prowlingeagles · 2 years
UNICEF and WHO welcome KSrelief funding for measles and polio epidemics prevention
UNICEF and WHO welcome KSrelief funding for measles and polio epidemics prevention
  By Oluwatosin Yusuf   Geneva – The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF welcomed today funding agreements from the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief) valued at US$ 10 million to further bolster polio and measles programmes in eight countries. The agreement was signed on the sidelines of the World Health Summit in Berlin. The new funding, according to the statement…
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globalcourant · 2 years
KSRelief General Supervisor meets with Ambassador of Kuwait to Yemen
KSRelief General Supervisor meets with Ambassador of Kuwait to Yemen
RIYADH: Hovering a few feet above the ground, flying weightlessly and defying the laws of gravity is attracting women to practice the art of aerial yoga. In an aerial yoga class, similar poses to yoga done on the mat are performed, but instead of using your body weight to support yourself, you use a silk hammock suspended from the ceiling. Sarah Farhoud, a Saudi aerial fitness freelancer and yoga…
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hindouse · 7 months
قال النبي ﷺ: المؤمن للمؤمن كالبنيان يشد بعضه بعضًا وشبك بين أصابعه ويقول ﷺ: من كان في حاجة أخيه كان الله في حاجته ويقول ﷺ: والله في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه.
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warningsine · 2 months
PARIS/CAIRO, April 15 (Reuters) - Donors pledged more than 2 billion euros ($2.13 billion) for war-torn Sudan at a conference in Paris on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron said, on the first anniversary of what aid workers describe as a neglected but devastating conflict.
Efforts to help millions of people driven to the verge of famine by the war have been held up by continued fighting between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), restrictions imposed by the warring sides, and demands on donors from other global crises including in Gaza and Ukraine.
Conflict in Sudan is threatening to expand, with fighting heating up in and around al-Fashir, a besieged aid hub and the last city in the western Darfur region not taken over by the RSF. Hundreds of thousands of displaced people have sought refuge in the area.
"The world is busy with other countries," Bashir Awad, a resident of Omdurman, part of the wider capital and a key battleground, told Reuters last week. "We had to help ourselves, share food with each other, and depend on God."
In Paris, the EU pledged 350 million euros, while France and Germany, the co-sponsors, committed 110 million euros and 244 million euros respectively. The United States pledged $147 million and Britain $110 million.
Speaking at the end of the conference, which included Sudanese civilian actors, Macron emphasized the need to coordinate overlapping and so far unsuccessful international efforts to resolve the conflict and to stop foreign support for the warring parties.
"Unfortunately the amount that we mobilised today is still probably less than was mobilised by several powers since the start of the war to help one or the other side kill each other," he said.
As regional powers compete for influence in Sudan, U.N. experts say allegations that the United Arab Emirates helped arm the RSF are credible, while sources say the army has received weapons from Iran. Both sides have rejected the reports.
The war, which broke out between the Sudanese army and the RSF as they vied for power ahead of a planned transition, has crippled infrastructure, displaced more than 8.5 million people, and cut many off from food supplies and basic services.
"We can manage together to avoid a terrible famine catastrophe, but only if we get active together now," German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said, adding that, in the worst-case scenario, 1 million people could die of hunger this year.
The United Nations is seeking $2.7 billion this year for aid inside Sudan, where 25 million people need assistance, an appeal that was just 6% funded before the Paris meeting. It is seeking another $1.4 billion for assistance in neighbouring countries that have housed hundreds of thousands of refugees.
The international aid effort faces obstacles to gaining access on the ground.
The army has said it would not allow aid into the wide swathes of the country controlled by its foes from the RSF. Aid agencies have accused the RSF of looting aid. Both sides have denied holding up relief.
"I hope the money raised today is translated into aid that reaches people in need," said Abdullah Al Rabeeah, head of Saudi Arabia's KSRelief.
On Friday, Sudan's army-aligned foreign ministry protested that it had not been invited to the conference. "We must remind the organisers that the international guardianship system has been abolished for decades," it said in a statement.
The military factions, uneasy partners in the toppling of President Omar al-Bashir in 2019 and the overthrow of a government in 2021, have killed thousands of civilians, though death toll estimates are highly uncertain.
Each side has been accused of war crimes - which Macron said would not go unpunished - and the RSF and its allies have been blamed for ethnic cleansing in West Darfur. Both factions have largely denied the accusations against them.
In al-Fashir on Saturday, local activists reported that 40,000 people had fled their homes after RSF and allied militias raided and set fire to villages on the western outskirts of the city, killing at least 11.
The next day, fighting in the city including airstrikes by the army killed nine and injured 60, they said.
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned on Monday that any attack on al-Fashir could lead to "full-blown intercommunal conflict" in Darfur.
