#like this is legit one of the saddest fights in the game once you know the context behind everyhting
balladsaboutnothing · 6 months
I'm on my ng+ lies of p run and Romeo's dialogue is destroying me emotionally
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goosewriting · 6 months
i can't believe my brain finally, finally let me have a cal kestis appearance in my dream last night and it was the saddest most heart-wrenching thing ever 😩 my dreams are crazy, detailed and elaborate so this will get long lol if you feel like reading, go ahead, it's real "reader falls into an alternate universe and needs to find their way back" fic material 😂
btw if any of you ever have dreams with your blorbos i'd love to read it so feel free to honk in my inbox c:
so it kinda went back and forth between two different dreams i'm pretty sure. one playing at the university library and the other playing somewhere else. in the library one i was at a table with some classmates, working on our assignments, but there were also some people i know from elsewhere and we started arguing over something. then there was this girl who had lost something and i tried to talk her through how to get to the lost & found, giving the wildest (and very wrong) directions.
the other dream started in the middle of a yellow field of tall grass, where train tracks ran through from one side of the horizon to the other, nothing else to see. when the train came, it was massive, and i was participating in a heist of sorts. we (still don't know who the other people were) were successful i think, because the train derailed and we looted it. I think there was some big boss mastermind somewhere who told us what to do and we were all scared of her lol
so i don't exactly remember what happened after the heist, but the thing is there were these jumps between the dreams where in one i was this badass agent of whatever and doing cool stuff, and in the other i was "real me" in this world doing mundane things. although at some point i'm pretty sure i suddenly was an estate agent trying to set everything up for a visit except that the house was made of cardboard, but that's beside the point 😂 the scenarios from the library timeline i'm pretty sure happened not only somewhere else but in a different time altogether.
at one point, the events of the heist dream kinda come to its peak, and i now find myself in a big room (in hindsight i think it was the archives on jedha from the survivor game?) and somewhere in the air there's a bucket-shaped thing that's swallowing everything around it in a whirlwind, essentially ripping apart time and space. and as it turns out, cal has been there the whole time, and we were actually fighting together and stuff. but now that the bucket is about to shred the fabric of reality, we have to do something. and for some reason the plan of action is that i have to travel to a different universe. we (cal, me, and some other people idk) were all standing at a holotable looking at a map displaying different planets and universes and stuff (again, in hindsight, very web of life and destiny like. i just mashed everything together here it seems xD). and the reasoning in my head went like this: the planet we find ourselves on at this moment is not necessarily star wars canon and is outside of the known parts of the galaxy. so even if i do find my way back to this universe (which i was sure i could do, somehow) i still have no means to contact cal and or even find the planet again. so the search would take quite a while.
and there isn't enough time for us to set up a meeting point and time or anything because of the imminent danger. someone is already dragging me back to the bucket to be sucked into next wednesday or whatever, but i go up to cal one last time and he gives me the strongest hug and omg i didn't wanna let go. at this point i 'm in tears and as someone once again pulls me away and drags me off, i call to him "i will find you" and then everything goes black.
it's so lame i know but i legit woke up with a hole in my heart ;-;
my conclusion is that after leaving that place, the time and space travel kinda wiped my mind so i started a new life (the one at the library and the cardboard house) and completely forgot about cal :'( eventually i'd get snippets of memories, which is why the dream kept jumping back and forth, but i probably just thought they were daydreams or whatever, not my own memories. now that's some meta angst man.
oh and also at some point there were gorillas that shapeshifted into smaller versions of themselves with wings to fly around, and everyone was absolutely okay with that except that they were aggressive so they didn't like them. how that ties into any part of the dream i couldn't tell you but it was just a striking image to see these giant apes suddenly become small and flutter around shdjddkd
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i played amnesia: rebirth and i really liked it and have some Thoughts(tm):
- once again mad respect to frictional games for being the only people who arent afraid of nudity. no censorship underwear.
-theres a non-spook mode for if you hate being chased by stuff
- diversity win! this guy who's the most pathetic little meow meow is gay!
- i didn't have to look up any walkthroughs!
-i tried it with both spooks on and spook off and having spooks on is better. embrace the spook.
-game has some pretty visuals and a neat story, and while i wish choices throughout the game mattered, there are different endings. p good game.
SPOILERY BEYOND HERE(do readmores even work anymore):
-as a trans(tm) the first person pregnancy was uhhhhhhhh. dont like that. but that feeling didnt last long, mostly because tasi was so happy about having a baby. its cute.
-that being said i didn't want to run around and jump and climb because TASI UR PREGNANT STOP DOING THAT
-it felt so much less lonely than the other two, it was nice to have a list of people that you were trying to find and meet up with
- i like how yasmine still tried to help even though she was becoming a harvester, she's such a sweetie
- dr. metzier was so mean to tasi, like dude. even if tihana hadn't been the one to bring down the plane, and the one to curse everyone, tasi still would have been in the right to keep her baby. everyone died because tihana killed them. none of it would have happened if she had just minded her own buisness, but the doc was just. so angery at tasi?? dude.
-at the room full of harvesters i straight up opened the door, saw that, closed the door and turned around
- shadow seems like a manifestation of all the pain inflicted on the other world, like its the opposite of the vitae. could b wrong but thats just my onion.
- best ending is the fuck u lady ending even though the shadow eats you and your baby
-hhh i wanna know more about the other world politics, especially about people fighting against the empress
Opinions on characters(that actually speak more than like. 3 words.):
Hank- hands down best dude. total bro, i just wish he didn't die by being hanged by the cable when you use the elevator. that was a bit. mm. tasteless? tone deaf? maybe dont hang one of the two black characters frictional games??
