#lee!casey Jr
tastybluesprite · 1 year
Some Tickle Headcanons of Casey Junior:
-The turtles totally tickled Casey from time to time when he was younger but stopped when he was growing up, probably the only one who still did that when he became a teenager was Leo, who lightly poked him in his ribs, stomach or sides as a way to tease him or mess with the kid.
-Mikey defenitly gave Casey raspberries as a baby because his laugh was the cutest thing ever. Sometimes when Casey wanted to see Mikey do something cool with his mystic powers, Mikey always wiggled his fingers in the air saying "Mystic hands!" before they landed on Casey's torso, eliciting the kid's giggles.
-Donnie also tended to tickle Casey as a baby but also whenever he was being mischevious, like in occasions where the others were busy with the apocalypse and Shelldon was recharging so they couldn't play,he was pestering his scientist uncle and Donnie wrecked him in retaliation. He may never say it out loud but he loved this kid.
-Raph played the role of the tickle monster whenever Casey lost the game of capture the bandana
-Leo also tickled him not only as a way to tire him up so he could sleep but also as a way to cheer him up in bad days. That and sometimes to get revenge on pranks the kid pulled on him or when Casey had to be put in his place.
-After going back to the past, tickle fights with the turtles are a weekly thing for him. Especially with Leo or Mikey.
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superfruitland · 3 months
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this duo means the world to me
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xavitron883 · 24 days
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Doodle dump!
In case you cant tell, i love these dorks (especially Raph and Casey)
Plus Donnie being chased by butterflies is something i didnt know i needed X3
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grumpytheunicorn · 9 months
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He is so proud. So proud of his rock.
(Mikey is losing his shit)
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mndvx · 1 year
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DOOM PATROL — Casey Patrol (S04E04) ››› Madeline Zima as Casey Brinke / Space Case ››› Abi Monterey as Dorothy Spinner ››› Alan Mingo Jr. as Maura Lee Karupt
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davidrivkin · 4 months
Applying the Insurrection Clause to the presidency would have given rogue states too much power
By David B. Rivkin, Jr., and Lee A. Casey
February 7, 2024, in the Wall Street Journal
The case of Trump v. Anderson, in which Donald Trump asks the Supreme Court to reverse a ruling that bars him from Colorado’s presidential ballot, raises many complicated legal and factual questions. The justices should ignore them and decide a simple one: Does Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies certain former officeholders who have “engaged in insurrection,” apply to the presidency?
As Michael Mukasey has argued in these pages, the answer is no. Those who are covered by the Insurrection Clause are specifically disqualified from serving as members of Congress or the Electoral College—not as president or vice president. They are also barred from state office and from “any office, civil or military, under the United States.” But “any office” refers to appointive posts such as judges, generals and cabinet secretaries, and “officers of the United States” are appointed, not elected.
This raises an obvious question: Why would the authors of the 14th Amendment exclude the presidency? For two compelling and practical reasons, which reinforce Section 3’s plain meaning.
First, by the time the amendment was ratified in 1868, the states had largely adopted a system whereby presidential electors, instead of being appointed by state legislatures, were chosen by popular vote after committing to a particular candidate. If no former Confederates (or more modern insurrectionists) could stand for election as presidential electors, there would be little chance of an insurrectionist president. (As Mr. Mukasey also observed, if the president were covered, there would be no reason to cover presidential electors, who wouldn’t be able to elect an insurrectionist if they wanted to.)
Second, there was no way to cover the presidency without violating the Constitution’s established federalism principles, which require states to act uniformly when dealing with federal laws and institutions. These principles are at the root of several constitutional provisions, including the equal representation of states in the Senate, the Supremacy Clause and the Full Faith and Credit Clause. These provisions are indispensable in making the federal republic functional.
Applying Section 3’s disqualification to the presidency would create exactly the uniformity problem the Supreme Court now faces—different states reaching different conclusions about what is and isn’t an insurrection in the context of a national election.
There is ample evidence that the 14th Amendment’s drafters paid great attention to federalism concerns. This is particularly true regarding the amendment’s first two sections, which dramatically reshaped the relationship between U.S. citizens and the federal and state governments by requiring states to respect federal constitutional rights. As legal scholar Kurt T. Lash recounted in “Federalism and the Original Fourteenth Amendment,” a 2019 article, radical Republicans, who favored stronger federal power, clashed with moderate Republicans determined to preserve states’ rights under the Constitution’s original Madisonian federalism architecture. It is implausible that they would have fought hard to protect federalism while permitting each state to determine presidential disqualification for itself.
In U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton (1995), the Supreme Court held that states couldn’t impose their own qualifications on members of Congress. Justice John Paul Stevens’s majority opinion discussed at length how elections to the national legislature involved the people of the U.S. rather than citizens of each state, requiring that qualifications be nationally uniform. This logic is even more compelling when it comes to the president, who is elected by the entire nation. As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. 68, the Framers made the “appointment of the president” depend “in the first instance to an immediate act of the people of America, to be exerted in the choice of persons for the temporary and sole purpose of making the appointment”—members of the Electoral College.
