#like i read this several weeks ago and I think abt it on a daily basis
train-inthedistance · 2 years
i want to be gnc while being perceived as a woman im literally throwing up crying now that i read it back it sounds v trivial but it feels impossible to achieve aaaa
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networkbangtan · 5 years
hi! i found this net recently, it's amazing that you guys have run this net for so long to bring bts fans tgt! not planning on applying but i read the member requirements&i have a question. you'll only rb oc by members, yet the members do not need to be creators. wouldn't it make more sense to either only accept content creators, or simply rb creations with the tag regardless of membership? if only member content is reblogged, it seems that your aim's to give creators a platform but bts content
creators may not get in bc many spots are filled by simple fans. if the aim’s to let them meet frnds you’re not focused on promoting content by members, why not rb other creators’ work? moreover, do 80% bts posts really reflect their devotion to bts? isn’t it better to check if they create bts content than check if they rb bts ones? you’re probably the biggest bts net here&many creators would love to join for the exposure+community, but most may fail bc they dont only rb bts content, or bc
spots’re filled quickly. would 60 or even 50% be acceptable? i was in over ten tmblr networks, most are literature-focused ones who trag tags that all can use. i’m curious abt the point in such a high standard for members bc it’s a shame if multifandom bts creators cannot get the exposure they deserve, so can you guys can explain a bit/reconsider the requirements? thank you!
Hello. We have quite a lot to say in response to this ask - it’s clear that you have little understanding of how labor intensive running a network this large is, so we’ll try to explain. 
Re: accepting only content creators: NetworkBangtan was not created with the intention of promoting original content only. We are a network - that means our focus is connecting fans through various means. Reblogging our members’ original content is just one of our focuses; we have also run multiple events in the past, as well as group chats for all members and spotlight posts for members. Accepting only content creators and not “simple fans” as you said is elitist and exclusionary for no reason; we are not a blog solely dedicated to content creation. There are other blogs like that out there, but that’s not our purpose, nor has it ever been. We don’t see the purpose in excluding fans from joining the network and participating in its other aspects just because they don’t produce content. 
Our job is not to cater to every BTS content creator on Tumblr. None of our rules are in place to purposely exclude people from joining the network; all of our application requirements are there simply to make the network more manageable for our team. Here’s why: 
Re: the 80% BTS requirement: We started the network with a 50% BTS content requirement. This was before HYYH-era, so well before the fandom grew so large on Tumblr. As the fandom grew, the network’s popularity boomed. We ran a round of apps where we received over 200 applications in a few days. In order to make the network more manageable rather than closing apps forever, we decided to raise the content requirement just to generate less interest. Over the years, we’ve raised it slowly and are now finally at 80%. Despite the high content requirement, we still receive scores of apps in a very short amount of time. 
We allow members to apply with sideblogs; many content creators and non-creators have gotten around the 80% requirement by making a BTS-specific sideblog and leaving their main blogs multifandom. In terms of spots being filled quickly, Round 9 was open for several days. 
Re: the NB tag being open only to members: Opening our tag to the entire ARMY fandom on Tumblr would be absolutely impossible to manage. We currently have over 800 members. Our queue remains consistently full; we have three assistants who queue daily and three admins who pitch in with queueing whenever needed. Around comeback season, queueing literally takes hours a day. We’re not sure you realize exactly how massive this fandom is on Tumblr; with 800 people, our queue is nearly unmanageable. ARMYs on Tumblr amount to the thousands. Keeping up is impossible.
Even if we were to double our team and queue twice a day instead of once a day, Tumblr itself is not built to handle that kind of content. Tumblr has a queue limit of 300 posts with only 50 posts posted a day. We’re already always at that limit or close to it; around comeback time, we have too many posts and far surpass the limit, so we can’t queue them all. As a result, posts are backlogged for weeks at a time to deal with the influx. We tried a third party app that increased the queue limit but unfortunately found it was a shady service, so we had to delete it. We’re stuck within the confines of Tumblr’s limits. 
If we were to open our tag to all of Tumblr, we would not feasibly be able to reblog everyone’s content anymore. We would have to pick and choose - like you said, there are other networks that track the tag for everybody rather than just members, but many networks that we have seen do this do not reblog every single post. They pick and choose to make it manageable. And they also receive anons like you questioning them - for being biased in the posts they select, for not reblogging their own posts enough, etc. Additionally, most other networks aren’t as large as ours. 