Alex- *insert second diversity win joke about rich buisnessman having the saddest most pathetic little meow meow as a boyfriend*
Richard- quality representation for us useless gays. terrified little meow meow. on a more serious note, i clocked him and alex from the first photo, and im glad tasi confirms that they're in a relationship, and that when you find richard, he's calling out for alex. i really hoped that you'd be able to stop tasi by struggling, but not so. i think it would have made for a neat thing if you had a choice with both him and the doc.
Dr. Metzier - speaking of the doc, i did not see him stealing the baby coming. he's such a jerk for blaming tasi, "oh you'd put the lives of all of us behind that of your child" like no my dude. if someone locked you in a room and said they were going to start shooting people if you didn't give them your baby, you wouldn't be the one responsible for the people being shot.
Leon- might be the only person from the Cassandra to survive? ik he looses his hand but he's still alive after. thats gotta suck, bc he's stuck in the catacombs/hunting grounds with all the other harvesters, so he's probably going to loose himself. i feel bad for him even though he's Pretty Dang Racist, bc he didn't do or say anything outright until after being harvesterized, so i think that had things gone normally and everyone got to the gold mine ok, he might have been able to Stop Being So Racist.
Tasi- legit didn't touch the laudnum after i realized she was pregnant, only to discover there was no effect on her. she's a nice lady, sucks that the empress decided she wanted tasi's baby. "hold x to check in on your baby" is something im going to say now.
Salim- aww cute husband shame he's fuckin dead. i wasn't expecting to find him alive but i still got real sad when i did find him. i like the details that tell you your marriage licence got denied and the photo saying 'how about we do anyways'
Yasmin- even as a harvester she's friend shaped. even puts her leg in a bear trap bc she doesn't want to hurt tasi. 10/10 yasmin is best friend in this game
Empress Tihana - i don't believe for a second she really meant any of what she said about saving tasi from the desert because a, she's the one who brought down the plane, b, she's sustained by endless torturing and claims she's not a monster, so forgive me if i dont think she's being honest. c, the major hazards of this particular area of the desert are her harvesters, actually. the entire crew of the cassandra, the french fort, the village, all those people are dead because she wanted someone else's baby. love her design tho very cool.
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sleepymarmot · 6 years
COUNTER/Weight liveblog, part 3
Finale +post-mortem
Am I glad to return to the political big picture! It's such a relief that the finale is in this format! Hopefully it won't devolve into another “fighting a giant robot” scene.
Oh, so the Chime are leading the faction game now! Somehow I completely missed the point of the two previous scenes that indicated Aria becoming the new leader of the Righteous Vanguard – I was very surprised and then 10 minutes later went “Oh that's what it was, time to go back and relisten”
Pronoun update: Austin consistently uses “they”, Art consistently uses “he”. End my suffering…
The sheer comedic impact of seven Makos, Larry and Lazer Ted all in a room together has healed my soul immediately. Can we end on this image so nothing bad happens
I'm so proud of Orth!! “I'm sorry, which one are you?” lmao
Oooh the relationship drama~ But how come Jacqui didn't know Jill was alive? Actually, now that I think of it, back then it was clearly said that Jacqui knows Jillian is back and is sad because Jillian doesn't remember her. This show's retcons…
Look I know shit must hit the fan pretty soon but for now this finale is just. So relaxing. I'm having a lot of fun listening to these squabbles. (The only exception were Mako and Orth – boys, stop fighting, why!)
That Cass & Aria scene was cool but please don't give me world leader old friends sneaking away for secret stress relief sparring sessions when I'm not supposed to start shipping them
Oh hell yeah, I was hoping that since Jacqui went with Jillian, Aria would go with Ibex. (Not very relevant here, but Ibex is from Kesh like Maryland, right? If so, there must be fanart of young Ibex and Maryland in 19th century outfits?)
Stop cryptically saying oh Sokrates isn't here, oh they aren't using their candidate name, like what's up with them?! Are they doing well? I'm worried!
Oh Orth wants to dance with Ibex huh *eyes emoji* Rematch! Rematch!
“I'll take anything” “Anything?” My mind, of course, autocompletes “Then perish”
THIS WAS A LOT and I need to take a couple of minutes to start breathing normally again. Also there just has to be a lovingly drawn fanart adaptation of this entire scene (in, like, fukcing Leyendecker style), come on fandom please say someone has done it
Jacq/Jill continuing with the heartbreaking scenes, I see
Mako doesn't like dancing now…… holy shit this is the most upsetting ball ever… (The cynical part of me must say that it's only Austin who talks about this connection, Keith doesn't and still sounds way less emotional about the whole thing than the others assume Mako to be)
I amend my previous statement, I also need fanart with snapshots of every dance: Orth firmly taking Ibex's hand and receiving a surprised but approving look, Jillian throwing her head back in laughter and Jacqui watching with a pained smile, sullen Mako leaning on a wall cross-armed and looking for an opportunity to slip away, Cass dropping his one-liner with a completely dispassionate face.
Wow Ibex is really getting ready for death. Sounds as if he knows the exact date.
HOLY SHIT THE DIVINES' ORIGIN STORY!!! FINALLY!!! I'm surprised they were all created by the same person…
I'm relieved Mako and Orth are on good terms again!
I love the new Aria as this competent politician who does a lot of swordfighting and dealing with old flames
Have I mentioned I really love the game they're playing? It almost synthesizes the best parts of the game they played previously – as if it was written just for this finale. It's so great how this show and specifically this campaign go through so many games, showing the universe and the characters from different angles, instead of having them be defined by only one game system and its limitations and quirks.