The Constitution authorizes state legislatures to determine how presidential electors are selected—and even to appoint them directly, as Colorado did in 1876—and the qualifications for serving as president are stated in the constitutional text. There is no indication that the states may interpret these for themselves. Stevens wrote that while states can adopt “election procedures” (his emphasis) that govern access to the ballot—such as signature requirements for independent candidates or “sore loser” provisions that bar a third-party run by a former candidate for a major-party nomination—they can’t set or revise qualifications for federal office.
Some of Mr. Trump’s opponents have pointed hopefully to Hassan v. Colorado, a 2012 decision of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in which then-Judge Neil Gorsuch upheld the state’s authority to bar from the ballot a naturalized citizen who wanted to run for president. Abdul Karim Hassan asserted an eccentric theory that the 14th Amendment vitiated the requirement that the president be a natural-born citizen. Judge Gorsuch ruled that “a state’s legitimate interest in protecting the integrity and practical functioning of the political process permits it to exclude from the ballot candidates who are constitutionally prohibited from assuming office”—not that state officials or judges could decide what the qualifications for federal office are.
The meaning of “natural-born citizen” is open to dispute in certain unusual cases involving would-be candidates born overseas to American parents or in unincorporated U.S. territories (where the Constitution doesn’t fully apply). If such a dispute arose and states responded to it differently, the federal courts would have to intervene quickly to impose uniformity. To avoid precisely that sort of situation, the drafters of the 14th Amendment left the presidency out of Section 3.
A Supreme Court decision to that effect would be consistent with the doctrine that judges should avoid deciding constitutional issues unnecessarily. Was the riot of Jan. 6, 2021, an “insurrection”? If so, what does it mean to have “engaged” in it? Does disqualifying someone from office require an act of Congress or a criminal conviction? These questions may be pertinent in future cases, but not in Trump v. Anderson.
Messrs. Rivkin and Casey practice appellate and constitutional law in Washington. They served at the Justice Department and the White House Counsel’s Office in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations.
Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/colorado-cant-disqualify-trump-from-2024-election-c12a4bc9
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rawcherrycake · 16 days
Hi!!!!! I love baby Lita (just Lita in general) and I wanted to request more about her
Ps, my given name is Eden so yeah rlly cool 👍💅
Luv ur au 🫶🫶
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Baby Lita, the babiest baby of the family (sorry Lee!)
Around two years ago Raph fell in love with a salamander yokai called Mona, it was young love and it was incredibly sappy (at least from Raph's side)
Mona got bored quickly, but before anyone could notice BOOM egg.
Mona was already planning to leave Raph for someone else but this??
So she just... dumped them both.
Raph was devastated to say the least, not only did what he thought to be the love of his life just dump him, he had never even thought of being a parent.
Thankfully, April had had Casey Jr a few months prior and while she was a new mom too she was a lot more prepared and helped them through a lot.
Now Lita is 1 year old, and a daddy's girl.
She's definitely a fierce little bugger, really curious and adventurous and a bit well... drooly. She's very talkative and social, loves meeting new people. She's besties with Casey Jr and has thrown letter blocks at others to defend him before.
The turtles do spoil her a lot, Donnie doesn't hold her much because he's not... the biggest fan of holding babies, but he did baby-proof the whole lair and spent sleepless nights learning about child development, styles of parenting and pretty much anything they could ever need.
On the other side, Leo is Lita's playmate and stylist and they live glued to eachother.
Mikey, well... Is the type to tape a baby to wall and argue "It's not crying so it's fine" HDJSJ
We should assemble an Eden army/pos)
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gaybananabread · 4 months
rottmnt tickle head cannons? What is your favorite tickle trope for Rise? (As in who is your favorite Lee/ler scenario)
🐢Rottmnt Tkl Headcanons♡
~Oooooh my Rise hcs! Sorry I've been so dead recently, school is kicking my ass this semester (⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙). I'll do character hcs first, and the trope thing at the end. Much longer than my others for sure. I need to do more for these skrunkles tbh. Slight Rise spoilers if you squint. Sorry this took 8,000 years, and thank you for requesting!~
(Casey Jr Hcs)
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We can all agree that this big ol’ teddy bear loves tickles, right?
Be it a fluffy comfort or destroying a bratty brother, Big Raphie is up for it.
Taking this into account, he feels like a switch.
Might admit he likes it around the right person, though his brothers have known for years.
He has to really trust someone to tell them.
Doesn't wanna seem like he's unfit to protect his brothers. As you can probably guess, he gets lovingly ejected from that mindset when people find out.
If he gets a lee mood, he tries to hide it and fails miserably.
Big boy will have the dopiest grin around his playful brothers, which he does a horrible job at hiding.
