#khan karkass
koffee-withk · 5 days
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*read in goblin voice* HAHAHA THAT'S RIGHT, IT IS I! The freaky guy who likes characters from almost forgotten or little-known movies or cartoons
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julith-jurgen · 18 days
Dofus Movie novel small differences
The book is really close retelling of the movie there is only a few small differences !
A lot them is just the dialogue being slightly different. Some others are per example like the fact that Joris in the novel want to gift Khan a gobball instead of wanting one to be signed.. but there is a bit of new dialogues added to expand on a few scenes of the movie !
There's not a lot but I still think it's fun to share the most notable ones of them ! (And there's a really good chance I missed some after reading this book too much time).
I translated six of them (it's really not much) but I added some other things said in the the novel :)
(Small disclaimer, I translated all of this by myself so there's a good chance there's grammar errors)
I took screenshot of the translated text because it was easier to manage because I don't understand tumblr formatting ( I added ALT text to all of them in any case)
(The highlighted text is the part that I translated)
Some Joris thoughts about not knowing his parents (and Kerubim telling him absolutely nothing)
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Small fun added dialogue when Dardonkal ask Joris to be his guardian :)
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The Bonta's gobbowl mascot belonged to Jahash !
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This next one is pretty interesting ! I think it's the biggest change in the book.
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This scene does play in the movie but differently !
The first two sentences are the same but after Bakara says "This madness needs stop", in the movie Joris talks and all of this leads to the flashback narrated by Julith.
Here Bakara continue to speak and her next lines in this are said by Joris in the movie (while he doesn't say the exact same words, what he says his nearly the same things in the end). So the flashback does not happen.
After that Julith respond to Bakara (instead of Joris in the movie) and because of that her dialogue slightly differs. Bakara respond and after that the scene come back to the way it is the movie with some small modifications because of this change.
To put it simply Bakara took the role of Joris in this part. (You can compare it directly to the movie if my explanations doesn't make sense).
Now for the flashback ! It still appear in the novel but is instead played just after Julith slams the Ebony Dofus on the Ivory one. With Julith remembering and narrating the memory while she disappears. (and in the memory, it's said the Dofus went even more wild after the bontarian guards attacked it's guardian Julith and injured her. oops)
Joris nearly has moment of self-doubt when there's only Lilotte and him left during the final match
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And... this one....at the end (sorry)
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Anyway here's some other random things from the novel:
The statue of Jahash and the ceremony that takes place at the start is where the Dofus went wild 10 years ago, where it created a massive hole in the city. While not mentionned in the movie this information is also in the artbook
The area Kerubim and Joris lives is called "Le quartier de la Tour Fleurie" (The blooming flower tower district)
The tavern Bakara and Kerubim meet in the movie is called "Le Bontarien Rieur" (The Laughing Bontarian)
Kerubim thinks that the stealing of the Ebony Dofus is a ten (out of ten) on the Ogrest scale... a few hundred years before Ogrest birth...(oops)
During the first battle Bakara yell "For Jahash" instead of "For Bonta"
Bakara and Khan.. whole thing.. is less embarrassing than in the movie...
The post credit scene is not in novel
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dengekiboys · 2 years
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Dofus Book 1: Julith (part 1 of 3) 
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
20th Anniversary Map, with commentary by Kerubim Crepin and Joris Jurgen
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The frustrating thing about this map, is that nobody who got it has decided to scan or transcribe it, for documentation's sake. So I had to complete this list of all the commentary using tweets and unboxing videos.
But, at the very least, we now have documentation of what this thing actually says.
Joris and Kerubim's text is colour-coded for your convenience, and this post includes both the French transcription, and English translations.
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La carte du Monde des Douzes. par Joris Jurgen et Papycha
The map of the World of Twelve. by Joris Jurgen and Papycha
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J: Chez Papycha ♡ / Papycha's home ♡
J: Les Araknes, c'est dégueu-monstrueu! / Arachnees are icky-creepy !
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J: Je pari que la tour du Xélor fou est par ici. / I bet the Mad Xelor's tower is here.
K: Perdu, mon Jojo ! / You lost the bet, my Jojo!
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J: de lourds secrets sont enfouis dans ses profondeurs... / dark secrets lay buried deep within this place...