That's some real good mech if it can function for 80,000 years, Divines' body or not!
Okay, I fucking knew Liberty and Discovery would split up at some point (which is what I meant above by my expectations for AuDy's fate), but why is Liberty attacking Ibex?
Mako's robots!!! :DDD Now that's the real finale shit!
I CAN'T BELIEVE Keith missed Tower's brief appearance of all things. It's like a fucking scene from the show on the level of dramatic irony. They were truly not meant to be, even the universe in real life is saying that. Do you ever get rejected so badly that the guy you like runs away from you at the prom, and then lets you fall into a deadly portal with the rest of your planet, and then you get brainwashed, and then you are killed by an ally of that guy, and the person playing him doesn't even witness that?!
I thought Orth was going to challenge Kobus about Liberty…
“I have Liberty contained” *winces*
Every time it is asked what is Mako wearing I just mentally pull out the popcorn
“I welcome anyone to tell Cass that AuDy is a non-person”
Let me restate how much I'm loving how the scenes that in any other show would be minor fluff or short summaries in an epilogue are a legit fully rendered part of the finale
Sokrates & Orth reunion please!!
Aw Ted! It never occured to me that this comic relief character has, in fact, lost his entire planet and almost everyone he knows.
…I think I like Apokine Cass more than Chime Cass
That's a big lore dump holy cow! I'm glad Apostolosians are ex-humans after all, but I wonder how they turned into fish people
So what happened to the idea of Mako hacking Grace?
They just… went and straight up murdered two Divines… If it had happened early in the show I'd probably cheer, and no tears were shed for Grace, but Liberty… Just take a third of another player character and drive it into a sun…
Of course. I knew Sokrates is the kind of character who dies nobly in a grand finale.
I've spent all this time wondering how the piece of Voice in Mako doesn't get infected by Rigor, and it seems to finally happen and Larry seems to die repairing it, but what about all other Makos, aren't they in danger too?
This is way too easy so far, just sacrifice NPCs one by one to win.
This whole time I was assuming Mako saved as many clones as he could, not just his own… If he gets another turn I bet it's submit or die :/
Hello I'm crying over Lazer Ted! Choices in the campaign sound futile now: who cares which guy Mako saved – they both died anyway! All named NPCs did!
Except for Jacqui. Congratulations, the NPC Who Lived! (I mistyped “loved” at first, which is also relevant. And yes, I cried here too.)
How the hell would falling into a sun kill Rigor if it was previously not killed by a bomb that destroys hundreds of suns?
Poor Cass… Not only sacrificing yourself in such a difficult way, but to have a final conversation only just to learn that your friend, a passionate revolutionary further empowered by Righteousness, has deserted… The sheer contempt and disappointment he pours in just three words “Ibex told you”...
Welp. Mako's fate was not tragic like I feared! Good news I guess, but it's still kind of sad. And I think the saddest part is that Mako himself doesn't realize. Because it can just sound like the natural continuation of his character growth – after he had to learn to be the responsible one first in contrast to Larry and then to the other Makos. But it's not that, or not just that, and it's kind of chilling to hear that he never knows it, and never knows peace.
Executive Joie, oh my… It's so strange and cool how Aria somehow continues the legacy of Jace and Ibex at once.
The race is over. It's so strange that now there are no consequences to fear or spoilers to avoid.
I didn't like the final battle as much as the rest of the finale – I hoped for a more clever solution than just throwing bodies at the enemy (but I guess the intro warned me lol…). Especially since these bodies had very unequal impact – I'm not going to care about Diego Rose or Chet Wise or Orth's newly-created lieutenants or as much as I care about Jacqui -- so it felt unfair towards players/characters who had more important or likeable chracters in their faction. I'm opposed on principle to making the big confrontation feel important and emotional just by killing off characters (hi, J. K. Rowling and Russo brothers), I think it's cheap and emotionally manipulative, but in this case the emotional manipulation doesn't even work so it’s doubly disappointing.
If someone's reading this, you can see that what I expected or wanted from the story was not what it gave me, and that was frustrating or disappointing at times. But nevertheless, it was a wild ride.
I've slept on it and it still fucks me up that out of the Chime only Aria gets a genuinely happy ending! Cass is fucking dead, Liberty is dead while AuDy becomes a ghost, and Mako loses everyone and is lonely for the rest of his life!
It's so strange to listen to the opening theme in the post-mortem and think that this is the second-to-last time. (Relistens don't count, it's not the same thing.) By the way, I love that theme – it sounds like a half song with the words on the tip of my tongue, like space, or like city at night. Really atmospheric.
I love how everyone continues to be into that moment where Aria has the opportunity to kill Cass lol (I am too)
Yeah, thanks for reminding me about that coin toss moment for Kobus in the finale, that was so sudden and shocking I was completely losing it for the long few seconds it lasted
I'm glad someone asked whether Jack knew the Big Spoiler in advance – he was so calm about it in the following episodes that I started wondering
Oh so it wasn't my imagination that the players needed the comic relief of the Lazer Ted episode no less than the characters
After a sad talk about Mako's dead friends, Andi, cheerfully: “I love to kill and I love to hurt and I never regretted anything I ever did! :D” which won the least surprising comment of the hour award lol. Honestly, after that one scene with Diego I started to get a bit nervous whenever Andi announced they had an idea… C/w was fun because I now realize the cinnamon roll Aubrey was actually them playing against type.