Can't seem to focus on his advice-giving or training. It doesn't take long for his brothers to notice.
Worst spot is his underarms. You get him there and he'll give every dog near a NYC sewer grate a headache.
Melt spots are his palms and beneath his chin. Gentle scratches on either surface melt him into a happy, giggly puddle.
Likes being tickled by anyone really close to him. He's just gotta be in the right mood for it. April kills him most often.
Amazing thing to do to him is gentle melt-spot attention to help him relax. Toss in some reassurances and praise while you're at it. He'll be in a blissful daze for hours.
Mostly a revenge-ler, but he can also randomly get ler moods.
He loves the Tickle Monster persona, always uses it on his brothers when they're being shitheads.
A softer ler, though he isn't afraid to wreck someone if they refuse to quit (or ask).
When he's being nice, soft scribbles, flurries of pokes, and side squeezes.
“Cootchie-coo, ya cutie!”
When he's not-so-nice, you get one or two giant, inescapable tickle-claws attacking you, big squeezes and occasionally neck nibbles if he's feeling evil.
Mikey, Leo and April get it most often, though each for different reasons.
Mikey straight up asks, and big bro is more than happy to provide. Boy loves a willing lee.
Leo’s always a shit, and some Raphie tickles work wonders on taking him down a peg.
April either offers to let him tickle her as a stress/mood reliever or engages a tickle fight.
He gives the best aftercare ever (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠。⁠♡. Cuddles, back rubs, maybe a nap in his cozy lap if you're comfortable with it. Potential hot chocolate if you're patient.
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Sassy man gives off ler-leaning switch.
Always in the mood to lovingly murder his brothers’ lungs, but occasionally likes to forget his name.
This playful goof definitely likes tickling, though he refuses to admit it. He needs to protect his coolness, afterall.
When the lee mood hits, everyone in the house is immediately notified. Not directly, of course, but it's pretty obvious that something's up.
WAY more one-liners and flippy jokes than normal. Awkward finger guns at the end of jokes, little prods and pokes for no reason, just general annoyance.
In his mind, he'll either annoy them into wrecking him, or they'll pick up on it and help. Either way, he gets tickled.
If anyone tickles him, it's usually either Raph or Mikey. Raph gets tired of his shit the quickest, and Mikey is good at reading people.
Worst spots are his thighs and feet. Get him there, and there's no way he'll be able to even think about sassing anyone through his laughter.
Melt spots are his forearms. After a long day of patrolling the city and being awesome, some light traces there will make him a very happy turtle.
Okay but the SASS
He's such a teasy bastard of a ler. Will tease and coo at his lee until they're a flustered, blushy mess. Then he'll call ‘em cute one more time, just because he can.
He frequently gets ler moods, but those are way easier to take care of than their opposite.
Most of the time, his lee will be Mikey or Donnie. His bubbly brother is almost always in the mood for a good tickle “fight,” and Donnie needs to relax sometimes.
Has a bit of a rough style, but does get softer moods sometimes.
During regular moods, he loves to dig into sides and bellies, attack death spots and blow raspberries to hear a lee squeal.
On softer occasions, he'll gently skitter his fingers along death spots, switching places whenever the giggling gets too loud. Maybe some tickly kisses if you're lucky
His aftercare typically consists of cuddling during a Jupiter Jim movie, snacks, and gentle praises. Makes sure his victims are smiling, even when his fingers aren't wiggling.
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Sunshine boy loves tickling, both as a bonding activity and a coping method.
He's a lee-leaning switch for sure. Ready to get his ass handed to him, but open to helping out his brothers’ lee moods or cheering someone up.
Has magical “can say the t-word at any time” powers. You know he abuses the absolute heck out of said powers, too.
Lee moods are no rare thing for this boyo.
Gets them very frequently, though he's actually able to ask for help when he needs it.
Either accidentally or on purpose, he's able to fluster his ler. He'll ask for more, one specific spot, tell them that they're doing an awesome job, ect.
When he gets super stressed, some cheer-up/calm-down tickles are much appreciated (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
A massive squirmer, he can't help it. Make sure to pin or hold him, or you might get an elbow to the nose (accidentally, of course; he'd never stop apologizing).
Worst spots are his knees and neck. Either spot gets him screeching, though he isn't likely to try and stop you.
Melt spot is his palms. With his mildly-terrifying mystic magic, some feather-light touches can be reassuring. Just make sure to ask first.
Everyone kinda rotates through wrecking him, though Raph and Donnie kinda dominate the field.
Either because they catch on/get annoyed the quickest or something else, he's usually found with them.
Surprisingly formidable ler
Don't let his cinnamon-roll vibe fool you: this man can and will wreck your shit.
Tweaks his style a bit for each person. Super observant and tailors how and what he does to each lee.
Compliment-teases are his specialty. He'll have you blushing in 5 seconds flat.
