#juliet higgy
renegadesstuff · 5 months
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doontpanic · 7 months
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thelookofmiggy · 1 year
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Power suit Higgy 🥵 🥵
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migginsprivateeyes · 1 year
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5.06 stills / plot
Katsumoto's hearing date has arrived and he will learn if his career in law enforcement is over for good or not. Magnum and Higgins are hired to investigate a man their client believes committed murder. Rick's suspicions grow on their relationship.
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5.07 stills / plot
Magnum and Higgins investigate the robbery of an elderly man suffering from Alzheimer’s. The ohana tries to help TC overcome a past trauma.
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5.08 stills / plot
Magnum and Rick make a shocking discovery in the Capt. Greene case. Higgins and TC head to Maui to help an eccentric billionaire find the owner of a pesky drone that has been harassing him. Shammy helps Kumu after an incident occurs at La Mariana.
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5.09 stills / plot
Magnum and Higgins take on a case that sends Higgins inside a psychiatric hospital. Katsumoto and his son, Dennis, head to the mainland to look at colleges, but their trip takes a harrowing turn when a run-in with a local turns ugly.
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magnumdays · 1 year
Magnum PI 5.10 ‘Charlie Foxtrot’ review
So lots of stuff happened and at the same time not that much stuff happened. Some rapid fire thoughts.
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We did get some Miggy heart eyes... never gets old!
For me I think the first 5 minutes and the last 5 minutes were the best.
I liked it but also preferred the season 4 ‘Higgy spy adventures - MI6 don’t care about you...I do’ mid season finale to this (I mean there was the x-mas one too but plot-wise it was the spy episode that was the season finale right?). Like IDK, more emotional impact in that one was better?
Maybe Magnum should have been the one that got snatched or shot here. Just saying.
Poor Cade! Like even though TC is the one that got shot and paralysed (:O) I feel worse for our poor baby Cade!
RIP Childs, you were just starting to grow on me. No funeral? Is that going to be the start of 5.11? Or do we just not care enough about Childs for there to be one?
Very little Miggy in this one, even if soft + banter was cute, I feel like it was a pretty quick flip from kind of feel-y end of 5.09 to start of 5.10 which was all banter though really was meant to be like what? half an hour apart?
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(Magnum being domestic and making Higgy food (or hot milk) and stuff has been like the running theme of this season and I want to nominate him for some boyfriend of the year award. Not just for the cooking but, you know, a little bit for that.)
(Higgy just keeps on going - seriously she was drugged and had crazy wacky nightmares like a few hours ago? This girl can not catch a break.)
Why is it so hard to make a villain still scary after learning their motives/backstories? 
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Higgy sharing recipes from childhood, Magnum being all ‘you’ve had a rough day, how about we take a break (from watching news stories about the lady who tried to kill you and totally drugged you up a few hours ago’ and stuff’ is adorable. We almost got the “why does Higgy not drink tea” story which now is a story I must know. Like come on! It’s almost as enticing as maybe one day learning what her tattoo is...
Juliet looking out the guest house window and noticing commandos - you cannot tell me that was legit not her worst fear coming true - and then our faves being all badass (that flip!), very much a good start.
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Then, because I’d somehow gotten it into my head we were going to have ‘Robin’s Nest under siege’ for like a good chunk of the episode, I felt a little bummed out. Because I wanted like hostage, drama, no police, gang vs, baddies. But I didn’t get that.
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Now, other than the fact that Rick is the person we’re looking for and TC is in the hospital, this case feels weirdly like just a normal case.
Don’t get me wrong, I liked it, but somehow it lacked a little of the ‘wow shocking! thrilling! excitement’ I’d hoped for in the mid-season finale. Maybe-just maybe because we kind of know Magnum, Higgins, Rick and TC and even Gordy and Kumu probably with 99% certainty aren’t going to die.
Which is nice.
But it also makes them being in danger less scary than for example say Cade had been taken or Suzy or even Childs (if he’d not gotten blown up.) Why Beth or Dennis being in danger is scarier than Rick. Because they could die. There is actual bad things that could happen.
I think that’s why Higgy in the mental hospital still felt scary and had lots of potential, because we knew she was going to be alive - we just wasn’t sure what kind of messed up visions, drugs, weird electro shock stuff that could have happened to her, right?
So I am kind of excited to see what they do with TC not being able to feel his feet/being paralyzed. Because you know, that is scary stuff, and super duper emotional and scaring to go through (good thing he rigged the chopper for Shammy to fly!)
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Bad guy (well gal) of the season instantly became less badass when she became an actual person, which is sad. If that was her backstory of falling for a terrorist, dead child or just how not scary she felt IDK. I just felt a little sad for her.
Did it all also go kind of fast?
