#let’s be real that dude did not gaf lol
dogwittaablog · 5 months
thoughts on Nolpats and pride tape?
My dude was getting EATEN up alive. It’s also the fact people were making up illogical reasonings to why he didn’t use it. I stg if that whole “he didn’t use the tape cause the colours would’ve triggered his migraines” wasnt said it wouldn’t have brought more attention to the situation.
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Had to include this gem because I genuinely laughed when I first saw it
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bisluthq · 3 months
Taylor was controlled by her parents, in the beginning, especially her mother. Mama Swift complained about moves being too sexy, had footage from the Tim McGraw mv deleted(Taylor and her boyfriend were skinny dipping in the lake), and later admitted at an Awards ceremony, on national TV, that they refused to let her date a boy they disapproved of: the boy who had inspired Love Story(which was based on a Romeo and Juliet theme). A country music journalist insists that her parents buried stories about the two also. It is not hard to imagine Taylor hiding dating him, because later he became the subject of White Horse, which Taylor said was the same person in Love Story, “the beginning and the end.” So no, it is not hard to imagine a straight relationship having to hide.
…. why would we need to know the specifics of Taylor’s biography to imagine a perfectly plausible set of circumstances lmao?
When I was in high school I didn’t date anyone super inappropriate - tbh I didn’t “date” anyone until my first bf like I made out with some guys and got kinda fingered by one guy - so it didn’t affect me but a ton of my friends weren’t “allowed” to date certain boys? A friend of mine was dating this guy from a neighboring high school whose parents were going through a nasty divorce and he used to sell weed to everyone (in hindsight idk where he was scoring that weed - maybe his divorcing dad?? Idk??? It wasn’t legal back then so like where was he finding this shit?) and he used to not like spending time at either his mum or his dad’s and they didn’t really gaf so he’d like sorta float around at friends’ houses but no other parents wanted him around because of yk the weed and so a lot of the time he’d climb into her room from the tree outside her house and sleepover and sneak out like early in the morning. She was obviously forbidden from dating him lmao. She still did. Fun fact: he eventually crashed the car her parents bought her totaling the vehicle while high and drunk so they couldn’t claim on insurance and then he got into a physical fight with her father and so every time I hear that one Chainsmokers’ song I remember that dude. Freddie was his name lol. I also can still never take anyone called Freddie seriously after that dude. Follow up fun fact: that friend is not the one who is still only dating drug dealers, this one is married to a very nice man and they own a restaurant together and they work super hard with that and are very cute. But also I’ve had a lot of friends date weird ass dudes ngl ngl. Anyway.
My point with this protracted story is if one regularly goes outside then there’s no reason to think about Taylor’s biography to think of reasons these songs would apply to many different people’s lives. I’m sure my friend felt very Love Story about Freddie (except she wouldn’t have ever listened to it in real time because she was into super emo bands and that whole aesthetic like her fave band was MCR). That was a hetty relationship. They weren’t even different social classes tbh but he was a bad boy and she had functional parents who didn’t want him around her. That girl is bi btw (not that she was out then) but as I say is now married to a man and idk her most forbidden thing was still probably the Freddie story and tbh her parents - and the rest of our parents and tbh most of us, as her friends - were 100% right. He was indeed a bad boy.
Wonder what he’s up to these days lol. Might be a huge weed entrepreneur, might be in prison, really no way to know.
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janiedean · 5 years
Since we're in topic, do you have some advices for writers? Where do you begin when you write original stories and characters? The plot, the concept, the description of characters?
spewell considering that you’re talking to ‘oh hey I have the original idea that might work but I’ve been figuring it out for a whole year and a half’ take them with the necessary skepticism but since I did come up with some decent ocs in fic apparently my advice is probably not entirely shitty lol so with the premise that writing is Not A Science and other than reading a lot no advice is 100% foulproof especially if it doesn’t work for you...