“Aww, I love your blush! It's so bright and cute, just like you!”
“This squishy belly is just so ticklish, isn't it? Here I thought it was just adorable!”
“Was that a snort? No, don't hide it! Those are the best!”
His ler moods are a bit rarer, but they are absolutely something to fear (or enjoy while they last (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)).
Super sweet aftercare. You can't escape cuddling (unless you can't handle the touch, he'll understand). Usually some hand-baked treats as well, depending on what he has hidden from his brothers.
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He's a ler-leaning switch, but that's mainly because he's not always open for being touched.
He gets lee moods, but they're rarer. People have to ask before they try anything.
Even with ler moods, not always open to get somebody.
Communication with this boy is key.
It takes a good combination of good day + not overstimulated + in a touchy mood, but he does get lee moods.
Tries to hide and ignore them, but it never works out. Either Shelldon finds him and helps, or one of his brothers stumbles across the mood.
If he’s super overwhelmed with a project and okay with touch, some light tickles are perfect for bringing him back to Earth.
Little hand flaps and kicks when you get him. Happy stims galore! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
Worst spot is his soft shell, though armpits are a close second. Loud, bright and occasionally hysterical reactions.
Melt spots are his belly plastron and tops of his thighs. Gentle traces and scratches on either spot leave him a stimmy, giggly puddle.
Most of the time, it’ll be Leo who tickles him. It’s usually for help calming down, though April isn’t far behind.
Will never admit it, but he does enjoy both sides of tickling.
You know this mans uses his shell attachments to wreck people.
Those metal claws? Yeah, good luck- =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇)
Very dramatic commentary on his lee’s reactions. His inner theater kid loves to shine. Either that, or complete monotone. There’s no in-between, and he’s never offered an explanation.
“Oh my, you’re laughing rather hard, my dear gigglebug!”
“Judging by this raucous laughter, I’d say this is your worst spot.”
“Oh, it tickles? Really badly? How unfortunate for you…”
Has absolutely made tickle-specific gadgets and I will die on this hill.
Remember the feather staff feature from the Shredder episode? He didn’t just have that for no reason.
Usually wrecks Mikey and/or Leo. They’re both very talented at provoking him, either on purpose or by accident.
His aftercare depends on his mood. If he’s cool with touch, he’ll cuddle and watch a movie with you. If not, you’ll usually get some pats from his claw and snuggles from Shelldon (yes lil’ dude is fine gimme a break)
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Hmmmm toughie, but I’d say ler-leaning switch. Not all that ticklish, but willing to help if one of her brothers is in a bad ler mood.
She just kinda prefers to do the tickling most of the time, unless it’s for her bros.
Extremely confident, bears the magic power of saying the t-word whenever she pleases. You know she puts it to good use, too.
Being the sister of the family, she’s gotta put her bros in their places. Why not use tickling?
While it’s not often, she’ll let Big Raphie tickle her if he needs to.
Sometimes that boy just needs someone to reassure him that he’s not hurting them while giggling their brains out.
She’s pretty good at sitting still, amazing poker face. Could easily dominate in the Arms Up game.
As I said before, not super ticklish. Serves her well in tickle fights (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
Only her ribs really get her laughing, but other than that it’s bubbly, pitchy giggles.
Doesn’t really have a melt spot, though if she had to choose a favorite, it’d be her belly.
VERY very teasy. Easily-flustered lees be warned (˘ ˘ ˘)
Loves seeing her lee blush and sputter, finds it endlessly adorable.
“What? Oh, it tickles? Good, thought I might’ve been going too easy on ya!”
“Oooo, someone’s blushin’! How cute~”
“Wonder what would happen if I went for your worst spot… Only one way to find out!”
Giggles along with her lee. They’re adorable—how could she not?
As big sis, it’s her job to keep her brothers in line. Why not use tickling?
Frequently gives Raph calm-down/confidence-boosting tickles. Boy’s too stressed, in her opinion.
After him, it’s helping Donnie relax or pry him away from a project. Leo also needs to be taken down a peg every once in a while.
Super snuggly aftercare. Back rubs, praises and even some teases for the road, if ya catch my drift~
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I’m feeling ler on this one. She doesn’t seem like she’d enjoy being tickled too much, though she definitely doesn’t mind wrecking others.
Before the Hamato fam stepped in, she didn’t really have much experience in the tickly field.
Maybe one of her foot-face mentors, but other than that, nada.
That absolutely changes when she joins the bros.
Ready to vanquish any “enemy” lee mood to help her friends out.
Rougher style normally, though she can be convinced to dial it back. You wanna forget your name? She’s your gal.
Takes her role sorta seriously, though she can be playful. Just depends on her mood.
If she does tease, it’s more observational than anything.
She just kinda says flustering stuff without meaning to.
“Well, no duh it tickles. That’s the whole point!”
