#leader desslok
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There will be new stuff but in the mean time have these redraws I excavated from my drafts :D
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confusinglystupid · 3 months
draft for a star blazers thing
im posting this solely for @cryptidwithacopiccollection
Dessler stepped away from the podium, back into the depths of the palace. Propaganda Minister Adelheid Szalabastar greeted him. "Hail." said she. "You wrote an excellent speech." said he. "You're quite the orator. And a speech is only as good as the one who delivers it." Dessler chuckled. "It was no daunting task. Garmillons are such simple creatures. Too easy to please- it was almost a waste of our combined talent." "But don't forget, Abelt; this isn't just for the collective. It's for the shrewder few who may begin to doubt the glory of Garmillas." As they walked, they were joined by Chief of Staff Miesela Celestra. "Chief of Staff." said Szalabastar, saluting and averting her eyes. "Abelt. You're in good health as always. And Adelheid, you look well as well." "Celestra. What a pleasure." Shortly after, the three came upon the doors to the banquet hall. At the door stood two guards, who quickly saluted at the sight of Dessler.
The doors swung open, revealing the way into a simply marvelous, titanic, and exquisite hall. The East wall was entirely glass, allowing a lovely view of Barleras. The west wall, through which Dessler and Szalabastar had entered, had a titanic and beautiful mural painted across it of a Garmillon patriarch (who vaguely resembled Abelt's uncle, Erich nom Dessler) and an Iscändarian matriarch (modeled after Queen Starsha).
The gathered officials applauded, though their applause was notably different from that on Earth. Their applause was a deafening chatter of "Dess-ler, Dessler Dessler Dessler. Dessler, Dessler Dessler Dessler." The "sentences" varied in length, but the first syllable of the first "Dessler" in each was stretched out considerably. Dessler strode across the hall, walking along a long noble azure carpet that stretched from the entrance to a beautiful golden throne toward the East end. The officials, who were gathered at ornate tables adorned with golden accents, continued their rhythmic applause as he made his way towards the head table. By his side were Kess, Szalabastar, Celestra, Talan, and Hyss, all standing.
Dessler sat down and held up his hand, calling for silence. A servant handed him a glass. He took a sip of wine, leaned back, and nodded approvingly, before giving the near-full glass back to the servant to be thrown away.
"Well, let's get on with it."
"Y-Yes, your excellency." stammered the Viceroy, who had rushed everything, organization and planning wise. This was often effective and turned out perfect, though at a great cost to Hyss's mental health and stability. The old Viceroy cleared his throat. "Comrades-- gathered officers, scientists and other important members of noble Garmillon society-- Today we celebrate our 103rd year since the Great Unification, and 103 years of Dessler rule!" "Dess-ler, Dessler, Dessler." piped up the crowd before momentarily quieting down. "Approval ratings are through the roof." added Hyss. "Dess-ler, Dessler, Dessler." responded the crowd. Szalabastar bowed, proud. "And, according to General Histenberger's report, victory continues on into the Lesser Radjendora Galaxy. Those dreadful Gatlanteans never stood a chance." "His-tenberger, Histenberger. Dess-ler, Dessler, Dessler." Histenberger bowed, mild relief on his face at Dessler's apparent approval. "Excellent. And my special entertainment?" inquired Dessler. "What? C-Concubines?" said Hyss, utterly bewildered. Quite a few laughed. Dessler took a moment before doing so. "No, Hyss. The Jarmattu." Dessler corrected, once he decided he had laughed for the appropriate amount of time. "O-Oh! Right!" To say Hyss felt an idiot is not enough. "Uh… General Gör reports that the-the trap will be ready i-in… th-three hours, sir." "Hyss, you're an idiot." "I-Indeed, Leader." agreed Hyss, frightened.
Colonel General Garamond Gör stood in the bridge of his flagship, the Görgamecj, watching in excitement as the barbarian ship, Jarmattu, steadily floated into his trap. "Perfect!" chortled he. "Alert Leader Dessler. His entertainment is in order!"
"Er… my Leader?" "What is it, Hyss?" "Gör says he has Jarmattu." Dessler adjusted himself. "Good." He sat upright and straightened out his cape. "Put it on the screen." The lights in the hall faded out, and the buzz of the room died down.
"Now." announced the Supreme Leader. "Comrades. I know your lives and jobs of… managing the lives and jobs of billions of others, it's… all really quite stressful-- especially our beloved Senior Vice Leader Garis Norrop, who manages the entire Lesser Radzjendora Galaxy--" There was some laughter in response to this, as well as scattered chanting or "Nor-rop, Norrop Norrop Norrop," as the great Norrop flushed deep blue, smiled, and bowed-- "And it is my belief you all deserve a moment of rest. So today, I present to you the end of a grand civilization, with the sincere hope of your entertainment. So please, enjoy the show." Applause; then, as Dessler sat back down, the screen slowly lit up, revealing a view of a large alien battleship amid a sea of stars.
"Behold, comrades. The Jarmattu. A marvel from a distant star. Though it comes from a previously uncontacted rock in the Zäl system-- who's natives were still bumbling around their inner four planets when we found them-- this ship carries a highly primitive Gesqtam engine. They seem to have engineered this wave-motion wonder purely out of spite for us. A beautiful testament to the indomitable human spirit." Scattered noises of mild fascination. "But, let's not deny it, soldiers of Garmillas. We all know how boring this is to you all. You desire action, yes?" Dessler stood up, flicking his cape, and smiled. "Let us blow it up." Resounding applause, cheers, and whistling. "DESS-LER, DESSLER DESSLER DESSLER DESSLER!" they cheered, on and on and on…
Dessler raised his hand, signaling for silence. The applause quickly died down. "Thank you, comrades. Now. Scattered around this marvel of defiance are hundreds of remote controlled Dessler Mines, courtesy of our wonderful Dr. Welte Talan.' "Ta-lan, Talan, Talan." muttered the crowd, as Talan bowed. Dessler continued. "These mines, my esteemed colleagues, are no ordinary mines. They are geniusly engineered to be nearly undetectable by radar. Not only that, but even while being nearly undetectable by radar, they also each have a built in propulsion system. Impressive, is it not?"