I’d start with the concept, ie: what do you want your story to be about or what message do you want it to be about or what do you want to do with it. do you want to scare people? do you want to make people happy with quality entertainment but without writing a Serious Novel? do you want to write a sad thing to make a point? like, you need to know where you’re going with it in general;
when you have your concept, whichever it is - for one, without going in-depth let’s just say that my original novel concept that I’ve been trying to figure out for good is ‘blade runner meets high fidelity’ (don’t worry IT MAKES SENSE) -, you need to work at once both on main setting and protagonist. I mean, idk let’s just discuss a thing I wanted to write last year when I was thinking of sending original writing to this scifi anthology and then never managed because time and drama and real life happened and I couldn’t commit to it;
so, the theme of that anthology was ‘alternate peace’ ie write a short story where a situation that in history ended up in a fight/war/bloodbath is solved peacefully and write the alternate universe coming from it. so: I had to come up with the idea first because otherwise I wouldn’t have known where to start, then the worldbuilding, then the characters - ngl I think that if you have the worldbuild the characters come a lot easier but that’s me. so: I was like ‘what if I wrote something where the ludlow massacre never happens?’ (the ludlow massacre was tldr a strike in colorado which ended up with the strikers being mass killed by the national guard and in turned caused enough scandal to get unions/unionized labor a lot of traction in the US at least until maccarthysm.) then I didn’t, but in order I went like:a) if what happened is that it had repercussions on the history of unionized work in the US, if I did it so that the workers accepted a plea or smth and the rockfellers won without no one dying, those repercussions would Not Have Happened, nor it’d have created all the left-leaning literature/politics/thinking that came out of it, john reed wouldn’t have written about it etc, so I had elaborated an entire situation post-wwii where unions had all died long before, people were pretty much without any single social lifesaver and could get fired at will and it was basically dystopian hell with mccarthy being president or smth;b) at that point I was like, who do I put in this, and at that point I didn’t manage to go much forward but I had a feeling I should have some young person who was born after the not-massacre who had no idea of what went on talking to an older one that had actually been there and wished they hadn’t taken the deal;c) young dude would have been more or less cynical/not really much of a politics person, old dude would have been old school leftist who still wishes there could have been a better world and wishes the new generation would put two and two together and talk to their elders;d) young dude wouldn’t have known how to read/write because he wouldn’t have needed it for factory work, old dude would have etc;at that point I could have probably gone and gave them families (or not), or a friend (or not), and my general idea was having them discuss politics for the main part of the story, then old guy dies or smth like that and young guy actually gets the message and idk I basically wanted you to read it and feel like I felt when I listened to the ghost of tom joad, that was the general idea;that said, the characters were the last part i came up with because I needed the worldbuilding to know what character I wanted in it, which is why I’d say worldbuld first if you’re writing that kinda thing ie scifi, alternate history etc;
now, obv. if you’re writing the coffee shop au just in novel format or if you’re writing something lighter where the setting doesn’t matter, you need good characters first. I mean, if you write the coffee shop setting just to have a good love story you might want people to pick yours and not the umpteenth version of it with the same dynamic (same with the YAs with the sixteen year-old girl who thinks she’s ugly falling for the hot dude with abs and a bad attitude), so in that case I’d go for the characters. for one, if I had to write a YA, I’d make it with a girl who is actually ugly and has hobbies other than just reading and maybe plays in the school band or has some peculiar post-school job or idk can repair cars but is not good at everything she does and the guy would be moderately hot though not THE SPIT COPY OF DAMON SALVATORE JUST WITH GREEN EYES, he wouldn’t have a license and he wouldn’t think that it’s sexy to tell your girlfriend that you own her, and while I’m nowhere near interested in writing YAs, that would differentiate it from 99,9% of the YAs around from what I see, and so at that point I’d make sure I got the main two down and then I’d work on the friends and family and make them less stereotypical as possible so my YA is different from everyone else’s YA, and if any of them is a supernatural creature they suck at it and hate having supernatural magic and the likes. I mean, you want your characters to have a personality, but if you have a good worldbuilding behind them it might come after, if you don’t gaf about the worldbuilding and just want the standard setting work on the characters and try to give them depth before you plan anything else;