I love that someone asked about Mako's first kiss and/or Orth's fandom life!!
Keith's answer is sad, though… He “had literally never considered Mako even being capable of kissing someone, like it wasn't something on the table” and that was unexpected to me. I'd mentioned several times that he sounded reluctant to play up the romance, but I was assuming it was the player's preference, not an innate trait of the character whose attraction to someone was a part of his character creation. How do I interpret it? Mako is aro? Mako never had a chance to properly grow emotionally because his youth was fake and for the rest of his life, all emotional connections were sabotaged by Rigour's shadow, and also literally all his potential love interests died? Ugh, I just keep making myself more and more upset.
Holy shit I forgot about Art asking if there's an old Apostolosian mech on September by any chance lmao
Cene always knew?! Holy shit w h a t
It's nice to hear Ali talk about her growth in confidence as a player because she's definitely kind of an inspiration – for years I've thought tabletop roleplaying is too intense and I'll never do it, but when I finally tried out it was not so scary, so maybe there's hope for me too!
The concept that the real challenge of the final battle was that the easier it would be to defeat Rigor, the worse shape would the world be afterwards sounds much better than what that battle actually felt like to me. Instead of paying for victory with the health of society and their faction's political power, in the actual gameplay they paid with NPCs from their circle and that was it; the political consequences came later and sounded entirely unrelated. Maybe if they had to go against their faction's goals or sacrifice its assets – e.g. “use Minerva's Rigor-tech mechs in exchange for the promise to leave them alone afterwards” instead of “sacrifice all Mako clones”… Aria had something similar with Weight, but it was the price of Jacqui's life, not the price of a victorious battle against Rigour.
It's very cool to learn where the sound effects in the theme come from! And god, every line as its own take? My head hurts just imagining that…
Austin getting distracted by the idea of fucking Rigor was hilarious, but I never, ever want to hear the word “daddy” in this context! What's with these jokes this season, ew, please stop.
Excuse me, Ali wanted to kiss Ibex as who exactly, Jace or Aria? Both options are equally crazy!
See, “You wanna say ‘Oh he was just doing what was necessary, he was just doing the thing that's good in the end’, and yeah that's him working on you” is exactly why he reminds me of Dukat! Literally the same mind game on the viewers/listeners!
Why is the link broken, I want to see AuDy in Titanfall!
Listening to team “Fuck Ibex!” and team “Fuck Ibex ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” yell at each other is very entertaining
“Nobody on the Kingdom Come is cishet” is a nice sentiment but I'm kind of confused by which definition of cis Cass is not. Have I missed something about them changing pronouns in-universe? Just because English doesn't have exact analogies for the Apostolosian pronouns doesn't mean everyone who uses them isn't following their own society's conventions. And now Austin also's saying “We never wanted to say these pronouns are equivalent to gender” which is, a, not true, and b, sends the whole problem back to square one – because if that's not the Apostolosian gender then what is? This! Is! A! Mess!
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Spartacus : Vengeance Rewatch - Episode 5: Libertus
Sex Scene: they were in a whore house. So lots.
“Cock”: 0 wtf
“Cunt”: 0 wtf
“Kill Them All”:  honestly surprised they didn’t say this, being in the Arena and all.
“Fucking Gaul”: 1
Slow motion Face Punch: 3
Episode Name Dropped by: none.
Memorable Death:  RHASKOS MY BABY!!
Favourite Line: “I’ve had my fill of games, let us leave the arena forever.”
- I seriously missed the Arena!
- Those Gladiators, I’m loving their style!
- Ha! I love all the dick measuring going on with the Romans, and the woman pulling all the strings.
- They are all so excited for the executions. Savages.
-  Okay, so I have a love/hate thing with Glaber. On one hand, he’s a dick. On the other, will people stop putting him down, geez!!!!
- “God of the Arena”    awesome.
- HOLY CRAP GANNICUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Gannicus.
-  Okay, I hadn’t watched the prequel season when I first saw s2, and I 1000% thought Oenomaus and Gannicus were sworn enemies with the way they were looking at each other.
-  I love seeing Oenomaus fight.
-  Something I hate about the effect Spartacus has on people is how they doubt themselves constantly and beg for his approval. Agron is prime example. Agron made the right call in saving their people but because Sparty is upset and most of the Gauls are dead he thinks he made the wrong choice and seeks Spartacus’ forgiveness. Seriulsy, Agron is way smarter than Sparty, who lets his emotions guide him and dammed the consequences.
- “Mistakes were made on both sides” – NO they weren’t!
- DONAR!!!!!!!!!!
- “Finally, gods show fucking favour”. I have missed Agron and his swearing.
- Donar and his axe. I love it more than I can say.
-   Agron is so adorable.
- “So the gods finally fuck me to the afterlife. Care to join me”
-  Donar and Agron are still clearly looking for a fight, which sucks because the man is no real threat. Their thirst for blood reminds me more of s3.
- I love how deeply offended Agron is by being called a Gaul.
-  Lucius is such a grey character for me. When I first watched, I couldn’t tell if he was friend or foe, right until the end. Even in this rewatch, I still can’t place him.
-  A split second shot of Agron and he looks like a painting, a marble statue, perfection. He is so gorgeous.
-  “You could not have made speech before swinging the last of the wine.”
-  Rhaskos is a beautiful man.
- Yeah, Ashur, to the Arena! I wish he died.
-  Something I love about Marcus and Glaber is that I never once shipped them, they were so purely bro’s that I never saw a hint or possibility of anything romantic. Even now, they are still bro’s and I respect that.