This was indeed quite impressive. It seemed impossible. How could it have onboard electronics without being detectable by radar? Or how could it maneuver without built in electronics? How could they receive orders with electronics AND something to bend light around it? Murmurs of curiosity and doubt filled the banquet hall. "But just talking about it isn't good enough. Allow us to show you." Yellow dots of various sizes appeared on onscreen, indicating the locations and distance of each mine. A red dot appeared onscreen indicating the position of Jarmattu, and an orange circle followed it indicating a target. Gradually, the mines closer to the camera began to recede, and the mines further off up began to approach, all carefully closing in around the Jarmattu.
Dessler looked on, slightly disappointed. "That's a bit slower than I expected. Mmh. No matter. Comrades, feel free to continue with your conversations and meals, but Hyss. Keep the screen up." "Yes, your excellency." The murmur and clatter of conversation and silverware faded back into existence as the gathered officials turned their attention back to their food and one another. "Perhaps the slow pace will heighten the sense of suspense." proffered Dr. Talan. "My thoughts exactly." improvised Dessler. "It's all about building anticipation for the main event, my dear doctor."
Over the course of the next 20 minutes, more people turned their attention back up to the screen as the mines closed in and tension mounted. Attention shifted when a pinglike tone was heard throughout the hall, indicating the detonation of one of the mines. The Jarmattu had sent a dummy drone out to test waters. "Clever." commented Dessler. "Teron ingenuity at a lesser extent. You'll enjoy what's to come." The Jamattu began firing small anti-aircraft pulse lasers off into the vaccuum, destroying the mines far enough off not to cause a chain reaction and close enough to eliminate real threats. But after about 30 seconds, it stopped. All eyes were now on the screen. The low murmur had turned to anticipatory silence. Another, lower pinglike tone rang out, repeating. An object had just left the Jarmattu. Was it a fighter? No, it was a human and an android, together bearing a large crate. "Thhe babrarians apppear human." observed a simply plastered Agricultural Minister Gelhen. "Many of them are." said Dessler, in reference to the various interstellar breeds of barbarian. "For the most part, they're no different from ourselves." Gelhen laughed at this. "A good jok, yyour exellenc-excelencyy." Dessler grimaced slightly-- slightly enough to be mistaken for a smile by those who did not know him. "It was no joke, my friend. I'm sure if we had a look inside that head of yours, and compared it to that of a Teron, a Jirel, and a Gatlantean, we'd find no difference at all." Gelhen laughed harder, not getting the message. Dessler smiled wider, his eyes fixed on Gelhen like those of a bird of prey.
Meanwhile, the two spacewalkers ventured out, floating to and from each Dessler Mine, attaching something to each one. "Can't we just detonate them and kill those two?" asked Celestra. "I'm afraid not." answered Talan. "You can't detonate individual ones, it's too complicated for that and I produced these on short notice. Blowing them all up at once would render the trap useless, and that, we could do regardless of if there were spacewalkers and have the exact same effect." "Then I have a proposition." stated she. "Have General Gör snipe them with low intensity long range beam weapons." "Unless Gör did it by accident, he seems to have specifically positioned them for a chain reaction, ma'am. It's simply not possible." "Then have him unposition them." Kess said plainly. "They're going to make a joke of your weapon." There was an uncomfortable moment. "That actually… That actually is possible. Your Excellency?" Hmm. Dessler thought for a moment. "Hmm… No, have Gör accelerate the mines. We will outpace them." "Yes, my Leader." said Hyss as Talan winced. "Ah, mm--" vocalized a grimacing Talan. "My Leader, they're closing in at maximum speed already." Dessler closed his eyes, inhaled, waited a second, exhaled, opened them again, and smiled politely. "Thank you, Talan. Your engineering prowess was almost adequate." Talan nodded apologetically. "I'm sorry, your excellency."
But by then. the Jarmattu's spacewalkers had returned to their ship. Suddenly, several-- not all, not even most, but several of the encroaching Dessler Mines began to fly back away from the Jarmattu. Dessler burst out into laughter in response to this. Followed by a frightened and confused Hyss and various other officers desiring to win Dessler's favor. "Hah-That was quite a simple solution. I bid them congratulations," said Dessler, once he was able to, "Though I don't deny I wonder why they've modified so few of them. I believe we should take a moment to appreciate the ingenuity of these creatures. Hail to thee, Terons." Gelhen, struggling to hold himself up against the mixture of laughter and liquor, finally managed to say something like: "An excellentjoke,, sir! ANd how th PRIMITIVes thin kthey've achived somethinng!!, Huzzah to them!!!" Dessler looked over at Gelhen, not disguising his look of anger this time. Gelhen quickly shut up. Seeing the joy fade from the drunk fool's face, Dessler's polite smile returned, and he turned to his comrade Kess. "I wish men like that would learn when to shut up." he whispered. "Would you like me to shut him up, sir?" "You're a saint, Aldous."
Kess stepped away from Dessler, whistled, and pointed. A few Imperial Guard officers joined him as he went to escort Gelhen out of the banquet hall.
"Now then. Let us continue." Looking over at the screen, Talan suddenly gasped and covered his mouth. "Oh, my word." Onscreen, the unmodified mines were being automatically navigated away from the hijacked mines by their built in safety system. The Jarmattu had figured this out, and was using the hijacked mines to push said unmodified mines out of the way, clearing a path to… the Görgamecj.