($1 = 0.9404 euro)
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i-wabel · 7 months
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اغيثوا غزه اغيثوا فلسطين 🇵🇸
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manhajsalafiyyah · 1 year
The 7th Saudi relief plane arrived at Gaziantep Airport carrying various medical supplies worth more than SAR 36 million to help earthquake victims in #Syria and #Turkey
- KSrelief
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literature44 · 7 months
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لا تنسو أخواننا🌻🩵🩵
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elazigsurmanset · 11 days
DSÖ, Sudan’daki Kritik Sağlık Sorunları İçin 19,4 Milyon Dolarlık Anlaşma İmzaladı
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Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) ve Kral Salman İnsani Yardım ve Yardım Merkezi (KSrelief), küresel sağlık sorunlarına çözüm bulmak amacıyla 19,4 milyon ABD doları değerinde finansman anlaşmaları imzaladı. Bu anlaşmalar Sudan, Suriye ve Yemen'deki DSÖ operasyonlarını ve programlarını güçlendirecek. Anlaşmaların İçeriği ve Kapsamı - Sudan: - Finansman: 5 milyon ABD doları. - Hedef: Böbrek yetmezliği olan hastalar için diyaliz tedavisi sağlanması. - Detaylar: Ülke genelindeki 77 böbrek diyaliz merkezine destek ve 100 adet diyaliz makinesinin satın alınması. Bu katkı, hayat kurtaran diyaliz tedavisinin sunulmasını ve diyaliz merkezlerinin temel hizmetleri sağlamasını amaçlıyor. - Suriye: - Finansman: Yaklaşık 4,75 milyon ABD doları. - Hedef: 2023 depremlerinin ardından sağlık hizmetlerinin iyileştirilmesi ve etkilenen nüfusa destek sağlanması. - Detaylar: Temel ilaç ve malzemelerin sağlanmasıyla yaklaşık 350.000 kişiye doğrudan fayda sağlanması. Ayrıca, yenilenen teşhis kapasitesi ve ambulans hizmetlerinden tahmini 4,1 milyon kişi yararlanacak. - Yemen: - Finansman: Yaklaşık 9,5 milyon ABD doları. - Hedef: Kızamık ve kolera salgınlarına müdahale edilmesi, su ve sanitasyon hizmetlerinin iyileştirilmesi. - Detaylar: En savunmasız nüfuslara sürdürülebilir su temini ve sağlık tesislerinde su, sanitasyon ve hijyen (WASH) hizmetlerinin geliştirilmesi. Bu girişimler aracılığıyla 12,6 milyon Yemenliye hayat kurtaran tıbbi ve sağlık hizmetleri sağlanacak. Ortaklık ve Stratejik Hedefler DSÖ Genel Direktörü Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, DSÖ ve KSrelief'in uzun süredir devam eden stratejik ortaklığını vurgulayarak, bu sürekli desteğin küresel sağlık sorunlarına çözüm bulma yönündeki ortak hedefi yansıttığını belirtti. KSrelief Genel Müdürü Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah ise Suudi Arabistan Krallığı'nın küresel sağlık sorunlarına çözüm bulma ve dünya çapında savunmasız topluluklara hizmet etme kararlılığını teyit etti. Bu finansman anlaşmaları, Sudan, Suriye ve Yemen'deki sağlık hizmetlerinin iyileştirilmesine ve sağlık sistemlerinin güçlendirilmesine önemli katkılar sağlayacak. Aynı zamanda DSÖ ve KSrelief'in küresel sağlık alanındaki işbirliğini ve stratejik ortaklığını pekiştirerek, dünyanın çeşitli bölgelerindeki sağlık sorunlarına daha etkili çözümler sunulmasına yardımcı olacak. Read the full article
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yemenorg · 25 days
أهداف مركز الملك سلمان للإغاثة والأعمال الإنسانية KSRELIEF
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pressarabia · 1 month
KSrelief Distributes 370 Food Baskets in Pakistan’s Shangla District
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emirates-newswire · 1 month
KSrelief Distributes 370 Food Baskets in Pakistan’s Shangla District
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globalcourant · 2 years
KSRelief General Supervisor meets with Ambassador of Kuwait to Yemen
KSRelief General Supervisor meets with Ambassador of Kuwait to Yemen
RIYADH: Hovering a few feet above the ground, flying weightlessly and defying the laws of gravity is attracting women to practice the art of aerial yoga. In an aerial yoga class, similar poses to yoga done on the mat are performed, but instead of using your body weight to support yourself, you use a silk hammock suspended from the ceiling. Sarah Farhoud, a Saudi aerial fitness freelancer and yoga…
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NEMA Distributes KSrelief Food Items To 33,636 Persons
By; KAYO P. LADAN, Kaduna The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has distributed food items donated by Saudi Arabia based international humanitarian organization King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) to a total of 33,636 persons in Kano, Jigawa and  Katsina states as well as at  an educational foundation in Maiduguri,  Borno State. The food items distributed were in…
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nigrolll · 3 months
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crossroad1960 · 5 months
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Nel completo disinteresse dei media, dal luglio 2018 il MASAM, sponsorizzato dal centro di aiuto e soccorso umanitario king Salman (KSrelief), ha rimosso nello Yemen il 10% delle mine terrestri depositate dagli Houthi che, alla fine di gennaio 2019, era di oltre 127.400 mine. La scoperta di ordigni in mare si trasformò in breve, in un “clear and present danger” che avrebbe potuto allargare la fascia di pericolo anche al traffico internazionale. Il portavoce della coalizione araba Turki al-Maliki annunciò, il 7 febbraio scorso, che tre pescatori egiziani erano stati uccisi e altri tre feriti quando la loro barca aveva urtato un ordigno in acque internazionali nel Mar Rosso, sottolineando che “Il continuo dispiegamento e posa di mine navali da parte degli Houthi rappresenta una minaccia reale al flusso della navigazione marittima e al commercio internazionale nello stretto di Bab al-Mandeb e nel Mar Rosso meridionale“.
