now swollen flesh.
Returning his hands to your belly, the electricity flowing from his fingers shot through your body, ripping a strangled cry from your throat as one hand braced against the wall while the other ghosted across the panties you still wore. For a moment he moved his hand along the fabric quickly before growing impatient and shoving his fingers past the elastic and into the folds at the apex of your thighs. The warmth spreading through you flared as his hips ground against yours, heavy sighs falling from his open mouth.
“Fuhh-ck, you’re so wet baby.” The praise caressed your senses as Misha drew his thumb over your clit before sliding two fingers into the heat of your body. Curling them against the front of your belly, you threw your head back as you attempted to control the moans that threatened to escape. 
“C’mon [Y/F/N], let me hear that pretty voice of yours..why don’t you tell me what you want..hmmm?” As if to emphasize his request, Misha dug his hips into yours again, more insistent as his cock strained against the constricting denim of the pants he still wore.
Opening your eyes, you tilted his chin up to press your lips against his, smiling into the kiss while your hands traveled down from where they’d been threaded through his dark hair to play with the hem of his black t-shirt. As your fingers ghosted over the warm skin of his belly, your mouth traveled to his jaw and neck, peppering wet kisses anywhere your lips touched. His skin flushed with a wave of goosebumps as your breath fanned across him, breathing heavily as you spoke 
“Fuhh..hhhuuuck.” The sigh fell from your lips before taking the lobe of his ear between your teeth.
Twisting your hands in his shirt, you hurried to lift it over his head, dropping it to lie forgotten at his feet; only tearing your mouth from his neck for an instant. The warmth of his body encouraged you to spread your fingers over his skin as your hands made their way to his belt buckle. Deftly, your fingers made quick work of the brass fastener, the sound of his zipper assaulting your senses as you reached down and wrapped your hand around his cock.  
Strong fingers closed around your wrist and yanked your hand free to press it over your head. A deep growl reverberated through Misha’s chest before he removed the fingers still playing along your wetness to grip the base of his length, pushing it against the front of your soaked panties. The strength cording through his forearms coupled with the sounds he made tore through the rest of your inhibitions as your hips bucked forward against his touch. The fingers you’d been running over his torso tipped and your nails bit into his muscled back, red welts chasing the lines caused by your pleasure.
[Y/F/N]’s enthusiasm engulfed Misha as his hand bunched in the cotton fabric of her panties and shoved them to the side; hips snapping forward in his need to feel her around him. Guiding his thick length through the folds of her soaked core was nearly his undoing, and he could feel her contracting around nothing as he moved over her clit, the swollen bundle of nerves teasing the sensitive skin of his head. She moved against him freely now, no longer shy as her hips thrust into his. Wanton moans of his name dripped from parted lips, her head thrown back in ecstasy as she struggled against his hold on her. 
There it was…the barest of whispers. But it was enough. Eyes wild, the pressure he exuded where his fingers dug into her hips was sure to leave bruises, the skin around his fingers white as he dug into her flesh. He wanted nothing more than to sink into her, to fill her up until she screamed, but he hadn’t been prepared for this to happen tonight. Turning, he carried her the three steps to the bed, releasing her wrists she fell from his hips to land with a small bounce against the cool sheets, long [Y/H/C] tresses fanning out around her as he knelt between her legs.
Using the momentum of Misha’s body as he fell to the bed, you flipped him to his back, the surprise evident on his face as he stared up into your bright [Y/E/C] eyes. Wasting no time, you grabbed his wrists, pinning them to his side as you stretched over him. “My turn. Behave yourself Mr. Collins..no touching. Understand?” A slow smile crept over his features, but his head inclined in acquiescent as you moved down his body, appreciating the lithe muscles that rippled beneath his skin. As you inched below his belly button, his breath hitched, hissing between his teeth as you bit into his tanned skin, sucking for a moment before pulling away; blowing warm breath across the damp surface - a shiver running through his body at the sensation.
He itched to put his hands on her, fuck she felt amazing between his thighs. Looking down as she kissed his skin and took her time savoring his body, her chest pressed flat against him, that tight ass wriggling subconsciously in the air…it was almost too much. He watched as she wrapped long, deliberate, fingers around the base of his cock, squeezing gently before turning those stunning Green eyes up to look into his own, the fan of dark lashes she stared through both challenging and questioning. Just as he’d imagined it would be. Fingers dug into the sheets at his side as she flattened her tongue and licked a strip of heat along his length, sealing her lips over his head, teasing him with the isolated attention for a moment before taking him into her throat.
Humming in satisfaction as he slid along your tongue, hands splayed over his thighs before dipping down to cup his balls, your soft touch drawing a groan from Misha’s throat. As you backed off his length, your tongue swirled around the sensitive skin of his frenulum for a moment before you swallowed him down again. 
