#just thought I'd give a lil fun fact while also giving credit to those who deserve it
kikwibird · 3 years
So I'm binging the X-Men movies and just finished this movie. And I think it's about damn time we give credit where it's due.
Remeber this scene from X-Men: First Class?
Well that scream was done by this guy
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and he wasn't given credit for it in the movie. So I'm doing it now. That's Josh Ramsay, and he did Banshee's scream. And I think it's only fair that this should be known.
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angelofdiamond · 4 years
Togheter again for the eternity (DTMG story-fanfic)
https://uzuluna.tumblr.com/post/62408515996 . This is my story-fanfic about this post , all credits and rights going to @uzuluna (WARNING TAKE NAPKINS AND BUCKETS FOR TEARS AND HEARTS)
P.S. Soleana belong to me also the extra part , because do part of an my story , I have would added the extra for give more soft brother-relationship and a little spoiler..
Billy was so sad he has been disconsolate since his best friend... his brother Spencer at the age of 50 died of old age... so the media wanted to get through it but... BJC knew how things really went .Spencer had aged yes, but he kept fit, eating healthy, training body and mind and above all doing good works .. many times BJC has seen his brother go into hospitals to encourage children and others with his fame to not to give up their dreams, to share them, not to lose sight of the fact that there are more important things than the dreams themselves, he saw how he protected the kids from bullies..in short..he had become a wonderful adult..but now all this .. zero..*flashback *.
One day Billy, at Spencer's request, went over there to check if the technicians were doing a good job with lights and everything else. He suddenly noticed, however, two figures he had never seen come into one of the dressing rooms, he thought: "ok come on, they will be the usual interns who came late" but the curiosity was too much for him and he walked away following the two figures .. .the dressing room they entered was that of ... Spencer!
BJC: "ok ok calm Cobra, they will be two fan interns and they took the opportunity to see the inside of a dressing room of one of the most famous horror filmmakers that Hollywood has ever been able to see" Billy saw them stealthily escaping and saw only a blond tuft and another light brown color, he went in and saw everything as if no one had been there except ... for a strange glass next to Spencer's water bottle, Billy sniffed him but felt nothing strange but strangely had a bad impression, took the glass in fact, and threw it away.
SW: "Billy! What are you doing here !? Didn't I ask you to check if the technicians were doing a good job?" Spencer had returned from lunch with his mother, after all the fame on him, he could always find time for the others dear to him, including playing video games with Billy as he was when he was 14 and a half ..
BJC: "yes ... oh yes! Excuse me Bro-meo but suddenly I saw two people come in here and then I followed them, anyway it's quiet, the technicians are doing a good job"
SW: "Thank goodness, wait ... did you say two people? Who were they? Interns?"
BJC: "I don't know ... I thought about it but they left in a hurry and left a glass I had never seen before and then threw it, you'll thank me after * posing as a star *"
SW: * facepalm * "Billy tool-box I left that glass for medicine! Do you remember? medicine for the cold? But were you listening this morning? "
BJC: "probably ... I remember you mentioned something but I was too busy with the jar of PB"
SW: "as always ... uff ... feel today was a long and tiring day, could you please tell Shanila that after they finish closing everything? Let's continue tomorrow"
BJC: "Ok ... hey bro '... everything okay? You know I'm always there if you want to talk"
SW: "yes, I know ... it's just that ... I don't know, I have the clear feeling that not everyone appreciates what I do ... and today I had the confirmation ..."
BJC: "wait wait wait for what you mean !? Who doesn't appreciate what you do !? Make scary horror movies! Modestly thanks also to the man! To the legend! The Cobra!" Spencer could not laugh a bit at that exclamation. .ehh yes..your brother hadn't changed at all and that was fine with him he reassured, he was happy when his best friend in absolute was close to him to comfort him ... Spencer would not have gone by ANYWHERE without him ..
SW: "guess who I met at Wi-Fri?"
BJC: "Rajeev?"
SW: "maybe, but try again"
BJC: "Mallory?"
SW: "I doubt you leave your husband for me, try again"
BJC: "You won't tell me ... yet !? But he wasn't retired !?"
SW: "pension over bud', as far as I heard from Buch, Ponzi works there after his collapse at school and inside the boarding house..just saw me he told me about all the colors and hurt me sincerely .."
BJC: "that head of cheese expired! What did he tell you !?"
SW: "trust me and better ..."
BJC: "WHAT ?!"
SW: "that the world without me and mine movies , it would be a better place, which is my fault since I entered there in that school, that he is now like that, and that everything I do and what I will do will be useless and never remembered, that I will be alone forever ... "hearing those words Billy was shocked ... how could a person be so cruel, Billy is the first to keep the image of a "bad boy" he was a bit rude but never cruel, put him first, and he knew he was alone a cover, so much so that he apologized every time ... he knew that in the world most of the managers were slimy, cruel and profiteers, he had a couple of them close to his misfortune, but never so cruel, for what he remembers ..
