#k bonk
writingonleaves · 5 months
thinking about how adam said on a podcast that he was absolutely hated on for choosing to go the NCAA route rather than playing in canada, getting hate comments on instagram and all that. thinking about that as oliver bonk has made his account private. you’re truly a vile human being if you comment on a kid’s post that he’s a disgrace to his country
EDIT: relistened to the podcast and it was adam's decision to go to new england prep, not NCAA. but my point still stands
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get-bonked · 3 months
bonk nendou riki from the disastrous life of saiki k.
can't sustain brain damage if he doesn't have a brain :D
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Nendou Riki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K has been BONKED
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maranull · 9 months
However ruined this world has become, however mired in torment and despair, life endures. Births continue. There is beauty in that, is there not?
I'd give her such a big hug if I could. The biggest and squishiest.
I love Melina so much.
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wishing-stones · 1 year
In the spicy sense of the word... what're the boys' favorite positions 👀
They're all pretty much up for everything and aren't that picky, but given the choice from the jump....
Killer likes anything where he's on top. He likes to be in control of the situation and looking down on his partner while pounding them into whatever surface they happen to be on. Makes him feel all powerful and such. He's also likely to press the limits of flexibility by bending you in ways that get choice reactions, so be sure to make your boundaries for strain and stress known. Dust is kind of lazy, so he likes to be ridden. You can face him or turn away, he isn't especially bothered. He'll wind up marking you up either way (Ren got off lucky with him being all soft and emotional.) He'll top from the bottom, too, so brace for your hips to be scratched up and sore . Axe prefers anything that gives him space to work. Legs open wide enough or out of the way somehow, he's tall so he's going to be looking down on most of his partners anyway. He's a big fan of having someone on a surface level enough while he stands. Counters, desks, beds, dressers... anything that means he doesn't have to bend down or hunch over as much. Cross wants to see his partner's face. He's a little more reserved, so if someone's in his bed (or if he's in theirs) there's a strong likelihood that there's some emotions involved somewhere. He really likes having you in his lap so that you're both facing him and close enough for him to kiss and touch and praise... He's usually pretty romantic. Baggs isn't terribly picky, but there's just something about his partner on a desk, or on one of his tables, or otherwise occupying some medical or professional surface of his that makes him feel powerful. Either sprawled across it or bent over it, facing him or not, he really enjoys the feeling of being in an environment he's in complete control of-- and potentially with a partner he's in complete control of, too. Nightmare similarly likes to see his partner's face, and with his tentacles, there are loads of positions he can maneuver you into. He likes the feeling of winning out over someone's better judgment, and seeing it on their face makes it all the sweeter. Against a wall, on a surface, or on a bed, he doesn't care, really. Hell, there could be no surface at all-- he can support you.
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vanitasmori · 2 years
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“ I do hope you’re prepared to impress me.... “
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asterchats · 3 months
bonks u so hard on the head you pass out. bonk
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lisutarid-a · 4 months
[Gakuen K] Yatogami Kuroh Route Translation
MAP 4 [Classroom] Yata Misaki
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: (Our class not going to do any entertainment…)
Saya: (The only person who might be able to talk to me is…found)
Saya: Yata-kun.
Yata: What the heck, I'm busy…Whoa!
Saya: Yata-kun, I need to talk to you.
Yata: M-Me? W-What.
Saya: U-Uhm. I was wondering what you would do at the school festival, Yata-kun.
Yata: W-what do you mean…Don't tell me you want to go to the school festival with me…?
Saya: Eh, that's not what I m-
Yata: I-I-I got work to do in the Red club! So, if you're going to ask me out, ask someone else!
Saya: …He's gone. I just wanted to ask if the Red club was going to open a stall.
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[Prev MAP 4 Neko][Next MAP 4 Fushimi Saruhiko]
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pikmin-x-weirdcore · 1 year
*Yeet a cat at olimar*
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nemxricultrix · 7 months
Goetic ass has me looking.
I think that's enough internet for the day.
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solunest · 1 year
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silens-oro · 1 year
My tattoo artist had a last minute opening tomorrow and I snagged that shit with a QUICKNESS
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thepepinpurple · 1 year
What are your opinions on Saiki K, if you've read/watched it?
I actually have never watched or read Saiki K (yet)! But from what I've seen it looks like a fun thing to watch/read! I'll be sure to check it out sometime! ^-^
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dad2uncle3 · 2 years
not me making a megatron supercut from earthspark ep 9-10...
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soft-spooks · 2 years
update i have calmed down now and am watching silly little videos onmy computer
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portalstan · 2 years
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     y. eah i think i’m going to be moving this blog some point in the future
until then feel free to DM to chat or for D.iscord! And also currently active on my Le.go Mon.kie Kid blogs @/energeticsand & @/jinandyin o/ take care yall
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29121996 · 18 days
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