“Dammit woman, fu..huu -  nnnnnggg…” Threading a hand into the waterfall of your hair dragging over his fevered skin, he’d forgotten himself and your instructions - intent on fucking that talented mouth of yours until he spilled down your throat. Hollowing your cheeks around his thickness, you growled, gently setting a small amount of pressure on either side of him as you found a rhythm, twisting one hand around his base in the opposite direction your tongue traveled.
Misha snapped his hips forward into the girl’s waiting mouth, movements becoming erratic as the minutes ticked by. He was close, muscles tensing as his pace increased. The moans spilling from [Y/F/N]’s lips vibrating along his desperate cock pushed him over the edge, but a few good thrusts before he was sure to come, she sealed her lips around his head, two strong pulls tearing a ragged scream from his throat before she pulled her mouth off of him with a soft pop. Eyes darting around as his cock twitched in her hand, a knowing grin spread across her face as her eyes narrowed. 
“What did I say Misha?” Her grip tightened around him and she leaned forward, flicking her tongue against the sensitive skin below his head, eliciting a torturous groan to fall from his mouth. 
“Fuhhhh..uuhh..please [Y/F/N], pleee..ssuuhhh babe…”
With zero warning, her mouth closed around him again, shoving his cock to hit the back of her throat as her tongue massaged his shuddering length, fingers wrapping around his wrists in a bruising grip as she held them pinned to his sides. One final constriction of her lips sent him over the edge, and he came in a hot rush, but [Y/F/N] was eager, swallowing him down before drawing him out of her mouth and falling with a sigh to the bed next to him. Turning to looking at the man beside her, his chest heaving with the effort of recovery, she smirked, crawling up to dart her tongue along the curve of his ear, a whisper fell from her fevered lips “first fuckup is free..after that…”
Confidence coursed through you as you slid from the bed and disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door with a soft click behind you. What the fuck was that?! You wondered to yourself. You certainly weren’t complaining but….okay..well…maybe a little bit - there’d been no relief for you, but then again, you hadn’t expected there to be. No one, aside from yourself had ever been able to break that coil inside you, regardless of how tightly it was wound. Still, you held out hope for the future as your hands began to ghost over your body.
TAGS: @jamielea81 @wings-of-a-raven
3 notes · View notes
gleamingcrowns · 4 years
¡! + Whichever muse that would be most interested in a thread with Peter
Send “¡!” and I’ll tell you 3 ideas I have for a plot between our characters
Mary-Jane and Peter ; AU where Mary-Jane has also been bitten by the spider at the same time as Peter. Her not knowing how to control her abilities, and seeing Peter emerging from his house as Spiderman she goes to him for help.
Mary-Jane or Betty and Peter ; “You’re the cute librarian that always helps me find the books I need for research papers, so I’ve started smuggling fresh coffee and pastries into the library for you as a thank you gift.” AU
Betty Cooper and Peter ; Like John Jonah Jameson Jr but for the school news paper, Betty has been trying to get the identity of Spiderman since he emerged into the public. 
0 notes
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New Post has been published here https://is.gd/HX9Ow2
Gauging Community Expectations and Developer Readiness as Ethereum’s Constantinople Launch Date Approaches
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This post was originally published here
The next attempt to implement the Ethereum (ETH) hard fork is expected to come in the interval from Jan. 14 to Jan. 18 — or according to Afri Schoedon, the release manager for the Parity Ethereum client, Jan. 16. At that point, the 7,080,000 block will be extracted, and the Constantinople upgrade will be activated.
all-core-devs call: constantinople upgrade for ethereum mainnet activation suggested for 16th of january 2019, block number to be confirmed on black friday in a fortnight
— Afri 🌩️ Jan 16 (@5chdn) November 9, 2018
To be on the safe side, the Ethereum Foundation also added an emergency switch that will delay the activation of Constantinople in case something goes wrong. Initially, the hard fork was planned for November 2018 but was postponed after Ethereum clients failed to reach a consensus during the launch, as reported by Cointelegraph on Oct. 15. While Ethereum developers are going over the final details, investors, miners and decentralized application (DApps) operators are discussing the fork’s pros and cons, and analysts are forecasting Ether’s price change.
Once again about Constantinople
Originally planned for November, the Constantinople hard fork contains a number of changes and code optimizations designed to turn the current Byzantium into a more progressive Constantinople. Most of the improvements are aimed at reducing the costs of work or simplifying the process of creating DApps. In particular, they include a 12-month delay of the so-called “difficulty bomb,” which contributes to timely upgrades, and also suggests a decrease in the mining reward from 3 to 2 ETH for each mined block. Such changes are provided by the roadmap and are necessary for the gradual transition of the network to a proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithm and further improvement of scaling.