-   Does Varinius really actually want a wife? He really seems like all he wants is sex.
- Oh all the talk of the abortion is intense. Ilithyia clearly doesn’t want to, no matter how much she wants Varinius.
-  Nasir’s wound looks super CGI, like that CGI penis from s1. Not good man.
-  I love how soft Agron looks. THIS IS WHAT LOVE DOES TO YOU BABY!
-  I never considered an Agron/Naevia friendship …… still don’t think it’d work. I’m more for Nasir/Naevia.
-  “Soiled and Ruined.” = that’s really rough, but sadly understandable.
-   Sparty looks so extra spinning his sword. I know you miss your bf, but seriously calm the fuck down.
- Oh wait, Sparty doesn’t give a damn that Crixus is about to die. He’s having a hissy fit because people are praising his name anymore? Get the fuck out.
- Sparty has some bat-shit crazy ideas, but they make for good entertainment. I suppose it’s part of his charms.
-  “A woman will always be moved to protect a child.”
-   “House of Batiatus”, been a long time since we heard that.
-   I do love Lucretia knowing all about abortions though. She is such a Madame.
-  Knowing what I know all these Lucretia/Ilithyia scenes are kinda tainted….but that doesn’t stop me from loving the absolute love in Lucretia’s eyes and the trust and forgiveness in Ilithyia’s.
- “The gods yet have use of you.”
- Lucretia is such a badass woman. She is so damn intelligent.
-          Ahhh, look at that cupping of the cheek!
-  I do like that Sparty is super impressed with Nasir’s willingness to fight.
-          “This time you stay, and I go.”
-  HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK!!!! THAT KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is sweet, and shy, and full of love and affection. Agron looks so soft, just all the soft sweet things.
-   As much as I love the Nagron kiss, Nasir’s reaction is off, and totally understandable. He’s a little confused, a little wary, a little afraid, and there’s the hidden joy there too. This might be the first time someone has shown him genuine affection and he doesn’t know how to respond to it. Nasir is just learning what it means to be free, and that means feelings things he’s never allowed himself to feel. His heart is brand new and fragile. He’s scared to let anyone in like that, and I think a part of him is afraid he’ll be reduced to a warm body again. (I could go on, but I’m actually writing a fic about this! Ha!)
-   I love this pairing so much.
-   “I would overtake soft voice with bold words.”
-  I honestly don’t understand how Spartacus can trust a man he’s know a few hours to lead his people to safety???? These are people he’s vowed to protect, and he’s just pawning them off like they’re nothing. None of his “Generals” are there to see these people to safety, no one he truly trusts. It’s a big ‘wtf’ for me.
- Oh gods, the camera pans to Agron when Sparty says “we have been divided” and Agron looks so ashamed. NO BABY NO, YOU DID THE RIGHT THING. FUCK SPARTACUS.
-  Gannicus sex scene, slow-mo seems a little extra. Not that it wasn’t amazing though.
-  The whore Gannicus fucked, is super freaking cute. And I know my wording is super harsh but she doesn’t have a name.
-  Gannicus has the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen.
- Seeing Lucretia on that balcony looking like a queen is amazing.
-   “May it crumble in our wake”
-  I love how cautious Ilithyia is when Glaber sends the slaves away. She doesn’t wanna be alone with him. Very good instincts.
-  Oh Ilithyia, cut so deep.
-  “Have we drifted so far, from the love we once held?”
-  “You will do as your husband commands.” I am so eternally grateful not to be alive in those times.
-  Oh my gods, there is a part of me that really wants Glaber and Ilithyia to make up and be in love again. It’s a small part that comes out during good acting.
-   See, I still kinda want a Lucretia/Albinius friendship.
-   I didn’t know what the hell Varinius was saying with the Gladiators, but then I looked it up and it was the style of fighting and armour the Gladiators use. I never knew there was such structure to it, which makes it all the more amazing.
- Fuck I’ve missed the gladiator fights. They are more brutal than the battles.
-  The store room of the dead is so fucking gross. I love it.
-  The rebels popping out of the bloody water is one of the best things I’ve ever seen!
-   I really love when they have silent fights.
-   Sparty and Agron in the armour is fucking hilarious. They look like little children playing dress-up.
-  Donar is so worried about Agron! I love their friendship, and we were robbed of that brilliance.
-    I sigh at Mira/Spartacus scenes. It’s like he wants to love her, but he can’t, so he gives her lines he tells to all the rebels but his eyes are little softer so she thinks they’re in love. My queen deserves more.
-  “If any of you hold faith in any gods now would be the time to fucking entreat them.”
-  “It is an honour to stand beside you on the sands.” THE RESPECT CRIXUS HAS FOR OENOMAUS IS BEAUTIFUL.
- Crixus can’t hide how excited he is to fight in the Arena again, and I love it.
-   The crowd throws lettuce. What did lettuce ever do to you? and seriously, these people are meant to be poor…why you throwing away food you cant afford?
- Agron walks more naturally in the armour than Spartacus – who has actually worn armour before (never this lavish but still)
-  AGRON’S FACE WHEN SPARTY OPENS HIS MOUTH! He’s all like “shut the fuck up dick head, we are trying to HIDE here.”
-  Gannicus loves his brothers, though he has a weird way of showing it.
-   “I begin to question fucking plan.”
-  NO RHASKOS. DON’T HURT MY BABY. They’re all my babies at this point, lbr, except Spatry.
-   I love how Gannicus absolutely NEEDS to be the one to fight Oenomaus.
-   I would seriously be going as nuts as the crowd is over this fight. It’s awesome.