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K: Croyez-le ou non, le Minotoror est terriblement chou... / Believe it or not, but the Minotoror is awfully cute...
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K: Ma meilleure partie de pêche aux koin-koins ! / My best quaquack fishing experience ever!
J: Lorko -> 🚶‍♂️
(personal note: i have no fucking idea what a Lorko is.)
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J: contacter en cas de besoin 👍 / contact him should the need arise 👍
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J: Là où j'ai taqiné la boufballe avec le giga gran Khan Karkass!! / Here I playd boufball with the supa-duper cool Khan Karkass !!
(personal note: This means that Kerubim and Joris started work on this map while still living in Astrub, but kept working even after the movie. Cute.)
(personal note: A French person who helped me decipher this part, said that Joris makes quite a lot of spelling mistakes here. I'm sure there are more that I didn't catch in other parts of the post. He's very wonderful, very cute.)
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J: autochtones sympas. ne pas rester pour le dîner. / nice locals. don't stay for dinner.
K: Bashy, mon pote d'enfance, semait la terreur aux ces flots ! / Bashy, my childhood friend, sowed terror among these waves!
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J: Les cadeau sont mortels! (vraiment!) / The gifts are deadly ! (really !)
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J: Bienvenu chez le Yech'ti! / Welcome to Yech'ti's !
K: Passe-lui le bonjour de ma part ! / Say hello to him for me!
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J: commander de la chichala à zato / order chichala from zato
(Personal note: this suggests Joris might be just as heavy of a drinker as Kerubim. Or at least into very intense drinks, similarly to Keke. He's so real for this.)
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J: éviter le wa... / avoid the wa...
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J: L'île de La Likrone... Par là d'apré la légende. / The Unikron Island... This way, acording to the legend.
K: T'es à l'ouest, mon Jojo ! / It's to the west, my Jojo!
(Personal note: Joris wrote "d'aprés" with a mistake. I'll try to translate his little mistakes, if I notice them, or can come up with a way to do that.)
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K: Le réceptacle des Dofus / The Dofus Receptacle
X Traverser le pont / Cross the bridge X Parler au chaman / Talk to the shaman X Boire un coup / Have a drink
(personal note: this is a reference to the quest "The Dofus Receptacle". The bridge referenced here is the bridge to Pandala.)
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K: Je suis sûr qu'Indie a pris ce bateau ... / I'm sure it's Indie, who's on that boat...
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K: Contre Grozilla, je me suis dépensé sans compter ! / I gave it my all, while fighting Grozilla!
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Dessinée à l'ancre de Kralamour. / Drawn using Kralove eenk.
Propriété de Joris © / Property of Joris ©
Ne pa toucher / Dont touch
(Surtou si vous vous apelé Lilotte) / (Espeshaly if you're name is Lilotte)
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cocogum · 2 months
A current list of every confirmed LGBTQ+ characters in the Krosmoz.
The characters are placed chronologically by their era NOT by their names ‼️
Genesis Era
Sadida (Asexual) : has applied photosynthesis to produce ten Sadida dolls, his children.
Feca (Bisexual) : became a man so she could procreate with a woman and make Otomaï.
Sacrier (Bisexual) : became a man so she could procreate with a woman and make Lupa.
Great Dragon (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Enutrof (Agender) : he takes the form of a dragon, so he also applies to Tot’s tweet.
Aerafal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Aguabrial (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Dardondakal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Grougalorasalar (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Terrakourial (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Ignemikhal (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Shinonome (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Balthazar (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Grougaloragran (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Adamaï (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Efrim (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Phaerys (Agender) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Dofus Era
Jahash (Bisexual) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Julith (Bisexual) : confirmed by Tot on a tweet he made.
Simone (Lesbian) : you can see her dating a female ecaflip by the name of Julie in “The Treasures of Kerubim” Dofus series.
Julie (Lesbian) : she fell in love at first sight with Simone and has been seen dating her in “The Treasures of Kerubim” Dofus series.
Alibert (Gay) : his sexuality has been confirmed in the webtoon Les Tranches de Vie de Wakfu where he had been kissed by a man on the cheek and liked it.
Gustavio (Gay) : he appeared in the webtoon Les Tranches de Vie de Wakfu where he wrapped his arms around Alibert’s neck and kissed his cheek.