"What could they possibly be planning?" said a nervous General Gör. And then the Jarmattu's main guns rotated, turning toward the Görgamecj. "Ah-Haha, they-- They can't possibly hit us at this ran--" And with a few flashes of yellow followed by an equal number of thuds, Jarmattu's solid cannonshells did indeed hit them at that range. "E-EMERGENCY GESQTAM JUMP!" cried Gör. And jump they did. Leaving the mines dead in the water without a controller. The screen then went black.
Dessler looked up at the screen, a blank look on his face. Hyss immediately began stammering at an explanation. "Th-That coward, G-Gör, we'll-- we'll sort this out-- the military is under Talan and Zöllick's jurisdiction, I'll have a word with them. B-By the gods. This is… This is t-terrible, I-- I'll have, I'll send for a fleet immediately." "Teron ingenuity, as I said." Dessler was smiling again.
Aldous Kess and his men escorted Gelhen out of the hall. Out of the palace. "I'm TRULY… so sorry." slurred Gelhen, genuinely. "I didn't. know Desslerer wasn't joking. I ,wanted to be entertainining. to him" "I forgive you." said Kess, as they led him out of the upper class district. ",mMy friend… THIS has been a nice… walk, but we're." He paused to swallow, stopping himself from vomiting. "QUIIIIITE far from the palace.. Where are we even GOing???" "It's a surprise." answered Kess. "Ohhh," ohed Gelhen. "Excitingn." They led him into a north-south alley between two brick buildings, and two guards had him face the wall of the eastern one, on which a brown tarp had been set. "Heyy, what are--?"
But he was interrupted by a bullet passing through his head, spattering blue blood across the tarp. Kess switched out his gloves, tossing the gloves and gun he had used for the deed onto Gelhen's corpse, and donning new ones stowed in his pocket. "Burn this one. He's government. People will look for 'im." Those were orders Kess gave to his men as they took the tarp down from the wall and wrapped it around poor old Dotm Gelhen. "Aye, sir."
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leaderdesslok · 6 years
(( quick survey: would anyone be interested in buying their own Dessplush or Squishy Talan, considering I make more? If so, please let me know in the replies. Thanks! ))
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kateisolo-blog · 6 years
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That face you make when someone mistakes you for Grand Admiral Thrawn. Again.
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fancoloredglasses · 3 years
Star Blazers: The Quest for Iscandar (episodes 15-17: Lysis Takes Up the Gauntlet)
(Thanks to Cardiv 5 Zuikaku )
[All images copyright Claster Television Productions, Sunwagon Productions, and Academy Productions. Please don’t sue me]  
Earth has been hopelessly irradiated by a race known as the Gamilons, and in one year’s time, even the underground cities the survivors have fled to will be unlivable.
The people of Earth have been sent a message from Queen Starsha of the planet Iscandar, a planet 148,000 light years away.  She has sent Earth plans for a Wave Motion Engine to assist them in coming to Iscandar to retrieve a device known as the Cosmo DNA, which is capable of removing the radioactivity.
The Wave Motion Engine has been installed on a converted WW2 Japanese battleship known as the Yamato (rechristened the Argo) and crewed with an inexperienced team of volunteers known as the Star Force, commanded by Captain Avatar.
Since leaving Earth, the Star Force has all but eliminated the Gamilon presence in the solar system and are now en route to Balan, the halfway point to Iscandar, and are scheduled to arrive in 23 days.
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However, in doing so they have earned the attention of the leader of the Gamilons, Desslok.
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Desslok assigns one of his top generals, Lysis, to eliminate the Star Force.
If you would like to follow the series, KissCartoon can help you with that.
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On Balan (where, naturally, there’s a Gamilon base) Lysis arrives to relieve the current commander, General Volgar.
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Lysis makes sure to let Volgar know the pecking order by insulting the decor.
Meanwhile, the Argo’s engines suddenly lose power.
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It turns out the Argo is being drawn toward a galactic whirlpool (a proto-black hole) The Argo passes the husks of many ships that were caught by the whirlpool. Suddenly, the Argo detects a Gamilon ship moving among the wreckage.
Meanwhile, Lysis has taken an armada of ships to seek out the Star Force. Volgar reports that the Star Force is trapped in the whirlpool and it may destroy the Star Force for them. Lysis is disappointed by this news.
Back on the Argo, Wildstar is preparing to take on the Gamilons, but Venture tells him they need to conserve their energy to try to escape the whirlpool. Wildstar gets more frustrated as the Gamilons fire upon the Argo. As Wildstar prepares to return fire, the ship detects Lysis’s armada.
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What’s more, Sandor reports the ship’s navigation instruments are going haywire, so they’re useless for trying to escape. The Gamilons open fire...
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...and have worse aim than Imperial stormtroopers. However, the Argo passes the center of the whirlpool, which drains the ship of all power. (and yet the Gamilons still can’t hit the broad side of a broadside!) Suddenly...
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...the Star Force receives a message of encouragement (and more importantly, an influx of energy) from Queen Starsha of Iscandar (if she could do this, please explain why she couldn’t send the Cosmo DNA herself) that allows the Argo to free itself from the whirlpool. As they reach the edge, the Argo performs a space warp to escape the Gamilons (Are you telling me the armada, which traveled the distance from Balan (which iss 23 days away for the Star Force) to the whirlpool, can’t catch up with the Argo and continue the fight?)
Later, Wildstar and Venture note that Nova resembles Starsha (all the women on this show seem to look alike)
Back on Balan, Lysis (who would’ve had to pass the Argo to return to base) notes the Star Force is a worthy adversary.
 As the Star Force continues, Nova shows off her dress to everyone in the mess hall
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Now, I haven’t seen too many women on board, and I’m sure the 22nd century military is very progressive as far as allowing people of all genders and sexualities to serve... but you’d think Nova would realize she’s flirting with danger by flirting with the crew right now.