Purtroppo, nonostante gli sforzi della Guardia costiera, le vittime note tra i pescatori locali sono salite ad oltre 100. La pericolosità di queste armi ricade nel fatto che i possibili bersagli non sono definibili e chiunque può incorrere in una mina alla deriva; l’aumento della aggressività degli Houthi con attacchi alle navi in transito e boarding di mercantili considerati di proprietà o interesse di Israele, comporta che questa minaccia potrebbe essere intensificata con nuove pose, estendendosi sulle rotte interessate dal traffico marittimo internazionale che attraversa lo stretto verso e da Suez.
Ma tanto muoiono soltanto dei miseri pescatori e soprattutto non sono palestinesi, chi se ne frega?
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thxnews · 5 months
KSrelief Fund Aids 200,000+ Afghans
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AHTF and KSrelief: Pillars of Hope
The Afghanistan Humanitarian Trust Fund (AHTF), managed by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), has been a beacon of hope for Afghanistan, especially in the past half year. With a significant grant of US$3.2 million from the AHTF, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has provided essential food aid to nearly 230,000 hungry people. This critical funding, allocated by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) of Saudi Arabia, has been instrumental in supporting vulnerable Afghan communities.   Addressing Hunger Amidst Adversity Afghanistan, still grappling with the aftermath of recent earthquakes and enduring hardships, has received this timely assistance. Eng. Mohammad J. Alsaati, Special Adviser to the IsDB President and AHTF Coordinator, emphasized the necessity of this aid. “This contribution to the WFP brought immediate relief to our vulnerable Afghan brothers and sisters,” he stated, highlighting the AHTF and KSrelief's commitment to addressing basic needs and promoting self-reliance.  
The WFP's Critical Role
The WFP has been on the frontlines, distributing over 3,600 metric tons of food across 17 provinces. This aid comprises pulses, cooking oil, and fortified wheat flour, essentials for families facing the harsh winter months. Hsiao-Wei Lee, WFP Country Director in Afghanistan, acknowledged the significance of this support. “This contribution helped WFP reach some of the most vulnerable families struggling to feed their children,” she said, underlining the impact of sustained humanitarian assistance.   WFP's Extensive Reach From January to November 2023, the World Food Programme's (WFP) efforts have been nothing short of extraordinary, extending its reach to an impressive 18.4 million people across various regions of Afghanistan. With the distribution of over 559,000 metric tons (MT) of food and the provision of US$173 million in cash or vouchers, WFP's initiatives have played a pivotal role in addressing the urgent food security needs in the country. Remarkably, these efforts have had a significant impact on various demographics, supporting 9.3 million women and girls, who are often the most vulnerable in crises, and providing crucial nutrition to over 10.5 million children, thereby safeguarding the future of the younger generation in these challenging times.  
The Afghanistan Humanitarian Trust Fund (AHTF), established by the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), stands as a cornerstone in the realm of humanitarian assistance within Afghanistan. This fund, meticulously managed by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), symbolizes more than just financial aid; it represents a concerted, collaborative effort by the international community to not only alleviate the immediate suffering of the Afghan people but also to build their resilience in the face of ongoing and future crises. The AHTF's role in unifying diverse global efforts towards a common goal underscores the importance of international solidarity and cooperation in addressing humanitarian challenges on a global scale.   Sources: THX News & World Food Programme. Read the full article
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