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What turns Byzantium into Constantinople is five major Ethereum improvement proposals (EIPs), which are needed to soften the transition from the current proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm to the more energy-efficient PoS algorithm.
In particular, the EIP 145 proposal will allow DApp developers to optimize particular operations, which will allow the reduction of gas costs necessary for work. EIP 1014 will provide an opportunity to interact with addresses that have not yet been initialized on the blockchain, EIP 1052 introduces new operational codes for generating address hashes. EIP 1283 includes new features that will also reduce gas costs, and EIP 1234 will delay the “difficulty bomb” for 12 months and will reduce mining rewards.
What’s next?
In the future, the transition to a pure PoS (the Casper upgrade) will be made as part of the next phase of improvements to the Serenity code. Once the innovations are implemented, large holders of the third-largest cryptocurrency will join miners in the process of transaction validation. Such a scheme will reduce the likelihood of a 51 percent attack and increase the network’s security, since such validators can lose investments in case of abuse. To make the network more technically stable, the size of the mining block reward will be reduced from 3 ETH to 2 ETH, and the announced launch of the so-called “difficulty bomb,” which will gradually complicate the extraction of Ether and make it unprofitable (“Ice Age”), will be postponed for a year.
The difficulty bomb is a gradual increase in the complexity of cryptocurrency mining, which makes mining unprofitable for the miners. This is necessary when switching from PoW to PoS.
The PoS consensus algorithm, in addition to improved security, will bring cheaper transactions and faster production of new blocks. Sharding will also become possible, which, together with the additional solutions of second layers like Plasma and Raiden, is supposed to significantly increase Ethereum’s scalability.
The concept of sharding can be represented as the work of a client of torrents. The blockchain breaks up nodes and transactions into smaller independent components called shards and each has its own transaction history log that processes only its own transactions, thereby taking a load off of the network.
Scalability has been Ethereum’s Achilles’ heel, and after the implementation of these solutions, it will be hypothetically increased by thousands of times, which will make the platform suitable for widespread commercial use.
9. Blockchains of the future with proof of stake and sharding will be thousands of times more efficient, and so the efficiency sacrifices of putting things on a chain will become more and more acceptable.
— Vitalik Non-giver of Ether (@VitalikButerin) December 10, 2018
Vitalik Buterin’s idea to achieve the same throughput capability as the Visa payment system, which handles 24,000 operations per second, is also planned for future upgrades. In its current state, the Ethereum network is able to process a maximum of 25 transactions per second (TPS), while many “Ethereum killers” in this regard have stepped far forward. For example, EOS is able to manage 1,200 TPS and Tron can already handle 2,000 TPS. Ethereum developers hope that their blockchain will become more competitive, and, in addition to a large number of operations, will offer working smart contracts and tremendous experience in solving technical problems. Hudson Jameson, a developer relations officer at the Ethereum Foundation, expressed his expectations to Cointelegraph with respect to the Constantinople’s main mission:
“The Constantinople network upgrade paves the way for cheaper smart contracts for a variety of use cases, especially state channels that can help scale the network.”
Novelties from the developers
On Jan. 4, during a regular video call, Ethereum Foundation members discussed the introduction of the ProgPoW code, which is aimed at countering ASIC miners. Until the last moment, it hadn’t been clear whether this new algorithm would be introduced in Constantinople. Things changed after the Ethereum developers meeting, during which the team decided to postpone the transition to ProgPoW until Istanbul, the subsequent network upgrade, as reported by Cointelegraph on Jan. 4.
Among other novelties being discussed by developers is the Ethereum 1x update, which implementation is scheduled for 2019. Several working groups shared their achievements, stressing that the decision was still at the earliest stages of development.
The list of innovations does not end there. Recently, new promising developments have appeared. Among them are solutions based on Snark (in which transaction data is converted into constant “compressed evidence”), which will allow reaching a significant level of network bandwidth without using Plasma and Raiden. Furthermore, this technology will increase data privacy. Another possible evolutionary path could be Turbo Geth, which will reduce the amount of stored history of all network computing by 80 percent and increase its throughput.
Meanwhile Parity Technologies is already preparing for the transition to Casper. Developers have added an additional version of Substrate, which was released on GitHub on Oct. 14 as an experiment. The code contains a mechanism of transition to the “Shasper” upgrade, which combines the platform’s in-house scaling solution, sharding, with its PoS consensus switch, Casper.
New coins expected, but not officially recognized
Despite the fact that no new coins are expected during Constantinople, most of the major exchanges have already announced support for possible forks and airdrops. Poloniex, Bittrex, Huobi, Binance and OKEx warn users of the need to transfer funds to the exchange in advance to get possible coins, and projects supporting the fork are asked to contact for cooperation.
