israel-34 · 10 months
¿Para que sirve un Mesías Muerto?
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Cuando Cristo predijo de manera explícita su sufrimiento y crucifixión, la idea era tan ajena para la mentalidad de los apóstoles que no podían adivinar lo que significaba, (Lucas 18:31-34). Debido a sus antecedentes y su preparación en la expectación general mesiánica de los judíos, pensaban que estaban en algo bueno. Entonces llegó el calvario. Todas las esperanzas de que Jesús fuera su mesías murieron en la cruz. Regresaron a sus hogares, desalentados por todos esos años desperdiciados con Jesús .
George El don Ladd, ex profesor de Nuevo testamento en el Seminario Teológico Fuller, escribe:
Esta es también la razón por la que sus discípulos lo abandonaron cuando lo arrestaron. Sus mentes estaban tan imbuidas por completo por completo con la idea de un Mesías conquistador cuya función fuera la de someter a sus enemigos que cuando lo vieron quebrantado y sangrante por los azotes, un indefenso prisionero en manos de Pilato, y cuando vieron que se lo llevaban y lo clavaban en una cruz para morir como un delincuente común, se destrozaron todas sus esperanzas mesiánicas por Jesús. Es un acertado hecho psicológico el que sólo escuchanos lo que estamos dispuestos a escuchar. Las predicaciones de Jesús acerca de su sufrimiento y su muerte cayeron en oídos sordos. Los discípulos, a pesar de sus advertencias, no estaban preparados para esto. (George Eldon Ladd, I Belice in the Resurrección of Jesús, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1975, p. 38.)
Sim embargo, unas semanas después de la crucifixión, pese a sus antiguas dudas, los discípulos fueron a Jerusalén, proclamando a Jesús como Salvador y Señor, el Mesías de los Judíos. La única explicación razonable en este cambio se lee en 1 Corintios 15:5: 《Primero se le apareció a Pedro, y después a los doce apóstoles》 (TLA). ¿Qué otra cosa podría haber causado que los desanimados discípulos salieran, sufrieran y murieran por un Mesías crucificado? Jesús 《se les presentó en persona, dándoles así claras pruebas de que estaba vivo. Durante cuarenta días se dejó ver de ellos y les estuvo hablando del reino de Dios.》 (Hechos 1:3, DHH)
Estos hombres aprendieron la verdad acerca de la identidad de Jesús como el Mesías. Los judíos no habían entendido. Su patriotismo nacional los condujo a ir en busca de un Mesías para su nación, lo que vino en lugar fue un Mesías para el mundo. Un Mesías que no salvaría sólo a una nación de la opresión política, sino a toda la humanidad de las consecuencias eternas del pecado. La visión de los apóstoles era demasiado pequeña. De repente, vieron la verdad mayor.
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operegrino · 5 years
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#joshmcdowell #cristianismo #fé #razão #apologética #jesuscristo #72foxcitações https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLCCWSAa0U/?igshid=1aj3ibhh1bvcs
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oteujardim · 7 years
O problema de muitas pessoas é que elas parecem amar a Deus somente com o coração. A verdade sobre Cristo jamais penetra sua mente. Recebemos uma mente capacitada pelo Espírito Santo para conhecer a Deus, assim como um coração capaz de amá-lo e um desejo de escolhê-lo. Precisamos fazer com que as três áreas funcionem para que tenhamos um relacionamento pleno com Deus e para que o glorifiquemos. Não sei quanto a você, mas o meu coração não consegue alegrar-se naquilo que a minha mente rejeita. A mente e o coração foram criados para trabalhar juntos, em harmonia. Ninguém foi chamado a cometer suicídio intelectual por confiar em Jesus Cristo como Salvador e Senhor.
Josh McDowell, no livro Mais Que Um Carpinteiro - página 74.