SW: "whoa! Calm friend! I understand but don't scream!"
BJC: "tell me you understand!"
SW: "I understand! I understand! Geez ... you're worse than my mother when she scolded us because the cookies were gone * laughs * remember?"
BJC: "* laughs in turn * pffft how could I not remember? That time in addition to the stomach ache we got a good scolding"
SW: "which theoretically I only caught it because you didn't see it" * they laugh together *
SW: "Billy..thank you..I appreciate it very much that you are close to me..I also really appreciate the fact that Shanila and Rajeev are with their work, thank you .. please go tell her?"
BJC: "ok!" Billy went to tell a Shanila from the change of plans, while Spencer, intrigued by the story of the two people, looked at the security cameras and noticed that the two figures looked a lot like .. Lolo and Ponzi! Spencer chilled but did he force himself and check if they had moved something, noticed that they had put something in the glass and in the bottle? The same glass that Billy threw away! Most likely they had put in some powerful laxative and Billy had saved him! Cabbage! Upon his return Spencer would surely have embraced him very much and thanked him over and over again. He took the bottle and checked it, he noticed nothing suspicious ... until ... he heard footsteps. I thought it was Shanila but it wasn't. Two people entered the cabin with force, blocking Spencer by the arms and holding him still. Fortunately, the training sessions with Jessica and Billy were useful because he immediately got free and threw a bottle over him.hitting the man, he grabbed his video camera and turned it on so he had some proof, fortunately it was well hidden.
SW: "why do you do this? Go away or call security!"
Both: "you have ruined the image since you came to that school! You a loser, become famous! You deserve to suffer!" Spencer tried to escape but the woman stopped the door, the man took it from behind and the woman took the bottle. Billy, who in the meantime had warned Shanila, felt that something was wrong and immediately flew to Spencer. He heard a loud noise and a strangled rattle .. it was Spencer! He was lying on the floor coughing, he was pale ..
SW: * coughs * bo..bo..bottle..inside there was some cyanide..the video camera..there are the tests..Billy..I have cold..so...stay with me .. * coughs * "
BJC: "cyanide ...? What is it? Hey buddy stay awake! I'm here with you! SPENCER! * Shakes him * Spencer was becoming paler ..
SW: "it is a poison * coughs * very deadly..is almost immediate effect .." Spencer started crying knowing that now there was nothing more to do..he was dying ..
SW: * crying * "hey .. friend .. apparently I won't be able to finish this movie this time eh?"
BJC * starts to cry * "don't ... don't even say it as a joke..you..you.you have to finish it you are the only one who can..hold on now take off to call for help and you will heal..start well"
SW: "against cyanide if you do not act immediately there is no way to save me .. * puts his hand on the transparent cheek of Billy * we had..we had planned to stay together until the end and beyond it? * Cries * you would have done by uncle to my children if I married.. real brother? "
BJC: "Uncle Billy ... does not sound bad" * he is not theremakes her not cry loudly * "please .. don't go .. stay with me..it's my fault. .I had to stay here..who I stuck not to go..and only my fault .."
SW: "hey .. hey..shh shh it's not your fault, if I hadn't thrown the glass I'd be so long and I wouldn't have had time to tell you things .."
BJC: "don't talk ... save your breath, surely Shanila will have seen that we are not back and now she is coming to us"
SW: "there is nothing to do .. but I want to tell you the same .. thanks .."
BJC: "for what?"
SW: "to be my brother..my best friend, to be our relative and to be back after what happened to you..thanks for having me * he cries * .. for giving me a wonderful life full of joy, fun and adventures .. please go ahead .. "
BJC: "how do you go on ... what does it mean? Spencer! Hold on!"
SW: "you .. * the voice starts to get lighter * you ..i love ya brother..i'll come to take..yo-- "Spencer could not finish the two sentences that his body went out under the eyes of Billy.. his little brother..his best friend in absolute... gone...turn off. Billy cried so loudly that he caught Shanila's attention, that when he saw Spencer's body he screamed, cried, and asked what had happened. Billy, in pain, picked up the video camera to give it to Shanila who would give it to the police..but what would it do? * fine flashback *
Billy woke up from that painful memory, remembering how at the funeral there were all the people that Spencer had done them good ... after his funeral Billy was crying for 9 months on his grave .. day and night, his mother (Billy's mother) approached him at the end of the last day of the ninth month and told him ...