Fast can be good, it means it’s entertaining enough the 42 minutes flew by fast. But it also maybe means it was a little unmemorable. Which I think is what this episode ended up being for me.
Also random small question - would anyone ever get found or saved or stuff figured out without Higgy’s hacking skills? Just you know, asking for a friend...
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(I’ve also been watching some K-dramas lately and IDK, I guess I wanted more melodrama and more cute-y feels and angsty accidental car accidents and evil CEO father figures than I got...)
Depressing for my Miggy heart, that this episode failed to really deal with Higgins ‘I’m scared Mangum will die’ worries and I doubt we’ll get it next “season”. Rather brought up Magnum’s worry about the gang maybe being broken up if TC or Rick didn’t pull through. Just because he said that and Rick made the video, I almost wondered if they would kill of Rick.
So when they didn’t it felt a little bland.
Mean of me to say, but that would have been pretty interesting and brave of them to do. Kill Rick I mean.
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Like that would have been something! Suzy getting that video and it would also maybe be a “ahah” moment for Magnum, making him feel a little of what Juliet have been feeling with Richard and why she’s so worried. It could have gotten us a Miggy ‘I love you’ moment too, because though we know our two idiots love each other they haven’t said it yet.
Yeah, Rick’s death would have made for character development everyone too, going forward. Like maybe suddenly super over protective Magnum in the B part of the season? TC being suddenly a sad boi and not himself and struggling with a depression sort of thing, freaking Cade out, making him consider moving with his family on the mainland, making it worse. Higgy feeling like she failed the guys and Suzy because she was too focused on Magnum’s safety. Suzy could just be a big mess and we could have Miggy babysitting moments? But it’d be sad because Rick is dead... So much potential for angst and stuff.
Whatever. I’m not considering writing a fic where Rick died. I’m really not.
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Anyways, I did like the ending with Cade and Higgy talking a lot. Higgy somehow being her normal ‘feelings?what are those’ while at the same time really saying awesome and uplifting things and just all around being the new spokes person for Happy Endings... 
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They guys all joining up and it feeling pretty hopeful was nice too. It was a nice place to end it, because while I got some angst and worries about the TC recovery plot, he’s alive and kicking and got his friends. And he’s TC! Come on, he’s going to big bear his way back to running after bad guys in no time. And if he don’t, he still awesome!
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(Though what happened to TC’s girl? Is she not his girl anymore? Did I miss something? Maybe she’ll show up in part B of the season!)
Yeah, over all I enjoyed the episode, but it did not feel super-duper much like a midseason finale. I’d also like to inform everyone that it’s 132 days until September 3rd. So basically forever! How will we ever survive!? I guess we do have some pretty epic Miggy fluff and content to re-watch...
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Anyone know when we’ll know anything about season 6? 
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disasterfandoms · 20 days
Pregnancy || A Juliet Higgins Headcanon
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@you2higgybaby requested:  “ Hey I love your lists 😍 I was hoping you could pretty please write an HC about Higgy from Magnum Pi being pregnant ❤️ “
A/N: Higgy!!! I love her so much, she’s such a badass. I’m sorry this took forever and a day, but I hope you enjoy it!!
TW: Pregnancy, birth, medical procedures, nausea, vomiting, miscarriage mention
- Higgy would freak the fuck out at first. She would be staring at the test, praying her eyes were tricking her.
- She only considered ever having kids once, and that was before her fiancée had passed. Her line of work was dangerous, and she hadn’t wanted to bring anyone, especially children, into danger.
- The nausea and sore breasts were who clues that something was up. Juliet is very considerate about her health, and I imagine she tracks everything down to the last detail so she can have a log of what is going on in her body.
- She’d want to keep it a secret until she couldn’t anymore. Not only because of the possibilities of miscarriage, but because she didn’t know how to feel about it, and didn’t want the entire friend group acting like she couldn’t handle herself.
- Surprisingly, I feel like Katsumoto would be the one to figure it out first. He has a son, he knows what women are like when they’re expecting, and he can spot her more emotional demeanor and her not drinking right off the bat.
- Higgins going to Katsumoto and Kumu for advice, what to do and trying to explore how to feel about it, since they’re older and at least one of them is a parent.
- Higgins sitting down and telling Magnum after a particularly close call while on the case. He is immediately supportive, of course, but also bewildered when she starts to cry.
- Once everyone finds out, they do their best to take care of her while also giving her space to figure it out on her own. They bring her the cravings she has, holds her hair while she pukes, and takes turns going to doctors appointments with her.
- I think Higgins wouldn’t want to find out the sex of the baby until it’s born. She may be a meticulous planner, but this way it gives an extra ounce of joy for the delivery, and it gives her time to ponder on names for both sexes.
