cmatain · 6 months
Celebrado en modalidad híbrida (presencial y virtual) el XIII Congreso Internacional «Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro»
Los pasados días 13-15 de diciembre de 2023 se celebró en modalidad híbrida (presencial en la Universidad de Navarra y virtual a través de la plataforma Google Meet) el XIII Congreso Internacional «Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro» (JISO 2023), organizado por el Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro (GRISO) de la Universidad de Navarra, en colaboración con el Instituto de Estudios Auriseculares…
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paolo-redaelli · 1 year
The Developer's Code: What Real Programmers Do by Ka Wai Cheung
Legendum est, that is “it must be read”. That’s why it’s in “legenda” category, which literally means “Things that must be read”. That’s the power of gerundive verb inflection of Latin. Latin is such a beafutiful, precise and concise language. It’s a shame it went “out of fashion”. English is so an unprecise and ambiguous language in comparison!
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Illustration Article 21: Video Game Concept Art: Objects/Props
Our last article on video game concept art focused on character design—among the most important elements to work on. But other than the background/environment, there is still a plethora of items/objects to draw, model, and animate. Nearly all games feature objects, whether they are from collect-a-thons, inventory items, currency, minerals to build other items, and so forth. For example, many mobile games depend on large amounts of smaller avatars, assets, objects, and so forth.
One subset of objects is what I would call “props”. These could include weapons, vehicles, or any item a character/avatar uses within the game animation. Unlike currency or collectible objects, props may require more complex models, or more drawings to supplement the in-game actions.
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This concept art by Cory Loftis, shows the important mindset to start with when designing in-game objects: variety. Each object stands out from one another; the material, temperature, and texture of each element are distinct and recognizable. These objects may act as minerals to collect for upgrading, selling, or alchemizing into new objects. The function and materiality of each item can be differentiated by a specific contour, internal shapes, and color scheme. For example, many of these objects feature crystals.  The shape may be like a more common diamond, or asymmetrical chunks; the crystal may be very reflective, or have a dull, milky appearance.
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This next example is concept art for a presumed video game, Legendum. Designing differences in weapons can be difficult; unlike crystals, the shape and color palette of weapons may be greatly restricted. This artist relies upon smaller details and embellishments. Developing these differences would likely require considerable research into types of shields, bows, and so forth throughout history. Subtle visual cues of size or design changes can show contextual information, such as how durable or powerful the weapon is.
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The sizes of these shields may be similar, but subtle construction can make each unique. Surface-level changes include showing the material (wood, steel), or covering it with metallic designs. Other differences include whether there is a metal rim around the shield, or if it has any steel knobs in the front.
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This concept art by Vera Velichko features a motorcycle in different stages of line-art and full-color, along with different angles. The final detailed image may be used in order to create a 3D model, so drawing from multiple angles is necessary, especially if an object or prop isn’t symmetrical. A highly-rendered prop should also have a cohesive “personality” that is reflective of the society that it is used in, or of the owner that uses it.
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nunc est legendum quod internet
So Le Guide Michelin has returned, not to Los Angeles, but to California broadly, and I am… skeptical. There’s a lot to be said about the Guide’s views of Los Angeles cuisine in particular, and the late great Jonathan Gold of the Los Angeles Times sums it up better than I could:
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But here’s the real thing—I did not realize Bibendum (the given name of the Michelin Man, FYI) would be at the award ceremony in Los Angeles. I cannot stop looking at these photos.
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As I was regaling my fascinating with these photos to my sister (which was mostly me shouting the word “Bibendum”) I realized not everyone is as familiar with the delightful old Michelin advertisements. This one, for example, quotes Ovid (“nunc est bibendum” aka “now is the time for drinking”) and then says “That is to say: to your health! Michelin tires drink up obstacles.” Please note the coupe glass filled with nails, glass shards, etc. and the other gentlemen at the table labeled as other tire brands (!)
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I will be in London next month, so might just have to make a pilgrimage to the restaurant now in the old Michelin building, which has stained glass windows of Bibendum, and also—though one suspects this is a conflict of interest—two Michelin stars.
A café that I will not make it too, which saddens me greatly, is this Korean café designed to look like a black and white pen drawing:
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A piece that talks about the Frankfurt kitchen and how it completely changed how we think about kitchens, and it’s astonishing to see how modern it looks, even today, despite dating from the 1920s (this was it installed at the Met, which is why there are people in the window)
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There’s been a weird slice of the internet about the idea of “Wife Guys” — men that mention their wives in weird, performative ways. It’s turned into a meme, and Jia Tolentino beautifully deconstructs it, drawing on a deep history of creating families in marginalized communities and—well—Borat. It’s really, really worth a read.
I am obviously INCREDIBLY DELIGHTED BY THIS HEADLINE. Here is the photo that made him (understandably!) infamous, he was stealing a knife from a crime scene. He’s also had an art exhibition.
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etcetera: Please go watch Fleabag, particularly season 2, but the whole show is an incredible meditation on grief, existing in the modern world, love, faith, and family. Please go watch it (caveat for The Grown Ups: it is very racy) and then read the following: The Agony and the Ecstasy of Fleabag, this piece breaking down the pilot from an editing / cinematography / writing perspective and a great interview with Andrew Scott, who plays the "Hot Priest" (technically his character is just named The Priest, but, well...)
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riusugoi · 5 years
Multum legendum esse non multa
Plinio el Joven
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acquaintanceee · 4 years
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"Aiunt multum legendum esse, non multa "
Trying to keep myself sane♡
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Carmen S. Ioannis a Cruce bis Latinitate donatum
Hodie, in festo Sancti Ioannis a Cruce, qui quidem in Sanctorum numerum relatus est anno 1726°, Doctor vero Ecclesiae renuntiatus anno 1926°, carmen ab ipso exaratum, cui index “Nox obscura” (Hispanice La noche obscura), vobis proponimus legendum, idque duabus versionibus Latinis, quarum altera ab Andrea a Iesu, O.C.D., altera vero ab Henrico Martija, C.M.F. confecta est.
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cmatain · 7 months
Publicadas en Acceso Abierto (Colección BIADIG, 71) las actas del XII Congreso Internacional Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro (JISO 2022)
Acaba de publicarse en línea (en Acceso Abierto / Open Access), como número 71 de la colección BIADIG (Biblioteca Áurea Digital) del GRISO, el volumen «Multum legendum». Actas del XII Congreso Internacional Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro (JISO 2022), editado por Carlos Mata Induráin, Ariel Núñez Sepúlveda y Miren Usunáriz Iribertegui. Carlos Mata Induráin, Ariel Núñez Sepúlveda y Miren…
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