figure out where do you want your story to go before writing it - ie: the only reason I haven’t written the original yet is that idk what kind of spin I want the ending to have and I’m not 100% convinced so I’m not doing it yet, but if you don’t have the backbone of it planned then you’re going to lose steam or the plot will fuck you over (in my experience). like, try to have at least clear what happens in the main arc so that you know how to get from beginning to ending without needing to figure shit out as you go along, then you start, and if you change your mind while you do go with it, but try to start it knowing where you’re headed because it makes it easier imvho;
if you go for complicated shit like time travel figure that shit out before you start writing it including every possible repercussion because you’ll hate yourself if you don’t;
don’t try to re-do what others did obviously. I mean, if I wanted to write rep for non standard attractive cishet women I would not try to re-write brienne of tarth just changing the hair color. I would try to take the same tropes he’s using, change the setting and go with it, but it shows if you read a book and your character is the exact same as your favorite writer’s. like, if you read ian tregillis’s milkweed tryptich it’s going to be obvious that one of the main characters is the same tropes as jaime but that guy has enough personality differences and an enough different background and circumstances of upbringing that while you can see it has the same basics (generally nice guy forced to do horrid things who wants to redeem himself, live without his overbearing sister who wants to control him and has a generally straight moral compass), you don’t think ‘oh ian tregillis who is grrm’s friend has copied from him and put jaime lannister in a wwii alternate history trilogy’. like, we all have our tropes and our favorite writers and it’s good to take inspiration and homage them, but try to give your spin on those tropes you’re using, because otherwise it’ll just look lazy;
do whatever the fuck you want with your plot. don’t think about what others would want to read - it’s your story and you should tell it the way you want to. then please listen to criticism and find people who’ll provide it for you without tearing down your work but telling you what works and what doesn’t, but like... if you want to touch some themes or write characters from a different background or whatever do it;
also, do your research. I mean, I could have written the ludlow massacre story because:a) I read all of john reed’s articles pertaining to that specific happening and those articles include interviews with the people who were there, a description of who they were, an extremely detailed reconstruction of the facts and so on;b) there’s folk songs, two novels and one opera on ludlow not including history books, so it’s not only easily readable upon, but you also can see the impact it had in media/the american culture.so, even if I’m not american, having read all of that, I could have probably gone for it and done a decent job, find someone with a history degree to veto it and go for it. but like, again, unless you’re writing the coffee shop au or the ya or the kind of novel that does not require an established setting or you are making the entire worldbuilding up from scratch with no influences from the real world, you can’t not do at least some basic research. and when reading something, it does show if the author has at least done basic research or if they’re winging it. then they might be good enough that you don’t care they’re winging it, but still, research XD because research also gives you a lot more ideas that you might not have taken previously into account and might save you a plot detail or so;
I also would advice not to write what you know - because that’s easy and it doesn’t let you go out of your comfort zone and at some point what you know will finish -, but: write something you know. as in, my blade runner + high fidelity au should be scifi and touch stuff idk shit about, but since it’s a high fidelity au half of it is supposed to be set in a (pseudo) record shop and the protagonist miiiiiight have a thing or a hundred for springsteen. now: who has spent half of her life in record shops and is into bruce? yes, me. now, the character in question has zero in common with yours truly except for that, but let me tell you that if there is one thing I know how to write that you can’t convince me I couldn’t write is someone into springsteen who hangs around record shops. I know my people and I know why someone would be into springsteen. like, when making up characters and you want to make them relatable or you want to relate to them more, give them one thing you can relate to even if it’s dumb - idk you like strawberries? that character also likes strawberries and so on - because that will get you closer to them and your reader will feel it. it’s a thing I do with fanfic all the time - like if I have to try and write someone IC I try to relate to one thing they have if I can, because that makes the characters more relatable and it’s easier. ie when I was like ‘how do I crack the jaime pov’ the answer was ‘ALL THE BAD SELF-DEPRECATING HUMOR YOU DO ALL THE TIME GO DOWN ON IT’ bc that’s what I relate to jaime for and so on. idk that is a thing that’s always helped me when coming up with any character so I guess it might be useful advice? *shrug*
(obv: if you’re writing a 100% bad guy that you don’t empathize with then you don’t have to, I mean grrm did say he had to take a shower after writing chapters from A Certain POV because it’s horrible being in their head so like.... you can feel disgust at what you’re writing esp. if it’s the POV of a terrible person, but That Character resonated with people and felt relatable to some of them because to them they had... RELATABLE moments/humane moments too so if you’re writing bad guys but try to not make them cardboard cuts/TOO HORRIBLE it will make them stronger as *bad guys*. mvho.)