- Kumu would absolutely host a baby shower for Higgins, and have everyone bringing gifts for the new arrival. It would make Higgins feel out of sorts, since the spotlight would be on her and she prefers to be in the shadows, but she secretly loved every second of it.
- When delivering, I feel like she would immediately take the epidural. Higgins is a badass and can handle a lot of pain, but she would want it to be a relaxing and happy experience, not something riddled with pain.
- Once she delivered though, her entire life would be changed immediately. All her doubts about being a good mother would melt away, and she would love incredibly protective of the baby.
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starjumpingpanda · 1 year
Anyone else wondering if Higgy hides behind the counter top when Kumu comes in?
1. Miggy having coffee
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2. In comes Kumu
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3. Annnnnd Juliet is nowhere to be seen. Suspicious? 🤔
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Just me? Welp, okaaaay.
Are Miggy keeping it on the down-low?
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ohmyolicity · 1 year
When was the GC shown and what did it say? Haha Higgy was lying to herself when she said that obviously her dreams are more honest I wish we got to see her keep dreaming of kissing him all the time like her therapist said
They bring the GC last year but that amazing that Rick wasn't suspicious of Juliet from the beginning 😅
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missmybabyx · 6 months
I had a feeling Juliet wasn't going to pass and Thomas would. I know that ate her up lol. But it's smart that she doesn't work the case, we can't risk Higgy's citizenship.
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renegadesstuff · 8 months
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There's nothing she wouldn't do to find her boyfriend 🥹💚
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fallsaparttoday · 2 years
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I find it very hard to believe that a man as upstanding as yourself could ever have tormented his mother so.
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dovlatov27 · 2 years
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miggyfan · 2 years
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"We gotta talk about Miggins... " 😏
Yes Maleah ! tell her ! 😂
I think Maleah is litterally us, and she probably had conversations about 'miggins' with Kumu who is so done with their bickering and the sexual tension between them ... 😅
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migginsprivateeyes · 2 years
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gif set of the scene
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magnumdays · 1 year
Magnum PI 5.07 “Birthright” review
So the episode is called birthright and while I guess in a way that works, I think it was more an episode on regrets/feel when it comes to parents and children when things get tough.
The case, Higgy’s feels and TC and his mom all deal with the what-ifs and sacrifices and choices we have in life and especially in the relationship between parents and children. 
Did all the Magnum being #TeamHiggy (even if he has been for a long time), make me kind of happy? Yes, yes, it did.  
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I also wonder... did they tell Gordy about them? The gang clearly all know but I feel like we should have gotten something from Katsomoto if he’d know? Or not. 
Anyhow, I enjoyed the case and while I was pretty sure it was the ass-holey brother as soon as we met him I did really enjoy the twist with the daughter having actually already sold the necklace.
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It’s very on the nose ‘good person’ warning, but hey, I’d sell a necklace fancy family necklace if it meant it might get my mom a life saving operation too so maybe it’s not so weird. 
There was actually just the one case + side plot with TC and his mom this episode but the episode just flew by. I actually enjoy it more when there is a more main focus with one side story, because it usually feels more focused and less like you’re being pulled in so many directions. They’ve made “multi” plots work well but I think I prefer this style and focus. It also meant our favourite PIs working together which is also (as fun as other team ups can be) my fave.
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Yeah, because I’m pretty exhausted from life in general I just kind of let the episode wash over me in the best possible way and don’t have much to say or too many thoughts.  
Juliet feeling guilty about having made a tough choice about her mom and sharing those doubts with Thomas *chef’s kiss* I enjoyed that because it’s legit one of those super hard questions, when someone really can’t take care of themselves at all, are you truly only a good person if you give up your whole life to care for them? Would parents want their kids to do that? 
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No matter what you do, I think in those hard situations you’d have regrets; the life you could have led if you chose to give up and the regret of not having done enough if you entrust their care to professionals. Anyways, I enjoyed Higgy being emotional and talking a little of her past and feels, because we get it so rarely. 
Because her feeling connected and unsure wasn’t the focus of her/ the mains storyline, that little scene at the end felt plenty enough. The talk TC and Cade had about his mom was nice because that was that whole side plot maybe I’d have wanted a little more even though it was totally cute.
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 Even though we knew TC was going to talk to her, seeing sort of pissed TC was new and strange but yeah, I’d have loved to have had just a bit more of TC’s past maybe in his talk with Rick.
Over all, another freaking enjoyable episode which ended way too soon and can it be next week now thank you? I am actually more excited about the one after (5.09) with Higgy undercover but I think I already said that last week.
Now just because it’s good to be grateful for things in life, let’s collectively be grateful for the the good fortune and bounty of Miggy kisses this season as blessed us with!
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pappelsiin · 2 years
watching magnum pi is/was a constant "do i want her or do i want to be her" experience every time juliet walks on screen
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