We’ve been running this network since 2015 - that’s 4 years. For four years, we have reblogged members’ content every single day. We have opened 9 rounds of applications. We have expanded our team, organized activities, run group chats, and more. No one has ever bothered to thank us; we do this for free, despite our own busy schedules. We receive absolutely nothing in return. 
We are now one of the largest networks around; we would have been well within our rights to close applications permanently years ago given how many members we have. Most networks do that. Most people don’t stick around to grow as big as we do simply because it’s hard. We put in a great deal of work on this network every single day. 
You’ve essentially come to us and asked us to do ten times the amount of work, while letting us know that you don’t even want to be a member of the network. Next time you think about sending an ask like this, consider the absurd amounts of hard work that go into running blogs like this for little to no return. This fandom is lucky that so many people put in their hard work and dedication to run networks, update blogs, create content, and more when they’re doing it for free on top of their own busy lives. 
Please do not ask that people put in more work to accommodate you when they’re already doing more than enough.
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olusegundare · 6 years
Sister Debbie and Brother Samson’s Story Continues
Sista Debbie says, "He asked me to read the letter".(June 22, 2013)
The key dat opens broda Samson's post office box has been on me 4 quite a while. The office duties have been overpowering in d past few days due 2 d adhoc assigned duty 4m headquarter... Post office Box (P.O. Box) and priv8 male bag (PMB) usage hav been on d downward trend since d advent of internet and increase telehone services. The introduction of social media has worsened d case lately, because fewer people, companies and or organisations maintained d ones dey are using, while d newly established firms, new graduates, new buz hardly open new P.O.Boxes/PMBs, bc internet n telephone have taken over greater percentage if not d whole means of sending and receiving messages.
It shal be interesting 4 our noting dat "mai" lord got his P.O.Box b4 he was retrenched...he howeva finds it difficult maintaining d box during d hard days, but, she has since paid all outstanding debts and d box is fully operational now. In d times past according 2 my love, d regional exam council do send results to students tru their post office boxes...those who r seeking admission often got their admission letas tru postal agencies...those who bought shares/share holders of varying company also get notices of their dividends, annual General Meeting (AGM) 2ru postal agencies, shares can be purchased there amongst oda things dat dey do then.
But now, teknologikal advancements have reduced dat 2 d bearest minimum. Several innovations are being moved by d management of d Island's Postal agencies, but yet, d estab is yet 2 be back on her feet as in d time past according 2 my love n ofcourse wat I can see 2 some degrees. A question keeps coming 2 my heart on d establishment lately n dat is how is d management coping with d payment of her staffs salaries? My love still maintained d post office bc he still receives letas 4m other Island's Radio Agencies, as he talks abt d Gospel thru prints, pp do respond 2 some of his messages in d prints tru letas asking questions etc.
The last sales boy he employed was picked 4 interview out of d four persons who vied 4 d post by sending in their application thru post office box few weeks ago.this is bc according 2 him, d students handwriting these days are horribly illegible...and worst more, laptops ect are not helping them in dis regards. Before I finished my weekend house chores, I hav soaked in water beans...by d time I finished d house chores, d beans is already soaked, soft n d coats can be easily removed...The coats can be removed by rubbing d soft soaked beans within d palms of d individual, or by d use of pestle n mortar and or by d use of ancient grinding stone.... I decided 2 use d 1st option 4 d removal of d beans' coats...
In no distant time I was thru with that n I grinded d beans on d ancient grinding stone... According 2 "mai" mum, d beans grinded using ancient grinding stone's increament in volume is usualy more dan those grinded using d grinding machine when d grinded beans is being doughed 2geda in a bowl using pestle... Having added oda things in2 d doughed bean paste, makin it a pot-pourrri, I took out d wrapping leaves, "ewé iran", and started to pour d pot-pourri beans paste into d leaves made into a funnel-like shape with d use of a small plastic cup... When I was tru dey were arranged in d pot containing boiling water placed on d kerosine stove... On d stove I prepared pap 4 him, bc he loves pap as early morning meal, "when d europeans drink tea, I will take pap", he usually say, a quote 4m d elders of d Island.