Soleana: "my son ... stop just torture yourself like this you are not at fault ... be at peace, so you can be with him ... "
BJC: "I don't deserve it .."
SC: "?"
BJC: "I didn't deserve to have a brother like that! I don't deserve joy or eternal happiness! He...he has always taken care of me ... giving me a chance to have a "normal" life. To be my best friend and now ... now they took it away from me and I didn't do anything to stop it! I don't deserve anything! I deserve to suffer ... I ... I want him to come back! That we come back like we used to spend time together school to defend us from Ponzi! May he stay alive in prison! .. I ... may stay that way forever ... and only my fault ... "
SC: "it is not true! You do not deserve all this! My beloved son you have to let go of this pain ... it is not easy and I know it..but let it help you..It will be much easier for all of us"
BJC: "I ... I don't deserve to be your son ... to have a family like that ... I destroyed it ... I destroyed everything ... as always"
SC: "it's not true! I couldn't have asked for a better son than you * hugs hard *! You..you .. you have no fault..but if you want to stay a little alone I understand you, just .. please remember that you I will visit every 2 days ok? "Billy nodded, took the camera and the pendant and went home.
From that moment on, Billy spent all his time keeping the house tidy, at least trying to comfort, even as a ghost, Spencer's parents and then one day they decided to leave for some time ... the paper said 3 months on vacation ... who could blame them? Leaving him alone for 3 months. His mother often came to visit him, to compliment his work ... but nothing moved him ... it was destroyed. His mother noticed that he was holding Ponzi's spare wig, the one they had both taken for a little revenge, but they would have returned it if it wasn't already he had another, and a bright feather ..
SC: "is that it?"
BJC: "I found it next to me when I was well ... I think it's some pigeon ..."
SC: "she's so bright and light. I doubt she's from some pigeon ... can I see her?" Billy nodded. The mother took the feather and inspected it better ... there was no doubt it was an angel's feather. He picked up the feather and felt pervaded by a warm force, that strength allowed him to see ... Spencer! He was trying to get close to him but his pain was so strong that it formed a barrier. Seen this, he put down the feather and said aloud ..
SC: "you did a great job, I advise you to go to REST and to DREAM a few things, maybe you could do things you couldn't do before!"
BJC: * strums the wrong rope * "ouch mum! I understand there is no need to scream! I go! ... night .."
SC: "night my love..I hope that in your dreams you will find a bit of serenity and awareness .."
BJC: "?"
SC: "nothing my love .. now rests" Ghosts generally do not normally dream like before but "dream" their memories of when they were alive .. and for sure Billy did not dream of good things for a while or at least yes but...they all turned into nightmares because of the pain. Soleana went into the kitchen and heard a sweet voice that said "thank you". Billy closed his eyes, clutching the feather so soft and the wig ... he began to dream. He dreamed of the moments he spent with Spencer, when he was small and when he was a teenager .. but those dreams were distorted with a thousand voices around him that always repeated to him: "it's your fault! You left him alone! You don't deserve anything!You deserve to suffer forever like a ghost and not to be with him in the light! You don't deserve it! You won't stay with him ... NEVER! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED FOREVER ! "Billy moved frantically, suffering in his own memories, blaming himself for something he had no blame for ... blocking him there ... until the feather in his hands lit up, opening a gash in Billy's nightmares and bringing him with himself in a brighter spot. "Billy looked around and noticed that his" colors "came back to him when he was alive. He felt strangely good but still aching ... and then he saw a figure on the horizon. very familiar and could not believe it .. that figure noticed it very quickly, smiled at him, held out his arms forward to say "run to hug me tool-box!", and it was wrapped in that same light .. it was .. Spencer! His little brother ... his best friend returned to being 14 again, he was there with open arms just for him. Billy was about to take off from him ... but he remembered that he didn't deserve it, and everything started to do new darkness but this time, Spencer ran to him holding him close, and the shadows disappeared. Billy burst into a loud cry ...
BJC: "little brother .. are you ... really you? I'm not dreaming?"
SW: "shhh yes big brother I am, in your dreams but I am really I * hugs him more and more strongly *"
BJC: "leave me please! I don't deserve anything .. it's just my fault .. it's my fault!"
SW: "tool box is not your fault for anything ... don't you remember? I told you no?"
BJC: "It's not true! It's just my fault. I have to stay close to you! I deserve to suffer!" Spencer heard them saying, he squeezed Billy more and stroked his back and told him it wasn't like that. Billy calmed down a little but still wept bitterly until he asked him in tears ..
BJC: "Why are you here? Why aren't you in Heaven? What is this place?"