“Not there? You asked me to tickle you, but scold me the moment I get somewhere? I don’t think so!”
Attacks everyone pretty evenly, but she does have a preference for April and Raph. They’re the most fun to take down, in her opinion.
Cass respects boundaries, of course. You genuinely want her to stop and she’ll be off you in seconds.
Doesn’t grasp the concept of aftercare quite yet. Once you can breathe, she’ll start asking for feedback.
“How was that? Did it really tickle? Details, giggler, details!”
If specifically requested, though, she does give a mean back-rub and/or massage. If your back or neck is ticklish, though, you’re gonna have a whole new problem~ ( ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )
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Splints has ler energy, ya know?
Like April, not super ticklish. He isn’t the biggest fan of being tickled, but if it’s with very specific people, he’ll tolerate it.
Doesn’t interact tickle-wise very often, but he does have his moments.
Is very aware that his children love it and tries to connect with them in that way sometimes.
With his ninja skills and small size, he can take down even the brattiest of lees in seconds.
You see his tail? Yeah, absolutely uses it to help wreck his victims.
Very playful, goofy ler. Laughs along with his lee, makes little comments on their reactions.
“Oh my, little one. I never would have thought you’d be so sensitive!”
“Heheh, what a cute laugh! You really should let me hear it more often!”
When he notices any of his kids are down in the dumps, he sneaks in a few pokes and scritches with his tail.
If that doesn’t work, they get the full-Splints treatment. Reassuring teases, rougher tickles and his undivided attention.
He’ll bug Draxum when he feels like it, which is more funny than anything.
Reducing the broody goat-man to a giggling, cursing mess is therapeutic for him ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)
His aftercare is light and sweet. Head pats, reassurances, and a small cookie break for a nice close.
🌱Baron Draxum🐐
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Before the turtles, had little to no idea what tickling was about.
Sure, he knew that people laughed when it happened, but he couldn’t tell what was so great about it. It was just touch and laughter - no big deal.
Once the teetles got ahold of him, though? Yeah, that view changed pretty quick.
Turns out he’s a switch. Likes “destroying his nuisances” with the harmless technique, but doesn’t mind it being used on him.
Will never admit the latter, though.
A LOT more ticklish than one would imagine. Like a few squeezes will leave him giggling and blushing like there’s no tomorrow.
He’s pretty good at hiding his lee moods, though they definitely aren’t repressible. Draxy feels them, but can keep others in the dark.
If anyone’s gonna notice, it’ll be Lou (Splinter). He knows the man the best, thanks to Mikey’s whole “fatherly-bonding” push.
Splints will help, though he’ll tease the shit out of the Baron the entire time.
While he’ll never tell the rat man, he enjoys the silly exchanges.
Worst spots are his hips and shoulder blades. Either place will have him stuck in a snorty, rumbling bout of hysterics.
Melt spots are his palms. He adores gentle traces there, lets him know somebody cares.
Absolutely uses his mystic powers to help him.
Those vines? Yeah, restraints and tickle tools for days
Very smug ler, likes to tease his lees until they’re flustered messes. It’s done out of love, though, so can you blame him?
“This must be torturous, huh? The vines holding you still, my fingers on your worst spots… However, I don’t think I’ve heard you say stop…”
Usually tickles the teens if they’re annoying him, but also goes after Lou every so often.
He knows there’ll be repercussions, but life’s no fun without a little risk.
Huginn and Muninn are next in line. Surprising no one, they’re and attention whores. Draxy makes sure they get their fills.
Not the best with aftercare, but he tries. Back rubs and light praises while you catch your breath. Maybe some of his “confectionary wonders” if you’re brave enough.
*✧⁠◍Favorite Trope & Lee/Ler Pairing◍✧⁠*
Okay, so there’s no way I can pick a single favorite pairing. I love them all too much! I can, however, name my top 3.
lee!Raph, ler!April is definitely up there. I adore the big-siblings energy in their fics, and they just bond so well!
Pretty much anything with lee!Donnie in it. I love seeing the smarty-pants get got ( •̀ ᵕ •́ )
lee!Draxum and ler!Splinter. Okay, hear me out, but I love redemption arcs and enemies to friends/lovers/co-parents or whatever you wanna call what they have going on. They’re fun and I like fun.
For my favorite trope, I’m gonna have to go with cheer-up tickles, or more specifically, some stop-stressing-tf-out tickles. It’s always so fun to read how people would cheer up the boys, as well as write some super duper, totally not self-indulgent fics like that for myself. Maybe one day they’ll see the light, but don't count on it lol (¬////¬)
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raph-reign17 · 5 months
Hello!! Raphael Hamato! But usually I go by Raph, which is what my brothers, and April call me. Orrrr there's pops, who just calls me 'Red'.
Raph's Family :
Donnie - @donvonryan (One day Raph is going to achieve banning him from the coffee machine.)