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Unfortunately for Nova, the first being to flirt back is IQ-9, which embarrasses her and she runs off. Later, IQ-9 admits to Wildstar and Conroy that he has feelings for Nova (I’m not entirely sure their hardware is compatible)
In the Captain’s quarters, Nova speaks to Captain Avatar about IQ-9′s behavior. Captain Avatar says he’ll have maintenance look at IQ-9. Just then, the ship’s alarm goes off and Venture reports the ship is approaching a habitable planet where they may be able to replenish their food supply. Captain Avatar sends Nova and IQ-9 to scout the planet.
Once IQ-9 has Nova alone on the scout craft, he figures it’s the perfect time to ask her to marry him.
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I think she was a bit shocked.
Nova manages to (somehow) land the ship in (sorta) one piece, but obviously they forgot to secure their safety harnesses before taking off
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If this wasn’t a kids’ show, I’d swear IQ-9 was copping a feel in this scene. Fortunately for Nova, this is anime, not hentai. The pair leave their awkwardly-parked ship and exit to scout on foot.
Meanwhile, their ship has not gone unnoticed as some of the native life forms (which resemble humanoid bees) have found it.
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Meanwhile, Nova and IQ-9 have discovered what looks like an alien beehive. Nova decides to enter and investigate, where they encounter one of the bee people...
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...who tells the rest of his people to capture them! Unfortunately, they’ve gone deep enough into the hive that they can’t communicate with the Argo.
The bee people take Nova and IQ-9 to the center of their hive, where the bee people are making...space honey, I guess. Nova and IQ-9 are tossed in a cell. IQ-9 somehow computes that the bee people have been enslaved by the Gamilons through their queen to make the space honey. He also computes that the bee people that captured them are a rebel faction trying to resist the Gamilons, and they think Nova and IQ-9 are Gamilons (this is why consistency is important in animation. If you recall Gamilons originally had Caucasian-like skin tone before it suddenly became blue. Also, how the hell did IQ-9 compute all that from observing the bee people for like 5 minutes?)
Meanwhile in the bee queen’s throne room, the queen asks the Gamilons for advice in dealing with the uprising, to which they say that’s her problem...unless she wants Gamilon to rule for her. Also, there’s a Gamilon tanker en route to pick up the space honey.
Meanwhile, the Argo detects the Gamilon tanker approach and Captain Avatar tells Wildstar to send out the Black Tigers (is he gonna let Conroy actually lead the squadron this time?) The Black Tigers fire rockets with a timed fuse at the tanker
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Meanwhile, in the bee prison, IQ-9 computes that the rebels plan to kill them. Nova thinks IQ-9 doesn’t have to worry, since he’ll just be recycled. IQ-9 tells Nova he’s alive. So...he’s an upgraded Johnny-5?
(Thanks to Fandango)
Just as Nova and IQ-9 are having a Moment, the rebels show up to take Nova and IQ-9 to their leader
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Meanwhile outside, the bee queen and her people are throwing a party, presumably to welcome their Gamilon masters in the tanker. Then the rebel leader calls for revolution, bringing Nova and IQ-9 forward. Most of the crowd think this is a great idea. The rebel leader tells the queen that if she is truly their leader, she’ll fire on the Gamilons with a laser cannon that for some reason they have handy.
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The queen mans (bees?) the gun and prepares to fire, but instead shuts down the gun and tells her guards to deal with the rebels. However, just as the tanker lands...
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...the timers go off on the Black Tigers’ missiles.
This steels the rebels’ resolve as they attack the queen, as well as Nova and IQ-9 (who they still think are Gamilons), but IQ-9 puts his chassis between the rebels and Nova to protect her. 
At that time, Wildstar arrives with a rescue party, but the bee people still think they’re Gamilons and attack them as well. However, the only injury is to IQ-9′s mechanical heart...
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Nova tells the rescue party to fall back, while the bee people call IQ-9 a monster, which further hurts his feelings.
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Later, back on the Argo, Nova tells IQ-9 that the bee people finally realized they were against the Gamilons as well and supplied them with food (including some of their space honey) IQ-9 says that, despite their differences, he still loves Nova. Nova accepts this, even though she doesn’t feel the same way.
As the Star Force continues toward Balan, General Volgar is trying to convince General Lysis to use the new weapon he’s developed...
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...but Lysis isn’t having any of it. However, Volgar decides to being out the weapon anyway...
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...an organic weapon mentally controlled by Volgar, which he instructs to form a giant space dinosaur he calls a Balanosaurus. Volgar wants to take his Balanosaurus to confront the Star Force, but Lysis refuses.
Speaking of the Star Force...
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...Captain Avatar has once again collapsed on the bridge! The Captain is rushed to sickbay, where Dr. Sane informs the Captain he must operate on him immediately (for radiation sickness?)
Meanwhile, the Star Force closes on Balan. Volgar takes the initiative and sends the Balanosaurus after the Argo (he’ll either get a medal or a court martial for this)
Back on the Argo, Dr. Sane finishes his surgery, but isn’t sure how much it will help the Captain. On the bridge, their radar detects the Gamilons approaching and sound battle stations. With the Captain down, Wildstar and Venture argue as to whether to fight the Gamilons or run, but then Orion says they could be coming in too fast to evade them.
Volgar releases the Balanosaurus, so Wildstar makes the decision to open fire, but that merely scatters the organisms and the quickly reform.
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So Wildstar orders the Wave Motion gun to fire on the Balanosaurus, destroying it. So...I’m guessing Volgar won’t be getting a medal for this.
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Eventually, the Captain wakes up from the anesthesia (Does he ever take that hat off?) and the crew breathes a sigh of relief. As the Captain recovers, he commends Wildstar for his actions to save the ship.
Meanwhile on Balan, Volgar isn’t getting any commendations from Lysis. Instead he’s lucky he’ll be able to sit after Lysis chews his ass off.