He also likes pap post-fastingly...So d 2 is combined 2geda in dis stance, because we r in d morning and again bc he has just finished a protracted fasting... The ended week has been a fasting week/period 4 him as he said he has been asking God 4 something 4 quite a while but d thing asked for is yet 2 manifest or materialize despite d arrays of spiritual promises he had received on d issue...and he feels, well, devil may afterwards be cheating him in hindering d physical manifestation of d answers 2 d requests as he did unto prophet Daniel... I also tried 2 support him in prayers and little fasting I can do, dis is bc my fasting ends @ 12:00 hours daily... When I was through with these, off to his shop was I...I got there around 10:30 hours the Island's time,...he has intimated me on facebook dat he shall prepare his intestine 4 d tantalizing food by eating some fruits ahead...
Cooking is one of my hobbies dat should suggest 2 u dat I prepared leafy bean cake 4 d sales boys n girls too...when I gave dem their, and took ours into d office, we settled down 2 d food,,,He added sugar and liquid milk in2 d warm pap as we dine 2geda, eating 4m d same bowl... Howeva, he barely touch d bean cake, as he said dat may negatively affect his intestine due 2 d protracted fasting...He howeva said dat in d afternoon he shal do justice 2 it... When we r thru wit d food, I told him dat I shal like 2 go 2 d post office 2 check if there are letters 4 us...He bid me farewell, dat I shouldnt take long... As I was opening d post office box, my phone rang, "who could dat be?" I thought...On romoving d fone 4m my bag, I discovered dat it is "mai" lord who is calling, I pressed d answering button, "Darling!" I said. "Are u there?" he asked
"Yes, I am. Just about 2 open d box", I replied. "Do we have any letter in d box?" He asked. "Yes we do sire", I replied. "That is good...I am presently out of d office", he said. "Where are you?" I asked. "At d bookshop which is about 5 poles away 4m my shop", he said. "Do u want me 2 come n meet u there when I am through here?" I asked. "Yes, that is why I called you", he said. "Alright "mai" lord and love, I will be with u soon", I said. "O.k. I shal be expecting", he said. The phone conversation ended...He was on sit when I got there...when I got to him, he stood up, pulling my left along and started talking. "I havent enter dis shop 4 once since it is opened for operations few months ago...I never knew there are christian materials here...I want u 2 see something", he enthused. When we get 2 d Christian section, there are different bibles there of varying sizes, types, color, languages, different christian literature books and other christian materials...
"When I see this pocket sized bible, i like it, do u like it?" He asked as he took d bible 4m d shelf. I took d bible 4m his hand n said, "Yes, d bible is beautiful, and portable, I like it". He took two copies, one for himself n the other for me,...bought some christian literature books ...paid @ d counter, as we strolled down to his shop...the weather is cool as d firmament has hidden the sun 4m d inhabitants of d Island dat day...dis cool weather may not be d experience @ other islands...dat is d work of God n it is marvelous in our eyes... As we were approaching my love's buz centre, one of d sales boyz saw us and ran 2 welcome us, he collected d nylon bag containing d bibles and literature books 4m my hand as well as my bag... "Welcome sire and ma", sales boy said as he bend his torso slightly forwards. "O sé jare", my love said..."Did anyone asks of me?" He queried. "To d best of my thinking faculties sire, nobody requested for your presence sire" sales boy replied.
"What do you said u have in literature in English in your O/Level result?" my love asked. "Very Good sire...perhaps few marks off the excellent grade sire", sales boy replied. "Yes. I remember. That is why u are answering me as a literature student but not as a science or commercial student will do", bro Samson said. "The compliment. The observation. In the record sire", sales boy again said. Broda Samson did not reply him again, but he pointed me 2 a bike rider who is doing some acrobatic displays on d highway... "Look @ that man sweetest one", he pat me using his right hand and used the index finger of his left hand to point me to d action...As I turned my head 2 look @ d direction, I cannot help myself 4m exclaiming, I moved near him, sunk my face on his right chest for fear, because I do not want 2 see what will become of the bike rider as he manouvered himself thru two trailers..."Ye!" I shouted. As i shouted other passersby, some drivers and bike riders also shouted...