-  BABY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RHASKOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M LEGIT TEARING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why couldn’t they have saved Rhaskos?!?!?!?!?!?!
-  Mira is amazingly smart.
-  Gannicus is so agile.
-   “I will send you to her arms brother.” I AM SO EMOTIONAL.
-   I was so worried about Gannicus and Oenomaus
-  Taking down the Arena is so fucking brutal and amazing and I love it.
-  Glaber protects Ilithyia, Seppius protects Seppia – THESE MEN PROTECTING THEIR LOVES. For now anyways.
-  I actually really like Seppius and Seppia for the simple fact that they seem to actually care about people more than status. They cared that Mercarto died, that was very human of them.
-  I love a good neck snapping.
- Agron kinda has his own version of a hiss AND I LOVE IT.
- Look at those intestines.
-  Cossutius, thank the gods he’s gone. His death was so extra though.
-  OMG that cut on Galber’s cheek from a thrown spear is very s1, when Sparty stood in the arena and a spear was thrown at him. wow.
- Sparty throwing his sword, again!
-   “I’m not the fool you and your daughter think me.”
-  Holy cow, Glaber is so angry and vengeful – oh what a fitting word choice.
-  I was so worried they were gonna show us Albinius’ smashed face then.
-   I love that Gannicus kinda relaxes a bit at seeing Crixus. I like this friendship.
-  It’s so beautiful seeing the Arena burn, after all the lives it’s taken.
- OH THE RUDIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-  I’m honestly surprised Donar leaves, as if he wouldn’t wait for Agron.
-  Oh gods, seriously, Glaber. Let your wife grieve before you completely ruin her whole life.
-  Varinius is a fucking coward.
-   I’ve noticed on the episodes with a prominent Agron, my comments almost double. I’m okay with this.
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lithialetheia · 7 years
25 Q/A Personality Tag RULES: Tag people you want to get to know better.
I’ve been tagged by @ilonavic to do this. Thank you very much, love!! So, let’s begin!!
1. Are you introverted or extroverted? Introverted, but sometimes I can be very extroverted. Don’t ask me how or why, it just happens.
2. Are you ruled by emotions or logic? I always try to use logic, I am logical most of the time, but emotions always stand in the way.
3. What is your happiest memory? I don’t recall right now.
4. What is your saddest memory? I am not sure, maybe when my grandmother died or watching how sad my mother was after she and my father got divorced.
5. In what kind of world would you rather live in? In this one, in the current one. Despite all the bad things that are happening and are going to happen, it gives me hope to think that there are still good people who will do everything possible to fix it, to prevent these monsters from getting their way. I will fight for this world too.
6. What is your favorite video game? I love Dragon Age but I have to say The Witcher 3, the story, the characters, how well done it is... I just love it!!!
7. What is your biggest fear for yourself? For myself? Mmmm... Disappointing my loved ones, not achieving my goals.
8. What is your biggest wish for yourself? Be able to overcome all the obstacles I still have to cross.
9. What fictional character do you relate to the most? There is no fictional character I relate with.
10. If you could become anything, without any education or demands, what would you choose as your profession? I have no idea. I’d like to do something important, not be SOMEONE important, but to do something useful for society that would make me feel proud of myself.
11. Do you have any siblings? Yes, a little one, I rather not talk about him.
12. Have you ever wanted to injure someone? Yes, although I don’t do it because I know that violence is not the solution, but I think about it very much.
13. Have you ever wanted to help someone, but didn’t? Yes, and I am still regretting that. I am just too shy, so shy it annoys me even. Or maybe I am just stupid for feeling embarrassed of helping someone. I mean, I am helping them, right?? That’s something good!! Why am I not able to even ask them how I could help them or if they’d like my help???
14. What makes you angry? There are many things that make me angry, but injustice, I can’t help it, I just can’t see an unfair situation and stay still and be quiet, I have to do something! Also, I hate people who mistreat animals or people, gender violence included. I also can’t stand intolerants or people who judge others without knowing them.
15. What makes you happy? There are many things that make me happy: eating my favourite food, do something good for someone, having good grades, listening to music, singing, etc. Too many things!!
16. Would you rather beat up a small child once - or get beaten up by an angry man every single day for the rest of your life? I’d never hit a small child, I prefer being beating by a man (that I will kill afterwards).
17. What places would you visit today if you could? Poland, Italy, France, Japan, etc. Every place in the world if I could.
18. Do you want children? Why? If not, why not? No, I don’t want. Don’t misunderstood me, I like children, but other people’s children, am I explaining myself? I can take care of a child if later he/she returns home with their parents. Also, I had enough taking care of my little brother when I was younger (I’m still doing it).
19. Did you have a happy childhood? I am not sure how to answer this question. I’ve had a good childhood but it only lasted like 3 years? I was bullied at school and after my parents divorced everything changed, my mom was unemployed and had to take care of me and my little brother (who was only 4 years old) on her own. When I grew up more I had to help my mother with everything, I became a second mother to my brother and to myself. Let’s say that I had to mature very soon.
20. Have you ever done drugs? If you have, would you do it again? No, and I am never going to do it, for sure.
21. Would you rather become a child again, possessing all the knowledge you have today, or become middle-aged, with 45 000 000 € on your bank account? I rather become a child with all the knowledge I have today. Think about it, I’d be considered the most intelligent child in the world (intelligent for a little child not for an adult lol), maybe I’ll be famous, and I’d have the opportunity to repeat my actions again.
22. If you could become any existing famous person in the world - who would you be and why? Scarlett Johansson is my goddess but, you know what? I don’t want to be any famous people I know. I rather be myself famous for something I’ve done.