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nextstarblazers · 5 years
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“We have not sought out the Gamilons, they have found us, first in our homes on Earth and now here. We must face them and defeat them before we get to Iscandar.” - Captain Avatar
We had no way of knowing it ahead of time, but the velocity of storytelling on STAR BLAZERS was about to increase exponentially as we entered the fifth week of broadcast. The original Japanese series of YAMATO had been planned to run for 39 episodes, but the show got horrible ratings, attracting only an anemic 6% share of television audiences. Consequently, the broadcast station cut their commitment to YAMATO back to 26 episodes, which meant that the production team suddenly only had six episodes remaining in which to wrap up all of the assorted elements of their story. 
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Following last episode’s destruction of the Gamilon base on Planet Balan, General Lysis has returned to Gamilon to face a Court Martial as a consequence of his actions. At the trial, the defiant Lysis is confident, even brash: “My operations never fail! If there had been no call from Desslok, it would have succeeded!”But the assembled Gamilon High Command isn’t hearing it. “Stop blaming everyone but yourself! With your arrogant stupidity, you have cost us an important base! Our control of (the) galaxy will be greatly limited!” accuses General Talan, soon to be an important figure in the saga. In what may be a first for a cartoon aired in America, the assembled Generals vote for the Death Penalty.
In his private quarters, where he’s attended by a bevy of willowy Gamilon beauties, Leader Desslok is brought the results of the trial by General Krypt (who at last is evidencing a healthy blue pallor.) Krypt tells Desslok that the verdict was unanimous, but the great Gamilon leader isn’t having it. “I know that Lysis is often rash, even dangerous, but he is the only one of my generals I can depend on to defeat the Star Force. Of course he’s made mistakes, but at least he does something, not like those who sit in judgment on him.” Desslok chooses to pardon Lysis and send him back into battle with the Star Force for a decisive showdown.
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In the original plan for YAMATO, the journey from Balan into the Greater Magellanic Cloud would have taken place over several episodes and adventures, but now the production team didn’t have nearly that much track. So instead, the back half of the Star Force’s journey into Iscandar space would be completed in only two episodes, and with a single massive conflict involved. Informed of his pardon, Lysis is given new orders to prevent the Star Force’s entry into the Magellanic Cloud by any means necessary.
Despite having testified against Lysis at his trial, Volgar remains as his second in command. It’s never stated outright here, but the between-the-lines sense is that this mission is a last chance effort for the both of them. If they fail this time, there’s not going to be any coming back. Lysis and Volgar scout locations for their coming conflict, eventually settling on the Rainbow Galaxy, an area of space where the Star Force’s radar equipment will be unable to function properly. Lysis has also got some specialized new weapons to bring to the party: an energy beam system capable of warping small fighter planes across the battlefield, which he nicknames S.M.I.T.E. (Space Matter Instant Transforming Equipment) and a colossal Drill Missile, which he intends to fire directly into the Argo’s Wave-Motion Gun, destroying it. 
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His plans laid out, Lysis takes the direct approach in attracting the Star Force’s attention: he sends a message of challenge directly to them, exciting the crew: “To Captain Avatar of the Star Force: The battle lines between the forces of Gamilon and Earth have never been precisely drawn. I propose we meet at the edge of the Magellanic Cloud, at RXPT730 in seven Earth days. The outcome will determine your future. If, as I expect, we defeat you, your mission to Iscandar will be finished. You can, if you wish, withdraw now and return to Earth. This is Lysis, commander of all Gamilon forces!”
Wildstar is, of course, overjoyed at the thought of a direct confrontation with the Gamilons, and he points out that if they don’t defeat them, they’re going to have to fight them all the way back to Earth on the return trip as well. The rest of the crew isn’t so sure. Sandor points out that the Star Force is outnumbered a hundred to one, and Venture says that their schedule is already extremely tight--even if they win, the delay might be enough to prevent them from getting back to Earth in time. It’s Orion who points out that Captain Avatar is present, and all eyes turn to the old man to deliver his decision on the matter.
And Captain Avatar chooses to answer the challenge. it must be said, this is an extraordinarily stupid and foolish thing for him to do, given that all life on Earth depends on the success of this single ship. But especially in Japanese culture, it would be cowardly and dishonorable to refuse such a challenge, so like it or not, the Star Force is heading into a decisive battle in the Rainbow Galaxy for all the marbles.
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As the days count down, Lysis pulls together a fleet for the mission. Rather than the hundreds of starships he’s fielded in the past, he instead selects a small task force made up of three Space Carriers and one Carrier-Battleship, augmented by his own small command vessel. We see extensive sequences of the different types of assault fighters and bombers grouping up on their respective carriers and then making their way back to the homeworld.
Lysis assembles his commanders for a briefing on strategy. They represent the front line Generals of four of the most heavily contested outliers of the Gamilon Empire. As the troops assemble, Leader Desslok addresses them, giving them a quick speech to stoke their battle readiness. And then, the assembled task Force moves out, to hunt their foe.
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As they near the area of the coming conflict, Captain Avatar assembles the entirety of the Star Force in the Argo’s assembly hall. As he mounts the dais, one random crewman muses, “He doesn’t look very strong, does he?” calling back to Avatar’s recent illness. The Captain Proposes that the crew drink a toast to their coming victory in water from a once-beautiful spring on Earth. Amazingly, this is the one instance where this actually was water in the original YAMATO version, part of a ritual performed by soldiers going out to face death. 
As the episode wraps up, the Star Force enters the Rainbow Galaxy, and its radar systems cease to function. Captain Avatar orders the crew to battle stations, and everybody braces for the attack to come. And on the Gamilon side, the assembled forces of the enemy similarly brace, waiting for the impending order to launch their attack and obliterate their foe. It’s on this moment of greatest tension that the episode comes to its conclusion, letting us know that, whatever the outcome of this great battle, mankind has only 215 days left to live.