"That is how they get themselves killed "tú-ẹ́" like a fowl. They endangered their lifes thru reckless showmanship while riding a bike", my love enthused. "Has he gone? Did he made it?" I asked my eyes still closed and face resting on his chest. "Yes he has. He is lucky now, but he may not be that lucky some other times", he said. "Thank God 4 dat", I said...and d strolling returned 2 normalcy...we entered d shop...straight into his office...I took d letters out of my bag and said "There are five letters in d box, one is from sista Òdájú to you; d 2nd one is from your friend, Mr and mrs Paul; the 3rd is d monthly Gospel letter; d 4th is from one of d Radio Voices 4m other Island and d last is for a sales boy". I concluded. "Please open the one from sista Òdájú and read it, because it is quite a while that I heard 4m her last", my love said. When I rescind my decision, and decide 2 start going out with broda Samson, not minding d consequencies, I remember dat he mentioned one
Sista Òdájú to me while he was talking about his pasts. He asked me for my past, and i told him I have no past, except some childhood and teenager experiences...He said those werent what he was asking for... He said dat sista Òdájú may have been d one occupying my position in his heart now, but he said it was as if d sista did not knew what she wanted in life...and he had 2 severe d relationship b4 d seed germinated...He also told me some other points, but do I really commit those words 2 heart? I tored off d sealing lid, removed d letter 4m d envelope, handing it 2 him, but he did not collect it 4m me, in the stead he said, "please read the contents out". It was not as if he is busy or doing something, I think he wants 2 make anoda scene out of dis too, so, I cleared my throat and said, "O.K. "mai" lorship sire...I start". "All ears am I "mai" love", he said. "No address on d letter, but she wrote a date, and d letter was written on d day dat the President of d land asked his party's chairman to resign"
"Alright. That is mostly recently", he said. "Dear Evangelist Samson, (this is because many people called my love evangelist and some pastor because of some of the exploits and positions he had occupied in the time past in some churches)..."the body of the letter is as thus "mai" lord, "I am quite happy for you that you found a beautifully loving lass after a very long wait. I tried 2 re-enter your 18 yard box after u have cleared my ball out of the danger zone years ago, but I find it verily difficult 2 re-enter your danger zone. "I thought it would be easy 4 me 2 do since u have once said you loved me,...but I discovered dat it was not easy @ all and I have 2 leave u...obviously thinking dat something shall bring us 2geda soon, but alas I erred, because it was few days afterwards dat I heard dat sista Debbie and u have started going out...I at 1st thought she wont measure up to your spiritual stance bc she was naive in love matters and other issues of life and particularly true was d fact dat she was my junior in the secondary school, and by age she isnt as old as I am needless to add that she is spiritually junior to me.
"But lo and behold my thought of u not gettin on 2geda with her was proved wrong by her gluing 2 u in all things...she indeed has make u her father...yea more than a father, I think a person like her is whom you need considering all u have passed thru in life. "Although, I was unable 2 know many of the harrowing experiences u passed thru in life but your letter 2 me when I first asked you 2 be my lover clearly showed dat your eyes have seen many things. "Well b4 I asked u 2 be my lover, when your buz was yet to pick up in the Island had I been madly in love with u, but d cultural teachings prevented me 4m coming out 2 u. When I started growing frail chiefly bc of the thought of your becoming my sweetheart, I decided 2 write u a love letter, asking you of your hand in love. "Despite d fact dat I loved u, hoped and prayed u will answer in d affirmative, I yet doubted it...but 2 my chagrin your reply was a blessing 2 my humble heart, when u said we shd get d ball rolling dat we shd start dating....Your reply brought me relief, my heart returned 2 normal rhythm as well as my frailing health returning 2 normalcy.
"However, when I discussed d issue with some friends and elederly ones, they counselled me against going out with u, saying "I have sold myself cheaply to you". When I heard dis, dat was when I started playing hanky-panky with u, trying 2 tell u and show u dat my earlier letter 2 u was an error in d 1st instance...my calculations according to their counsels were that assuming u were in love with me u shal start disturbing me...while I keep going into the secret...but d table was turned against me...for it was me who later kept searching 4 u...I sought deeply and endlessly for u until it became obvious to me that I have lost you when sista Debbie came into your life.
"Whenever I remembered d mistake I made in divulging what happened 2 my friends I continue 2 blame myself..bc assuming we have been going out, who shall know whether it is I who 1st made d intention of love known to u or it is you who 1st do? Nobody asks of that...and even if they know what does it matter when we have gotten a stable home and family? Are they going to live under the same roof with us? "My gullibility in male-female relationship showed when I interracted with elder and deaconess Mordechai, the deaconess told me dat when they were in College of Education dat she was d one who actually proposed 2 Elder Mordechai. She said Elder Mordechai was extremely brilliant while she was an average student... "Being an average student she said she did not want 2 lose him and also dat she planned furthering her education after d NCE and thence she called off the cultural and other beliefs by approaching the young man then. "She said d man agreed and they started d dating from NCE II, fashioning out how their life and future shall be.
