lepiidopterophobia · 1 year
this is a bad land for gods. — @legacyfirst
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"strange, i would have said something very similar about europa, had i access to it at the time. but you survived even there, more or less. perhaps more less than more, actually."
crossing one leg over the other, savathun leans back, resting her palms flat against the raised ground behind her. the city is unyielding; as unruly now as it was back when she-who-was wore osiris' face. and yet, and yet, and yet—
"i am starting to believe this world has no place for gods. or it won't, should it continue along this trend."
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mantleoflight · 1 year
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
//Xol (@aurea-fide) would know immediately bc Echo not only offers him little "prayers" asking for favors on mundane things, but she actually sometimes treats him like a needy pet or roommate who just needs some physical affection.
//Others would figure it out by watching her with her sketch/notebook and asking what she's been looking at all day. Actual!Echo would either go into a full-on shpeal about the neat thing she's found or is learning about, or she'll tell you to hang on, she's doing a thing, and then run off excitedly to do that thing. Anything less than that and you know there's something wrong.
//Yyv is a bit trickier, but I think the big giveaway would actually be her patience. Because she is very patient with the things that go on around her. Anyone who doesn't have the patience of a saint would be under some serious suspicion.
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travelerscitizen · 11 months
@legacyfirst : MR.KUIPER.... !!
Ky pauses in his sketching, placing his hands on the work table he wiggles back and forth before spinning around to look at his boss. "MR. B!" He respones grinning from ear to ear. A harpy eye connected to a monitor moves away from its pointed spot to zoom in on the approaching man. "Whatcha' need? Are they done with examining the vex milk?" He had to stop himself giggling at the odd name.
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exilegend · 11 months
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@legacyfirst asked:
He was pointing at the moon but I was looking at his hand.
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osiris stares. it's not hard to distrust clovis bray, especially given his... fraught history. (especially from more details of his person given from elsie.) osiris was quiet for a long moment before he looks down, arms folded over one another as he scuffs his shoe against the ground.
" i was not aware clovis bray had romantic proclivities. " he finally settles upon. though, he never gave much of anyone else's personal lives or dispositions much thought so clovis is no different in this than anyone else.
(he does not want to be having such a conversation. private as he is.)
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fiirecracker · 1 year
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suit yourself. you'll regret it tomorrow. (to taniks) | @legacyfirst
the noise that comes from his throat is closer to a shriek than a laugh; metal grinding against metal, threatening to break but never quite bending. plumes of smoke emerge from beneath his helm as hidden mandibles click together.
"you know very little of me, creature, if you think i know regret." he hisses, and pushes forward.
one hand grabs the edge of the pod, and a second digs his claws into its metal seam. his third hand is as it always has been; a weapon, a gun. but his fourth... in his fourth, he grasps the shell a girl. an eliksni his almost-kell loved as a daughter. the little one who brought him back yet again. the abomination has no love for her, but eramiskel does.
and it is out of misguided affection for her that taniks rips the pod door open.
"let her figure out the world she is reborn into. it is not for me to care."
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thvndersnow · 1 year
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@legacyfirst says ;;
❝ you are a weapon, a killer. do not forget it. ❞ (to Cayde)
there's a tension that builds in cayde's servos, running up his spinal strut and making him clench his jaw tight. heat builds in his chest, escapes in plumes of black smoke from both sides of his mouth. his HUD warns him of overheating -- the alert is swiped away with a flick of his optics. normally, he would be able to crack a joke at someone who'd truly gotten to him, calm himself down. clovis bray is different.
cayde cuts his optics at clovis, snorts. there is venom when he speaks.
"you act like i ever did, old man."
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the-young-red-wolf · 10 months
@legacyfirst (closed)
{{ that of which finds its way home || closed }}
|| Mist had made her way to Europa... if she'd find anything it was at the Bray Exo labs. Despite everything telling her to run, she shook off her anxiety and pushed forward pulling her hood up. Sneaking by fallen, trying to prevent a fight she didn't have to go in.. when she found a spot to rest she opened her com, "I'm inside.. still safe... I'll leave it open incase something happens.."