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shaneplays · 3 years
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Leader Desslok hoisted (toasted?) by his own petard
Star Blazers S01 E26
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capt-rikke · 6 years
Top 5 ships, top 5 fictional settings, top 5 badasses
Top 5 Ships:
1: Andromeda
2: Vengeful Spirit
3: Destiny Ascension
4: Arcadia
5: Spirit of Gamilon 
Honorable Mention: Mirangal
Top 5 settings:
1: Dragonlance
2: Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers
3: Warhammer 40000
4: DC Universe
5: Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar
Top 5 Badasses:
1: Abbadon the Despoiler 
2: Tanis Half-Elven
3: Fomt Berger 
4: Morathi
5: Leader Desslok
Honorable Mention: Wolf Frakken
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gaxiola1701 · 5 years
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I saw this pair yesterday, rockin' some old school anime cosplay from Star Blazers / Space Battleship Yamato. I guess we know that Derek Wildstar and Leader Desslok survive after all #anime #cosplay #eccc #eccc2019 #starblazers #yamato #spacebattleshipyamato (at Washington State Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCays_gx5g/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gayh6f97k3j4
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ljaesch · 6 years
Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamsto 2199: Episode 6 - "The Sun Sets on Pluto"
Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamsto 2199: Episode 6 – “The Sun Sets on Pluto”
When writing this post, I will be using “aka” designations for the characters, to help readers who may only be familiar with the English dub of Star Blazers to figure out who I am referring to in this writeup. This episode finally reveals the leader of the Gamilas… Dessler (aka Desslok). In Space Battleship Yamato 2199, he has much more of a “bishonen” (“beautiful boy”) design to him compared to…
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So if I were to draw Dessler/Desslok,
(I will add a drawing for everyone who elaborates why in the tags/replies)
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jumpingjaxx13 · 8 years
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leaderdesslok · 6 years
Re: Dessplush’s face
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Okay. I went for the face. 
I won’t tell you all the gruesome details, but in the end, I did manage to fix him. 
Now he is permanently Cool Dessplush. 
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fancoloredglasses · 3 years
Star Blazers: The Quest for Iscandar (episodes 23-25: Iscandar and Beyond)
[All images copyright Claster Television Productions, Sunwagon Productions, and Academy Productions. Please don’t sue me]  
Earth has been hopelessly irradiated by a race known as the Gamilons, and in one year’s time, even the underground cities the survivors have fled to will be unlivable.
The people of Earth have been sent a message from Queen Starsha of the planet Iscandar, a planet 148,000 light years away.  She has sent Earth plans for a Wave Motion Engine to assist them in coming to Iscandar to retrieve a device known as the Cosmo DNA, which is capable of removing the radioactivity.
The Wave Motion Engine has been installed on a converted WW2 Japanese battleship known as the Yamato (rechristened the Argo) and crewed with an inexperienced team of volunteers known as the Star Force, commanded by Captain Avatar.
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The Star Force has defeated a Gamilon fleet that was tasked with destroying them. They are now on the edge of the Great Magellanic Cloud, the galaxy that is home to Iscandar.
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As the Argo enters the Magellanic Cloud, their navigation instruments begin malfunctioning, pointing them to a different heading than they are going. Sandor says there’s nothing wrong with them, so it’s coming from an outside source (gee, I wonder who...)
Homer checks for a signal, and finds out it’s not the Gamilons, but Starsha of Iscandar! Starsha congratulates the Star Force on nearly completing their journey (well, half of it anyway; they still need to get back to Earth) and tells them to follow her homing signal to the eighth planet in the system.
Later on the observation deck, Wildstar and Nova pose for a picture with the Magellanic Cloud in the background.
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(Isn’t it cute that they thought we’d still be using cameras with film in the 22nd century?)
Nova calls the event their first date, which is a bit of a shock to Wildstar.
Meanwhile, the signal from Iscandar suddenly stops. Wildstar wonders what the issue is, since they still have the navigation heading. Then Venture tells him that there are two planets in the eighth orbit.
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Suddenly, the blue planet vanishes (Homer guesses it’s due to jamming, but how can jamming a radio signal make part of a visual disappear?) and Eager reports incoming missiles!
Wildstar orders the ship’s guns to shoot down the missiles, but a number get through and cause a metallic cloud to form around the Argo, causing the ship’s instruments to go haywire as Venture tells Orion to stop the engines.
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Wildstar doubts his ability to command as a result, but orders Conroy to fly out and get samples from the missiles’ debris (FINALLY! Conroy gets to do his job!)
Once Conroy returns, Sandor analyzes the missile fragments, deducing they are Gamilon in origin. Wildstar wonders if the Gamilons are on Iscandar, while Sandor offers two theories: either the Gamilons are occupying Iscandar...or working with them!
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Yeah...that’s my reaction too, Wildstar.
Suddenly, Wildstar remembers there are two planets out there, coming to the conclusion that one is Iscandar...and the other is Gamilon! (OK, so why the hell are the Gamilons attacking a backwater planet 148,000 light years away? There’s GOT to be closer planets to pick on!)
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Meanwhile at the capital of Gamilon (which is revealed by be under the surface of the planet), Leader Desslok receives a call from Queen Starsha, who chastises Desslok for attacking her guests. Desslok reveals that both Gamilon and Iscandar are doomed planets. Desslok is planning on colonizing Earth once the radiation does its job (again, Earth is 148,000 light years away. There HAS to be someplace a hell of a lot closer. Hell, they could’ve colonized Balan!) She then mocks Desslok for not being able to defeat a single battleship from that backwater planet (neglecting to mention that she gave them the means to create their most dangerous weapon)
Desslok then gives his people exposition that they should already know: Due to the volcanic nature of Gamilon, there are two crusts with a hollow space between (where the Gamilons live) Gamilon’s volcanic core is becoming unstable, belching sulfurous compounds into the air and sea, turning their waters into sulfuric acid. For this reason, they are seeking a new home on Earth (you’d think if they asked nicely then Earth would’ve welcomed the Gamilons, especially if they shared their tech)
Desslok then reveals his latest scheme: he will use a giant magnet beam to pull the Argo (now surrounded by the magnetic missile debris) into Gamilon’s seas, then alter the weather to make sulfuric acid rain down on the Argo, dissolving the ship. So Desslok is now stealing tech from Wile E. Coyote?