Otomaï’s unnamed mother (Bisexual) : she has slept with the goddess feca and had a feeling that the “man” was Feca herself because as soon as she finished praying, the “man” appeared.
Larentia (Bisexual) : she has slept with the goddess sacrier who was disguised as a man and knew about it because she sees “him” bleeding and loving it right after transforming into a beast to leave.
Atone (Non-binary) : just as they died, Oropo told them to rest in peace: “you were a sister, a brother, it didn’t matter.”
Marline (Gay) : had a VERY huge obsession with Khan Karkass, a popular Boufbowler player. has been confirmed by Tot on a tweet that he was a character who specifically confronted Khan’s toxic masculinity.
Wakfu Era
Queen of Bonta Astra (Lesbian) : was seen sitting next to another queen of Bonta.
Astra’s unnamed wife (Lesbian) : was seen sitting next to Astra who was already the queen of Bonta.
Canar (Gay) : his character was based on Albin and Renato from La Cage aux Folles.
Renar (Gay) : his character was based on Alvin and Renato from La Cage aux Folles.
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cm-top-10 · 2 years
C.M. Top 10: Most Funny & Painful Moments
💀Warning💀: The post you're about to see contains painful & graphic scenes in animations & shows. These stunts are done by cartoon &/or real-life professionals. So for your safety & others. Do not perform any of the stunts you are about to see. We will not be held responsible for your actions.
You've been warned...
There's always that moment where that one individual gets the most painful &/or hilarious moment that scars them for life. & sometimes you feel that pain for them. Whether if it's a kick to the nuts, a punch in the face or just a straight up broken limb.
So here's ten of the most painful & sometimes funny moments in cartoons & animations. Don't try this at home kids, because that 1st one's gotta hurt.
What do you think hurts the most? You be the judge on that. & OOOO...!! That's gotta leave a mark...
1. Total Drama - Owen & Izzy
Izzy lands straight onto Owen's kiwis.
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2. Red vs. Blue - Grif & Tex
Grif getting Tex-Shot in the balls.
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3. Helluva Boss - Blitzo & Moxie
Blitzo selfie!
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4. Wakfu/Dofus - Adventurers
Getting spattered by a trap!
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5. King of Fighters - Shermie
Shermie using Headscissors on a guy. Or in this case, Shermie giving him the cooch of death.
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6. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Knuckles
Knuckles taking a one-way trip into a sign, while he was stuck in a refrigerator.
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7. Legend: A Dragon Ball Tale - Goku & Chi Chi
Goku getting punched in the face by his fiance after he forgets his marriage promise to her.
(Yeah don't pull a Goku if you ever decide to get married folks. 😑)
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8. ZAMination: FNAF - Ballora
Ballora's newborn baby?
(Ok even I have so many questions about this.)
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9. Keshinpain: Naruto - Lady Tsunade
Jiraiya getting a one-way punch-ticket to another country.
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10. Dofus Book 1: Julith - Khan Karkass & Bakara
Bakara breaking Khan's hand after he tries to get fresh.
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Dofus, Livre 1: Julith Online fácil
Assistir Filme Dofus, Livre 1: Julith Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/dofus-livre-1-julith/
Dofus, Livre 1: Julith - Filmes Online Fácil
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No ano de 4001, em Bonta, majestosa cidade de paz, o jovem Joris Jurgen vive tranquilamente com seu pai adotivo, Querubin Crespin, um velho Ecaflip. Mas quando ele tenta se aproximar o seu maior ídolo, Khan Karkass, um grande jogador Gobbowl ocorre um evento mal: o ignóbil Julith, uma mulher com grandes poderes mágicos, está de volta e quer vingança por roubar o Dofus Ébano.
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uelman · 1 year
Scrapped Welsh&Shedar animations
Animator Masahiko Kubo who worked for Ankama Japan over 10 years ago has recently created a twitter account and posted a few animations from his time working on the first iteration of the Welsh&Shedar Dofus cartoon (thanks to Catsuka for reporting this or I wouldn’t have realized).
This version of the series is very different from the trailer we know, with an animation style more akin to that of the Nox special episode. This is no surprise, as a lot of people from Ankama Japan went on to work in Science Saru after the studio’s closure!