Binance Will Support the Upcoming Ethereum Constantinople Hard Forkhttps://t.co/Jt91lT7hdY pic.twitter.com/OTr8fNOLr8
— Binance (@binance) January 3, 2019
Update: @BittrexExchange has completed the Ethereum (ETH) Constantinople hard fork upgrade scheduled for block 7,080,000.
— Bittrex (@BittrexExchange) January 8, 2019
The news about the upcoming hard fork is being used by three projects at once to issue new coins. The founders of two of them, Ethereum Nowa (ETN) and Ethereum Classic Vision (ETCV), under the guise of forked ETH airdrops, are appropriating users’ private keys. For this purpose, malware tools replicating official wallets are being used, as reported by Cointelegraph on Jan. 11, referring to Guarda Wallet development reports and users’ complaints.
A special thread has been created on BitcoinTalk forum, where users exposed the former. Apparently, the project used ShutterStock photos on its website to mislead users, who were promised to exchange 1 ETH for 1 ETN.
The website of the second one, Ethereum Classic Vision, appeared to appropriate private keys as well, as Guarda Wallet informed:
“The analysis on the code performed by our team has shown that the piece of code provided actually sends your private key data on the Ethereum Classic Vision servers, masking it as an API token.”
On Jan. 12 the project’s website has been suspended and is unavailable at the moment. The ECV developers promised to implement the hard fork on Jan. 11, when users were supposed to get 3 ETCV coins for each 1 ETH they have.
Another project, ERC-20 Blue, has been spotted using the name of the Ethereum Foundation in Medium posts to mislead people. The account was deleted soon after being exposed.
Meanwhile, users are being warned about possible scams:
Many people are still confused about the upcoming #Ethereum upgrade. The #Constantinople hard fork is not contentious. Exchanges are announcing support for the upgrade NOT support for other forks. Be careful there are already scams around promising airdrops or free coins. $ETH
— Alex Saunders (@AlexSaundersAU) January 6, 2019
Expectations from the new Ethereum
Users expect that, with the release of Constantinople, the work of DApps will become simpler and more stable. Gas costs will be significantly reduced, and the technology itself will take another step toward scalability, which should increase 1,000 times in the final stage. This, in its turn, may mean a positive sign for blockchain projects and ICOs, according to Evan Luthra, an investor that Forbes included in its “30 under 30” list of entrepreneurs:
“Constantinople is being considered non-contentious, hence we can expect a major shift in the market to this new protocol. ICOs and airdrops will also benefit greatly with the lower costs. A lot of the ICOs I am advising are already talking about the benefits they will get for future airdrops and I am quite confident we will see more of the same.”
Once Constantinople completes the Metropolis cycle, the interest of developers and investors in the Ethereum platform and decentralized projects will become even greater, according to Artem Popov, CEO of Roobee, an investment platform for retail investors. He shared with Cointelegraph his thoughts on the possible influence of the upcoming upgrade on the investing industry and ICOs:
“Many associate Constantinople with a certain Rubicon during the transition of Ethereum from the PoW to PoS algorithms, which hundreds of thousands of ETH holders and crypto investors around the world have been waiting for. Ethereum holders will finally be able to earn ETH, simply by keeping it in their wallet and ensuring the operability of the network. All this can increase the number of ETH holders and reduce the number of sellers, thereby increasing the demand and price for Ethereum.”
However, the new ICO wave won’t likely be seen immediately after the Constantinople release, as claimed by Popov:
“To create it [the wave], we also need such factors as the overall growth in the capitalization of the cryptocurrency market, the successful development of projects that carried out ICOs in 2017-2018, positive regulatory changes in this area, etc.”
In 2018, when the Ethereum blockchain saw an influx of active users and daily transactions — as was demonstrated by CryptoKitties — making it apparent that Ethereum’s PoW consensus mechanism wouldn’t stand the test of time.
However, the final transition to PoS may be delayed, according to some users and analysts.  Ethereum’s proponents may need to play the waiting game, as some of the project’s skeptics are afraid that deadlines won’t be met or will be postponed. The Block’s Mike Dudas recently claimed:
“Ethereum is starting to remind me of the software vendor who never quite meets their deadline or quality promises.”
In case developers will announce a long-term delay of the fork, the Ethereum price may be impacted significantly, according to Chris Matthews from Hacked:
“A short delay probably wouldn’t have a major impact on price, but a delay of any meaningful length could lead to a selloff. Traders looking to initiate a short-term trade may want to make use of stop limit trades.”
Alex Krüger, a cryptocurrency analyst, believes that the Constantinople upgrade will change the game for Ethereum.
1/ #Ethereum‘s Constantinople fork is coming on block 7080000, around January 16, 2019. Constantinople will reduce the block rewards from 3 to 2, decreasing new $ETH supply accordingly.