"According to her, they got married during their midsemester break in 400Level in the University of d Island, having courted for five years plus...and today, who could decipher who 1st made d move among them in the presence of true love? Who amongst our people even have such a remarkable love in display as they are? "After I heard their story, my heart was moved 2 d past, but, well u have gotten a love-bird. "Do not forget to pray 4 me as an evangelist so dat I see somebody soon, because I am yet single and not engaged. "Do pray that sister Debbie gives you twins, triplets and quardruplets when you tie the know...I know u are a man of prayer but I yet pray 4 you that all eyes monitoring your love life, your relationship for evil go blind in Jesus name. Amen. I also pray dat your buz and ministry grow in Jesus name. Amen. "My warmest regards to sister Debbie and others. "Have a tantalizing day. "Yours sincerely, "Miss Òdájú." "The letter ends sire", I said.
"Yes, I know, I heard you". My love said. "But why didnt you invite her to a talk when she was playing "hanky-panky"?" I asked. "Did I press u any further when you said "nope"?" He said. "No you did not. But i think hers is different 4m dis presentation since she was the one who bell the cat. I think u shd have asked 2 know why she suddenly put up a volte-faced actions", I said. "Well, I guess I have discussed dis issue with u...", my love said. "It is obvious that I have forgotten "mai" lord sire", I said. "Then I have forgotten d past issues also. I neither wish nor want 2 remember such experiences again", he said. "But do you think you can?" I asked. "Well with you, I can, I know i have, for when last did u hear me talking about those issues?" He asked. "I know u do not talk of those harrowing pasts, but I want 2 know dis one now", I said. "Those pasts, I want dem in d past, so dat I move forward so dat I have free and freer mind to interract with people", he said. "O.K", I replied. It is obvious that he doesnt want 2 talk about the issue, let me leave it...he interupted my thought when he said, "But, I actually called her, phoned her, texted her repeatedly then, but she kept on giving me excuses, filmsy ones for the inability 2 see me, then one day I speak 2 myself dat dis lady is playing on my intelligence, she thought I am growing young...that was when I called it quit and decided on d way forward for my life marritally" he enthused. "Well, I thank God dat I am where I am today, beside "mai" love and lord", I said. "Please which other letter is there that needs urgent attention", he asked. "None "mai" lord", I replied....
*Sista Debbie says, "He asked me to read the letter".(June 22, 2013)
2 d (translation to the)
priv8 (translation private)
"ewé iran", (translation leaf of big breadth in our land)
"tú-ẹ́" (translation suddenly as if they are not humans, as if they do not possess spirit)
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lookwhatilost · 7 years
there’s an ask meme i see on my dash rn and since nobody will send me anything if i reblog it here, ill jst answer the questions and put them under the cut
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? i dnt use any of them lmfao
is your room messy or clean? messy!!!!! what color are your eyes? dark brown do you like your name? why? i’ve never liked my actual name! i’ve jst always found it to be ugly. whenever someone gives me a nickname, i glom onto it bc i’d rather be called pretty much anything else what is your relationship status? im not dating anyone and im not talking to anyone and tbqh i could not care less describe your personality in 3 words or less superficial space cadet what color hair do you have? brown what kind of car do you drive? color? blue 2010 honda civic. she’s great. where do you shop? forever 21 mostly how would you describe your style? cute but inconsistent favorite social media account as of right now, probably peach. i love my peach ring! and the lack of centralized feed makes it ideal for shitposting what size bed do you have? double any siblings? one brother. he dznt say or do much if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? somewhere cold and far away. i jst want to be somewhere else favorite snapchat filter? i love the dog filter bc they change it up every holiday & i love the milk carton filter bc it’s the best worst thing ive ever seen favorite makeup brand(s) the beauty industry is evil how many times a week do you shower? usually 7 but that’s assuming im not having a severe depression bout favorite tv show? bojack horseman! shoe size? 8.5 or 9, depending on the shoe how tall are you? 5′7″ sandals or sneakers? sneakers! do you go to the gym? only if its too cold to run outside describe your dream date i dnt rly care abt date activities themselves as long as im having a good time w the other person. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $54 what color socks are you wearing? none! im wearing slippers and theyre brown how many pillows do you sleep with? 4 do you have a job? what do you do? yes. i do hair and i dnt like it how many friends do you have? 2 close ones whats the worst thing you have ever done? omg... like 3 years ago i let this girl use facebook on my phone bc she had her internet access taken from her for some reason. she didn’t log out so i jst kind of kept it logged in bc she was friends with evil nate/this guy who was actively trying to ruin my life (long story) & i kind of wanted to keep an eye on him. anyway she used to meet these weird random guys on a website called myyearbook or something, and while my friend riley and i were lurking, one of them started messaging her all this weird stuff like “i wanna like… fuck your boobs” and we couldn’t like ignore it bc clearly he saw we were online. so we jst kept sending him back things like “that’s nice” hoping he would go away. he kept at it anyway and started pestering her/us for nudes and like… clearly we couldn’t send him any. so we decided to tell him like “sorry i can’t rn” and he got rlly rlly angry and flipped out and told her/us to never speak to him again. he seriously blocked her over it omg it was ridiculous! so we deleted the messages that we had sent behind her back & logged out to keep things from getting any worse. the next time i saw her she was like “yeah i think nick deactivated his fb isn’t that weird?” and i had to pretend like this was new information and not something i was undoubtedly responsible for whats your favorite candle scent? the golden sands yankee candle is my go-to! 3 favorite boy names / 3 favorite girl names i can’t think of any off the top of my head!