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(Thanks to Connor Ratliff)
Meanwhile on the Argo, Wildstar questions Starsha’s motives (you’d think Earth Defense would be doing that before the Argo even left Earth) when Starsha contacts the Argo, confirming that Iscandar and Gamilon are twin planets.
Later in Captain Avatar’s quarters (where the Captain is now spending most of his time due to his radiation sickness), Wildstar briefs the Captain on the day’s events. Captain Avatar reminds Wildstar that the Gamilons stand in their way of reaching Iscandar.
Suddenly, the ship is rocked as the Gamilons’ magnetic beam pulls the Argo under the outer crust of Gamilon.
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The Argo makes a splash landing in the Gamilon sea. Wildstar orders IQ-9 to analyze the sea, but...
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...apparently IQ-9 forgot to fasten his seat belt. While Nova and Sandor reassemble IQ-9, a storm starts over the Argo. Once he’s reassembled, IQ-9 tells Wildstar they’re in a sea of sulfuric acid and will dissolve the ship. Venture immediately tells Orion to hit full thrust on the engine so they can get out of it, but...
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...the supports for the newly-repaired Bridge #3 are weakened enough that it falls off, now destroyed for the second time in as many episodes. Sandor reports the rain is also sulfuric acid. Then, as if things weren’t tense enough, Eager reports incoming bombs from above!
Then the narrator chimes in, signaling one hell of a cliffhanger!
When we tune in the following day (the station I watched the show on followed a M-F airing) the Gamilons continue to up the ante by launching missiles.
Meanwhile, Desslok orders General Krypt to intensify the storm (since their gunners can’t hit the broad side of a broadside)
Unsure what to do, Wildstar comes to see Captain Avatar, who advises Wildstar to submerge the Argo (he estimates the hull is thick enough to survive 10 minutes underwater...err, underacid) and use the Wave Motion Gun on one of the volcanoes to trigger a chain reaction violent enough to distract the Gamilons so that the Argo can escape.
The crew is, to say the least, apprehensive about this plan, but follows Wildstar’s lead as IQ-9 scans for a volcano powerful enough to pull off this insane plan.
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As the acid starts dissolving the extremities of the ship, IQ-9 finds the Argo’s target. Wildstar fires the Wave Motion Gun...
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The blast sets off the volcano, which was connected to other volcanoes that also erupt violently, destroying the nearby Gamilon city. Desslok looks at the results of his plan...
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...and loses his mind, cackling madly at this absurd turn of events as he realizes he doomed his own planet with his obsession, but at least he destroyed the Star Fo--
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...nice try Desslok!
Desslok, still coming back to reality, thinks it’s a ghost ship, but orders all missiles to fire on them. General Krypt tries to reason with Desslok before he actually does destroy Gamilon. However, Desslok has well and truly gone full-on Elmer Fudd on Bugs Argo.
On the Argo, Sandor gives the laundry list of damage reports to Wildstar as Eager reports every Gamilon missile heading their way.
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Wildstar orders all functioning guns to shoot down as many missiles as possible. Unfortunately there are more missiles than guns, so the Argo continues to take damage. Then Wildstar comes up with a so-crazy-it-might-work plan: fly the Argo into the center of their command center so any stray missiles will damage them as well.
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The explosions from the stray missiles destabilizes the support pillars holding up the outer crust, causing it to collapse.
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Desslok’s command center is destroyed and he is barely able to reach an escape craft as the Star Force limps off to Iscandar.
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Speaking of the Star Force, they once again take heavy losses in this battle with the Gamilons as Wildstar surveys what’s left of the ship. During his survey, he discovers Nova collapsed on the deck, crying. She says she’s tired of all the fighting, especially so close to Iscandar. Wildstar says he thinks this was their last battle against the Gamilons (on the one hand, YA THINK?! You just wiped out their planet! On the other, way to jinx it Wildstar!)
As what’s left of the Argo clears what’s left of Gamilon and Iscandar is visible over the horizon, Captain Avatar delivers a rousing pep talk from his bed.
Upon orbiting Iscandar, Starsha sends a homing signal to the Argo so they know where to land.
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...and they’ve already rebuilt Bridge #3 again. Do they have a warehouse of those things? Venture lands the Argo in the ocean near the capital city and the command staff (minus Captain Avatar, who’s still sick in bed) disembarks to meet Starsha
Starsha mistakes Nova for her sister Astra (who flew the ship that delivered her message to Earth...also, as I’ve noted, all the important women in this show look very similar), but Wildstar informs her that Astra didn’t survive the trip.
Starsha then begins having her drones load the crates of parts needed to assemble the Cosmo DNA aboard the Argo, so Sandor’s team can assemble and test it on the return trip (please tell me why Astra couldn’t fly all these parts to Earth when she brought Starsha’s message?)
Starsha allows the crew a bit of shore leave while the Argo’s repairs are made. Nova notices that, although the planet is breathtaking, they haven’t seen any inhabitants except Starsha. Startha then reveals she’s the last of her race; the rest were killed by a mysterious disease. She then leads Wildstar and Nova back to the city where she reveals...
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...Wildstar’s brother Alex! OK, I wanna know how THAT was possible, considering his ship crashed on Titan!
Fortunately, Starsha explains. It turns out that Alex survived the crash, only to be taken prisoner by the Gamilons. The ship carrying him to Gamilon was damaged and crashed on Iscandar, where Starsha nursed him back to health (highly implausible, but not the craziest thing this show has tried to pull off)
Starsha is visibly distressed when she asks that the Star Force take Alex with them back to Earth, but Nova realizes Starsha has fallen in love with Alex.