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sperocosi · 8 years
The very name Jesus seems to bother people. It embarrasses them, makes them angry, or makes them want to change the subject. You can talk about God and people don't necessarily get upset, but mention Jesus, and people want to stop the conversation. Why don't the names of Buddha, Muhammad, or Confucius offend people the way the name of Jesus does? I think the reason is that these other religious leaders didn't claim to be God. That is the big difference between Jesus and the others. It didn't take long for people who knew Jesus to realize that this carpenter from Nazareth was making astounding claims about himself. It became clear that those claims were identifying him as more than just a prophet or a teacher. He was obviously making claims to deity. He was presenting himself as the only avenue to salvation and the only source of forgiveness of sins -- things they knew only God could claim.
Josh McDowell, "More Than a Carpenter"
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mikerios · 8 years
"Lo mejor que puede hacer un padre por sus hijos es amar a la madre de ellos." #JoshMcDowell
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En Busca de Certeza [Josh Mcdowell] (Expositor: Samuel Alvarado)
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crublog · 10 years
Josh McDowell’s book More Than a Carpenter continues to change lives year after year. Check out some of the amazing stats about this small book.
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operegrino · 5 years
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Eis um livreto simples, de leitura rápida e fácil que mostra algumas das evidências sobre ser Jesus, o Cristo, filho de Deus encarnado. Apresenta argumentos em relação a prova documental, testemunhos e evidências internas e externas sobre os escritos bíblicos acerca de Jesus. Editora Betânia: 1985, 130 pg. #cristianismo #apologética #joshmcdowell #jesus #jesuscristo #72foxlivros https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQICtCgyik/?igshid=ddszdlc9kozy
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queenofownice · 7 years
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arkadasimin bir sorunu var; Tanri'nin istegini bilmek. #Books #joshmcdowell #edstewart
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¿Cómo defines el amor? - Josh McDowell
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mauricio-13-blog-blog · 11 years
Love is such a great motivation for most people. The problem is....they can't even define it. Therefore, they don't even know why their so broken down by it. - Josh McDowell
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chemistwy-blog · 13 years
Getting Personal With "The Force"
Bible Reading: Proverbs 8:17-21 I love all who love me. Those who search for me will surely find me. Proverbs 8:17 REMEMBER THE FIRST trilogy of the Star Wars movies? Luke Skywalker was the big hero in those three films. In the first movie Skywalker, having just escaped from the Sandpeople, stands in the quarters of Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet of Tatooine. Luke has just learned that Obi-Wan was the Jedi Knight who had fought in the Clone Wars with Luke's father. Obi-Wan gives Luke a light-saber that once belonged to Luke's father and, in the course of the conversation, mentions "the Force." "The Force?" Luke says. Obi-Wan responds, "Well, the Force is what gives the Jedi his power. It's an en­ergy field created by all living things. It surrounds and penetrates us. It binds the gal­axy together." The idea of the Force sounds spookily familiar because the Force is what many people imagine God to be. They picture God as a faceless, formless energy, an imper­sonal force that mysteriously surrounds and guides the universe. But that's a myth. Sure, God does surround and guide the universe. He is every­where. He is Spirit. But he is not some mysterious, elusive energy force out there somewhere. He is not a thing or an it. The astounding thing about God is that he is a person. Read again Proverbs 8:17 at the top of this page. Notice the personal pro­nouns: "I... me . . ." Does that sound like cosmic energy talking? God is referred to in the Bible as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He told his name to Moses. He revealed himself to the boy Samuel. He spoke to Isaiah in the temple. He told Jeremiah, "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb" (Jeremiah 1:5). King David called him a "Father to the fatherless, defender of wid­ows" (Psalm 68:5). And all Christians have been "adopted into his family" so that we may call him "Father, dear Father" (Romans 8:15). God, the true God, is personally interested in you. He knows your name. "See," he says to his people, "I have written your name on my hand" (Isaiah 49:16). "He cares about what happens to you," the apostle Peter says (1 Peter 5:7). Jesus says that "the very hairs on your head are all numbered" (Matthew 10:30). And God promises that "when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you" (Jeremiah 29:12-14). Those are personal promises that could come only from a loving, personal God. REFLECT: How would you explain to a friend why it matters that God is personal? PRAY: Ask God to make these incredibly important truths clear to you.
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