23. Are your parents married or divorced? Divorced, as I said before.
24. Where do you see yourself in the future? I like imagining myself doing the job I love, maybe as a translator or a teacher, having a little apartment somewhere nice, Switzerland or Germany, or even Spain, and living on my own with my two cats. Being independent and free.
25. If you’d like, a question of your own here. Mine is directed to my fellow Witcher lovers; Who and Why?
For friendly purposes, Regis or Cirilla? Regis would be my best friend ever; I’d love to learn from him and to hear all his adventures, his live must be fascinating and he must know so many things! His voice is the best thing ever.
For romantic purposes, Dettlaff or Avallac’h? Do I really have to explain why?
As your co-worker, Caranthir or Geralt? Sorry, I don’t trust Caranthir, I prefer Geralt, he’s funny and very hard working, intelligent and competent. You can’t say I am telling a lie.
As your boss, Eredin or Ge’els? First, because he’s hot and so tall I can’t stand it. And the sassiness!! OMG!! I love Ge’els. And second, Eredin is too violent for me and not very trust-worthy, on the contrary Ge’els looks like a decent person.
As your best friend, Yennefer or Shani? Imagine having as best friend a sorceress as intelligent and powerful as Yennefer... That would be so cool!!! She would teach me magic!!!
As your ally, Vernon Roche or Anna Henrietta? Roche is determinate, clever, an excellent plotter and he cares about his soldiers’ security. He seems legit and he’s hot. Anna Henrietta is very moody and I don’t like her, anyways.
As your worst enemy, Triss or Dandelion? What would he do to hurt me? Sing me a ballad? Hit me with a lute? Write a satire about me? Dandelion is harmless, for god’s sake.
Thank you very much for this awesome ask @ilonavic. It’s perfect! I love it! ♡
I am tagging @petit-oiseau-de-nuit, @lunedin, @daovihi, @lenkalost, @ferelden-doglord, @cirillach, @tesham--mutna, @bryd-one-brere and @silnaniewinna. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want or can’t, although this is quite interesting. 
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The Rites of Passage
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On Day 36, Allan, Clash, Liana and Patrick went through the Rites of Passage...
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Allan: You were the first one voted out of our tribe purely for the reason that you were quiet. You were good in the challenge and I really think you could have made it far given other circumstances.
Clash: We were on the same tribe but we never got to talk that much although I did feel bad when you were voted out.
Liana: I’m sorry you were first boot. If it was anything like it was on our tribe, I hope you just had some personal stuff going on and was too busy to play anyway.
Patrick: I didn’t know you but cool name
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Allan: We weren't on a tribe together so I never really got to know you but I'm sure you were cool
Clash: Sorry idk you but I am sure you are iconic xo
Liana: It sucks that you had to leave so early! I was looking forward to playing with you. Although if you had stayed I probably would’ve left a lot earlier than I did.
Patrick: SO nice and sweet, the first victim of our awful losing streak:’(
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Allan: We weren't on a tribe together so I never really got to know you but I'm sure you were cool
Clash: Idk you either but you were robbed
Liana: I never knew you, but I was surprised when you left over Pat or Randy.
Patrick: all Dan’s are awesome
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Allan: We weren't on a tribe together so I never really got to know you but I'm sure you were cool
Clash: Tbh I am glad you got out pre merge once again because we don’t really get along in games and tbh I just think you would have went after me in merge.
Liana: These really shouldn’t be required when it was not OneWorld and we never had a chance to talk. Another victim of a unanimous vote, yikes.
Patrick: I love supernatural
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Allan: You were a super cool guy and if the tribe swap had come later I'm sure we could've ended up working together. Ultimately though, it was a case of playing too hard too fast.
Clash: LOL Veni legend mate. I legit loved talking to you the first 2 weeks of the game and trusted you a lot but I feel like you got yourself into the trouble when you were switching names and creating multiple f3 chats. It has been fun getting to know you regardless and love our snapchat streak on going xo
Liana: You were the only person I heard about after you left because I heard it was messy. It probably would’ve been fun to play together because I’m a little messy too.
Patrick: So nice and I loved talking to you, but you were TOO good. Much respect for you
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Allan: Once again you were a casualty of a tribe swap but ultimately your vote-out created an alliance of 5 that lasted into merge.
Clash: After you played your idol I immediately knew that you had to leave because you looked like a threat to me and I had a solid 4 with Allan, Pat and Randy and Stephen talked more to me than you.
Liana: I like your name. Oof it’s awful being voted out right before merge, unlucky 13th.
Patrick: I loved being on a tribe with you and getting to talk to you
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Allan: You were good competition to go against for the battle-back competition and I have you to thank for getting me back into the game
Clash: We never used to get along in coded games but I am glad we sorted out our differences this game and I loved working with you until it lasted although I still feel like you would have targeted me at merge at some point.
Liana: I really enjoyed talking with you, but ultimately you had to leave because I gave away my secret to being a comp beast (lol). No but really I was worried about an alliance I was not in so that is what ultimately decided me voting you out. With your voteout is when I began to lose trust in Tyler. I was told to be secretive with your vote out and that you were close with Tyler. Tyler also said he voted you but I never fully believed him.
Patrick: I’m a ginger so I like you
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Allan: Ultimately, you went against me and tried to force my hand and I ended up orchestrating a blindside against you. Before that however, you were a super cool guy to play with and I would definitely love to play with you again
Clash: Bro I loved seeing you get cast as you are one of my closest friend on Tumblr. Your was the saddest eviction in the entire game and the only time I was blindsided and as soon as you got out I punched a wall and promised myself that I will be avenging you no matter what! And here I am. Also you are one of my favs on orgs and were my ride or die xoxo.