Leo - @leontheluxuriousone (Don't listen to him when he says he's handsome, that's just his ego talking.)
Mikey - @mikey-the-mischevious (pls don't give him guns, Raph begs you)
Hiero - @riseleon (little brother no. 4!!)
Pops - @rat-jitsu
Karai - @hamato--karai (GRAM-GRAM!!)
Shelldon - @cyber-b1shop
Future Leo - @ninjas-greatest-weapon (funnier Leo)
Casey Jr. - @hugzfromcaseyjr (future boy)
Future Mike - @marvelousmichelangelo (wait whaaaaa??)
Future Don - @genius-othello (smarter totally)
Future Raph- @b1g-raph1e (woahh...)
Friends & close friends :
April - @aprilthefiercequeen (Best friend you could ask for!)
Cassandra - @thecassclan (Please stop sending little girls who sell cookies after us)
Paxxton - @pax-man2010 (met in the hidden city!)
Vivi - @mikey-rottmnt (also met in hidden city ^_^)
Usagi - @yokai-nerd (gay for Leo)
Stella - @stella-kessho-reporting-for-duty (:3)
Alex - @smartass-opposum
Rosemary- @rosewater-n-rosemary
Luna - @the-multiverse-jumper
Allies & enemies :
Big Mama - @bigmama10ffical (Scary spider lady that pops dated)
Repo - @repo-maniac (bug guy who owns junkyard??)
Rena - @rena-hoshimi-at-duty
Cerulean - @the-frog-assassin
Kiki - @kikikatherinerosaline
Alternate family :
Lee - @captain-ryans-no1-fan (fellow oldest bro??)
Don - @donniepedia-the-encyclopedia (not as insane sometimes)
Raph - @im-a-turtle-with-anger-issues (angry chihuahua Raph)
Mike - @the-party-dude (yummy pizza choices)
Alternate friends :
Casey Jones - @goongala-hockey-puck (3rd Casey jones??)
Karai - @karaiirl (reminder: not gram gram)
Y'gythba / Mona Lisa - @rokkarokkawaii
Roninverse :
Ronin - @ronin-mikey
Raphael - @0r0ku-k1ller
Mayhem :
Donnie - @donnie-the-weeb
Leo - @ieatdanger4breakfast
Raph - @the-rager-ever
2003 :
Leo - @leos-katanas
((OOC)) Welcome to my Raph RP blog. Please be appropriate, I'm a minor and don't be weirdo or do anything.. gross. Do not interact if your any of the above, I can and will block you. My main account is @amat3ured1t0r if anyone would like to know.
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fluffypandabun · 8 months
Omg more lee Casey PLS
Alright anon :3, have some drabble as a treat :3
Casey was the best ninja, the sneakiest and quietest of all ninjas, aside from his Sensei of course, but Casey was a close second.
He creeped quietly down the hall, sticking close to the wall and in the shadows just as his Sensei had taught him. He reached the end of it and peered sneakily through the crack of the door, his Uncle Tello was still at his desk as he always was, back to the door and furiously typing on his many, many keyboards.
Casey carefully opened the door wide enough for him to slip through before pausing to see if the turtle had noticed him, he hadn't and Casey bit his lip to stop from giggling as he stepped through the door and into the room.
He stayed crouched, almost crawling, making his way further into the dimly lit room. As he got closer to his uncle's chair he slowly raised himself back up onto two legs, stretching his body up he made his hands into claws taking in a deep breath-
There was a whir of metal retracting and faster than Casey could even yelp he was being picked up by small metal hands and dangled upside down in front of his uncle's unamused face.
The boy offered a half grin, giggling nervously.
"Hehe, Hi Uncle Tello...."
The mutant narrowed his eyes, tattooed on eyebrows furrowing and giving him an even more unamused expression.
"Casey Jr."
The two stared each other down for a moment before Casey squirmed a bit in the metal arms hold, causing him to swing back and forth slightly.
"Right so, I think I'll be on my way now-
"Yeah no not happening."
Before he could even protest, Casey was being dropped into his uncle's lap. Two large three fingered hands grabbed onto his sides and rapidly squeezed up and down them, prompting the boy to squeal loudly and burst into loud giggles.
"You come into my lab, and prevent me from doing my work and expect to leave without consequences? For shame Casey." Donetello droned, his voice conveying indifference to the squirmy laughing child in his lap though the fondness in his eyes gave him away.
"Now," He continued, turning back to his screen, "Where was I...?" "Uncle Tello!" Casey squealed when the mutant's fingers wiggled their way up to his armpits.
"Casey Jr." Donetello responded, glancing down at him, "Can't you see I'm trying to work? Did we not teach you any better then to bother us when were working?"
Tiny hands pushed to no avail against larger green ones. "Your tihihickling meheheheh!" Donetello raised an eyebrow. "Tickling you? Me? Oh I would never." the turtle rolled his eyes, voice laced with sarcasm. Though when Casey let out a squeak of a hiccup he couldn't keep the slight smile off his face.