favorite actor? favorite actress? who is your celebrity crush? these were 3 separate questions, but i have no personal investment in celebrity culture, so im jst going to answer them all w that. favorite movie? it’s hard to say but i’ve been watching black swan a lot lately do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i dnt read as often as i’d like to. my favorite book is pet sematary!  money or brains? brains.. duh do you have a nickname? what is it? i’ve had a lot of nicknames and i always sort of latched onto them bc the name on my birth certificate is Fuckin ugly. ppl called me kitty in middle school and janice when i was a freshman in high school. for the life of me i cant remember where either of those originated from how many times have you been to the hospital? idk how many times ive been to the ER or whatever but i’ve had to stay there 3 times top 10 favorite songs i can never think of favorite anythings and they change constantly anyway do you take any medications daily? yeah what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) oily -_- what is your biggest fear? abandonment 😵 how many kids do you want? none whats your go to hair style? i always go back to a blonde bob that’s like, an inch or two longer than my chin what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) jst an average size single family home? who is your role model? dnt have one what was the last compliment you received? i cant remember but it was probably something affirming ian said to me what was the last text you sent? ”#iansrevenge” to ian, obviously how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? fairly young. i dnt remember being too invested in that stuff either way what is your dream car? i drove my dream car for like 3 years and it was nothing but a hassle, so now i no longer have goals or ambitions opinion on smoking? there are worse things. the tobacco industry, on the other hand... do you go to college? lol what is your dream job? LOL would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? rural area. there’s no privacy in the suburbs do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? always do you have freckles? yes do you smile for pictures? sometimes! how many pictures do you have on your phone? 800 have you ever peed in the woods? i’ve been camping many times before so probably
do you still watch cartoons? sometimes but i’m not invested in any do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? i would never cheat on wendy Favorite dipping sauce? buffalo sauce! what do you wear to bed? fleece pants and a t shirt. nothing exciting have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never even competed in one what are your hobbies? when you work 40 hours a week you literally dnt have time for hobbies can you draw? i used to all the time but yknow... shit happens do you play an instrument? again, used to. mental illness is a real bitch sometimes what was the last concert you saw? elton john! tea or coffee? tea Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? starbucks!! do you want to get married? no what is your crush’s first and last initial? PASS are you going to change your last name when you get married? i can’t ever see myself getting married but if i do i won’t change my last name unless i like theirs a lot what color looks best on you? white do you miss anyone right now? i miss my friends! do you sleep with your door open or closed? open, usually do you believe in ghosts? yes what is your biggest pet peeve? total strangers standing too close to me in public last person you called` michael favorite ice cream flavor? mint chocolate 😋 regular oreos or golden oreos? regular chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow 💜 what shirt are you wearing? one of my work shirts what is your phone background? the lacey street theater in fairbanks are you outgoing or shy? definitely on the shy side do you like it when people play with your hair? im indifferent to it do you like your neighbors? i dnt talk to them do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? both! have you ever been high? yes binch have you ever been drunk? im drunk... often last thing you ate? a banana favorite lyrics right now nothing is resonating strongly with me at the moment. my personality has been out on lunch for abt 2 months now and im not sure when theyre coming back. summer or winter? winter day or night? night dark, milk, or white chocolate? white favorite month? october! what is your zodiac sign gemini who was the last person you cried in front of? probably my mom. who knows
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