SW: "I'm here for you, to come I asked the angels if it was possible for me to come and get you, they said yes, it would have taken a while, and I had to pass the barrier you created, but I could ... if I could. This is a sort of room where the light of your dearest dreams is not reached by the shadows, so they explained it to me "
BJC: "What do you mean to me? Are you an angel now.. little brother?"
SW: * hugs him even more * I told you, or at least I tried, that I would come and pick you up and wait for you and say that I'm not yet "
BJC: "I ... I ... I don't deserve it! I'm a bad person! I've hurt everyone! I deserve to suffer not being with you and being happy forever!" Spencer denied all the statements he had said and he explained that up there they knew what Billy really was like, they had seen his pain, which is why they immediately allowed him to go and get him and explained to him also why he had become a ghost ... not for eternal punishment, no ghost, unless he wants it, he remains on earth forever, sooner or later when they have learned their lesson and carried out the mission, they go beyond ... Billy had learned the first two lessons: to say to love another person besides himself; being able to learn to live normally and recognize their mistakes by trying to remedy them; being close to the people you love and ... letting go of the pain inflicted not on his own account but on other people. Billy hadn't even learned this last thing until Spencer said ...
SW: "I would never have gone without you..from anywhere paradisiacal and beautiful it could be..I missed you more than my life big brother..I now take you with me..in Heaven .. you won't be alone anymore .. we'll always be together and .. "
BJC: "will we still play like we used to?"
SW: "yes"
BJC: "and will we be inseparable as it used to be?"
SW: * laughs * "yes silly *
BJC: "and...and .."
SW: "yes, you can hug me as many times as you want, as long as you don't hold me too tight, * laughs *"
BJC: "aside * laughs with tears in the eyes *, will I be able to play my music? Will we also play like when we were little? Will I really be with you * crying *?" This time Spencer was crying
SW: "yes ... yes ... one hundred times yes and we will wait up there for the other people dear to us"
Having said these words, Billy got up and all the pain he had ... let him go, aware that they were right ... it wasn't his fault. Waking up, Billy stared at his mother, who came up to greet him, stroked him and said to him ...
SC: "you're ready .. let's go ... we'll see again" she kissed him on the warm forehead because now Billy was ready to go beyond ... but not alone ... he would never have gone alone in both cases in reverse... but with his brother. Spencer could finally appear, in addition to going into dreams, ahead of Billy and they both ran to hug hard. Billy and Spencer hugged their aunt / mother hard with the oath to see each other again when the time comes ... Billy and Spencer were enveloped in a warm light and lifted slightly into the air, slowly disappearing ... the two remained embraced by that light, laughing softly ...
SW: "Hey Billy you put me down * laughs *"
BJC: "no you forget it! * Laughs *" Billy had taken it and thrown it slightly like when they were little and started tickling his tummy and Spencer laughed .. he laughed so heartily that Billy laughed too and had no intention to stop ... they were happy..finally after so much pain suffered by the bullies, by crazy fans, by slimy principals..now they were finally together for eternity. They had kept the oath of a long time ago ... stay together forever in life and beyond. Spencer asked him if he wanted to bring things and see the rest of his family and friends and say hello to them before he left, Billy nodded. They took seeds from the flowers of the garden of their aunt / mother that were the most beautiful to plant them in Heaven, Billy's guitar and pendant, Spencer's photo album and video camera. They all greeted each other hugging them gently.
BJC: "Do you have any regrets?"
SW: 'just not having finished the film "
BJC: * laughs *
SW: "hey why are you laughing friend * rubs his head *?"
BJC "because your BFFE has finished the film"
SW: "whaaaaat !? How?"
BJC: "I directed, with the help of Shanila, the rest and .. violá!"
SW: "Billy you are the best! * He jumps on him hugging him and giving him the punch *"
BJC: "I know! * Bulb in the head *"
SW: "because you have that look..oh no ...no..do not allow yourself "
BJC: * tickles his belly *
SW: "no..pfft..hahahaha stop * laughs * as they ascended to Heaven, Billy started playing with Spencer as when they were little, tickling each other and a sort of" war "started. Spencer broke free and he began to do it himself, only he didn't stop easily ...
BJC: "ppfft..hahahaha Spencer! Stop! I suffer it! * bent in two and began to laugh like when Spencer made him laugh with that application that simulated the mouth of the zombie * "their laughs were so pure and so full of joy that children of they heard and said ..
Children: "Mom! Mom! The sky laughs!"
MB: "you know, it is said that when the sky laughs, it is because two pure souls who want an infinity of good, have gone up to Heaven "
B: "so this means that two souls are in Heaven?"
MB: "yes, but I think that for how the sky shines, they are two souls who have suffered in life and are now finally together .."