On the Argo, Alex has an emotional reunion with Captain Avatar...
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...and Sandor. Wildstar suggests bringing Starsha with them as well.
Meanwhile, Orion’s assistant Sparks makes suggestions about staying on Iscandar instead of returning to Earth. After Orion tells him off for even making that suggestion, he tells Nova he needs to take her to see someone.
However when Wildstar makes the suggestion, she politely declines, saying that she can’t bear to leave her home. She then shows Wildstar an image of crew from the Argo on one of Iscandar’s islands. It turns out they want to settle, but the island is unstable and could sink at any time. Wildstar immediately excuses himself and rushes back to the Argo.
On the Argo, Venture tells Wildstar that Sparks and 12 others have deserted. Sparks radios in to tell Wildstar they’re staying. Then Nova gets on the radio to cry for help. So...they intend on making her an unwilling brood mother? That’s not creepy at all...
Then Eager reports a tidal wave coming their way. Wildstar orders Venture to take off and Conroy to send a rescue party for the deserters. However, only Nova survived (were the others really worth saving, given what they intended on turning this anime into hentai?)
On the Argo, Venture reports the ship ready to return. Captain Avatar defers to Wildstar (is he really just a Deputy Captain by this point?), who gives the order. Captain Avatar once again asks Starsha to join them, but again she declines.
As the Argo prepares to leave, Starsha (at Nova’s urging) declares her love to Alex. Alex realizes he loves her as well and decides to stay behind.
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Wildstar is disappointed, but wishes Alex the best, glad his brother is alive and happy.
All in all, the Star Force spent about a month on Iscandar repairing the ship and revitalizing themselves. They have just over 4 months to make the trip home, when it took then just over 6 to get there. Of course, it shouldn’t take as long since they won’t have to worry about the Gamilons...right?
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As the Argo makes its long journey home, Sandor completes his work building the Cosmo DNA. The return trip is relatively uneventful as they make it back to the Milky Way and can communicate with Earth Defense once again. Wildstar reports to Earth Defense about Captain Avatar’s radiation sickness.
Speaking of the Captain, he hints to Dr. Sane that he knows he’s dying, but wants to live long enough to see Earth once more as it was.
On the bridge, Venture prepares the ship for its final space warp before reaching Earth, commenting how quiet it is without the Gamilons.
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Oh, you just had to jinx it, didn’t you? The remnants of the Gamilons, led still by Desslok, prepare to fire their not-at-all-egotistically-named Desslok Cannon (similar to the Wave Motion Gun) at the Argo as it warps away. Furious, Desslok orders his crew to warp after them (without plotting a course)
Three guesses what happens next...
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Desslok’s ship and the Argo materialize in the same space. Desslok takes advantage of this stroke of luck and boards the Argo, sending toxic gas ahead of them.
The Gamilons begin their assault in the engine room. Orion warns the bridge of the attack. Wildstar takes Gunnery Assistant Dash and Conroy to help fight them off.
He then comes face-to-face with Desslok, who laughs about the ship being commanded by a cadet (well, it is rather absurd...), then reveals his latest scheme: he will knock out the crew with his radioactive gas (that the Gamilons can breathe just fine), then crash the Argo into Earth Defense HQ.
In Sickbay, Nova (why is she doing nursing duties instead of being at her radar post on the bridge?) hears Venture’s announcement about the radioactive gas and immediately runs out of sickbay (without a mask)...
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...to the Cosmo DNA (well, guess now’s a good a time as any to test it)
Surprisingly, it works, dispersing the radioactive gas. However...
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...she had taken a hell of a lungful of the gas and collapses, falling from the Cosmo DNA! (Let that be a lesson kids: WEAR YOUR MASK!)
Meanwhile, it seems the Gamilons can’t breathe Earth-like air and retreat as the radioactive gas vanishes, warping away as they break free of the Argo.
Sandor tells Wildstar what Nova did (and the price she paid)
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(You know, I really wish they had built more to this Moment rather than just hinting at it throughout the series)
Sandor rushes to get Dr. Sane as Wildstar’s emotional barriers crumble.
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In Captain Avatar’s quarters, Wildstar has all but given up hope that Nova will recover, but Captain Avatar reminds him that the Star Force is all about hope and not to give up.
Some time later, the Earth is within sight! The crew is joyous about returning home...well, almost all of them. Wildstar mopes to Sickbay to see Nova.
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I’m pretty sure that’s against doctor’s orders, Wildstar...
Wildstar takes Nova to the bridge to see the Earth together. We are then treated to an inner monologue about how Wildstar didn’t realize his feelings until he realized he could lose her. Typical guy...
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The bridge crew clears a path for Wildstar as he tells Nova’s unconscious form all about his plans for them to settle down together.
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...you knew he wasn’t gonna give up that easily. The Gamilons prepare once again to fire the Desslok Cannon. However...
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...we are treated to one final deus ex bullshit as Sandor reveals he treated the ship in a reflective coating similar to the Reflex Gun satellites that deflects the energy from the Desslok Cannon back at the Gamilons!
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With the Gamilons well and truly defeated...wait...*dramatic pause*...nothing? OK.
With the Gamilons actually well and truly defeated, the Argo continues on to Earth.
In the Captain’s quarters, Captain Avatar asks Dr. Sane for some private time as he gazes on the Earth for the last time...
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...and passes away as Dr. Sane returns.
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Meanwhile on the Bridge...
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...Nova awakens from her coma! There is a great celebration as Dr. Sane arrives to tell the crew of the captain’s passing.
It’s not stated in the series, but according to the Star Blazers wiki, the Argo returned with just under a month remaining.
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nextstarblazers · 5 years
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Since I only have one art meme for today I offer up something else:
After almost four years of dodging the draft (covid) I have finally been caught and punished but instead of being normal and "sitting and resting," I have used my excessive free time to make this
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