On the long run, this is decidedly bullish. https://t.co/4bbgAHMz7Z
— Alex Krüger 🇦🇷 (@Crypto_Macro) December 24, 2018
According to him, the 90 percent increase ETH experienced during the last month may be connected with the Constantinople hard fork. The ETH price spiked once the date for the upgrade release was announced, but later fell against the United States dollar.
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Krüger also suggests that other Ethereum upgrades had a different effect on the price of the coin. Thus, it can be difficult to predict what will happen after Constantinople is released. According to Krüger, after the fork, Ethereum miners who spend more than $0.075 per unit on electricity will be operating at a loss in case the ETH price remains at about $155. However, there will still be those miners who may continue their activity even if this happens.
Arthur Hayes, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, hopes that ETH will revive when the ICO market comes back to life. Hayes believes that the ICO market will start to gain momentum once again in the near future and will have a great influence on ETH. He explained:
“The use case for Ether is primarily ICOs. That market is dead right now. Once there are new issues, then Ether will rebound aggressively. When the ICO market returns, Ether will quickly test $200. The timing of the ICO rebirth is 12 to 18 months out.”
What if the fork fails?
In general, judging by the table tracking Ethereum clients’ readiness to upgrade and coordinated work of developers, problems with consensus will probably be eliminated. All new versions of Ethereum clients have already received updates, which will automatically start working on Jan. 16. And users will automatically receive new ETH for use in the new network.
The security manager of the Ethereum Foundation, Martin Swende, noted that the new version of the go-ethereum client will contain a kind of “emergency switch” that will postpone the upgrade if the its release fails.
In general, the Ethereum Foundation team is positive and confident about everything regarding the readiness for the upcoming fork. “We are on track to have a successful network upgrade,” Hudson Jameson emphasized.
Additionally, the developers have provided a whole road map for the subsequent protocol upgrade, which will allow planning and tracking of all the iterations necessary so that the transition to PoS is completed on time.  
Last call
The crypto space is awaiting the first — and one of the largest — forks of 2019. While the investors’ eyes are fixed upon ETH rates, and the developers are finalizing all the iterations to be prepared for a smooth upgrade, the share of nodes ready for the switch remains small. Though Afri Schoedon assumes an overall upgrade rate is about 44 percent, according to the current statistics provided by Ethernodes, only 15.8 percent of all Ethereum clients have upgraded to the latest version, despite there being only one week left.
Despite the fact that the developers haven’t announced any possible forks, the appearance of new coins and airdrops cannot be excluded. As demonstrated by 2018’s Bitcoin Cash (BCH) fork, things may change at the last second.
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New Post has been published here https://is.gd/HX9Ow2
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legit-scam-review · 5 years
Gauging Community Expectations and Developer Readiness as Ethereum’s Constantinople Launch Date Approaches
The next attempt to implement the Ethereum (ETH) hard fork is expected to come in the interval from Jan. 14 to Jan. 18 — or according to Afri Schoedon, the release manager for the Parity Ethereum client, Jan. 16. At that point, the 7,080,000 block will be extracted, and the Constantinople upgrade will be activated.
all-core-devs call: constantinople upgrade for ethereum mainnet activation suggested for 16th of january 2019, block number to be confirmed on black friday in a fortnight
— Afri Jan 16 (@5chdn) November 9, 2018
To be on the safe side, the Ethereum Foundation also added an emergency switch that will delay the activation of Constantinople in case something goes wrong. Initially, the hard fork was planned for November 2018 but was postponed after Ethereum clients failed to reach a consensus during the launch, as reported by Cointelegraph on Oct. 15. While Ethereum developers are going over the final details, investors, miners and decentralized application (DApps) operators are discussing the fork’s pros and cons, and analysts are forecasting Ether’s price change.
Once again about Constantinople
Originally planned for November, the Constantinople hard fork contains a number of changes and code optimizations designed to turn the current Byzantium into a more progressive Constantinople. Most of the improvements are aimed at reducing the costs of work or simplifying the process of creating DApps. In particular, they include a 12-month delay of the so-called “difficulty bomb,” which contributes to timely upgrades, and also suggests a decrease in the mining reward from 3 to 2 ETH for each mined block. Such changes are provided by the roadmap and are necessary for the gradual transition of the network to a proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithm and further improvement of scaling.
What turns Byzantium into Constantinople is five major Ethereum improvement proposals (EIPs), which are needed to soften the transition from the current proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm to the more energy-efficient PoS algorithm.
In particular, the EIP 145 proposal will allow DApp developers to optimize particular operations, which will allow the reduction of gas costs necessary for work. EIP 1014 will provide an opportunity to interact with addresses that have not yet been initialized on the blockchain, EIP 1052 introduces new operational codes for generating address hashes. EIP 1283 includes new features that will also reduce gas costs, and EIP 1234 will delay the “difficulty bomb” for 12 months and will reduce mining rewards.