SC: "together again for eternity..so how was it supposed to be..you, after all, you swore it when you were little.two brothers, best friends, that even if distant relatives..you wanted an infinity of good .. sharing that good with everyone ... now only an eternity of joy and happiness awaits you ... my angels ". In Heaven, Spencer and Billy played with all the joy they had inside ... not ceasing to laugh, hug and fly together with each other, and with all the other angels, in the clouds ... in a place where no one would ever do them of the hurt, wounded or other ... where they would have waited for their family ... the two brothers had finally gone to Heaven together, remaining together again for eternity ... from then on,every time they played laughing, the sky released a shining powder on their loved ones, making them feel the same happiness they had given them and continue to give.
Extra :
BJC :" hey Spence' how end the story? "
SW : " ? "
BJC : " the story about the little angel and of the his little child friend..how end? "
SW : " tecnically never end..has a first ending for the main story part one "
BJC : " ook I don't know what mean , but for the moment?how end? I'm curious *puppy eyes *
SW : " never change BJC eh ?*giggle *"
BJC : " nope never *leans on Spencer's right shoulder with half-closed eyes ready to listen to the story* "
SW : " do you remember where we can stop? "
BJC : " at the sad part "
SW : " well..the story end that..." under their cherry tree in Heaven, which shook the flowering branches in the wind, Spencer told the end of the story he was telling Billy when they were on Earth, but in reality that story really has no end .. because even though they are now up there, the adventures and stories with them will not cease to exist and be created, starting from there too with them there will still be many adventures, who knows ... maybe even back on Earth ... no? everything is possible with two brothers-best friends like them...
The stories never end...
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where Today We Are Continuing Our Look At The Fast And Furious Films By Talking About The 7th Movie...
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I Mean 3rd Movie?...
Technically It's The 3rd Movie But Ever Since That End Credits Scene At The End Of Furious 6, It's Become A Spin-off Film. But Can A Fast And Furious Film Be Good Without Vin Diesel And The Original Cast?
When It Came Out, No, Now? We'll Have To Find Out This Is The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift...
This Film Starts With What I Only Can Describe As The Most Boring Opening Credits Ever, The Look Of Them Is Horrible And The Song That Plays Over The Scene Is Dull But Throughout Them We See Our Main Character's School Life.
However Our Main Character, Sean (Played By Lucas Black) Gets His Car Made Fun Of By A Beautiful Girl (Played By Nikki Griffin) Which Leads To Sean Flirting With Her. But Unfortunately Her Boyfriend (Played By Home Improvement's Zachery Ty Bryan) Doesn't Like This At All...
(Boyfriend) For Your Information, My Dad Does Not Own A Viper!, He Owns A Hot Rod...
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Mad That He Dissed His Dad's Car, Brad Throws A Baseball At The Window Of Sean's Car...
No Offense, Brad But I Thought You Were More Of A Soccer Player Than A Baseball/Football Guy...
With The Girl Saying To Let Their Cars Do The Talking, Brad Challenges Him But Sean Declines Saying That He Only Races For Pink Slips But With Brad Saying..
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The Girl Ups The Stakes By Saying That The Winner Will Get Her...
(Start At 4:10, End At 4:16)
I Think You Guys Get The Gist...
Liking That (And Who Wouldn't Seeing How Hot She Is) They Go To A Housing Development Area Where They Hold The Race...
Now I'm Not Going To Comentate The Races Like I Did In My Other Fast And Furious Reviews, Because This Film Is Basically A Spin-off Now And I'm Only Doing This Movie So I Can Talk About Furious 7 Next Week...
And Since We're Cutting Things Short, Nobody Wins This Race....
Yeah, Nobody...
Brad Ends Up Crashing His Car Into A Billboard, And Sean Damages His Car To The Point He's Lucky To Be Alive...
Taken To The Police Station, The Girl Is Picked Up By Her Mom While Brad Is Picked Up By His Dad (Who Looks Nothing Like Tim Allen) But As For Sean He Apparently Has 2 Priors For Reckless Driving And Willful Destruction Of Property Moving To Different Cities With His Mom In The Last 2 Years And Unfortunately She Doesn't Want To Move Again So, She Sends Sean To Live With His Father In Tokyo...
Once There, He Lays Down 3 Rules Go To School, Come Back And Stay Away From Cars. The Next Morning, Sean Starts School Where He Meets Twinkie...
No, Not Twinkie The Kid, Just Twinkie (Who Is Played In This By Lil' Bow Wow) Who Tries Selling Sean Everything From Laptops To Cellphones To Air Jordans...
But When Sean Sees A Steering Wheel Twinkie Got For His Car, Sean Is Putty In His Hands As He Takes Him That Night To Show Him His Car...
The Incredible Hulk-Mobile...