"Stay safe, little light. I will wait." Mithraxs gruff voice came through her com.
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Subtly...unknowingly she set off one of the alarms when reaching the final lower levels of the facility, using her snare bomb she used it to appear unseen as she moved around. Finding unused exo bodies...she tilted her head at them.. but moved on, part of this plqce seemed familiar...
|| One of the silent alarms went off. Someone was here.. ||
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deijay53-blog · 7 years
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@Regrann from @charlesotudor - #CO@XLVI... #Passionate about #Growth? #Desire real impact? #Hungry for #Improvement? Ready for a #QuantumLeap? Then the #BrandMasterClass is for you... Absolutely #FREE. Visit www.charlesOTudor.com to register. #100EntrepreneursBrandMasterClass. #LegacyFirst #TrueLeadersWanted #GenuineLeadersNeeded #SelfLessLeadersRequired To your #Success. #Brands #Branding #BrandsAndBranding #BrandsToWatch2017 #BrandsToWatchAfrica#GlobalBrands *BrandArchitectureCredit @tayoabobarin @idsbrands - #regrann (at Okpara avenue,Enugu)
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mantleoflight · 10 months
“This … hurts you.”  (As Hannu >:^))
Echo winced and looked up, her ghost hovering over her and spinning light into seared wounds from Fallen arc spears.
“Yeah,” she said, looking back at the bulky exomind. “You… didn’t know that?”
If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve thought he was a titan. But he didn’t have a ghost and finding anyone Lightless on Europa was a big deal. Still, didn’t he know they got hurt?
Whisper moved onto the next gash, slowly melding wires, synth, and plating back together.
“Yeah, we don’t die permanently,” Echo said, looking up at the other Exo. “But that doesn’t mean we don’t feel every bullet, every blade that cuts through our skin and metal. Just because we’re close to immortal doesn’t mean we’re invincible.”
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mantleoflight · 11 months
“ if you die on me, then what's the issue? you either live, or you die. “
Not for the first time, the hunter shared her ghost's impulse and almost wished the egomaniac had a throat small enough for her to just rip out with her mouth plates. Unable to act on her violent impulse, she continued doing her best to solder the internal server before lifting a hand cannon and shooting back several dregs.
"Clovis, I hate to break it to you, but if my OS crashes and my ghost can't bring me back, you are going to lose a lot of tech and server space. So either you give me the codes to get into the next room, or I'm going to die in the only way that matters and these scavengers are going to get in and strip you for parts. Your choice, metal man."
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mantleoflight · 1 year
“Remember that weekend in Los Angeles? Well, this is just like that, except we’re not using dynamite, and there won’t be any human sacrifices.” (To Echo)
Echo-17 shuddered and ran her hands over her face. The hive nest in Old Los Angeles, the worst she’d ever seen on Earth. It had been one of her first missions, her introduction to sparrow racing and how mistiming your explosives could lead to a nasty mess.
"Okay," she said, squaring her shoulders as she lifted her face out of her hands. "So, big nest of baddies, no hostages. Can't bring the house down on them so you have to flush or flood them out. Sounds like the Glassway's in a heck of a state."
The exo took in a deep breath and clapped her hands against her knees as she pushed herself up. "Which is why you called a Guardian, yeah? Get someone durable to get the dirty work done."
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mantleoflight · 1 year
❛ that line disappears once you cross it. ❜
Echo looked at Clovis, her eyes as heavy as her thoughts. "Speaking from personal experience or encouraging advice?" she asked drolly, leaning back in her chair. "Because honestly, I can think of a bunch of times crossing lines led to bad things. After all, lines are there for a reason, right? Something about keeping us safe?"
It's clear she's to tired to be doing this, to tired to be working or thinking or... resisting, if she were honest. But even in her exhaustion she still couldn't bring herself to do it - to cross a line...
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mantleoflight · 1 year
Witherhoard - Does your Guardian wield the Darkness? How does it make them feel? (To Whisper >:3)
Whisper glanced over at Echo as she folded laundry, quietly considering the question.