What’s next?
In the future, the transition to a pure PoS (the Casper upgrade) will be made as part of the next phase of improvements to the Serenity code. Once the innovations are implemented, large holders of the third-largest cryptocurrency will join miners in the process of transaction validation. Such a scheme will reduce the likelihood of a 51 percent attack and increase the network’s security, since such validators can lose investments in case of abuse. To make the network more technically stable, the size of the mining block reward will be reduced from 3 ETH to 2 ETH, and the announced launch of the so-called “difficulty bomb,” which will gradually complicate the extraction of Ether and make it unprofitable (“Ice Age”), will be postponed for a year.
The difficulty bomb is a gradual increase in the complexity of cryptocurrency mining, which makes mining unprofitable for the miners. This is necessary when switching from PoW to PoS.
The PoS consensus algorithm, in addition to improved security, will bring cheaper transactions and faster production of new blocks. Sharding will also become possible, which, together with the additional solutions of second layers like Plasma and Raiden, is supposed to significantly increase Ethereum’s scalability.
The concept of sharding can be represented as the work of a client of torrents. The blockchain breaks up nodes and transactions into smaller independent components called shards and each has its own transaction history log that processes only its own transactions, thereby taking a load off of the network.
Scalability has been Ethereum’s Achilles’ heel, and after the implementation of these solutions, it will be hypothetically increased by thousands of times, which will make the platform suitable for widespread commercial use.
9. Blockchains of the future with proof of stake and sharding will be thousands of times more efficient, and so the efficiency sacrifices of putting things on a chain will become more and more acceptable.
— Vitalik Non-giver of Ether (@VitalikButerin) December 10, 2018
Vitalik Buterin’s idea to achieve the same throughput capability as the Visa payment system, which handles 24,000 operations per second, is also planned for future upgrades. In its current state, the Ethereum network is able to process a maximum of 25 transactions per second (TPS), while many “Ethereum killers” in this regard have stepped far forward. For example, EOS is able to manage 1,200 TPS and Tron can already handle 2,000 TPS. Ethereum developers hope that their blockchain will become more competitive, and, in addition to a large number of operations, will offer working smart contracts and tremendous experience in solving technical problems. Hudson Jameson, a developer relations officer at the Ethereum Foundation, expressed his expectations to Cointelegraph with respect to the Constantinople’s main mission:
“The Constantinople network upgrade paves the way for cheaper smart contracts for a variety of use cases, especially state channels that can help scale the network.”
Novelties from the developers
On Jan. 4, during a regular video call, Ethereum Foundation members discussed the introduction of the ProgPoW code, which is aimed at countering ASIC miners. Until the last moment, it hadn’t been clear whether this new algorithm would be introduced in Constantinople. Things changed after the Ethereum developers meeting, during which the team decided to postpone the transition to ProgPoW until Istanbul, the subsequent network upgrade, as reported by Cointelegraph on Jan. 4.
Among other novelties being discussed by developers is the Ethereum 1x update, which implementation is scheduled for 2019. Several working groups shared their achievements, stressing that the decision was still at the earliest stages of development.
The list of innovations does not end there. Recently, new promising developments have appeared. Among them are solutions based on Snark (in which transaction data is converted into constant “compressed evidence”), which will allow reaching a significant level of network bandwidth without using Plasma and Raiden. Furthermore, this technology will increase data privacy. Another possible evolutionary path could be Turbo Geth, which will reduce the amount of stored history of all network computing by 80 percent and increase its throughput.
Meanwhile Parity Technologies is already preparing for the transition to Casper. Developers have added an additional version of Substrate, which was released on GitHub on Oct. 14 as an experiment. The code contains a mechanism of transition to the “Shasper” upgrade, which combines the platform’s in-house scaling solution, sharding, with its PoS consensus switch, Casper.
New coins expected, but not officially recognized
Despite the fact that no new coins are expected during Constantinople, most of the major exchanges have already announced support for possible forks and airdrops. Poloniex, Bittrex, Huobi, Binance and OKEx warn users of the need to transfer funds to the exchange in advance to get possible coins, and projects supporting the fork are asked to contact for cooperation.
Binance Will Support the Upcoming Ethereum Constantinople Hard Forkhttps://t.co/Jt91lT7hdY pic.twitter.com/OTr8fNOLr8
— Binance (@binance) January 3, 2019
Update: @BittrexExchange has completed the Ethereum (ETH) Constantinople hard fork upgrade scheduled for block 7,080,000.
— Bittrex (@BittrexExchange) January 8, 2019
The news about the upcoming hard fork is being used by three projects at once to issue new coins. The founders of two of them, Ethereum Nowa (ETN) and Ethereum Classic Vision (ETCV), under the guise of forked ETH airdrops, are appropriating users’ private keys. For this purpose, malware tools replicating official wallets are being used, as reported by Cointelegraph on Jan. 11, referring to Guarda Wallet development reports and users’ complaints.