No Way In Hell Are We Going To Let Marvel Make A Stand Alone Hulk Movie But Sure We'll Allow The Fast And Furious Movies To Make A Car Out Of Him!
Seriously, It Looks Like One Of Those Die Cast Disney Cars You Buy At The Parks That Looks Like Characters From Stuff That Disney Owns In Fact...
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Yeah, They Made Their Own Hulk Car! And To Tell You The Truth That Looks More Like A Vehicle The Hulk Would Drive Than What Disney Came Up With!
What I'd Like To Know Is What Happens When You Press The Horn Does It Say Phrases Like....
"Hulk, Smash!"
"Puny God"
"Hulk Like Fire, Thor Like Water"
"Take The Stairs, Hate The Stairs! So Many Stairs!"
Also No Offense But Shouldn't The Music Playing Over This Scene Be...
I Got More Hulk Jokes About This Outrageous Vehicle But I Think It's Time That I Continue This Review Anyway, Twinkie Takes Sean To A Parking Structure Where They Find A Bunch Of Racers With Cars Ready To Race And It's There He Meets Neela (Played By Dynasty's Nathalie Kelly) But Neela's I Don't What He Is Takashi (Who's Known Around There As DK) Doesn't Want Him Hanging Around Her Because He's An American Yankee...
And Of Course Twinkie's Like "Yes, Sir We Leave Right Now, Sir" But Sean's Not Willing To Back Away So Easily (But What Sean Doesn't Know Is That DK's Uncle Yamata Is Part Of The Yakuza (Chinese Mafia)) Challenging DK To A Race, DK Declines At First Because Sean Doesn't Have A Car However, Our Old Friend, Han Enters Telling Sean That He'll Lend Him His...
Going Up The Elevator, Sean Finds Out That Racing In Tokyo Is Different Than America...
Telling Sean That Han's Car Is Basically His Baby Or Mona Lisa As Twinkie Puts It...
Hmm, I'm Surprised He Didn't Call It Giselle...
So In Other Words, Twinkie Tells Him, You Break It, You Buy It...
And When The Race Begins, Takashi Wipes The Floor With Him While Sean Damages Han's Car While Trying To Keep Up...
Han Tells Sean That He'll Be In Touch As Sean Returns Home To His Dad Who's Upset At Him For Being Out So Late, Saying That If He Breaks The Rules Again, He's On An Airplane Home...
The Next Day After School, He's Met By Han Who He Thinks Is There For Money To Repair His Car But Turns Out He's Not As He Tells Sean To Get In His Car...
Taking Sean To A Sauna, Han Tells Sean That There's A Guy With A Tattoo Of A Paw That Owes Him Some Money And He Wants Sean To Get It For Him...
Well, Give Sean An A For Effort As Tries But He Gets His Ass Handed To Him By The Guy Who Looks Like A Sumo Wrestler...
Eventually, Getting His Cash, Han Takes The Kid For A Ride To Tell Sean That He's Going To Handle Pick Ups And Deliveries For Him Calling Him Maybe Once A Week Or Once An Hour And He Doesn't Care If He's Sick As Or In Bed With Beyonce, He's Gonna Do It....
Sean Tells Him He'll Do It, On One Condition, He Teaches Sean How To Drift, Saying That It's Not A Negotiation, Sean Tells Han That He Wasn't Negotiating...
Taking Sean To The Pachinko Hall Where Ernie Got That Pachinko Machine That Lord Zedd Turned Into His Pachinko Head Monster. Han Meets Up With DK To Give Him His Pay For The Week. One Of DK's Men Asks Sean When His Next Race Is As He'd Like To Be There To See It, However Sean Goats Him By Saying Why See It When You Could Be In It?...
With DK Asking If Han If He's Ready To Lose Another Car, Han Replies Telling DK That He'd Like To Take His 86 Corolla Off His Hands Which DK Agrees On Only If Han Offers Up His 72 Skyline, Which Han Agrees On...
Heading Out Front While Han And DK Discuss Business, He Goes To A Pay Phone Where Sean Calls His Dad Saying That He Had To Stay After School For Extracurricular Activities And That He'll Be Home Soon, Hanging Up, He Runs Into Neela, Who Asks What He's Doing Here Which Leads Sean To Say That He'd Drop By To Ask DK For Drifting Lessons...
To Which She Warns Him To Not Be Apart Of The Drifting World Which Leads To Sean To Say That If It's Good Enough For You Then It's Good Enough For Me But Then She Says That He Doesn't Know Her As Well As He Thinks He Does When Really He Does...