Here’s an animation of the Ecaflip girl we see on the trailer: https://twitter.com/_masahiko_/status/1607224810123235329
And another one (unfortunately only the first one can be a video, the rest will be gifs): https://twitter.com/_masahiko_/status/1597425124285857793
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You'll find a few more animations of her if you scroll down the artist's media tab!
And then we also find an animation of someone who seems to be a prototype of Khan Karkass (who was not a gobbowl player until the last iteration of the Dofus movie, years later). https://twitter.com/_masahiko_/status/1609761529720700930
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As a small addition, here's the other two versions of the ecaflip girl.
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greyscoder · 2 years
Dofus book 1 julith
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However, the two will make a truce there and develop a relationship as Joris questions him about his hatred for his brother Kerub. Atcham Crepin Kerub's brother Atcham, a Brakmarian assassin, is first hired by Julith to track down Joris in the Ecaflip dimension. She now returns to reclaim the Dofus and settle the score with her rival city. Quickly struck down, she was believed dead and her Dofus was left broken and powerless. However, ten years before the movie, they were betrayed and she turned against Bonta once again. Julith A Huppermage originally aligned with Brakmar and guardian of the Ebony Dofus, Julith eventually fell in love with the Bontarian Huppermage Jahash Jurgen and started a family with him in the City of Light. Khan Karkass Star Gobbowl player, the Iop Khan Karkass is Joris's idol and becomes involved in the struggle against Julith mostly through his interest in Joris (for his potential as a Gobbowl player) and Bakara (as a romantic interest) and for finding himself at the wrong place at the wrong time. As the little sister of the hero Jahash Jurgen, she has a personal grudge against her and is expected to live up to her family's reputation. Bakara Jurgen Bakara is a talented Huppermage apprentice, newly graduated, who also takes up the fight against Julith. Lilotte Previously living with Indie Delagrandaventure, Kerub's lifelong rival, the Ouginak Lilotte is now a street urchin and spends most of her time with Joris around Kerub's shop. As well as raising Joris, he looks after Lilotte, who now lives in the streets. Kerub Crepin After a few years of presumed travel following the end of Dofus: Kerub's Bazaar, Kerub has set up shop again in Bonta. After discovering his ties to the Jurgen family, he will be at the center of the struggle to stop Julith from laying waste to Bonta once again. Main cast Joris Now aged 10, Joris has become friends with the Ouginak Lilotte and lives in Bonta with Kerub, their Shushu house Luis and his pet flea Fleeflee. Along with his friends and new allies, Joris discovers his link to the Dofus and the Huppermage and attempts to save the city. Now living in Bonta with his adoptive father Kerub Crepin, Joris is at the center of events involving the Ebony Dofus and the Huppermage Julith, who has sworn to destroy the city.
Set in Bonta in the year 400, the movie focuses on Joris around age 10.
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shionanies · 3 years
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Planner stickers I made back in 2018 featuring the Dofus animations characters :D Maybe a remake is in order, but feel free to print and use them.
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boza-krowka · 5 years
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Oh this?
This has no excuse, that's just horny on main
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dengekiboys · 2 years
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Dofus Book 1: Julith (part 2 of 3)
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kerubimcrepin · 1 day
An update on Welsh & Shedar - Part 1
Recently, Kim Bruges has been posting a lot of materials in regard to various Krosmoz media, which includes the previously-posted animatic videos.
And today brings us to the topic of Welsh & Shedar, of which we now know new details.
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"Character: Bechamel. These are my own design researches but the 2 last images are reference posings based on designs reworked by a collective work. (I seem to remember that it was Carlo Toselli who proposed the final design seen in the trailer)."
Unlike most people's theories, the ecaflip girl's name is not Shedar, it turns out. X)
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"character: Khan Karkass. I did not design Khan. this is just a reference posing."
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"character: Rillette (unused research) that character is a bellaphone."
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As was the common theory, this character was a bellaphone, which were previously observed in the Wakfu series.
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She has appeared on the famous leaked preview image, and some of the W&S concept art, all of which depict her in a more chibi style. Considering this character's absence from the Welsh & Shedar trailer, she may have been scrapped, but we may never know.