A special thread has been created on BitcoinTalk forum, where users exposed the former. Apparently, the project used ShutterStock photos on its website to mislead users, who were promised to exchange 1 ETH for 1 ETN.
The website of the second one, Ethereum Classic Vision, appeared to appropriate private keys as well, as Guarda Wallet informed:
“The analysis on the code performed by our team has shown that the piece of code provided actually sends your private key data on the Ethereum Classic Vision servers, masking it as an API token.”
On Jan. 12 the project’s website has been suspended and is unavailable at the moment. The ECV developers promised to implement the hard fork on Jan. 11, when users were supposed to get 3 ETCV coins for each 1 ETH they have.
Another project, ERC-20 Blue, has been spotted using the name of the Ethereum Foundation in Medium posts to mislead people. The account was deleted soon after being exposed.
Meanwhile, users are being warned about possible scams:
Many people are still confused about the upcoming #Ethereum upgrade. The #Constantinople hard fork is not contentious. Exchanges are announcing support for the upgrade NOT support for other forks. Be careful there are already scams around promising airdrops or free coins. $ETH
— Alex Saunders (@AlexSaundersAU) January 6, 2019
Expectations from the new Ethereum
Users expect that, with the release of Constantinople, the work of DApps will become simpler and more stable. Gas costs will be significantly reduced, and the technology itself will take another step toward scalability, which should increase 1,000 times in the final stage. This, in its turn, may mean a positive sign for blockchain projects and ICOs, according to Evan Luthra, an investor that Forbes included in its “30 under 30” list of entrepreneurs:
“Constantinople is being considered non-contentious, hence we can expect a major shift in the market to this new protocol. ICOs and airdrops will also benefit greatly with the lower costs. A lot of the ICOs I am advising are already talking about the benefits they will get for future airdrops and I am quite confident we will see more of the same.”
Once Constantinople completes the Metropolis cycle, the interest of developers and investors in the Ethereum platform and decentralized projects will become even greater, according to Artem Popov, CEO of Roobee, an investment platform for retail investors. He shared with Cointelegraph his thoughts on the possible influence of the upcoming upgrade on the investing industry and ICOs:
“Many associate Constantinople with a certain Rubicon during the transition of Ethereum from the PoW to PoS algorithms, which hundreds of thousands of ETH holders and crypto investors around the world have been waiting for. Ethereum holders will finally be able to earn ETH, simply by keeping it in their wallet and ensuring the operability of the network. All this can increase the number of ETH holders and reduce the number of sellers, thereby increasing the demand and price for Ethereum.”
However, the new ICO wave won’t likely be seen immediately after the Constantinople release, as claimed by Popov:
“To create it [the wave], we also need such factors as the overall growth in the capitalization of the cryptocurrency market, the successful development of projects that carried out ICOs in 2017-2018, positive regulatory changes in this area, etc.”
In 2018, when the Ethereum blockchain saw an influx of active users and daily transactions — as was demonstrated by CryptoKitties — making it apparent that Ethereum’s PoW consensus mechanism wouldn’t stand the test of time.
However, the final transition to PoS may be delayed, according to some users and analysts.  Ethereum’s proponents may need to play the waiting game, as some of the project’s skeptics are afraid that deadlines won’t be met or will be postponed. The Block’s Mike Dudas recently claimed:
“Ethereum is starting to remind me of the software vendor who never quite meets their deadline or quality promises.”
In case developers will announce a long-term delay of the fork, the Ethereum price may be impacted significantly, according to Chris Matthews from Hacked:
“A short delay probably wouldn’t have a major impact on price, but a delay of any meaningful length could lead to a selloff. Traders looking to initiate a short-term trade may want to make use of stop limit trades.”
Alex Krüger, a cryptocurrency analyst, believes that the Constantinople upgrade will change the game for Ethereum.
1/ #Ethereum‘s Constantinople fork is coming on block 7080000, around January 16, 2019. Constantinople will reduce the block rewards from 3 to 2, decreasing new $ETH supply accordingly.
On the long run, this is decidedly bullish. https://t.co/4bbgAHMz7Z
— Alex Krüger (@Crypto_Macro) December 24, 2018
According to him, the 90 percent increase ETH experienced during the last month may be connected with the Constantinople hard fork. The ETH price spiked once the date for the upgrade release was announced, but later fell against the United States dollar.
Krüger also suggests that other Ethereum upgrades had a different effect on the price of the coin. Thus, it can be difficult to predict what will happen after Constantinople is released. According to Krüger, after the fork, Ethereum miners who spend more than $0.075 per unit on electricity will be operating at a loss in case the ETH price remains at about $155. However, there will still be those miners who may continue their activity even if this happens.