With Han Returning To His Car, Sean Asks Han If Everything Went Okay With DK? Which He Says That It Did However, Sean Says That He's A Little Worried About Han Because DK Is Yakuza, Han Reminds Sean That DK's Uncle Is Yakuza And That All DK Is Just A Kid Playing Gangster In A Storage Room But Like It Or Not He's A Necessary Evil That Keeps His Uncle At Bay Because They're On His Turf And Being Close With DK Gets Him A Discount...
Asking If Han Has Ever Raced DK, Han Tells Sean No, Because There's No Point To It And That If He Was To Do It, It Would Have To Be For Something Very Important Or Why Do It At All And He's Only Letting Sean Race Because He's DK's Kryptonite...
Taking Sean To A Club, They Go Into Another Room, Filled With Women Where They Find Twinkie Before Heading Into Another Room Where The Real Magic Happens...
Han Gives Sean A Red Evo Because He's Representing Him Now, Sean Begins Practicing Drifting However, Sean Keeps Crashing Into Things...
Oy Gevalt, I'm A Japanese Guy And Yet I Sound Jewish Go Figure!...
About To Go To School, He Sees His Dad Working On A Car He Said That He Found, Sean Tells Him That It Has Potential. Which Leads Him To Send Sean Off To School...
With Friends Of Han Getting Sean, They See Some Guy Knocking Around Twinkie Because An Ipod He Got Off Of Him Was Busted...
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Giving Him His Ipod To Get Him Off Twinkie's Back, Twinkie Gets Mad At Sean Because He Doesn't Do Refunds Or Exchanges...
(Start At 0:31, End At 0:34)
Talking With Sean About What He Did, He Apologizes To Neela About Last Night And She Walks Away...
Later That Night, Han And Sean Watch As Friends Of Theirs Play Soccer Which Leads Sean To Ask How Han Ended Up In Tokyo...
(Han) Ah, You Know The Old Story, Boy Falls For Girl, Boy Ends Up With Girl, Girl Dies Trying To Save Guy's Life...
Asking Han Why He Let Him Race His Car When He Knew He Was Gonna Wreck it...
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All He Says Is Why Not? He Has Money (Probably Left Over From The Rio Heist) And It's Trust And Character He Needs Around Him Because Who You Choose To Hang With Lets You Know Who You Are...
Wow, I Hate To Say This About This Movie But That Is So True...
Asking What Han Does Drift For? If Not To Win, He Decides To Show Sean And It Turns Out He Does It To Impress The Ladies....
You Know I'd Like To Know To Know If This Takes Place Immediately After Furious 6 Or A Few Years After Furious 6 Because If Its Immediately After Furious 6, Han Sure Got Over Giselle Quickly...
This Leads To Han Teaching Sean How To Drift By Basically Saying That There's No "Wax On Wax Off" With Drifting, You Just Do It...
But As This Montage Continues We See Sean Moving Out Of His Dad's House And Moving In With Han And Twinkie...
So, With Sean Winning The Race, DK Gives Up His Corolla To Han...
Wow, That's A Burn To Your Ego...
Going Out With Neela, Sean Finds Out That Her Mom Died When She Was 10 And She Came Out To Tokyo When She Finished High School And That All She Knows About Her Mom Is That She Used To Work In A Hostess Bar But After Her Death, DK's Grandmother Took Her In...
Ha, Why Do I Have A Feeling This Is Like How Thanos Adopted Gamora...
Talking About His Family, Sean Tells Neela That His Parents Split Up When He Was 3, And Him And His Mom Moved Around A lot Mainly Because Of Him...
Drifting In The Mountains With Neela, She Takes Sean To A Place She Used To Go To When She Was A Kid, Where Sean Talks About The Day He Got His Driver's License...
The Next Day, DK Punches Sean In The Face, Telling Him To Stay Away From Neela, Seeing Sean's Wounds At School, Neela Confronts DK To Tell Him She's Leaving Because He's An Asshole, Which Leads Him To Say The Classic Villain Phrase Of We're Not So Different, You And I...
Because They're Both The Products Of Screw Ups And If They Hadn't Taken Her In She'd Be Just Like Her Mother But No Matter What DK Says Neela Still Leaves And Moves In With Sean, Han And Twinkie...
Being Visited By His Uncle Yamata, DK Gives Him The Week's Pay Through He's Not Able To Understand Half Of The Paperwork There, But One He Does Know Is That Han Is Stealing From Them, DK Doesn't Believe It At First Stating That If It Was True, He'd Have Caught It Which Then Leads Yamata To Say In His Own Way Deal With It Or Else..,
Visiting Han, DK Is Pissed Off And Ready To Kill Han, Which Leads Twinkie To Lower The Doors, So Han Can Fight And Escape...
With Sean And Neela Getting In One Car And Han In Another, DK And His Cronies Follow Them In A Chase Across The City...
Which Leads To The Crash Heard Around The Entire Fast And Furious Franchise...