"Echo does use Darkness," she said, gazing at the asker. "But she definitely prefers solar or arc. Stasis is something she only uses when upset... which has been a lot recently... But this Strand stuff?" Whisper looked over, her blue eye resting on her guardian. "She loves it. The flow, the adventure, the letting go of attachment... it makes her feel freer than any other subclass. It's like it was made for her, or maybe she was made for it."
Whisper gave a soft sigh. "I don't know how this all will end with Calus and the Witness, but even if it's Darkness and it feels wrong to me as a Light-based life form, I'm glad Echo's finding something that makes her happy. She needs something to be happy about right now."
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mantleoflight · 1 year
Ace of Spades - What's your Guardian's relationship with the Vanguard? (To Echo)
Echo clenched her jaw, pausing in her polishing of her bollyhook.
"Strained," she said, her voice emphasizing the word. "I know what they're about and what they're trying to do. But how they do things and how they raised us new lights didn't prepare us for what came and... I'm not sure I'm ready to forgive them for that."
There were other reasons but she kept her mouth shut. Her relationship with the Vanguard was strained and that was all anyone needed to know.
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mantleoflight · 9 months
"…and then he was gone." (Clovis talking about his son to Rachel before she becomes an Exo.)
Rachel lay in her hospital bed, her body dark with bruising just from the weight of the sheets and the micro metals in her veins. She listened closely and rested an empathetic hand on the old man's hand. "I'm so sorry," she said gently. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost one of my boys. I don't know what they'd do if they lost me."
She frowned and leaned back in her bed, her brow pinched with worry as she contemplated things. "I don't want to leave them alone, Mr. Bray. I don't want to--" she took in a sharp breath and let it out slowly. "I want to make a better world for them. I want to make a better world for everyone." She turned her head, her brown eyes fixed on him. "If I go into the program, will you allow me to help this become a reality? More than just being a human test dummy, I want to work on the project. Make it better, beneficial, streamlined--"
She took in another sharp breath, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again. "Will you let me do that? Will you allow me to join the project?"
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mantleoflight · 1 year
is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
which one of your muses has the most ships?
what is each of your muses otps? notps?
1 - //Well, Echo is the main muse of this blog so most everyone else fits that category. Misraaks has been getting a bit more attention on Discord but I really wish people would take up thread musings with Darius. He's such a cool character and I really have so much I want to share about him. Kesivik doesn't get a whole lot of love either, but I understand why - I mean, I haven't been able to give him a whole lot of love -- him or Yyventriz, both of which I still need to finish writing up their profile and timeline stuff! (They have such neat timeline verses, especially Darius and Yyventriz -- they have such rich histories for their long lives!! )
2 - //At this point I think Ashven or Yyventriz. Ashven because he really is more like a background villain character whose badguy effects ripple down through the ages even if you don't know it's him. He's a Setting character not an easily RP'd character. Yyventriz has been, well, difficult in rping too since I've been revamping her. I know that character-children ocs aren't really looked highly upon so I've been kinda trying to separate her from Eramis. (Who, I will tell you, does canonically have kids somewhere in the galaxy with her wife, Athrys. But again, canon-child oc stigma. )
3 - //Well, for this blog, I'd say Echo. She's the guardian that started it all on this blog. Though my oldest active muse is actually a tie between Baribus ( @leerofthevinegaroons) and my boy Bonely ( @pawnshopsouls). But yeah, on this blog Echo-17 is my oldest bab!
4 - //Echo. Echo has the most ships. Namely with @raifer-vayne and @legacyfirst. She had another one but that one ended after some bad drama earlier this year. The only other muses with ships on this blog are Yyventriz & Jorvek ( @aurea-fide ), and a discord ship with Misraaks and Sundog ( @peachtiiime ) which we are still exploring.
5 - //Hhhh I actually don't have an otp for Echo bc she is so open to relationships. My otp for Yyventriz so far has been her and Jor (tho for a while I thought her and Misraaks would be a neat pairing buuut Jor and Yyv were fun). I haven't really thought of notps for them since they haven't had a chance to experience more relationships.
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