Arthur Hayes, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, hopes that ETH will revive when the ICO market comes back to life. Hayes believes that the ICO market will start to gain momentum once again in the near future and will have a great influence on ETH. He explained:
“The use case for Ether is primarily ICOs. That market is dead right now. Once there are new issues, then Ether will rebound aggressively. When the ICO market returns, Ether will quickly test $200. The timing of the ICO rebirth is 12 to 18 months out.”
What if the fork fails?
In general, judging by the table tracking Ethereum clients’ readiness to upgrade and coordinated work of developers, problems with consensus will probably be eliminated. All new versions of Ethereum clients have already received updates, which will automatically start working on Jan. 16. And users will automatically receive new ETH for use in the new network.
The security manager of the Ethereum Foundation, Martin Swende, noted that the new version of the go-ethereum client will contain a kind of “emergency switch” that will postpone the upgrade if the its release fails.
In general, the Ethereum Foundation team is positive and confident about everything regarding the readiness for the upcoming fork. “We are on track to have a successful network upgrade,” Hudson Jameson emphasized.
Additionally, the developers have provided a whole road map for the subsequent protocol upgrade, which will allow planning and tracking of all the iterations necessary so that the transition to PoS is completed on time.  
Last call
The crypto space is awaiting the first — and one of the largest — forks of 2019. While the investors’ eyes are fixed upon ETH rates, and the developers are finalizing all the iterations to be prepared for a smooth upgrade, the share of nodes ready for the switch remains small. Though Afri Schoedon assumes an overall upgrade rate is about 44 percent, according to the current statistics provided by Ethernodes, only 15.8 percent of all Ethereum clients have upgraded to the latest version, despite there being only one week left.
Despite the fact that the developers haven’t announced any possible forks, the appearance of new coins and airdrops cannot be excluded. As demonstrated by 2018’s Bitcoin Cash (BCH) fork, things may change at the last second.
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thefvrious · 1 year
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@predatorymaniac sent ✦ for a randomized kiss and got: #43. a soft kiss.
Coop had enjoyed spending the evening with Nate, just shooting the shit and having a few beers, smoking a blunt. It was like the good old days, back when things were carefree and they had no worries. For some reason, he felt as if the energy between them shifted, and, as he looked at Nate, the urge to kiss the other man grew more and more insatiable until Cooper couldn't stand it anymore. He leaned in, one hand on Nate's jaw, and drew the other in close, kissing him tenderly on the lips.
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thefvrious · 1 year
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@predatorymaniac sent -> “ah, fuck it” to shove coop against a wall for a surprise kiss.
Of all the people in the world who might do this to Jameson Cooper, Nate was the furthest from his mind. Still, Coop fed into it, taking advantage of the situation, unaware of how long this would last before the bubble burst and Nate decided it wasn't what he wanted. He kissed him back desperately, looking at him curiously when they finally parted. "You don't have to stop." He said.
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thefvrious · 1 year
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@predatorymaniac said -> I’ve killed for you. Who else can say that?
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Coop didn't know what to say as he looked up at Nate. The man was standing there with blood on his hands, an earnest expression of adoration in his eyes, and the murder weapon nearby. There was a strange sense of satisfaction that rumbled down his spine at the knowledge that Nate would do something so intimate for him. "No one." He admitted, pulling Nate in for a bloody kiss.
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thefvrious · 2 years
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@blumhouses​ said ->  “   admit  it ;   you  have  no  idea  where  you’re  going ,   do  you ??   ”
Coop furrowed his brow when Hai asked the question, looking down at her with a little smirk on his lips and a quizzical if slightly mischievous expression. “Just because we’re in the middle of the woods and haven’t found it yet doesn’t mean I have no idea where we’re going. We’re almost there. Promise.” He paused, slinging an arm around her shoulder as he held out the flashlight with his other hand. “Have a little faith.”
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thefvrious · 2 years
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@blumhouses​ said ->  “happiness is a fleeting notion. it fills you with false hope. grief keeps you grounded.”
Coop looked at her with his brow crinkled in the center. There were a million and one things that he could have said in that moment, probably things that might’ve sugar-coated it or made it look better, but what did Sarah Fier need sugar-coating for? She spent centuries looking like the bad guy. “You wouldn’t do it all again? For that happiness you felt with Hannah?”
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thefvrious · 1 year
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@predatorymaniac said -> would you change anything about me?
The question came as a surprise, and Coop's brow furrowed as he looked at Nate. Slowly, he started to smile, wondering if this was playful. "No. I wouldn't... would you change anything about me?"
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thefvrious · 2 years
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@leschanceux​ said ->  ❝ we’re in trouble. we’re in a lot of trouble. ❞
“Maybe...” Coop says, and he offers the other a wolfish grin. “But only if we get caught.”
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