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And Where Do I Begin To Talk About This Scene?
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Red Dot=Sean And Neela
Blue Squiggle=Shaw
Gold ?= Han
First Off, I Know That This Was Just The 3rd Movie And Furious 7 Wasn't In The Blink Of Their Eyes Yet But All I'm Doing Is Giving A Funny Analysis Of A Scene That Was Way Different Then Than What We Know Now And Second, I'm Not Going To Go "Oh, There's No Cross There For Dom To Find" Shaw Could Have Planted That When The Camera Panned Up...
But Now Onto What I Have To Say, Starting With...
Sean Tries To Save Han Just As The Car Explodes!...
First Off, Shaw Would Not Take Any Chances, He Would Hold Sean Back To Make Sure The Car Exploded And That He Got What Wanted Then When Sean Asks Him "Why He Did That?" He Wouldn't Say A Word, He Would Kill Sean By Either Shooting Him Or Breaking His Neck Before Going After Neela Because They Were Witnesses! Then After That He'd Call Dom Saying...
(Start At 1:19, End At 1:27)
And Second, As We Get An Up Shot Of Sean And Neela Watching Han's Car Burn, We See That Shaw's Car Is Still There Beside Them! If There's One Thing I Know About Killers It's That They Always Flee The Scene Of The Crime Which Means Shaw Should Be Gone By Now Especially If There's Police Coming!
So, To Finish This Part Off, Shaw's Car Should Have Been Gone After The Job Was Finished And Sean And Neela Should Be Dead Now, This Review's Over, Bye!
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Okay, It's Not Over, It Should Be, But It's Not Anyway, Sean Takes Neela To His Dad's Where They're Found By DK Who's Ready To Kill Sean, But Sean's Dad Is About Ready To Do The Same To DK Only For Neela To Say That She'll Go Back With DK If She Spares Sean So, He Does...
Ready To Put Sean On A Plane Home, Sean Tells His Dad That He's Not Running This Time, He Made This Mess, So It's Up To Him To Fix It To Which Dad Gives Him Credit For Trying To Fix His Problems..
With Twinkie Arriving In The Hulk-Mobile, He Tells Sean That Maybe It's Best He Listen To His Dad And Run But Sean Says He Can't, Deciding Instead Solve His Problems By Dealing With The One Person That DK Listens To And Can't Disobey, His Uncle!
Using Cash That Han Gave Him, Sean Manages To Get Into See Yamata By First Apologizing, Saying That Him And His Nephew Have Disrespected Themselves By The Way They've Been Acting And That He Wishes To Offer A Peaceful Solution By Challenging DK To Another Race With The Winner Staying In Tokyo And Loser, Leaving Town, Never To Return...
With Yamata Agreeing To Sean's Terms, Sean Gets To Han's Garage To Build A Car But Unfortunately, They Have Nothing, Police Confiscated Everything, However, They Do Find The Car That Sean Damaged In His First Race Against DK Which Leads Them To Combine What's Left Of That Into The Car His Dad Found..
Wait A Minute! The Hulk Mobile Has Hulk Toys And A Hulk Bobblehead On It's Dash!?! Oh, God, I Am So Glad I Am Done With Hulk Mobile Jokes Because There's A lot More I Could Take From This...
With The Car Built, The Night Of The Race Is Upon Them As Both Contenders Go To The Starting Line...
And I Think We Know What Happens, Yep, Sean Wins The Race And The Title Of DK With Neela Going Back To Him, Takashi Leaves Tokyo Forever And Everything Seems Happily Ever After. However, One Night At The Parking Garage, Twinkie Comes Over To Sean Saying That Someone Who Knows Han Wants To Race Him Saying That Han Was "Family" So Getting In His Car, He Sees A 1970 Charger, Gee, I Wonder Who's Driving It? Yep, Who Else But Good Old Dom...
And We Never Find Out Who Wins. This Movie Is Okay...
While This Film Does Have A Few Good Moments, It's Mainly Outweighed By A lot Of Bad, While The Setting Is Great, I've Seen Tokyo In A Lot Of Movies And TV Shows (More Recently On The Reality Show Better Late Than Never And If You've Got A Brain Please Watch It, It Is The Funniest Show You Will Ever See, It's Not On Tv Now But If You Have Hulu Watch It On There They Have Both Seasons) But Besides Me Doing A Promotion For An NBC Show, The Cast Was Very Bland Only Cast Member That Was Good Was Sung Kang As Han And While Some Of The Cars Were Well Designed Others Like The Hulk Mobile Were Ridiculous So In Other Words, Just Skip This Film And Go Right To Furious 7 Cause, You'll Be A Lot Happier If You Do...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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