"Uncle Tehehellohohoho!" Casey giggled, smacking at muscled arms as his hands suddenly skittered back down to tweak gently at his ribs.
"Sigh, I guess if you really require my attention so badly you may have it" Donnie grinned, he shifted the boy in his arms to better secure him before he made his free hand into a claw, bringing it down onto the boy's small stomach and shaking it. Practically shaking the boy's whole body alongside it.
Casey shrieked before bursting into bright childish belly laughter, curling up around the turtle's hand.
"Ehehehehe! Nohohohoho!"
Donnie raised a brow. "No? Now you don't want my attention? You need to make up your mind Casey."
Casey kicked out his legs, trying desperately to roll over onto his side. "Your behehehing mehehehean!" "Me? Mean? Scoff! I'll have you know that I'm the fun uncle, I mean just listen to how much fun your having right now."
He used the boy's new position to skitter his fingers up his spine to the back of his neck, causing him to scrunch up and squeal.
Donnie allowed his fingers to poke a prod for a few moments longer before he let up, allowing the boy to rest in his lap as he caught his breath. As his lingering giggles resided Donnie gave him a look.
"Now, what have we learned about sneaking up on Uncle Tello?"
Casey giggled a bit before answering. "To not get caught next time."
Donnie gave him an annoyed look at he poked him in the side. "You've been spending too much time with that Sensei of yours."
Casey giggled and pushed the turtle's hand away, settling back to lean against his chest, tilting back his head to grin up at him.
"I mean it! Next time I won't get caught."
Donnie glanced down at him and patted his head. "Uh huh, I'm sure you won't." He wheeled himself back over closer to his desk.
"Now if you promise to be quiet I'll let you stay with me while I work."
The boy's eyes immediately lit up."Will you let me use the soldering iron again?" "Ha!......Only if you don't tell Mikey." 
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
Tickle crabs
This fic is inspired by that one Bluey episode “Tickle Crabs.” It was so cutttee I couldn’t help but imagine Donnie with Casey in this. It takes place in the future timeline.
Warnings: None aside from tickling so if that’s not your thing just keep scrolling <3
Summery: Casey wants to play. Unfortunately Donnie got stuck with babysitting him.
Casey Jr was quite the handful. The brothers would usually take turns watching the little kid, but sometimes they had to team up to keep him entertained (and of course to keep him safe). The poor kid however, got stuck with uncle Donnie in his lab.
“I wanna play a game!” Casey Jr whined. Donnie sighed, “I do not have the time Casey.”
Carey pouted. He wished master Leonardo was here. At least he would play with him. He decided to try the only thing he could think of. He climbed onto the scientists lap and made the biggest, and cutest puppy dog eyes that could’ve put Mikey’s to shame.
Donnie looked at his face for a moment before sighing again. “Fine. I suppose a little break couldn’t hurt.” Donnie might have an emotionally unavailable bad boy image, but puppy dog eyes were one of his biggest weaknesses when it came to Casey and Mikey (even Leo on a good day).
Anyway, Donnie swiveled his computer chair towards the young boy. “What do you want to do.” A mischievous glint shone in the child’s eyes. Donnie felt that he was up to something.
Turns out he was right. Casey suddenly pounced onto him and began pinching his fingers at any bit of skin he could reach. Donnie yelped out in surprise. “H-hey!” He got up, pushing the child off him, and tried to run. He was not about to get taken down from tickling by a little kid.
“TICKLE CRAB!!!” The child squealed as he ran after his mutant scientist uncle. Now you might think, why can’t Donnie just tickle him back to fight him? You see once Donnie is taken down, he’s too weak and uncoordinated to fight back. In other terms, he’d become completely helpless. Donnie thought he would be able to out run the little demon that was Casey Jr (no doubt he inherited his mother Cassandra’s spirit).
“NO! No!!! Absolutely not!!! Get back!! Nooo ‘tickle crabs’!!!” Donnie protested as he ran for it. Soon he bumped into Leo. “Oh hey Donton. What happened? Is Casey ok?” He asked with a slight look of concern. “Nardo! Ohmigosh you gotta help me! That demon won’t leave me alone!” Donnie hid behind his twin as Casey Jr caught up.
“Ah, there you are Junior!” Leo greeted his apprentice with a smile. “Are you giving uncle Donnie a hard time?” He asked with a tone of pride. Casey flashed a toothy grin and pinched his fingers like a crab.
A smirk overtook the blue ninjas face as he suddenly understood what was going on. “Awe is he not playing with you? I can help with that!” And before Donnie could say ‘uranium’ Leo whipped around and wrestled his genius twin to the floor. Leo was technically stronger as he trained a lot more, so Donnie could kiss any hope of escape goodbye. Leo had him flat on his shell, and his arms pinned firmly above him, with Leo looking over him from behind.