but mostly: read a lot of stuff, try to put your spin on things and don’t gaf about what people think until you finished it. then you can worry about concrit xD
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bisluthq · 5 months
I mean I think haylor was that deep at the time lol. If you listen to anything they wrote about each other it was as deep as a late teens/early 20s situationship can be. The feelings were clearly intense - it’s not like they didn’t gaf about each other. Obviously they have since grown up and had much more intense relationships (and taylor had already had a past relationship that was more dramatic and passionate) but it was formative to a degree. jumping off of very tall somethings etc etc
“it was as deep as a late teens/early 20s situationship can be” - exactly lol my sister, when I was 20ish I wrote a poem about how men never leave their wives that was published and won some extremely obscure award lol. I don’t know where it is now but it was all about how no matter what u do, no matter how kind he is to u, he won’t leave his wife. Do you know who I was inspired by? You’ll never guess. Fucking choking guy. Now, mind you, I wrote the poem after I’d had sex with him and sorta declared myself a lesbian there (on/off lol because there were a couple more guys after before y’all helped me kinda come into bisexuality so side note thanks everyone for that). But the fact that HE wouldn’t like leave his girlfriend for ME was terribly upsetting to me. I didn’t WANT his weird ass freaky ass anymore after the sex was weird like genuinely I didn’t but I still wanted him to want me??!
I can’t imagine writing a poem that unhinged today and I also can’t imagine fucking someone with a partner because ehhh red flags - not even ethically just like!!!!! mess mess mess!! I’d get into something fuck messy then and I don’t have the bandwidth lol to deal with such nonsense now and tbf it’d be likely messier now because there’d be kids and shit and like wives or they’d be like children themselves (not literally but like me when I wrote the poem or like Taylor when she wrote Speak Now) and just ew idk that I want that sort of energy in my life lol I’d rather have thought I knew what it was like when I fucked the weird lay guy who technically had a gf but fucked like all of us slutty bi debater girls lol. I don’t want a real adult person to leave their wife for me lol.
like new storytime: a friend of mine (who I actually stopped being friends with over this because I can’t deal with people being moronic; I can deal with the friend and her drug dealers because like it’s dumb but she’s not aiming to waltz down the aisle and they’re all semi cute and they provide free edibles and I do believe they provide dope sex and yes I’m less close to her while I have partners and we never do couple hangouts because her bfs are embarrassing anyway let me focus). So this other friend of mine got involved with someone at her firm. Who’s married. Who has a kid. Who promised to leave her. Who says he’s unhappy. Who says she’d be a better mum than the wife. And like I listened to this for a few months and then I was like “dude wtf” and we had a big fight and I said she must call me when she gets out of this situation because she will because he will never leave the wife and she even sorta agreed but genuinely in a less dramatic way than 20 year old me felt about choking guy.
My point is like yes at 20 you’re ready to jump off buildings but also not really lol. That’s the other thing I love about Taylor right is she - despite saying she’s stuck at 16 and being there in some ways but I think many millennials are because we’re all still chronically online and trying to learn new slang ijbol - has grown up.
so like Haylor was certainly deep for the moment (stupid of her because he was 18/19 but that’s a separate story for a separate post and their age difference absolutely should’ve made her raise an eyebrow about how it’s all gonna go) but isn’t like… real lol. As a thing that mattered for each of them I don’t think it really did lol I think they were just being fuck dramatic.
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