Liana: I never thought we would play successfully together and we had so much fun! Without you I never would have made it as far as I did and I appreciate what you did so much. Being first merge boot, your voteout set the tone for the rest of the game so at least your vote out was very important and finally NOT UNANIMOUS.
Patrick: King of my life, I love your sass
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Allan: You were a sacrifice that was ultimately made so that Clash and I could position ourselves better in this game. I felt so bad about voting you out because you seemed like a sweet person.
Clash: We didn’t really talk until the day you were getting voted out but all the interactions we had were nice and you were sooo sweet to me so I appreciate that and hope we can be friends outside the game!
Liana: I was shook when I learned about the secret ties you had with Vilma. I really wanted to keep our numbers with the American tribe, but after you flipped on Randy, oof. I felt really played by you and Vilma since y’all did not tell me of your connection on our old tribe. You’re a really great player and made me trust you so much. You know I always appreciated your transparency and your help with telling me what was happening in the rounds where I worked a bunch.
Patrick: the nicest person here tbh, I love your energy and that music video was AMAZING WE SHOULDNT HAVE LOST
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Allan: During your elimination, I was on exile so really I had no clue what was going on. All I did know was that you'd brought my name up a number of times and ultimately you going was best for my game.
Clash: I feel like we could have worked together if you weren’t going behind my back and ratting everything to Vilma but regardless I think you were a nice person and a big threat who needed to go.
Liana: I feel like we would’ve gotten closer if it wasn’t for stupid timezones! I think our tribe really suffered by not going to tribal much before merge and so we never really got to build trust between each other. You were very nice when we did talk and maybe we can Rabbit a musical some time.
Patrick: we didn’t talk much, but my brothers name is mike so you’re cool in my books
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Allan: Tyler's fake idol play is what got you voted out of this game and I feel bad for that because I think you could've went farther.
Clash: Okay this was one of the toughest votes for me as I adored you as a person and obviously still do but I only did this because you were making me sound like you were gonna turn on our f5 and be the swing vote at 7 but I did not wanted that so early and I knew when you were trying to make me vote for liana you actually wanted her out so it just made you look shady that round.
Liana: Yikes Stephen! Do you have an idol in your pocket? We were running so smoothly in our nice alliance but then you tried to save Tyler. You are such a great player to have a blindside. I’m sorry I called you Steven all the time. I think timezones made our relationship suffer as well.
Patrick: I loved getting to play with you, pre and post merge. I enjoyed the time getting to know you
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Allan: I really liked you and I appreciated the fact that you campaigned right until the end. Ultimately though it wasn't enough but I do think you got stuck with shitty circumstances.
Clash: LOL you were fun to talk to and honest about some stuff but you lied about the Emily’s vote and it was kinda obvious so that made me not trust you and the stuff I told you on call was leaked as well. You were also a big immunity threat who needed to go but despite that I have had some good convos with you and we love u 2 Nitendo fans in one game.
Liana: I connected with you the most out of the international players. You and I have the most similar games. You are very nice, and then you scared me with your comp skills. Your name always came up during rounds and you had to fight really hard almost the entire game. We bonded through our inactive social games but always seemed to be on opposite sides of the vote.
Patrick: comp beast, I respect the hell out of you and your game play.
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Allan: You were targeted so often in this game and yet still made f6 and for that I really have to commend you. IMO you were the strongest opposition I had this game so to be able to take you out was honestly an honour.
Clash: When you were in the cast I was so happy to see you and even when you merged I was glad but at merge it sorta showed your priorities that you preferred some people over me. I lied to you at f6 about vote to steal because I did not wanted you to use any advantage to get me out but at one point I was actually considering keeping you but it would have been a tie and I trusted Liana a lot more to vote with me at f5 anyways good game mister!
Liana: I guess you always saw right through me! I’m the kind of player who acts first, strategizes later, and I tried salvaging our relationship when I lied to you on our original tribe. You would not have any of it! Again it’s unfortunate we could not talk more because of timezones, but it was great watching your gameplay. Your duo with Stephen was interesting to watch, and you always had a trick up your sleeve.
Patrick: getting to talk to you at the end was really nice, I wish we talked more earlier on in the game
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Allan: You were definitely the standout in this cast and I don't think anyone would disagree. I had so much fun talking to you and I really enjoyed our time together on the Fataasi tribe. In an ideal world we would've been in an alliance together and made it to f4 but that wasn't to be!
Clash: oh Vilma oh Vilma. I thought you had an idol until the last second lmaooo but tbh you played the best game this season except me -_- but you are sooo nice outside the game and I feel like we could have worked better in the game if it were not that first vote. Despite all this I couldn’t submit my vote for you because I was feeling super bad so I didn’t vote you but I knew you were going :(
Liana: Okay, I love you. I know I’ve been bringing your name up the whole game but out of everyone, you are the best socially and strategically. You always frustrated me because of how good of a player you were because you would never lie to me, but you did not play with me either. During a round where you didn’t vote with me, I’d get mad thinking that you lied to me, but I’d look back at our conversation and you never said anything one way or the other. I am absolutely shocked you did not have an idol, because I thought it needed to be flushed way earlier, but no one ever wanted to write your name down until the end.
Patrick: Vilmaaaaa we had ups and downs, but ending on an up was cool you were one of my favorite people to talk to in this game. And bitch you SLAYED me with your Netta
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