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"character:Mou (the big cat)."
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character: Mulou. This is my design research but it has been heavily changed by a collective work. The final version is visible in the trailer
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"character:"mama" (i'm not sure to remember the real name). This is not my design but just a board for expressions."
(There are more concepts of her, but its hard to download images from instagram...)
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Also, quite interestingly, this character's design is quite similar to this Aux Tresors and Wakfu Season 4 background character design. Possible inspiration/reusage?
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small strip showing the eyes in the clouds. it shows that the idea of the eyes is in Tot's mind since long time ago. He finally used them in Wakfu season 4.
(There are more parts to this strip, but I only grabbed the last three to save time)
We had already seen this in the trailer, btw!
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The next part will have the more interesting concept art and information, pertaining to Sipho and Zabel.
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cocogum · 18 days
✨Quirky✨ labels that describes them in a nutshell 🤭🥰
Yugo: blue alien boy
Adamaï: puberty’s bitch
Az: stress relief mascot ball
Amalia: horny grass princess
Eva: hot elf with daddy issues
Dally: dumbass ginger “woops! I did it again! 🤭🤪”
Ruel: Mr. Krabs holding adoption papers
Elely: Ginger 2.0 charged with arson
Flopin: invisible Link
Pin: Jack-Jack
Rubilax: demonic bromance
Madagaskan: retired blind sniper
Cleophee: hot elf who can kick
Goultard: ginger who can think
Oakheart: best salad king
Armand: delulu cabbage head
Canar: drag queen number 1
Renar: drag queen number 2
Aurora: blue trophy wife cow
Osamodas King: blue cow king
Efrim: tiny cute monster feet
Nora: pink lesbian
Mina: your scarred unpaid therapist
Phaeris: arm chewer
Qilby: the original momma’s boy
Shinonome: the shit picker
Glip: dad noises
Balthazar: grandpa noises
Eliatrope Goddess: helicopter parent definition
Alibert: gets thrown babies at him
Chibi: loud ass inventor
Grougaloragran: third person user
Prince Adale: fabulous tea sipper
General Mofette: bondage and whips
Grany Smisse: Meowth’s cousin
Remington: Zorro compensating with swords
Grufon: arachnid map
Anathar: copycat daddy voice
Kerosho: Adamaï’s forgettable achievement
Rushu: god wannabe
Black Ink: sentient food
Elaine: had a shitty childhood
Galanthe: rip thick hips
Noximilien: loves taking his time
Igôle: does not want to die
Cabotine: baby mama
Justice Knight: sweaty himbo
Pandiego: smelly drunk panda
Kabrok: retired wanderlust
Miranda: corn’s victim…
Vampyro: spirit halloween reject
Xav the Baker: croissant addict
Kriss Krass: tongue’s always out
Maude: goth chick
Ogrest: professional whiner
Otomaï: stressed out alchemist
Joris: experienced father and uncle babysitter
Kerubim: white furry with life issues
Simone: cleaner for hire
Julie: the embodiment of gay furry
Atcham: bald
Lilotte: furry orphan by choice
Khan Karkass: oily misogynistic ginger
Bakara: teacher’s pet snitcher
Julith: mommy milker terrorist
Jahash: died for getting laid
Jiva: just wanted to get laid
Poo: Kung Fu Panda
Echo: half lizard
Sipho: ugly ass lizard
Toxine: evil deadpool with an ass
Harebourg: narcissistic obsessed stalker
Oropo: clam sucker
Coqueline: raccoon girl
Dathura: leaf hottie
Dark Vlad: rock metal enthusiast
Black Bump: panty sniffer
Kali: professional sadist
Ush: furry sore loser
Arpagone: not an actual enutrof
Barik: elvis gone wrong
Cendre Mystigrine: forgettable furry
Ramona: best enutrof grandma
Harcelo Estep: disowned cuz wtf-
Messer: talking skull
Lacrima: did not deserve this
Winmo Nodorh: Flopin did it better
Lupa: sadist sympathizer
Atone: laser beam vision
Bouillon: fighting boner
Ripulse: name stands for “disgusted”
Sidaire: little sonic twerp
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prvnllicecream · 6 years
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malvacross · 7 years
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Inktober - days 6-10
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