“N-no!! Waitwaitwaitwait dohohont!!!” Donnie pleaded as Casey came closer. “Already giggling? Dude did you get more ticklish since we were kids?” Leo asked in a lightheartedly teasing tone. “Sh-shuhuhut uhuppp!!! N-NO!!”
Casey climbed on top of his uncles now entirely unprotected torso. Before Donnie could protest anymore Casey began pinching his fingers like a crab against Donnie’s sides. Donnie nearly burst into uncontrollable giggles, but forced himself to hold it in. He was NOT going to surrender to such childish methods. Leo grinned, knowing what his twin was doing.
“Awww don’t hide that laughter from us Donton~” he teased, poking at his side also.
Donnie couldn’t move much as he didn’t want to accidentally hurt Casey, but that didn’t stop him from shifting around wildly and kicking his legs.
He couldn’t believe Leo. Well actually… yes. Yes he could. He was so gonna pay.
Casey began tickling more in other places he could reach, but when he started wiggling his fingers into the mutants ribs, Donnie lost it.
“Gahahaha nohohoho!!!!”
“Wow you hit a pretty good spot!” Leo told his apprentice with a grin.
“Leheheheohohoo mahahahahake hihihim stohohop!!!”
“Huh? But why? Your the one who won’t play with him.” Leo teased.
Leo laughed. “Ahalright alright fine. Casey that’s enough.”
Casey stopped and got off him.
Donnie was about to get up, but Leo quickly went around from above him to straddle the scientists.
“LEO!” Donnie huffed with annoyance as he tried and failed to push his older twin off.
“Nah. It’s my turn now!” And Leo descended his hands on Donnie to drill at his upper ribs. Donnie let out a shriek as he clamped his arms down, bursting into more laughter. He was now thrashing under his twin as he didn’t having Casey on him anymore.
“See Case? This is how you pick apart our dear uncle tello.” Leo told the younger as if he wasn’t absolutely taking apart the poor scientist. Casey watched intently, giggling at the thrashing mutant.
“But! If you really wanna get him…” Leo pinned his arms above his head. “L-LEO!!! Nohoho plehehease!!!”
He knew what that meant.
Leo began digging into his underarms harshly. Donnie burst into violent hysterical cackles, kicking his legs out from behind Leo.
“See? Now this spot is a killer for uncle Tello.” Leo said with a smirk as he took apart his younger twin. Donnie was only making incomprehensible noises which was all he could do through the extreme laughter.
Soon his laughter went silent, and Leo took that as a sign that he couldn’t take any more.
He got off Donnie as the purple loving mutant stayed laying on the floor, trying to catch his breath. “I’m… gohonna… ghet you bahack… soho hahard…” He threatened.
“Ok tough guy.” Leo teased with a smirk as he poked his cheek. Leo then scooped up Casey Jr. “Now you know how to really get him!” He told the kid. “Use the information wisely.”
“LEO!!!” Donnie yelled as he got up to chase after his brother, who just took off with Casey. They really were gonna be the death of him.
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superfruitland · 12 days
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i'm so normal about these two. the father son duo ever. they don't take up every waking moment of my life. if you've seen me go crazy over them no you haven't. i've never been more normal.
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xavitron883 · 1 month
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There needs to be more lee Casey art BAAAAH!!
Headcanon: Casey has a very ticklish neck
Raph would totally do something like this
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Textless version
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grumpytheunicorn · 9 months
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Doodle of lil CJ gardening with his Auntie. (during the bad timeline.)
Again another old doodle, I've been busy with family stuff.
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mndvx · 1 year
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The many names of Torminox in DOOM PATROL — Casey Patrol (S04E04)
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animal-lover-forever · 3 months
Alright! My online fam! (I will tag as I find out who is who. :P)
(Quick note. If you see "??" before your tag, it's because I don't know what you go by. Or I just forgot. =-= If you want me to change the name before the tag, then just let me know.)
(Help! I don't know what Koi and Leon would be!😵‍💫)
Father (Mike)! @mikebeanz
Auntie (Avi)! @disastertwins9000
Sister (Angel)! @arise-children-angel-is-here
Cousin (Ender)! @ender-outlaw
My son (Casey Jr.)! @hugzfromcaseyjr
My daughter (Ghosty)! @ghosty-0w0
Amateur! @amat3ured1t0r
JJ! @averagetmntfan
Don! @b00tyyyshker9000
Acid! @acid-da-monster
Leon! @leontheluxuriousone
Koi! @echodoesstuff62333
Ally! @allyheart707
Kiki! @coffee-is-my-friend
??! @3m0n3rd
Java! @thejavavoid
Sleepy! @s1eepy-0
Navy! @navinenightshade
Lee! @captain-ryans-no1-fan-2
Hiero! @riseleon
Avid! @justletmereadmycomics
MJ! @traumatisedspider
K-5! @kraang5
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